Spelling suggestions: "subject:"arts"" "subject:"arms""
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Dosisabhängige Effekte von Almitrindimesilat auf Hämodynamik und pulmonalen Gasaustausch beim experimentell induzierten akuten Lungenversagen am SchweinKemps, Christoph 18 June 2000 (has links)
Einleitung: Das ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) stellt mit einer schweren Hypoxämie aufgrund eines hohen pulmonalen Recht-Linksshunts, mit einer pulmonalen Hypertonie und einer diffusen inflammatorischen Reaktion der gesamten Lunge trotz einiger etablierter Therapieansätze ein häufig letal endendes Krankheitsbild dar. Neben zahlreichen neuen klinisch-experimentellen Therapieansätzen erlangt die i.v.-Aplikation von Almitrindimesilat größere Beachtung. Zuerst verabreicht bei chronisch obstruktiven Atemwegserkrankungen erkannte man bald, daß neben der ventilationssteigernden Wirkung auch Effekte an der pulmonalen Gefäßstrombahn im Sinne einer Optimierung des Ventilations-Perfusions-Verhältnisses für die zu beobachtende Verbesserung der pulmonalen Oxygenation verantwortlich sind. Eine Potentierung der Hypoxischen Pulmonalen Vasokonstriktion (HPV) wird dafür verantwortlich gemacht. Kontrovers diskutierte Dosierungen in Tierversuchen und vereinzelten Anwendungen am Menschen legten nahe, daß systemische Dosis-Wirkungsanalysen erfolgen mußten. Desweiteren sollte untersucht werden ob die im Rahmen des ARDS zu beobachtende Pulmonalarterielle Hypertonie durch das Medikament zunimmt. Methoden: Mit Hilfe eines durch repetitive saline bronchoalveoläre Lavage induzierten ARDS-Modells am Schwein wurden an 14 Schweinen in Narkose prospektiv randomisiert entweder sechs ansteigende Dosen (0,5, 1, 2, 4, 8, und 16 (g/kgKG/min) Almitrindimesilat oder dessen Solvens Apfelsäure appliziert. Während des Versuches wurde volumenkontrolliert beatmet (FiO2 1,0 , PEEP 5 cm H2O). Nach je 30 minütiger Infusion der entsprechenden Dosierungen wurde Parameter des Gasaustausches und der pulmonalen sowie der systemischen Hämodynamik erhoben. Innerhalb der Gruppen wurde mittels des einfachen ANOVA-Test mit Bonferonikorrekturfaktor, zwischen den Gruppen mit dem Mann-Whitney-Test auf signifikante Unterschiede hin untersucht. Signifikanz der Unterschiede wurde bei einer Irrtumswahrscheinlichkeit p ( 0,05 angenommen. Ergebnisse: Niedrige Dosierungen, 0,5 - 2 (g/kgKG/min, reduzieren die venöse Beimischung und führen zu einem statistisch signifikanten Anstieg des Sauerstoffpartialdruckes mit einem Optimum für diesen günstigen Einfluß bei einer Infusionsrate von 1 µg/kgKG/ min. Hohe Dosierungen hingegen erhöhen die venöse Beimischung und senken den Sauerstoffpartialdruck und führen damit zu einer erheblichen Verschlechterung des Krankheitsbildes im Vergleich zu niedrigen Dosen und der Ausgangssituation bzw. dem nichttherapierten Tieren. Der Pulmonalarterielle Mitteldruck nahm nach Almitrindimesilatgabe geringfügig zu. Mit zunehmender Dosierung erreichte der MPAP höhere Werte als zum Zeitpunkt des stabilen Lungenschadens, jedoch waren keine dieser Steigerungen statistisch signifikant. Diskussion: Almitrindimesilat zeigte einen dosisabhängigen Einfluß auf den pulmonalen Gasaustausch. Dieser wirkt sich in niedrigen Dosierungen positiv auf die Hypoxämie aus. Der Pulmonalarterielle Druck bleibt konstant. Als Mechanismus der positiven Auswirkung liegt eine Potenzierung der HPV für niedrige Dosierungen nahe. / Objectives: The ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) is characterized by a diffuse inflammatory response, a pulmonary hypertension and a severe hypoxemia mainly because of ventilation-perfusion-mismatching. Despite of some new therapeutical strageties the mortality remains high. Almitrine bismesylate was first described to improve arterial oxygenation in COPD- patients primary by increasing alveolar ventilation due to a stimulating effect on peripheral chemoreceptors. Furthermore several experimental studies have confirmed that almitrine improves PaO2 possibly because of reducing the ventilation- perfusion-mismatching by enhancing the hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV). Controversal results have been reported concernig the doses of intravenous Almitrine to be beneficial. Furthermore it remains unclear to what extend the pulmonary hypertension is augmented by a drug which is inhancing or restroring the HPV. Therefore we determined a dose-response-curve of almitrine in a animal model of ARDS. Methods: After induction of anaesthesia the ARDS-Modell was induced by repeated saline wash-0,5-2 ?g/kgKG/minout of surfactant. 14 swine received almitrine or the solvent in a prospective randomized manner. During the experiment the volume controlled mode of mechanical ventilation remained unchanged (FiO2 1,0 , PEEP 5 cm H2O). After the increasing doses of 0,5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 ?g/kgKG/min each for 30 min we investigated the effects of i.v. almitrine on the pulmonary gasexchange and the pulomanry and systemic hemodynamics. Statistics were carried out by Two way Analysis of Variance p
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 18-21, 2004 / Town & Country Resort, San Diego, California / Modern spectrally efficient telemetry transmitters are beginning to find their way on a
variety of airborne test platforms. Many of these platforms also include Global
Positioning System (GPS)-based Time-Space-Position-Information (TSPI)
instrumentation systems. Due to space and other limitations, many of these platforms
have demanding antenna placement limitations requiring closely spaced antennas.
This paper describes steps taken to identify and mitigate potential interference to GPS-based
TSPI instrumentation systems by these new technology transmitters. Equipment
characterization was accomplished to determine interference potential of the proposed
new transmitters and susceptibility of several GPS TSPI receivers. Several filtering
techniques were identified as possible solutions to the anticipated interference
problems. Telemetry (TM)/GPS system mockups and laboratory tests of the same were
accomplished. Open-air testing was then accomplished to validate laboratory results.
Finally, on aircraft tests were accomplished prior to performing any aircraft system
modifications. Results of these test efforts are presented for others to consider when
planning similar modifications to other platforms.
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Model-Based Mechanical Ventilation for the Critically IllChiew, Yeong Shiong January 2013 (has links)
Mechanical ventilation (MV) is the primary form of therapeutic support for patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF) or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) until the underlying disease is resolved. However, as patient disease state and response to MV are highly variable, clinicians often rely on experience to set MV. The result is more variable care, as there are currently no standard approaches to MV settings. As a result of the common occurrence of MV and variability in care, MV is one of the most expensive treatments in critical care. Thus, an approach capable of guiding patient-specific MV is required and this approach could potentially save significant cost.
This research focuses on developing models and model-based approaches to analyse and guide patient-specific MV care. Four models and metrics are developed, and each model is tested in experimental or clinical trials developed for the purpose. Each builds the understanding and methods necessary for an overall approach to guide MV in a wide range of patients.
The first model, a minimal recruitment model, captures the recruitment of an injured lung and its response to positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP). However, the model was only previously validated in diagnosed ARDS patients, and was not proven to capture behaviours seen in healthy patients. This deficiency could potentially negate its ability to track disease state, which is crucial in providing rapid diagnosis and patient-specific MV in response to changes in patient condition. Hence, the lack of validation in disease state progression monitoring from ARDS to healthy, or vice-versa, severely limits its application in real-time monitoring and decision support. To address this issue, an experimental ARDS animal model is developed to validate the model across the transition between healthy and diseased states.
The second model, a single compartment linear lung model, models the lung as a conducting airway connected to an elastic compartment. This model is used to estimate the respiratory mechanics (Elastance and Resistance) of an ARDS animal model during disease progression and recruitment manoeuvres. This model is later extended to capture high resolution, patient-specific time-varying respiratory mechanics during each breathing cycle. This extended model is tested in ARDS patients, and was used to titrate patient-specific PEEP using a minimum elastance metric that balances recruitment and the risk of lung overdistension and ventilation-induced injury.
Studies have revealed that promoting patients to breathe spontaneously during MV can improve patient outcomes. Thus, there is significant clinical trend towards using partially assisted ventilation modes, rather than fully supported ventilation modes. In this study, the patient-ventilator interaction of a state of the art partially assisted ventilation mode, known as neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA), is investigated and compared with pressure support ventilation (PS). The matching of patient-specific inspiratory demand and ventilator supplied tidal volume for these two ventilation modes is assessed using a novel Range90 metric. NAVA consistently showed better matching than PS, indicating that NAVA has better ability to provide patient-specific ventilator tidal volume to match variable patient-specific demand. Hence, this new analysis highlights a critical benefit of partially assisted ventilation and thus the need to extend model-based methods to this patient group.
NAVA ventilation has been shown to improve patient-ventilator interaction compared to conventional PS. However, the patient-specific, optimal NAVA level remains unknown, and the best described method to set NAVA is complicated and clinically impractical. The Range90 metric is thus extended to analyse the matching ability of different NAVA levels, where it is found that response to different NAVA levels is highly patient-specific. Similar to the fully sedated MV case, and thus requiring models and metrics to help titrate care. More importantly, Range90 is shown to provide an alternative metric to help titrate patient-specific optimal NAVA level and this analysis further highlights the need for extended model-based methods to better guide these emerging partially assisted MV modes.
Traditionally, the respiratory mechanics of the spontaneously breathing (SB) patient cannot be estimated without significant additional invasive equipment and tests that interrupt normal care and are clinically intensive to carry out. Thus, respiratory mechanics and model-based methods are rarely used to guide partially assisted MV. Thus, there is significant clinical interest to use respiratory mechanics to guide MV in SB patients. The single compartment model is extended to effectively capture the trajectory of time-varying elastance for SB patients. Results show that without additional invasive equipment, the model was able estimate unique and clinically useful respiratory mechanics in SB patients. Hence, the extended single compartment model can be used as ‘a one model fits all’ means to guide patient-specific MV continuously and consistently, for all types of patient and ventilation modes, without interrupting care.
Overall, the model-based approaches presented in this thesis are capable of capturing physiologically relevant patient-specific parameters, and thus, characterise patient disease state and response to MV. With additional, larger scale clinical trials to test the performance and the impact of model-based methods on clinical outcome, the models can aid clinicians to guide MV decision making in the heterogeneous ICU population. Hence, this thesis develops, extends and validates several fundamental model-based metrics, models and methods to enable standardized patient-specific MV to improve outcome and reduce the variability and cost of care.
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Cellular Mechanisms of the Systemic Inflammatory Response Following Resuscitated Hemorrhagic Shock: The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species and Toll-like Receptor 4Powers, Kinga Antonina 01 August 2008 (has links)
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) following hemorrhagic
shock/resuscitation (S/R) is an important contributor to late morbidity and mortality in trauma
patients. S/R promotes ARDS by inducing oxidative stress that primes cells of the innate
immune system for excessive responsiveness to small inflammatory stimuli, termed the “twohit”
hypothesis. Activated alveolar macrophages (AM) play a central role and when recovered
from S/R animals exhibit an exaggerated responsiveness to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) with
increased activation of the proinflammatory transcription factor NF-κB, and augmented
expression of cytokines. LPS triggers AM signalling through Toll like receptor 4 (TLR4), which
resides in plasma membrane lipid rafts.
The objective of this work is to define cellular mechanisms of macrophage priming by
oxidative stress following shock resuscitation. The main hypothesis investigated is that altered
cellular distribution of TLR4 can lead to macrophage priming and antioxidant resuscitation
strategies can diminish these effects.
AM of rodents, exposed in vivo to oxidant stress following S/R, increase their surface
levels of TLR4, which in turn results in augmented NF-κB translocation in response to small
doses of LPS. Furthermore, in vitro H2O2 treatment of RAW 264.7 macrophages results in
similar TLR4 surface translocation. Depletion of intracellular calcium, disruption of the
cytoskeleton or inhibition of the Src kinases prevents the H2O2-induced TLR4 translocation,
suggesting the involvement of receptor exocytosis. Further, fluorescent resonance energy
transfer between TLR4 and lipid rafts as well as biochemical raft analysis demonstrated that
oxidative stress redistributes TLR4 to surface lipid rafts. Preventing the oxidant-induced
movement of TLR4 to lipid rafts using methyl-ß-cyclodextrin precluded the increased
responsiveness of cells to LPS after H2O2 treatment. Further, AM priming by oxidative stress
can be diminished by early exposure to resuscitation regimens with direct or indirect systemic
antioxidant effects, such as 25% albumin, N-acetylcysteine and hypertonic saline.
Hyperosmolarity was found to modulate AM TLR4 gene and protein expression.
Collectively, these studies suggest a novel mechanism whereby oxidative stress might
prime the responsiveness of cells of the innate immune system. Targeting the TLR4 signalling
pathway early during shock resuscitation may represent an anti-inflammatory strategy able to
ameliorate late morbidity and mortality following S/R.
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Inhibition of Margination and Diapedesis of Neutrophils by Protein Synthesis BlockadeAcquah, Phyllis V. 01 January 2006 (has links)
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), an age-old clinical problem facing the Emergency Department and Intensive Care Units of all health systems, is a common debilitating lung condition consequent upon severe systemic inflammation. Although several studies have gone into understanding the epidemiology and pathogenesis of the disease thus making way for new advances in treatment strategies, there seems to be no known study tailored to its prevention. Neutrophil extravasation within the tissues during inflammation is the hallmark of this syndrome. Our study sought to block excessive neutrophil infiltration by inhibiting the biosynthesis of some essential proteins necessary for the process. In this initial study, neutrophil transmigration was successfully reduced by 66% using protein synthesis inhibitors, a combination of puromycin and anisomycin. Our strategy, if fine-tuned, could form the basis of a new clinical strategy for the prevention of ARDS.
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Avaliação de complicações pulmonares em cães com sepse grave submetidos à terapia intensiva. / Evaluation of pulmonary complications in dogs with severe sepsis submitted to intensive therapyKitsis, Marcelo 18 February 2011 (has links)
O avanço da terapia intensiva na medicina veterinária vem permitindo a realização de um melhor suporte e monitorização dos animais com sepse grave. Esta é uma síndrome clínica caracterizada por alterações inflamatórias sistêmicas (SIRS) associadas a disfunções orgânicas, como, por exemplo, lesão pulmonar aguda (LPA) e síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SARA). No homem, esta síndrome resulta em uma significante taxa de mortalidade, porém, na medicina veterinária ainda faltam estudos sobre este assunto. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de complicações respiratórias em animais com sepse grave submetidos à terapia intensiva. Neste estudo foram incluídos 14 animais com sepse grave secundária à piometra. Durante o período de tratamento intensivo os pacientes foram monitorados por meio de: freqüências cardíaca e respiratória, pressão arterial sistólica, débito urinário, pressão venosa central, lactato, saturação venosa central de oxigênio, hemogasometria arterial e radiografias torácicas. Todos os animias (100%) apresentaram alterações respiratórias, destes três cadelas vieram a óbito (21,42%) e 11 (78,57%) receberam alta do tratamento intensivo.Os animais submetidos à terapia intensiva devido ao desenvolvimento de sepse grave secundária à piometra, necessitam de um acompanhamento radiográfico torácico diário, a fim de se estabelecer medidas de suporte respiratório adequadas e, consequentemente, obter menores taxas de mortalidade. / The advances in intensive care has allowed to offer better support to animals with severe sepsis. This is a clinical syndrome characterized by systemic inflammatory response associated with organic dysfunction, such as acute pulmonary injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In humans, this syndrome results in significant mortality, but, in veterinary medicine there are not many studies about this. The aim of this study was to evaluate the development the pulmonary complications in animals submitted to intensive care. In this study were included 14 animals with severe sepsis secondary to pyometra. During the period of intensive care the animals were evaluated: heart and respiratory rates, systolic blood pression, urine output, central venous pression lactate, lactate, central venous saturation, arterial hemogasometric and thoracic x-ray. All animals (100%) had abnormal breathing, three of these dogs eventually died (21.42%) and 11 (78.57%) out of intensive care. Animals with severe sepse secondary to pyometra underwent intensive therapy, requiring a chest radiographic daily in order to establish adequate respiratory support, and thus achieve lower mortality rates.
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Estudo da permeabilidade vascular pulmonar e das junções interendoteliais na malária experimental / Study of pulmonary vascular permeability and interendothelial junctions in experimental malariaQuirino, Thatyane de Castro 19 February 2019 (has links)
Infecções por Plasmodium spp. podem acarretar em complicações pulmonares (1 a 40% dos casos), que podem resultar no desenvolvimento da síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SDRA). Esta síndrome é caracterizada por inflamação aguda, lesão do endotélio alveolar e do parênquima pulmonar, disfunção e aumento da permeabilidade da barreira alvéolo-capilar pulmonar e, consequente, formação de efusão pleural. Neste sentido, os mecanismos de regulação da permeabilidade das células endoteliais e as junções interendoteliais têm papel crítico na manutenção do endotélio pulmonar. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar precocemente o desenvolvimento da SDRA associada à malária por tomografia computadorizada por emissão de fóton único (SPECT/CT), além de identificar alterações nas junções interendoteliais das células endoteliais pulmonares primárias de camundongos DBA/2 (CEPP-DBA/2), após contato com os eritrócitos parasitados de Plasmodium berghei ANKA (EP-PbA). Os nossos resultados demonstraram que é possível identificar alterações na aeração pulmonar no 5° e 7° dia após a infecção e, consequentemente, diferenciar os animais que desenvolveriam SDRA daqueles que evoluiriam para hiperparasitemia (HP). Além disso, observamos em CEPP-DBA/2 que o contato direto com EP-PbA aumenta da abertura das junções interendoteliais e da permeabilidade vascular. Assim, avaliamos a diminuição da expressão das proteínas das junções interendoteliais que contribuem para o aumento da permeabilidade vascular, por imunofluorescência e Western Blot. Apesar da SDRA ter sido identificada há mais de 50 anos, ainda não se conhece formas de diagnóstico precoce e os mecanimos efetivos de desenvolvimento desta enfermidade, que permitam um tratamento efetivo e que evite a morte do paciente. Portanto, sugere-se que a técnica de SPECT/CT seja uma importante ferramenta de diagnóstico para identificação precoce de SDRA associado a malária. / Infections by Plasmodium spp. can lead to pulmonary complications (1 to 40% of the cases), that can result in the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This syndrome is characterized by the acute inflammation, injury of the alveolar endothelium and pulmonary parenchyma, dysfunction and increased permeability of the pulmonary alveolar-capillary barrier and, consequently, formation of pleural effusion. In this aspect, mechanisms of regulation of endothelial cell permeability and interendothelial junctions play a critical role in the maintenance of the pulmonary endothelium. The present study aimed to determine the early development of single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT/CT) associated malaria ARDS in addition to identifying changes in the interendothelial junctions of the primary pulmonary endothelial cells of DBA/2 mice (CEPP-DBA/2) after contact with erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium berghei ANKA (EP-PbA). Our results demonstrated that is possible to identify changes in lung aeration on the 5th and 7th day after infection and, consequently, differentiate the animals that should develop ARDS from those that would evolve to hyperparasitemia (HP). In addition, we observed in CEPP-DBA/2 that direct contact with EP-PbA increases the opening of the interendothelial junctions and vascular permeability. Thus, we evaluated that decrease the expression of interendothelial junction proteins contribute to the increase of vascular permeability, by immunofluorescence and Western Blot. Although ARDS was identified more than 50 years ago, it is not yet known what forms of early diagnosis, and the effective mechanisms of development of this disease, that allow an effective treatment and that prevent the death of the patient. Therefore, it is suggested that the SPECT/CT technique is a valuable tool to promote the early identification of ARDS associated with malaria.
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Investigation Of Interfacial Instabilities In Compliant Airway ModelsUnknown Date (has links)
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a pulmonary disease caused by surfactant dysfunction as a result of various types of trauma including sepsis and smoke inhalation. ARDS has a mortality rate of ~40% and affects ~150,000 people in the United States annually. Mechanical ventilation is a necessary life sustaining therapy to reopen collapsed airways. However, without a sufficient amount of active surfactant, the pressure required to reopen the airway increases significantly. Unfortunately, conventional ventilation, while necessary, can cause ventilator-induced lung injury. Atelectrauma is a type of lung injury that occurs at low volumes, and involves a repeated recruitment and de-recruitment (RecDer) of lung airways that induces mechanical stress on the epithelial lining. Our goal is to elucidate the fluid mechanics of RecDer in compliant airway models designed to mimic pulmonary airways. Here we design and build an apparatus that allows us to evaluate airway model compliance. Secondly, we characterize “tube laws” of these compliant airway models using this apparatus and identify suitable lab-manufactured airway models for experimentation. Finally, we investigate the RecDer phenomena in these models by measuring the frequency of de-recruitment as a result of the change in tube angle orientation and find a maximum frequency associated with angle orientation and reopening velocity. This research may provide a starting point for investigating further implications of RecDer, both mechanically and biologically, as well as developing novel ventilation waveforms to improve outcomes in ARDS patients. / acase@tulane.edu
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Titrating Open Lung PEEP in Acute Lung Injury : A clinical method based on changes in dynamic complianceSuarez Sipmann, Fernando January 2008 (has links)
<p>The recognition that supportive mechanical ventilation can also damage the lung, the so called ventilation induced lung injury (VILI), has revived the more than 40 year long debate on the optimal level of PEEP to be used. It is established that the prevention of VILI improves patient outcome and that PEEP exerts protective effects by preventing unstable diseased alveoli from collapsing. Therefore, the term “open lung PEEP” (OL-PEEP) has been introduced as the end-expiratory pressure that keeps the lung open after its collapse has been eliminated by an active lung recruitment manoeuvre. The determination of such an optimal level of PEEP under clinical circumstances is difficult and remains to be investigated.</p><p>The aim of this study was to investigate the usefulness of breath by breath monitoring of dynamic compliance (Cdyn) as a clinical means to identify OL-PEEP at the bedside and to demonstrate the improvement in lung function resulting from its application.</p><p>In a porcine lung lavage model of acute lung injury PEEP at maximum Cdyn during a decremental PEEP trial after full lung recruitment was related to the onset of lung collapse and OL-PEEP could be found 2 cmH<sub>2</sub>O above this level Ventilation at OL-PEEP was associated with improved gas exchange, efficiency of ventilation, lung mechanics and less than 5% collapse on CT scans. In addition, dead space, especially its portion related to alveolar gas changed characteristically during recruitment, PEEP titration and collapse thereby helping to identify OL-PEEP.</p><p>The beneficial effects of OL-PEEP on lung function and mechanics was demonstrated in a porcine model of VILI. OL-PEEP improved lung function and mechanics when compared to lower or higher levels prior to or after lung recruitment. By using electrical impedance tomography it could be shown that PEEPs within the range of 14 to 22 cmH<sub>2</sub>O resulted in a similar redistribution of both ventilation and perfusion to the dorsal regions of the lung. OL-PEEP resulted in the best regional and global matching of ventilation and perfusion explaining the drastic improvements in gas exchange. Also regional compliance was greatly improved in the lower half of the lung as compared to all other situations.</p><p>In ARDS patients OL-PEEP could be identified applying the same protocol. The physiological changes described could now be reproduced and maintained during a four hours study ventilation period in real patients at four study centres.</p><p>In conclusion, the usefulness of dynamic compliance for identifying open lung PEEP during a decremental PEEP trial was demonstrated under experimental and clinical conditions. This PEEP should then be used as an essential part of any lung protective ventilation strategy. The impact of ventilating ARDS patients according to the principles described in these studies on outcome are currently being evaluated in an international randomized controlled trial.</p>
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Titrating Open Lung PEEP in Acute Lung Injury : A clinical method based on changes in dynamic complianceSuarez Sipmann, Fernando January 2008 (has links)
The recognition that supportive mechanical ventilation can also damage the lung, the so called ventilation induced lung injury (VILI), has revived the more than 40 year long debate on the optimal level of PEEP to be used. It is established that the prevention of VILI improves patient outcome and that PEEP exerts protective effects by preventing unstable diseased alveoli from collapsing. Therefore, the term “open lung PEEP” (OL-PEEP) has been introduced as the end-expiratory pressure that keeps the lung open after its collapse has been eliminated by an active lung recruitment manoeuvre. The determination of such an optimal level of PEEP under clinical circumstances is difficult and remains to be investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate the usefulness of breath by breath monitoring of dynamic compliance (Cdyn) as a clinical means to identify OL-PEEP at the bedside and to demonstrate the improvement in lung function resulting from its application. In a porcine lung lavage model of acute lung injury PEEP at maximum Cdyn during a decremental PEEP trial after full lung recruitment was related to the onset of lung collapse and OL-PEEP could be found 2 cmH2O above this level Ventilation at OL-PEEP was associated with improved gas exchange, efficiency of ventilation, lung mechanics and less than 5% collapse on CT scans. In addition, dead space, especially its portion related to alveolar gas changed characteristically during recruitment, PEEP titration and collapse thereby helping to identify OL-PEEP. The beneficial effects of OL-PEEP on lung function and mechanics was demonstrated in a porcine model of VILI. OL-PEEP improved lung function and mechanics when compared to lower or higher levels prior to or after lung recruitment. By using electrical impedance tomography it could be shown that PEEPs within the range of 14 to 22 cmH2O resulted in a similar redistribution of both ventilation and perfusion to the dorsal regions of the lung. OL-PEEP resulted in the best regional and global matching of ventilation and perfusion explaining the drastic improvements in gas exchange. Also regional compliance was greatly improved in the lower half of the lung as compared to all other situations. In ARDS patients OL-PEEP could be identified applying the same protocol. The physiological changes described could now be reproduced and maintained during a four hours study ventilation period in real patients at four study centres. In conclusion, the usefulness of dynamic compliance for identifying open lung PEEP during a decremental PEEP trial was demonstrated under experimental and clinical conditions. This PEEP should then be used as an essential part of any lung protective ventilation strategy. The impact of ventilating ARDS patients according to the principles described in these studies on outcome are currently being evaluated in an international randomized controlled trial.
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