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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intelligent optimisation system for airport operation : Hajj Terminal in Saudi Arabia

Gronfula, Mohammed Ghazi January 2014 (has links)
Airport operation level of service (LOS) and performance management are among the major concerns by any airport authority. Two aspects considered in that kind of measurement: passengers prospective and operators prospective. This thesis tries to combine both in its produced optimisation system. This study was carried out in the Hajj terminal of the King Abdul-Aziz international airport and classified the processing time among the most important measures affecting the users’ observation of the level of service. Produced survey has helped to generate performance measure upon passengers prospective. On the other hand a simulation model of the process flow is utilised to formulate driven data model of the terminal process flow operations. The model built on Arena software and correlation study is made from the multiple “what if” scenarios of the model. Then a linear regression is used to generate a model for each variable. Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm is used after to carry out better regression model then Neuro-Fuzzy (NF) model found to be more efficient as it is picked and used to generate a best observed prediction. The system is optimised through the generated Neuro-Fuzzy (NF) logic model using both Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). A validation in addition to the testing made in the optimisation system. Analysis shows a great deal of improvement in predictions using fuzzy logic instead of linear regression for all dependent variables. PSO and GA optimisations are carried out and compared to the actual results gathered from the Arena simulation report.

Migração partidária na Câmara dos Deputados / Migration of party in the representatives house

Freitas, Andréa Marcondes de 05 February 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho procura analisar o fenômeno das trocas de legenda no Brasil, com um enfoque diferente do que tradicionalmente se aplica. Ao invés de buscar as ambições do migrante, procurei entender as trocas de legenda no agregado, buscando apreender como os atores coletivos, no caso os partidos políticos, utilizam as trocas de legenda para aumentar seu poder na arena parlamentar e na arena eleitoral. Não pretendo com isto afirmar que os parlamentares não busquem aumentar suas chances de sucesso quando trocam de partido, ao contrário, o que pretendo é mostrar que, se ocorre migração partidária, é porque os deputados percebem a importância dos partidos para seus objetivos. Mais do que isso, o que se pretende é mostrar que os partidos políticos não são vítimas de parlamentares ultra-individualistas, estes atuam no processo e estimulam a migração partidária na busca por aumentar seus recursos. E que aliciam parlamentares para aumentar seu acesso a cargos no legislativo e para aumentar seus votos em regiões onde não eram bem votados. / In this work we present an analysis of the party switching phenomenon in Brazil. We try to understand how political parties use the switching party strategy to increase their resources in both parliamentary and electoral arenas. The focus of this work is to explain the role played by the switching parties strategy in the aggregated level without, however, losing sight of the costs and benefits of each switch for individual representatives. It is not my intention to affirm that the parliamentarians do not look to increase his chances of success when they move from one party to another; what I intend to show is that, if party migration occurs, it is because deputies realize the importance of the parties to his own objectives. More than that, which is claimed, is to show that the political parties are not victims of ultra-individualist parliamentarian, they act in the process and stimulate the switching party to increasing his resources.

Influencia de la composición química de arenas y cementos peruanos en el desempeño de aditivos plastificantes para concreto

Samaniego Orellana, Luis Jesús Mijaíl 05 October 2018 (has links)
Los aditivos, presentes hace mucho tiempo en la tecnología de la construcción, pueden transmitir excelentes propiedades físicas y químicas, teniendo la capacidad de poder ser aplicados en muchos campos, para proporcionar nuevas funciones y características. Y esta es la razón por la cual, los últimos desarrollos en el campo de la construcción, están asociados con la evolución de estos aditivos, siendo necesarios para generar mezclas con alta resistencia a los sulfatos, con un contenido de aire óptimo, entre otras propiedades; manteniendo sin embargo hasta la actualidad como principal función, actuar como agente plastificante, dentro de las mezclas de concreto, retardando la pérdida del slump y de la fragua inicial, a través de complejas interacciones químicas. Y es precisamente por este motivo, que cobra importancia esta investigación, titulada "Influencia de la composición química en los cementos y agregados peruanos, en el rendimiento de los aditivos plastificantes"; ya que de esta manera se puede saber, cómo las características de las principales materias primas del concreto, pueden determinar el rendimiento de los aditivos plastificantes, que se utilizan en ellas; ya que se podría pensar, que debido a sus marcadas características químicas, estos aditivos siempre mostrarán el mismo comportamiento, previsto por el fabri- cante; pero esta investigación demostrará, con los resultados de las pruebas realizadas a estas mezclas, que éstas generalmente varían, incluso con mínimos cambios en la composición del cemento y de los agregados (especialmente en las miles de partículas de arena), que lo componen. Respecto a las arenas, notamos claramente la influencia de su módulo de finura, y de su contenido de arcillas (cuantificado por el método del azul de metileno), sobre el poder plastificante de los aditivos, y en la resistencia que obtendrán los morteros diseñados con ellos; ya que a menor M.F. y %Arcillas, el aditivo mostró una mayor intensidad plastificante dentro de los mor- teros, logrando que estos se vuelvan más fluidos por mayor tiempo, y con mejores resistencias. Respecto a los cementos, se pudo observar, que aquellos con menor contenido de Álcalis y de Aluminato Tricálcico, maximizan el efecto de cada aditivo, ya que éstos presentaron una elevada intensidad plastificante en sus respectivos morteros; logrando que estos se vuelvan más fluidos y por mayor tiempo, además de que en ellos se obtuvieron las mayores resistencias; notándose claramente la influencia que presenta el tipo de cemento, en el comportamiento de los aditivos. Y respecto a los aditivos, se pudo demostrar que el aditivo Naftalenosulfonato, es el que tiene mayor poder plastificante inicial, en casi todos los casos, salvo algunas excepciones; y el aditivo Policarboxilato en cambio, es el que mantiene por mayor tiempo su capacidad de mantener el slump, siendo el único que mantuvo la fluidez y trabajabilidad de cada mortero, por más de 120’. Finalmente, luego de un análisis puntual por cada combinación, se hizo un análisis global de todo el Proyecto; obteniendo conclusiones lógicas, que se podrían aplicar a la vida real; verificando especialmente lo voluble y sensible a los cambios que es el concreto, y más aún los aditivos. / The additives, present a long time ago in the construction technology, can transmit physical and chemical properties, having the capacity to be applied in many fields, to offer new functions and characteristics. And this is the reason why, the latest developments in the field of construction, are associated with the evolution of these additives, and are needed to generate, with the resistance to high resistance to sulfates, with an appropriate content, among other properties; maintaining the embargo to date as the main function, act as a plasticizing agent, within concrete mixtures, return to the loss of the settlement and the initial forge, through complex chemical interactions. Precisely for this reason, that this research becomes important, entitled "Influence of chemical com- position in Peruvian cements and aggregates, in the performance of plasticizers addicts"; since in this way it is possible to know, how the characteristics of the main raw materials of the concrete, can determine the performance of the plasticizing additives, which are used in them; It could already be thought that due to its marked chemical characteristics, these additives will always show the same behavior, foreseen by the manufacturer; but this research shows, with the results of the tests carried out on these mixtures, that it traditionally varies, even with changes in the composition of the cement and the aggregates (especially in the miles of sand), which compose it. Regarding the sands, we clearly noticed the influence of its modulus of fineness, and its content of clays, on the plasticizing power of the additives, and on the resistance that the mortars obtained with them; since at a lower M.F. and% Clays, the additive showed a greater plasticizing intensity within the parameters, achieving that these become more fluid for a longer time, and with better resistances. Regarding the cements, it could be observed that those with a lower content of Alkalis and Tricalcium Aluminate, maximize the effect of each additive, since they come with a great plasticizing intensity in their respective mortars; achieve that these become more fluid and longer, in addition to which they obtained the greatest resistance; The influence of the cement type on the behavior of the additives is clearly noted. And with regard to additives, it could be demonstrated that the additive is the one with the greatest initial plasticizing power, almost all cases, with some exceptions; and the additive Polycarboxylate in the change, is the time that maintains to maintain the volume, being the only one that maintains the fluidity and the workability of each mortar, for more than 120’. Finally, after a punctual analysis for each combination, a global analysis was made to do the Project; obtaining logical conclusions, which can be applied to real life; verifying especially the fickle and sensitive to the changes that is the concrete, and even more the additives. / Tesis

Den dolda arenan : Hur elever upplever den? / The concealed arena : how experiences the students it?

Lärnefjord, Anneli, Persson, Erika January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns en dold arena i skolan som är outforskad och som fångat vårt intressetill denna studie. Studien ger även kunskaper till all personal inom skolan som på något sättbemöter eleverna. Vi har valt att utgå ifrån elevernas perspektiv där elever från årskurs 1 och2 deltagit för att bidra med sina tankar. Vi har studerat detta utifrån ett fenomenologisktperspektiv. Eftersom det saknas tidigare forskning inom området har vi kompletterat medforskning kring socialt samspel och konflikter vilket är något som ständigt förekommer påden dolda arenan. Sökord: Sökorden vi har använt var dolda platser i skolan, gömda platser i skolan, när ingenvuxen ser i skolan, utan att pedagog/personal ser, egen tid, rum i skolan, pedagogersnärvaro/frånvaro. Syfte: Vårt syfte med undersökningen var att se om det finns en dold arena och hur denupplevs av eleverna i skolan. Metod: Vi har valt att använda oss av intervjuer utifrån en fenomenologisk grundtankeeftersom vi vill undersöka elevernas upplevelser kring den dolda arenan. Vi lät elevernaanvända engångskameror för att kunna fotografera sina utvalda platser. Resultat: Den dolda arenan är viktig för eleverna och något som de upplever på olika sätt.Detta beror på om personalen är närvarande eller inte, dock förblir inte den dolda arena doldvid personalens närvaro. Tryggheten är en del som skiljer sig åt mellan årskurserna och ävenhur de hanterar konflikter som uppstår på den.

Modernisering av en fotbollsarena : Örjans Vall

Christiansson, Fredrik, Isaksson, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to show the technical building requirements for modern arenas inSweden. The study will also create an understanding of how the requirements affect theSwedish football arenas which are affected by the regulations valid from 2014. As one of theSwedish football arenas there is Örjans Vall located in Halmstad. The aim of this study is todevelop alternative solutions regarding the technical problems Örjans Vall is facing 2014,when the new arena requirements for “Svensk elitfotboll” are taken into use. The solutions aremeant to be seen as suggestions which can inspire and guide the future planning for themodernization of Örjans Vall.In order to present a suggestion with technical building solutions the study contains differentphases. The first phase is an evaluation of the arena requirements and criteria, with focus onthe technical building requirements, which are of importance when creating solutions forÖrjans Vall. The second phase is a review of the arena situation in Sweden. The last phase isan evaluation of Örjans Vall made towards the previous evaluation of the requirements andcriteria as the basis.The evaluation of Örjans Vall shows which technical building defects the football arena have.A rebuild and expansion of Örjans Vall is essential and needs to take place before 2014 unlessan exemption is issued. When all the parts in a complete suggestion should be consideredfollows a discussion where each area is treated separately. All areas will then form the basisof a complete suggestion for how a future Örjans Vall could be designed. The basis for thediscussions are simple solutions were practical suggestions are presented. In the areas where asimple solution does not exist, other arenas in Sweden will be considered to inspire theproposal.The solutions include the defects in different areas but also renovations and extensions of thebleachers where the main defects are shown. The report presents four alternative renovationsand extensions of the bleachers where an overall proposal is developed to meet the spectatorinterests. / Syftet med denna studie är att påvisa de byggtekniska krav som ställs på moderna arenor iSverige. Studien ska också skapa en förståelse för hur kraven påverkar de fotbollsarenor vilkainnefattas av de föreskrifter som gäller fr.o.m. 2014. Som en del av de fotbollsarenor i Sverigesom omfattas av kraven finns Örjans Vall i Halmstad. Målet med denna studie är att ta framförlag på olika lösningar till de byggtekniska problem Örjans Vall står inför när de nyaarenakraven, för Svensk elitfotboll, träder i kraft 2014. Lösningarna ses som förslag vilka kaninspirera och vägleda vid den kommande projekteringen för moderniseringen av Örjans Vall.För att lägga fram ett förslag med byggtekniska lösningar innefattade studien olikadelmoment. Utvärdering av arenakrav och kriterier, med inriktning på de byggtekniska kravensom har betydelse vid utvärderingen av lösningar för Örjans Vall. En granskning avarenasituationen i Sverige och Allsvenskan har gjorts, där situationen idag och framtidsplanerredovisats. Sedan har en utredning av Örjans Vall på plats utförts, för att komplettera dentidigare utförda utvärderingen mot krav och kriterier.Utvärderingen av Örjans Vall visar vilka byggtekniska brister som fotbollsarenan har. En omochtillbyggnad av Örjans Vall är nödvändig och måste ske innan 2014 om inte dispensutfärdas. Då alla delar måste beaktas och behandlas i ett helhetsförslag följer en diskussiondär varje område behandlas var för sig. Alla områden kommer sedan ligga till grund för etthelhetsförslag på hur ett framtida Örjans Vall skulle kunna utformas. Till grund fördiskussionerna ligger enkla lösningar där praktiska förslag lyfts fram. I de områden där enenkel lösning inte anses finnas kommer övriga arena Sverige att beaktas för att lyfta framförslag.Lösningarna omfattar de utrymmesbrister som fanns men även om-och tillbyggnader avläktare där de största bristerna finns. Rapporten uppvisar fyra alternativa om- ochtillbyggnader av läktare där även ett helhetsförslag är utarbetat för att tillgodoseåskådarintresset.

Estudio experimental de la evolución geomorfológica en corrientes con lecho de grava y arena, debido a cambios de caudal sólido o líquido

Árias Araya, Aarón January 2015 (has links)
Magíster en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Mención Recursos y Medio Ambiente Hídrico / El arrastre de sedimentos de fondo es un fenómeno complejo ya que incluye distintos mecanismos de desplazamiento así como diversas condiciones de iniciación del movimiento de las partículas. En la actualidad se cuenta con algunas ecuaciones tanto empíricas como teóricas las cuales ayudan a predecir el arrastre de fondo en una corriente, sin embargo la mayoría de Éstas no consideran granulometrías extendidas, únicamente se considera un diámetro característico de esta tales como d90, d50, dm, entre otros. Teniendo en cuenta lo antes descrito, en la actualidad no se cuenta con un importante estado del arte en ríos con lecho de granulometría extendida. esto debido a varias razones, como la dificultad propia del arrastre de fondo y otros elementos, tales como las pendientes considerables de estas corrientes, y su difícil acceso en terreno, haciendo que los cambios geomorfológicos que ocurren en estos ante diversas afectaciones externas, sean desconocidos o se encuentren poco investigados. En la presente investigación experimental se reproduce en un canal de laboratorio una corriente con lecho de arena y grava, en la cual mediante el control del caudal y la tasa de entrada de sedimentos se reproducen alteraciones en el cauce, las cuales generan un cambio tanto en el arrastre de sedimentos, como en las condiciones del flujo y la geomorfología del lecho. Las alteraciones representadas en esta investigación son la extracción de agua o el aumento de los sedimentos de entrada a la corriente, como se da en el caso aguas abajo de una bocatoma que extrae agua; y el aumento del caudal o la disminución del sedimento de entrada en el cauce, como se da en el caso de un transvase entre cursos de agua o en la extracción de áridos en una corriente. Teniendo en cuenta las alteraciones reproducidas, se generan diversos escenarios de flujo en los cuales se miden parámetros con el fin de caracterizar la evolución del lecho. Estos parámetros son la evolución del nivel del lecho, el gasto sólido de salida del canal junto con su correspondiente granulometría y la granulometría en la conformación final de la coraza y el sustrato en el lecho en distintos puntos. Como resultados se lograron reproducir escenarios de erosión y sedimentación del lecho, sin embargo contrario a la creencia inicial en la cual la variación del lecho de la pendiente es crucial y se presenta como primer mecanismo de estabilización de la corriente, su variación en el lecho es mínima, exceptuando aquellos casos donde se observa la formación de cuñas del sedimento más grueso y alta pendiente en la cabecera del canal. Ésta pendiente permanece prácticamente constante y el flujo busca llegar a un nuevo equilibrio mediante el cambio en la granulometría de la coraza, afinándola y generando una coraza móvil, en aquellos casos con tasa de entrada de sedimento mayores a las tasas de arrastre, mientras que en aquellos casos donde la tasa de entrada era menor a las tasas de arrastre, se observa un engrosamiento del lecho junto con la formación de una coraza estática.

Migração partidária na Câmara dos Deputados / Migration of party in the representatives house

Andréa Marcondes de Freitas 05 February 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho procura analisar o fenômeno das trocas de legenda no Brasil, com um enfoque diferente do que tradicionalmente se aplica. Ao invés de buscar as ambições do migrante, procurei entender as trocas de legenda no agregado, buscando apreender como os atores coletivos, no caso os partidos políticos, utilizam as trocas de legenda para aumentar seu poder na arena parlamentar e na arena eleitoral. Não pretendo com isto afirmar que os parlamentares não busquem aumentar suas chances de sucesso quando trocam de partido, ao contrário, o que pretendo é mostrar que, se ocorre migração partidária, é porque os deputados percebem a importância dos partidos para seus objetivos. Mais do que isso, o que se pretende é mostrar que os partidos políticos não são vítimas de parlamentares ultra-individualistas, estes atuam no processo e estimulam a migração partidária na busca por aumentar seus recursos. E que aliciam parlamentares para aumentar seu acesso a cargos no legislativo e para aumentar seus votos em regiões onde não eram bem votados. / In this work we present an analysis of the party switching phenomenon in Brazil. We try to understand how political parties use the switching party strategy to increase their resources in both parliamentary and electoral arenas. The focus of this work is to explain the role played by the switching parties strategy in the aggregated level without, however, losing sight of the costs and benefits of each switch for individual representatives. It is not my intention to affirm that the parliamentarians do not look to increase his chances of success when they move from one party to another; what I intend to show is that, if party migration occurs, it is because deputies realize the importance of the parties to his own objectives. More than that, which is claimed, is to show that the political parties are not victims of ultra-individualist parliamentarian, they act in the process and stimulate the switching party to increasing his resources.

Physician and Resident Staffing In An Academic Emergency Department

Sasture, Amar 09 March 2004 (has links)
Rising demands and market competition have forced many emergency departments to improve their quality of service. This improvement is usually achieved at the cost of increasing resources in the emergency department in order to increase the patient satisfaction. This research deals in part with both problems, i.e., increasing patient satisfaction and keeping costs in the ED to a minimum. The research has schedules designed on the patient contacts for physicians and residents in the academic emergency department at York hospital such that the resource costs and patient waiting costs are kept at a minimum. The emergency department is simulated using Arena 7.0 and the minimum cost objective is achieved by running OptQuest for Arena to get the near optimal number of staff working the designed schedules in order to achieve the objective. Efficiently scheduling doctors and residents resulted in waiting cost reductions of almost 80%. There was also an increase in patient satisfaction, considering the time taken by patients to see a doctor or resident for the first time. The time was reduced by 33% for critical patients and was reduced by almost 29% for intermediate care patients with the schedules designed herein. / Master of Science

Architect / Builder: Builder / Architect

White, John Philip Jr. 02 March 2004 (has links)
Throughout architectural history, the relationship between builder and architect has been ever-changing. Architects traditionally evolved from the building trades with a fundamental understanding of the principals behind construction. Architects have since evolved into a profession based in academics, not in actual tacit knowledge. The current relationship between architects and builders is complex. The Architect questions the ability of the builder. The builder questions the knowledge of the architect. Collaboration has become very difficult. These buildings are an attempt to use the built environment as a tool for both the architect and builder to gain a better understanding of what the other does. / Master of Architecture

Stockholmsarenan : En fallstudie av en ny evenemangsplats och hur den påverkar sin omgivning / The Stockholm Arena : A case study of a new event location and how it affects its surroundings

Bäckman, Frida, Hallin, Liza January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: År 2030 ska Stockholm vara en storstad och en evenemangsstad i världsklass, detta i enlighet med Stockholms stads Vision 2030. Fram till dess ska bland annat mål för ökad företagsamhet och utveckling inom turismnäringen, ökad kvalitet inom utbildning och ett ökat samarbete mellan den privata och offentliga sektorn uppnås och förverkligas. Stockholmsarenan är en del av visionen, som en pusselbit i den infrastruktur som behövs, för att uppnå status som en evenemangsstad i världsklass. Syfte: Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att erhålla ökad förståelse för hur de inblandade aktörerna i Stockholmsarenaprojektet tillsammans skapar en ny evenemangsdestination och göra den till en framgångsrik punktdestination. Vi ämnar belysa de utvalda faktorerna och hur de påverkar utvecklingen av Stockholmsarenan samt hur arenaprojektet påverkar sitt direkta närområde och Stockholm som destination. Frågeställning: Vilka förutsättningar inom faktorerna plats, marknadsföring, säkerhet och miljö samt ekonomiska resurser lägger grunden för en framgångsrik utveckling av Stockholmsarenan? Hur ser kommunikationen och samarbetet ut mellan de olika aktörerna i projektet med Stockholmsarenan? Hur påverkas området runtom Stockholmsarenan och staden i sig av en satsning som denna? Metod: Kvalitativa metoder har använts under arbetets gång genom djupintervjuer, litteraturstudier och kvalitativa dataanalyser av den insamlade empirin för att besvara problemformuleringarna. Intervjuer med offentliga aktörer inblandade i projektet samt privatpersoner som direkt påverkas av arenaprojektet har utförts. Teori: Uppsatsens teoretiska referensram omfattar teorier gällande; destinationsutveckling, storstadsturism, information och effektiv kommunikation samt teorier om NIMBY, sportarenor och sportevenemang och hur de påverkar sin omgivning. Slutsats: En rad faktorer påverkar hur framgångsrikt projektet Stockholmsarenan blir. Ett väl fungerande samarbete, en välplanerad kommunikation inom projektet och ut mot allmänheten samt även långsiktiga planer och strategier är av stor vikt. Författarna tror att Stockholmsarenan, tillsammans med Stockholm Entertainment District, på lång sikt kommer att gynna Stockholm som evenemangsstad. / Background: In the year 2030 Stockholm is going to be a metropolis and a city of world class events, in accordance with the City of Stockholm's Vision 2030. Until then, among other objectives for greater entrepreneurship and development in tourism, increased quality in education and increased collaboration between the private and public sector must be achieved and realized. The Stockholm Arena is part of that vision, as a piece of the infrastructure puzzle needed to attain the status of being an event city of world class. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to obtain understanding of how participants in the Stockholm Arena project work together to create a successful event destination and point destination. We intend to shed light on the factors that influence the development of the Stockholm Arena as well as how the project affects its immediate vicinity and Stockholm as a destination. Questions at issue: Which circumstances within factors of location, marketing, safety and environment as well as economic resources lay the foundation for the successful development of the Stockholm Arena? How does the communication and collaboration between the different participants involved in the project with the Stockholm Arena manifest itself?  How does a building project like the Stockholm Arena affect its immediate area and the city itself? Method: The authors of this thesis have conducted qualitative interviews. The interviews include people from the companies involved in the building of the Stockholm Arena and local residents in the near vicinity of the arena. Theory: As theoretical framework the authors have used theories of; destination development, urban tourism, information and effective communication as well as theories of NIMBY, sport arenas and sporting events and how they affect their environment. Conclusion: A number of factors influence how successful the Stockholm Arena project will become: good cooperation, a well-planned communication within the project and towards the public and also long-term plans and strategies. The authors believe that the Stockholm Arena together with the Stockholm Entertainment District in the long-term will promote and benefit Stockholm as an event location.

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