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Kommunsammanslagning 1971 : Värnamo kommunKarlsson, Oscar January 2017 (has links)
This essay examines the advantages and disadvantages of the merge of municipalities in 1971, in municipality of Värnamo. The government had stipulated that a consolidation of the municipalities was necessary to lower the numbers of municipalities in Sweden, which had to be done till year 1974. By looking in municipal records and newspaper articles this study will try to recognize if the municipalities that consolidated with Värnamo, was favoured or disadvantaged. The method that has been used in this essay is an argumentation analysis. The results show that the municipalities received more advantages then disadvantages.
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Lagen om pliktexemplar av elektroniska dokument : En analys av diskussionen kring ett lagförslagEriksson, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
This Master’s thesis examines the discussions about the new Swedish legal deposit legislation for electronicdocuments, related to Jürgen Habermas’ theories around the public sphere. In 2009, a draft of the law proposal was sent out to various authorities and organizations who were asked tocontribute their views on this matter. This study looks at who has responded of those asked, and what commonviews are apparent within these responses. The responses from two different categories are focused on –universities and other authorities, examining if any similarities or differences can be noticed in the arguments inthe different categories’ responses to the proposed law change. This information has been first analyzed through content analysis, providing an overview to the respondentsof the draft, and the different views which have arisen. Argumentation analysis has then been used to examinehow specific respondents have argued their views, focusing on the National Library of Sweden and the NationalArchives of Sweden. The most common views and arguments revolve around the definitions suggested in the proposal, regardingwhich documents are to be collected and who is responsible for their delivery. Many respondents also mentionedtheir desire to be able to fulfill their legal deposit obligations by delivering documents through networks. Habermas’ theories on the public sphere, which he claims to exist in today’s society, are very similar to thetheories of the public sphere addressed within this study. The authorities and organizations which have beenasked to contribute opinions towards this proposal are the same one who will be directly involved with the legaldeposit itself; while the future users of these collected electronic documents, namely scholars and the public,have been excluded from this discussion. Some respondents remarked upon the importance of the documentsbeing available to those to which they will be of use. However, the discussion has primarily concentrated on howthe delivery of these documents can be affected in the easiest possible manner for those involved.
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Arms Trade & Democracy : How Sweden justifies weapons exports to non-democracies.Luboya, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
Sweden is top ranked in indexes measuring democracy, but the country is also a major weapons exporter. The contradiction is reflected upon in this paper, where Sweden as a well established democracy seems to be going against its own democratic values when exporting weapons to non-democracies. Previous research is limited and lacks sufficient explanation to why Sweden exports weapons to non-democratic states. The aim of this study is therefore to analyze arguments behind the Swedish weapons exportation to countries with a low degree of democratic freedom. By applying Framing theory and argumentation analysis, selected statements arguing for weapons exports, expressed by Swedish government representatives have been analyzed. The justifications for weapons exportation to dictatorships have been categorized, depending on emphasis, into four frames namely; security, development, credibility and reliability. The research result showed that the most commonly used arguments to justify weapons exports to non-democracies include following; (1) There is a need of a defense industry for Swedish security reasons, (2) It is positive for international exchange and trade and (3) The rules for weapons exports are strict enough and well established in politics. The different ways of justifying the weapons export shows that the concerned Swedish government representatives frame their arguments in a way that supports their political opinion and the current government.
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Matematikdidaktiska val En argumentationsanalys av det lustfyllda lärandet Mathematics education choice An argumentation analysis of a zestful learningPersson, Helén January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to present arguments concerning a zestful learning for children ages 6-9 in mathematics. Four books in mathematics has specifically been analyzed to investigate what is written concerning a zestful learning. By means of an argumentation analysis within a qualitative text analysis the arguments are put forth. The didactic choices of the chosen literature are analyzed in a subject-matter didactic context. The result implicates a multitude of arguments and didactic choices supporting a zestful learning. The most prominent one is that teaching should presuppose the every-day life of the students, be varied concerning both education and environment and promote communication. Education should relate to joint experiences and clarify the already gained knowledge in math’s of the students, thus enhancing the students’ self-esteem within mathematical contexts: in addition, if students experience the usability of math’s and are given the opportunity to apply their body and senses in gaining this knowledge this is beneficial for zestful learning. To feel a desire to learn engages the students and motivates them to learn. As a conclusion there are many opportunities in creating zestful learning possibilities, prior research shows the importance of making the experience of learning enjoyable to promote a lifelong lust to learn, which is one of the assignments of school according to Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklass och fritidshemmet 2011 (Skolverket 2011).
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Matematikdidaktiska val En argumentationsanalys av det lustfyllda lärandet Mathematics education choice An argumentation analysis of a zestful learningPersson, Helén January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to present arguments concerning a zestful learning for children ages 6-9 in mathematics. Four books in mathematics has specifically been analyzed to investigate what is written concerning a zestful learning. By means of an argumentation analysis within a qualitative text analysis the arguments are put forth. The didactic choices of the chosen literature are analyzed in a subject-matter didactic context. The result implicates a multitude of arguments and didactic choices supporting a zestful learning. The most prominent one is that teaching should presuppose the every-day life of the students, be varied concerning both education and environment and promote communication. Education should relate to joint experiences and clarify the already gained knowledge in math’s of the students, thus enhancing the students’ self-esteem within mathematical contexts: in addition, if students experience the usability of math’s and are given the opportunity to apply their body and senses in gaining this knowledge this is beneficial for zestful learning. To feel a desire to learn engages the students and motivates them to learn. As a conclusion there are many opportunities in creating zestful learning possibilities, prior research shows the importance of making the experience of learning enjoyable to promote a lifelong lust to learn, which is one of the assignments of school according to Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklass och fritidshemmet 2011 (Skolverket 2011).
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Kampen om den svenska utrikespolitiken : Hur den svenska utrikespolitiken definieras och fastställs mellan åren 1867–1905 till följd av den rådande politiska maktdelningenBjörk, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Abstract The struggle for Swedish foreign policy – How Swedish foreign policy was defined and established between the years 1867–1905 as a result of prevailing political power-sharing AIMS – The aim of this master thesis is to problematize how the Swedish foreign policy was defined politically in the context of the existing constitutional power-sharing model between the bicameral parliament and the ruling monarch. The period 1867–1905 is considered an earlier phase in the political process towards modern parliamentarianism in Sweden. DESIGN – An overall theoretical perspective of a correlation between domestic- and foreign policy is applied, and complemented with a theoretical position of which actor has the priority to define Swedish foreign policy. The thesis uses a methodology of extensive argumentation analysis, with a thematic division between the internal political arena on one side, and on the other side the parliamentary arena. The first arena is analyzed by combining political programs with the monarchs’ autobiographies and memoir. The second arena uses parliamentary debate protocols, parliamentary bills. In this way the thesis generates a selection and a greater understanding of various political issues which is of concern to the actual foreign policy definition in the annual official political throne speeches of the Swedish monarch. RESULTS – A variety of political issues are regarded as of foreign political importance within the internal political arena and is distinguished by a degree of correlations with ideological, ideal and political domestic issues. Such issues are then reflected in the parliamentary arena, through debates in both first and second chambers. The range of issues addressed is not only of constitutional importance, regarding the monarch’s executive power over the different foreign policy areas, but also concerning which political approach should be applied to define the main principle of Swedish foreign policy. Together, the parliamentary debates reveals which arguments influence the definition of foreign policy and which actors who claim the priority to define Swedish foreign policy – all within the existing frame of the power-sharing system. CONCLUSIONS – The thesis concludes that the actors of various parliamentary committees, and especially the constitutional committee, not only had the crucial argument which determined the outcome of the numerous parliamentary debates. Same actors also had the priority to define the main arguments on which the foundations of the monarch’s foreign policy political guidelines where dictated.
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Heritage planning in Malmö and Rotterdam during the 2000’s : A cross-contextual analysis of arguments, metaphors and figures of thoughtWoltil, Olof January 2014 (has links)
A wide variety of scholars acknowledge heritage planning as a widespread phenomenon. However, to what extent it is widespread is debatable. Also, if heritage planning is an acknowledged widespread phenomenon, what can be learned about it when looking at the rhetoric and the key concepts used in different contexts? This study aims at a cross-contextual investigation. The main aim is to interpret and to discuss rhetoric and underlying ideas used in heritage planning debates across contextual boundaries. The main aim is made workable through a number of methodological choices that curtail the scope of the study. The following main question is the result of these choices; what kinds of arguments, metaphors and figures of thought are similar (context-independent) versus different (context-dependent) in a selection of recent and on-going debates about heritage planning from Malmö and Rotterdam? As part of the methodology, figures of thought – that are expected to be relevant for understanding debates about heritage planning – are treated. This includes figures of thought such as the idea of an “original” and the idea of “progress”. Cases from the cities of Malmö and Rotterdam are chosen to study what similarities and differences come to the fore in heritage planning debates running parallel in time but being situated in different contexts (respectively a Swedish and a Dutch). The debates chosen are about the Kockums Crane and the area of Varvsstaden in Malmö and about the Porters Lodge and the area of RDM in Rotterdam. The analysis shows that the arguments and premises raised, the metaphors used and the underlying figures of thought are to a great extent similar between the cases from Malmö and the cases from Rotterdam. However, the use of arguments, metaphors and figures of thought differs professional groups in-between (“monument curators” versus “planners”) and between debates about single objects (the Kockums Crane and the Porters Lodge) and debates about the development of areas (Varvsstaden and the area of RDM). This study shows that arguments, metaphors and figures of thought effectively are exchanged across national boundaries through professions. More notable however, is that different “language-games” played or kinds of arguments used by monument curators and planners do not seem to conflict with each other at a discursive level. For example, the monument curator’s story-telling metaphors are smoothly turned into the planner’s commodification metaphors. However, at the level of figures of thought a potential conflict may arise between the preservationist idea of the moral duty of stewardship and the idea of commodification of built heritage propagated by an alliance between bureaucracy and economy.
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Klimatkompensera mera? : Albert O. Hirschmans teori om reaktioner mot samhällsförändringar tillämpad på den svenska debatten om klimatkompensation / To Achieve Emissions of Net Zero, is Carbon Offsetting Our Hero? : Albert O. Hirschman's Theory About Reactions Applied on the Swedish Debate About Carbon OffsettingHagström, Karolina January 2020 (has links)
By implementing Albert O. Hirschman’s theory about reactions, the purpose of this thesis is to analyse the arguments against carbon offsetting presented in Swedish media. More specifically, I will structure and analyse the counter-arguments I find in the articles about carbon offsetting presented by the Swedish paper Dagens Nyheter between October 2019 and January 2020. Hirschman’s theory of the reactionary rhetoric is based on the notion that every social action is followed by a reaction. To illustrate this, Hirschman introduces three types of theses –arguments -deployed by those who oppose a new idea or reform. The three principal arguments Hirschman identifies is the futility thesis, the perversity thesis and the jeopardy thesis. The futility thesis suggests that an action aiming to improve the society in any way won’t have any effect, the perversity thesis claims that the action will result in the opposite outcome of what was intended and the jeopardy thesis implies that the action will result in intolerable consequences in other areas. Hirschman suggests that a debate where any of these theses are present both is a danger for democracy and is likely to result in suffering in other ways as well. In that way, his theory provides a tool for identifying dangerous arguments in order to take a step towards a more democracy friendly discussion. By analysing 85 arguments against carbon offsetting I find that 51 of them easily can be categorized as either one of the theses, while 22 can’t be categorized at all. The remaining 12 arguments can either partly or in full be placed in the model. The majority of the 51 arguments fitting in Hirschman’s model are futility theses, which implies that the Swedish debate in this area largely consists of arguments claiming that carbon offsetting doesn’t make any difference. My conclusion based on Hirschman’s theory and the analysis of the arguments is that the Swedish debate about carbon offsetting unarguably contains signs of the polarized discussion Hirschman claims to be a democratic danger and that both the debate itself and the climate overall probably would benefit from a more nuanced and balanced debate.
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Incorporating Argumentation Into a General Chemistry Non-majors CourseJessica Ahn Callus (13157271) 26 July 2022 (has links)
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<p>Over the years it has become more common for practitioners to use the NGSS scientific practices to inform curricula at the undergraduate level. One of these practices is argumentation, the process of engaging in argument from evidence. Argumentation is an important part of the scientific process because scientists must make claims about their research and then provide justification using evidence to support those claims. While being able to argue your claim based on evidence is a common occurrence for scientists, it is rarely something students engage with in general level courses. In order to incorporate argumentation in the classroom the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) framework was adopted to develop the argumentation materials. </p>
<p>In this study, aspects of the CER framework have been adapted and incorporated into the existing curriculum of a second-semester general chemistry non-majors course. The changes include lecture discussions, worksheets, and exam questions to help scaffold and facilitate students’ argumentation development. In the spring 2020 and 2021 semesters, 80 students in each course were tracked through their CER assessments to gain insight into how students construct arguments. The arguments were analyzed based on completeness, correctness, and complexity. The results show support for the effectiveness of the curriculum intervention and were used to make recommendations for instructors using the CER framework and identify future areas of research.</p>
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Metódica estruturante e ordem econômica: análise de argumentos da jurisdiprudência do STF / Structuring methodic and economic order: analysis of arguments from Brazilian Supreme Court decisionsMaluf Júnior, João 23 April 2013 (has links)
A chamada hermenêutica tradicional tem se mostrado impotente desde a Constituição de Weimar em acompanhar e explicar a transformação por que passaram as Constituições no século XX. Por outro lado, a moderna metodologia de interpretação da Constituição ampliou demasiadamente a importância do fator político, empobrecendo a consistência jurídica da Constituição, conduzindo a sua concretização a um estado de crise. Porém, não é possível desprezar as novas metodologias, especialmente naqueles países onde a democracia está longe de resolver as questões sociais. A Metódica Estruturante de Friedrich Müller, inserindo-se no rol das novas metodologias, intenta superar a deficiência verificada nas modernas teorias, assim como nas teorias tradicionais. Desenvolveu-se ela com base na experiência constitucional alemã e tratou de inúmeros temas da teoria jurídica, aproveitando o presente trabalho apenas o núcleo metodológico principal dessa teoria, a sua metódica jurídica, que consiste precisamente em uma particular concepção de estrutura da norma, que se revela num processo de concreção normativa. Pretende-se realizar o estudo dessa metódica, aplicando-a às decisões proferidas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal no âmbito da ordem econômica, de modo a verificar conclusivamente a conformidade ou não dessa teoria com o modo como os magistrados da Corte Suprema estruturam seus votos. Assim, o objeto de trabalho da análise é a argumentação jurídica e a pergunta que se fará é, por um lado, em que medida a metódica estruturante descreve a organização argumentativa das decisões do STF e, de outro lado, em que medida apresenta-se estruturada a argumentação jurídica das decisões do STF à luz da metódica. Ao final, conclui-se que as decisões proferidas pelo Supremo não adotam um padrão de organização que siga um modelo estruturado como aquele erigido pela Metódica Estruturante / Since the Weimar Constitution, the so called Traditional Hermeneutics has been incapable of dealing with the changes occurred in the XX century constitutions. On the other hand, the modern theories have excessively enlarged the boundaries of interpretation, leading to a critical situation in this sector. Friedrich Müller theory, in spite of being a modern theory, intends to overcome these mentioned deficiencies. It was developed within the German constitutional experience and only the main core of it, the law methodic, will be important for the purposes of this work. Therefore, the objective of this work is to apply Müllers law methodic to the decisions taken by the Brazilian Supreme Court in the field of constitutional economic order. At the end, the work concluded that the Brazilian Supreme Court decisions, in the field of the constitutional economic order, do not comply with a structural model of decisions like the one developed by Friedrich Müller.
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