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Processamento mínimo de mamão (Carica papaya L.): efeitos de aditivos e atmosfera modificada na qualidade do produto. / Minimum processing of papaya (Carica papaya L.): effects of addictive and modified atmosphere in the product qualityAndrade, Silvana Rodrigues Rabelo de 22 November 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as alterações fisiológicas, físicoquímicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais em mamões minimamente processados, submetidos a tratamentos químicos e atmosfera modificada passiva e ativa. No primeiro experimento foram determinadas a atividade respiratória e produção de etileno em mamões minimamente processados tratados com CaCl2 (1%); ácido ascórbico (0,5%); combinação de CaCl2 (1%) e ácido ascórbico (0,5%); e controle (sem aplicação de tratamento químico). O produto final foi armazenado a 6°C (±1°C) e 90% (±5%) de Umidade Relativa (UR) por um período de 6 dias. Os mamões processados que tiveram a adição de cloreto de cálcio obtiveram atividade respiratória significativamente menor a partir do 1º dia de armazenamento, mostrando que o CaCl2 (1%) pode colaborar para o prolongamento da vida útil do fruto processado. O segundo experimento visou avaliar a qualidade final e o período de conservação de mamões minimamente processados submetidos a 3 tipos de tratamentos químicos: CaCl2 (1%); ácido ascórbico (0,5%); a combinação de CaCl2 (1%) e ácido ascórbico (0,5%); e o controle (sem aplicação de tratamento químico), os quais foram acondicionados em embalagem de polietileno tereftalato rígida (PET) a 6°C por um período de 9 dias. Os mamões tratados com CaCl2 (1%) e a combinação de CaCl2 (1%) e ácido ascórbico (0,5%) preservaram o teor de açúcares, coloração, textura e as caracteristicas sensoriais durante todo o período de armazenamento avaliado (9 dias), enquanto que os tratados com ácido ascórbico tiveram a textura prejudicada evidenciada pela maior solubilização da pectina, denotando maior amolecimento dos tecidos. Os resultados mostraram que a adição de ácido ascórbico não foi eficaz para a preservação da qualidade de mamões minimamente processados e prolongamento da sua vida útil. As contagens de bactérias psicrotróficas mantiveram-se dentro dos limites aceitáveis para todos o tratamentos aplicados. O terceiro experimento avaliou o efeito do uso de atmosfera modificada passiva e ativa na qualidade de mamões minimamente processados, tratados com a combinação de CaCl2 (1%) e ácido ascórbico (0,5%). Após o processamento, os mamões, previamente tratados, foram submetidos a três tipos de acondicionamento: bandejas de poliestireno rígida, recobertas com filme de polipropileno 32 μm, sem e com injeção de gás (5% O2 + 10% CO2) e embalagem de polietileno tereftalato rígida (PET), com tampa, a qual foi utilizada como controle. Foram realizadas análises de O2 e CO2, físico-químicas, sensoriais e microbiológicas. Os mamões acondicionados em PET apresentaram pouca modificação gasosa porém mantiveram as características físico-químicas, sensoriais e microbiológicas, durante todo período de armazenamento avaliado (9 dias). Isto mostrou que a combinação de tratamento químico CaCl2 (1%) e ácido ascórbico (0,5%) foi eficaz e influenciou diretamente nos parâmetros avaliados. Os mamões minimamente processados acondicionados em filme de polipropileno com e sem injeção de gás, apresentaram comportamento semelhante para a maioria dos parâmetros físico-químicos e sensoriais (sabor e aparência), sendo que, a partir do 6°dia de armazenamento, foi constatada coloração alaranjada mais intensa (escurecimento da polpa) a qual se refletiu diretamente na aparência do produto. O uso de atmosfera modificada ativa mostrou-se eficiente no retardamento da proliferação de microorganismos psicrotróficos. / This work had as objective to evaluate the physiologic, physiochemical, microbiological and sensorial alterations in in minimally processed papayas, submitted to chemical treatments and passive and active modified atmosphere. In the first experiment, the respiratory activity and ethylene production were analized in minimally processed papayas treated with CaCl2 (1%); ascorbic acid (0,5%); the combination of CaCl2 (1%) and ascorbic acid (0,5%); and control (without application of chemical treatment). The final product was stored at 6°C (±1°C) and 90% (±5%) of relative humidity for a period of 6 days. The results showed that processed papayas treated with chloride of calcium obtained a significantly smaller respiration activity from the 1st storage day, showing that CaCl2 (1%) may collaborate on the prolongation of the processed fruit shelf life. The second experiment had as objective to evaluate the final quality and the period of conservation of minimally processed papayas submitted to 3 types of chemical treatments: CaCl2 (1%); ascorbic acid (0,5%); the combination of CaCl2 (1%) and ascorbic acid (0,5%); and the control (without application of chemical treatment), which were conditioned in rigid polyethylene terephthalate (PET) packages at 6 C° for a period of 9 days. The papayas treated with CaCl2 (1%) and the combination of CaCl2 (1%) and ascorbic acid (0,5%) preserved some physiochemical characteristics like the sugar rate, texture and color and sensorial characteristics during the whole period of the appraised storage (9 days), while the treatements with ascorbic acid had the texture prejudiced, presenting softening in the tissue. The results showed that the addition of ascorbic acid was ineffective for the preservation of the minimally processed papayas quality and the prolongation of the shelf life. The countings of psychotrophic bacteria stayed inside of the acceptable limits for all the applied treatments. The third experiment had as objective to evaluate the effect of the passive and active modified atmosphere using in the minimally processed papayas quality, treated with the combination of CaCl2 (1%) and ascorbic acid (0,5%). After the processing, the papayas, previously treated, were submitted to three package types: rigid trays of polystyrene, covered with a polypropylene film 32 μm, with and without injection of gas (5% O2 + 10% CO2) and packages of rigid polyethylene terephthalate (PET), with cover, which was used as control. Physical-chemical, sensorial, microbiological, O2 and CO2 analyses were accomplished. The papayas conditioned in PET presented little gaseous modification but maintained the physico-chemical, sensorial and microbiological characteristics, during all the periods of storage (9 days). The experiment showed that the combination of CaCl2 (1%) and ascorbic acid (0,5%) was effective and influenced the appraised parameters. The minimally processed papayas conditioned in polypropylene film with and without injection of gas, presented similar behavior for most of the physicalchemical and sensorial parameters (taste and appearance), and, starting from the 6 day of storage, more intense orange coloration was verified (bronwning of the pulp) which was reflected directly in the appearance of the product. The use of active modified atmosphere was shown efficient in the retardation of the psychotrophic organisms proliferation.
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Modifizierte Elektroden zum elektrochemischen Nachweis bioaktiver StoffeTran, Thuy Nga 30 September 2011 (has links)
Katecholamine (Dopamin, Adrenalin, Noradrenalin) und Serotonin sind wichtige Monoamin-Neurotransmitter im menschlichen zentralen Nervensystem, deren quantitative Bestimmung von großem medizinischen Interesse ist, weil damit Aussagen zum Verlauf von Nervenkrankheiten und zur Tumorgefährdung des sympathoadrenalen bzw. neuroendokrinen Systems möglich sind. Ascorbinsäure und Harnsäure finden sich in vielen Körperflüssigkeiten. Ihre Bestimmung ist klinisch ebenfalls bedeutend, da deren Konzentration als Indikatoren bekannter Krankheitsbilder dienen.
Etablierte Standardmethoden, wie die Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatographie (HPLC) und immunologische Nachweisverfahren (ELISA) werden im klinischen Bereich zur Bestimmung der Neurotransmitter genutzt. Diese sind kostenintensiv und zeitaufwändig und daher für die Anwendung in den Arztpraxen, vor allem in Entwicklungsländern nicht geeignet.
Elektrochemische Verfahren, insbesondere voltammetrische Messmethode haben den Vorteil, solche Bestimmungen in einfacher Weise zu ermöglichen. In der Literatur finden sich Angaben zu eingesetzten Elektroden auf Kohlenstoffbasis mit hoher Sensitivität für die Katecholamine. Allerdings wurden diese Elektroden meist einzeln hergestellt. Der kommerzielle Durchbruch ist deshalb bisher, hauptsächlich infolge der mangelnden Reproduzierbarkeit der Elektrodeneigenschaften und der Verfügbarkeit einfacher elektronischer Geräte ausgeblieben.
Es war daher Ziel dieser Arbeit, durch industrienahe Herstellungsverfahren Graphitelektroden mit reproduzierbaren Eigenschaften zu entwickeln und diese auf ihre Eignung für den quantitativen Nachweis bioaktiver Stoffe zu erproben. Dazu waren Verfahrensschritte zu optimieren, die es erlauben, diese siebgedruckten Graphitelektroden reproduzierbar und kostengünstig zu fertigen und sie auf verschiedene Weise, z.B. durch halbleitende Polymere und nanoskalige Metalle zu modifizieren.
Neben den Neurotransmittern enthalten Körperflüssigkeiten unter anderem Ascorbinsäure und Harnsäure in hohen Konzentrationen. Daher waren zunächst Modellanalyten unter Verwendung dieser Stoffe herzustellen. Die voltammetrischen Methoden, wie die zyklische Voltammetrie (CV), die Differentielle Puls-Voltammetrie (DPV) und die Square-Wave-Voltammetrie (SWV) sollten auf ihre Eignung zum Nachweis der bioaktiven Substanzen erprobt werden. Schließlich waren die Elektroden in realen Analyten zu testen. Insgesamt konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass ausgewählte Neurotransmitter, Ascorbinsäure und Harnsäure sich mit differentiellen voltammetrischen Verfahren an industrienah hergestellten modifizierten Dickschichtelektroden bestimmen lassen. Es ist erstmalig gelungen, eine modifizierte Dickschichtelektrode zu entwickeln, mit der es möglich ist, Katecholamine unabhängig von Ascorbinsäure (3 mM) und Harnsäure (2 mM) quantitativ nachzuweisen. Damit eröffnen sich neue Wege für den Einsatz von elektrochemischen Sensoren für die einfache Bestimmung der Neurotransmitter vor Ort.
Die beschriebenen modifizierten Dickschichtelektroden sind ohne Verlust an elektrochemischer Aktivität an der Luft oder im Grundelektrolyten monatelang lagerfähig. Die Elektroden lassen sich im Gegensatz zu den in der Literatur beschriebenen Elektroden mit Einzelfertigung kostengünstig in großer Stückzahl mit hoher Reproduzierbarkeit herstellen.:Inhaltsverzeichnis I
Abkürzungen V
1 Einleitung und Zielsetzung der Arbeit 1
2 Theoretischer Teil 5
2.1 Elektrochemische Verfahren in der Analytik 5
Klassifizierung elektroanalytischer Methoden 5
2.1.1 Voltammetrie 5
Cyclovoltammetrie (CV) 6
Differential-Puls-Voltammetrie (DPV) 9
Square-Wave-Voltammetrie (SWV) 10
2.1.2 Chronocoulometrie (ChrC) 11
2.1.3 Impedanzmessung (EIS) 12
2.1.4 Elektrochemische Quarzmikrowaage (EQCM) 14
2.2 Poly-3,4-Ethylendioxythiophen, ein leitfähiges Polymer 19
2.2.1 Leitfähige Polymere 19
2.2.2 Das Poly-3,4-ethylendioxythiophen 20
Elektrochemische Synthese und Dotierung 20
2.3 Bioaktive Stoffe 24
2.3.1 Katecholamine 24
Dopamin 25
Noradrenalin und Adrenalin 25
Abnorme Konzentration der Katecholamine 25
2.3.2 Serotonin 26
2.3.3 Interaktion von Katecholaminen und Serotonin 26
2.3.4 Ascorbinsäure und Harnsäure 27
2.3.5 Elektrochemisches Verhalten der bioaktiven Stoffe 28
Katecholamine 28
Serotonin 30
Ascorbinsäure 30
Harnsäure 30
3 Experimenteller Teil 32
3.1 Chemikalien 32
3.2 Lösungen 33
3.2.1 Ausgangslösungen 33
Grundelektrolyte 33
Lösungen der bioaktiven Stoffe 33
3.2.2 Lösungen für Elektrodenmodifizierungen 33
EDOT-haltige Lösungen 33
Neurotransmitter-Lösungen 34
HAuCl4-Lösungen 34
Goldkolloide 34
Eisenhexacyanoferrat(II)-Goldsäurehaltige Lösung 35
3.3 Elektrochemische Messmethoden 35
3.3.1 Voltammetrie, Chronocoulometrie und Impedanz 35
3.3.2 Elektrochemische Quarzmikrowaage 38
3.4 Elektroden und Präparation der Elektroden 39
3.4.1 Untersuchte Elektroden, deren Aktivierung und Konditionierung 39
3.4.3 Modifizierungen der Elektroden 41
Poly-3,4-Ethylendioxythiophen (PEDOT) 41
Goldnanopartikel 41
Komposite aus Goldnanopartikeln und Preußisch Blau (Au/PB) 42
Polymerfilme aus Monoamin-Neurotransmittern 42
3.5 Präparation der UP für Untersuchungen in realen Medien 43
3.6 Spektroskopische Methoden 43
4 Ergebnisse und Diskussion 45
4.1 Unmodifizierte Elektrodenoberflächen 45
4.1.1 Einfluss der Aktivierung der Elektrodenoberflächen auf das Messverhalten 45
4.1.2 Bestimmung bioaktiver Stoffe an unmodifizierten Elektroden 48
Ermittlung des Peakpotenzials 48
Messeffekte an Gold- und Graphitelektroden in Neurotransmitter-Lösungen hoher Konzentrationen 50
Bestimmung bioaktiver Stoffe im Gemisch 52
4.2 Au- und Au/PB-modifizierte Elektroden 54
4.2.1 Abscheidung 54
4.2.2 Untersuchungen bioaktiver Stoffe an Au-modifizierten Elektroden 56
4.3 PEDOT-modifizierte Elektroden 58
4.3.1 Abscheidungen der PEDOT-Schichten 58
CV-Abscheidungen der PEDOT-Schichten 59
ChrC-Abscheidungen der PEDOT-Schichten 62
4.3.2 Voruntersuchungen an PEDOT-modifizierten Elektroden 66
Ermittlung des optimalen Potenzialbereiches für voltammetrische Messungen an PEDOT-modifizierten Elektroden 66
Ermittlung der optimale PEDOT-Schichten für die Bestimmung bioaktiver Stoffe 68
Peakpotenziale bioaktiver Stoffe 71
Einfluss des pH-Wertes des Elektrolyten und der Scangeschwindigkeit auf voltammetrische Messsignale bioaktiver Stoffe 72
Einfluss der Messmethoden auf die Messsignale bioaktiver Stoffe an PEDOT-modifizierten Elektroden 74
4.3.3 Bestimmung bioaktiver Stoffe an PEDOT-modifizierten Elektroden 78
Bestimmung der Neurotransmitter (Dopamin, Adrenalin, Noradrenalin und Serotonin) 78
Bestimmung von Ascorbinsäure und Harnsäure 81
Bestimmung der Neurotransmitter mit Zusatz von Ascorbinsäure und Harnsäure 82
Stabiltität der PEDOT-modifizierten Elektroden 83
Vergleich der Ergebnisse an PEDOT-Elektroden mit Literaturangaben 84
4.3.4 Spektroskopische Untersuchungen der PEDOT-Oberflächen 85
4.3.5 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse an PEDOT-Elektroden 87
4.4 Au-PEDOT-modifizierte Elektroden 88
4.4.1 Abscheidungen der Goldnanopartikel auf PEDOT-Oberflächen 88
Abscheidung der Goldnanopartikel durch Adsorption aus Goldkolloiden 88
Abscheidung der Goldnanopartikel auf PEDOT-modifizierten Elektroden mittels Cyclovoltammetrie 92
4.4.2 Bestimmung bioaktiver Stoffe an Au-PEDOT-Elektroden 94
Peakpotenziale bioaktiver Stoffe an Au-PEDOT-Elektroden 94
Bestimmung von Neurotransmittern in 0,1 M Phosphatpufferlösungen 96
Bestimmung von Neurotransmittern mit Zusatz von Ascorbinsäure und Harnsäure 98
Bestimmung von Ascorbinsäure und Harnsäure 99
Stabilität der Sensitivitäten und Reproduzierbarkeit der Elektrodenherstellung 102
Vergleich der Ergebnisse an Au-PEDOT-Elektroden mit Literaturangaben 102
4.4.3 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse an Au-PEDOT-Elektroden 104
4.5 Polymonoamin-modifizierte Elektroden bzw. PEDOT-Elektroden 105
4.5.1 Abscheidungen der Polymerschichten aus Monoaminen an Graphitelektroden 106
4.5.2 Abscheidungen der Polymerschichten aus Monoaminen an PEDOT-Elektroden 106
CV-Abscheidung 106
SWV-Abscheidung 108
4.5.3 Bestimmung bioaktiver Stoffe an Polyserotonin-modifizierte PEDOT-Elektroden 111
Peakpotenziale bioaktiver Stoffe 111
Bestimmung der Neurotransmitter 112
Bestimmung von Ascorbinsäure und Harnsäure 114
Bestimmung der Neurotransmitter mit Zusatz von AS und HS 114
Bestimmung von Harnsäure in Gegenwart von Dopamin 116
4.5.4 Möglicher Einsatz der 5-HT-PEDOT-Elektroden als pH-Elektroden 117
4.5.5 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse an Polyserotonin-PEDOT-Elektroden 118
4.6 Bestimmung bioaktiver Stoffe in UM 119
4.6.1 Bestimmung von Harnsäure 119
Bestimmung von Harnsäure im Modellanalyten 119
Bestimmung von Harnsäure in präparierten UP 119
4.6.2 Bestimmung von Dopamin 120
DA-Bestimmung im Modellanalyten 120
Bestimmung von Dopamin in präparierten UP 121
5 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 123
Zusammenfassung 123
Ausblick 126
Tabellenverzeichnis 127
Abbildungsverzeichnis 130
Anhang 138
Literaturverzeichnis 152
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Effects of the in ovo injection and dietary supplementation of L-ascorbic acid on the performance, tissue L-ascorbic acid concentrations, inflammatory response, and trachea histomorphology of Ross 708 broilers raised under normal and elevated atmospheric ammonia levelsMousstaaid, Ayoub 06 August 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Effects of various levels of L-ascorbic acid (L-AA) (12 and 25 mg) in ovo injected at 17 and 18 days of incubation, on embryonic and posthatch physiological variables in Ross 708 broilers were investigated. There were no significant treatment effects on the hatchability or serum concentrations of L-AA in the broilers. Eye L-AA concentrations were higher, and plasma nitric oxide levels were lower in male chicks treated in ovo with 12 mg of L-AA. While exposed to elevated atmospheric NH3 levels, the in ovo injection of 12 mg of L-AA increased the body weight gain and decreased the feed conversion ratio of the broilers from 0 to 28 days of age (doa). Decreased tracheal attenuation incidence was also experienced at 0 doa in the in ovo injected L-AA groups, and tracheal inflammation was significantly reduced at 28 doa in response to the in ovo injection of 12 mg of L-AA.
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The Effects of High Pressure Processing, Browning Additives, and Storage Period on the Inactivation of Polyphenol Oxidase in Nine Varieties of Pawpaw (Asimina Triloba L.) PulpZhang, Lin , 30 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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The Timing of Fluoxetine, Simvastatin and Ascorbic AcidAdministration in a Post-Ischemic Stroke Environment AffectsInfarct Volume and Hemorrhagic Transformation FrequencyVerma, Neal R. 03 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Examining Infarct Sizes In Female Sprague Dawley Rats In Response To A Delayed Post-Stroke Pharmacological Treatment In Combination With Physical RehabilitationDharmadhikari, Sayali Ravindra 22 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Examination Of A Post-Stroke Drug Treatment For Its Effect On Blood Brain Barrier Permeability, And Gene Expression Changes In The Peri-Infarct RegionPatel, Ankita Anil 29 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A robustez do processo de preparação de pontos quânticos de grafeno (GQDs), utilizando uma abordagem bottom-up, e ácido cítrico (GQDs não funcionalizados) ou ácido cítrico/glutationa (GQDs dopados com N) como precursores, foram estudadas para avaliar variações nas propriedades ópticas desses nanomateriais em função das condições de preparo (massa de precursor, taxa de aquecimento e do meio hidro-esfoliante). Foram preparados três diferentes tipos de GQDs para comparar, principalmente, as respostas fotoluminescentes e a supressão desta pelo Fe3+. Os GQDs não funcionalizados apresentaram fotoluminescência intensa (comprimento de onda de excitação = 330 nm e comprimento de onda de emissão na faixa de 450-460 nm). Os GQDs preparados em meio básico apresentaram luminescência até quatro vezes maior (comprimento de onda de emissão na mesma região). Os GQDs-GSH apresentaram resposta luminescente até duas ordens de grandeza maior (comprimento de onda de excitação = 347 nm e comprimento de onda de emissão = 425 nm) e sua interação com Fe3+, usado como mediador para quantificação de ácido ascórbico (AA), produziu supressão do sinal original e deslocamento do comprimento de onda de emissão para 440 nm. A variação nas proporções de glutationa e ácido ascórbico não implicaram em diferenças significativas nas características gerais desses GQDs-GSH, apontando para a robustez das condições de preparação dos mesmos. A adição de Fe3+ (4,0 × 10-4 mol L-1) reduziu o sinal original pela metade, permitindo distinguir a recuperação do sinal causada pela adição de AA. As curvas analíticas normalizadas para AA apresentaram linearidade no intervalo de concentração entre 1,0 × 10-5 e 1,0 × 10-4 mol L-1. A análise de uma amostra real produziu recuperação afetada pela instabilidade do analito no ambiente de sonda. / [en] The robustness of graphene quantum dots (GQDs) production, using a bottom-up approach, using citric acid (non-functionalized GQDs) or citric acid/glutathione (N-doped GQDs) as precursors, were studied to evaluate variations in the optical properties of these nanomaterials as a function of the experimental conditions (precursor proportion, heating rate, and hydro-exfoliating medium). Three different types of GQDs were prepared to compare, mainly, the photoluminescent responses and their suppression by Fe3+. Non-functionalized GQDs showed intense photoluminescence (wavelength of excitation = 330 nm and wavelength of emission in the range of 450-460 nm). The GQDs prepared in basic condition medium showed luminescence property up to four times greater (wavelength of emission in the same region). The GQDs-GSH showed a luminescent response up to two orders of magnitude higher (wavelength of excitation = 347 nm and wavelength of emission = 425 nm), and their interaction with Fe3+, used as a mediator for the quantification of ascorbic acid (AA), produced suppression of the original signal and wavelength of emission shift to 440 nm. The variation in the proportions of glutathione and ascorbic acid did not imply significant differences in the general characteristics of these GQDs-GSH, pointing to the robustness of their preparation conditions. The addition of Fe3+ (4.0 × 10-4 mol L-1) reduced the original signal by half, allowing to distinguish the recovery of the signal caused by the addition of AA. The normalized analytical curves for AA showed linearity in the concentration range between 1.0 × 10-5 and 1.0 × 10-4 mol L-1. Analysis of a real sample produced recovery affected by analyte instability in the probe environment.
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Antioxidants as Risk Factors for Gingival BleedingBahng, Hee-Jeong 01 January 2004 (has links)
Background: Studies of gingival bleeding and the effects of antioxidants on extracellular matrix and immunologic and inflammatory responses provide a rationale for hypothesizing that antioxidants reduce the risk for gingival bleeding.Methods: This study evaluated the role of antioxidants as contributing risk factors for gingival bleeding utilizing the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NAHNES III). A sample of 18,825 adults (20 to ≥ 90 years of age), with dental measurement and assessment of serum levels of antioxidants were included in the study. Gingival bleeding was defined as those who had more than 30 percent of gingival bleeding in 28 sites examined. SPSS version 11.0 software and Epi-info 2000 were used to perform the statistical analysis.Results: Using multiple logistic regression in five separate antioxidants, the study showed an association between increased plasma levels of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and decreased risk for gingival bleeding (OR= 0.33; 95% CI 0.15 to 0.72). An inverse relationship was also found between gingival bleeding and serum levels of beta carotene (OR=1.93; 95% CI 1.05 to 3.54). However, negative association was found between gingival bleeding and vitamin A (OR=2.60; 95% CI 1.04 to 6.50). No statistically significant association was observed between gingival bleeding and serum levels in vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) and selenium.Conclusion: Antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A, and beta carotene, were significant risk factors for gingival bleeding. This should be emphasized for improving the oral health of the U.S. adult population.
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Možnosti elektrochemické analýzy s využitím soustavy více elektrod s nespecifickou odezvou / Possibilities of Electrochemical Analysis Using a System of Electrodes With Non-Specific ResponseEderer, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis present the possibilities of processing of electrochemical data from a group of four electrodes with non-selective response (simple sensor array) for electrochemical analysis with potential application of the results achieved in the construction of the sensor field type "electronic tongue". This simple system was applied to the sample simulating the food product. Electrochemical data were processed through mathematical operations such as Gaussian approximation, deconvolution or using basic mathematical operations.
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