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Solubility Ratios, Encapsulation Efficiency, and Size of Beta-sitosterol Loaded Poly(Lactide)-Block-Poly(Ethylene glycol) Polymeric MicellesAlqarni, Ali 31 July 2019 (has links)
β-sitosterol/poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(lactic acid) (PLA-b-PEG) complexes were prepared by solution blending in purified water and ethanol. The mixture of water and ethanol is a suitable solvent system for the two components. The complex was studied by using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). β-sitosterol is a drug that may reduce the swelling of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and diminishing inflammation. However, it is hydrophobic and difficult to deliver in aqueous solution. Since PLA-b-PEG has amphiphilic properties, the complex described here may enhance delivery of this drug for treatment of BPH.
Proton NMR (1HNMR) of the complexes shows that the methylene (CH2) protons of the PEG, the (-O-CH-) of PLA, and (CH3) of PLA are slightly shifted because of its non-covalent interaction with β-sitosterol. The complex formation was supported by 2-D NMR (NOESY) spectroscopy. NOESY spectra show cross peaks, indicating the interaction between the two components.
DSC of the complexes shows thermal characteristics that are different from the individual components. In particular, the PEG in the complex shows a lower melting point and decreased crystallinity compared to the pure PEG. The melting point is lowered from 57°C to 55.3 °C for the PEG-b-PLA/β-sitosterol (5%) complex. Under the same condition, the melting point of PLA dropped from 170 °C to 130 °C.
Atomic force microscopy shows changes in the surface morphology of the copolymer from crystalline to amorphous when incorporated with the drug. NMR, DSC, AFM, and MTT assay studies suggest the formation of a relatively stable β-sitosterol/poly(lactic acid)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) complex. The cell proliferation assay (MTT assay) suggests significant inhibition of the stimulation of growth of prostate cancer cells upon addition the complex.
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Desenvolvimento de método analítico para quantificação de antineoplásico em sistemas de liberação controlada de fármacos / Development of analytical method for quantification of antineoplastic in drug delivery systemsPrado, Fernando Kaneko 16 May 2019 (has links)
Nos últimos anos têm crescido cada vez mais o número de pesquisas envolvendo nanotecnologia para obtenção de medicamentos com liberação controlada, pois esses sistemas podem: proteger o fármaco de incompatibilidades tanto biológicas quanto físico-químicas assim como controlar a biodisponibilidade do fármaco. Embora com todas essas vantagens não existem métodos in vitro realmente capazes de prever com precisão a liberação dos fármacos por esses sistemas, por esse motivo, é muito importante o desenvolvimento de métodos de liberação in vitro para determinar a cinética de liberação desses sistemas.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver e validar os métodos de eletroforese capilar (CE) e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) para determinar a eficiência de encapsulação do fármaco imatinibe em nanopartículaspreviamente elaboradas e caracterizadas, assim como estudar sua liberação in vitro por CE. As nanopartículas foramdesenvolvidas pelo método de nanoprecipitaçãoe caracterizadas quanto ao tamanho, potencial zeta, morfologia e eficiência de encapsulação. A eletroforese capilar é uma técnica alternativa muito promissora em relação ao HPLC devido ao seu baixo custo, menor tempo de corrida e menos poluente ao meio ambiente. Os métodos de quantificação por CE e HPLCforam desenvolvidose validadossegundo as diretrizes do ICH, Farmacopeia Americana e ANVISA, permitindo desenvolver um estudo de liberação.As nanoesferas desenvolvidas apresentaram diâmetro médio próximo a 150nm, com índice de polidispersão menor que 0,1 e aproximadamente 90% de eficiência de encapsulação. Ambos métodos se mostraram lineares com coeficientes de determinação superiores a 0,99, os métodos se mostraram precisos (%DPR< 2), exatos(101,0±4,2% e 98,0±2,5% para HPLC e CE, respectivamente)e seletivos.O método de CE permitiu desenvolver um método de estudo de liberação independente das membranas de diálise. / In recent years, there has been a growing number of researches involving nanotechnology to obtain controlled release drugs, these systems can: protect the drug against biological and physico-chemical incompatibilities; controlling the bioavailability of the drug. Although with all these advantages there are no in vitro methods really capable of accurately predicting drugs release by such systems, therefore, the development of in vitro release methods to determine the release kinetics of such systems is very important. The objective of the present work was to develop and validate capillary electrophoresis (CE) and HPLC methods to determine the encapsulation efficiency of the imatinib drug in previously elaborated and characterized nanoparticles, as well as to study its release in vitro by CE method. The nanoparticles were synthesized using the nanoprecipitation method and characterized by size, zeta potential, morphology and encapsulation efficiency. Capillary electrophoresis is a very promising alternative to HPLC because of its low cost, less runtime and less polluting environment. The CE and HPLC methodswere developed and validated according ICH, American Pharmacopoeia and ANVISA guidelines.Developed nanospheres had an average diameter close to 150nm, with polydispersity index less than 0.1 and approximately 90% encapsulation efficiency. Both methods were linear with determination coefficients higher than 0.99, the methods were precise (%RSD < 2), accurate (101.0±4,2% and 98.0±2,5% for HPLC and CE, respectively) and selective. Capillary electrophoresis method allowed to develop a drug release study independent of dialysis membranes.
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Biologie der Transplantatabstoßung : Nachweis antigenspezifischer T-Lymphozyten und Charakterisierung ihres T-Zellrezeptor-Repertoires / The immunobiology of allograft rejection: Detection of antigen-specific T lymphocytes and characterisation of their T cell receptor repertoireKerteß, Tünde January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Die Organtransplantation stellt ein therapeutisches Verfahren für Patienten mit irreversibel geschädigten Organen dar. Doch weist dieses Behandlungskonzept weiterhin einen wesentlichen Nachteil auf: noch immer wird der langfristige Erfolg der Therapie zu oft durch die so genannte Transplantatabstoßung gefährdet. Hierbei handelt sich um eine vom Organtransplantat ausgelöste Immunantwort, die zu dessen Zerstörung führt. Die derzeit einzige Möglichkeit eine Abstoßung zu verhindern, ist die Unterdrückung des Immunsystems mit so genannten Immunsuppressiva. Auch wenn diese erstmals in den 60er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts erfolgreich eingesetzten Medikamente ständig verbessert werden, bleiben die von ihnen ausgelösten Nebenwirkungen weiterhin ein ernstzunehmendes Problem. Sie unterdrücken die gesamte körpereigene Abwehr, was zum Schutz der Organtransplantate vor Abstoßung gewünscht ist, doch fördern sie hierdurch die Entstehung von Tumoren und Infektionen. Bei der Transplantatabstoßung handelt es sich um eine von CD4+ T-Lymphozyten ausgelöste Immunantwort. Diese Lymphozyten werden von allogenen Peptiden, die von Spender-MHC-Molekülen stammen, über den indirekten Weg der Alloantigenerkennung aktiviert. An der Transplantatabstoßung ist zwar eine Vielzahl von Alloantigenen beteiligt, doch ist es möglich, Peptidantigene zu identifizieren, die einen nachweisbaren Effekt auf die Transplantatabstoßung ausüben. So wurde in der eigenen Arbeitsgruppe die für die Abstoßung allogener Organtransplantate beteiligten MHC (RT1u)-Peptidantigene charakterisiert. Insbesondere die Bedeutung des aus 19 Aminosäuren bestehenden allogenen Peptids P1 für die Alloimmunantwort wurde intensiv untersucht. So weisen P1-spezifische T-Lymphozyten ein ausgeprägtes Th1-Cytokin-Muster auf und beschleunigen die Abstoßung von Wistar-Furth-Organtransplantaten in Lewis-Ratten. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Charakterisierung des T-Zellrezeptor Vb-Repertoires P1-spezifischer T-Lymphozyten mit der Methode des PCR-ELISA. In einem ersten Schritt wurden Thymozyten und T-Lymphozyten unterschiedlicher Lymphknotenstationen untersucht. Thymozyten exprimierten alle 22 TCR Vb-Elemente und einzig TCR Vb14 war überrepräsentiert. Die T-Lymphozyten der cervikalen, mesenterialen, iliakalen und poplitealen Lymphknoten zeigten ebenfalls eine charakteristische Überexpression bestimmter TCR Vb-Elemente. So exprimierten cervikale T-Lymphozyten bevorzugt die TCR Vb-Elemente 2, 6, 8.3 und 16, mesenteriale T-Lymphozyten die TCR Vb-Elemente 2, 4, und 8.1, illiakale T-Lymphozyten die TCR Vb-Elemente 2 und 6 und popliteale T-Lymphozyten die TCR Vb-Elemente 2, 4 und 9. Die Immunisierung mit dem nicht-immunogenen Kontrollpeptid (Autoantigen) Ac führte zu einer leichten Veränderung des T-Zellrezeptor-Repertoires, bei der die TCR Vb-Elemente 14 und 16 überexprimiert waren. Das Adjuvant TiterMax beeinflusste kaum das TCR Vb-Repertoire. Die Immunisierung mit dem allogenen Peptid P1 führte zu einer eindeutigen Beeinflussung des T-Zellrezeptor-Repertoires. Popliteale T-Lymphozyten, die 7 Tage nach Immunisierung analysiert wurden, zeigten ein Repertoire, bei dem die TCR Vb-Elemente 15, 16, 17 und 20 überexprimiert waren. Dieses Repertoire war am Tag 3 nach Immunisierung noch nicht so ausgebildet. Wurden die antigenspezifischen T-Lymphozyten nach ihrer Isolierung mit P1 in vitro restimuliert, so waren in diesem T-Zellrezeptor-Repertoire die TCR Vb-Elemente 8.3, 15, 16 und 20 überexprimiert. Zum Vergleich: in naiven T-Lymphozyten waren die Vb-Elemente 2, 4 und 9 überexprimiert. Damit war es zu einer deutlichen Verschiebung im T-Zellrezeptor-Repertoire antigenspezifischer T-Lymphozyten gekommen, die auf das Peptidantigen P1 zurückzuführen ist. Mit der Methode des PCR-ELISA wurde das T-Zellrezeptor-Repertoire antigenspezifischer T-Lymphozyten bestimmt. Hiermit sind wesentliche Voraussetzungen geschaffen worden, um T-Zellklone zu etablieren und ihre Bedeutung für die Transplantatabstoßung genauer zu untersuchen. / Organ transplantation is an important medical therapy for patients with irreversibly damaged organs. However, this therapeutic intervention has a great disadvantage because the long-term success of organ allografts is still too often endangered by the so called allograft rejection, an immune response directed to the allograft and leading to its destruction. The major approach for the prevention and management of allograft rejection is to suppress the immune system with immunosuppressive agents. These agents were introduced into transplantation medicine in the 1960s and since that time they have been continually improved. However, their side effects remain a seriousness problem because the suppression of the immune defence inhibits the allograft rejection on the one hand but causes infections and increases tumour incidence on the other hand. The allograft rejection is mediated by CD4+ T lymphocytes and the responsible antigens recognized by them are allogenic peptides processed from donor MHC molecules. Although a large number of allgenenic peptides are involved in allograft rejection, it is possible to identify certain peptide antigens involved in allograft rejection. In our group allogeneic peptides from MHC class I molecules from Wistar Furth rats were investigated. The significance of the allogeneic peptide P1, consisting of 19 amino acids, in inducing allograft rejection was analysed in detail. P1-specific T lymphocytes demonstrated a Th1-cytokine dominated profile and accelerated the rejection of allografts in Lewis rats donated by Wistar Furth rats. The aim of this study was to characterise the T cell receptor (TCR) Vb repertoire of P1-specific T lymphocytes with the PCR-ELISA technique. First, thymocytes and T lymphocytes from different lymph nodes were analysed. Thymocytes expressed all 22 TCR Vb elements and only TCR Vb14 was overrepresented. The T lymphocytes of cervical, mesenteric, iliacal und popliteal lymph nodes also demonstrated a certain repertoire of overrepresented TCR Vb elements. In cervical T lymphocytes the expression levels of the TCR Vb elements 2, 6, 8.3 and 16 were increased; in mesenteric T lymphocytes the TCR Vb elements 2, 4 and 8.1; in illiacal T lymphocytes the TCR Vb elements 2 and 6; and in popliteal T lymphocytes the TCR Vb elements 2, 4 and 9. The immunisation with the autoantigen Ac led to a small variation of the TCR Vb repertoire and the TCR Vb elements 14 and 16 were overrepresented. The adjuvant TiterMax did not influence the TCR Vb repertoire. In contrast, the immunisation with the allogeneic peptide P1 clearly influenced the T cell receptor repertoire. Popliteal T lymphocytes analysed 7 days after immunisation demonstrated a TCR Vb repertoire where the TCR Vb elements 15, 16, 17 und 20 were overrepresented. On day 3 after immunisation this repertoire was not yet clearly developed. In P1-specific T lymphocytes restimulated in vitro the expression levels of the TCR Vb elements 8.3, 15, 16 and 20 were increased. In comparison, in naïve T lymphocytes the TCR Vb elements 2, 4 and 9 were overrepresented. These results underline that the immunisation with peptide P1 induces a characteristic TCR Vb repertoire. The TCR Vb repertoire of P1-specific T lymphocytes was analysed with the PCR-ELISA technique. The determination of the T cell receptor repertoire is a prerequisite to establish T cell clones and to analyse their involvement in allograft rejection.
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Einfluss einer fortgesetzten Benfotiamintherapie auf die Konzentration zirkulierender Advanced Glycation Endproducts, proinflammatorischer Zytokine und DNA-Läsionen bei Hämodialysepatienten / Influence of a prolonged therapy with benfotiamine on the concentration of circulating advanced glycation endproducts, proinflammatory cytokines and DNA-lesions at hemodialysis patientsWinkler, Michaela January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Der Einsatz der Vitamin B 1 Vorstufe Benfotiamin hat sich im Tiermodell durch Verhinderung oder gar Aufhebung typischer diabetischer Folgeschäden wie Ne- phropathie, Retinopathie und Neuropathie ausgezeichnet. Diese Wirkung wird unter anderem der Aktivitätssteigerung des Enzyms Transketolase zugeschrie- ben, welches auch bei Dialysepatienten ohne diabetische Grunderkrankung sup- primiert ist. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war, die Auswirkungen einer ora- len Benfotiaminsubstitution auf den Stoffwechsel von Langzeithämodialysepati- enten zu untersuchen. Die 15 rekrutierten Patienten mit und ohne Diabetes mel- litus erhielten über einen Zeitraum von 2 Monaten eine Dosis von 300 mg/d Benfotiamin, die in den folgenden 2 Monaten bis maximal 450 mg/d gesteigert wurde. Um einen Eindruck über den Verlauf der Entzündungssituation und des oxidativen Stresses zu gewinnen, wurden im Patientenvollblut AGEs und pro- inflammatorische Zytokine gemessen. Außerdem wurden peripheren Lympho- zyten mit Hilfe des alkaline Comet-Assay und des Mikrokerntestes auf DNA- Schädigungen analysiert. In beiden Patientengruppen lässt die Senkung der Mi- krokernraten den Schluss zu, dass Benfotiamin DNA-Schäden und somit eventu- ell das Krebsrisiko reduziert. Dieses vielversprechende Ergebnis korreliert jedoch nicht mit dem Resultat des Comet-Assay. Da hier der relative DNA-Schaden ten- dentiell ansteigt, sollte es Ziel weiterer Studien sein, diesen Sachverhalt an ei- nem größeren Patientenkollektiv mit Kontrollgruppen zu überprüfen. Eventuell ist letzteres Testsystem wegen seiner hohen Sensitivität in diesem Fall nicht op- timal geeignet. Außerdem sollte gezielt auf die beobachtete schnellere und stär- kere Mikrokernsenkung der diabetischen Patienten eingegangen werden, da die- se in der vorliegenden Studie zahlenmäßig unterrepräsentiert waren. Positiv zu bewerten ist der leichte CRP-Abfall sowie der Anstieg des Gesamtproteins und Albumin im Serum, was auf eine Reduktion der Mikroinflammation und oder eine verbesserte Ernährungssituation hinweist. Andererseits spricht der Anstieg des Neopterin- und Interleukin 6-Spiegels gegen die Veränderung des Inflamma- tionsstatus. Entgegen der Erwartung ließ sich in dieser Studie keine Reduktion der zirkulierenden AGEs und AOPPs im Serum erzielen. Um eine Reduktion des oxidativen Stresses besser beurteilen zu können, sollten in Folgestudien direkte und leicht veränderliche Marker wie der Glutathionspiegel verwendet werden. Zusammenfassend reduzierte Benfotiamin bei Hämodialysepatienten mit und ohne Diabetes mellitus DNA-Schäden in peripheren Lymphozyten bei unver- änderter Inflammationssituation und steigerte die Plasmaproteinkonzentration. Dies wurde eventuell durch Reduktion von oxidativem Stress und oder Beein- flussung seiner Ursachen wie Reduktion von Urämietoxinen erreicht.Weitere kli- nische Studien sind notwendig, um dieses vielversprechende Medikament in der täglichen Praxis einsetzen zu können. Besonders vorteilhaft ist seine gute Verträg- lichkeit auch in hoher Dosierung. Darüber hinaus soll das Präparat auch neuro- patische Schmerzen reduzieren, die sich bei Dialysepatienten häufig manifestie- ren, und wirkt somit multikausal. / It has been shown in animal models, that Benfotiamine, a precursor of the vitamine B1, prevents typical complications of diabets, like nephropathy, retinopathy and neuropathy. This effect is attributed to the increased activity of the enzyme trankelotase. The latter is also suppressed in patients of the hemodialysis program who are not diabetic. The goal of this thesis was to show the effects of an oral administration of benfotiamine on longterm hemodialysis patients. Fifteen patients were treated with 300 mg per day of benfotiamine which was increased in the following two months to 450 mg per day. The patient group consisted of a sub-group of diabetic and non-diabetic individuals. Advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) and proinflammatory cytocines were measured in patients full-blood to show the impact on the inflammation and the oxidative stress situation. The DNA-damage in peripheral lymphocytes was determined using the alkaline comet-assay and the micronucleus-assay. The rate of micronuclei was diminished in both patient groups which could be attributed to the reduction of DNA-damage by benfotiamine and so eventually to a reduced risk of cancer. However, this result does not agree with the comet-assay experiments. The relative DNA-damage increased in the course of the study and so seems to be unaffected by the benfotiamine therapy. This may be attributed to the high sensitivity of the comet-assay technique. Therefore, further investigations with a bigger patient group in a double-blind study are necessary. Additionally, there should be a greater focus on diabetic patients that showed a faster and increased reduction of micronuclei which were underrepresentated in this study. The slight reduction of CRP and the increased protein and serum-albumine concentration correlates to a better nutritional status. On the other hand, the increasing neopterine and interleukine 6 level do not agree to the changes in the inflammatory situation. Against all expectations there was no reduction of AGEs and AOPPs in patients serum. Following studies should focus on rapidly changing direct markers like the glutathione level. In summary, benfotiamine reduces DNA-damage in peripheral lymphocytes in hemodialysis patients with or without diabetes. The plasma protein concentration was increased but unexpectedly the inflammatory situation was stable. These effects may be due to a reduction of oxidative stress or its causes like diminished ureamic toxines. One of Benfotiamines advantages is its good tolerance, even in increased dosages. Furthermore it seems to diminish neuropathic pain which is frequent in hemodialysis patients. However, more clinical studies are neccessary for a use in daily practice.
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DNA-Strangbruchinduktion, Mikrokernbildung, Zellzyklusalteration und Apoptose durch Zahnwerkstoffe in humanen Lymphozyten / DNA strand breake induction, micronuclei formation, cell cycle alteration and apoptosis through dental materials in human lymphocytesZinnitsch, Sabrina January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Zahnwerkstoffe HEMA (Hydroxyethylmethacrylat) und TEGDMA (Triethylenglycol-dimethacrylat) gehören zu den so genannten Restmonomeren. Sie liegen nach der Polymerisation noch ungebunden vor und werden anschließend freigesetzt. Sie gelangen in den Organismus über die Pulpa, die Gingiva oder über den Speichel und können biologisch wirksam werden. Bisherige Studien zeigen dosisabhängige mutagene Effekte in tierischen und menschlichen Zellen. HEMA und TEGDMA führen zu DNA-Strangbrüchen, Mikrokernbildung, Apoptosen und nehmen Einfluss auf den Zellzyklus (G1- und G2-Verzögerung). Ebenso wurden ein allergenes Potential und eine toxische Wirkung auf die Niere beschrieben. In dieser Arbeit wurden genotoxische Effekte von HEMA und TEGDMA in humanen Lymphozyten in Konzentrationsbereichen überprüft, wie sie auch im Körper auftreten können. Hierfür wurden die Lymphozyten 24 Stunden mit 10 µM, 100 µM und 1 mM HEMA und mit 1 µM, 10 µM und 100 µM TEGDMA behandelt. Mit dem Comet Assay werden DNA-Einzel- und Doppelstrangbrüche sowie die Reparatur zuvor induzierter DNA-Schäden erfasst. Durch die Modifikation des Comet Assay mit dem Fpg-Protein werden zusätzlich oxidativ geschädigte Basen mit hoher Sensitivität nachgewiesen. Der Mikrokerntest weist manifeste DNA-Schäden auf DNA-Ebene in Form von Mikrokernen nach. Daneben lassen sich auch andere zelluläre Reaktionen wie Mitosen und Apoptosen sowie die Proliferationsrate der Zellen bestimmen. Der Chromosomen-aberrationstest dient zum Nachweis von Veränderungen in der Struktur und/oder in der Anzahl von Chromosomen eines Genoms. Mit dem Schwesterchromatidaustauschtest werden ebenfalls Chromosomenmutationen nachgewiesen. Durchflusszytometrische Methoden werden zum Nachweis von Apoptosen und zur Zellzyklusanalyse eingesetzt. Im herkömmlichen Comet Assay zeigen HEMA und TEGDMA keine signifikante Wirkung auf die DNA (OTM < 2). Es kann aber gezeigt werden, dass die Behandlung mit Fpg zu einer Verdoppelung des OTM führt. Bei 1 mM HEMA und 100 µM TEGDMA wird dadurch das OTM auf > 2 angehoben. HEMA und TEGDMA wirken sich nicht auf die Mikrokernbildung aus, jedoch wird durch den Mikrokerntest ab 1 mM HEMA und 100 µM TEGDMA eine Einflussnahme auf die Proliferation gezeigt. Die Rate früher (< 10%) und später Apoptosen Apoptosen (< 4 %) bleibt im Durchschnitt weitgehend konstant. Eine Ausnahme sind 1 mM HEMA, die die frühen Apoptosen auf > 10 % anheben. Eine Einflussnahme auf den Zellzyklus, in Form einer Verzögerung, üben 1 mM HEMA in der S-Phase und 100 µM TEGDMA in der G1-Phase aus. In den Chromosomentests werden einerseits ein dosisabhängiger Anstieg der Aberrationen und andererseits vermehrte Chromatidaustausche beobachtet. In dieser Arbeit wird die Verbindung von HEMA und TEGDMA zu oxidativen Stress im Comet Assay mit Fpg gezeigt. Da die tatsächlich in vivo erreichbaren Konzentrationen unter 100 µM liegen, ist zu schließen, dass HEMA und TEGDMA in diesem niedrigen Konzentrationsbereich keine nachteiligen Effekte ausüben, denn nur die hohen Konzentrationen (1 mM HEMA, 100 µM TEGDMA) sind in der Lage eine genotoxische Wirkung zu entfalten. Jedoch kann das Auslösen von Mutationen mit dem Chromosomenaberrationstest und Schwesterchromatidaustauschtest bestätigt werden. Um das Schädigungsprofil dieser häufig eingesetzten Zahnwerkstoffe detaillierter beschreiben zu können, müssen Untersuchungen auf Chromatidebene intensiviert werden. / The dental materials HEMA (2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate) and TEGDMA (triethylengylcol-dimethacrylate) belong to the so-called rest monomers. After the polymerisation they are still unbound and can be released afterwards. They reach the organism through the pulp, the gingiva or through the saliva and can become biological effective. Present studies indicate dose-dependent mutagene effects in animal and human cells. HEMA and TEGDMA induce DNA strand breaks, micronuclei formation, apoptosis and have influence on the cell cycle (G1 and G2 delay). Also an allergic potential and a toxic effect on kidneys were described. In this study genotoxic effects were checked by HEMA and TEGDMA in human lymphocytes in concentration areas as they can also appear in the body. The lymphocytes were treated 24 hours with 10 µM, 100 µM and 1 mM HEMA and with 1 µM, 10 µM and 100 µM TEGDMA. With the comet assay DNA single and double strand breaks as well as the repair before induced DNA damage are grasped. By the modification of the comet assay with the Fpg protein oxidative injured bases are proved in addition with high sensitivity. The micronucleus test proves manifest DNA damages at DNA level in the form of micronuclei. Beside other cellular reactions like mitosis and apoptosis as well as the proliferation of the cell can also be determined. The chromosomal aberration test serves for the proof of changes in the structure and/or in the number of chromosomes of a genome. With the sister chromatid exchange test chromosomal mutations are also proved. Flow cytometric methods are used to the proof by apoptosis and to the cell cycle analysis. In the conventional comet assay HEMA and TEGDMA indicate no significant effect at the DNA (OTM < 2). However, it can be shown that the treatment with Fpg leads to a duplication of the OTM. At 1 mM HEMA and 100 µM TEGDMA the OTM is thereby raised on >2. HEMA and TEGDMA do not affect the induction of micronuclei, however the micronucleus test indicate a intervention on the proliferation from 1 mM HEMA and 100 µM TEGDMA. The rate earlier (< 10 %) and late apoptosis (< 4 %) remains widely steady on average. An exception is 1 mM HEMA which raise the early apoptosis on > 10 %. 1mM HEMA have an influence on the cell cycle, in form of a delay, in the S phase and 100 µM TEGDMA in the G1 phase. In the chromosomal tests are observed dose-dependent increase of the aberrations on the one hand and increased chromatid exchanges on the other hand. In this study the connection is shown by HEMA and TEGDMA to oxidative stress in the comet assay with Fpg. Because the really in vivo available concentration lie under 100 µM, is to be closed that HEMA and TEGDMA exert no disadvantageous effects in this low concentration area, because only the high concentrations (1 mM HEMA and 100 µM TEGDMA) are able to unfold a genotoxic effect. However, the release of mutations can be confirmed by the chromosomal aberration test and the sister chromatid exchange test. To be able to describe the damage profile of these often used dental materials more detailed investigations on chromatid level must be intensified.
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Mutation rates in mycobacterial hosts with altered Dna metabolic activityBarichievy, Samantha 08 February 2006 (has links)
Master of Science - Molecular Medicine and Haematology / The completion of the genome sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain H37Rv revealed that 10% of the coding capacity is devoted to two, large multigene families that are characterised by repeat sequences. These are the PE and PPE families that code for acidic, glycine rich proteins. A subgroup of the PE family is the polymorphic GC rich sequence (PGRS) gene subfamily. Genome comparisons of clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis have confirmed the polymorphic character of some of these genes suggesting they may be analogous to the contingency loci found in other pathogenic
bacteria. Certain PE-PGRS proteins play a direct role in virulence in M. marinum, other PE-PGRS genes are cell surface associated, and some PE-PGRS proteins are variable surface antigens, supporting a potential role in host pathogen interactions. A reporter assay designed to investigate mutations in a PE-PGRS repeat-containing sequence was used to assess mutation rates in various M. smegmatis host strains by fluctuation analysis. A wide spectrum of mutations was observed and the evidence suggests
that slipped-strand mispairing between proximal and distal PGRS sequences located in cis is the
predominant type of mutational event at such loci. Moreover, slipped-strand mispairing at such loci occurs at a moderately higher rate than base substitution mutagenesis and is mediated by the normal replicative polymerase.
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Cost effective diagnosis and monitoring of HIV-1 in a resource poor settingRekhviashvili, Natela 18 September 2008 (has links)
The South African National Antiretroviral Treatment Guidelines recommend the use of
HIV-1 viral load assays for routine monitoring of HIV-1 positive patients receiving
highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). This thesis describes the innovative
approaches to developing more affordable HIV-1 diagnostics and monitoring assays for
South Africa, which take into account the tiered laboratory infrastructure of this country.
An in-house HIV-1 viral load assay – the LUX assay, was developed and evaluated with
a view of implementing this more affordable option in high tier laboratories. The LUX
assay represents quantitative real-time RT-PCR that utilizes the LightCycler® technology
(Roche) in a novel combination with a LUXÔ primer. The assay showed good analytical
sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility of its linear dynamic range of 4x102 to 4x106
RNA copies/ml. Preliminary clinical evaluation (n = 458) of the LUX assay showed good
agreement with the COBAS Amplicor assay, and demonstrated its usefulness for long
term monitoring of HAART patients.
ELISA based viral load testing approaches were investigated as low cost and less
technically complex alternatives for medium tier laboratories. The HiSens HIV-1 p24 Ag
Ultra (Perkin Elmer) and the ExaVir™ Load Quantitative HIV-RT kits (CAVIDI) were
compared with the Roche Amplicor assay. Both assays showed strong association with
the Roche Amplicor assay, with R2 = 0.686 and R2 = 0.810, respectively (n = 117). These
alternative assays seemed most useful in the serial monitoring of patients on HAART.
Major drawbacks included the wide variability of both assays, insufficient sensitivity of
the p24 antigen assay and low throughput of the RT assay.
Development of a point-of-care HIV-1 RNA assay could address issues related to early
and cost effective diagnosis of acute HIV infection. A novel isothermal amplification
technique termed the Reverse Transcription Loop Dependant Amplification (RT-LDA)
was developed as one component for a potential point-of-care HIV-1 RNA assay. The
RT-LDA converted RNA into partially looped ssDNA amplicons, over a wide RNA
concentration range (4x103 to 4x108 copies/ml) using a 1 hour incubation at 53ºC. The
RT-LDA technology is fully compatible with a lateral flow detection system using
dipsticks and highly suitable for point-of-care testing.
Overall, this study demonstrates the feasibility of developing novel, more affordable
HIV-1 testing options that would be appropriate for the tiered laboratory infrastructure
present in South Africa. Evaluation of commercially available, less expensive alternative
HIV viral load assays in local settings facilitates their implementation.
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Médiation chimique entre l’algue brune méditerranéenne Taonia atomaria et la communauté bactérienne associée à sa surface / Chemical mediation between the brown Mediterranean alga Taonia atomaria and its associated bacteriaOthmani, Ahlem 20 January 2014 (has links)
Dans le milieu marin, toute surface immergée est rapidement colonisée par des bactéries, puis par d’autres micro-organismes, conduisant à la formation de structures tridimensionnelles complexes appelées biofilms. Cette étape est généralement suivie par l’installation de macro-colonisateurs. Néanmoins, un certain nombre d’organismes marins, tels que les macro-algues, présentent des surfaces peu épiphytées à l’échelle macroscopique. Des algues méditerranéennes (Taonia atomaria et Dictyota spp.) ont été sélectionnées dans le cadre de ces travaux de thèse pour leur capacité à conserver leur surface peu colonisée. Cependant, des observations de leurs surfaces par microscopie ont montré l’existence de biofilms diversifiés à la surface de leurs thalles. Le but de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de médiation chimique entre ces algues et les bactéries associées à leur surface. La première partie de ce travail a été consacrée à l’étude du rôle de molécules d’origine algale vis-à-vis de l’adhésion de bactéries marines. Pour cela, la composition chimique totale des algues sélectionnées a été analysée conduisant à l’isolement et à la caractérisation structurale de 12 molécules, dont trois se sont révélées être originales. L’activité anti-adhésion de la majorité de ces composés a ensuite été évaluée : le 1-O-octadecenoylglycérol s’est avéré être le produit le plus actif (20 µM < CE50 <55 µM). La deuxième partie a été dédiée plus particulièrement à l’étude du métabolome de surface de T. atomaria dans le but d’évaluer son implication dans les interactions écologiques entre l’algue et les bactéries associées à sa surface. Un protocole d’obtention et d’analyse spécifique des extraits surfaciques a tout d’abord été développé. Ce protocole est basé sur le trempage des thalles dans des solvants organiques et un contrôle de l’intégrité des cellules membranaires des algues y est associé. L’échantillonnage a été effectué mensuellement à Carqueiranne (Nord-ouest de la Méditerranée, France) durant la période allant de février à juillet 2013. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu’un sesquiterpène est exprimé majoritairement à la surface de l’algue. Il a été démontré que ce composé inhibe l’adhésion de souches bactériennes de référence tout en restant inactif vis-à-vis de celles isolées à la surface de l’algue. Une telle spécificité n’a pas été observée ni dans le cas de biocides commerciaux, ni pour les autres métabolites produits par T. atomaria. Dans un second temps, un suivi saisonnier des extraits de surface ainsi que des communautés bactériennes associées a été effectué par métabolomique (LC-MS) et DGGE, respectivement. Des fluctuations saisonnières de ces deux paramètres ont été reportées sans mettre en évidence de corrélation évidente entre eux. La présence de la molécule majeure de surface durant tout le suivi saisonnier a été notée ainsi que sa capacité à diffuser dans l’eau de mer. Enfin, l’étude de l’implication potentielle des bactéries associées à T. atomaria dans le contrôle du biofilm a été entreprise en évaluant l’activité de leurs extraits vis-à-vis de l’adhésion de souches de référence. En conclusion, nous émettons l'hypothèse que T. atomaria pourraient contrôler partiellement le biofilm associé à sa surface en faisant intervenir des métabolites spécifiques. / In the marine environment, all submerged surfaces are rapidly colonized by bacteria and other microorganisms, resulting in the formation of complex three-dimensional structures called biofilms. This step could be followed by the attachment of macro-colonizers. Nevertheless, a number of marine organisms, such as macro-algae, appeared to be relatively free of epibionts at a macroscopic scale. In this study, several Mediterranean algae (Taonia atomaria and Dictyota spp.) were selected for their ability to keep their surface free of biofouling. However, microscopic techniques allowed the observation of a diversified biofilm on the surface of their thalli. The purpose of this work was to understand how this alga could interact with its associated bacteria using a chemical ecological approach. The first part of this work deals with studying the anti-adhesion properties of algal molecules against a range of marine bacteria. For this, the whole chemical composition of the two algae was analyzed leading to the isolation and structural characterization of 12 molecules from which three were found to be new. The anti-adhesion activity of some of these compounds was then evaluated: 1-O-octadecenoylglycerol proved to be the most active product (20 µM < EC50 <55 µM). The second part of this study was dedicated to the study of the surface metabolome of T. atomaria in order to assess its involvement in the ecological interactions between the alga and its associated bacteria. A specific extraction protocol was optimized for the surface compounds using a dipping technique in organic solvents associated with the integrity control of algal cell membrane. Sampling was carried out monthly at Carqueiranne (N W Mediterranean Sea, France) between February and July 2013. The results showed the presence of a major molecule in accordance with a sesquiterpenic structure. Anti-adhesion capacity against reference bacterial strains was noticed for this compound, while it remained inactive against strains isolated from the algal surface. This specificity was not observed for commercial biocides and the other molecules purified from crude algal extracts of T. atomaria. Then, changes in surface extracts and associated bacterial surface communities were monitored using metabolomics (LC-MS) and DGGE, respectively. Seasonal fluctuations for the two parameters could be reported without any evident correlation between them. The occurrence of the major molecule throughout the seasonal monitoring was also noticed and its capacity to diffuse in the marine environment was shown. Finally, the study of the potential involvement of the associated bacteria in the biofilm control was conducted by evaluating the anti-adhesion activity of their crude extracts against reference strains. In conclusion, we hypothesize that T. atomaria could control at least partially the biofilm at its surface using specific metabolites.
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Avaliação da citotoxicidade, genotoxicidade, antigenotoxicidade e expressão dos genes Tp53 e Ephx2 em ratos tratados com Caryocar villosum / Evaluation of cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, antigenotoxicity and expression of Tp53 and Ephx2 genes in rats treated with Caryocar villosumAlmeida, Mara Ribeiro de 01 March 2013 (has links)
O consumo de frutas e verduras está relacionado com a promoção da saúde porque tem sido associado com a redução do risco de desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas como, por exemplo, câncer e doenças degenerativas e cardiovasculares. Dessa forma, o estudo dos efeitos biológicos desses alimentos tem ganhado atenção nos últimos anos. O piquiá (Caryocar villosum) é um fruto nativo da Amazônia e é rico em compostos antioxidantes como os compostos fenólicos. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos genotóxicos e antigenotóxicos in vivo da polpa liofilizada do piquiá e também de seu extrato etanólico. Além disso, os compostos fitoquímicos presentes na polpa e no seu extrato foram quimicamente determinados. Ratos Wistar foram tratados por gavagem, durante 14 dias consecutivos, com três diferentes doses da polpa do piquiá (75, 150 ou 300 mg/kg p.c.) ou com seu extrato etanólico (75 mg/kg p.c.). No 14° dia, os animais receberam solução salina (NaCl 0,9%, i.p.) ou doxorrubicina (DXR, 15 mg/kg p.c., i.p.) e após 24 horas foram eutanasiados. A medula óssea e o sangue periférico foram usados no teste do micronúcleo (MN), e o fígado, rins e coração foram utilizados nos ensaios do cometa, nas análises bioquímicas das substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS) e glutationa reduzida (GSH) e na avaliação da expressão de mRNA dos genes epóxido hidrolase (Ephx2) e proteína tumoral p53 (Tp53). A polpa do piquiá não apresentou efeito genotóxico nem mutagênico em nenhuma das doses avaliadas, demonstrou atividade antigenotóxica e ainda reduziu os níveis de TBARS induzidos pela DXR no coração. Efeitos opostos foram encontrados para o extrato etanólico da polpa do piquiá, por apresentar genotoxicidade, mas não mutagenicidade, e indução de TBARS no coração. Os níveis de mRNA do gene Ephx2 no rim e coração foram aumentados após o tratamento com a maior dose da polpa do piquiá, entretanto, no rim a menor dose diminuiu a transcrição desse gene induzida pela DXR. No fígado as doses de 75 e 300 mg/kg p.c. diminuíram os níveis de mRNA do gene Ephx2 induzidos pela DXR. A dose de 300 mg/kg p.c. da polpa diminuiu a expressão de mRNA do gene Tp53 nos grupos da associação piquiá + DXR no fígado, rim e coração. O extrato etanólico da polpa do piquiá modulou a expressão de mRNA do gene Ephx2 apenas no fígado, aumentando os níveis desse transcrito, enquanto que no coração houve diminuição da transcrição do gene Tp53. Foi encontrada uma diferença de composição fitoquímica entre a polpa liofilizada e seu extrato etanólico. O extrato apresentou 1,4x mais compostos fenólicos e 3x menos carotenoides quando comparado com a polpa. Além disso, o ácido gálico foi o composto fenólico predominante na polpa, enquanto que no extrato o fenol mais abundante foi o ácido elágico. A diferença dos efeitos biológicos entre a polpa liofilizada do piquiá e seu extrato etanólico pode ser devido à alteração da composição fitoquímica. / Fruit and vegetables intake has been related to the promotion of health because it has been associated to reduced risk of chronic diseases development such as cancer, and cardiovascular and degenerative diseases. Thus, the study of the biological effects of these foods has increased in recent years. Piquiá (Caryocar villosum) is a fruit native of the Amazon and it is rich in antioxidant compounds such as phenolic compounds. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the in vivo genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity effects of the piquiá lyophilized pulp fruit and its ethanolic extract. Moreover, the phytochemical characterization of pulp and extract was determined. Wistar rats were treated by gavage, for 14 days, with three doses of piquiá pulp (75, 150 or 300 mg/kg b.w.) or with its ethanolic extract (75 mg/kg b.w.). On 14th day, the animals received saline (0.9% i.p.) or doxorubicin (DXR, 15 mg/kg b.w.) and after 24 hours they were euthanized. Bone marrow and peripheral blood were used in micronucleus (MN) test, and the liver, kidney and heart were used in comet assay, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), reduced gluthatione (GSH), and in the evaluation of mRNA expression of epoxide hydrolase (Ephx2) and tumor protein p53 (Tp53) genes. The piquiá pulp was not genotoxic nor mutagenic, demonstrated antigenotoxic effects and reduced the TBARS levels induced by DXR in heart. The ethanolic extract had opposite effects, whereas it was genotoxic, but not mutagenic, and increased the TBARS levels in heart. Ephx2 mRNA levels in kidney and heart were increased after treatment with the higher dose of piquiá pulp, however, in kidney the lowest dose decreased the transcription of this gene induced by DXR. In liver, the 75 and 300 mg/kg b.w. doses of piquiá pulp decreased the Ephx2 mRNA levels induced by DXR. The piquiá pulp 300 mg/kg + DXR group, presented lower levels of Tp53 mRNA in liver, kidney and heart. The ethanolic extract of piquiá pulp modulated the mRNA Ephx2 expression only in the liver, increasing the levels of this transcript, while in the heart decreased the transcription of Tp53 gene. There was a difference on phytochemical composition between the pulp and its ethanolic extract. The extract presented 1.4-fold more phenolic compounds and 3-fold less carotenoids than piquiá pulp. Furthermore, gallic acid was the predominant phenol in the pulp, whereas in the ethanolic extract the most abundant phenol was the ellagic acid. The difference in the biological effects between piquiá pulp and is ethanolic extract may be due the change of the phytochemical composition.
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"Projeto e montagem de equipamento para controle de sistema de análise não destrutiva usando Radiação Nuclear" / DEVELOPMENT AND ASSEMBLY OF EQUIPMENT FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE ASSAY SYSTEM CONTROL USING NUCLEAR RADIATIONMelo, José Altino Tupinambá 26 September 2006 (has links)
Os Ensaios Não Destrutivos (END), são aplicados em testes de qualidade de componentes e de máquinas. Estes elementos não teriam um bom desempenho se fossem concebidos alheios à qualidade do projeto, aos materiais envolvidos, aos processos de fabricação e à metodologia de inspeção e manutenção. Um alto nível de tecnologia é aplicado com um objetivo específico, ou seja, à garantia da qualidade dos componentes e do bom funcionamento dessas máquinas, seja na indústria e na geração e conversão de energia, incluindo a nuclear. A globalização nos diversos ramos da indústria leva a um aumento na quantidade de projetos e produtos contextualmente multinacionais. Surgem, as seguintes questões: como assegurar que os componentes e os processos utilizados se disponhem de alto índice na qualidade? Como otimizar os métodos e os rocessos de teste de materiais para assegurar a isenção de defeitos que possam afetar o esempenho dos componentes? As respostas para as questões se encontram notadamente na aplicação dos END. A análise de materiais complexos (não homogêneos) por meio de END requer um estudo detalhado dos sinais de resposta dos sensores. Um sistema de medidas e controle de processos não destrutivos usando radiação gama ou beta, em função do material a ser analisado foi desenvolvido. Esse sistema envolve: (a) Interface de entrada/saída (Hardware) e (b) Interface gráfica (Software). Na análise não destrutiva faz-se a comparação do sinal proveniente do sensor com um sinal preestabelecido (Set Point) ou sinal de referência, o qual é ajustado na Interface de entrada/saída. Após o processamento geral, o sistema tomará a decisão de rejeitar ou não o material analisado. A Interface de entrada/saída é implementada por um equipamento eletrônico constituído pelo MCS51, com a finalidade de fornecer um meio físico para troca de nformações, via de comunicação serial RS232, entre o sensor e o microcomputador . A Interface gráfica (programa computacional) foi escrita em linguagem C++ visual. / Nondestructive Assay (NDA) is applied to machines and components quality tests. These elements would not have a good performance if they were conceived without concern about the mechanical project quality, used materials, manufacture processes and inspection and maintenance methodology. There are constant developments in high level of technology with the objective of guaranteeing the components quality and the good functioning of these machines, in the mechanics, naval, aeronautical, petrochemical and steel industry, energy and nuclear generation as well. The globalization in the industry lines is a fact, leading to an increase in the multinational projects and products. The following questions arise: how to assure the high quality of components and processes? How to optimize the test methods to assure that the materials do not have defects affecting the performance of the components? The answers to the questions above are found in the application of NDA. The complex materials analysis (inhomogeneous) using NDA requires a detailed study of the sensors response signal. In this work, a measure and control system of non destructive processes was developed, using a radioactive source with a defined energy in function of the material to be analyzed. This system involves: (a) Interface of input/output (I/O) (the Hardware) and (b) graphical Interface (Software). In the non destructive analysis, it is made the comparison of the signal proceeding from the sensor with a signal preset (Set Point) or analogical signal of reference (Base Line), which is adjusted in the I/O Interface. Analyzed the signal, the system will make the decision: (a) to reject or (b) to accept the analyzed material. The I/O Interface is implemented by electronic equipment with a MCS51. The purpose of this interface is to supply conditions to exchange information, using serial RS232, between the sensor and the microcomputer. The graphical Interface (software) is written in visual C++ language.
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