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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling av hjälpmedel för handledsreponering / Development of an assistance tool for reduction treatment of wrist fractures

Hellström, Björn January 2015 (has links)
Den nuvarande metoden för att behandla handledsfrakturer, specifikt reponeringen (återföring till rätt position) av enklare frakturer, kräver idag två till tre personer med en behandlingstid på cirka 20 minuter. 25 000 personer drabbas av handledsfrakturer varje år i Sverige, där majoriteten är just av den enklare sorten som inte kräver operation. Denna metod ansågs för tidskrävande och dessutom för smärtsam för patienten enligt Rami Elias, ortopedisk kirurg på Specialistcenter Scandinavia. Ett hjälpmedel utvecklades utifrån dessa problem och krav från uppdragsgivaren. En funktionell prototyp byggdes och blev testad. Det nya hjälpmedlet gav prov på en minskad tidsåtgång och skonsammare behandling för patienten. / The current method for treating wrist fractures, specifically reduction (repositioning the bones) of simple fractures, require two to three people with a treatment time of about 20 minutes. 25,000 people are affected by wrist fractures each year in Sweden, where the majority of these are of the simpler variety that does not require surgery. This method was considered too time consuming and also too painful for the patients according to Rami Elias, orthopedic surgeon at Specialistcenter Scandinavia. An assistance tool was developed based on these issues and demands of the client. A functional prototype was built and tested. The new tool showed evidence of providing reduced treatment time and being less harmful to the patients.

The Application of CFD to Building Analysis and Design: A Combined Approach of an Immersive Case Study and Wind Tunnel Testing

Kim, Daeung 23 January 2014 (has links)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can play an important role in building design. For all aspects and stages of building design, CFD can be used to provide more accurate and rapid predictions of building performance with regard to air flow, pressure, temperature, and similar parameters. Generally, the process involved in conducting CFD analyses is relatively complex and requires a good understanding of how best to utilize computational numerical methods. Moreover, the level of skill required to perform an accurate CFD analysis remains a challenge for many professionals particularly architects. In addition, the user needs to input a number of different items of information and parameters into the CFD program in order to obtain a successful and credible solution. This research seeks to improve the general understanding of how CFD can best be used as a design assistance tool. While there have been a number of quantitative studies suggesting CFD may be a useful tool for building related airflow assessment, few researchers have explored the more qualitative aspects of CFD, in particular developing a better understanding of the procedures required for the proper application of CFD to whole building analysis. This study therefore adopted a combined qualitative and quantitative methodology, with the researcher immersing himself into a case study approach and defining several lessons-learned that are documented and shared. This research will assist practicing architects and architecture students to better understand the application of CFD to building analysis and design. / Ph. D.

Contribuição para o processo de aperfeiçoamento da informação para a decisão e avaliação do desempenho patrimonial, econômico e financeiro dos centros de tradições gaúchas do estado de São Paulo

Fighera, Francisco Carlos 18 November 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:39:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Francisco Carlos Fighera.pdf: 1496967 bytes, checksum: 3d876b03064b814856486dce4e0243b8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-11-18 / The object of this research is to study the accounting and management information systems currently existing in the Centros de Tradições Gaúchas (CTG s) (Centers of Gaúcho Traditions) in the State of São Paulo and their utilization as a management assistance tool. One proposes also to see if the accounting systems attend to the Fundamental Principles of Accounting and Brazilian Accounting Norms. The interest in the choice of the theme chosen for this work is justified among others, by the necessity of helping these entities to improve their management system, through organized and structured accounting, financial, management and results demonstrations. The starting point was based on the supposition that Accounting can be an important contribution, by making available accounting and financial information to the entities denominated (CTGs) in the State of São Paulo, which would be useful and utilized in helping the decision making process. In order to reach the proposed objective, field research was carried out in seven of the sixteen CTGs currently existing in the State of São Paulo, utilizing a procedure of intentional sampling, where administrative and accounting data was collected, through a questionnaire The research was aimed at finding out which accounting and financial reports were given the most importance by the management of the CTGs and how they utilized them to evaluate the performance of their actions as heads of these organizations. The incipient use of accounting information was noted, especially in the financial demonstrations elaborated in accordance with the norms established by the Federal Accounting Counsel, where constant emphasis is made to bookkeeping reports. Having made a diagnosis of the entities which were studied, a number of programmed, structured and related accounting, financial and management reports were suggested, which will enable the managers of the CTGs in the State of São Paulo to show the results of the activities carried out and their patrimonial and financial situation, thus providing a better evolutional analysis of same / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo o estudo dos sistemas de informações contábeis e gerenciais atualmente existentes nos Centros de Tradições Gaúchas do Estado de São Paulo e sua utilização como instrumento de auxílio à gestão. Também se propõe a verificar se os sistemas contábeis atendem aos Princípios Fundamentais de Contabilidade e Normas Brasileiras de Contabilidade. Justificam o interesse pelo tema escolhido para este trabalho, entre outros, a necessidade de se ajudar a essas entidades a melhorar seu sistema de gestão, através de demonstrações contábeis, financeiras, gerenciais e de resultados, organizadas e estruturadas. Partiu-se da premissa de que a Contabilidade pode dar importante contribuição, no sentido de disponibilizar às entidades denominadas Centros de Tradições Gaúchas (CTGs) do Estado de São Paulo, informações contábeis e financeiras, que sejam úteis e utilizadas no auxílio ao processo de tomada de decisão. Para o atingimento do objetivo proposto, realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo em sete dos dezesseis CTGs atualmente existentes no Estado de São Paulo, utilizando-se o procedimento de amostragem intencional, onde foram coletados dados administrativos e contábeis, através da aplicação de um questionário. Na pesquisa procurou-se conhecer quais os relatórios contábeis e financeiros aos quais era dada maior importância pelos gestores dos CTGs e como esses os utilizavam para avaliar o desempenho de suas ações à frente dessas organizações. Constatou-se o uso incipiente das informações contábeis, notadamente das demonstrações financeiras elaboradas em conformidade com as normas emanadas pelo Conselho Federal de Contabilidade, onde é uma constante a ênfase nos relatórios de caixa. Feito o diagnóstico das entidades estudadas, foi sugerido um conjunto de relatórios contábeis, financeiros e gerenciais, programados, estruturados e vinculados, que permitirão aos gestores dos CTGs do Estado de São Paulo mostrar os resultados das atividades desenvolvidas e da situação patrimonial e financeira, proporcionando uma melhor análise evolutiva das mesmas

Credibility of a Person-Centered Design Decision-making Prototype: Spaces for Older Persons with Vision Loss

Gowda, Vidya 29 June 2016 (has links)
Decline in both visual acuity and visual performance is a fact of life for older people and their increasing share of the population requires that buildings be designed with their visual needs in mind. As their field of vision decreases, people find it harder to identify an objects location, distance, and orientation. Elderly people with vision impairments usually find it harder to perform daily activities such as navigation through indoor spaces. Functional vision can be improved by modifying the design of spaces, for example, with better lighting. However, architects typically do not know how to take the needs of the visually impaired into account in their design process, or simply do not think of doing so. The researcher designed and feasibility-tested a prototype person-centered tool to help architects judge how appropriate a designed space will be for visually impaired people. The study was conducted as a qualitative mixed-methodology research analysis. The researcher used knowledge from literature interpretation to rationalize the development of a person-centered prototype. The researcher immersed design PhD students and vision science experts to inform the prototyping process. Along with an expert group of design and vision science professionals, the researcher beta-tested the prototype during a mock design-process scenario. The researcher also selected a small group of industry experts to participate in open-ended interviews on post-use demonstrations to qualitatively triangulate the findings on the prototypes usability. The study summarizes the feasibility including the challenges of using the prototype for professional purposes and suggests improvement. / Ph. D.

La qualité environnementale urbaine : prendre en compte les représentations et les pratiques sociales des habitants dans la fabrique urbaine, l'exemple toulousain / Urban environmental quality : taking into account the representations and social practices of the inhabitants in the urban factory, the Toulouse example

Chouillou, Delphine 13 September 2018 (has links)
Dans les villes françaises, les évolutions récentes en matière de conception urbaine ont rendu incontournable la reconstruction de la ville sur elle-même dans le respect de son environnement. La ville doit désormais être de bonne qualité environnementale urbaine. Même si cela semble aujourd’hui une évidence, la fabrique urbaine de la qualité environnementale pose encore question car c’est une notion multi interprétée dans le champ scientifique comme dans le champ opérationnel.Cette thèse en urbanisme et aménagement inscrite dans le champ de la géographie sociale, porte sur les multiples acceptions de la qualité environnementale urbaine. Elle questionne en particulier la prise en compte des acceptions qu’en ont les habitants dans les projets urbains à Toulouse. La thèse s’appuie sur une enquête de terrain par parcours commentés menée auprès d’habitants d’un quartier soumis à de fortes nuisances environnementales, et par entretiens semi directifs auprès de professionnels toulousain du projet urbain. L’enquête de terrain a été complétée par une analyse de documents sur les cadres politique, réglementaire et institutionnel qui régissent la fabrique urbaine.La thèse montre que même si les habitants et les professionnels du projet urbain partagent une dimension subjective et expérientielle de la qualité environnementale urbaine, les conditions politique, règlementaire et institutionnelle de la fabrique urbaine ne permettent pas vraiment de la prendre en compte dans les projets urbains. La thèse ayant aussi comme objectif opérationnel de participer à améliorer la fabrique de la qualité environnementale urbaine, elle propose un prototype d’outil interdisciplinaire et participatif d’aide à sa conception destiné aux professionnels du projet urbain. / In French cities, recent evolutions in urban design and planning have made essential to rebuild the city on itself while respecting its environment. Now, cities have to be of good urban environmental quality. Although it seems obvious today, the making of environmental urban quality is still a question because it is a multi interpreted concept in the scientific field, as well as in the operational field.This Ph.D. in urban planning, well inscribed in the field of social geography, addresses the multiple meanings of urban environmental quality. In particular, it questions the possibility of taking into account the meanings of this concept for the inhabitants in urban projects in Toulouse. The Ph.D. is based on a field investigation by commented paths conducted with residents of a neighborhood subject to severe environmental nuisances, and semi-structured interviews with professionals from Toulouse’s urban projects. The field investigation was supplemented by an analysis of documents on the policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks governing the urban policies.

Processus unifié pour la personnalisation des activités pédagogiques : méta-modèle, modèles et outils / Unified process for personalization of pedagocal activities : meta-model, models and tools

Lefèvre, Marie 01 December 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse en informatique se situe dans le domaine des Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain (EIAH). Dans ce cadre, nous avons abordé la question de la personnalisation de l’apprentissage. Nos travaux de recherche consistaient à identifier un processus qui permette à la fois de personnaliser des séances de travail sur papier et des séances de travail sur des logiciels pédagogiques. Nous souhaitions que ce processus permette de prendre en compte les spécificités de chaque apprenant en s’appuyant sur son profil, mais qu’il prenne également en compte les buts et les habitudes pédagogiques des enseignants. Enfin, nous souhaitions que ce processus soit implémentable dans un système externe aux logiciels à personnaliser. Notre problématique s’est donc décomposée en trois points : comment exploiter les profils d’apprenants pour prendre en compte les individualités des apprenants ? Comment adapter une activité pour prendre en compte les besoins et habitudes pédagogiques d’un enseignant ? Et enfin, comment attribuer une activité à un apprenant ? Pour répondre au premier point, nous avons proposé le modèle cPMDL. Ce complément du langage de modélisation des profils PMDL permet de contraindre les profils des apprenants afin de sélectionner ceux ayant les caractéristiques requises par les contraintes. cPMDL nous permet donc d’exploiter les informations contenues dans les profils au sein du processus de personnalisation. Pour répondre au deuxième point, nous avons proposé l’approche GEPPETO. Cette approche s’appuie sur des modèles et des processus génériques permettant d’adapter les activités en fonction des intentions pédagogiques des enseignants grâce à la définition de contraintes sur les activités. Nous avons décliné cette approche pour permettre l’adaptation des activités papier (GEPPETOP), ainsi que pour l’adaptation des activités logicielles et de la configuration des environnements qui les supportent (GEPPETOS). Pour répondre au troisième point, nous avons proposé le modèle PERSUA2 qui permet de lier les contraintes sur profils de cPMDL aux contraintes sur activités de GEPPETO. Ces liens, nommés règles d’affectation, sont ensuite hiérarchisés selon leur degré de priorité pour former une stratégie pédagogique qui sera associée { un ou plusieurs contextes d’utilisation. Nous avons mis en oeuvre ces différentes contributions théoriques dans Adapte, un module de l’environnement informatique du projet PERLEA. Le rôle de cet environnement est d’assister l’enseignant dans la gestion de profils créés par l’enseignant lui-même ou issus de logiciels pédagogiques. Adapte est l’une des exploitations possibles des profils : le module réalisé permet de fournir à chaque apprenant des activités adaptées à son profil tout en respectant les choix pédagogiques de son enseignant. Ces activités peuvent être des activités papier proposées par le système ou des activités logicielles personnalisées par Adapte, mais effectuées dans un autre EIAH. Ce module, pleinement opérationnel, a montré la faisabilité technique de nos contributions théoriques et nous a permis de conduire des mises à l'essai auprès d'enseignants / This thesis in computer science belongs to the field of Interactive Learning Environments (ILE). In this context, we have addressed the issue of personalization of learning. Our research has consisted in identifying a process allowing one to personalize both paper working sessions and working sessions on educational software. Our goal was to design a process able to take into account the specificities of each learner, based on their profiles, but also to take into account the pedagogical goals and habits of teachers. Moreover, we had to design this process such as it could be easily implemented in a software external to the system being personalized. Our problem was therefore decomposed into three points: how to use learners’ profiles to take the individuality of learners into account? How to adapt a pedagogical activity to take the teaching needs and habits of a teacher into account? And finally, how to assign an activity to a learner? To answer the first point, we have proposed the cPMDL model. This complement of the profiles modelling language PMDL allows one to constrain the learners’ profiles to select those with the characteristics required by the constraints. cPMDL allows us to exploit the information contained in the profiles during the personalization process. To answer the second point, we have proposed the GEPPETO approach. This approach relies on generic models and processes to adapt activities according to the teachers' intentions, by defining constraints on activities. We have instantiated this approach to enable on the one hand the adaptation of paper activities (GEPPETOP) and on the other hand to enable the adaptation of software activities and the adaptation of configuration of environments that support them (GEPPETOS). To address the third point, we have proposed the PERSUA2 model which links cPMDL constraints on profiles with GEPPETO constraints on activities. Next, these links, called assignment rules, are organized into a hierarchy according to their priority degree in order to form a pedagogical strategy. This pedagogical strategy is then associated with one or more contexts of use. We have implemented these different theoretical contributions in Adapte, a module of the environment associated to the PERLEA project. The role of this environment is to assist teachers in the management of profiles created by themselves or coming from pedagogical software. Adapte is one of the possible uses of profiles: the module developed provides each learner with activities suited to their profiles, while respecting the teaching choices of the teacher. These activities may be paper activities proposed by the system or software activities personalized by Adapte but made within another ILE. This module, fully operational, has demonstrated the technical feasibility of our theoretical contributions and has allowed us to conduct experiment with teachers.

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