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Conduites d'appropriation individuelle et collective du soutien social : une recherche-action dans le cadre d'un dispositif d'aide aux personnes en situation de souffrance au travail / Individual and collective social support appropriation : an action-research within suffering at work counseling centerMichaëlis, Nicolas 26 September 2012 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à apporter une contribution à la controverse scientifique sur la variabilité des effets du soutien social, développée à partir d’études qui mettent en évidence des effets délétères du soutien social. Qu’est ce qui peut expliquer qu’un même soutien social puisse avoir des effets positifs pour certains de ses destinataires et des effets négatifs pour d’autres ?C’est au regard du modèle théorique d’une socialisation plurielle et active, que nous posons l’hypothèse du rôle des conduites d’appropriation du soutien dans l’explication de cette variabilité.Afin d’étudier les conduites d’appropriation dans leurs dimensions individuelle et collective, un dispositif de recherche-action a été mis en place dans le cadre de la consultation « Souffrance au Travail » du Service des Pathologies Professionnelles et Environnementales du CHU Purpan à Toulouse.L’approche longitudinale et la comparaison de deux Groupes d’Analyse des Situations de Travail ont permis d’analyser et de modéliser les conduites individuelles et collectives d’appropriation de ce soutien, mises en œuvre par les participants à ces deux groupes, à savoir des personnes en situation de souffrance au travail adressées à la Consultation et volontaires pour contribuer à cette recherche.Les relations observées entre appropriation individuelle, appropriation collective et effets du soutien étayent des propositions au plan théorique ainsi qu’au plan des pratiques de soutien en direction des personnes en situation de souffrance au travail. / This study aims at contributing to the scientific controversy about the variability of social support effects, based upon studies which highlight deleterious effects of social support. How can we explain that a same social support can generate positive effects for some of its recipients while generating negative effects for others? According to the plural and active socialization theoretical model, we assume that social support appropriation behaviors play a role in explaining this variability. In order to examine the appropriation behaviors in their individual and collective components, a research action program has been drawn within the Suffering at Work Counseling of the occupational and environmental pathologies service of Purpan’s University Hospital, in Toulouse. The longitudinal approach and the comparison of two ‘workplace situations analysis’ groups have enabled us to analyze and model the collective and individual social support appropriation behaviors processed by the members of both groups who volunteered to participate in the study. These individuals have been experiencing work-related suffering and were thus referred to the counseling service. The observed relationships between individual appropriation, collective appropriation and social support effects support theoretical and practical proposals about the prevention of work-related suffering.
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O bem-estar no trabalho e suas relações com suporte e comprometimento organizacional: estudo de caso na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria(UFSM) / The well-being at work and their relations with support and organizational commitment: case study in the Federal University of Santa Maria(UFSM)Bizzi, Luciane 19 December 2013 (has links)
The well-being of workers has been perceived by managers as a fundamentally strategic aspect, since that, interfering on the professional behavior (LOCKE, 1976), tends to impact on the quality in the provision of services and the achievement of results and organizational goals (DAVIS, NEWSTROM, 2001). Understanding the context of the strategic management of public organizations in face of current challenges and considering the shortage of studies on the IES in question about: (i) the labor activity as a source of positive experiences, (ii) the perception of organizational reciprocity and (iii) potencial implications in a conduct more responsive with the excellence in public service, the proposal of this research lies in the following question: What is the level of well-being at work of the UFSM s technical-administrative officials and what are the relations with support and organizational commitment? . To answer this question, are used 3 theoretical models: the model suggested by Paschoal and Tamayo (2008) to evaluate well-being at work; the model suggested by Siqueira (2005) to measure organizational support and the the model suggested by Medeiros and Enders (1998) for organizational commitment, exclusively its affective dimension. This is a quantitative research, whose data are submitted to statistical methods and it‟s categorized as a case study of micro-organizational dimension. The sample was composed for 332 collaborators, distributed on the three levels of career (fundamental, middle and higher) and allocated in the eight Education Centers of the UFSM‟s main campus and Rectory. Although heterogeneous, the sample in its majority was composed for officials with 43 years of age, 16 years working at the UFSM, family income of approximately R$ 7.000,00, specialists, married and with child (children). The statistical analyzes showed that the intensity of self-perceived well-being at work achieved a level of neutrality. On the other hand, the self-perception about organizational support revealed a negative evaluation at a low level and the self-perception about affective organizational commitment revealed neutrality in the opinions of the respondents. The predetermined hypothesis in the research were confirmed, which reveals that 14,7% of the affective commitment is positively impacted by the well-being, 26% of the well-being is positively impacted by the perceived organizational support and 10,4% of the affective commitment is positively impacted by the perceived organizational support. In managerial terms, the realization of this research contributes as a as a possible diagnosis that expands the horizons of scientific knowledge about behavioral aspects in socio-organizational context of public institutions. / O bem-estar dos trabalhadores vem sendo percebido pelos gestores como um aspecto fundamentalmente estratégico, visto que, interferindo no comportamento profissional (LOCKE, 1976), tende a repercutir na qualidade na prestação de serviços e no atingimento dos resultados e metas organizacionais (DAVIS, NEWSTROM, 2001). Compreendendo-se o contexto da gestão estratégica das organizações públicas frente os atuais desafios e considerando-se a escassez de estudos na IES em questão sobre: (i) a atividade laboral como fonte de vivências positivas, (ii) a percepção de reciprocidade organizacional e (iii) as possíveis implicações em uma conduta mais responsiva com a excelência no serviço público, a proposta deste trabalho reside no seguinte questionamento: Qual o nível de bem-estar no trabalho dos servidores técnico-administrativos da UFSM e qual sua relação com o suporte e comprometimento organizacional? . Para respondê-lo, são utilizados 3 modelos: o proposto por Paschoal e Tamayo (2008) para avaliar bem-estar no trabalho; o de Siqueira (2005) para mensurar suporte organizacional e o modelo de Medeiros e Enders (1998) para comprometimento organizacional, sendo que neste trabalho tratou-se exclusivamente da dimensão afetiva. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho quantitativo, cujos dados são submetidos a métodos estatísticos e subcategoriza-se como estudo de caso, de dimensão micro-organizacional. A amostra compôs-se de 332 colaboradores, distribuídos nos três níveis de carreira (apoio, médio e superior) e alocados nos oito Centros de Ensino do campus principal da UFSM e na Reitoria. Embora bastante heterogênea, a amostra em sua maioria apresentou-se composta por servidores com, em média, 43 anos de idade, 16 anos de trabalho junto à UFSM, renda familiar aproximada de R$ 7.000,00, com titulação de especialista, casados e com filho(s). As análises estatísticas apontaram que a intensidade de bem-estar no trabalho autopercepcionado atingiu um nível de neutralidade. Já a autopercepção sobre o suporte organizacional revelou uma avaliação negativa de nível baixo e, a acerca do comprometimento organizacional afetivo, evidenciou neutralidade na opinião dos respondentes. As hipóteses pré-determinadas na pesquisa foram confirmadas, o que revelou que 14,7% do comprometimento afetivo é impactado positivamente pelo bem-estar, 26% do bem-estar é impactado positivamente pelo suporte organizacional percebido e 10,4% do comprometimento afetivo é impactado positivamente pelo suporte organizacional percebido. Em termos gerenciais, a realização desta pesquisa se apresenta de forma contributiva como um possível diagnóstico que expanda os horizontes do conhecimento científico acerca de aspectos de cunho comportamental no contexto sócio-organizacional das instituições públicas.
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Työhyvinvoinnin kokemukset kertomuksellisina prosesseina–narratiivinen arviointitutkimusMarjala, P. (Pauliina) 10 February 2009 (has links)
To experientially understand the concept and phenomenon of well-being at work is a worthy and topical goal for both humanity and society. The main goal of this study is to add to the knowledge and understanding of well-being at work as an individually experienced and accounted phenomenon. This evaluation study which uses narrative approach seeks answers to questions 1) What is well-being at work in the narrations of the participants, aged 55 years and over, of this study, and 2) What are the Well-being profile processes qualities that enhance well-being at work. Well-being profile refers to the significance of a holistic activity plan for an individual’s well-being at work, which is evaluated in the thesis work. Data in this study was gathered in individual processes (n = 12) in 2004–2006 and the research methods used were diaries kept by the participants, and two interviews.
For studying well-being in this thesis work, the researcher wanted to develop a new methodological and methodical narrative approach. Ontological and epistemological choices have been guided by the dialogic nature of the process and giving voice to the participants. Narrative method includes both interpretation of stories with thematic content analysis and interpretation of told stories. Results are presented as well-being and core stories on micro level, and as meta level research results on macro level. In the core stories it is demonstrated how storyline and time-related individual meanings are construed by narrative analysis.
With thematic contents analysis of interpretations on meta level of research results well-being at work appeared in this study as individual, holistically experienced state of well-being. Continuously fluctuating bodily, situational and mental elements form the state of well-being at work. In this study, combined factors that form the phenomenon of well-being at work are commitment to work, holistic well-being, responsibility of oneself, dialogical communality, experienced challenge in work, personal and appreciative leadership, feelings of joy and success at work, feeling of doing a worthy job, customer service skills and fitting of personal needs into work description. Well-being profile process has given understanding, knowledge and peer support to that well-being at work is a broad-based story. It enables understanding how a person can contribute to it and well-being of work community can be enhanced. Well-being profile process shared meanings were described as functionality, expertness, wholeness, peer support in groups and support in change situations.
To develop and appreciate the phenomenon of well-being at work, it is essential to hear and understand stories of people. From the view point of enhancing well-being at work, it is essential to perceive its’ individual and holistic character. Methodologically this study provides new kind of knowledge into the field of well-being at work research. / Tiivistelmä
Työhyvinvoinnin ilmiön ja käsitteen kokemuksellinen ymmärtäminen on sekä yhteiskunnallisesti että inhimillisesti merkittävä ja ajankohtainen päämäärä. Tämän tutkimuksen päätavoitteena on ymmärryksen ja tiedon kasvattaminen työhyvinvoinnista yksilöllisesti koettuna ja kerrottuna ilmiönä. Lähestymistavaltaan narratiivisella arviointitutkimuksella haetaan vastauksia seuraaviin kysymyksiin: 1) Mitä työhyvinvointi ilmiönä on tähän tutkimukseen osallistuvien yli 55-vuotiaiden ihmisten kertomana ja 2) Mitkä ovat Hyvinvointiprofiili-prosessin työhyvinvointia edistävät merkitykset. Hyvinvointiprofiili-prosessilla tarkoitetaan väitöskirjassa arvioidun hyvinvointia edistävän kokonaisvaltaisen toimintamuodon merkitystä yksilön työhyvinvoinnille. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty yksilöllisinä prosesseina (N = 12) vuosina 2004–2006 ja tiedonhankinnan tapoina ovat tutkimukseen osallistuvien ihmisten pitämät päiväkirjat sekä kaksi aktiivihaastattelua.
Tässä tutkimuksessa työhyvinvoinnin tutkimiseen haluttiin kehittää uudenlainen metodologinen ja metodinen narratiivinen lähestymistapa. Ontologisia ja epistemologisia ratkaisuja ovat ohjanneet prosessimaisuus, dialogisuus ja äänen antaminen tutkimukseen osallistuville ihmisille. Narratiivinen metodi sisältää sekä kertomusten tulkintaa temaattisella sisältöjen luvulla että kertomuksellista tulkintaa. Tutkimustulokset tuodaan esille mikrotasolla työhyvinvointi- ja ydintarinoina sekä makrotasolla metatason tutkimustuloksina. Ydintarinoissa osoitetaan kertomuksellisen tulkinnan kautta rakentuvan juonen ja ajallisuuden henkilökohtaisten merkitysten rakentuminen. Kertomusten tulkinnan temaattisella sisältöjen luvulla metatason tutkimustuloksissa työhyvinvointi ilmiönä hahmottui tässä tutkimuksessa yksilöllisenä, kokonaisvaltaisesti koettuna hyvinvoinnin tilana. Työhyvinvoinnin tilan muodostavat jatkuvasti liikkeessä olevat tajunnalliset, situationaaliset ja keholliset tekijät. Tässä tutkimuksessa yhteiset kerrotut työhyvinvoinnin ilmiön muodostavat tekijät ovat seuraavat: työsitoutuneisuus, kokonaiselämän hyvinvointi, vastuullisuus itsestä, dialoginen yhteisöllisyys, koettu työn haasteellisuus, yksilöllinen ja arvostava esimiestyö, ilon ja onnistumisen kokemukset työssä, tunne arvostettavan työn tekemisestä, osaaminen asiakastyössä ja yksilöllisten tarpeiden huomiointi työnkuvassa. Hyvinvointiprofiili-prosessi on antanut ymmärrystä, tietoa ja vertaistukea siihen, että ihmisen työhyvinvointi on laaja-alainen tarina. Sen mukaan on mahdollista hahmottaa se, kuinka monin tavoin siihen voi sekä itse vaikuttaa että edistää työyhteisön työhyvinvointia. Hyvinvointiprofiili-prosessin yhteiset merkitykset työhyvinvoinnille kerrottiin tässä tutkimuksessa toiminnallisuudeksi, asiantuntijuudeksi, kokonaisvaltaisuudeksi, ryhmien vertaistueksi ja tueksi muutostilanteissa.
Ihmisten kertomusten kuunteleminen ja ymmärtäminen on työhyvinvoinnin ilmiön ymmärtämisessä ja kehittämisessä tärkeää. Työhyvinvoinnin edistämisen kannalta on keskeistä havaita työhyvinvoinnin yksilöllisyys ja kokonaisvaltaisuus. Menetelmällisesti tämä tutkimus tuottaa uudenlaista tietoa työhyvinvoinnin tutkimisen kenttään.
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Enhancing innovative activities and tools for the manufacturing industry: illustrative and participative trials within work system casesRajala, H.-K. (Hanna-Kaisa) 22 November 2011 (has links)
There has been little improvement over the last few decades in the annual accident rate in workplaces within manufacturing industries. Viable innovative methods in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing industry are need for developing more effective ways to enhance the understanding of safety. Therefore, enterprises need new illustrative and participative trials to boost their ongoing and incomplete work.
Research in to the significance of design science (DS) as a framework for enhancing health and safety issues has provided new views. One reason is most likely the macro-ergonomic comprehensive approach, however, DS is comprehensive and thus the results do not usually correlate with practical occasions. In addition to DS the work system objectives have to consider and be able to reveal the significance of health and safety issues.
In this study, a work system is utilised for trialling illustrative and participative activities along with the necessary tools for supporting quality and well-being at work. In these cases, DS was used as the main guideline. This study also highlights innovation for introducing something new that can improve performance.
The results of this study showed that the DS approach is applicable when developing a work system in SMEs. The innovative unification of the existing illustrative and participative methods produces new practical views for achieving improved performances. It was also shown that DS presents a new approach for modelling the development of innovations in relation to health and safety issues. / Tiivistelmä
Työtapaturmien vuosittaiset lukumäärät ovat parantuneet vain vähän viime vuosikymmenten aikana. Tarvitaan käyttökelpoisia innovatiivisia menetelmiä valmistavassa teollisuudessa, jotta pystytään kehittämään enemmän tehokkaita keinoja turvallisuuden ymmärtämisen parantamiseksi. Siksi yritykset tarvitsevat uusia havainnollistavia ja osallistuvia kokeiluja tehostaakseen meneillään olevaa ja vaillinaista työtä.
Suunnittelutieteen tutkiminen turvallisuuden ja terveellisyyden viitekehyksessä on antanut uusia näkemyksiä. Yksi syy on ehkä makroergonominen kokonaisvaltainen lähestymistapa. Kuitenkin suunnittelutiede on kokonaisvaltaista ja tulokset eivät ole välttämättä käytännön tilanteisiin sovellettavia. Suunnittelutieteen lisäksi työsysteemin objektit tuottavat tärkeitä näkemyksiä turvallisuus- ja terveellisyysasioihin.
Tässä tutkimuksessa työsysteemiä hyödynnettiin havainnollistavien ja osallistuvien toimintojen ja työkalujen kokeiluun, jossa tuettiin yritysten toiminnan laatua ja työhyvinvointia. Näissä tapauksissa suunnittelutiedettä hyödynnettiin lähestymistapana. Tämä tutkimus korostaa lisäksi innovaatiota, jolla tuotetaan uutta parempaan suoriutumiseen.
Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että suunnittelutiede on sopiva lähestymistapa pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten työsysteemin kehittämiseen. Olemassa olevien havainnollistavien ja osallistuvien menetelmien innovatiivinen yhdistäminen tuottaa uusia käyttökelpoisia näkökulmia paremman suoriutumisen saavuttamiseksi. Tutkimuksessa osoitettiin myös, että suunnittelutiede tarjoaa uuden näkökulman turvallisuuden ja terveellisyyden innovaatioiden kehittämisen mallintamiseen.
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Svoboda v práci / Freedom at workDlouhá, Karolína January 2017 (has links)
This Master´s Thesis is concerned with freedom at work. The aim of this thesis, is describe, analyse and evaluate the concept "Freedom at work" in three particular companies. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part defines the theoretical basis, principles and methods related to this area. Data are largely based on the academic literature. The practical part represents best practices of liberal companies abroad. In this part selected companies Etnetera a.s., IReSoft, s.r.o. and Country Life, s.r.o. are presented. There is also analysis of democratic principles in these companies, survey, survey evaluation and formulation of recommendations. To achieve the goals of this work are used these methods: comparison of theory with practice, interviews with the members of the personnel department and the director, interviews with employees of liberal companies, analysis of internal documents and questionnaires. The acquisition of this work is a formulation of recommendations that emerged from the comments and suggestions of employees in the questionnaire survey.
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A meaningful workplace : from theory development to applicabilitySteenkamp, P.L. (Petrus Leonard) 15 September 2012 (has links)
Employees experience a loss of meaning in the workplace as a result of fragmentation and alienation (Casey, 2002). This seems to be the result of a change in the way in which people view their world and their experiences in the world, including their place of work. The purpose of the study was to investigate the loss of meaning at work. The investigation indicated a variety of factors as described by Terez (2000), Casey (2002), and Chalofsky (2010). The problem is not a singular problem which can be discussed in isolation, but tends towards a problem-complex, which relates to negative work-life-experiences and that result in the alienation of the individual from the self, work, the organization and others at work. The purpose of the study: “A meaningful workplace: From theory development to applicability” is to construe a meaningful workplace model through the identification and description of the constitutive dimensions which construe the underlying theoretical base. It was purposefully structured within the Organizational Behaviour domain, to indicate the applicability of the construct and its underlying theoretical base, in management practice in organizational settings. This purpose was pursued along the boundary lines of three objectives: To conceptualize the constitutive elements of the construct: meaningful workplace; to expand (develop) the theoretical base of the construct meaningful workplace and to present evidence for the existence of the construct based on empirical evidence from the world of work. The study follows a qualitative research methodology consisting of a constructivist approach, utilizing two data gathering methods, and interpreted from a phenomenological perspective with a consistent focus on the lived experience of people at work. Two data gathering methods were utilised. Firstly a literature review, of formal scholarly publications was undertaken to identify the constitutive dimensions of the construct. The research followed the lead of the Meaning of Work Project Team (1987), Terez (2000), and Chalofsky (2010), and others. Secondly three empirical data sets were investigated. The first data set consisted of the annual research results of the CRF Institute in relation to the “Best employer to work for”. The second data set consisted of information gleaned from verbatim responses in an exit interview report, being made available for the study. The third data set consists of Repertory Grid interview data. Results of the research indicate that the construct meaningful workplace is an emerging construct in literature and that the tenets exist as an ideal in the lived experience of employees. The study contributes to the expansion (development) of the underlying theory of a meaningful workplace while simultaneously also providing a parallel understanding of human behaviour at work. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Human Resource Management / unrestricted
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Koučink jako metoda rozvoje lidí ve výrobní společnosti / Coaching as a method of developing people in a manufacturing companyLacinová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the coaching process in a manufacturing company and on the basis of these information to compare the period before the implementation of coaching and after that. Positive impacts will be observed, particularly in terms of efficiency of the production process, as well as wastage rate and finally will be evaluated levels of employee's satisfaction. For this purpose will be used evaluating interviews with employees, who participated in coaching, together with internal company materials. Benefit of this thesis is primarily evaluation the impact of the coaching process in the manufacturing company and based on the findings to propose recommendations for future development in the area of human resources. General conclusions of this thesis and subsequent recommendations could be useful for other manufacturing companies, which would like to develop employees through coaching.
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Prevence rizik při konstrukci základových stanic veřejné telekomunikační sítě / Risk prevention of the construction of public telecommunication network base stationsSmrž, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis consist of two parts, theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the general description of the base stations of mobile public telecommunication networks, their structure, maintenance, construction and staff requirements. The practical part consists of performing an audit of the company in terms of risk prevention at base stations, audit evaluation and recommendation for improvement.
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Dynamiques d'interventions des ergonomes dans le champ du maintien dans l'emploi de salariés malades chroniques / Dynamics of the intervention of ergonomists in the field of keeping chronically ill workers in employmentQueriaud, Celia 08 December 2014 (has links)
Le maintien dans l'emploi d'un salarié malade chronique est une situation de hautecomplexité par des implications professionnelles, juridiques, sociales et relatives à la sphèreprivée, concernant une multitude d'acteurs communiquant de façon plus ou moins efficace.L'ergonome consultant est sollicité ponctuellement pour agir sur cet objet multidimensionnelavec de multiples contingences, impliquant des contraintes de temps, des contretemps etdes imprévus. Dans cette recherche, le processus "maintien dans l'emploi" est modélisé autravers des cadres temporels (fenêtre d'intervention ergonomique et épisode "InterventionMaintien dans l'Emploi") et des temporalités (histoires longues du salarié et de l'entreprise)impliqués. A l'aide de trois grandes méthodes d'analyse (autoanalyse d'interventions,simulations d'interventions et suivis-observations d'autres ergonomes), il est possible decaractériser le pilotage efficace et subtil des dimensions temporelles, mis en oeuvre parl'ergonome dans ce contexte d'intervention précis. Ce pilotage implique une certainedynamique d'intervention alternant des processus de compréhensions et d'actions.L'ergonome agit ici et maintenant mais dépasse aussi le cadre contraint de sa fenêtred’intervention. Il cherche à avoir prise sur chacune de ces dimensions temporelles, par unprocessus actif de construction de sa représentation. Pour pérenniser au mieux le maintiendans l'emploi du salarié concerné, il va tenter de réduire, voire de prévenir les dyschroniesentre ces dimensions temporelles, et de promouvoir entre elles des articulations efficientes. / Keeping a chronically ill person at work is a highly complex situation, considering itsimplications in professional, legal, and social implications as well as those related to theprivate sphere. These situations involve a multitude of stakeholders who communicate inmore or less efficient ways. Consultants in ergonomics are occasionally called on to act uponthis multidimensional object that is subject to many contingencies that involve timeconstraints, delays, and unforeseen events. In this research work, we have modelled theprocess of “maintaining in employment” based on the time frames (the window of ergonomicintervention and the episode of “intervention for maintaining in employment”) and the timelapses (the long-term histories of the employee and of the company) involved. Using threemain methods of analysis (self-analysis of interventions, simulations of interventions andobservations of other ergonomists), we were able to characterize the effective and subtlemanagement of temporal aspects by the ergonomist operating within this specific context ofintervention. This management implies specific dynamics of intervention, alternatingprocesses of understanding and action. Ergonomists act in the “here and now”, but also gobeyond the constrained framework of their window of intervention. They aim to gain controlover each of these temporal dimensions, through a process of active construction of theirrepresentations. In order to maintain the workers involved in sustained employment in thebest possible way, they will attempt to reduce, or even prevent the dyschronies betweenthese different dimensions, and to promote constructive connections between them.
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Analýza managementu štěstí v organizacích v České republice / Analysis of Happiness Management in Organizations in the Czech RepublicKotálová, Marie January 2019 (has links)
Analysis of Happiness Management in Organizations in the Czech Republic Bc. Marie Kotálová Abstract: The objective of this thesis is to analyse the forms of happiness management in the Czech republic, focusing on the activities and competencies of happiness managers. Firstly, the premises and psychological origins of happiness management in organisations are discussed. Then, the implementation of happiness management into a business setting is scrutinised, its goals and tools, with due attention given to happiness managers and the position they occupy within their respective organisations. The paper includes a qualitative study in select Czech organisations, which have introduced the position of a happiness manager. A semi-structured interview with these very managers was the method of choice. The aim of the study is the cataloguing and comparison of various happiness management forms; happiness manager activities and responsibilities, as well as their qualifications and competency profiles within the selected organisations. Key words: happiness, happiness at work, positive psychology, happiness management, happiness manager
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