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Les prédicats analytiques français avec les noms d'événement en -ation / French Analytic predicates with Event nouns in "-ation".KALIVODOVÁ, Soňa January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the French analytic predicates with event nouns with the suffix -ation. It is divided into two parts, a theoretical and a practical one. The theoretical part starts with a description of the analytic predicates and their caracteristics on which are based the tests used for identification of this type of predicates. It is followed by the description and typologies of the event nouns which represent one of two fondamental constituents of the analytic predicates. Then the work deals the process of nominalization, and the importance of the delimitation, sense and characteristics of the French suffix -ation is highlighted. The practical part analyses the most frequent French event nouns with the suffix -ation. First of all, a sample of thirty most frequent French nouns in -ation is selected, then the ethymology of these nouns is researched and their action sens is tested. After that, this work treats the valency of the action nouns and their collocability with verbs.
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Leibniz's More Fundamental Ontology: from Overshadowed Individuals to Metaphysical AtomsMare, Marin Lucio 08 April 2016 (has links)
I aim to offer an innovative interpretation of Leibniz’s philosophy, first by examining how the various views that make up his ontology of individual substance involve a persistent rejection of atomism in natural philosophy and secondly, by exploring the significance of this rejection in the larger context of Seventeenth-century physics. My thesis is structured as a developmental story, each chapter analyzing the discontinuities or changes Leibniz makes to his views on individuation and atomism from his early to late years. The goal is to illuminate underrepresented views on individuals and atoms throughout Leibniz’s works and thus bring a clearer understanding of his philosophy.
I, therefore, argue that the New System of Nature, published towards the end of Leibniz’s middle period (1695), marks an important landmark in his philosophical evolution, a radical terminological and ontological shift in his metaphysics of substance. Once Leibniz elaborates the concept of “simple substance,” the future synonym of “monad,” the problem of individuation of his early and middle years (1663-1686) becomes secondary. The focus changes from what makes substances “individual” to what makes them “simple” and truly “one,” i.e., “metaphysical” atoms.
I prove that this shift was marked by a two-tiered critical confrontation: a first, direct confrontation, 1) with Descartes’ physics, through the critique of the notion of extended matter and of Descartes’ principle of individuation through shared motion and, a second confrontation, 2) with different strands of Seventeenth-century atomism, including Cartesian Gérauld de
Cordemoy’s quasi-“metaphysical” atomism and its attempt at improving Descartes’ individuating principle. I claim that this double confrontation ultimately led Leibniz to formulate a more fundamental ontology, in terms of the “metaphysical atomism” of his Monadology (1714).
My analysis complicates a persistent scholarly assumption in recent Leibniz studies, claiming that, throughout his entire career, Leibniz continued to hold the same fundamental positions on substance, individuation and, implicitly, atoms. Against this type of general continuity thesis, I show that: 1) far from being a constant concern, Leibniz’s interest in what makes substances individual fades towards the end of his life (New Essays 1703, correspondence with Samuel Clarke, 1714); 2) I trace the changing fate of some of Leibniz’s early and middle period views on substance and the individual (the principle of the identity of indiscernibles, space-time as individuating properties) in his late works; and 3) I prove the claim that Leibniz really embraced atomism, either for a short time or all throughout his philosophy is problematic. While he does refer to some sort of atoms during his Paris period (1672-1676), this is insufficient proof of a commitment to atomism. Instead, the episode has to be understood in the broader framework of a bundle of interrelated issues, such as the problem of the cohesion of bodies and the problem of minds or mind-like principles individuating those bodies.
Thus, as I show through an analysis of Leibniz’s arguments against atomism in the correspondences with his scientific contemporaries (Christiaan Huyghens 1692-1695, Nicholas Hartsoeker 1706-1714), rejecting physical atomism remains a fundamental and surprisingly constant point of his philosophy.
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Etude de la Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation dans un contexte des cassures double-brins des ADN nucléaire et mitochondriaux chez Drosophila melanogaster / Study of Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in response to mitochondrial and nuclear DNA strand breaks, in Drosophila melanogaster modelIshak, Layal 30 March 2016 (has links)
L’ADN cellulaire qu’il soit nucléaire ou mitochondrial est constamment soumis à l’action de stress d’origine exogène ou même endogène à la base d’altérations plus ou moins profondes de sa structure. Ces modifications chimiques sont très variées et peuvent aller de l’oxydation d’une base aux cassures double-brins de la molécule d’ADN. Ces dernières sont considérées comme les dommages les plus agressifs pour la cellule car peuvent conduire à la perte d’information et donc à la mort cellulaire. Parmi les systèmes de surveillance de la stabilité du génome figure la Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation (PARylation). Cette modification post-traductionnelle est assurée essentiellement par les protéines PARP et PARG et est caractérisée par l’incorporation des polymères d’ADP ribose (pADPr) sur des protéines cibles. La PARylation constitue un élément clé dans plusieurs voies de maintien de l’intégrité génomique (BER, NHEJ, HR). La PARylation est aussi décrite au niveau de la mitochondrie mais son rôle dans la gestion des DSBs de l’ADNmt n’est pas connu. Le travail, objet de cette thèse, consiste à étudier le rôle de la PARylation dans le cas des DSB au niveau général chez la drosophile et ensuite de comprendre les mécanismes de gestion des DSB mitochondriales et évaluer l’implication de la PARylation dans ce processus. Nos résultats montrent que : (1) le comportement de la PARylation ne varie pas au cours du processus de cassures et de réparation de l’ADN nucléaire, alors que l’expression des ARNm de PARP-I et PARP-II augmente durant la phase de réparation ; (2) les cassures de l’ADN mitochondrial, induites par la bléomycine, entraînent une augmentation du nombre de copies de l’ADNmt. Cette augmentation transitoire de la quantité de l’ADNmt est observée durant la phase des dommages et retourne à la valeur initiale durant la phase de la réparation. Ce comportement semble être régulé par PARP. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggère que la réparation des DSBs est indépendante de la PARylation au niveau nucléaire mais que la présence de PARP est importante. De plus, PARP semble avoir un rôle dans la régulation de la réplication de l’ADNmt en réponse à un stress génotoxique. / Both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA alterationsarise following exposure to environmental and endogenous stresses. These genomic alterations are various, ranging from base oxidation to DNA strand breaks, single- and double-strand breaks. These damages are highly detrimental to the cell because they can lead to loss of genetic information and thus to cell death. However, cells have developed various mechanisms to counteract this biological issue and to lead up to a complex DNA damage response (DDR). The Poly (ADP- ribosyl) ation (PARylation) is among these DDR systems. This post-translational modification is mainly carried out by PARP and PARG proteins and is characterized by the incorporation of polymers of ADP-ribose on target proteins. The majority of the PARylationfunctions are related to cellular stress response, particulary in response to genomic damages where it is implicated in many DNA integrity pathways such as Base Excision Repair, Non Homologous End Joining and Homologous Recombination. In contrast to the nucleus, PARylation is also described in the mitochondria but its role in mtDNA integrityis still a heavily debate issue, particularly in case of mtDNA DSBs.To understand it, we used Drosophila model wherePARP-B isoform (human PARP-1 ortholog) is the only enzymatically active form in Drosophila PARP family. The aim of this thesis is to study the role of PARylation in response to DSBs induction in nucleus and mitochondrial DNAand then to understand the mechanisms involved in mtDNA integrity and to evaluate the role of PARylation in this process. Our results show that PARylation level remains stable during DSBs induction and also during repair process,contrary to what is shown in Human cells.However, PARP-I and PARP-II mRNA expression increase during repair period. In mitochondria compartment,our data show an increase of mtDNA copy number in presence of mtDNA DSBs. This increased level returns to normal during repair period and seems to be dependent on PARP. All these results suggest that DSBs repair is PARylation independent at the nuclear level but that the presence of PARP is important. In addition, PARP appears to have a role in the regulation of mtDNA replication in response to genotoxic stress.
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Réparation par excision de base au niveau mitochondrial chez la drosophile. Analyse d'un acteur potentiel de ce processus : la protéine PARP / Repair by basic excision at the mitochondrial level in Drosophila. Analysis of a potential actor in this process : the PARP proteinCruz-Rodriguez, Luis 17 December 2013 (has links)
Les mitochondries sont des organites essentiels pour la production d'énergie cellulaire grâce à la synthèse d'ATP au cours des étapes de phosphorylations oxydatives (OXPHOS). Les complexes de la chaine respiratoire sont en partie codés par le génome mitochondrial (ADNmt), dont la structure est très sensible aux facteurs exogènes ou endogènes. De nombreuses mutations de l'ADNmt sont associées à des dysfonctionnements de la chaine respiratoire conduisant à des pathologies. La production d’Espèces Oxygénées Réactives (EOR) mitochondriale est la principale source de dommages à l’ADNmt. Une voie de réparation particulière, le système de réparation par excision de bases (BER) est mis en oeuvre dans ce cas. Nous avons, au cours de notre étude, analysé le système BER mitochondrial chez la drosophile. Dans une première approche, nous avons caractérisé de manière globale par une technologie de puces à ADN un ensemble de glycosylases et endonucléases impliquées dans la voie BER mitochondriale et comparé leur variation au cours du vieillissement. Cette étude a été complétée par une analyse transcriptionnelle sur des modèles de drosophiles mutantes pour des enzymes spécifiques de la voie BER, ceci afin de déterminer les éventuelles interactions transcriptionnelles entre les acteurs de cette voie. L’ARNm de Parp présentait de fortes variations dans les différents contextes mutants testés. C’est une molécule essentielle de la réparation BER. Elle a fait l’objet dans un deuxième temps, d’une étude plus approfondie. Dans le modèle des cellules S2, PARP bien que majoritairement nucléaire est également présent dans la mitochondrie. Le comportement différentiel des deux variants ARNm de Parp a pu être mis en évidence lors de stress cellulaires. Les isoformes protéiques de PARP observées dans nos études apparaissent différentes de celles habituellement décrites dans la littérature. Cet aspect a été discuté. / Mitochondria are key organelles mainly devoted to energy production through ATP synthesis. Such a function is permitted by oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) within mitochondria inner membrane. Key components of the OXPHOS processes are encoded by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that is particularly sensitive to exogenous or endogenous insults. As a result, mtDNA mutations are often correlated with OXPHOS dysfunction leading to diseases. ROS production in mitochondria is the main source of mtDNA damage. Such DNA damages are mainly taken over by BER systems within mitochondria. In this study, we focused on this peculiar mitochondrial DNA repair system in Drosophila. In a first step, we analysed in a comprehensive manner through microarray, most glycosylases and endonucleases involved in mitochondrial BER and compared their evolution during aging. Using mutant flies for specific BER enzymes, we started to decipher some of the transcriptional interactions between key BER actors. In a second step, Parp molecule was further studied due its changes in all mutant contexts and for its importance in several cellular processes. We described its nuclear but also its mitochondrial location in S2 cells. Interestingly, two Parp mRNA variants were observed showing distinct regulations following stress induction. However, PARP protein isoforms observed in this study were different compared to what was described in literature. This discrepancy is discussed.
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Customer Value's Influence on International Market Entry Strategies in a B2B Context : Business and Market Opportunities in the Data Centre Segment in Northern EuropeAardeck, Anna-Katharina, Behling, Corinna January 2016 (has links)
nternational market entry strategies gained increasing importance due to globalisation. Companies became multinationals. Therefore, new challenges arose due to different market and customer requirements. One topic, which gained importance in B2B context, is customer value. Customer value can be defined as the perceived benefits a company delivers its customers in comparison to the perceived expenses. Nevertheless, no uniform definition exist. In addition to that, if there is a direct connection between B2B customer value and international market entry strategies have not been investigated yet. Therefore, this thesisprojectdeals with the influence of B2B customer value on international market entry strategies. To determine the link, following research question guides this thesis: How does B2B customer value influence international market entry strategies in Northern Europe?The research isnot only focused on Northern Europe but also on the data centre segment. The investigated countries are Norway, Ireland, UK and Finland. These countries are highly interesting for the commission partnerdue to market developments and mega trends. Furthermore, the commission partneris represented by local subsidiaries in the four countries of interest. In order to answer the research question, deep insights are generated via semi-structured interviews. Three customer groups are investigated: Data centre operator as well as owner, constructors including panel builder and system integrators as well as design consultants. The interviews are conducted either face-to-face or if necessary via telephone in the four countries of interest. The interviews include questions about B2B relationships, brand and marketing.If culture influences B2B customer value is investigated indirectly bythe questions on B2B relationship.Market intelligence questions are added in order to create a deeper understanding of the market.Furthermore, these insights also help to interpret the answers of customers. Due to the interviews, a picture of the B2B customer value in Northern Europe is created. Northern European customers value reliable suppliers who can offer quality products as well as solutions. In addition to that, the importance of global brands andmarketing of competences is determined. Due to combining the findings with the cultural dimensions of Hofstede, it is concluded that customer value differs between other countries.Hence, customer value influences international market strategies, as different customer value require distinct international market entry strategies.
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Reproduction and Resistance : Female Bodies and Agency in the Sahrawi Liberation StruggleGiordano, Lucrezia January 2022 (has links)
This study sets out to investigate Sahrawi women’s understanding of maternities as bodily and embodied experiences of collective and individual resistance within the Sahrawi liberation struggle against the occupation of Western Sahara. By using the Sahrawi liberation front’s pronatalist politics as a starting point to explore Sahrawi women’s positioning in the liminal space between reproductive health and biological reproduction as a socio-political action, I draw on a decolonial understanding of agency to analyse the relationship between individual health and collective resistance – especially in correlation with the increase of humanitarian projects targeting sexual and reproductive health. As a result of semi-structured interviews, focus groups and desk review, I argue that the change in the social landscape of the camps with the arrival of humanitarian aid provided Sahrawi women with new perspectives on biological reproduction that, in turn, affected the way they contribute to the revolutionary cause, confirming their role as socio-political agents implementing new strategies of survival as acts of individual resistance.
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The Perspectives on Digitalisation in Work Environments : A Systematic Literature Review and Thematic Synthesis in the Field of Business AdministrationStark, Max, Morina, Butrint January 2022 (has links)
Background: While the positive sides of digitalisation in work environments have been highlighted in academic research in the field of business administration, there seems to be a lack of representation regarding the negative sides. By systematically identifying, evaluating, and summarising peer-reviewed articles in the field of digitalisation in work environments, this systematic literature review and thematic synthesis, aims to provide a nuanced and applicable overview of the scope in which the potential effects of digitalisation within work-related office contexts are researched in the field of business administration. Methods: Ontology - Relativism; Epistemology - constructionism, inductive approach; Methodology - Qualitative research design, systematic literature review; Data collection - systematic 12-step guideline; Data analysis - thematic synthesis Findings: The findings uncover several patterns in the relevant literature through a summary of the content of the analysed batch in descriptive themes and synthesising patterns through the creation of analytical themes, in which perspectives of organisational as well as employed actors were analysed. The results illustrate the motivations for digital transformations for organisational actors and employees as well as their respective drawbacks. Discussion: The study suggests that digitalisation in work environments is typically portrayed positively in research within the field of business administration. There is an implicit unanimous perception among academics in business administration that depict digitalisation in work environments as desirable and portray a view where digitalisation is not questioned. As a consequence, the papers show an absence in terms of alternatives beyond the digitalisation scope through the retrieved literature batch. Conclusion: As there are clear patterns of the favourable depiction of digital technologies visible in this study, implications of a one-sided representation of digital technology are valid in the context of the analysed data. Other: The papers were subject to no external funding, meaning that the two authors covered all costs derived throughout the writing process.
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The Ox in the Concert Hall: Jazz Identity and La Création du MondeGonzalez-Appling, Julio M. 06 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterization of Tankyrase Structure & Function; Evidence for a Role as a Master Scaffolding ProteinDe Rycker, Manu 23 May 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Rôle de la Poly(ADP-Ribose) polymérase 3 (PARP3) dans la différenciation des cellules souches du muscle squelettique chez la souris / Role of Poly(ADP-Ribose) polymerase 3 (PARP3) in the differentiation of skeletal muscle stem cells in miceMartin-Hernandez, Kathline 13 November 2018 (has links)
La poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation est une modification post-traductionnelle de protéines catalysée par les Poly(ADP-ribose) polymérases (PARPs, 17 membres). Depuis 2011, le laboratoire décortique les propriétés biologiques de PARP3 qui est désormais bien décrite pour son rôle dans la réparation des cassures double-brin de l’ADN, la mitose et la transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse. Ces recherches combinées aux données de la littérature semblent indiquer que les fonctions de PARP3 sont très étendues et participent aussi à des processus physiologiques. Ainsi, mes travaux de thèse révèlent une nouvelle fonction clé de PARP3 dans la différenciation des cellules souches neurales et musculaires. Nous avons observé une forte augmentation de l’expression de PARP3 au cours de la neurogénèse, la gliogenèse et la myogénèse. En l’absence de PARP3, la différenciation des cellules souches neurales (NSPC) en astrocytes et neurones est perturbée et les souris PARP3KO présentent une incapacité à régénérer le tissu cérébral au niveau du striatum après ischémie hypoxique. Concernant les cellules musculaires, la disruption de PARP3 (Crispr/Cas9) empêche toute différenciation des myoblastes C2C12 en myotubes et conduit à une désoganisation du cytosquelette, une dégénérescence mitochondriale et une répression de gènes de l’identité. La réexpression de PARP3 catalytiquement active restaure la capacité de différenciation des C2C12. Enfin, nous avons identifié de nouvelles protéines cibles de PARP3 qui permettent de suspecter un rôle dans l’autophagie et le métabolisme énergétique au cours de la différenciation cellulaire. L’ensemble de ces résultats nous ont permis de découvrir que PARP3 a un rôle central dans la différenciation cellulaire et d’ouvrir de solides pistes de recherche afin d’identifier les mécanismes mis en jeu. / Poly (ADP-ribosyl)ation is a post-translational modification of proteins catalysed by Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs, 17 members). Since 2011, the laboratory has been dissecting the biological properties of PARP3 which is now well described for its role in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks, in mitosis and in epithelial-mesenchymal transition. This investigation combined with data from the literature suggests that PARP3 functions are very wide and could participate in physiological processes. Thus, my thesis work reveals a new key function of PARP3 in neural and muscular stem cell differentiation. We observed a strong increase in PARP3 expression during neurogenesis, gliogenesis and myogenesis. In the absence of PARP3, the differentiation of neural stem cells (NSPCs) into astrocytes and neurons is impaired and PARP3KO mice display an inability to regenerate brain tissue in the region of the striatum after hypoxic ischemia. Regarding muscle cells, PARP3 disruption (Crispr/Cas9) prevents C2C12 myoblast differentiation into myotubes and leads to cytoskeleton disorganisation, mitochondrial degeneration, and repression of identity genes. The reexpression of a catalytically active PARP3 restores the C2C12 differentiation capacity. Finally, we have identified new PARP3 target proteins that suggest a role in autophagy and energetic metabolism during cell differentiation.Together, these results reveal that PARP3 has a central role in cell differentiation and opens solid lines of research to identify the mechanisms involved.
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