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Ανάπτυξη υμενίων Αl2O3 σε υποστρώματα p-Ge με τη μέθοδο ALD : μελέτη διεπιφανειακών ιδιοτήτων συναρτήσει του πάχους και της θερμοκρασίας / Atomic layer deposition (ALD) of Αl2O3 thin films on p type Ge : thickness and temperature dependence of interfacial propertiesΜποτζακάκη, Μάρθα 14 February 2012 (has links)
Θέμα της παρούσας ερευνητικής εργασίας είναι η μελέτη διατάξεων MOS σε υπόστρωμα Ge τύπου –p. Ως διηλεκτρικό πύλης χρησιμοποιήθηκε Al2O3 και ως μέταλλο πύλης Pt. Τέτοιες διατάξεις οι οποίες αποτελούνται από υπόστρωμα Ge στο οποίο εναποτίθεται διηλεκτρικό υψηλής διηλεκτρικής σταθεράς (high-k dielectric) εμφανίζουν ιδιαίτερο ερευνητικό και τεχνολογικό ενδιαφέρον για τους παρακάτω κυρίως λόγους: (i) Το Ge εμφανίζει υψηλότερη ευκινησία φορέων έναντι αυτής του Si. Eπομένως η χρήση υποστρωμάτων Ge στις διατάξεις MOS θεωρείται πλεονεκτική έναντι της χρήσης υποστρωμάτων Si, τα οποία μέχρι σήμερα έχουν μονοπωλήσει τις τεχνολογικές εφαρμογές και κατ’ επέκταση την έρευνα γύρω από αυτές. (ii) Η χρήση υλικών υψηλής διηλεκτρικής σταθεράς, όπως το Al2O3, ως διηλεκτρικά πύλης φέρεται πλέον ως ιδιαίτερα ελπιδοφόρα για την μελλοντική κατασκευή λειτουργικών διατάξεων MOS. (iii) Πρόσφατες μελέτες έχουν αποδείξει ότι, κατά την ανάπτυξη Al2O3 στα υποστρώματα Ge, στη διεπιφάνεια Ge/Al2O3, δημιουργείται ένα λεπτό στρώμα οξειδίου του γερμανίου, το οποίο αποτελεί βασική προϋπόθεση για την κατασκευή λειτουργικών CMOS δομών.
Η ανάπτυξη των υμενίων Al2O3 στα υποστρώματα Ge έγινε με την τεχνική Eναπόθεσης Ατομικού Στρώματος (Atomic Layer Deposition- ALD), η οποία είναι μια από τις πιο διαδεδομένες και πολλά υποσχόμενες τεχνικές στον τομέα της Μικροηλεκτρονικής. Βασικά πλεονεκτήματα της μεθόδου αυτής έναντι άλλων μεθόδων εναπόθεσης (CVD, MBE κ.λπ.), είναι η άριστη ποιότητα και ομοιογένεια των αναπτυσσόμενων υμενίων, καθώς και ο απόλυτος έλεγχος του πάχους τους.
Στόχος της εργασίας αυτής, είναι η μελέτη των ηλεκτρικών ιδιοτήτων δομών p-Ge/Al2O3/Pt, καθώς και της διεπιφάνειας Ge/Al2O3. Παρασκευάστηκαν δομές με πάχος διηλεκτρικού (Al2O3) 5nm, 10nm,15nm και 25nm σε θερμοκρασία εναπόθεσης 300oC. Ο δομικός χαρακτηρισμός των δειγμάτων έγινε με φασματοσκοπία XPS (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy), ενώ ο ηλεκτρικός τους χαρακτηρισμός έγινε με τη μέθοδο της Διηλεκτρικής Φασματοσκοπίας Ευρέως Φάσματος (Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy-BDS) στην περιοχή συχνοτήτων από 100Ηz έως 1ΜΗz.
Τα αποτελέσματα της μελέτης του δομικού χαρακτηρισμού έδειξαν, ότι αυξανομένου του πάχους του υμενίου Al2O3, το πάχος του αναπτυσσόμενου Οξειδίου του Γερμανίου (GeOx) αυξάνεται. Παράλληλα υπάρχει ένδειξη πιθανής αλλαγής της στοιχειομετρίας του GeOx.
Ο ηλεκτρικός χαρακτηρισμός των δομών αυτών, πραγματοποιήθηκε με παράμετρο αφενός μεν το πάχος του Al2O3 σε θερμοκρασία περιβάλλοντος, αφετέρου δε με παράμετρο τη θερμοκρασία, στην περιοχή θερμοκρασιών από 78Κ - 200Κ. Ελήφθησαν οι χαρακτηριστικές C-V και C-f, από τις οποίες προκύπτουν τα συμπεράσματα που αφορούν στην ηλεκτρική συμπεριφορά των δομών αλλά και στην ποιότητα της διεπιφάνειας Ge / Al2O3. Σε όλες τις δομές, ανεξαρτήτως του πάχους του Al2O3, οι χαρακτηριστικές C-V παρουσιάζουν την τυπική συμπεριφορά της δομής MOS, με διάκριτες τις τρεις περιοχές συσσώρευσης, απογύμνωσης και αναστροφής φορέων. Οι χαρακτηριστικές C-V σε θερμοκρασία περιβάλλοντος παρουσίασαν, σε όλα τα πάχη, φαινόμενα γένεσης – επανασύνδεσης φορέων, τα οποία εμφανίζονται υπό τη μορφή “γονάτων” στην περιοχή απογύμνωσης/ασθενούς αναστροφής. Τα φαινόμενα αυτά συνδέονται άμεσα με το μικρό ενεργειακό χάσμα του Ge και το μεγάλο πλήθος ενδογενών φορέων αγωγιμότητας που χαρακτηρίζει το Ge στη θερμοκρασία περιβάλλοντος. Αυτά τα φαινόμενα δεν παρατηρούνται στις χαμηλές θερμοκρασίες.
Επιπλέον, από τις μετρήσεις C-f και εφαρμόζοντας τη μεθόδου αγωγιμότητας (conductance method), η οποία εφαρμόστηκε σε όλες τις θερμοκρασίες, προέκυψαν οι τιμές της πυκνότητας των διεπιφανειακών καταστάσεων, Dit’s, των δομών αυτών. Από τα αποτελέσματα αυτά, προκύπτει το συμπέρασμα ότι οι τιμές των Dit’s στη θερμοκρασία περιβάλλοντος εμφανίζονται αυξημένες σε σχέση με τις αντίστοιχες στις χαμηλές θερμοκρασίες. Η υπερεκτίμηση αυτή, η οποία μπορεί να φτάσει και τις 2 τάξεις μεγέθους, οφείλεται στην εμφάνιση των “γονάτων” στη χαρακτηριστική C-V. Επομένως το πραγματικό πλήθος των διεπιφανειακών καταστάσεων υπολογίζεται από την ανάλυση των πειραματικών μετρήσεων στις χαμηλές θερμοκρασίες. Επιπλέον, προκύπτει το συμπέρασμα ότι, η πυκνότητα διεπιφανειακών καταστάσεων, Dit’s στις δομές με το μικρότερο πάχος είναι μικρότερη από την αντίστοιχη σε παχύτερες δομές. Η συμπεριφορά αυτή έρχεται σε αντίθεση με την αναμενόμενη και η ερμηνεία της, πιθανώς να συνδέεται με τα αποτελέσματα της φασματοσκοπίας XPS σύμφωνα με τα οποία, αυξανομένου του πάχους του Al2O3, υπάρχουν ενδείξεις μεταβολής της στοιχειομετρίας του Οξειδίου του Γερμανίου. / The subject of the present research work is the study of MOS structures on p- type Ge substrates. Al2O3 was used as gate dielectric and Pt as metal gate. Such devices, which are comprised by Ge substrate on which a high -k dielectric material is deposited, are of high scientific and technological interest for the following reasons: (i) Ge shows higher carrier mobility compared to that of Si. Therefore, the use of Ge substrates in MOS devices is considered advantageous compared to Si substrates, which up to date have been used exclusively for technological applications. (ii) The use of high -k materials seems to be more promising for the construction of functional MOS structures. (iii) Recent results have shown that a thin layer of Ge oxide builds up at the Ge/Al2O3 interface during the deposition of Al2O3 on Ge. This is a basic requirement for the operation of CMOS devises.
In the current work, Al2O3 films were deposited on Ge substrates by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD). ALD is one of the most widespread and very promising techniques in microelectronics. Basic advantages of this method, compared to other deposition techniques (e.g. CVD, MBE and others), are the quality and homogeneity of the films as well as the absolute control of their thickness.
The purpose of the present work is the study of the electrical properties of Ge/ Al2O3 /Pt structures as well as of the quality of the Ge/ Al2O3 interface. Structures with Al2O3 thickness of 5 nm, 10 nm, 15 nm and 25 nm were prepared, at deposition temperature of 3000C. The structural characterization of the samples was performed by means of X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy –XPS whereas the electrical characterization was performed with the Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy- BDS in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 1 MHz.
The XPS results suggest that the thickness of the Ge oxide (GeOx), grown during deposition, increases by increasing the thickness of the deposited Al2O3 films. Furthermore, there is evidence of possible change in the stoichiometry of GeOx.
The electrical behaviour of these structures was determined using as parameters either the thickness of Al2O3 at room temperature or the temperature at constant thickness. Measurements were performed in the range of 78 oC to 200 oC. C-V and C-f characteristics were constructed, from which conclusions are drawn regarding the electrical behaviour of the structures and the quality of the interface Ge/ Al2O3. The C-V characteristics of all samples, show the typical behaviour of a MOS structure with the three distinct regions of accumulation, depletion and inversion, regardless the thickness of Al2O3. The C-V characteristics at room temperature show generation-recombination phenomena, which are demonstrated through “humps” in depletion / weak inversion regime. These phenomena are intimately connected with the small energy gap and the large density of intrinsic conductivity carriers of Ge. These “humps” do not appear at low temperatures, below 170K, indicating that “generation-recombination” phenomena have been suppressed by reducing temperatures.
Furthermore, from C-f measurements the values of the interfacial trap density (Dit) were determined through the conductance method, in all temperatures. The Dit values at room temperature seem to be overestimated compared to those at low temperatures due to the “generation- recombination” phenomena. Therefore, the actual density of interfacial traps is determined from the analysis at low temperatures. Furthermore, the Dit values of the Al2O3 -10nm structure are lower compared to those of the Al2O3 -25nm structure. This behavior, which is in contradiction to the expected one, is connected with the XPS results, according to which there is evidence of change in the stoichiometry of Ge oxide as the thickness of Al2O3 is increased.
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Elaboration d'oxydes et de sulfures à grande bande interdite pour les cellules photovoltaïques à base de Cu(In,Ga)Se2 par dépôt chimique en phase vapeur par flux alternés (ALD) activé par plasma / Synthesis of large band gap oxides and sulfides for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin film solar cells by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) and Plasma Enhanced - ALD (PEALD)Bugot, Cathy 29 October 2015 (has links)
La thèse présentée ici a pour objectif de développer des matériaux innovants et performants pour la fabrication de la couche tampon des cellules photovoltaïques en couches minces à base de Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS). Pour la première fois, des couches minces d'In2(S,O)3 et de Zn(O,S) ont été réalisées par dépôt chimique en phase vapeur par flux alternés assisté par plasma afin de remplacer la couche tampon traditionnelle en sulfure de cadmium. En apportant des espèces plus réactives, cette méthode permet d'effectuer des réactions qui ne pourraient pas avoir lieu par procédé thermique. La comparaison des deux procédés a permis l'évaluation de leurs atouts et de leurs contraintes. Par exemple, l'In2(S,O)3 n'a pu être synthétisé que par cette méthode, via des mécanismes surfaciques d'échange entre des radicaux d'oxygène et le soufre de l'In2S3. Pour augmenter les performances des cellules CIGS/In2(S,O)3 jusqu'à 11,9%, le procédé de synthèse initial a été amélioré en corrélant les études de Spectroscopie Photoélectronique X et celles de spectrométrie de masse. En parallèle, il a été montré que la température de croissance avait un effet notable sur les propriétés opto-électroniques des cellules CIGS/Zn(O,S) et qu'il existait des optimums de performance à basse (Tdep < 160°C) et haute (Tdep > 200°C) températures. L'optimum situé à basse température s'explique par les propriétés favorables des couches minces de Zn(O,S) synthétisées par procédé thermique, tandis que celui situé à haute température est dû à l'existence de mécanismes d'interdiffusion à l'interface Zn(O,S)/CIGS. Un rendement de 15,6% a pu ainsi être obtenu. / This thesis focuses on the development of innovative and efficient materials for the fabrication of the buffer layer of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin film solar cells. For the first time, In2(S,O)3 and Zn(O,S) thin films were synthesized by Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (PEALD) in order to substitute the conventional cadmium sulfide buffer layer. By creating reactive species, this deposition technique allows reactions which could not be possible using thermal ALD. The comparison of both methods allows the evaluation of their respective assets and constraints. For instance, In2(S,O)3 thin films could only be achieved using PEALD through exchange reaction mechanisms between oxygen radicals from the plasma and sulfur atoms of In2S3 growing film. In order to obtain CIGS/In2(S,O)3 solar cells with efficiencies of 11.9%, the initial deposition process was improved by correlating X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry analyses. At the same time, the deposition temperature proved to have a crucial effect on CIGS/Zn(O,S)-ALD device opto-electronic properties and we evidenced the existence of two deposition temperature ranges, at Tdep < 160°C and Tdep > 200°C, where the performances are enhanced. In the low temperature range, the high performances were explained by specific Zn(O,S) properties, while at high temperature they are enhanced by favorable interdiffusion mechanisms at the CIGS/Zn(O,S) interface. Increasing the deposition temperature allowed the fabrication of CIGS/Zn(O,S) solar cells with efficiencies up to 15.6%.
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Structure and Low-temperature Tribology of Lubricious Nanocrystalline ZnO/Al2O3 Nanolaminates and ZrO2 Monofilms Grown by Atomic Layer DepositionRomanes, Maia Castillo 12 1900 (has links)
Currently available solid lubricants only perform well under a limited range of environmental conditions. Unlike them, oxides are thermodynamically stable and relatively inert over a broad range of temperatures and environments. However, conventional oxides are brittle at normal temperatures; exhibiting significant plasticity only at high temperatures (>0.5Tmelting). This prevents oxides' use in tribological applications at low temperatures. If oxides can be made lubricious at low temperatures, they would be excellent solid lubricants for a wide range of conditions. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a growth technique capable of depositing highly uniform and conformal films in challenging applications that have buried surfaces and high-aspect-ratio features such as microelectromechanical (MEMS) devices where the need for robust solid lubricants is sometimes necessary. This dissertation investigates the surface and subsurface characteristics of ALD-grown ZnO/Al2O3 nanolaminates and ZrO2 monofilms before and after sliding at room temperature. Significant enhancement in friction and wear performance was observed for some films. HRSEM/FIB, HRTEM and ancillary techniques (i.e. SAED, EELS) were used to determine the mechanisms responsible for this enhancement. Contributory characteristics and energy dissipation modes were identified that promote low-temperature lubricity in both material systems.
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Advancing 3D Spintronics: Atomic Layer Deposition of Platinum and Yttrium Iron Garnet Thin FilmsLammel, Michaela 25 October 2021 (has links)
The field of spintronics emerged from the search for innovative concepts to comply with the ever increasing need for larger data storage. One major subject of spintronics are devices based on pure spin currents. Such devices usually rely on a combination of two materials: first, a magnetic insulator, to carry the spin information, and second, a spin Hall active metal, to convert from spin to charge information and vice versa and thus effectively act as electrical interface. While previously, such bilayers have been studied in detail in various planar structures, lately, curved and/or three dimensional (3D) geometries have gained more and more attention. Especially for magnetic systems, it has been reported that curvature can lead to the materialization of additional interactions such as curvature-induced anisotropy and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-interaction. The latter is closely related to the magnetic topography of the system, which can be deduced from its essential role in the formation of skyrmions. To systematically study curvature- or topology-based effects, artificially designed systems with a controllable curvature are essential. Consequently, providing an experimental platform, which allows the realization of a variety of different geometries is a key step towards accessing this innovative field of magnetism research. In this thesis, we used atomic layer deposition (ALD) to establish such a platfrom. ALD is a chemical vapor deposition technique which enables the conformal coating of arbitrarily shaped objects while maintaining an excellent thickness control of the layers. In conjunction with 3D (nano)printed resist structures, which can be designed in a multitude of different designs, ALD serves as a powerful platform to fabricate 3D micro- or nanostructures.
One of the most popular material combination in spintronics consists of yttrium iron garnet (YIG) and platinum. On the one hand, the ferrimagnetic insulator YIG is the ideal candidate for any kind spin transport experiments, due to its very low magnetic damping. Pt, on the other hand, has a large spin-orbitinteraction, which is necessary for an efficient spin to charge conversion. Therefore, the fabrication of 3D spintronic devices from YIG and Pt is highly desirable.
In this thesis the successful fabrication of YIG and Pt by ALD is outlined. We validate the usability of the ALD-Pt layers for 3D spintronics by showing that the ALD-Pt layers are spin Hall active with a electrical quality comparable to other deposition techniques. For the fabrication of ALD-YIG, a nanolaminate approach was used, which is based on the alternate deposition of ultra thin layers of two binary ALD processes: ALD-Fe2O3 and ALD-Y2O3. Therefore, these two processes were optimized beforehand to establish the growth conditions. Furthermore, asdeposited ALD layers are often non-crystalline. To characterize, how this reflects in magnetotransport experiments, we used a model system of non-crystalline sputtered YIG and Pt. By rotating the magnetization in three rotation planes, we find the fingerprint of the spin Hall magnetoresistance. We demonstrate that 3D nanoprinted resist templates can be made fit for the deposition of ALD bilayers even at temperatures where the resist is not stable on its own. To enhance the stability of the resist templates, a layer of low temperature ALD-Al2O3 is used. Finally, the deposition of ALD-YIG is described. A subsequent annealing step is used to promote crystallization of the nanolaminates into YIG. Upon characterizing the structural properties, we find that our process is extremely stable with respect to changes in the stoichiometry within the nanolaminate. From additional measurements of the static and dynamic magnetic properties, we conclude that our ALD-YIG are of good quality comparable to other deposition techniques.
By enabling the fabrication of high quality YIG and Pt via ALD, we lay the groundwork for studying the electrical and magnetic properties of systems with curvature and/or a nontrivial topography - effectively advancing the research field of 3D spintronics.
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Beeinflussung funktionaler Schichteigenschaften bei der thermischen Atomlagenabscheidung von Tantalnitrid sowie RutheniumWalther, Tillmann 03 April 2014 (has links)
Thermische TaN ALD mit den Präkursoren TBTDET und TBTEMT, NH3 als zweiten Reaktanten und Ar als inertes Spülgas ist untersucht worden. Als Messverfahren zur Bewertung ist zeitlich aufgelöste in-situ spektroskopische Ellipsometrie mit einer Datenerfassungsrate von 0,86 Datenpunkte/s, sowie in-vacuo XPS und AFM verwendet worden. Es konnten sehr glatte homogene geschlossene TaN-Dünnschichten mit einem Ta:N-Verhältnis von 0,6, -Verunreinigungen von ca. 5 at.% (TBTDET) bzw. 9 at.% (TBTEMT) und einem GPC von ca. 0,6 nm/Zyklus im linearen Wachstumsbereich hergestellt werden. Eine O3-Vorbehandlung einer SiO2-Oberfläche beschleunigt die initiale Phase der TaN-Abscheidung. Die abgeschiedenen TaN-Schichten zeigen sich sehr reaktiv auf O2.:1. Einleitung 1
I. Theorie 4
2. Anwendungsfelder von TaN & Ru-ALD-Dünnschichten 5
2.1. Anwendungsfelder von TaN ALD Dünnschichten 5
2.2. Anwendungsfelder von Ru ALD Dünnschichten 5
2.3. TaN/Ru-Schichtstapel als Cu-Diffusionsbarriere 6
3. Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) 8
3.1. Idealisiertes Grundprinzip der ALD 8
3.2. Mögliche Nichtidealitäten eines ALD-Prozesses 10
3.3. Klassifikation von ALD-Prozessen 12
3.4. TaN-Abscheidung mithilfe eines thermischen TBTDET bzw. TBTEMT
und NH3-Prozesses 13
3.5. Ru-Abscheidung mithilfe eines ALD-Prozesses 16
4. Grundlagen von Schichtcharakterisierungsmethoden 17
4.1. Spektroskopische Ellipsometrie (SE) 17
4.2. Röntgenphotonenelektronenspektroskopie (XPS) 19
4.3. Rasterkraftmikroskopie im nicht-Kontakt-Modus (non-contact AFM) 20
4.4. Vierspitzenprober (4PP) 21
II. Praxis 23
5. Experimentelle Methodik 24
5.1. ALD-Reaktor mit in-situ Ellipsometer und in-vacuo XPS und AFM/STM 24
5.1.1. Prozesskammer 24
5.1.2. In-situ Ellipsometer und in-vakuo Messtechnik 24
5.1.3. Bei ALD TaN-Prozessen verwendete Parameter 25
5.2. ALD-Reaktor mit Blitzlampenfeld für Blitz-ALD 26
5.3. Vorgehensweise bei der in-situ Ellipsometrie 27
5.3.1. Übersicht 27
5.3.2. Details zur Datenerfassung 29
5.3.3. Details zur optischen Modellierung 32
5.3.4. Datennachbearbeitung: Erstellung von ALD-Zyklus-Wachstums Diagrammen 40
5.3.5. Datennachbearbeitung: Extrahierung von Parametern aus ALDZyklus-Wachstums Diagrammen 41
5.3.6. Fehlerbetrachtung 43
5.4. Vorgehensweise bei XPS-Experimenten 43
5.5. Weitere verwendete ex-situ Messtechniken 45
5.6. O2-Aufnahme einer abgeschiedenen TaN-Schicht 46
6. Thermische ALD TaN Schichtuntersuchungen an iSE-ALD-Anlage 47
6.1. O3-Vorbehandlung 47
6.1.1. Einführung 47
6.1.2. Auswirkungen auf natives und thermisches SiO2 47
6.1.3. Temperatureinfluss 49
6.2. Analyse mithilfe von Präkursor TBTDET abgeschiedener thermischer ALD TaN Dünnschichten 50
6.2.1. Verwendete Prozessparameter 50
6.2.2. Initialer (heterogener) Wachstumsbereich 51
6.2.3. Linearer (homogener) Wachstumsbereich 52
6.2.4. CVD-Verhalten von TBTDET bei 160 und 210 C 55
6.2.5. Nachbehandlungen (Tempern und O2-Aufnahme) 56
6.2.6. Fazit 58
6.3. Analyse mithilfe von Präkursor TBTEMT abgeschiedener thermischer ALD TaN Dünnschichten 58
6.3.1. Initialer (heterogener) Wachstumsbereich 58
6.3.2. Linearer (homogener) Wachstumsbereich 60
6.3.3. Nachbehandlung mit O2 64
6.3.4. Fazit 64
6.4. Vergleich der Präkursoren TBTDET & TBTEMT für die thermische TaN-ALD 66
6.4.1. Einführung 66
6.4.2. Vergleich XPS-Ergebnisse & O2-Aufnahme 68
6.4.3. Vergleich iSE-Ergebnisse 68
6.4.4. Vergleich AFM-Ergebnisse 70
6.4.5. Fazit 70
7. Prozessentwicklung an Flash-ALD-Anlage 72
7.1. Einführung 72
7.2. Temperaturvariation 73
7.3. Pulszeitvariationen 74
7.4. Eigenzersetzung von TBTEMT (CVD-Abscheidung) 77
7.5. Zusammenfassung zur Prozessentwicklung 78
7.6. Erste Ergebnisse zum Blitzeinfluss 78
7.6.1. Einführung 78
7.6.2. Rauheit (AFM-Ergebnisse) 79
7.6.3. chemische Zusammensetzung(XPS-Ergebnisse) 80
8. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 82
III. Anhang 84
A. XPS-Ergebnis von O2-Nachbehandlung mit Präkursor TBTEMT 85
Literaturverzeichnis 86 / Thermal ALD with the precursors TBTDET and TBTEMT, NH3 as the second reactant and Ar as inert purging gas was studied. For measuring purposes time-resolved in-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry with an data acquisition rate of 0,86 data points/s, in-vacuo XPS
and AFM was used. It was possible to deposit very smmoth homogenous closed TaN thin films with a Ta:N rate of about 0,6, contaminations of 5 at.% (TBTDET) and 9 at.% (TBTEMT), respectively, and a GPC of about 0,6 nm/Zyklus. An O3 pretreatment of a
SiO2 surface accelerated the initial phase of the TaN atomic layer deposition (ALD) deposition. These TaN-Schichten were very reactiv against O2.:1. Einleitung 1
I. Theorie 4
2. Anwendungsfelder von TaN & Ru-ALD-Dünnschichten 5
2.1. Anwendungsfelder von TaN ALD Dünnschichten 5
2.2. Anwendungsfelder von Ru ALD Dünnschichten 5
2.3. TaN/Ru-Schichtstapel als Cu-Diffusionsbarriere 6
3. Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) 8
3.1. Idealisiertes Grundprinzip der ALD 8
3.2. Mögliche Nichtidealitäten eines ALD-Prozesses 10
3.3. Klassifikation von ALD-Prozessen 12
3.4. TaN-Abscheidung mithilfe eines thermischen TBTDET bzw. TBTEMT
und NH3-Prozesses 13
3.5. Ru-Abscheidung mithilfe eines ALD-Prozesses 16
4. Grundlagen von Schichtcharakterisierungsmethoden 17
4.1. Spektroskopische Ellipsometrie (SE) 17
4.2. Röntgenphotonenelektronenspektroskopie (XPS) 19
4.3. Rasterkraftmikroskopie im nicht-Kontakt-Modus (non-contact AFM) 20
4.4. Vierspitzenprober (4PP) 21
II. Praxis 23
5. Experimentelle Methodik 24
5.1. ALD-Reaktor mit in-situ Ellipsometer und in-vacuo XPS und AFM/STM 24
5.1.1. Prozesskammer 24
5.1.2. In-situ Ellipsometer und in-vakuo Messtechnik 24
5.1.3. Bei ALD TaN-Prozessen verwendete Parameter 25
5.2. ALD-Reaktor mit Blitzlampenfeld für Blitz-ALD 26
5.3. Vorgehensweise bei der in-situ Ellipsometrie 27
5.3.1. Übersicht 27
5.3.2. Details zur Datenerfassung 29
5.3.3. Details zur optischen Modellierung 32
5.3.4. Datennachbearbeitung: Erstellung von ALD-Zyklus-Wachstums Diagrammen 40
5.3.5. Datennachbearbeitung: Extrahierung von Parametern aus ALDZyklus-Wachstums Diagrammen 41
5.3.6. Fehlerbetrachtung 43
5.4. Vorgehensweise bei XPS-Experimenten 43
5.5. Weitere verwendete ex-situ Messtechniken 45
5.6. O2-Aufnahme einer abgeschiedenen TaN-Schicht 46
6. Thermische ALD TaN Schichtuntersuchungen an iSE-ALD-Anlage 47
6.1. O3-Vorbehandlung 47
6.1.1. Einführung 47
6.1.2. Auswirkungen auf natives und thermisches SiO2 47
6.1.3. Temperatureinfluss 49
6.2. Analyse mithilfe von Präkursor TBTDET abgeschiedener thermischer ALD TaN Dünnschichten 50
6.2.1. Verwendete Prozessparameter 50
6.2.2. Initialer (heterogener) Wachstumsbereich 51
6.2.3. Linearer (homogener) Wachstumsbereich 52
6.2.4. CVD-Verhalten von TBTDET bei 160 und 210 C 55
6.2.5. Nachbehandlungen (Tempern und O2-Aufnahme) 56
6.2.6. Fazit 58
6.3. Analyse mithilfe von Präkursor TBTEMT abgeschiedener thermischer ALD TaN Dünnschichten 58
6.3.1. Initialer (heterogener) Wachstumsbereich 58
6.3.2. Linearer (homogener) Wachstumsbereich 60
6.3.3. Nachbehandlung mit O2 64
6.3.4. Fazit 64
6.4. Vergleich der Präkursoren TBTDET & TBTEMT für die thermische TaN-ALD 66
6.4.1. Einführung 66
6.4.2. Vergleich XPS-Ergebnisse & O2-Aufnahme 68
6.4.3. Vergleich iSE-Ergebnisse 68
6.4.4. Vergleich AFM-Ergebnisse 70
6.4.5. Fazit 70
7. Prozessentwicklung an Flash-ALD-Anlage 72
7.1. Einführung 72
7.2. Temperaturvariation 73
7.3. Pulszeitvariationen 74
7.4. Eigenzersetzung von TBTEMT (CVD-Abscheidung) 77
7.5. Zusammenfassung zur Prozessentwicklung 78
7.6. Erste Ergebnisse zum Blitzeinfluss 78
7.6.1. Einführung 78
7.6.2. Rauheit (AFM-Ergebnisse) 79
7.6.3. chemische Zusammensetzung(XPS-Ergebnisse) 80
8. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 82
III. Anhang 84
A. XPS-Ergebnis von O2-Nachbehandlung mit Präkursor TBTEMT 85
Literaturverzeichnis 86
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Memristive Eigenschaften von Hafniumdioxid- und Titandioxid-DünnschichtenBlaschke, Daniel 16 July 2019 (has links)
Im Fokus der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt das Widerstandsschalten von HfO2- und TiO2-Dünnschichten, wobei insbesondere auf den Einfluss der Kristallstruktur, der Stöchiometrie und der Elektrodenmaterialien ((inert, Pt) und (reaktiv, Ti/Pt)) eingegangen wurde.
Die HfO2-Dünnschichten wurden mittels Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) durch die Reaktion von Tetrakis(dimethylamido)hafnium mit Wasser bei Temperaturen von 100°C bis 350°C abgeschieden. Das beste ALD-Wachstum mit der geringsten Konzentration an Wasserstoff wurde für eine Temperatur von 300°C erhalten. Sowohl eine geringere als auch eine höhere Abscheidetemperatur führte durch parasitäre CVD-artige Prozesse bzw. durch die ungewollte thermische Zersetzung des Präkursors zu einer größeren Wasserstoffkonzentration.
Des Weiteren wurde eine Korrelation zwischen der Wachstumsrate pro Zyklus, der Schichtdickenhomogenität und der Wasserstoffkonzentration in den HfO2-Schichten festgestellt.
Das Widerstandsschalten wurde an amorphen (150°C) und polykristallinen (300°C) HfO2-Schichten mit unstrukturierten Rückelektroden und kreisförmigen Vorderseitenelektroden untersucht. Die Verwendung von symmetrischen Pt-Pt-Elektroden führte bei beiden Schichttypen zum unipolaren Schaltmodus. Der unipolare Schaltmodus wurde ebenfalls bei Verwendung von asymmetrischen Pt-Ti/Pt-Elektroden im Zusammenspiel mit der amorphen HfO2-Phase beobachtet. Eine Ausnahme stellt die Kombination von asymmetrischen Elektroden mit der polykristallinen HfO2-Phase dar. Dabei wurde nach der Elektroformierung mit positiv angelegter Spannung an die Vorderseitenelektrode der bipolare Schaltmodus erhalten. Eine Erklärung dafür liefert die Betrachtung der Filament-Wachstumsrichtung während der Elektroformierung.
Die TiO2-Dünnschichten wurden durch reaktives Magnetronsputtern gewachsen. Die Stöchiometrie dieser Schichten wurde durch die Bestrahlung mit Ar-Ionen gezielt verändert. Dabei führt das bevorzugte Herausschlagen von Sauerstoff im Vergleich zum Titan zu einer an Sauerstoff verarmten TiOx-Schicht, welche sich durch die verwendete Ionenenergie von 2keV in oberflächennahen Bereichen befindet. Die Ausdehnung der TiOx-Schicht wurde mit einer TRIDYN-Simulation auf ca. 4nm bestimmt. Während sich zwischen einer TiO2-Schicht und einer Pt-Elektrode ein Schottky-Kontakt ausbildet, führt das Einbringen einer TiOx-Schicht zu einem ohmschen Kontakt.
Für die Charakterisierung des Widerstandsschaltens an den mit Ar-Ionen bestrahlten TiO2-Schichten wurde somit auf symmetrische Pt-Pt-Elektroden zurückgegriffen.
Im Bereich der getesteten Fluenzen von 1 x 10^13 Ar+/cm2 bis 1 x 10^16 Ar+/cm2 wurde mit einer Fluenz von 1 x 10^14 Ar+/cm2 sowohl die beste Ausbeute als auch die größten Endurance-Werte erzielt. / The work focuses on the resistive switching of HfO2 and TiO2 thin films. Especially the influence of crystal structure, stoichiometry and electrode materials ((inert, Pt) and (reactive, Ti/Pt)) have been examined.
HfO2 thin films have been grown at temperatures ranging from 100°C to 350°C through the process of atomic layer deposition (ALD) by the reaction of tetrakis(dimethylamido)-hafnium with water. The best ALD growth with the lowest concentration of hydrogen was achieved at a temperature of 300°C. Both lower and higher deposition temperatures caused higher hydrogen concentrations due to parasitic CVD-like processes or thermal decomposition of the precursor. Moreover a correlation between the growth rate per cycle, the layer thickness uniformity and the hydrogen concentration in the HfO2 films was observed.
Resistive switching was examined in amorphous (150°C) and polycrystalline (300°C) HfO2 films with unstructured bottom electrodes and circular structured top electrodes. The use of symmetric Pt-Pt-electrodes caused the unipolar switching mode in both layer types. The unipolar switching mode was also observed when asymmetric Pt-Ti/Pt-electrodes were used with an amorphous phase of the HfO2 layer. An exception is the use of asymmetric electrodes with the polycrystalline phase of the HfO2 layer. In this case electroforming with the application of positive voltage to the top electrode resulted in the bipolar switching mode. This is explained when looking at the filament growth direction during electroforming.
TiO2 thin films were grown by reactive magnetron sputtering. The stoichiometry of these layers was modified by irradiation with Ar-ions. The preferential sputtering of oxygen compared to titanium causes a surface-near oxygen deficient TiOx layer due to the used ion energy of 2 keV. The depth of the TiOx layer was estimated to be 4 nm by using a TRIDYN simulation. While a Schottky contact formed between a TiO2 layer and a Pt-electrode, the use of a TiOx layer led to an ohmic contact.
Symmetric Pt-Pt-electrodes were used to characterize resistive switching of TiO2 layers which have been irradiated with Ar-ions. The tested fluences ranged from 1×10^13 Ar+/cm2 to 1 × 10^16 Ar+/cm2. A fluence of 1 × 10^14 Ar+/cm2 resulted in the best yield and highest
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Atomically Thin Indium Oxide Transistors for Back-end-of-line ApplicationsAdam R Charnas (12868358) 14 June 2022 (has links)
<p>As thefundamentallimits of two-dimensional(2D)geometric scaling of commercial transistors are being reached, there is tremendous demand for new materials and process innovations that can keep delivering performance improvements for future generations of computing chips. One major avenue being explored istheincorporation ofan increasing degree of three-dimensionality by vertically stacking logic and memory layerswith high-density interconnections.In this dissertation, high-performanceultra-thin amorphousindium oxide transistors are demonstrated as an excellent candidate for these back-end-of-line (BEOL) and monolithic 3D (M3D) integration applications.</p>
<p>A major pain-point in the development of BEOL and M3D systems is the strict thermal budget imposed –once the bottom layer of devices is fabricated, they can generally withstand no more than 400 °C. It is exceedingly difficult to directly deposit single-crystal material at these temperatures, and polycrystalline materials will have grain boundary instability issues. Amorphous materials generally have low carrier mobilities, which would seemingly remove them from contention as well. Indium oxideand itsclass of related metal oxides are exceptions. Indium oxideis a wide bandgap semiconductor with high electron mobility up to about 100 cm<sup>2</sup>/V∙s in amorphous form. Ithas a strong preference for native degenerate n-type doping which has hindered prior devices fabricated with it. In this dissertation, extremely thin layers on the order of 1 nm thick are used for which quantum confinement effects widen the bandgap further, reliably enabling gate-controllable carrier densitiesand demonstration of excellent transistor performance with a low thermal budget of just 225 °C.</p>
<p>Detailed characterization is performed down to 40 nm channel lengths revealing excellent transistor characteristics includingenhancement-mode operation withon currents greater than 2 A/μm, low subthreshold swing,and high on/off ratios due to the wide bandgap. Subsequent chaptersdemonstrate the fundamental lower limits of off current around 6 ×10<sup>-20 </sup>A/μmby a novel measurement technique, good gate bias stress stability behaviorwith small parameter drift at silicon complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) logic voltages, and high-frequency operationin the GHz regime enabling easy operation at CMOS clock frequencies.</p>
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In-situ XPS Investigation of the Surface Chemistry of a Cu(I) Beta-Diketonate Precursor and the ALD of Cu2ODhakal, Dileep, Waechtler, Thomas, E. Schulz, Stefan, Mothes, Robert, Lang, Heinrich, Gessner, Thomas 07 July 2014 (has links)
This poster was presented in the Materials for Advanced Metallization (MAM) 2014 Conference in Chemnitz, Germany.
Abstract: Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) has emerged as an ubiquitous method for the deposition of conformal and homogeneous ultra-thin films on complex topographies and large substrates in microelectronics. Electrochemical deposition (ECD) is the first choice for the deposition of copper (Cu) into the trenches and vias of the interconnect system for ULSI circuits. The ECD of Cu necessitates an electrically conductive seed layer for filling the interconnect structures. ALD is now considered as a solution for conformal deposition of Cu seed layers on very high aspect ratio (AR) structures also for technology nodes below 20 nm, since physical vapor deposition is not applicable for structures with high AR. Cu seed layer deposition by the reduction of Cu2O, which has been deposited from the Cu(I) β-diketonate precursor [(nBu3P)2Cu(acac)], has been successfully carried out on different substrates like Ta, TaN, SiO2, and Ru [1, 2]. However, still many questions are unanswered regarding the underlying surface chemistry of the precursor on many substrates, leading to different growth modes during ALD.
In this work, the surface chemistry of [(nBu3P)2Cu(acac)] on SiO2 substrate is investigated by in-situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), reporting vital information about the oxidation state and the atomic concentration after chemisorption on the substrates kept at different temperatures. The aim of the investigation is to understand the stepwise change in the precursor oxidation state with increasing substrate temperature and to identify the temperature limit for the thermal ALD with this Cu precursor on SiO2.
For the experiments, the Cu precursor was evaporated on SiO2 substrates kept at temperatures between 22 °C and 300 °C. The measured C/Cu and P/Cu concentration indicated that most of the nBu3P ligands were released either in the gas phase or during adsorption (Fig. 1a). No disproportionation was observed for the Cu precursor in the temperature range between 22 °C and 145 °C. Similarly, in this temperature range the Auger parameter calculated from Cu 2p3/2 and Cu L3VV spectra was found to be 360.0±0.2 eV, comparable to Cu(I) oxidation state [3]. However, disproportionation of the Cu precursor was observed above 200 °C, since C/Cu concentration ratio decreased and substantial metallic Cu was present on the substrate. Hence, 145 °C is the temperature limit for the ALD of Cu2O from this precursor, as the precursor must not alter its chemical state after chemisorption on the substrate.
500 ALD cycles with the probed Cu precursor and wet O2 as co reactant were carried out on SiO2 at 145 °C. After ALD, in situ XPS analysis confirmed the presence of Cu2O on the substrate. Ex-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry indicated an average film thickness of 2.5 nm of Cu2O deposited with a growth per cycle of 0.05 Å/cycle, comparable to previous experiments.
[1] T. Waechtler, S. Oswald, N. Roth, A. Jakob, H. Lang, R. Ecke, S. E. Schulz, T. Gessner, A. Moskvinova, S. Schulze, M. Hietschold, J. Electrochem. Soc., 156 (6), H453 (2009).
[2] T. Waechtler, S. -F. Ding, L. Hofmann, R. Mothes, Q. Xie, S. Oswald, C. Detavernier, S. E. Schulz, X. -P. Qu, H. Lang, T. Gessner, Microelectron. Eng., 88, 684 (2011).
[3] J. P. Espinós, J. Morales, A. Barranco, A. Caballero, J. P. Holgado, A. R. González Elipe, J. Phys. Chem. B, 106, 6921 (2002).
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Area Selective Deposition of Ultrathin Magnetic Cobalt Films via Atomic Layer DepositionNallan, Himamshu, Ngo, Thong, Posadas, Agham, Demkov, Alexander, Ekerdt, John 22 July 2016 (has links)
The work investigates the selective deposition of cobalt oxide via atomic layer deposition. Methoxysilanes chlorosilane and poly(trimethylsilylstyrene) self-assembled monolayers are utilized to prevent wetting of water and cobalt bis(N-tert butyl, N'-ethylpropionamidinate) from the substrate, thereby controlling nucleation on the substrate and providing a pathway to enable selective deposition of cobalt oxide. Sr and Al are deposited atop the oxide films to scavenge oxygen and yield carbon-free cobalt metal films. Thermal reduction of the oxide layer in the presence of CO and H 2 was also investigated as an alternative. Finally, we demonstrate control over the tunability of the coercivity of the resultant films by controlling the reduction conditions.
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Microfabrication, Characterization, and Application of Carbon Nanotube Templated Thin Layer Chromatography Plates, and Functionalization of Porous Graphitic CarbonJensen, David S. 26 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation contains the following sections. Chapter 1 contains a detailed description of the theory of thin layer chromatography (TLC). Chapter 2 describes the benefits and practical considerations of elevated temperatures in liquid chromatography (LC). The porous graphitic carbon (PGC) I modified as part of my work is often used in elevated temperature LC. Chapter 3 shows a thermodynamic analysis of chromatographic retention at elevated temperature, and Chapter 4 contains a closer look at the van 't Hoff equation in LC and how it can be used in retention modeling. In Chapter 5, I describe a new procedure for microfabricating TLC plates that avoids the volume/feature distortions that occurred in our first microfabrication. The primary advance of this work was the priming of the carbon nanotube (CNT) forests with chemical vapor deposition (CVD) carbon and atomic layer deposition (ALD) alumina, which permitted effective ALD-like deposition of SiO2. Chapter 6 describes advancements in the microfabrication process of TLC, which excluded the use of the CVD carbon and Al2O3 coating as described in Chapter 5. The use of ozone, to lightly oxidize the CNT surface, primed the material for direct ALD deposition. Chapter 7 gives a detailed surface analysis of the microfabrication process up to and including the CNT forest. It was noticed that a channeling effect was present during Rutherford backscattering analysis of the CNTs. Additionally, characterization of CNTs using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry in the negative ion mode showed an odd-even effect for a homologous series of carbon, where the even moieties had a stronger signal. Chapter 8 describes the functionalization of PGC with di-tert-amyl peroxide (DTAP) and its effect on increasing the chromatographic performance as seen by a reduction in the tailing factors of test analytes. Chapter 9 -- 13 are detailed X-ray photoelectron analyses of the thin films and CNTs used in producing microfabricated TLC plates.
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