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Vývoj laserem svařeného Common-Railu s radiálně připojeným snímačem tlaku (RPS) / Development of Laser Welded Common Rail with Radial Connected Pressure Sensor (RPS)Šantavý, Ivo January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation deals with a development of a laser welded common rail with a radially attached RPS sensor of pressure. The new concept required by Bosch Diesel s.r.o. Jihlava should be more modifiable and it should be easily integrated with the engine compartment. In this dissertation I suggested a number of concepts that I further analysed, verified in appropriate software, developed, and finally narrowed the selection down to the most suitable solution, which is recommended and justified in the conclusion.
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Avaliação do desempenho de um reator biológico anaeróbio com leito constituído de fibras flexíveis aplicado ao tratamento de esgoto / Performance evaluation of an anaerobic biological reactor with bed made of flexible fibers applied to sewage treatmentEloá Cristina Figueirinha Pelegrino 25 May 2016 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas diversos tipos de meio suporte têm sido propostos para a melhoria da eficiência e/ou aumento da compacidade de reatores biológicos tratando esgoto sanitário. No presente trabalho de doutorado são apresentados os resultados obtidos com a aplicação de um novo tipo de reator biológico anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente com leito de fibras flexíveis aplicado ao tratamento de esgoto sintético. Sua concepção foi motivada pelas dificuldades verificadas em alguns tipos de reatores de leito expandido, os quais ao longo do tempo de operação podem perder suas características hidrodinâmicas iniciais, devido ao acúmulo de biomassa, passando a apresentar expansão não homogênea do leito. A proposta de uso da fibra de nylon como meio suporte se deveu a sua capacidade de atuar como leito flexível - quando fixo em apenas uma de suas extremidades - que, devido á sua flexibilidade, apresenta também características parecidas às de leito móvel. Nesse novo tipo de concepção de leito, a biomassa aderida às fibras flexíveis adquirem forma de longos filamentos, os quais, devido ao próprio escoamento do esgoto e à rotação do eixo em que as fibras são fixadas, permanecem estendidos de modo a proporcionar elevada relação volume/superfície. Essa biomassa na forma de finos filamentos permanece firmemente aderida ás fibras flexíveis, reduzindo o potencial de perda de biomassa juntamente com o efluente e também de possíveis obstruções de poros, comum em leitos granulares. Para o estudo, foi projetada, construída, operada e avaliada durante 458 dias, uma instalação piloto constituída de seis reatores na forma de colunas verticais com escoamento contínuo e ascendente, operando em paralelo. Nesses reatores foram variados parâmetros de configuração e operação, como: i) a densidade de fibras flexíveis que compuseram o leito de fibras flexíveis; ii) a rotação do eixo vertical onde foram fixadas as fibras do leito; iii) o tempo de detenção hidráulica (nas etapas de 1 a 4 foram testados TDH de 9; 6; 4 e 3 horas, respectivamente); iv) a interrupção da rotação em reator em andamento. Foram analisadas as eficiências de remoção de carga orgânica e do perfil vertical dos reatores, assim como foi realizada a avaliação da composição da biomassa encontrada no biofilme, com análise de imagem e microscopia. Os resultados demonstram que a configuração dos reatores forneceram excelentes resultados de remoção de carga orgânica e também se mostraram aptos para se adaptar as variações de vazões aplicadas ao longo do trabalho, sendo observados os melhores resultados na Etapa 1 da fase 1, onde o Reator 2 apresentou eficiência de remoção de 91% de DQO total, 96% de DQO filtrada, 86% de DBO e 60% de SST. Também foi possível observar que os reatores com maiores densidades de fibras apresentaram melhores eficiências e permaneceram mais estáveis em face às características investigadas. Quanto à aplicação de rotação foi possível observar sua interferência positiva sobre a eficiência de remoção dos reatores, principalmente para as densidades de fibras inferiores e que o aumento de sua rotação também trazia melhorias na remoção de carga orgânica. Já para a avaliação da interrupção da rotação foi possível observar a redução de eficiência para os parâmetros avaliados. Também foram analisados três pós-tratamentos do efluente do reator anaeróbio por flotação, sedimentação (com e sem coagulante) e filtração em filtro de fibras flexíveis. O pós-tratamento mais adequado para ser aplicado em conjunto ao reator anaeróbio de fibras flexíveis foi a flotação, por separação (sem adição de coagulante), que apresentou remoção de 71%de turbidez, 51% de cor aparente, 40% de DQO, 25% de DQO filtrada, 34% de fósforo total e 52% de SST. Na avaliação do pós-tratamentos físico-químico mais adequado, a flotação por ar dissolvido apresentou melhores resultados utilizando o coagulante PAC em dosagem de 14 mg.L-1 do princípio ativo de Al2O3, com eficiência de remoção do sistema de 84% de turbidez, 73% de cor aparente, 50% de DQO total e 31% de DQO filtrada, 45% de fosforo total e 62% SST. / In the last decades, many different types of support media have been proposed for improving the efficiency and / or increasing the compactness of biological reactors treating domestic sewage. The results obtained in the application of a new type of up flow anaerobic bioreactor with flexible fibers bed applied to synthetic wastewater treatment are presented in this PhD thesis. Its design was motivated by the difficulties observed in some types of expanded bed reactors, which may lose their initial hydrodynamic characteristics during operation time, due to the biomass accumulation, leading to inhomogeneous bed expansion. The proposed nylon fiber is used as the support media due to its ability to operate as flexible bed - when it is fixed at only one end - which, due to its flexibility, also has characteristics similar to the moving bed. In this new type of bed design, the biomass attached to the flexible fibers acquire the form of long filaments, which, due to the sewage flow and the rotation axis in which the fibers are fixed, remain extended in order to provide high volume /surface ratio. This biomass in the form of fine filament remains firmly attached to the flexible fibers, thereby reducing the potential loss of biomass along with the effluent, as well as possible pore clogging, which are common in granular beds. For this study, a pilot installation consisted of six parallel reactors in the form of vertical columns with continuous upflow was designed, constructed, operated and evaluated for 458 days. In these reactors were varied configuration settings and operation as: i) the density of flexible fibers that composed the bed of flexible fibers; ii) the rotation of the vertical axis where the bed fibers were fixed; iii) the hydraulic retention time (in steps 1 to 4, HDTs of 9, 6, 4 and 3 hours were tested, respectively); iv) interruption of the rotation in the reactor in progress. The organic load removal and the reactors vertical profile efficiencies were analyzed, as well as the biomass composition found in biofilm, with image analysis and microscopy. The results demonstrate that the configuration of reactors provided excellent results of organic load removal and also proved to be able to adapt to variations in flow rates applied during the tests. The best results were observed in Step 1 in phase 1, where the reactor 2 presented removal efficiency of 91% of total COD, 96% of filtered COD, 86% of BOD and 60% of SST. Reactors with higher fiber density presented improved efficiencies and remained more stable, considering the investigated characteristics. The application of rotation was proved to cause a positive interference on the efficiency of the reactors removal, mainly for lower fiber density, and the increase of this rotation also brought improvements in the organic load removal. The rotation interruption caused en efficiency reduction for the evaluated parameters. Three post-treatments of the effluent of anaerobic reactor were analyzed: flotation, sedimentation (with and without coagulant) and filtration on flexible fibers filter in phase 2. The most suitable post-treatment to be applied along with the anaerobic reactor with flexible fibers was the flotation by separation (without addition of coagulant), which presented removal of 71% of turbidity, 51% of apparent color, 40% of COD, 25% of filtered COD, 34% of total phosphorus and 52% of SST. In the evaluation of the most appropriate chemical-physical post-treatment, the dissolved air flotation presented better results when using the PAC coagulant in the dosage of 14 mg.L-1 of the active principle of Al2O3, with removal efficiency of 84% of turbidity, 73% of apparent color, 50% of total COD, 31% of filtered COD, 45% of total phosphorus and 62% of TSS.
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Anknytning som ett gummiband : En essä om anknytningens betydelse under barnets introduktion i förskolanBroman, Lovisa, Holmlund, Karin January 2017 (has links)
Den här essän kommer att behandla ett vanligt förekommande ämne inom förskolan, introduktioner av nya barn och föräldrar. Genom introduktionen måste pedagoger förhålla sig till den nya familjen för att försöka få till anknytning och trygghet. Utgångspunkten ligger i två egen upplevda dilemman där pedagogerna beskriver två olika introduktioner. Den ena introduktionen pågår en längre period. Barnet vill inte släppa sin förälder och är ledsen så fort föräldern försöker lämna honom. Den andra introduktionen går fort, barn och förälder visar glädje. Pedagogerna på den förskolan känner trots det en oro då barnet upplevs gränslöst när hon springer mellan aktiviteter, andra barn och deras föräldrar. Syftet med den här essän är att undersöka hur olika anknytningsmönster och förutsättningar kan påverka introduktionen av nya familjer i förskolan. Den kommer även att belysa pedagogens eller pedagogernas erfarenhet, samt hur viktigt det är med ett gott samarbete. Förskolans miljö och organisation kommer också att undersökas och vilken roll den spelar för barnets introduktion och även för pedagogernas möjlighet att utföra en god introduktion. Detta kommer att göras genom tre frågeställningar, vilka är: Hur kan vi som pedagoger möta Pelle och Almas olika behov? Vilka är förutsättningarna för en god introduktion? Vilka psykologiska fenomen är relevanta för introduktionen? Genom att använda olika begrepp såsom affektteori, affektintoning, trygg bas, säker hamn och anknytning kan den här essän närma sig dessa frågeställningar. Essäns huvudsakliga uppgift är att ge pedagoger, oavsett erfarenhet, olika perspektiv på introduktionen och hur dessa kan tillämpas på nya familjer. I essän beskrivs anknytningsteorins framväxt och graderingar av olika anknytningar. Trygg bas och säker hamn är olika sätt att se hur en anknytning fungerar mellan barnet och föräldern, då det är där den första anknytningen börjar. Under arbetets gång har fokus på barn och föräldrar blivit mer nyanserat och pedagogernas roll undersökts allt mer kritiskt. Genom litteraturstudier och samtal i handledningsgruppen på skolan och med kollegor har vi fått en större förståelse för alla parter som deltar under introduktion till förskolan. En viktig slutsats vi kom fram till är att anknytning, oavsett till vem, inte kan skyndas fram. Den måste få växa fram genom tillit och trygghet. / This essay will treat a common subject within the preschool environment, the introductions of new children and parents. Throughout the introduction, teachers must relate to the new family to try and achieve a connection/attachment and provide security. The starting point is two self-perceived dilemmas where the teachers describe two different introductions. One introduction goes on for a longer period. The child does not want to let go of its parent and is sad as soon as the parent tries to leave it. The second introduction goes fast, children and parents are expressing happiness. The teachers at the preschool nevertheless are concernedwhen the child is perceived boundless as it runs between activities, other children and their parents. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how different connection patterns and prerequisites can affect the introduction of new families to the preschool environment. It will also examine the experience of the teacher or teachers, and the importance of good cooperation between the teachers. The preschool's environment and organisation will also be investigated and the role it plays in the introduction of the child and also for allowing the teachers to carry out a good introduction. This will be done through three questions, which are: How can we, as teachers, meet Pelle and Alma's different needs? What are the prerequisites and conditions needed for a good introduction? What psychological phenomena are relevant to the introduction? By using different concepts such as affect theory, mirroring, safe base, safe heaven and connection/attachment, this essay can approach these issues. Essen's main task is to provide teachers, regardless of experience, with different perspectives on the introduction and how these can be applied to new families. The essay describes the progression of the connection/attachment theory with different levels of connection. Safe base and safe heaven are different ways to see how a connection/attachment works between the child and the parent, as that is where the first connection/attachment is established. During the work, the focus on the children and parents has become more nuanced and the role of teachers is increasingly critical. Through literature studies and discussions in the tutoring group at school and with colleagues, we have gained a greater understanding of all parties involved in the introduction to preschool. An important conclusion we found is that connection/attachment, regardless of who cannot be accelerated. It must grow through trust and confidence.
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Analyse de l'influence des conditions aux limites thermiques sur la stabilisation des flammes non-prémélangées / Analysis of the influence of thermal boundary conditions on nonpremixed flame stabilizationLamige, Sylvain 23 October 2014 (has links)
La problématique de la stabilisation des flammes non-prémélangées reste primordiale. Il faut pour la résoudre déterminer l’importance relative des phénomènes aérodynamiques, thermiques et chimiques intervenant dans les mécanismes de stabilisation. La démarche expérimentale utilisée pour cela au cours de cette thèse porte une attention particulière sur l’influence des conditions aux limites thermiques, et comporte deux volets à travers lesquels le rôle des transferts thermiques est mis en exergue. D’abord, la zone d’attachement d’une flamme stabilisée derrière la lèvre du brûleur est examinée, en considérant les couplages entre le positionnement du bout de flamme à proximité du brûleur et la température de la lèvre. Différentes régions ont ainsi pu être identifiées selon le comportement du bout de flamme, qui évolue depuis une nature diffusive vers une nature propagative à l’approche des limites aérodynamiques de stabilité. Par ailleurs, une modification des propriétés thermiques du brûleur a permis de mettre en évidence une évolution, avec la température de la lèvre, du rôle relatif des modes de coincement thermique et chimique de la flamme par la paroi du brûleur. Ensuite, l’étude concerne non plus un état stabilisé de la flamme, mais les transitions entre les différents régimes de combustion, et plus particulièrement le décrochage d’une flamme attachée. L’examen des conditions conduisant à la déstabilisation de la flamme est un moyen d’apporter des éléments-clefs de compréhension quant aux couplages et aux équilibres aérothermochimiques prévalant préalablement au décrochage. Une évolution du processus de décrochage a ainsi été mise en avant avec l’augmentation de la température initiale des réactants, en lien avec l’évolution de phénomènes transitoires d’extinction locale de la zone de réaction. / Non-premixed flame stabilization is still an important issue in combustion. Addressing this issue requires to evaluate the relative importance of aerodynamic, thermal and chemical phenomena involved in the stabilization mechanisms. This thesis develops to this end an experimental approach, with a particular focus on the influence of thermal boundary conditions, examining the role of heat transfer in a twofold analysis. At first, the attachment zone of a rim-stabilized jet-flame is investigated, by careful consideration of the coupling existing between the burner lip temperature and the flame attachment location relative to the burner. Several regions have been identified according to the flame leading edge behavior, which evolves from diffusive to propagative closer to the aerodynamic stability limits. Besides, by modifying the burner thermal properties, a change has been shown in the relative roles of thermal and chemical quenching of the flame by the burner wall, depending on the burner lip temperature. Secondly, the attention is directed to transitions between different combustion regimes, namely attached and lifted flames. In particular, beyond the stable state of an attached flame, its lifting process is investigated. Examining in which conditions destabilization of the flame occurs indeed appears to be an ideal opportunity to gain insight into the aerothermochemical coupling and equilibriums existing prior to lift-off. Thus, the lifting process has been shown to be modified by the reactant initial temperature, in close relationship with the change in occurrence of localized transitory extinction events of the reaction zone.
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Comportement transitionnel et stabilisation de flammes-jets non-prémélangés de méthane dans un coflow d’air dilué en CO2 / Transition and stabilization behaviors of non-premixed methane jet flames insaide an air coflow diluted by carbon dioxideMin, Jiesheng 31 May 2011 (has links)
Ce travail s'intéresse à la compréhension du comportement des flammes non-prémélangées issues d'un jet de méthane assisté par un coflow d'air dilué avec du CO2, ou d'autres gaz chimiquement inertes pour discriminer les différents phénomènes impliqués dans la dilution. Les phénomènes transitionnels, décrochage et extinction, quantifiés par des limites de stabilité, sont analysés à l'aide de grandeurs physiques représentatives. Le domaine de stabilité de flamme est limité par des surfaces 3D dans le domaine physique ( Qdiluant/Qair (taux de dilution), Uair (vitesse d'air), UCH4 (vitesse de méthane)), révélant un effet compétitif entre l'aérodynamique et la dilution. Des cartographies génériques de décrochage et d'extinction communes à tous ces diluants sont proposées. Des grandeurs liées à la stabilisation sont toutes soumises à des lois d'évolution auto-simlilaires. Il en ressort que la vitesse de propagation de flamme est l'élément clé du mécanisme de stabilisation lors de la dilution. / This work focuses on the understanding of the behaviours of non-premixed methane flame inside an air coflow diluted by carbon dyoxide (CO2) or by other chemically inert diluents in order to discriminate different phenomena involved in dilution. Transitional phenomena (liftoff and extinction) quantified trough the stability limits, are analyzed trough representative physical quantities. The flame stability domain is limited by 3D-surfaces (liftoff and extinction) in the physical domain (Qdiluant/Qair (dilution level), Uair (air velocity), UCH4 (methane velocity)) revealing a competitive effect between aerodynamics and dilution. Generic diagrams of flame liftoff and extinction are proposed for all the diluents. Physical quantities related to flame stabilization process are all submitted to, regardless of diluent, self-similar laws. This is explained by flame burning velocity which is considered as the key element in the flame stabilization mechanism with air-side dilution.
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Immunohistochemical Comparison of Markers for Wound Healing on Plastic-Embedded and Frozen Mucosal TissueMai, Ronald, Gedrange, Tomasz, Leonhardt, Henry, Sievers, Nicole, Lauer, Günter January 2009 (has links)
Immunohistologic investigations of wound healing in human oral mucosa require specific cell biological markers as well as consecutive small biopsies. Small specimens are ideally embedded in plastic (methylmethacrylate, MMA) resin due to their miniature size. This limits the use of antibodies for these markers. In this immunohistochemical study, the distribution of wound healing markers, e.g. cytokeratin (CK), laminin, collagen IV, vimentin, vinculin and fibronectin, were compared between semithin sections of plastic-embedded tissue and frozen sections of mucosal tissue in order to assess their use for future investigations. The antibodies against laminin, collagen IV and CK 1/2/10/11, 5/6, 13, 14, 17, 19 gave comparable staining patterns on cryostat sections of attached mucosa and on semithin sections of MMA-embedded attached mucosa. In the epithelial cell layers, the following distribution of CK immunostaining was observed: The basal cell layer was positive for CK 5/6, CK 14 and CK 19; the intermediate cell layer for CK 13, CK 17 and CK 1/2/10/11, and the superficial cell layer for CK 13 and CK 1/2/10/11. For most of these antibodies, enzyme digestion with 0.1% trypsin was adequate for demasking the antigens, except for anti-CK 14, anti-CK 17 and anti-laminin; predigestion with 0.4% pepsin in 0.01 N HCl gave similar staining results. The antibodies against vimentin, vinculin, fibronectin and CK 4 showed no affinity or a reciprocal reaction on the semithin sections. Therefore, the antibodies against CK 1/2/10/11; 5/6; 13; 14; 17, and 19, as well as the basement proteins laminin and collagen IV are deemed markers suitable on semithin sections of plastic-embedded attached oral mucosa. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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Smluvní autonomie při konstrukci druhů akcií a její limity / Contracting autonomy in construction of classes of shares and its limitsMandík, Kryštof January 2020 (has links)
Contracting autonomy in construction of classes of shares and its limits Abstract This diploma thesis focuses on the topic Contracting autonomy in construction of classes of shares and its limits. Giving today's trend of providing increasingly wider freedom to private persons to negotiate their rights and obligations differently from the law, this topic is still actual, whereas even opinions concerning individual partial issues are evolving. In addition, the topic is also actual with respect to already valid, yet ineffective, amendment to the Business Corporation act, which concerns shares and classes of shares as well. The goal of this diploma thesis is to explain the issue of classes of shares and the limits to contracting autonomy of founders, respectively shareholders in their construction. Although several legal publications about the most of partial issues have been written, many issues are answered inconsistently, therefore there is uncertainty among recipients of legal norms concerning what they can, and they cannot negotiate. Thesis is divided into three main parts (chapters) and several subchapters. System was chosen in a way the author of this thesis considers appropriate, so the described issues are explained continuously. The first part of this thesis focuses on the concept of the share. Its...
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"Thank you, brother Xi" : En studie i hur Kinas Belt and Road Initiative påverkar EU:s möjlighet att tillämpa sin utvidgningsstrategiGrönström, Alfons January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] Uma arquitetura que exige uma enorme demanda de energia contraria o conceito de um Edifício de Energia Quase Zero (em inglês Nearly Zero Energy Building - NZEB). Pesquisas indicam que edifícios de alto desempenho podem ser alcançados com um design integrado que combina estratégias de eficiência energética, como vidro de alto desempenho, com energia fotovoltaica. A metodologia BIM pode incorporar a Análise de Desempenho do Edifício para apoiar a tomada de decisão de um projeto integrado, essa abordagem é considerada essencial para alcançar um NZEB bem-sucedido. A presente investigação inclui uma revisão sistemática da literatura que orientou a pesquisa. Com base na SLR, foi desenvolvido um Manual de Entrega de Informações que propõe um novo fluxo de trabalho no qual os estudos de energia são realizados nos estágios iniciais do design para alcançar projetos com maior eficiência energética e aproveitar a colaboração intrínseca à metodologia BIM. Por fim, é apresentado um experimento hipotético de um edifício comercial para ilustrar o fluxo de trabalho proposto no IDM desenvolvido. O software Autodesk Revit foi usado para modelar o edifício e a simulação energética foi realizada no software DesignBuilder. Verificou-se que, para que esses dois softwares fossem interoperáveis, o modelo precisava ser exportado do Revit no formato gbXML. As opções de design foram baseadas na proporção de janela/parede (30 por cento, 50 por cento e 100 por cento), no vidro adotado e no sistema fotovoltaico. A análise de viabilidade econômica foi realizada com base no Valor Presente Líquido e na Taxa Interna de Retorno. Os resultados indicaram que o uso da fachada norte para produção fotovoltaica combinado com o sistema fotovoltaico da cobertura forneceu um balanço de energia próximo de zero na maioria dos casos. Por fim, todos os casos analisados têm um tempo de retorno de investimento inferior a garantia do fabricante dos módulos fotovoltaicos (25 anos), exceto no caso com 100 por cento de relação janela/parede e vidro PV na fachada norte. / [en] An architecture that requires a huge energy demand goes against the concept of a Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB). Research on the subject indicates that high performing buildings can be achieved with an integrated design that combines energy efficiency strategies, such as high performing glass, with photovoltaic energy (PV). The Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology can incorporate Building Performance (BP) analysis to support decision making of an integrated design, which is considered essential to achieve a successful NZEB. The present investigation includes a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) that guided the research. Based on the SLR, an Information Delivery Manual was developed that propose a new workflow in which the energy studies are performed in the early stages of design to achieve more energy efficient projects and take advantage of the collaboration intrinsic to the BIM methodology. Lastly, a hypothetical experiment of a commercial building is presented to illustrate the workflow proposed in the developed IDM. The Autodesk Revit software was used to model the building and the energy computer simulation was performed in the DesignBuilder software. It was found that for these two software tools to be interoperable, the model had to be exported from Revit in gbXML format. The design options in the experiment were based on window-to-wall ratio (30 per cent, 50 per cent and 100 per cent), on the adopted glass, and on the photovoltaic system. The economic feasibility analysis was performed based in the Net Present Value (NPV) and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The results indicated that the use of the north facade for PV production combining with the PV roof system provided a nearly zero energy balance in most of the cases. Finally, all cases analyzed had a payback time of less than the PV module manufacturer guarantee (25 years), except for the case with 100 per cent window-to-wall ratio and PV Glass in the north facade.
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Les divisions de la créance / The divisions of credit-claimBoutron-Collinot, Marie 06 December 2018 (has links)
Les divisions de la créance ne renvoient qu’aux hypothèses de l’article 1309 du code civil : la division de la créance constituée au profit de plusieurs créanciers et la division de la créance dévolue à une pluralité d’héritiers. Pourtant, le procédé ne doit pas être réduit à ces deux occurrences. Peuvent être identifiées non seulement d’autres divisions de l’objet de la créance, mais également des divisions d’une autre forme, qui consisteraient en une répartition des prérogatives du droit de créance. Suivant un classement des divisions de la créance – division de l’objet de la créance, division des prérogatives du droit de créance –, il faut identifier les mécanismes qui y correspondent et, le cas échéant, établir des rapprochements susceptibles de compléter leur régime. S’agissant des divisions de l’objet de la créance, le modèle de l’article 1309 du Code civil consiste dans l’attribution, par un effet légal, à chacun des créanciers ou des héritiers du créancier d’un droit complet sur une fraction de l’objet de la créance. Au-delà, le modèle peut être reproduit par l’effet de la volonté grâce à des mécanismes – comme la cession partielle de créance – qui permettent de transmettre, par l’effet de la volonté, un droit sur une fraction de l’objet de la créance. S’agissant des divisions des prérogatives de la créance, le modèle réside dans le démembrement du droit de propriété. D’abord, ce modèle s’applique à la créance pour en diviser les prérogatives – avec l’usufruit de la créance ou un droit réel sui generis. Ensuite, se pose la question de l’imitation du modèle, c’est-à-dire de la possibilité de diviser directement les prérogatives du droit de créance. / The divisions of the credit-claim refer only to the hypotheses of article 1309 of the French Civil Code : the division of the credit-claim to the benefit of multiple creditors and the division of the credit-claim transferred to multiple heirs. However this process must not be limited to these two occurrences. Firstly, it is possible to identify other ways to divide the credit-claim’s subject matter. Secondly, the division of a credit-claim may consist in distributing the prerogatives resulting from the credit-claim. Following a typology of the divisions of the credit-claim – divisions of the subject matter of the credit-claim, division of the prerogatives resulting from the credit-claim -, it is necessary to identify the corresponding notions and, where appropriate, to suggest how their regimes can be perfected accordingly.As far as the divisions of the credit-claim’s subject matter are concerned, the way they are modelled on article 1309 of the Civil Code consists in conferring, through an effect of the legislation, to each creditor or to each creditor’s heir a full right on a fraction of the credit-claim’s subject matter. This initial model can be expanded, as it can be replicate through the effects of will, thanks to notions such as the partial assignment of the credit-claim which enable the transfer, through the effects of individual will, of right on a fraction of the credit-claim’s subject matter.As for the divisions of the prerogatives attached to the credit-claim, the archetypal reference is the dismemberment of ownership. Firstly, this archetype applies to the credit-claim in order to divide its prerogatives – with the usufruct of the credit-claim or a sui generis real right. Secondly, the question is whether it is possible to replicate the model, ie whether it is possible to divide directly the prerogatives of the credit-claim.
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