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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O Da Invenção, de Marco Túlio Cícero: tradução e estudo / De inuentione by Marco tulio Cicero: translation and introduction

Ilunga, Kabengele 01 March 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste numa tradução integral dos dois livros do De inuentione de Cícero e um estudo introdutório. A despeito de não possuir preceitos específicos, a ars retorica constitui um gênero fundamentado em modelos e consagrado pela tradição. No estudo analisam-se as introduções das traduções mais recentes da obra, propondo, além das tradicionais leituras que privilegiam o contexto, as condições materiais e a subjetividade do autor, uma leitura retórica a partir do conceito de auctoritas. / This work consists of a translation comprehending the two Cicero\'s books De inuentione and an introdutory study. The ars retorica as a work with no specific precepts is a gender well-grounded in models and established by tradition. The study examins the forewords of the most recent translations of the work and proposes a rhetoric reading through the concept of auctoritas, further to the traditional readings that favor the context, the material conditions and the subjectiveness of the author.

O Da Invenção, de Marco Túlio Cícero: tradução e estudo / De inuentione by Marco tulio Cicero: translation and introduction

Kabengele Ilunga 01 March 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste numa tradução integral dos dois livros do De inuentione de Cícero e um estudo introdutório. A despeito de não possuir preceitos específicos, a ars retorica constitui um gênero fundamentado em modelos e consagrado pela tradição. No estudo analisam-se as introduções das traduções mais recentes da obra, propondo, além das tradicionais leituras que privilegiam o contexto, as condições materiais e a subjetividade do autor, uma leitura retórica a partir do conceito de auctoritas. / This work consists of a translation comprehending the two Cicero\'s books De inuentione and an introdutory study. The ars retorica as a work with no specific precepts is a gender well-grounded in models and established by tradition. The study examins the forewords of the most recent translations of the work and proposes a rhetoric reading through the concept of auctoritas, further to the traditional readings that favor the context, the material conditions and the subjectiveness of the author.

SIDERA AUGUSTA: The Role of the Stars in Augustus' Quest for Supreme Auctoritas

CARSWELL, CHRISTOPHER J A 16 September 2009 (has links)
Auctoritas was the foundation of Augustus' legitimacy, success, and survival in Roman politics. The necessary precondition of successfully founding political legitimacy upon auctoritas, however, was that Augustus' auctoritas had to be supreme. This thesis will show that one of the most important ways Augustus achieved supreme auctoritas was by integrating himself into traditional beliefs about the stars and by harnessing the associations with the divine and supernatural that were latent in these beliefs. Augustus reinforced his association with these beliefs by employing a number of powerful symbols drawn from among the stars. Chapters Two and Three will focus upon one of these symbols, the sidus Iulium (the comet of Caesar). Chapter Two will demonstrate how Augustus harnessed the general acceptance of Caesar's astral apotheosis (catasterism) and of catasterism in general in the Roman world at that time and then used the sidus Iulium as a symbol of his connection with Divus Iulius and of his own semi-divine status. Chapter Three will explore how Augustus promoted the sidus Iulium as the harbinger of a golden age for the Roman people and as an omen of the fact that it was his destiny to lead them into it. Chapter Four will turn to another astral symbol, the constellation Capricorn. This chapter will examine how Augustus integrated himself into the greatly popular discipline of astrology and used its language of fate to promote himself as a man of great destiny. Throughout we will consider a variety of evidence, particularly numismatic and literary. This will help us to achieve the fullest possible picture of the lengths to which Augustus went to create a useful ally of the stars in his never-ending quest for auctoritas. / Thesis (Master, Classics) -- Queen's University, 2009-09-14 18:14:44.877

Vydržení v římském právu a jeho odrazy v moderních soukromoprávních zákonících / Acquisitive prescription in Roman law and its reflection in modern private law codes

Fruthová, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Acquisitive prescription in Roman law and its reflection in modern private law codes Abstract Acquisitive prescription is a legal institute, which function is to reconcile state of fact with state of law. This institute served especially to acquire ownership for possessor of the thing by lapse of prescribed time, but it should also serve to acquire other laws, such as servitudes. This thesis focuses mainly on Roman law form of acquisitive prescription. In order to properly understand the concept it is essential to percept it in relation to a unique conception of Roman property law including all its specifics and differences from current view on ownership. First part of the thesis is dedicated to Roman ownership concept and its basic characteristics. Subsequent part describes the development through which the acquisitive prescription in Roman law proceeded during its existence. The thesis focuses on particular institutes such as usus auctoritas, usucapio, praescriptio longi temporis and praescriptio longissimi temporis. Firstly a form of acquisitive prescription in ancient and pre-classical era is investigated. The subject of interest here is the term of auctoritas. The next part of the thesis is focused on classical form of acquisitive prescription, where this type of acquisition was termed as usucapio. The...

L’évolution de la notion de « bellum iustum » à Rome des origines à Saint Augustin / The evolution of the notion of bellum iustum in Rome from the origines to saint Augustin

Chemain, Jean-François 17 December 2015 (has links)
On connaît souvent la conception romaine de la guerre juste (bellum iustum) à travers quelques textes canoniques : la description, par Tite-Live,du rituel fétial de déclaration de guerre (T. L. I, 32), diverses réflexions de Cicéron dans ses traités philosophiques, et des textes de saint Augustin censés fonder une « doctrine chrétienne » de la guerre juste, qui sera reprise par saint Thomas d’Aquin. Le projet de cette thèse est de montrer comment la notion de bellum iustum évolue à travers les siècles, sur plus de mille ans d’histoire romaine. Elle passe ainsi d’un stade magique à un stade religieux, puis institutionnel, devenant l’instrument d’une idéologie impériale, avant d’être nourrie par la philosophie venue de Grèce, récupérée par le christianisme du IVe siècle sous la forme d’une « théologie de la victoire », puis enfin transmuée par saint Augustin. Comme les Romains, très conservateurs, ne rejettent rien de leur passé, nous suivrons les évolutions, plus que les ruptures, qui ont permis à une notion venue du fond de la mythologie indoeuropéenne de parvenir jusqu’au seuil du Moyen Age, puis ensuite jusqu’à nos jours, puisqu’Augustin est toujours considéré comme le fondateur de la théorie moderne de la guerre juste. / We often know the Roman conception of just war (bellum iustum) through a few canonical texts: Tite-Live’s description of the war-declaration fetial ritual (T.L.I, 32), various reflections from Cicero in his philosophical treaties, and from various writings by Saint Augustine, said to be the foundation of a “Christiandoctrine” of the just war, which will be picked up by Thomas Aquinas. The project for this thesis is to show the evolution through centuries of the notion of bellum iustum over a period of more than 1,000 years of Roman history, from a magical stage to a religious stage, on to an institutional one, when it becomes the instrument of an imperial ideology. It then integrates Greek philosophy before being appropriated by Christianity, in the 4th century, in the form of a “victory theology”. It is finally transmuted by Saint Augustine. As the Romans, being conservative, do not reject anything from their past, we will follow the evolutions,rather than ruptures, that allowed a notion originated in the depths of Indo-European mythology to reach the threshold of the Middle Ages and then the present day, since Augustine is still regarded as the founder of the modern theory of just war.

Répétition et variation de la tradition dans les romans de Hue de Rotelande

Vinot, Julien 22 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Hue de Rotelande, poète anglo-normand dont l'activité littéraire se situe dans le dernier quart du XIIe siècle, est l'auteur de deux romans en vers, Ipomedon et Protheselaus. Souvent interrogés par la critique - bien qu'une étude d'ensemble sur l'œuvre de Hue fasse défaut - ces textes posent problème quant à leur classification et à leur interprétation. En effet, les ouvrages de Hue, que l'on ne peut tout à fait considérer ni comme des romans antiques ni comme des romans arthuriens, semblent n'être composés que d'épisodes empruntés à des récits contemporains. S'il est vrai que l'on retrouve des motifs et des personnages connus par ailleurs, Hue n'organise pas ses textes de la même manière que ses prédécesseurs. Sous un double rapport de dépendance et d'innovation, Hue s'approprie différents matériaux pour recomposer un monde romanesque, qui repose en grande partie sur la répétition et la variation des traditions littéraires. Puisque les textes de Hue empruntent et utilisent sans cesse l'espace et la matière d'autres romans, et se développent sur des codes déjà existants, il nous a paru nécessaire d'étudier la manière dont l'auteur ordonne ses compositions et établit un dialogue avec d'autres œuvres. Se plaçant sous le signe de la translatio studii et présentant ses ouvrages comme de simples traductions, Hue joue avec ses modèles référentiels qu'il vide de toute auctoritas. Il montre que cette tradition qui veut que les textes s'écrivent les uns sur les autres, le nouveau sur l'ancien, est de l'ordre du semblant (chapitre I). S'il construit ses textes sur le moule et les recettes du roman courtois, il remet en question les modalités de celui-ci afin de proposer une nouvelle conception courtoise qui donne à ses romans une tonalité égrillarde (chapitre II). Hue ne cesse de tenir un discours réflexif sur sa pratique d'écrivain de façon à souligner le travail de l'écriture qui s'exerce dans ses textes. Il attire l'attention sur son propre rôle d'auteur, sur l'image qu'il donne de lui-même et de sa fonction dans son œuvre (chapitre III).

Ratio Venustatis: razões da beleza nos livros I e III do De Architectvra de Vitrúvio / Ratio Venvstatis: reasons for beauty in books I and III of Vitruvius Architectvra

Lima, Clovis Antonio Benedini 12 May 2015 (has links)
Segundo Vitrúvio, a arquitetura deve se orientar pelos princípios de firmeza, utilidade e venustidade. Procurou-se perquirir de que modo a ratio uenustatis se insere no De Architectura e o papel desempenhado. Em torno da noção de uenustas reúnem-se termos - tais como: species, aspectus, aspiciens, figura, uisus, oculus - concernentes às preocupações visuais dirigidas às obras, indicadas já nas definições fundamentais da arquitetura - ordinatio, dispositio, eurythmia, symmetria, decor e distributio. Lê-se no Livro III que o aspectus da obra lhe confere autoridade (auctoritas), e o templo eustilo pseudodíptero se afigura como exemplo maior na preceptiva. Mas é preciso contar antes com a auctoritas do arquiteto, para isso instruído nas letras (litterae), dentre variadas artes e erudições, e apto simultaneamente ao fazer e ao raciocinar (fabrica et ratiocinatio). As autoridades egrégias (egregias auctoritates) prometidas no primeiro exórdio à majestade do poder conduzido pelo Imperator, por ocasião dos esforços empreendidos na construção pública, dizem respeito às oportunidades e vantagens (opportunitas) advindas de uma adequada ordenação dos recintos urbanos (moenia) - desde a escolha do sítio até a determinação das obras de uso comum -, demonstrando-se intrinsecamente conexas à diligência no campo das venustidades, que permeia os demais âmbitos da arte edificatória. / According to Vitruvius, architecture must be oriented by the principles of firmitas, utilitas and uenustas. We tried to question how the ratio uenustatis is inserted in the De Architectura and its role. There are some terms which are gathered around the concept of uenustas - such as: species, aspectus, aspiciens, figura, uisus, oculus - concerning the visual matters directed to the building works, already indicated by the architecture\'s fundamental definitions - ordinatio, dispositio, eurythmia, symmetria, decor and distributio. As it is witten in Book III, the aspectus bestows aucthority (auctoritas) on the building and the eustylos pseudodipteros temple appears as a major exemplum in the set of preceptions. But before it is necessary to the authorized work to count upon the architect\'s authority, to that instructed in the litterae, among varied arts and eruditions, and apt at the same time to fabrica and ratiocinatio. The prominent authority (egregias auctoritates) promised to the majesty of the power lead by the Imperator in the first exordium, on the occasion of the efforts undertaken in the public building, are concerned with the opportuniies and advantages (opportunitas) issued from an adequate arrangement of the limited urban area (moenia) - from the selection of the site to the common use buildings settlement - showing themselves intrinsically connected with the heed of the ratio uenustatis that permeates the other fields of the ars aedificatoria.

A propriedade fundiária arcaica: nova interpretação da regra do usus auctoritas fundi  da Lei das XII tábuas / Archaic land ownership: new reading of the usus auctoritas rule of the twelve tables.

Lemos, Julio Cesar Lazzarini 13 May 2011 (has links)
A chamada regra do usus auctoritas, presente na Lei das XII tábuas, é apontada, desde Cujácio (séc. XVI), e daí em diante por muitos juristas, como sendo uma antiga norma sobre a garantia do vendedor por meio de negócio formal, mancipatio em caso de evicção; o próprio sentido do vocábulo auctoritas seria «garantia», ou mesmo «dever de prestar garantia», neste caso particular inseparável da mancipatio. Mas o fragmento que traz essa regra USUS AUCTORITAS FUNDI BIENNIUM EST[O] nos foi transmitido por Cícero e (embora de forma já interpretada) Gaio; e estes a consideram uma espécie de antiga norma a respeito do usucapião (inicialmente apenas de imóveis). Outros juristas antigos e contemporâneos seguiram, em parte, essa interpretação original. O trabalho pretende trazer novos argumentos em favor dessa exegese natural de Cícero e Gaio no sentido de que a dita regra versa sobre usucapião, mais especificamente sobre uma sua forma arcaica e bastante peculiar. Investiga-se o surgimento da propriedade imobiliária em Roma e suas peculiaridades: o sistema augural, quase religioso, de limitação do solo destinado, no início, a todo cidadão romano, conferido por meio de atos de adsignatio (concessão) pelo «estado» em formação, que detinha a auctoritas ou poder; a passagem da soberania das gentes pré-romanas aos Quirites; a gradual privatização a atribuição dessa auctoritas coletiva e diretamente quiritária ao proprietário dessas parcelas de terra e a fragmentação do solo pelo direito privado regulado pela Lei das XII tábuas, que confere autonomia (a auctoritas ou título) aos indíviduos e suas famílias. Acrescenta-se uma breve análise lógica da regra e uma tentativa de a inserir no esquema geral do usucapião moderno. / The usus auctoritas rule from the Twelve Tables was conceived by Jacques Cujas (16th century AD), and many authors thereafter, as an ancient norm that established a warranty against eviction granted by the seller when transferring the ownership of the thing to the buyer through the performance of mancipatio. According to this view, the very word auctoritas is taken to mean warranty, or else to imply an obligation to give warranty, and is intrinsically associated with mancipatio. But the fragment of the sources that state this rule USUS AUCTORITAS FUNDI BIENNIUM EST[O] were brough to us by Cicero and Gaius (the latter in the form of an interpretation of the norm), and both consider it to be an ancient Roman disposition that originally dealt with usucaption of immovable property only. To a certain extent, various ancient and modern jurists accept the latter interpretation. The object of this thesis is to provide new arguments to support the more natural interpretation adopted by Cicero and Gaius, i.e., that the rule in question deals specifically with an archaic and peculiar form of usucapio. The present work analyzes the emergence of private ownership of immovable property in Rome and its peculiarities: the quasi-religious augural system of land apportionment adopted by the fledging Roman state to assign a lot of land to every Roman citizen through the performance of acts of adsignatio (allotment); the sovereignty transferred by the pre-Roman gentes to the Quirites; the process by which land plots were gradually privatized and landowners acquired this once collective and quiritarian auctoritas, and the resulting land apportionment caused by the application of rules of private law based on the Twelve Tables conferring autonomy (auctoritas or title) to individuals and their families. In the final lines, an attempt is made to provide a logical analysis of the rule and to place it within the general conceptual framework of modern usucaption.

Ratio Venustatis: razões da beleza nos livros I e III do De Architectvra de Vitrúvio / Ratio Venvstatis: reasons for beauty in books I and III of Vitruvius Architectvra

Clovis Antonio Benedini Lima 12 May 2015 (has links)
Segundo Vitrúvio, a arquitetura deve se orientar pelos princípios de firmeza, utilidade e venustidade. Procurou-se perquirir de que modo a ratio uenustatis se insere no De Architectura e o papel desempenhado. Em torno da noção de uenustas reúnem-se termos - tais como: species, aspectus, aspiciens, figura, uisus, oculus - concernentes às preocupações visuais dirigidas às obras, indicadas já nas definições fundamentais da arquitetura - ordinatio, dispositio, eurythmia, symmetria, decor e distributio. Lê-se no Livro III que o aspectus da obra lhe confere autoridade (auctoritas), e o templo eustilo pseudodíptero se afigura como exemplo maior na preceptiva. Mas é preciso contar antes com a auctoritas do arquiteto, para isso instruído nas letras (litterae), dentre variadas artes e erudições, e apto simultaneamente ao fazer e ao raciocinar (fabrica et ratiocinatio). As autoridades egrégias (egregias auctoritates) prometidas no primeiro exórdio à majestade do poder conduzido pelo Imperator, por ocasião dos esforços empreendidos na construção pública, dizem respeito às oportunidades e vantagens (opportunitas) advindas de uma adequada ordenação dos recintos urbanos (moenia) - desde a escolha do sítio até a determinação das obras de uso comum -, demonstrando-se intrinsecamente conexas à diligência no campo das venustidades, que permeia os demais âmbitos da arte edificatória. / According to Vitruvius, architecture must be oriented by the principles of firmitas, utilitas and uenustas. We tried to question how the ratio uenustatis is inserted in the De Architectura and its role. There are some terms which are gathered around the concept of uenustas - such as: species, aspectus, aspiciens, figura, uisus, oculus - concerning the visual matters directed to the building works, already indicated by the architecture\'s fundamental definitions - ordinatio, dispositio, eurythmia, symmetria, decor and distributio. As it is witten in Book III, the aspectus bestows aucthority (auctoritas) on the building and the eustylos pseudodipteros temple appears as a major exemplum in the set of preceptions. But before it is necessary to the authorized work to count upon the architect\'s authority, to that instructed in the litterae, among varied arts and eruditions, and apt at the same time to fabrica and ratiocinatio. The prominent authority (egregias auctoritates) promised to the majesty of the power lead by the Imperator in the first exordium, on the occasion of the efforts undertaken in the public building, are concerned with the opportuniies and advantages (opportunitas) issued from an adequate arrangement of the limited urban area (moenia) - from the selection of the site to the common use buildings settlement - showing themselves intrinsically connected with the heed of the ratio uenustatis that permeates the other fields of the ars aedificatoria.

Il laboratorio di Tassoni postillatore : la riflessione sul Furioso nel postillato tassoniano / Tassoni et les recueils d'apostilles comme laboratoire : la réflexion sur le Roland furieux dans le recueil d'apostilles tassoniennes / Tassoni’s Annotations as Critical Laboratory : Tassoni’s Thought About the Orlando Furioso as Gathered from his Annotations

Ferraro, Luca 19 November 2014 (has links)
La thèse est centrée sur l'édition critique des apostilles inédites de Tassoni au Roland Furieux, et sur l’évolution de son interprétation du poème de l’Arioste à partir des apostilles de jeunesse jusqu'à la Secchia rapita (le Seau Enlevé). Le premier chapitre est consacré aux apostilles de Tassoni : on considère tous ses textes annotés (15 dont il est certainement l’auteur), avec un bref résumé du débat critique sous-jacent à chacun de ces textes, s’il est présent. Ensuite, sont soulignés les aspects communs à toutes les apostilles de Tassoni, dont l’importance n’est pas marginale car elles ont été écrit par une personnalité de premier plan dans le panorama culturel italien du début du XVIIème siècle. La dernière partie du chapitre met les apostilles en relation avec les autres œuvres du Tassoni, où l’élément fragmentaire, celui du texte inachevé et non définitif, est toujours présent. Le deuxième chapitre est centré sur les apostilles au Roland Furieux, dont on fournit l’édition critique en appendice. Les apostilles, dont la longueur est variable, sont environ 2600 et incluent des observations sur tout le poème. Elles critiquent tout ce que Tassoni, d’après Castelvetro, considère contraire aux rigoureuses catégories d’Aristote et du Tasse. Après une brève introduction, le chapitre analyse les apostilles – divisées selon leurs caractéristiques formelles et narratives (action et personnages) –, avec une attention particulière pour les annotations qui soulignent les inventions bizarres, et plus en général pour les aspects les plus spécifiques des apostilles et de leur auteur. Dans le troisième chapitre, on analyse le rapport entre la vision du Roland Furieux qui résulte des apostilles et celle qui est présente dans les œuvres de la maturité, en essayant de reconstruire l’idée de l’épique et en particulier du poème de l’Arioste, et son évolution dans la pensée de Alessandro Tassoni. / My PhD thesis is about the critical edition of the inedited annotations by Tassoni to the Orlando Furioso, and the way his interpretation of Ariosto’s epic poem changes from the annotations written during his youth till The Rape of the Bucket. The first chapter is about Tassoni’s annotations : we consider all his noted texts (15 of which we can say for sure that are by him), with a short summary of the critic debate regarding each one of these texts, if it is present. Then, we underline the aspects that are common to all Tassoni’s annotations, whose importance is not secondary since they have been written by a personality of the Italian cultural scene of the early XVII century. The last part of the chapter compares the annotations with other works by Tassoni, where the fragment can always be found as a stylistic element. The second chapter is about the annotations to the Orlando Furioso, whose critical edition is in the appendix of the thesis. The annotations are about 2600, of different lengths, and they include comments about all the epic poem. They attack all that according to Tassoni (following Castelvetro) breaks the categories of Aristotle and Tasso. After a short introduction, the chapter analyses the annotations – classified based on their formal and narrative features (such as action and characters) –, with a particular attention to the annotations that underline the strange inventions and more generally for the more specific aspects of the annotations and of their author.In the third chapter, we analyze the relation between the vision of the Orlando Furioso that can be gathered from the annotations and the one that characterizes the works of Tassoni’s maturity, trying to reconstruct the idea of epic and specially of Ariosto’s epic poem, and its evolution in Alessandro Tassoni’s thought.

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