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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Revestimentos de níquel químico para proteção contra corrosão. / Autocatalytic nickel-phosphorus (electroless nickel) coatings to protection corrosion.

Cristiano Cardoso 05 April 2006 (has links)
O revestimento de níquel químico é largamente utilizado na proteção contra a corrosão de equipamentos e estruturas utilizados na exploração de petróleo em águas profundas. Apesar de ser considerado um dos revestimentos mais adequados para esta finalidade, são muitos os casos em que se verificam falhas prematuras do revestimento em serviço. Isto tem sido atribuído às diferenças nas características do revestimento decorrentes das diferenças do processo de aplicação e da natureza e preparação da superfície dos substratos a serem protegidos. Estas diferenças decorrem do fato de não existirem especificações abrangentes que definam as características necessárias do revestimento para uma garantia de qualidade. Diante disto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a influência dos principais fatores sobre o desempenho dos revestimentos de níquel químico utilizando ferramentas estatísticas como: planejamento fatorial, seleção dos melhores subconjuntos de regressão, regressão múltipla e curvas de nível. Os fatores considerados neste estudo foram: tipo e estado superficial do substrato, idade do banho, teor de fósforo no revestimento, natureza e teor de contaminantes no revestimento, espessura do revestimento e tipo de tratamento térmico. A caracterização dos revestimentos de níquel químico foi realizada conforme sugerida na norma ISO 4527 e o desempenho dos revestimentos foi verificado por meio dos ensaios de exposição à névoa salina (1 536 h), exposição ao dióxido de enxofre (10 ciclos) e imersão em água do mar sintética (120 dias). Ensaios eletroquímicos (polarização linear e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica) foram realizados somente com o intuito de compará-los ao ensaio de exposição à névoa salina e,assim, ter um ensaio capaz de verificar revestimentos de bom desempenho em um período de tempo menor. Dentro dos intervalos estudados, verificou-se que o desempenho do revestimento de níquel químico é influenciado pelo tipo de substrato, pela espessura da camada depositada, pelo teor de fósforo, pela idade do banho, pelo tratamento térmico e pelos teores dos seguintes contaminantes: enxofre, chumbo, magnésio, cobre, ferro e manganês. A metodologia estatística adotada permitiu verificar a interação entre os fatores influenciadores, fato não considerado na literatura consultada. Além disto, foi possível constatar que os ensaios adotados nas normas internacionais atuais são adequados para verificar a qualidade dos revestimentos. Verificou-se também que os ensaios eletroquímicos, apesar de adequados para o estudo da resistência intrínseca à corrosão do revestimento de níquel químico, não se mostraram adequados para detectar a presença de porosidade que é o principal indicativo da qualidade de proteção por barreira de revestimentos catódicos como o níquel químico. Com os resultados obtidos, será possível a elaboração de uma especificação para se obter revestimentos de níquel químico com bom desempenho. / The autocatalytic nickel-phosphorus (NiP) or electroless nickel (EN) coatings are widely used to protect equipment and structures against corrosion and erosion, used in the exploitation of petroleum in deep waters. Even though NiP is considered as the most appropriate coating for this purpose, many premature failures are verified in service. This has been attributed to the differences in the characteristics of the coating due to the differences in the application processes and in the nature and preparation of the substrate surfaces. The lack of broad specifications that define the required characteristics of the good quality coating is responsible for those differences. The present work had as its objective to identify the main factors related to the NiP performance using statistical tools as: factorial design, best subset regression, multiple regression and contour diagram. The considered factors were: substrate type, substrate surface finishing, bath age, phosphorus content, thickness, heat treatment and impurities. The NiP coatings were characterized in agreement with the ISO 4527 and their performance was verified through the salt spray test (1 536 h), the Kesternish test (10 cycles) and the synthetic sea water immersion test (120 days). Electrochemical tests (linear polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) were conducted in order to compare them to the salt spray test and thus reducing the testing time. In the studied range, it was verified that the NiP performance is influenced by the following factors: substrate type, thickness coating, phosphorus content, bath age (MTO), heat treatment and the impurities: sulfur, lead, magnesium, copper, iron and manganese. It was possible to verify that the types of accelerated corrosion tests adopted in the current international standards are appropriate to verify the quality of the coatings. It was also verified that the electrochemical tests, despite being suitable to indicate the NiP intrinsic corrosion resistance, are not appropriate to verify the NiP porosity (which is the main indication of a cathodic coating quality). With the obtained results, it will be possible to establish a better specification in order to obtain NiP with good quality.

Molecular Replicator Dynamics

Stadler, Bärbel M.R., Stadler, Peter F. 17 October 2018 (has links)
Template-dependent replication at the molecular level is the basis of reproduction in nature. A detailed understanding of the peculiarities of the chemical reaction kinetics associated with replication processes is therefore an indispensible prerequisite for any understanding of evolution at the molecular level. Networks of interacting self-replicating species can give rise to a wealth of different dynamical phenomena, from competitive exclusion to permanent coexistence, from global stability to multi-stability and chaotic dynamics. Nevertheless, there are some general principles that govern their overall behavior. We focus on the question to what extent the dynamics of replication can explain the accumulation of genetic information that eventually leads to the emergence of the first cell and hence the origin of life as we know it. A large class of ligation-based replication systems, which includes the experimentally available model systems for template directed self-replication, is of particular interest because its dynamics bridges the gap between the survival of a single fittest species to the global coexistence of everthing. In this intermediate regime the selection is weak enough to allow the coexistence of genetically unrelated replicators and strong enough to limit the accumulation of disfunctional mutants.

The Origin of Life by Means of Autocatalytic Sets of Biopolymers

Wu, Meng 10 1900 (has links)
<p>A key problem in the origin of life is to understand how an autocatalytic, self-replicating biopolymer system may have originated from a non-living chemical system. This thesis presents mathematical and computational models that address this issue. We consider a reaction system in which monomers (nucleotides) and polymers (RNAs) can be formed by chemical reactions at a slow spontaneous rate, and can also be formed at a high rate by catalysis, if polymer catalysts (ribozymes) are present. The system has two steady states: a ‘dead’ state with a low concentration of ribozymes and a ‘living’ state with a high concentration of ribozymes. Using stochastic simulations, we show that if a small number of ribozymes is formed spontaneously, this can drive the system from the dead to the living state. In the well mixed limit, this transition occurs most easily in volumes of intermediate size. In a spatially-extended two-dimensional system with finite diffusion rate, there is an optimal diffusion rate at which the transition to life is very much faster than in the well-mixed case. We therefore argue that the origin of life is a spatially localized stochastic transition. Once life has arisen in one place by a rare stochastic event, the living state spreads deterministically through the rest of the system. We show that similar autocatalytic states can be controlled by nucleotide synthases as well as by polymerase ribozymes, and that the same mechanism can also work with recombinases, if the recombination reaction is not perfectly reversible. Chirality is introduced into the polymerization model by considering simultaneous synthesis and polymerization of left- and right-handed monomers. We show that there is a racemic non-living state and two chiral living states. In this model, the origin of life and the origin of homochirality may occur simultaneously due to the same stochastic transition.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Étude de la biogenèse de l'autotransporteur AIDA-I d'Escherichia coli

Charbonneau, Marie-Ève 04 1900 (has links)
Les autotransporteurs monomériques, appartenant au système de sécrétion de type V, correspondent à une famille importante de facteurs de virulence bactériens. Plusieurs fonctions, souvent essentielles pour le développement d’une infection ou pour le maintien et la survie des bactéries dans l’organisme hôte, ont été décrites pour cette famille de protéines. Malgré l’importance de ces protéines, notre connaissance de leur biogenèse et de leur mécanisme d’action demeure relativement limitée. L’autotransporteur AIDA-I, retrouvé chez diverses souches d’Escherichia coli, est un autotransporter multifonctionnel typique impliqué dans l’adhésion et l’invasion cellulaire ainsi que dans la formation de biofilm et d’agrégats bactériens. Les domaines extracellulaires d’autotransporteurs monomériques sont responsables de la fonctionnalité et possèdent pratiquement tous une structure caractéristique d’hélice β. Nous avons mené une étude de mutagenèse aléatoire avec AIDA-I afin de comprendre la base de la multifonctionnalité de cette protéine. Par cette approche, nous avons démontré que les domaines passagers de certains autotransporteurs possèdent une organisation modulaire, ce qui signifie qu’ils sont construits sous la forme de modules fonctionnels. Les domaines passagers d’autotransporteurs peuvent être clivés et relâchés dans le milieu extracellulaire. Toutefois, malgré la diversité des mécanismes de clivage existants, plusieurs protéines, telles qu’AIDA-I, sont clivées par un mécanisme qui demeure inconnu. En effectuant une renaturation in vitro d’AIDA-I, couplée avec une approche de mutagenèse dirigée, nous avons démontré que cette protéine se clive par un mécanisme autocatalytique qui implique deux acides aminés possédant un groupement carboxyle. Ces résultats ont permis la description d’un nouveau mécanisme de clivage pour la famille des autotransporteurs monomériques. Une des particularités d’AIDA-I est sa glycosylation par une heptosyltransférase spécifique nommée Aah. La glycosylation est un concept plutôt récent chez les bactéries et pour l’instant, très peu de protéines ont été décrites comme glycosylées chez E. coli. Nous avons démontré que Aah est le prototype pour une nouvelle famille de glycosyltransférases bactériennes retrouvées chez diverses espèces de protéobactéries. La glycosylation d’AIDA-I est une modification cytoplasmique et post-traductionnelle. De plus, Aah ne reconnaît pas une séquence primaire, mais plutôt un motif structural. Ces observations sont uniques chez les bactéries et permettent d’élargir nos connaissances sur la glycosylation chez les procaryotes. La glycosylation par Aah est essentielle pour la conformation d’AIDA-I et par conséquent pour sa capacité de permettre l’adhésion. Puisque plusieurs homologues d’Aah sont retrouvés à proximité d’autotransporteurs monomériques putatifs, cette famille de glycosyltranférases pourrait être importante, sinon essentielle, pour la biogenèse et/ou la fonction de nombreux autotransporteurs. En conclusion, les résultats présentés dans cette thèse apportent de nouvelles informations et permettent une meilleure compréhension de la biogenèse d’une des plus importantes familles de protéines sécrétées chez les bactéries Gram négatif. / Monomeric autotransporters, a family of proteins that use the type V secretion pathway, are important mediators of virulence for many bacterial pathogens. Many functions important for host colonization and survival have been described for these proteins. Despite the recognized importance of this family of proteins, the mechanisms that are required for the biogenesis and functionality of monomeric autotransporters still remain poorly understood. The Escherichia coli adhesin involved in diffuse adherence (AIDA-I) is a classical multifunctional autotransporter protein that mediates bacterial aggregation and biofilm formation, as well as adhesion and invasion of cultured epithelial cells. Extracellular domains of autotransporters are responsible for the protein function and fold into a characteristic β-helical structure. We performed a random mutagenesis of the AIDA-I passenger domain in order to identify regions involved in the various phenotypes associated with the expression of this protein. Our study suggests that the passenger domain of AIDA-I possesses a modular organization, which means that AIDA-I is built with individual functional modules. Autotransporter passenger domains can be cleaved from the β-domain and released into the extracellular milieu. However, despite the fact that diverse cleavage mechanisms have been previously described, many autotransporters, like AIDA-I, are cleaved by an unknown mechanism. By monitoring the in vitro refolding and cleavage following by site-directed mutagenesis, we showed that AIDA-I processing is an autocatalytic event that involves two acidic residues. Our results unveil a new mechanism of auto-processing in the autotransporter family. AIDA-I is one of the few glycosylated proteins found in Escherichia coli. Glycosylation is mediated by a specific heptosyltransferase encoded by the aah gene, but little is known about the role of this modification and the mechanism involved. Our findings suggest that Aah represents the prototype of a new large family of bacterial protein O-glycosyltransferases that modify various substrates recognized through a structural motif. Furthermore, we showed that glycosylation occurs in the cytoplasm by a cotranslational mechanism. These observations are unique in bacteria and represent a significant advance in our comprehension of prokaryotic glycosylation. We also showed that glycosylation is required to ensure a normal conformation of AIDA-I and, as a consequence, is necessary for its cell-binding function. The finding that other autotransporters or large adhesin-encoding genes are linked to Aah homologue-encoding genes suggests that glycosylation may be important, if not essential, for the function of these proteins, as for AIDA-I. In conclusion, the results presented in this thesis bring new information about the autotransporter family and also give new insight into the mechanisms that are important for different aspects of the biogenesis of monomeric autotransporters.

Étude de la biogenèse de l'autotransporteur AIDA-I d'Escherichia coli

Charbonneau, Marie-Ève 04 1900 (has links)
Les autotransporteurs monomériques, appartenant au système de sécrétion de type V, correspondent à une famille importante de facteurs de virulence bactériens. Plusieurs fonctions, souvent essentielles pour le développement d’une infection ou pour le maintien et la survie des bactéries dans l’organisme hôte, ont été décrites pour cette famille de protéines. Malgré l’importance de ces protéines, notre connaissance de leur biogenèse et de leur mécanisme d’action demeure relativement limitée. L’autotransporteur AIDA-I, retrouvé chez diverses souches d’Escherichia coli, est un autotransporter multifonctionnel typique impliqué dans l’adhésion et l’invasion cellulaire ainsi que dans la formation de biofilm et d’agrégats bactériens. Les domaines extracellulaires d’autotransporteurs monomériques sont responsables de la fonctionnalité et possèdent pratiquement tous une structure caractéristique d’hélice β. Nous avons mené une étude de mutagenèse aléatoire avec AIDA-I afin de comprendre la base de la multifonctionnalité de cette protéine. Par cette approche, nous avons démontré que les domaines passagers de certains autotransporteurs possèdent une organisation modulaire, ce qui signifie qu’ils sont construits sous la forme de modules fonctionnels. Les domaines passagers d’autotransporteurs peuvent être clivés et relâchés dans le milieu extracellulaire. Toutefois, malgré la diversité des mécanismes de clivage existants, plusieurs protéines, telles qu’AIDA-I, sont clivées par un mécanisme qui demeure inconnu. En effectuant une renaturation in vitro d’AIDA-I, couplée avec une approche de mutagenèse dirigée, nous avons démontré que cette protéine se clive par un mécanisme autocatalytique qui implique deux acides aminés possédant un groupement carboxyle. Ces résultats ont permis la description d’un nouveau mécanisme de clivage pour la famille des autotransporteurs monomériques. Une des particularités d’AIDA-I est sa glycosylation par une heptosyltransférase spécifique nommée Aah. La glycosylation est un concept plutôt récent chez les bactéries et pour l’instant, très peu de protéines ont été décrites comme glycosylées chez E. coli. Nous avons démontré que Aah est le prototype pour une nouvelle famille de glycosyltransférases bactériennes retrouvées chez diverses espèces de protéobactéries. La glycosylation d’AIDA-I est une modification cytoplasmique et post-traductionnelle. De plus, Aah ne reconnaît pas une séquence primaire, mais plutôt un motif structural. Ces observations sont uniques chez les bactéries et permettent d’élargir nos connaissances sur la glycosylation chez les procaryotes. La glycosylation par Aah est essentielle pour la conformation d’AIDA-I et par conséquent pour sa capacité de permettre l’adhésion. Puisque plusieurs homologues d’Aah sont retrouvés à proximité d’autotransporteurs monomériques putatifs, cette famille de glycosyltranférases pourrait être importante, sinon essentielle, pour la biogenèse et/ou la fonction de nombreux autotransporteurs. En conclusion, les résultats présentés dans cette thèse apportent de nouvelles informations et permettent une meilleure compréhension de la biogenèse d’une des plus importantes familles de protéines sécrétées chez les bactéries Gram négatif. / Monomeric autotransporters, a family of proteins that use the type V secretion pathway, are important mediators of virulence for many bacterial pathogens. Many functions important for host colonization and survival have been described for these proteins. Despite the recognized importance of this family of proteins, the mechanisms that are required for the biogenesis and functionality of monomeric autotransporters still remain poorly understood. The Escherichia coli adhesin involved in diffuse adherence (AIDA-I) is a classical multifunctional autotransporter protein that mediates bacterial aggregation and biofilm formation, as well as adhesion and invasion of cultured epithelial cells. Extracellular domains of autotransporters are responsible for the protein function and fold into a characteristic β-helical structure. We performed a random mutagenesis of the AIDA-I passenger domain in order to identify regions involved in the various phenotypes associated with the expression of this protein. Our study suggests that the passenger domain of AIDA-I possesses a modular organization, which means that AIDA-I is built with individual functional modules. Autotransporter passenger domains can be cleaved from the β-domain and released into the extracellular milieu. However, despite the fact that diverse cleavage mechanisms have been previously described, many autotransporters, like AIDA-I, are cleaved by an unknown mechanism. By monitoring the in vitro refolding and cleavage following by site-directed mutagenesis, we showed that AIDA-I processing is an autocatalytic event that involves two acidic residues. Our results unveil a new mechanism of auto-processing in the autotransporter family. AIDA-I is one of the few glycosylated proteins found in Escherichia coli. Glycosylation is mediated by a specific heptosyltransferase encoded by the aah gene, but little is known about the role of this modification and the mechanism involved. Our findings suggest that Aah represents the prototype of a new large family of bacterial protein O-glycosyltransferases that modify various substrates recognized through a structural motif. Furthermore, we showed that glycosylation occurs in the cytoplasm by a cotranslational mechanism. These observations are unique in bacteria and represent a significant advance in our comprehension of prokaryotic glycosylation. We also showed that glycosylation is required to ensure a normal conformation of AIDA-I and, as a consequence, is necessary for its cell-binding function. The finding that other autotransporters or large adhesin-encoding genes are linked to Aah homologue-encoding genes suggests that glycosylation may be important, if not essential, for the function of these proteins, as for AIDA-I. In conclusion, the results presented in this thesis bring new information about the autotransporter family and also give new insight into the mechanisms that are important for different aspects of the biogenesis of monomeric autotransporters.

Catalytic Surface Reactions: Monte Carlo Simulations of Systems with Creation, Annihilation and Diffusion of Interacting Reactants

Zvejnieks, Guntars 19 June 2001 (has links)
During the last 30 years considerable attention was paid to open systems far from thermal equilibrium. Under certain conditions these dissipative systems show a qualitatively new behavior on macroscopic length scales, which are known as spatiotemporal structures. These new structures arise as a feature of collective behavior of a many-body systems. One particular example of dissipative systems considered in the present Thesis is the systems with reactant birth and death. Such systems arise, e.g., in description of the population growth or the kinetics of chemical reactions. To describe the systems with a large number of particles, one has to impose some restrictions. So, it is assumed that individual properties of particles are not important, only their interaction and interaction result (reaction) are taken into account. A number of rules, which describe the behavior of particles on the microscopic level, are known as a mathematical model. There exist two methods to analyze properties of a mathematical model. The first is analysis based on the master equation. In general, this method fails to describe the properties of spatiotemporal structures. There are no analytical approximations taking into account the effect of long-range particle correlation, which is important for description of the changes on a macroscopic range. The second approach are Monte Carlo (MC) computer simulations, which actually is alternative to experiments. The MC method takes into account long-range reactant correlations. They arise as a result of microscopical model. MC has disadvantages typical for all numerical methods, e.g., a large simulation time. In the present Thesis the Lotka-type and the A+B->0 models are considered in detail. These reactions are commonly found as one of a component in many chemical reactions. The emphasis is made on understanding the basic properties of these models. Further, several physically important modifications of the Lotka-type and the A+B->0 models are made. Firstly, in Chapter 1. the Lotka-type model is extended to investigate the resonance properties. Secondly, the effect of reactant diffusion and interaction is incorporated into Lotka-type model in Chapter 2. Thirdly, the standard A+B->0 reaction is extended to the case of surface reconstruction in Chapter 3. General conclusion is presented at the end of the Thesis, which is ended by four Appendices.

Modélisation et simulation du comportement spatiotemporel des transitions de phase dans les monocristaux moléculaires à transition de spin / Modeling and simulation of spatio-temporal behaviors of phase transitions in spin crossover single crystals

Paez Espejo, Miguel angel 23 June 2016 (has links)
Ce travail est dédié à la modélisation multi-échelle des phénomènes liés à la transition de spin dans des composés du Fe(II). Le développement d'un modèle macroscopique type réaction-diffusion pour la transition de phase à partir de l'Hamiltonien d'Ising a permis l'étude théorique des aspects spatio-temporels de la fraction haut-spin lors de la transition de phase du premier ordre dans des monocristaux commutables. La comparaison à l'expérience a conduit à de très bons accords pour le comportement du front de transition, ce qui a permis de mieux comprendre les mesures de microscopie optique. Ce travail a été étendu à l'étude des effets photo-thermiques qui causent l'échauffement du cristal par la lumière du microscope conduisant à un système d'équations différentielles couplées tenant compte du couplage thermique avec le bain.Ces équations prédisent des comportements non-linéaires du cristal dans son domaine bistable, tels que l’existence d’effets autocatalytiques, dont les conditions d'émergence ont été précisées. La dernière partie de la thèse est consacrée à une extension du modèle électro-élastique. Ici on démontre que la frustration élastique est à l'origine de la transition de spin en deux étapes et des transitions incomplètes. Ceci nous a amené aussi à prédire l'organisation de structures complexes de la fraction haut-spin dans les phases intermédiaires. Plusieurs types d'auto-organisation ont été révélés dont des structures modulées de la fraction haut-spin. Ce type de comportements a été observé expérimentalement très récemment dans les composés à transition de spin. / This work is devoted to the multiscale modeling of the spin transition phenomena in Fe(II) spin crossover compounds. The development of a macroscopic reaction-diffusion-like model for the phase transition from the Ising-like Hamiltonian allowed the theoretical study of the spatio-temporal behavior of the high-spin fraction accompanying the first-order phase transition in switchable spin crossover single crystals. The comparison to experiments led to an excellent agreement for the dynamics of the high-spin/low-spin interface which improved the understanding of the optical microscopy measurements. Next, this work was extended to the study of photothermic effects due to the crystal heating by the light of the microscope leading to a coupled system of differential equations accounting for the thermal coupling with the bath temperature. These equations predict nonlinear behaviors for crystals in the bistable region, such as the autocatalytic effects, for which we established the conditions of their emergence. The last part of this thesis is devoted to an extension of the electro-elastic model. Here we prove that the elastic frustration is at the origin of the existence of two-step and of incomplete spin crossover transitions. Furthermore, this model allowed us to predict structures of complex patterns in high-spin fractions for intermediate phases. Several types of self-organisation were revealed such as the spatially-modulated structures of the high-spin fractions. Some of these behaviors have been experimentally observed, very recently, in spin crossover compounds.

Propagation d'un front de réaction-diffusion dans un écoulement cellulaire multi-échelle / Reaction-diffusion front propagation in a multi-scale cellular flow

Beauvier, Edouard 10 July 2013 (has links)
La propagation d'un front de réaction-diffusion est étudiée expérimentalement dans un écoulement cellulaire multiéchelle. Le front est produit par réaction autocatalytique en solution. L'écoulement est réalisé en géométrie de Hele-Shaw par électroconvection, son caractère multiéchelle étant réalisé par l'action combinée de deux nappes d'aimants d'échelles différentes. La géométrie du front et sa vitesse moyenne de propagation sont déterminées pour une large gamme d'intensité des vortex de chaque échelle. Elles sont confortées par une simulation numérique de l'avancée du domaine brulé dans le domaine frais. L'effet de la nature multiéchelle de l'écoulement sur la vitesse moyenne du front est compris par une méthode de renormalisation dont la validation est fournie par l'obtention d'un courbe maitresse pour l'ensemble des données. / The propagation of a reaction-diffusion front is experimentally studied in a multi-scale cellular flow. The front is produced by an autocatalytic chemical reaction in an aqueous solution. The flow is generated by electroconvection and its multi-scale nature is induced by overlaying magnets of different scales. This enables an independent tune of the flow intensity at each scale. The geometry and the mean velocity of the front have been determined over a large range of scale intensities. These features are confirmed by a numerical simulation based on a burnt and fresh domain dynamics, the burnt domain expanding across the fresh one. The effect of the multi-scale nature of the flow on the mean front velocity is recovered by a renormalisation method validated by a collapse of the data onto a single curve.

Die autokatalytische H 2 O 2 -Reduktion an Ag-Elektroden

Eickes, Christian 31 May 2001 (has links)
Es konnte vor kurzem gezeigt werden, daß die Reduktion von Wasserstoffperoxid (H2O2) an Silber in Perchlorsäure (HClO4) über zwei parallele Wege verläuft. Die normale Reduktion wird bei einer Überspannung von -1,5 V beobachtet, während die zweite Reduktionsreaktion bei einer deutlich geringeren Überspannung bei -1,0 V stattfindet. Im zweiten Reaktionsweg wird OHad als instabile Zwischenspezies gebildet und wirkt katalytisch auf die H2O2-Reduktion. Daher wird angenommen, daß die zweite Reaktion eine autokatalytische Reduktion ist. Diese autokatalytische Reaktion wird nach einer ge-wissen Zeit deaktiviert, die von der Rotationsgeschwindigkeit der Elektrode abhängig ist. Sie kann wiedererlangt werden, wenn die Elektrode negativ polarisiert wird. In dieser Arbeit wurden Ex-situ-XPS-Messungen an herausgezogenen Ag(111)-Elektroden durch-geführt. Die Analyse führt zu dem Ergebnis, daß die Deaktivierung durch geringe Chlorid-Verunreinigungen verursacht wird. Elektrochemische Impedanzspektren werden zusammen mit numerischen Simulationen der Faradayschen Impedanz des autokata-lytischen Bereiches gezeigt. Diese basieren auf Annahmen von kinetischen Geschwin-digkeitsgesetzen, die früher postuliert wurden. Die experimentellen Daten stimmen sehr gut mit den Ergebnissen der theoretischen Rechnungen überein. Dies unterstützt den angenommen autokatalytischen Mechanismus. / Recently, it was shown that the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) reduction on silver in perchloric acid (HClO4) proceeds in two parallel paths. The normal reduction is observed at an overpotential of -1.5 V, whereas a second reduction reaction occurs at a significantly lower overpotential at -1.0 V. The second reaction involves the unstable intermediate OHad, which also acts as a catalyst. Hence, the second reaction has been proposed to be an autocatalytic one. This autocatalytic reaction is deactivated after a certain time that depends on the rotation speed of the electrode. It can be recovered if the electrode is negatively polarized. In this thesis work, ex-situ XPS measurements on emersed Ag(111) electrodes were conducted. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the deactivation is caused by a small amount of chloride contamination. Electrochemical impedance spectra are presented together with numerical simulations for the faradaic impedance in the autocatalytic region based on previously suggested kinetic rate laws. The experimental data fit well with the results of the theoretical calculations, which strongly supports the autocatalytic mechanism.

Influence of Marangoni and buoyancy convection on the propagation of reaction-diffusion fronts/Influence de la convection sur la propagation de fronts de réaction-diffusion

Rongy, Laurence 03 July 2008 (has links)
Motivated by the existence of complex behaviors arising from interactions between chemistry and fluid dynamics in numerous research problems and every-day life situations, we theoretically investigate the dynamics resulting from the interplay between chemistry, diffusion, and fluid motions in a reactive aqueous solution. As a chemical reaction induces changes in the temperature and in the composition of the reactive medium, such a reaction can modify the properties of the solution (density, viscosity, surface tension,…) and thereby trigger convective motions, which in turn affect the reaction. Two classes of convective flows are commonly occurring in solutions open to air, namely Marangoni flows arising from surface tension gradients and buoyancy flows driven by density gradients. As both flows can be induced by compositional changes as well as thermal changes and in turn modify them, the resulting experimental dynamics are often complex. The purpose of our thesis is to gain insight into these intricate dynamics thanks to the theoretical analysis of model systems where only one type of convective flow is present. In particular, we numerically study the spatio-temporal evolution of model chemical fronts resulting from the coupling between reactions, diffusion, and convection. Such fronts correspond to self-organized interfaces between the products and the reactants, which typically have different density and surface tension. Fluid motions are therefore spontaneously induced due to these differences across the front. In this context, we first address the propagation of a model autocatalytic front in a horizontal solution layer, in the presence of pure Marangoni convection on the one hand and of pure buoyancy convection on the other hand. We evidence that, in both cases, the system attains an asymptotic dynamics characterized by a steady fluid vortex traveling with the front at a constant speed. The presence of convection results in a deformation and acceleration of the chemical front compared to the reaction-diffusion situation. However we note important differences between the Marangoni and buoyancy cases that could help differentiate experimentally between the influence of each hydrodynamic effect arising in solutions open to the air. We also consider how the kinetics and the exothermicity of the reaction influence the dynamics of the system. The propagation of an isothermal front occurring when two diffusive reactants are initially separated and react according to a simple bimolecular reaction is next studied in the presence of chemically-induced buoyancy convection. We show that the reaction-diffusion predictions established for convection-free systems are modified in the presence of fluid motions and propose a new way to classify the various possible reaction-diffusion-convection dynamics./En induisant des changements de composition et de température, une réaction chimique peut modifier les propriétés physiques (densité, viscosité, tension superficielle,…) de la solution dans laquelle elle se déroule et ainsi générer des mouvements de convection qui, à leur tour, peuvent affecter la réaction. Les deux sources de convection les plus courantes en solution ouverte à l’air sont les gradients de tension superficielle, ou effets Marangoni, et les gradients de densité. Comme ces deux sources sont en compétition et peuvent toutes deux résulter de différences de concentration ou de température, les dynamiques observées expérimentalement sont souvent complexes. Le but de notre thèse est de contribuer à la compréhension de telles dynamiques par une étude théorique analysant des modèles réaction-diffusion-convection simples. En particulier, nous étudions numériquement l’évolution spatio-temporelle de fronts chimiques résultant du couplage entre chimie non-linéaire, diffusion et hydrodynamique. Ces fronts constituent l’interface auto-organisée entre les produits et les réactifs qui typiquement ont des densités et tensions superficielles différentes. Des mouvements du fluide peuvent dès lors être spontanément initiés dus à ces différences au travers du front. Dans ce contexte, nous étudions la propagation d’un front chimique autocatalytique se propageant dans une solution aqueuse horizontale, d’une part en la seule présence d’effets Marangoni, et d’autre part en présence uniquement d’effets de densité. Nous avons montré que dans les deux cas, le système atteint une dynamique asymptotique caractérisée par la présence d’un rouleau de convection stationnaire se propageant à vitesse constante avec le front. Ce front est à la fois déformé et accéléré par les mouvements convectifs par rapport à la situation réaction-diffusion. Nous avons mis en évidence d’importantes différences entre les deux régimes hydrodynamiques qui pourraient aider les expérimentateurs à différencier les effets de tension superficielle de ceux de densité générés par la propagation de fronts chimiques en solution. Nous avons également considéré l’influence de la cinétique de réaction ainsi que de l’exothermicité sur la dynamique de ces fronts. Enfin, nous avons étudié la propagation en présence de convection d’un front de réaction impliquant deux espèces de densités différentes, initialement séparées et réagissant selon une cinétique bimoléculaire. Nous avons montré que la convection modifie les propriétés réaction-diffusion du système et nous proposons de nouveaux critères pour classifier les dynamiques réaction-diffusion-convection.

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