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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spectrophotometric measurement automatization for the analysis of enzymatic processes

Nilsson, Karolina January 2010 (has links)
This thesis work consisted of the development of a virtual instrument that automates enzyme activity measurements and spectrum measurements with the spectrophotometer UVmini-1240. The purpose was to expand the functionality of the instrument, to eliminate the human error and to decrease the amount of time spent on measurements. A PC was connected to the UVmini-1240 via a RS-232C interface and the cell position and temperature was regulated with a CPS-240A controller. The new interface allows all the parameters to be set in the same place. It allows a visualization of the continuous monitoring of the sample absorbance and the option to save the data for post-processing. Also a module for measuring the spectrum of a sample in the wavelength range of 190 nm to 1100 nm is included. The graphical programming language LabView was used to develop the virtual instrument. This thesis work also contained measurement series of the catalase enzyme activity. These were carried out to determine the best storage temperature for the catalase solution and to determine the optimal surrounding temperature for the highest activity in the catalase solution. The conclusions were that the activity does not change considerably the first week of storage, not matter the temperature, and that the activity goes down when the surrounding temperature reaches above 30° C. These measurements were part of a bigger project to develop an ultrasonic method for measuring enzyme activity at the Institute of Acoustics at C.S.I.C in Madrid.

Analýza využití workflow produktů / Analysis workflow products

Šich, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on workflow processes and systems for their design and management. It tries to show readers more familiar way with the nature of these systems and features that should support. It tries to accomplish three goals. The first goal is to determine the criteria by which you can judge the quality of workflow management system. These criteria must be sorted by the importance of specific situations, which are designed weighting of the criteria and technique for their calculation. The second goal of this work is the selection of appropriate tools for testing and subsequent practical test, focusing on appointment criteria and metrics selected for their assessment. The third goal is the inclusion of a practical example of a real process design modifications to make it suitable for using of workflow system to increase its effectiveness. Selected process is the transfer of information between school studies and legal guardians of students by e-mail, prepared for Secondary school, Dubno. The thesis is splitted in two halves for achieving the objectives of the work.The first two chapters are about the theoretical introduce, what benefits can bring the use of workflow systems and what steps to take to be able to effectively and meaningfully utilized. These informations were used from the literature focused primarily on workflow and process management. The third chapter focuses on the practical part, where the selected studies focused on the evaluation criteria workflow systems, build a suitable combination of the current set of criteria and application to selected systems management workflow. In the last chapter of the thesis are processed informations obtained from employees of SOS and SOU Dubno and where is described the current state of that process, a proposal how to make it more effective with using workflow system. Contribution of this thesis is the first assess of the current state workflow on the market and, secondly, the possibility of its use to increase the efficiency of the administrative process SOS and SOU Dubno.

Návrh dílčí části informačního systému / Proposal of Part of Information System

Čmok, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The main goal of this work is to prepare proposal for new subsegment of information system, that reports on activity of automas. The main focus is on selection events, that have meaning for users, propose the methodology for automatic detection of selected events and prepare implementation instuctions for frontend pragrammers.

Systém domácí automatizace / Home automizing system

Papoušek, Marek January 2014 (has links)
The work deals with a design and realization of the comprehensive system of home automation. Individual elements of the system communicate utilizing CAN bus. Home automation system should provide lighting, heating and security management. The system should be controlled by tablets with android operating system utilizing developed control software. Microcomputer Raspberry Pi is used to control the automation system.

Automatizované technologické pracoviště broušení a leštění vodovodních armatur / Automatized technologikal workplatze grinding and polishing plumbing fittings

Dvořák, Luboš January 2010 (has links)
he aim of this thesis is possibilities analyse of automatization of finishing operations by producing bodies of plumbing fittings and selection it’s optimal version. The objective is project of workplace for conditions of concrete production plant and verification of return of it’s operating. A part of thesis is design of workplace and design of production machines and komplete technology of prodicing of parts in setting of production plant. Than there is partial verification of profected technology by real testing.

Vývoj nové koncepce autonomních jeřábů / The Development of the New Concept of Autonomous Cranes

Kubín, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The presented PhD thesis aims to verify the possibilities of using capacitive accelerate sensors on the crane and handling technology. Capacitive acceleration sensors of MEMS type are currently widely used in electronics, e.g. laptops and mobile phones. Using these sensors could help to automate cranes, which would eventually reduce the financial costs of material handling. Precise knowledge of their own condition and position of the machine and the load is a necessary part of autonomous manipulators. The first part of thesis deals with the exploration of scientific research in the Czech Republic and abroad. Furthermore the options of mathematical description of moving the load on the rope tow are described including solved examples. One chapter is devoted to the description of sensors that could be used in the automation of cranes. The main part is focused on description of several experiments. The experiments were conducted in a lab constructed specially for this measurement. Mainly basic simpler models are described illustrating abilities of the sensor. The last part outlines further possible progress of research in this area.

Optimization and automatization of end-bearing pile groups / Optimering och automatisering av ändbärande pålgrupper

Del Pozo Alarcon, Gabriel Antonio January 2021 (has links)
This thesis consists of the development, trial an application of a computational tool that by the use of the Genetic Algorithm optimization method provides the user with an alternative approach from the traditional trial and error when faced with the challenge of designing end bearing pile groups.The work presents the three main concepts needed for understanding the computational tool as well as the structure of it. The scripting capabilities of a FEM software are exploited in order to automatically generate several design alternatives that are then compared in quality in an iterative way. The developed algorithm succeeds validation against pile group problems with known solutions and is then applied to the analysis of three different real structures with different levels of complexity.The algorithm is suitable for optimizing problems with loading in three directions and several load cases, within a time range consistent with an overnight run, when the density of the pile group is not high. Another potential application is to automatize retaining wall resting on piles type problems within a short amount of computational time. / Denna avhandling består av utveckling och prövning av ett beräkningsverktyg som med hjälp av den genetiska algoritmoptimeringsmetoden ger användaren ett alternativt tillvägagångssätt från den traditionella prövningen när den möter utmaningen att utforma bärande höggrupper.Arbetet presenterar de tre huvudkoncepten som behövs för att förstå beräkningsverktyget och dess struktur. Skriptfunktionerna för en FEM-programvara utnyttjas för att automatiskt generera flera designalternativ som sedan jämförs i kvalitet på ett iterativt sätt. Den utvecklade algoritmen lyckas validera mot höggruppsproblem med kända lösningar och tillämpas sedan för analys av tre olika byggda strukturer med olika nivåer av komplexitet.Algoritmen är lämplig för att optimera problem med belastning i tre riktningar och flera lastfall, inom ett tidsintervall som överensstämmer med en löpning över natten, när täthetsgruppens densitet inte är hög. En annan mycket intressant applikation är att automatisera kvarvarande väggproblem inom en kort tid av beräkningstid.

Revisionsyrket i förändring : En kvalitativ studie om hur digitaliseringen påverkar revisorers arbetsmetodik och dess effekter för revisionsrisken

Karlsson, Michelle, Lehtinen, Ida January 2018 (has links)
Digitalization is a fast-paced phenomenon that is recognized to be of importance for the auditing profession. Research whether digitalization affects the auditor’s work process and what further impacts it has on the audit risk, is in a national context explored within a limited area. That contributed to identify the study's research question: How does digitalization affect the auditor's work process during the audit process and how does it impact the audit risk? In order to answer the research question, a qualitative study consisting of interviews with auditors at audit firms within the Big Four, was conducted. The findings of this study show that the digital progress has a positive impact on the work process due to increased efficiency where accessibility to information has increased and the need for the physical meeting with the client while gathering information has decreased. The audit process can also be carried out with safer samples by using various digital tools, which can reduce the audit risk due improved priority systems. Furthermore, the result shows that the ongoing digitalization has increased the requirements of auditor’s IT knowledge. It also enables a more automated process, which leads to a reduction of certain tasks. Automatized processes tend on the one hand lead to reduced understanding of the work, which may affect the audit risk negative if significant deviations may not be detected and on the other hand, an easier identification of deviations by using automated systems which can contribute to a reduced risk. / Revisionsyrket har under de senaste åren genomgått stora förändringar vilket har inneburit en omstrukturering av revisorns arbete. En av de betydande faktorer som bidragit till denna förändring, är den digitala utveckling som har tagit fart och i framtiden förutspås accelerera ytterligare. Forskning om huruvida digitaliseringen påverkar revision och vilka vidare effekter detta får för revisionsrisken, är nationellt sett utforskat inom ett begränsat område. Med detta som utgångspunkt, formulerades studiens forskningsfråga enligt följande: Hur påverkar digitaliseringen revisorns arbetsmetodik vid revisionsprocessen och vilka effekter får det för revisionsrisken? För att besvara studiens frågeställning, genomfördes en kvalitativ studie bestående av intervjuer med dels auktoriserade revisorer och dels revisorsassistenter på revisionsbyråer inom Big Four. Studiens slutsatser visar att den digitala utvecklingen har bidragit till en mer effektiviserad arbetsmetodik där tillgängligheten till information har ökat och behovet av det fysiska mötet mellan revisor och klient vid informationsinhämtning har minskat. Revisorns granskningsarbete kan enligt studien, med hjälp av olika digitala verktyg, genomföras med säkrare stickprov vilket kan ge en minskad revisionsrisk där väsentliga avvikelser enklare upptäcks till följd av förbättrade prioriteringssystem. Studien visar även att det i takt med digitaliseringen ställs högre krav på revisorernas IT-kompetens vid utförandet av arbetet och att revisorns arbetsmetodik blir alltmer automatiserad. En mer automatiserad arbetsmetodik tenderar däremot att leda till en minskad förståelse för arbetet vilket kan få effekter för revisionsrisken då väsentliga felaktigheter riskerar att inte upptäckas.

Uma abordagem de teste para aplicativos android utilizando os cenários do behavior driven development / A test approach for Android apps using the behavior driven development scenarios

Albiero, Fernando Weber January 2017 (has links)
Os aplicativos móveis, desenvolvidos originalmente para a área do entretenimento, hoje estão presentes nos mais diversos domínios, sendo comuns inclusive em áreas de alto valor agregado, como: varejista, logística, bancária, médica, entre outras. Portanto, a qualidade e correção dos aplicativos móveis tornam-se obrigatórios e as atividades de teste essenciais. Porém a qualidade das aplicações móveis nem sempre é satisfatória. Isso ocorre devido ao fato dessas aplicações sofrerem com a pressão do mercado e passarem por um processo muito rápido de desenvolvimento, onde geralmente a fase de testes é negligenciada ou realizada de forma superficial, pela própria equipe de desenvolvimento, comprometendo assim a qualidade da aplicação. Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem baseada no Behavior Driven Development para ajudar na definição de testes de sistema para aplicativos nativos do Android. A abordagem proposta utiliza os arquivos de leiaute da aplicação para extrair informações sobre os componentes da interface e sobre os eventos esperados pelo sistema. A partir dessas informações, é possível verificar a cobertura dos cenários existentes em relação aos eventos disponíveis na interface com o usuário. Além disso, é possível identificar elementos do leiaute que não são exercitados pelos cenários existentes. A abordagem proposta é implementada por uma ferramenta chamada Android Behavior Testing Tool que, por meio da interpretação dos cenários do Behavior Driven Development, fornece uma visão geral do fluxo comportamental da aplicação ao testador (visão hoje não disponível), proporcionando assim uma noção de fácil compreensão sobre a cobertura dos testes em relação aos elementos da interface do aplicativo. Desta forma, o testador pode julgar a integridade dos casos de teste disponíveis em relação às funcionalidades implementadas e, se necessário, implementar novos testes. A ferramenta também faz uso dos arquivos de leiaute do aplicativo para identificar os componentes da interface que não foram testados e gera, neste caso, modelos de cenários no formato do BDD, automatizando assim a tarefa de escrita dos mesmos. A abordagem proposta foi utilizada em quatro aplicativos Android e se mostrou útil, uma vez que, em três estudos de caso foram detectados bugs oriundos de inconsistências lógicas nos cenários ou elementos não exercitados pelos cenários. / Mobile applications, originally developed for entertainment, nowadays are present in a wide range of domains, being common even in areas of high value such as retailer, logistics, banking, and medical, among others. However, the quality and correctness of mobile applications become mandatory and testing activities are essential. However, the quality of mobile applications is not always good enough. This is because these applications suffer from market pressure and pass through a very rapid development process where the testing phase usually is neglected or superficially performed by the development team itself, thus compromising the quality of the application. This work proposes an approach based on Behavior Driven Development to help to define system tests for native Android applications. The proposed approach uses the application's layout files to extract information about the interface components and the events expected by the system. From this information, it is possible to check out the coverage of existing test scenarios against events available in the user interface. In addition, it is possible to identify unexercised usage scenarios from the existing test scenarios. The proposed approach is implemented by a tool called Android Behavior Testing Tool which, through the interpretation of the BDD usage scenarios, provides to the tester an overview of the behavioral flow of the application (otherwise unavailable), thus providing a notion of easy understanding of test coverage in relation to the application interface elements. In this way, the tester can judge the integrity of the available test cases in relation to the functionalities implemented and, if necessary, implement new tests. The tool also makes use of the application's layout files to identify untested interface components and in this case generates test scenario models in the BDD format, thus automating the writing task of the scenarios. The proposed approach was used in four Android applications and proved to be useful, since in three case studies bugs were detected. Detected bugs originated from logical inconsistencies in the test scenarios or elements that were not exercised by the scenarios.

Optimalizace technologického procesu na obráběcím centru / Optimization of a technological process at the machining center

Šnejdar, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Objective of this work is optimization of a technological process at the machining center. The process of optimization concerns cost reduction and fabrication time reduction with automatization of fabrication by reducing the number of machine stoppings. It is achieved by introduction of an automatic measuring system of dimensional characteristics with system RENISHAW integrated at the machine. The objective is to achieve most elevated level of machine autonomy also by reducing the costs and fabrication time.

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