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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Navigation and Automatic Ground Mapping by Rover Robot

Wang, Xuerui, Zhao, Li January 2010 (has links)
This project is mainly based on mosaicing of images and similarity measurements with different methods. The map of a floor is created from a database of small-images that have been captured by a camera-mounted robot scanning the wooden floor of a living room. We call this ground mapping. After the ground mapping, the robot can achieve self-positioning on the map by using novel small images it captures as it displaces on the ground. Similarity measurements based on the Schwartz inequality have been used to achieve the ground mapping, as well as to position the robot once the ground map is available. Because the natural light affects the gray value of images, this effect must be accounted for in the envisaged similarity measurements. A new approach to mosaicing is suggested. It uses the local texture orientation, instead of the original gray values, in ground mapping as well as in positioning. Additionally, we report on ground mapping results using other features, gray-values as features. The robot can find its position with few pixel errors by using the novel approach and similarity measurements based on the Schwartz inequality.

Image Analysis in the Field of Oil Contamination Monitoring

Ceco, Ema January 2011 (has links)
Monitoring wear particles in lubricating oils allows specialists to evaluate thehealth and functionality of a mechanical system. The main analysis techniquesavailable today are manual particle analysis and automatic optical analysis. Man-ual particle analysis is effective and reliable since the analyst continuously seeswhat is being counted . The drawback is that the technique is quite time demand-ing and dependent of the skills of the analyst. Automatic optical particle countingconstitutes of a closed system not allowing for the objects counted to be observedin real-time. This has resulted in a number of sources of error for the instrument.In this thesis a new method for counting particles based on light microscopywith image analysis is proposed. It has proven to be a fast and effective methodthat eliminates the sources of error of the previously described methods. Thenew method correlates very well with manual analysis which is used as a refer-ence method throughout this study. Size estimation of particles and detectionof metallic particles has also shown to be possible with the current image analy-sis setup. With more advanced software and analysis instrumentation, the imageanalysis method could be further developed to a decision based machine allowingfor declarations about which wear mode is occurring in a mechanical system.

Estimation and Adaptive Smoothing of Camera Orientations for Video Stabilization and Rolling Shutter Correction / Estimering och adaptiv glättning av kameraorienteringar för videostabilisering och korrektion av bilddistorsion orsakad av kamera med rullande slutare

Forslöw, Nicklas January 2011 (has links)
Most mobile video-recording devices of today, e.g. cell phones and music players, make use of a Rolling Shutter camera. The camera captures video by recording every frame line-by-line from top to bottom leading to image distortion when either the target or camera is moving. Capturing video by hand also leads to visible frame-to-frame jitter. This thesis presents algorithms for estimation of camera orientations using accelerometer and gyroscope. These estimates can be used to reduce the image distortion caused by camera motion using image processing. In addition an adaptive low pass filtering algorithm used to produce a smooth camera motion is presented. Using the smooth motion the frame-to-frame jitter can be reduced. The algorithms are implemented on the iPod 4 and two output videos are evaluated in a blind experiment with 30 participants. Here, videos are compared to those of competing video stabilization software. The results indicate that the iPod 4 application performs equal or better than its competitors. Also the iPod 4 accelerometer and gyroscope are compared to high end reference sensors in terms of bias and variance. / Det är vanligt att dagens mobiltelefoner använder en kamera med rullande slutare för videoinspelning. Dessa kameror fångar varje bild rad för rad från topp till botten vilket leder till bilddistorsion när antingen målet eller kameran rör sig. Inspelade videor upplevs även som skakiga eftersom kameran ej är stilla under inspelningen. I detta examensarbete presenteras algoritmer för skattning av kamerans orientering med hjälp av accelerometer och gyroskop. Skattningarna används sedan för att reducera bilddistorsionen som uppstår då kameran rör sig. En adaptiv algoritm för lågpassfiltrering av kamerans rörelse presenteras. Den mjuka rörelsen som produceras används sedan för att reducera skakigheten i filmerna. Algoritmerna implementeras på iPod 4 och de resulterande filmerna utvärderas i ett blindtest med 30 deltagare. Filmerna jämförs med versioner stabiliserade av konkurrerande mjukvara. Resultaten visar att iPod-applikationen producerar ett lika bra eller bättre resultat än konkurrenterna. Accelerometern och gyroskopet på iPod 4 jämförs även med referenssensorer i den högre prisklassen.

Video Stabilization and Rolling Shutter Correction using Inertial Measurement Sensors / Gyrobaserad videostabilisering och korrektion för rullande slutare

Hanning, Gustav January 2011 (has links)
Most mobile video-recording devices of today, e.g. cell phones and music players, make use of a rolling shutter camera. A rolling shutter camera captures video by recording every frame line-by-line from top to bottom of the image, leading to image distortions in situations where either the device or the target is moving. Recording video by hand also leads to visible frame-to-frame jitter. In this thesis, methods to decrease distortion caused by the motion of a video-recording device with a rolling shutter camera are presented. The methods are based on estimating the orientation of the camera from gyroscope and accelerometer measurements. The algorithms are implemented on the iPod Touch 4, and the resulting videos are compared to those of competing stabilization software, both commercial and free, in a series of blind experiments. The results from this user study shows that the methods presented in the thesis perform equal to or better than the others. / Mobiltelefoner, mp3-spelare och andra bärbara enheter som kan spela in film har ofta en kamera med rullande slutare. En sådan kamera fångar varje bild rad för rad, från topp till botten. Detta resulterar i distortion i bilden om antingen enheten eller objekt i bilden rör sig. Att filma för hand introducerar också skakighet i filmen. I det här examensarbetet presenteras metoder för att minska den distortion som uppstår till följd av att en enhet med rullande slutare förflyttas under inspelning av en film. Metoderna bygger på estimering av kamerans orientering, utgående från mätdata från gyroskop och accelerometer. Algoritmerna har implementerats på en iPod Touch 4 och de resulterande filmerna har jämförts med de från konkurrerande program i en serie blindtester. Resultaten från denna undersökning visar att metoderna som presenteras i examensarbetet är lika bra eller bättre än de övriga.

Improved Temporal Resolution Using Parallel Imaging in Radial-Cartesian 3D functional MRI

Ahlman, Gustav January 2011 (has links)
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging method that uses magnetic fields in order to retrieve images of the human body. This thesis revolves around a novel acquisition method of 3D fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) called PRESTO-CAN that uses a radial pattern in order to sample the (kx,kz)-plane of k-space (the frequency domain), and a Cartesian sample pattern in the ky-direction. The radial sample pattern allows for a denser sampling of the central parts of k-space, which contain the most basic frequency information about the structure of the recorded object. This allows for higher temporal resolution to be achieved compared with other sampling methods since a fewer amount of total samples are needed in order to retrieve enough information about how the object has changed over time. Since fMRI is mainly used for monitoring blood flow in the brain, increased temporal resolution means that we can be able to track fast changes in brain activity more efficiently.The temporal resolution can be further improved by reducing the time needed for scanning, which in turn can be achieved by applying parallel imaging. One such parallel imaging method is SENSE (SENSitivity Encoding). The scan time is reduced by decreasing the sampling density, which causes aliasing in the recorded images. The aliasing is removed by the SENSE method by utilizing the extra information provided by the fact that multiple receiver coils with differing sensitivities are used during the acquisition. By measuring the sensitivities of the respective receiver coils and solving an equation system with the aliased images, it is possible to calculate how they would have looked like without aliasing.In this master thesis, SENSE has been successfully implemented in PRESTO-CAN. By using normalized convolution in order to refine the sensitivity maps of the receiver coils, images with satisfying quality was able to be reconstructed when reducing the k-space sample rate by a factor of 2, and images of relatively good quality also when the sample rate was reduced by a factor of 4. In this way, this thesis has been able to contribute to the improvement of the temporal resolution of the PRESTO-CAN method. / MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) är en medicinsk avbildningsmetod som använder magnetfält för att framställa bilder av människokroppen. Detta examensarbete kretsar kring en ny inläsningsmetod för 3D-fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) vid namn PRESTO-CAN som använder ett radiellt mönster för att sampla (kx,kz)-planet av k-rummet (frekvensdomänen), och ett kartesiskt samplingsmönster i ky-riktningen. Det radiella samplingsmönstret möjliggör tätare sampling av k-rummets centrala delar, som innehåller den mest grundläggande frekvensinformationen om det inlästa objektets struktur. Detta leder till att en högre temporal upplösning kan uppnås jämfört med andra metoder eftersom det krävs ett mindre antal totala sampel för att få tillräcklig information om hur objektet har ändrats över tid. Eftersom fMRI framförallt används för att övervaka blodflödet i hjärnan innebär ökad temporal upplösning att vi kan följa snabba ändringar i hjärnaktivitet mer effektivt.Den temporala upplösningen kan förbättras ytterligare genom att minska scanningstiden, vilket i sin tur kan uppnås genom att tillämpa parallell avbildning. En metod för parallell avbildning är SENSE (SENSitivity Encoding). Scanningstiden minskas genom att minska samplingstätheten, vilket orsakar vikning i de inlästa bilderna. Vikningen tas bort med SENSE-metoden genom att utnyttja den extra information som tillhandahålls av det faktum att ett flertal olika mottagarspolar med sinsemellan olika känsligheter används vid inläsningen. Genom att mäta upp känsligheterna för de respektive mottagarspolarna och lösa ett ekvationssystem med de vikta bilderna är det möjligt att beräkna hur de skulle ha sett ut utan vikning.I detta examensarbete har SENSE framgångsrikt implementerats i PRESTO-CAN. Genom att använda normaliserad faltning för att förfina mottagarspolarnas känslighetskartor har bilder med tillfredsställande kvalitet varit möjliga att rekonstruera när samplingstätheten av k-rummet minskats med en faktor 2, och bilder med relativt bra kvalitet också när samplingstätheten minskats med en faktor 4. På detta sätt har detta examensarbete kunnat bidra till förbättrandet av PRESTO-CAN-metodens temporala upplösning.

Development of an Image Processing Tool for Fluorescence Microscopy Analysis of Paper Chemistry

Nyflött, Åsa January 2010 (has links)
Paper making today is, to some extent, based on empirical knowledge. It is wellknown that fines, pH, charge and ion strength affect the manufacture of paper. One way of extending knowledge of the mechanisms of paper chemistry is to follow the trajectories of fines and additives in the paper suspension to gather information as to the manner in which they react. Four tracking algorithms adapted to the needs of this particular problem were implemented in order to track particles effciently. The tracking algorithms include two variants of the well-known "Lucas-Kanade algorithm" and template matching techniques based on cross-correlation and least squares matching. Although these techniques are similar in principle, the actual tracking can nevertheless differ; the Lucas-Kanade algorithms were found to be more invariant to noise, whereas the cross-correlation and least squares methods are more rapid to execute in Matlab. The tracking methods have been evaluated using a simulator to generate image sequences of synthetic particles moving according to Brownian motion. Tracking has also been evaluated on microscope images of real latex particles where the results have been compared to manual tracking. Tracking of both the simulated particles and the latex particles resulted in similar results when compared to known position and manual tracking, respectively. / Tillverkning av papper är till en viss del baserad på empirisk kunskap. Välkänt är att finmaterial, pH värde, laddning och jonstyrka påverkar de papperskemiska mekanismerna och därmed flertalet pappersegenskaper vid tillverkning av papper. En möjlighet att utveckla kunskaperna inom papperskemiska mekanismerar att studera finmaterial och additiv i en pappers suspension for att samla in informationom reaktionsmekanismer. Fyra trackningalgoritmer ar vidareutvecklade i syftet att möjliggöra studier kring papperskemiska mekanismer. Trackningalgoritmerna inkluderar två varianter av den välkända "Lucas-Kanade" algoritm och två template-baserade metoder: korskorrelation och minsta kvadratmetoden. Samtliga metoder bygger på samma princip, men trots detta kan resultaten från trackningen skilja mellan metoderna. Lucas-Kanade algoritmerna är mer oberoende av brus medan korskorrelationen och minsta kvadratmetoden exekveras snabbare i Matlab. Trackning metoderna utvärderades med hjälp av en simulator som genererar bildsekvenser av syntetiska partiklar med en Brownsk rörelse. Trackningen har även använts på mikroskopibilder av rörelsebanor på verkliga suspenderade latex partiklar, varvid trackningresultatet har jämförts med manuell trackning. De genererade bildsekvensernapa de simulerade partiklarna har kända rörelsebanor som är jämförbara med rörelsebanor for latex partiklarna.

Deblurring Algorithms for Out-of-focus Infrared Images

Zhu, Peter January 2010 (has links)
An image that has been subject to the out-of-focus phenomenon has reducedsharpness, contrast and level of detail depending on the amount of defocus. Torestore out-of-focused images is a complex task due to the information loss thatoccurs. However there exist many restoration algorithms that attempt to revertthis defocus by estimating a noise model and utilizing the point spread function.The purpose of this thesis, proposed by FLIR Systems, was to find a robustalgorithm that can restore focus and from the customer’s perspective be userfriendly. The thesis includes three implemented algorithms that have been com-pared to MATLABs built-in. Three image series were used to evaluate the limitsand performance of each algorithm, based on deblurring quality, implementationcomplexity, computation time and usability.Results show that the Alternating Direction Method for total variation de-convolution proposed by Tao et al. [29] together with its the modified discretecosines transform version restores the defocused images with the highest qual-ity. These two algorithms include features such as, fast computational time, fewparameters to tune and a powerful noise reduction.

A Software Framework for Facial Modelling and Tracking

Strand, Mattias January 2010 (has links)
The WinCandide application, a platform for face tracking and model based coding, had become out of date and needed to be upgraded. This report is based on the work of investigating possible open source GUIs and computer vision tool kits that could replace the old ones that are unsupported. Multi platform GUIs are of special interest.

LEAP, A Platform for Evaluation of Control Algorithms / Labyrintbaserad plattform för algoritmutvärdering

Öfjäll, Kristoffer January 2010 (has links)
Most people are familiar with the BRIO labyrinth game and the challenge of guiding the ball through the maze. The goal of this project was to use this game to create a platform for evaluation of control algorithms. The platform was used to evaluate a few different controlling algorithms, both traditional automatic control algorithms as well as algorithms based on online incremental learning. The game was fitted with servo actuators for tilting the maze. A camera together with computer vision algorithms were used to estimate the state of the game. The evaluated controlling algorithm had the task of calculating a proper control signal, given the estimated state of the game. The evaluated learning systems used traditional control algorithms to provide initial training data. After initial training, the systems learned from their own actions and after a while they outperformed the controller used to provide initial training.

Foreground Segmentation of Moving Objects

Molin, Joel January 2010 (has links)
Foreground segmentation is a common first step in tracking and surveillance applications.  The purpose of foreground segmentation is to provide later stages of image processing with an indication of where interesting data can be found.  This thesis is an investigation of how foreground segmentation can be performed in two contexts: as a pre-step to trajectory tracking and as a pre-step in indoor surveillance applications. Three methods are selected and detailed: a single Gaussian method, a Gaussian mixture model method, and a codebook method.  Experiments are then performed on typical input video using the methods.  It is concluded that the Gaussian mixture model produces the output which yields the best trajectories when used as input to the trajectory tracker.  An extension is proposed to the Gaussian mixture model which reduces shadow, improving the performance of foreground segmentation in the surveillance context.

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