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Identification of avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) genes important for the colonization of the chicken lung and characterization of the novel ExPEC adhesin IAntão, Esther-Maria 11 June 2010 (has links)
Aviäre pathogene E. coli (APEC) sind extraintestinale Pathogene, die beim Huhn systemische Infektionskrankheiten hervorrufen. Zur Identifizierung Gene, die an der Kolonisierung des Wirtes beteiligt sind, wurde ein Lungen-Infektionsmodell in 5 Wochen alten SPF Hühnern etabliert. In dem Modell wurden 1.800 mittels Signature-tagged-Mutagenese (STM) hergestellten Mutanten des APEC Stamms IMT5155 (O2:K1:H5; ST-Komplex 95) auf ihre Fähigkeit zur Kolonisierung getestet. Die Untersuchung führte zur Identifizierung Gene, einschließlich Adhäsin-, LPS- und Kapsel-bildenden Genen, sowie Genen mit putativer Funktion. Die STM-Analyse erlaubte zudem die Identifizierung eines zuvor nicht charakterisierten putativen Fimbrien-bildenden Adhäsins (Yqi). Das Genprodukt wurde vorläufig als ExPEC Adhäsin I (EA/I) bezeichnet. Eine Deletion des EA/I-Gens führte zu einer Reduzierung der Adhäsionsfähigkeit des Stammes IMT5155 in vitro und in vivo. Eine Komplementierung des EA/I-Gens in trans resultierte in einer Wiederherstellung des Adhäsions¬vermögens in vitro. Das EA/I-Protein (~39 kDa) wurde als Fusionsprotein in vitro exprimiert, und mittels SDS-PAGE und Western Blot nachgewiesen. Durch Überexpression des EA/I-Operons in dem Fimbrien-negativen E. coli-Stamm AAEC189 konnten mittels elektronenmikroskopischer Aufnahmen Fimbrien-bildende Strukturen auf der äußeren Membran dargestellt werden. Das Vorkommen des yqi in den untersuchten extraintestinal pathogenen E. coli (ExPEC), bei gleichzeitigem Fehlen in allen untersuchten intestinal pathogenen E. coli bestätigt die Bezeichnung ExPEC Adhäsin I. Die Prävalenz des EA/I-Gens war am stärksten assoziiert mit Stämmen der B2-Phylogenetische-Gruppe und des ST95-Komplexes des Multi-Lokus-Sequenz-Typisierungs (MLST)-Schemas. Sequenzanalysen ergaben zudem erste Hinweise auf eine positive Selektion des EA/I-Gens innerhalb dieses Komplexes. In der vorliegenden Arbeit gelang somit die Identifizierung und Charakterisierung des neuen ExPEC Adhäsin I. / The extraintestinal pathogen, avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC), known to cause systemic infections in chickens, is responsible for large economic losses in the poultry industry. To identify genes, involved adhesion and colonization, a lung colonization model of infection was established in 5-week old specific-pathogen free (SPF) chickens, and Signature-tagged mutagenesis (STM) was applied to this model by generating and screening a total of 1,800 mutants of an APEC strain IMT5155 (O2:K1:H5; ST complex 95). This led to the identification of new genes of interest, including adhesins, genes involved in capsule and LPS formation, and genes of putative function. Among the many genes identified was one coding for a novel APEC fimbrial adhesin (Yqi) not described for its role in APEC pathogenesis. Its gene product was temporarily designated ExPEC Adhesin I (EA/I). Deletion of the ExPEC adhesin I gene resulted in reduced colonization ability by APEC strain IMT5155 both in vitro and in vivo. Complementation of the adhesin gene restored its ability to colonize epithelial cells in vitro. The ExPEC adhesin I protein (~ 39 kDa) was expressed as a fusion protein in vitro as shown by SDS-PAGE and western blotting. Electron microscopy of an afimbriate strain E. coli AAEC189 over-expressed with the putative EA/I gene cluster revealed short fimbrial like appendages protruding out of the bacterial outer membrane. We observed that the adhesin coding gene yqi is prevalent among extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) isolates and absent in all of the intestinal pathogenic E. coli strains tested, thereby validating the designation of the adhesin as ExPEC Adhesin I. In addition, prevalence of EA/I was most frequently associated with the E. coli phylogenetic group B2 and ST95 complex of the multi locus sequence typing (MLST) scheme, with evidence of a positive selection within this complex. This is the first report of the newly identified and functionally characterized ExPEC adhesin I.
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Adrenergic and Cholinergic Regulation of Cardiovascular Function in Embryonic Neotropic Cormorants (Phalacrocorax basilianus)Cummins, James B. 05 1900 (has links)
Investigations of cholinergic and adrenergic tone on heart rate (fH) and mean arterial pressure (Pm) during embryonic development have been conducted on numerous avian species. While these investigations have documented that adrenergic tone, a continuous stimulation, on fH and Pm is vital to embryonic development in the birds studied to date, development of cholinergic tone on fH has been shown to vary even within species. Further, past studies have been bias to focus primarily on precocial species while altricial species remain poorly understood in this context. The goal of this investigation was to investigate the role of cholinergic and adrenergic tone on fH and Pm of an altricial species, the neotropic cormorant (P. brasilianus) to address this bias. The embryonic neotropic cormorant possesses B-and-a adrenergic tone on fH and Pm at 70% and 90% incubation while cholinergic tone on fH occurs at 90% incubation. This pattern of control is similar to that previously reported for several species of precocial birds suggesting the development of tonic cardiovascular regulation may be conserved across avian taxa.
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Development of Novel High-Resolution Melting (HRM) Assays for Gender Identification of Caribbean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber ruber) and other BirdsChapman, Alexandra 14 March 2013 (has links)
Unambiguous gender identification (ID) is needed to assess parameters in studies of population dynamics, behavior, and evolutionary biology of Caribbean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber ruber) and other birds. Due to its importance for management and conservation, molecular (DNA-based) avian gender ID assays targeting intron-size differences of the Chromosome Helicase ATPase DNA Binding (CHD) gene of males (CHD-Z) and females (CHD-W) have been developed. Male (ZZ) and female (WZ) genotypes are usually scored as size polymorphisms through agarose or acrylamide gels. For certain species, W-specific restriction sites or multiplex polymerase chain-reaction (PCR) involving CHD-W specific primers are needed.
These approaches involve a minimum of three steps following DNA isolation: PCR, gel electrophoresis, and photo-documentation, which limit high throughput scoring and automation potential. In here, a short amplicon (SA) High-resolution Melting Analysis (HRMA) assay for avian gender ID is developed. SA-HRMA of an 81-Base Pair (bp) segment differentiates heteroduplex female (WZ) from homoduplex male (ZZ) genotypes by targeting Single-nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) instead of intron-size differences between CHD-Z and CHD-W genes.
To demonstrate the utility of the approach, the gender of Caribbean Flamingo (P. ruber ruber) (17 captive from the Dallas Zoo and 359 wild from Ria Lagartos, Yucatan, Mexico) was determined. The assay was also tested on specimens of Lesser Flamingo (P. minor), Chilean Flamingo (P. chilensis), Saddle-billed Stork (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis), Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber), White-bellied Stork (Ciconia abdimii), Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja), Marabou Stork (Leptoptilos crumeniferus), Greater Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus), and Attwater's Prairie Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido attwateri). Although the orthologous 81 bp segments of Z and W are highly conserved, sequence alignments with 50 avian species across 15 families revealed mismatches affecting one or more nucleotides within the SA-HRMA forward or reverse primers. Most mismatches were located along the CHD-Z gene that may generate heteroduplex curves and thus gender ID errors. For such cases, taxon and species-specific primer sets were designed. The SA-HRMA gender ID assay can be used in studies of avian ecology and behavior, to assess sex-associated demographics and migratory patterns, and as a proxy to determine the health of the flock and the degree by which conservation and captive breeding programs are functioning.
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Molecular Evolution and Functional Characterization of the Visual Pigment Proteins of the Great Bowerbird (Chlamydera nuchalis) and Other Vertebratesvan Hazel, Ilke 16 December 2013 (has links)
Visual pigments are light sensitive receptors in the eye that form the basis of sensory visual transduction. This thesis presents three studies that explore visual pigment proteins in vertebrates using a number of computational and experimental methods in an evolutionary framework. The objective is not only to identify, but also to experimentally investigate the functional consequences of genetic variation in vertebrate visual pigments. The focus is on great bowerbirds (Chlamydera nuchalis), which are a model system in visual ecology due to their spectacular behaviour of building and decorating courtship bowers. There are 4 chapters: Chapter 1 introduces background information on visual pigments and vision in birds. Among visual pigment types, the short-wavelength-sensitive (SWS1) pigments have garnered particular interest due to the broad spectral range among vertebrates and the importance of UV signals in communication. Chapter 2 investigates the evolutionary history of SWS1 in vertebrates with a view toward its utility as a phylogenetic marker. Chapter 3 investigates SWS1 evolution and short-wavelength vision in birds, with particular focus on C. nuchalis and its SWS1. The evolution of spectral tuning mechanisms mediating UV/violet vision in passerines and parrots is elucidated in this chapter using site-directed mutagenesis, protein expression, and phylogenetic recreation of ancestral opsins. While cone opsins mediate colour vision in bright light, the rhodopsin visual pigment contained in rod photoreceptors is critical for dim light vision. Detailed characterization of rhodopsin function has only been conducted on a few model systems. Chapter 4 examines C. nuchalis RH1 using a number of functional assays in addition to absorbance spectra, including hydroxylamine sensitivity and the rate of retinal release. This chapter includes an investigation into the role of amino acid mutations typical of dim-light adapted vertebrates, D83N and A292S, in regulating functional properties of bovine and avian RH1s using site-directed mutagenesis. Together these chapters describe naturally occurring mutations in visual pigments and explore the way they can influence visual perception. These represent one of the few investigations of visual pigments from a species that is not a model lab organism and form a significant contribution to the field of visual pigment biochemistry and evolution.
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Riparian Forest Width and the Avian Community in a Greenbelt Corridor SettingHoffman, Karl W. 05 1900 (has links)
The forest avian community of the Ray Roberts Greenbelt (Denton Co., Texas) was characterized for two years using point count station sampling, from fall 1998 to summer 2000. Richness data for both breeding seasons were correlated with two-spatial metrics: width of the riparian forest and distance to the nearest edge. There were significant correlations between forest interior species richness and both spatial metrics, for both breeding seasons. Based on these data, a minimum riparian forest width threshold of 400-meters is suggested to provide habitat for forest interior species, which have lost considerable habitat through forest fragmentation. Partners in Flight breeding bird priority concern scores were used to create a habitat priority index for the Trinity River bottomland hardwood forest system
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Avian malaria associations with British mosquitoesAlves, R. O. N. January 2012 (has links)
Avian malaria (Plasmodium spp.) is a popular model system to study the ecology and evolution of parasite-host-vector interactions in the wild. These studies have historically focused mostly on the avian hosts and the malaria parasites. Knowledge regarding the role of vectors is essential to our understanding of these wild systems, but has only very recently started to accumulate. This thesis aimed to contribute to this field by assessing mosquito-malaria-host associations for British mosquitoes and the role of mosquito ecology in shaping these parasite systems in a British woodland study site, using molecular, field ecology and statistical modelling methodologies. From the 12 mosquito species or species groups found, I showed that the Cx.pipiens/torrentium mosquito group is likely to have a major role in avian malaria transmission in Great Britain, while Cs. annulata may be transmitting P. circumflexum. I also demonstrated a positive spatial association between mosquito density per host and avian malaria prevalence, in accordance with theoretical expectations for malaria transmission. Findings here provide evidence that avian malaria transmission in British woodlands is limited mainly to June-August, being preceded by relapse of previous infections or, alternatively, by maintenance of chronic blood parasitaemia through the colder months; this agrees with theoretical expectations and findings elsewhere for temperate climates. This thesis also described local-scale spatial heterogeneity and seasonal variation in adult mosquito abundance within a British woodland where avian malaria is endemic, with differing patterns found between species or species groups. Spatially, variation in adult mosquito abundance was associated with microclimatic and landscape variables such as distances to mosquito breeding sites, microclimate and canopy height; seasonally, variation in mosquito abundance was associated with temperature and rainfall, alongside calendar date. The heterogeneity in mosquito parameters and associations with environmental variables found at a site where avian malaria is endemic highlights the need to anticipate such complexity when trying to understand Plasmodium transmission. By doing so, we further extend the potential of these parasite systems to improve our knowledge regarding the ecology and evolution of parasite-host-vector associations.
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Étude comparative des processus intégratifs des rétrovirus aviaires et porcins / Comparative study of the integrative processes of the avian and porcine retrovirusesAl Andary, Elsy 19 December 2011 (has links)
Les rétrovirus sont des virus à ARN, enveloppés présents dans de nombreuses espèces animales de rente, chez les animaux de compagnie et chez l’homme. Une des particularités des rétrovirus concerne l’intégration du génome viral au sein du génome de la cellule infectée; cette intégration est réalisée par une enzyme virale, l’intégrase. Le projet de cette thèse vise à mieux comprendre le fonctionnement de cette enzyme notamment en identifiant des facteurs cellulaires interagissant avec celle-ci, facteurs qui pourraient être des agents favorisant le processus intégratif ou, au contraire, des agents restrictifs. Les intégrases de deux modèles de rétrovirus ont été utilisées dans cette étude : L’intégrase de RAV1, un rétrovirus exogène aviaire du genre des alpharétrovirus appartenant au sous-groupe A de la famille des ASLV. Cette enzyme virale est largement étudiée soit au niveau structural ou fonctionnel, mais les données concernant ses partenaires cellulaires sont rares et insuffisantes. La seconde intégrase est celle du PERV A/C, un rétrovirus endogène porcin du genre gammarétrovirus. Aucune information sur cette enzyme n’a été décrite jusqu’à présent. Ces deux enzymes, en fusion avec une étiquette 6xHistidine, ont été donc produites en bactérie, et en cellules d’insecte puis purifiées sur colonne d’affinité en FPLC. Leurs activités catalytiques ont été testées in vitro. Ces tests permettent de valoriser la capacité de l’intégrase à exercer principalement les 2 fonctions dont elle est responsable in vivo, le clivage en 3’ et le transfert de brins, et une activité qu’elle exerce exclusivement in vitro, la désintégration. Les protéines pures et actives ont ensuite servies à la vérification de leur interaction avec une protéine cellulaire, Brd2. La technique ‘Far western blot’ a ainsi permis de valider l’interaction entre l’intégrase de PERV et la protéine cellulaire, puis d’identifier les domaines de l’intégrase et de Brd2 impliqués dans cette interaction. A terme, l’identification de ce facteur cellulaire et la validation de son rôle dans le processus intégratif permettront de mieux comprendre ce processus particulier développé par les rétrovirus et pourront conduire au développement d’inhibiteurs dirigés contre cette interaction / A critical step for retroviral replication is the stable integration of the provirus genome into the genome of its host; this integration is realized by a viral enzyme, the integrase. The aim of this work was to better understand the functioning of the integrase, particularly, by identifying host factors that might interact with it, and which could be factors favoring the integration process or, restrictive factors. Therefore, we used two models of retroviral integrases: The integrase of RAV1, an alpharetrovirus belonging to the subgroup A of the family of ALSV. Although this viral enzyme is widely studied, still not enough data are available about its cellular cofactors. The second enzyme studied here is the integrase of PERV, a gammaretrovirus. No studies of either PERV integrase activities in vitro or of proteins interacting with this viral enzyme have been available until now. In the present study, we have expressed the PERV and ALSV integrases as fusion proteins with a 6xHistidine Tag in both Escherichia coli and insect SF9 cells. After that, we analysed their ability to mediate catalytic activities (3’-end processing, strand transfer and disintegration) in vitro. We also investigated the interaction of these two viral enzymes with the cellular protein Brd2, using the Far western blot method. Our results validate Brd2 as a cofactor of PERV integrase and point to the important role of particular domains of the PERV integrase and Brd2 in mediating the interaction. Finally, this study contibute to a better understanding of the precise interaction between cellular proteins and integrase, and may lead in the future to the development of protein-protein interaction inhibitors
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Molecular Evolution and Functional Characterization of the Visual Pigment Proteins of the Great Bowerbird (Chlamydera nuchalis) and Other Vertebratesvan Hazel, Ilke 16 December 2013 (has links)
Visual pigments are light sensitive receptors in the eye that form the basis of sensory visual transduction. This thesis presents three studies that explore visual pigment proteins in vertebrates using a number of computational and experimental methods in an evolutionary framework. The objective is not only to identify, but also to experimentally investigate the functional consequences of genetic variation in vertebrate visual pigments. The focus is on great bowerbirds (Chlamydera nuchalis), which are a model system in visual ecology due to their spectacular behaviour of building and decorating courtship bowers. There are 4 chapters: Chapter 1 introduces background information on visual pigments and vision in birds. Among visual pigment types, the short-wavelength-sensitive (SWS1) pigments have garnered particular interest due to the broad spectral range among vertebrates and the importance of UV signals in communication. Chapter 2 investigates the evolutionary history of SWS1 in vertebrates with a view toward its utility as a phylogenetic marker. Chapter 3 investigates SWS1 evolution and short-wavelength vision in birds, with particular focus on C. nuchalis and its SWS1. The evolution of spectral tuning mechanisms mediating UV/violet vision in passerines and parrots is elucidated in this chapter using site-directed mutagenesis, protein expression, and phylogenetic recreation of ancestral opsins. While cone opsins mediate colour vision in bright light, the rhodopsin visual pigment contained in rod photoreceptors is critical for dim light vision. Detailed characterization of rhodopsin function has only been conducted on a few model systems. Chapter 4 examines C. nuchalis RH1 using a number of functional assays in addition to absorbance spectra, including hydroxylamine sensitivity and the rate of retinal release. This chapter includes an investigation into the role of amino acid mutations typical of dim-light adapted vertebrates, D83N and A292S, in regulating functional properties of bovine and avian RH1s using site-directed mutagenesis. Together these chapters describe naturally occurring mutations in visual pigments and explore the way they can influence visual perception. These represent one of the few investigations of visual pigments from a species that is not a model lab organism and form a significant contribution to the field of visual pigment biochemistry and evolution.
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Cognition physique chez l’oiseau : général ou adapté ? / Physical cognition in birds : general or adapted?Danel, Samara 29 January 2018 (has links)
La cognition physique correspond à l’ensemble des connaissances que nous possédons sur les objets inanimés qui nous entourent, et à leurs relations avec l’environnement. Selon l’hypothèse de l’intelligence sociale générale, la cognition physique se serait développée tel un continuum (à l’instar de tous les autres domaines cognitifs), chez les espèces vivant au sein de groupes sociaux complexes. A l’inverse, l’hypothèse de l’intelligence sociale adaptée suppose que le fait d’interagir avec des congénères a permis de développer des capacités cognitives supérieures, mais spécifiques, du domaine social. Bien que les recherches relatives à l’évolution de la cognition physique se soient d’abord focalisées sur les primates, nous savons aujourd’hui que certains oiseaux sont capables d’interagir de manière complexe avec leur monde physique, en utilisant et en fabriquant des outils (p. ex., voir Article 1). Néanmoins, de nombreuses familles aviaires restent à ce jour non étudiées, laissant ce débat en suspens. L’objectif général de ce travail de recherche est de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des facteurs responsables de l’évolution de la cognition, grâce à l’apport théorique de l’hypothèse de l’intelligence sociale suivant son aspect général et adapté. Quatre espèces, jusqu’alors inconnues sur le plan cognitif, ont été sélectionnées suivant leur degré de socialité mais également la spécificité de leur écologie. Ce dernier facteur, trop souvent ignoré en biologie du comportement, est crucial pour apprécier le comportement dans son ensemble. Nous avons ainsi estimé la faculté des sujets, à savoir des pélicans blancs Pelecanus onocrotalus (sociaux) et des euplectes vorabés Euplectes afer afer (grégaires), à reproduire le comportement d’un congénère (domaine social) grâce à un test d’apprentissage social (Articles 2 part I & 3). Nous avons ensuite évalué leur capacité à se servir d’un objet pour obtenir une récompense alimentaire hors de portée (domaine physique), grâce à un test d’utilisation d’outils (Articles 2 part II & 4). Bien que les pélicans fussent capables de résoudre rapidement la tâche d’apprentissage social, ils ne réussirent pas à utiliser spontanément des outils (cf. discussion Article 2 part II). A l’instar du pélican, l’euplecte imita le comportement d’un congénère. Néanmoins, il échoua à utiliser des outils dans le contexte du fourragement, malgré le fait que cet oiseau utilise et fabrique des outils de manière complexe pour construire son nid.A défaut d’avoir pu étudier l’apprentissage social et l’utilisation d’outils chez deux autres espèces sociales, les calaos terrestres Bucorvus et les toucans Ramphastidae, cette recherche consistait également à administrer un paradigme permettant d’apprécier le domaine physique : le test de la ficelle (Articles 5 & 6, respectivement). La tâche impliquait de tirer sur une ficelle afin d’obtenir une récompense alimentaire accrochée à son extrémité. Les calaos terrestres échouèrent à tirer sur la ficelle dans la configuration verticale, mais réussirent rapidement la tâche dans diverses conditions de la configuration horizontale. Chez les toucans, cependant, un seul sujet réussit le test dans sa configuration verticale. Les résultats obtenus nous permettent de réfuter l’hypothèse de l’intelligence sociale dans son aspect général. En effet, aucun lien ne semble se dessiner entre le domaine social et physique chez les quatre espèces aviaires étudiées. Bien que l’hypothèse de l’intelligence sociale soit soutenue depuis plus de quatre décennies, une théorie unitaire est requise. Dans ce cadre, un nouveau modèle d’évolution cognitive, permettant d’évaluer l’importance de l’intelligence générale chez une espèce donnée, pourrait s’avérer particulièrement prometteur. / Physical cognition is defined as the knowledge that we possess about the inanimate objects surrounding us, and their relation with the environment. According to the general social intelligence hypothesis, physical cognition would have developed as a continuum (like all the other cognitive domains), in species living in complex social groups. By contrast, the adapted social intelligence hypothesis assumes that interacting with conspecifics has allowed development of superior, but specific, cognitive capacities related to the social realm. Although research on the evolution of cognition first focused on primates, we now know that some avian species are capable of interacting with their physical world in a complex way by using and manufacturing tools (e.g., Article 1). However, to date, various bird families are still unstudied, leaving open this debate. The general goal of this work is to contribute to a better understanding of the factors acting on the evolution of cognition, thanks to the theoretical input of the social intelligence hypothesis according to its general and adapted aspect. Four species that had never been studied in cognitive studies before were selected according to their degree of sociality but also according to the specificity of their ecology. This latter factor has been largely ignored in behavioural biology, although it is crucial for a more holistic comprehension of the behaviour. This work aimed to assess the ability of two avian species, great white pelicans Pelecanus onocrotalus (social birds) and yellow-crowned bishops Euplectes afer afer (gregarious birds), to imitate the behaviour of a trained conspecific (social domain) with a social learning task (Articles 2 part I & 3, respectively). Subsequently, we have studied heir ability to use an object in order to get an out-of-reach food reward (physical domain) with a tool use task (Articles 2 part II & 4). Although pelicans were capable of rapidly solving the social learning task, they did not succeed in using tools spontaneously (cf. discussion Article 2 part II). The bishops were able to imitate the behaviour of a conspecific, however they were not capable of using tools in the foraging context, although these birds are well known to use and manufacture tools in quite a complex way in order to build their nests. We have also administrated to two other avian social species, ground-hornbills Bucorvus and toucans Ramphastidae, an experimental paradigm to assess cognition in the physical domain: the string-pulling test (Articles 5 & 6, respectively). The task involved pulling on a string in order to obtain a food reward attached to its extremity. Ground-hornbills failed to pull on the string in the vertical configuration, but rapidly solved the task in various conditions within the horizontal configuration. In toucans, however, only one subject succeeded in the vertical configuration. These results allow us to refute the social intelligence hypothesis in its general aspect. Indeed, no link seems to be drawn between the social and the physical domains in the four species studied. Although the social intelligence hypothesis is supported since decades, a unitary theory is required. A new model of cognitive evolution, that allows assessing the importance of general intelligence in species, may be particularly promising.
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Effects of Electrostatic Precipitation Dust Control Technologies and Ultraviolet Irradiation on the Inactivation of Pathogenic Bacteria in Commercial Poultry Layer HousesHerkins, Matthew Joseph 27 October 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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