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Web Services als Medium für virtuelle Organisationen?Schmid, Beat F. 11 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Maschinenlesbare und -abrufbare Web Services werden zu Produktionsmodulen in einem globalen 'Factory Floor'. Ihre 'Orchestrierung' erlaubt die standardisierte Bildung von Modulen höherer Ordnung. Die dabei gebildeten Prozesse können die Wahl der einzubindenden Dienste via 'Discovery Agency' optimieren. Das Organisieren von Wertschöpfungssystemen wird damit zur modularen Programmierung im Grossen, der Abruf von Leistungen zum Aufruf und dynamischen Einbinden eines Moduls. Wird damit eine ideale Infrastruktur für die Virtualisierung der Organisationen verfügbar? Wir analysieren den Begriff der Organisation, einerseits aus Informatik-Optik als Multi-Agenten-Systeme, aber auch als soziales Gebilde mit den Begriffen der Institution und des Symbolischen und verbinden sie im Begriff des Mediums. Wir argumentieren, dass der gegenwärtige Stand der Web Services-Protokolle noch zu wenig Struktur für virtuelle Organisationen hat und zeigen, was zu ergänzen ist.
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ZABEZPEČENÍ A OCHRANA DAT PŘI ČINNOSTI HASIČSKÉHO ZÁCHRANNÉHO SBORU JIHOČESKÉHO KRAJE / Data security of the fire department of the South Bohemian regionREMIÁŠ, František January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on work with the data and information for the Fire and Rescue Service of South Bohemia Region, and its goal is to determine whether the data and information faced by members and employees of Fire and Rescue Service in their work are treated in accordance with applicable legislation, and whether they are adequately secured and protected against misuse and loss. Based on the organizational structure of qualitative research are mapped in detail the security and protection of data on individual departments and workplaces. These information compile risk areas for different types of data and due to this is prepared the risk map for these areas. Due to the findings the specific measures are designed to mitigate the risks for certain fields of work with data and information. The first part explains the basic concepts and definitions of words data, information and knowledge. The next section discusses the historical context of the mapped datastorage and handling of data in paper and electronic form, including the development of information systemsand technologies. Further are described the possible threats by varius effects on these data. Another chapter focuseson describing the current state ofwork with data and description oftechnologies used to it at the Fire and Rescue Service. Afterwards is elaborated an organizational structure focused on work with data. In following part the risk map is prepared for each area and proposesseveral solutions and particular measures to reducethe greatest of the resultingrisks. The benefit of this work is the implementation of several specific solutions to eliminate and reduce the threat of risks when working with dataat Fire and Rescue Service of South Bohemia Region, and several otherproposal measures and stepsfor additional security and data protection.
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Metodika zálohování v souladu s Obecným nařízením o ochraně osobních údajů - GDPR / The methodology of data backup in accordance to General data protection regulationSmutka, Miloslav January 2019 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis is creating a methodology for data backups in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). After analysis of individual regulation sections, processes and methods of proper data backups will be defined. The thesis will also concern itself with different backup media types and related technology. Outcome of the text will be the creation of a specific method useful for change control.
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Integrované telekomunikační prostředí / Integrated telecommunication environmentTomeček, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The thesis described the proposal for a wireless network problems. There are recorded and compared the characteristics of different wireless technologies. The possibility of voice communication securing is outlined and solutions implemented in the form of ZRTP protocol. The requirements for quality of service are discussed and the solutions to this issue are proposed. Other chapters are devoted to the actual design of specific equipment, including antennas and advance resource. The whole network is practically implemented in the mountainous countryside of eastern Wallachia. In conclusion, this work is network mate in terms of QoS (quality of service) and tested in terms of prioritization of voice communication.
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Mitteilungen des URZ 2/1999Fischer, Friedrich, Heik, Hübner, Junghänel, Richter, Riedel, Ziegler 19 July 1999 (has links)
Mobile Informationen - WebDAV
PHP3 - Professional Home Page Tool
0371 36704 ... stets Anschluß unter dieser Nummer
VMWARE für Linux
The Gimp
Das Ding
Ein fantastischer Stängel auf der Schlossstraße
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Mitteilungen des URZ 2000Becher, Clauß, Heik, Hübsch, Müller, Richter, Riedel, Schier, Wolf, Ziegler 23 November 2000 (has links)
Das CLIC-Projekt;
X2X - ein Werkzeug zur Darstellung von XML-Dokumenten;
Der Backupdienst des URZ;
Betreuung von Ausbildungspools durch das URZ;
Aktueller Netzausbauzustand;
Komfortablere E-Mail-Bearbeitung mit IMAP;
MagicPoint - Präsentationen unter Linux;
10 Jahre ¨UNIX-Stammtisch in Sachsen¨
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Web Services als Medium für virtuelle Organisationen?Schmid, Beat F. January 2006 (has links)
Maschinenlesbare und -abrufbare Web Services werden zu Produktionsmodulen in einem globalen 'Factory Floor'. Ihre 'Orchestrierung' erlaubt die standardisierte Bildung von Modulen höherer Ordnung. Die dabei gebildeten Prozesse können die Wahl der einzubindenden Dienste via 'Discovery Agency' optimieren. Das Organisieren von Wertschöpfungssystemen wird damit zur modularen Programmierung im Grossen, der Abruf von Leistungen zum Aufruf und dynamischen Einbinden eines Moduls. Wird damit eine ideale Infrastruktur für die Virtualisierung der Organisationen verfügbar? Wir analysieren den Begriff der Organisation, einerseits aus Informatik-Optik als Multi-Agenten-Systeme, aber auch als soziales Gebilde mit den Begriffen der Institution und des Symbolischen und verbinden sie im Begriff des Mediums. Wir argumentieren, dass der gegenwärtige Stand der Web Services-Protokolle noch zu wenig Struktur für virtuelle Organisationen hat und zeigen, was zu ergänzen ist.
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Ransomware-hotet mot svenska sjukhus : – en intervju- och litteraturstudieAhl, Josefin, Djurklou, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Statistik visar att ransomware har ökat lavinartat de senaste åren, inte minst under den rådande Covid-19-pandemin. Cyberkriminella har kommit att utnyttja sjukhus runt om i världen som redan är överbelastade med att ta hand om patienter svårt sjuka i Covid-19. I denna uppsats undersöks det hur de svenska sjukhusen upplever och hanterar det ökade hotet av ransomware. Den utgörs av en litteraturstudie och några djupintervjuer. Litteraturstudien görs för att utforska fenomenet ransomware och ta reda på varför ransomware är en framgångsrik metod för kriminella att använda vid utpressning. Syftet är även att undersöka hur svenska sjukhus förhåller sig till att hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn har blivit attraktiva mål för cyberangrepp. I intervjustudien undersöks sjukhusens IT-säkerhet för att kartlägga om de är tillräckligt motståndskraftiga mot ransomware-angrepp. Intervjusvaren diskuteras och analyseras mot bakgrund av litteraturen. Slutsatsen av denna analys ligger till grund för åtgärdsförslag. Resultatet visar att sjukhusen/regionerna som tillfrågats har en bra IT-säkerhet. De mest centrala säkerhetsmekanismerna för verksamheterna är deras backup- och återställningsrutiner i kampen mot ransomware. Diskussionen i arbetet sammanfogar resultatet från både litteraturstudien och intervjustudien som genomförts. Utifrån diskussionen dras sedan slutsatsen att regionerna som tillfrågats har bra säkerhet och uppfyller de flesta av rekommendationer som publicerats av svenska myndigheter. Inte desto mindre resulterar studien i några uppslag till förbättringar i säkerhetsrutiner. / Statistics show an increase in ransomware activity in recent years. The increase is mainly due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Cybercriminals take advantage of the fact that hospitals worldwide are overloaded with caring for seriously ill patients in Covid-19 and perform ransomware attacks. This thesis examines how Swedish hospitals experience and handle the increased threat of ransomware. The bachelor’s thesis consists of a literature study and some in-depth interviews. The literature study is investigating ransomware as a phenomenon and finding out why it is a successful method for cybercriminals to use in digital extortion. The purpose is also to investigate how Swedish hospitals relate to the fact that the healthcare sector has become an attractive target for cyber-attacks. The interview study examines the hospitals' IT security to determine whether they are sufficiently resistant to ransomware attacks. The interview results are discussed and analyzed against the background of the literature. The conclusion of this analysis is the basis for the proposed countermeasure. The results show that the hospitals surveyed have suitable IT security. The most central security mechanisms for the hospitals are their backup and recovery routines in the fight against ransomware. The discussion in this work combines the results from the literature and interview studies carried out. Based on the discussion, the conclusion is that the hospitals surveyed have good security and meet most of the recommendations published by Swedish authorities. Still, there is room for some improvement which is indicated.
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Pokročilé nasazení OS xBSD v síti pro střední školu / Using Advanced xBSD Based Servers for High SchoolZadina, Martin January 2007 (has links)
This work is about setting up Samba software on server with operating system from BSD family to primary domain controller rule in the high school computer network environment with Microsoft Windows stations. After introduction to Samba software there is examined problem of Windows network based on SMB protocol. There are described steps that are necessary to setup Samba software, disk sharing services, creation of user accounts and adding client stations to domain trust. At the next there is described problematic of network printing in the Windows environment, print servers and the solution with classical printing support in FreeBSD and CUPS printing support. In the next part there is described mass installation procedure of Windows stations with same hardware configuration. At the finish, there are noticed some tasks that are necessary for next operation of installed system.
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Záložní zdroj / Uninterruptible Power SupplyMrázek, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) and associated problems of backup power in case of unexpected outages of electricity. Start of work is dedicated to limitation of the electricity supplies, as well as their causes and consequences. Furthermore, brief history of UPS and subsequently distinguish between UPS’s architectures. There is also a description of the energy sources such as batteries, flywheels or fuel cells. Part of thesis describes security of electricity supply in health care facilities, including requirements for emergency power. The own design of UPS is described in the end.
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