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Väst möter Transsylvanien i svenska reseskildringar : <em>Med fokus på befolkning och omgivning, 1930–2000-talet</em>Paatere, Heidi January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Väst möter Transsylvanien i svenska reseskildringar : Med fokus på befolkning och omgivning, 1930–2000-taletPaatere, Heidi January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Serbijos integracija į Europos Sąjungą / Integration of Serbia in the European UnionLiubertaitė, Kristina 25 June 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuotas Serbijos integracijos į ES procesas, pateikta Serbijos ekonominės ir politinės padėties apžvalga. Įvertintas Serbijos pasiruošimas tapti ES nare atsižvelgiant į Europos Komisijos nuomonę, ES iškeltų sąlygų vykdymą ir dabartinę ekonominę ir politinę padėtį. Pateikta Serbijos visuomenės paramos ES charakteristika, išanalizuota visuomenės požiūrio kaita į eurointegraciją. Pirmojoje dalyje teoriniu aspektu apžvelgiama ES raida, įvertinama sėkmingos jos plėtros istorija ir būsima perspektyva. Pateikiamos ES narystės sąlygos ir procedūros, išskiriamos specifinės sąlygos ir pereinamieji etapai, kurie taikomi tik Vakarų Balkanų valstybėms siekiančioms narystės ES. Antroje dalyje pristatoma Vakarų Balkanų istorijos genezė, Serbijos, kaip pagrindinės regiono valstybės vaidmuo politiniame, ekonominiame ir kultūriniame regiono vystymesi, akcentuojamas Jugoslavijos dezintegracijos procesas ir nesėkmingas jo valdymas iš ES pusės. Trečioje dalyje analizuojama Serbijos politinė ir ekonominė transformacija, bei siekiai tapti ES nare. Aptariamos ES sąlygos Serbijai ir jų vykdymas kuomet šaliai vadovavo skirtingos vyriausybės. Analizuojamas ir vertinamas Serbijos pasirengimas tapti ES nare remiantis ES ataskaitomis dėl Serbijos ekonomikos, politinės padėties ir Europos standartų atitikimo. Ketvirtoje dalyje pateikiamas, analizuojamas ir lyginamas Serbijos gyventojų pasiskirstymas ES klausimais, rezultatų kaita ir jų priežastys. Šioje dalyje aptarti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master thesis analyzes Serbian EU integration process, reveals the political and economic status of Serbia. It also examines the situation in Serbia in terms of the political, economic criteria and the ability to take on the obligations of membership. Thesis also compares and analyzes Serbia‘s public polls researches towards EU integration. The first chapter of the Master thesis describes the research of the EU enlargement and integration genesis, describes the process of new member integration process and conditions, also states and anlyses the specific conditions of membership for Western Balkan countries. The second chapter presents full overview of the political conditions of former Yugoslavia, particular emphasis is placed on the process of disintegration of Yugoslavia, and on the failure of EU to prevent the conflicts in the region. The third chapter examines Serbia‘s political and economic transformation and ability to apply for EU membership. It also analyzes the position of different governments of Serbia on EU integration process. The last chapter analyzes public opinion on EU integration. The last part of the work analyzes specific conditions given from EU which influences public polls.
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A portrait of the artist as a political dissident : the life and work of Aleksandar PetrovićSudar, Vlastimir January 2007 (has links)
Exploration of the influence that politics may have on artists’ creativity has been undertaken by looking at selected works of Yugoslav film director Aleksandar Petrović. An attempt was made to identify thematic or stylistic motifs in his films that could be understood as reflections on the political context in which the work was made. One of the most common approaches to examine a work of one filmmaker, the auteur theory, has been modified into the theory of political auteur, to aid in identifying recurrent motifs and themes that artists introduce in their work as a reaction to the surrounding political reality. As Petrović worked in Yugoslavia during Socialism, this period was historicised in order to support the identification of ‘political motifs’ in his films. The period between 1965 and 1973 is taken as the focus of research, since it is known as the 'liberal hour', the period of great artistic and intellectual freedoms, during which Petrović directed four of his most significant films. Each of these four films is analysed in respective chapters, first by elaborating on the then current political background, and then by analysing the films’ narratives against it, and extrapolating thematic and stylistic motifs reflecting back on this background. Such exploration of art and politics has been undertaken with a view to emphasise consistent motifs in art works, not only to do with an artist’s personal interests, but also those that emerge as a result of imposing societal structures.
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Intellectuals and the Eastern question : 'historical-mindedness' and 'kin beyond sea', c. 1875-1880Kelley, William Frank January 2017 (has links)
The intractable problems posed by the decline of the Ottoman Empire were a defining feature of the nineteenth-century British experience. Events such as the Greek War of Independence (1821-32), the Crimean War (1853-5), and the Bulgarian Agitation (1876-8) were merely prominent denouements in the protracted history of what contemporaries called 'the Eastern Question'. The Eastern Question could be construed in many ways and admitted many answers. But by the 1870s, many Victorians had come to construe the Eastern Question as primarily an historical question. This thesis explores the ways in which Victorian public intellectuals brought 'historical-mindedness' to bear on the Eastern Question. Nineteenth-century historiography, it is suggested, may often be understood as a variety of contemporary political thought. Part One takes the historian E.A. Freeman, one of the Bulgarian Agitation's leaders, as its subject. Studied in depth, Freeman becomes a window onto how nineteenth-century intellectuals could experience and understand the Eastern Question. Part Two turns to the remarkable efflorescence of historical writing elicited by the so-called Eastern Crisis of 1875-80, investigating how historical arguments were invoked not merely in history books but also in newspaper reports, politically-freighted travel writing, and above all in periodical articles, over two-hundred of which are studied here. When Gladstone invoked the authority of 'the historical school of England' to criticise Lord Beaconsfield during this period, he did so advisedly, for historians both lay and professional were remarkably unanimous in their interpretation of events in south-eastern Europe. Drawing on the insights of comparative philology and often sympathetic to Eastern Orthodoxy for reasons of religion, these historians tended to emphasise the Balkan Christians' European identity, situating them within teleological narratives of progress which evoke contemporaneous Whig histories of England.
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Kriget i Bosnien och Hercegovina : religiös pluralitet, ett upphov till krig?Basic, Lejla January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa de tre olika religionernas roll på Balkan ur ett historiskt perspektiv, för att vidare kunna besvara frågeställningen, på vilket sätt gav den religiösa pluraliteten upphov till kriget i Bosnien och Hercegovina?
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A translational study of the nephrotoxicity of aristolochic acids by a metabonomic approach in NMR spectroscopy validated by conventional biomarkersDuquesne, Marilyn 30 March 2018 (has links)
Utilisation de la métabonomique en spectroscopie RMN pour l'identification de biomarqueurs d'exposition à l'acide Aristolochique. Développement de modèles expérimentaux chez des rats mâles. Analyse d'échantillons urinaires provenant de patients croates potentiellement touchés par la Néphropathie endémique des Balkans / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques (Médecine) / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Vstup luxusních automobilových značek na Balkánský trh / Penetration of Luxury Car Brands to Balkan RegionUčeň, Michal January 2010 (has links)
Předmětem diplomové práce je analýza potenciálu balkánského trhu pro distribuci luxusních automobilů Bentley a Lamborghini firmou Leonhardt Group Automobile. Společnost působí jako distributor luxusních značek koncernu Volkswagen Group v Německu a management zvažuje vstup na trhy zemí bývalé Jugoslávie. Z důvodu negativního vlivu globální hospodářské krize na automobilový průmysl autor analyzuje vedle distribuce nových automobilů i možnost prodeje ojetých vozů. V první části diplomové práce jsou popsána teoretická východiska vztahující k analýze trhu. Druhá, praktická část, je zaměřena na vlastní analýzu potenciálu vybraných trhů a zhodnocení, jestli má společnost Leonhardt Group na trhy vstoupit a jakou marketingovou strategii zvolit.
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Aspen Aerogels: internacionalizace izolačních materiálů na bázi nanotechnologií / Aspen Aerogels: Internationalization of Nanotechnology-based Insulation MaterialsVastušková, Valéria January 2010 (has links)
Táto diplomová práca je zameraná na analýzu a následné vyhodnotenie trhu v Juhovýchodnej Európe z hžadiska potenciálu a možnosti budúceho investovania a pôsobenia firmy Aspen Aerogels v tomto regióne. Firma Aspen Aerogels má vedúce postavenie vo vývoji a výrobe materiálov pracujúcich na báze nanotechnológie známe ako aerogely s unikátnymi vlastnosťami. Prvá časť diplomovej práce je zameraná na popis teoretickej problematiky, ktorá rieši otázky marketingu, analýzy trhu a internacionalizácie. V druhej časti je kladený dôraz na praktickú analýzu firmy a prostredia. Posledná časť je zameraná na celkové vyhodnotenie potenciálu Balkánskeho trhu a autorove odporúčania, či je Balkánsky trh vhodný na vstup pre firmu Aspen Aerogels a aká marketingová stratégia je vhodná.
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Řízení stavebních projektů v zahraničí / Construction Project Management abroadZedníček, Michal January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the process of management and organization It briefly describes the project and project management. It analyzes the international construction market in the Balkans states namely Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovin and Macedonia. In particular the construction company OHL ŽS, a.s. documentation and analyzes of the contract. It represents a construction company OHL ŽS, a.s.
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