Spelling suggestions: "subject:"reseskildringar"" "subject:"skildring""
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Att vända hem i text : Motivstudie av Där och Då i relation till Här och Nu i kröniketextAndersson, Viktor January 2010 (has links)
Uppsatsen bygger på en närläsning av ett antal kröniketexter från svenska dagstidningar, publicerade 2007-2010, vars författare har en dubbel tillhörighet – deras ursprung är annanstädes än den nuvarande uppehållsorten; exempelvis född och uppvuxen i Falköping, numera boende och verksam i Stockholm. Fenomenet som uppsatsen vill bevisa, ”Att vända hem i text”, innebär att man som skribent skriver om ett där och då, och låter detta framstå som en referenspunkt för sitt här och nu. Resor företas i kröniketexten; faktiska, imaginära och minnesresor. Studien söker svar på hur resan, vilken form den än företar, skildras rent stilistisk och narratologiskt, men också om hemvändarmotivet i texterna tyder på ett uttryck av nostalgi. Dessutom undersöks vad dubbel tillhörighet har för betydelse för den journalistiska rollen och den enskilde journalistens sätt att observera verkligheten. Även berättarens auktoritets betydelse för berättelsens autenticitet avhandlas. Undersökningen söker stöd hos Arne Melbergs forskning om reseskildringar, Karin Johannissons sondering av känslan ”nostalgi” och dess betydelse genom tiderna, Staffan Björcks studier i prosaberättarens teknik, samt i Torsten Thuréns studium i gränsöverskridande litterära genrer. Undersökningen är uppdelad i tre kapitel: (1) Resan (2) Platsen (3) Minnesakten. Detta för att underlätta för läsaren. På detta följer en längre diskussion. De krönikörer vars texter finns representerade och utsätts för närläsningar är Hanna Hellquist, Ronnie Sandahl, Marcus Birro, Johan Croneman och Fredrik Strage.
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En jämförelse mellan madagaskar och sverigeLagar, regler och säkerhet / The Difference in Laws and Rules between Madagascar and SwedenA comparison between an industrialized- and developing countryBdaoui, Mikael, Nafisa, Mustaf Cali January 2020 (has links)
Alla länder har olika lagar och regler inom byggbranschen. Dessa lagar och regler sätter en grund till hur ett samhälle ser ut och är strukturerat. Det finns olika faktorer till varför vissa länder har mer lagar och regler medan andra har mindre. Genom att studera ett land som Sverige med Madagaskar kan man se tydliga skillnader inom lagar och regler. Studien kommer att undersöka de skillnader som finns samt om de lagar och regler som skiljer sig åt är till en fördel eller nackdel.Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra ett U-land och ett i land när det kommer till lagar och regler. I detta fall Madagaskar och Sverige.Studien kommer att baseras på intervjuer, litterära studier och en reseskildring. En jämförelse med ett annat land, i detta fall Madagaskar, som har en stor skillnad på struktur, säkerhet och process kommer även att undersökas och jämföras med Sverige. Informationen om Madagaskar kommer baseras på en reseskildring som skrivits utifrån en resa som gjordes.Länder som har en stor skillnad från Sveriges byråkrati kommer att jämföras och studeras. I och med att det finns många lagar och regler så har även dessa avgränsats till det som är relevant för denna studie.Studien visar att den byggprocess som Sverige har är mer omfattande och tar längre tid än vad det gör i Madagaskar. Ett samhälle fungerar utan en omfattande byggprocess men då kommer hållfastheten att kompromissas.Säkerheten på arbetsplatsen i respektive länder skiljer sig åt, där Sverige har fler lagar och regler angående arbetarnas säkerhet. Genom att ha fler lagar och regler angående säkerheten, kan arbetsplatsolyckor minskas samt att ohälsa förebyggs. / Every country have different laws and rules regarding construction work. These laws and rules are a foundation of how the structure in a country is.There is many reasons why some countries have more laws and rules than others. By studying a country like Sweden and compare it with Madagascar will show distinct differences when it comes to laws and rules. This study will examine the differences that exist and analyze whether the laws and rules that differs are at an advantage or a disadvantage.The purpose of this study is to compare an industrialized- and a developing country regarding laws and rules. In this case Madagascar and Sweden.This study is based on interviews, literature, and a travel book from a trip to Madagascar. The reason why Madagascar was chosen is because Madagascar has significant difference between structure and security. The information regarding Madagascar is based on a travel book that was written from a journey in the respective country.Countries that have similar structures and laws like Sweden are not included in this study. Since there are many laws and rules in Sweden, there will be a limitation to what laws and rules that will be applied in this study.This study shows that laws and rules are a contributing aspect to a structured, sustainable, functional building and indicates that the construction process in Sweden takes more time than what it does in Madagascar. This study also proves that a community can work without many laws and rules, however the solidity will be compromised. The safety in workplace in each country differs, with Sweden having more laws and rules regarding works safety. By having more laws and rules regarding safety leads to fewer accidents to occur as well as preventing ill-health.
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Djurisk agens : Andra djurs agens i reseskildringar från 1600-talet / Animal Agency : Other animals’ agency in travelogues from the 17th centuryTörngren, Maria January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how a few travellers described animal agency in travelogues from the 17th century, printed in Swedish language. Because the aim of this paper was to study animal agency, the posthumanist perspective was chosen to analyse how the travellers both objectified animals and described certain animals to be able to express free agency. Furthermore, the study also examines how the travellers interpreted the animal’s free agency. First, the results show that animals were objectified in situations where animals functioned as economic resources, which also has been shown in previous research. Animals were objectified as tools, food, means of transportation and commodities. Second, the study shows that larger predators, the chameleon, the elephant and larger apes, were described to be able to express free agency. The larger predators exercised agency outside human living quarters and was interpreted negatively because of the danger they posed. This has also been shown in previous research. Third, and most important, the results indicate that humans didn’t view all animals the same. The travellers seem to have thought that certain animal individuals in certain situations could express free agency. For example, specific crocodiles were described to be able to choose whether to attack humans or not. They could also play with each other, which indicates that the author thought that the specific crocodile had emotions. Moreover, the elephant was described to be able to make its own decisions and only lacked the human ability to speak. In addition, the larger apes were deemed to be able to comprehend abstract concepts and act on conscious intention, like the elephant. Also, although the apes didn’t speak, they were believed to be able to. This shows that the travellers thought that specific animals could express free agency in given situations and had many so-called human abilities.
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Väst möter Transsylvanien i svenska reseskildringar : <em>Med fokus på befolkning och omgivning, 1930–2000-talet</em>Paatere, Heidi January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Väst möter Transsylvanien i svenska reseskildringar : Med fokus på befolkning och omgivning, 1930–2000-taletPaatere, Heidi January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Att skapa sig själv : Carl Peter Thunbergs persona konstruerad genom hans reseskildring / To create oneself : Carl Peter Thunberg’s persona constructed by means of his travel accountNordström Sundborg, Klara January 2018 (has links)
This thesis by the name To create oneself: Carl Peter Thunberg’s persona constructed by means of his travel account draws inspiration from recent studies within the history of science regarding the concept of persona. It seeks to expand the notion of persona to examine how it could be constructed and refined by individuals. In doing so, it offers an alternative approach to persona. Not as intellectual standard types but as a joining together of qualities that through the joining creates unique personae to each individual. Furthermore, the essay looks at change, and how it could function as an aspect of a persona. In order to examine this, I will look at how the persona of Carl Peter Thunberg was constructed in his travel account which was published in four parts and covered his travels in Europe, Africa and Asia in the 1770s. Thunberg was one of Carl von Linné’s students and a natural historian and physician in his own right. His travel account was widely anticipated and offered an opportunity for him to introduce himself to a wider audience. This source is exemplary for this kind of analysis as all four parts of the travel account existed within the same genre and was written for the same public, yet changes occurred in how Thunberg was portrayed. Rather than explaining these changes in how Thunberg was portrayed by changes in his personal circumstances, I will argue that they are best understood by considering the aspect of change as a central strategy in constructing Thunberg’s persona as a evolving scientist and natural historian.
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Reisen am Rande des Heimischen : Schwedische Romantiker auf Reisen in Deutschland und die Bilder Schwedens in deutschen Reiseberichten 1800–1828Peterson, Viking January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines the images of Germany and Sweden in several travelogues during a period of approximately thirty years (1800–1828). The objective is to analyse German and Swedish travelogues and their descriptions of the respective neighbouring country to view how the relationship between the two countries was perceived. The first part of the analysis examines six Swedish travelogues about Germany, written by authors belonging to the Swedish Romanticism. The second part examines six German travelogues about Sweden. The study seeks answers to the following question: how is Germany and Sweden described in the travelogues from the first three decades of the 19th century and how do the German and Swedish national self-images and the images of others appear in the travelogues? The thesis is to be regarded as a literary study in the field of comparative imagology. Analysing travelogues to which only a few scholars have payed attention, this study expands understanding of national (literary) discourses concerning the neighbouring country. The study of the Swedish travelogues reveals that the Swedish travellers depicted a deep personal relationship to Germany, a sort of ‘elective affinity’, which largely had been developed through the reception of German literature and culture. In Germany, the Swedish travellers were merely on the verge of a foreign space. In the analysis of the German travelogues the thesis shows that a noticeably development concerning the ideas of Sweden was taking place. At the turn of the 19th century, Sweden was often described as barbarian, poor and uncultured. With an increased interest of the German Romantics in Norse mythology and culture, the descriptions of Sweden moved to be positive, visionary and even idealized. The form of a new romanticized notion of Sweden is to be observed during this period.
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Hanns-Josef Ortheil Die Moselreise: Wahrnehmung, Erzählverfahren und Entwicklung im Reisebericht eines KindesRichter-Grönblad, Ulrike January 2013 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit geht es um den Reisebericht, den der 1963 11-jährige Autor H.-J. Ortheil von einer Wanderung mit seinem Vater entlang der Mosel anfertigte. Dabei wird untersucht, wie das Kind die "Fremde" wahrnimmt und mit der ihm vertrauten Heimat vergleicht, welche Erzählstrukturen es verwendet, und wie es sich auf der Reise zu größerer Selbstständigkeit entwickelt. Das literarische Können des jungen Autors überrascht: Die Moselreise könnte geradezu als Anleitung für die Methode dienen, die der Autor auch heute noch als "Professor für Kreatives Schreiben" lehrt: "Wie schreibe ich einen spannenden Reisebericht?" / I detta arbete handlar det om en reseskildring som den 1963 11-årige författare H.-J. Ortheil skrev över vandringen, som han gjorde tillsammans med sin pappa längs Moseln. Det undersöks hur barnet upplever den främmande omgivningen, vilka stukturer den använder i sin berättelse och hur den utvecklas genom sin resa. Barnet är litterärt begåvad och man kunde använda "Die Moselreise" som handbok över "Hur skriver man en spännande reseskildring?", eftersom metoden är samma som författaren, som nuförtiden är "Professor för kreativt skrivandet" rekommenderar idag.
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