Spelling suggestions: "subject:"assurance"" "subject:"d'assurance""
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O papel dos bancos na evolução do mercado segurador brasileiroVanzetta, Gustavo January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho objetiva analisar o papel da distribuição de seguros por bancos (bancassurance) no mercado segurador brasileiro. A união dos dois mercados se deu a partir de 1967, quando toda a cobrança relativa a seguros passou a ser obrigatoriamente executada através da rede bancária, proporcionando a estes uma farta captação de recursos para a atividade principal da instituição: a concessão de crédito. A partir de então, o movimento de convergência entre os dois negócios só aumentou, através de fusões e aquisições de bancos e seguradoras, com marcos históricos importantes, como a constituição de 1988 que estabeleceu a vinculação do setor securitário ao Sistema Financeiro Nacional, ao lado das instituições bancárias. Atualmente, a atratividade da venda de seguros para os bancos continua muito grande. Com a concessão de crédito já tendo atingido um grande patamar junto ao público bancarizado, os bancos estão buscando a ampliação de suas receitas através de outros produtos e serviços. Dentre eles, seguros ocupa lugar de destaque. Para a execução da pesquisa, foram analisados indicadores econômicos, financeiros e sociais de diversos órgãos que aglutinam e estratificam dados sobre o mercado securitário e bancário nacional e internacional. Além disso, foram abordados marcos teóricos relativos à estratégia empresarial e competitiva, bem como a crescente participação dos bancos no mercado segurador. Por fim, foram expostos resultados qualitativos obtidos através das entrevistas, onde foi discutida a aplicação prática das decisões estratégicas que norteiam as posicionamentos das empresas envolvidas neste mercado, além das diferenças entre as formas de distribuição de seguros no mercado brasileiro. Apoiado pelo fenômeno da bancarização e na capilaridade da rede bancária, o bancassurance tem relevante papel na massificação de seguros junto à população. Como efeito, este mercado apresenta crescimento superior ao observado na economia brasileira, passando de uma participação inferior a 2% em 1994 para mais de 5% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) no início da presente década. A decisão da instituição financeira pela venda de seguros passa pela estratégia de diversificação do portfólio de produtos, com o objetivo de cobrir os seus custos através de produtos e serviços complementares à intermediação financeira, havendo diferenças entre bancos proprietários de seguradoras e bancos que realizam parcerias com seguradoras terceiras atuando apenas na distribuição. Um ponto fundamental do bancassurance é a proteção do patrimônio dos clientes, evitando a retirada de recursos da instituição financeira para a reposição do bem sinistrado, e a fidelização de clientes no longo prazo. / This paper aims to analyze the role of the distribution of insurance by banks (bancassurance) in the Brazilian insurance market. The union of the two markets occurred after 1967, when the entire collection related to insurances started to be done, mandatorily, through the banking network, thereby providing a rich fundraising for the institution's main activity: lending. Since then, convergence movement between the two businesses only grew through mergers and acquisitions of banks and insurance companies, with major historical milestones, such as the 1988 constitution that established the linkage of the insurance industry to the nation’s financial system, along with banking institutions. Currently, the attractiveness of selling insurance for banks remains very high. With the extension of credit already reached a great level with the bank going public, banks are seeking to expand their revenue through other products and services. Among them, insurances occupy a leading place. To carry out the research, we analyzed the economic, financial and social indicators of various bodies that bind and stratify data on the insurance and bank market national and international. Moreover, theoretical frameworks were addressed relating to business and competitive strategy, as well as the increasing participation of banks in the insurance market. Finally, qualitative results obtained from the interviews were exposed, where they discussed the practical application of strategic decisions that guide the positioning of the companies involved in this market, and the differences between the types of insurance distribution in the Brazilian market. Backed by the phenomenon that is banking and the stratification of the banking network, the bancassurance has a relevant role in the popularization of insurance among the population. In effect, this market presents a superior growth in comparison to the Brazilian economy, starting with participation percentage of less than 2% in 1994 to more than 5% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at the beginning of this decade. The decision by the financial institution to start selling insurance goes through the strategy of diversifying product portfolio, in order to cover its costs through products and services that are complementary to financial intermediation, when having differences between banks that own insurances companies and banks that have partnerships with insurance companies acting only in distribution. A key point of bancassurance is the protection of client’s assets, avoiding the withdrawal of funds from the financial institution for the replacement of a lost asset as well, and maintaining customer loyalty in the long run. Read more
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Alianças estratégicas de bancos com seguradoras no Brasil : análise de cinco casosPagnussatt, Vinícius January 2010 (has links)
O avanço da consolidação nos setores bancário e segurador brasileiro, o acirramento da concorrência com a disputa pela liderança, as mudanças regulatórias e a crescente participação dos seguros no resultado dos conglomerados bancários têm estimulado a revisão das estratégias de atuação pelos bancos. Dentro desta perspectiva, as alianças estratégicas com seguradoras surgem como um importante meio para alcançar vantagem competitiva. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e analisar as características das alianças estratégicas entre empresas dos setores bancário e segurador no Brasil. Neste contexto, foram mapeados os tipos de alianças e as principais movimentações ocorridas após o Plano Real, em 1994. Para identificar os objetivos e fatores motivadores das diferentes alternativas de alianças, os critérios utilizados para seleção dos parceiros e as principais características destas operações foram realizados estudos de casos em cinco instituições. O método de estudo de casos foi escolhido por mais se adequar ao tipo de questões formuladas, “como” e “por que”. Complementarmente, foram utilizadas fontes secundárias de dados, visando dar maior consistência aos resultados obtidos nos estudos de casos. Os resultados evidenciam o domínio do mercado segurador brasileiro pelas seguradoras controladas por conglomerados bancários, especialmente nos segmentos com maior afinidade com os produtos e serviços bancários: previdência, capitalização e seguro de pessoas. Os resultados também sugerem fatores que influenciam as alternativas de atuação pelos bancos através de: seguradoras próprias, participações acionárias, joint ventures, acordos de cooperação exclusivos ou acordos com diversas seguradoras. As alianças estratégicas com seguradoras são uma alternativa especialmente relevante para os bancos que não dispõem de recursos, tecnologia ou a escala necessária para atuar, de maneira competitiva, com seguradoras próprias. / The progress of consolidation in the banking and insurance in Brazil, the increase in competition with the leadership contest, the regulatory changes and the increasing participation of insurance in the outcome of banking conglomerates have encouraged the review of strategies by banks. Within this perspective, strategic alliances with insurers emerge as an important means to achieve competitive advantage. This paper aims to describe and analyze the characteristics of strategic alliances between banks and insurers in Brazil. Thus, were mapped the types of alliances and major movements occurred after the Real Plan, in 1994. To identify the goals and motivating factors of the alternative alliances, the criteria used for selection of partners and the main characteristics of these operations were carried out case studies at five institutions. The case study method was chosen because it most fit the type of questions, "how" and "why". In addition, were used secondary data sources in order to give greater consistency to the results obtained in the case studies. The results show the dominance of the Brazilian insurance market by insurance companies controlled by banking conglomerates, especially in segments with higher affinity for the financial services: retirement savings, “capitalization” (combines lottery-based drawings with an incentive savings product) and life insurance. The results also suggest factors that influence the choices of action by the banks through: own insurance companies, equity investments, joint ventures, exclusive cooperation agreements or agreements with several insurers. Strategic alliances with insurance companies are an alternative especially relevant for banks that lack the resources, technology or scale needed to operate in a competitive manner, with insurers themselves. Read more
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O papel dos bancos na evolução do mercado segurador brasileiroVanzetta, Gustavo January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho objetiva analisar o papel da distribuição de seguros por bancos (bancassurance) no mercado segurador brasileiro. A união dos dois mercados se deu a partir de 1967, quando toda a cobrança relativa a seguros passou a ser obrigatoriamente executada através da rede bancária, proporcionando a estes uma farta captação de recursos para a atividade principal da instituição: a concessão de crédito. A partir de então, o movimento de convergência entre os dois negócios só aumentou, através de fusões e aquisições de bancos e seguradoras, com marcos históricos importantes, como a constituição de 1988 que estabeleceu a vinculação do setor securitário ao Sistema Financeiro Nacional, ao lado das instituições bancárias. Atualmente, a atratividade da venda de seguros para os bancos continua muito grande. Com a concessão de crédito já tendo atingido um grande patamar junto ao público bancarizado, os bancos estão buscando a ampliação de suas receitas através de outros produtos e serviços. Dentre eles, seguros ocupa lugar de destaque. Para a execução da pesquisa, foram analisados indicadores econômicos, financeiros e sociais de diversos órgãos que aglutinam e estratificam dados sobre o mercado securitário e bancário nacional e internacional. Além disso, foram abordados marcos teóricos relativos à estratégia empresarial e competitiva, bem como a crescente participação dos bancos no mercado segurador. Por fim, foram expostos resultados qualitativos obtidos através das entrevistas, onde foi discutida a aplicação prática das decisões estratégicas que norteiam as posicionamentos das empresas envolvidas neste mercado, além das diferenças entre as formas de distribuição de seguros no mercado brasileiro. Apoiado pelo fenômeno da bancarização e na capilaridade da rede bancária, o bancassurance tem relevante papel na massificação de seguros junto à população. Como efeito, este mercado apresenta crescimento superior ao observado na economia brasileira, passando de uma participação inferior a 2% em 1994 para mais de 5% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) no início da presente década. A decisão da instituição financeira pela venda de seguros passa pela estratégia de diversificação do portfólio de produtos, com o objetivo de cobrir os seus custos através de produtos e serviços complementares à intermediação financeira, havendo diferenças entre bancos proprietários de seguradoras e bancos que realizam parcerias com seguradoras terceiras atuando apenas na distribuição. Um ponto fundamental do bancassurance é a proteção do patrimônio dos clientes, evitando a retirada de recursos da instituição financeira para a reposição do bem sinistrado, e a fidelização de clientes no longo prazo. / This paper aims to analyze the role of the distribution of insurance by banks (bancassurance) in the Brazilian insurance market. The union of the two markets occurred after 1967, when the entire collection related to insurances started to be done, mandatorily, through the banking network, thereby providing a rich fundraising for the institution's main activity: lending. Since then, convergence movement between the two businesses only grew through mergers and acquisitions of banks and insurance companies, with major historical milestones, such as the 1988 constitution that established the linkage of the insurance industry to the nation’s financial system, along with banking institutions. Currently, the attractiveness of selling insurance for banks remains very high. With the extension of credit already reached a great level with the bank going public, banks are seeking to expand their revenue through other products and services. Among them, insurances occupy a leading place. To carry out the research, we analyzed the economic, financial and social indicators of various bodies that bind and stratify data on the insurance and bank market national and international. Moreover, theoretical frameworks were addressed relating to business and competitive strategy, as well as the increasing participation of banks in the insurance market. Finally, qualitative results obtained from the interviews were exposed, where they discussed the practical application of strategic decisions that guide the positioning of the companies involved in this market, and the differences between the types of insurance distribution in the Brazilian market. Backed by the phenomenon that is banking and the stratification of the banking network, the bancassurance has a relevant role in the popularization of insurance among the population. In effect, this market presents a superior growth in comparison to the Brazilian economy, starting with participation percentage of less than 2% in 1994 to more than 5% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at the beginning of this decade. The decision by the financial institution to start selling insurance goes through the strategy of diversifying product portfolio, in order to cover its costs through products and services that are complementary to financial intermediation, when having differences between banks that own insurances companies and banks that have partnerships with insurance companies acting only in distribution. A key point of bancassurance is the protection of client’s assets, avoiding the withdrawal of funds from the financial institution for the replacement of a lost asset as well, and maintaining customer loyalty in the long run. Read more
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合作銀行之特性對銀行保險業務品質影響之研究 / The Relationship between the Characteristics of Banks and the Quality of Bancassurance楊書齊, Yang, Shu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的銀行保險於2000年興起,2009年銀行通路初年度保費收入(First Year Premium, FYP)占整體壽險業初年度保費收入的比重達63.15%,首次超越傳統業務員通路,至2012年為止皆維持5成以上,顯示銀行通路對壽險公司的重要性。實務上壽險公司同時會與多家銀行簽訂保險銷售的合作契約,如何確保合作銀行招攬之業務是對公司有益而非反而造成公司虧損,成為壽險公司重要的課題。
實證結果顯示,1991年以前設立之舊銀行、商業銀行及大資產規模之銀行的短期理賠狀況較少,契約品質較佳。至於銀行是否由政府持股、是否具金控背景及銀行的公司治理結構等因素則對短期理賠並沒有顯著的影響。理賠金額方面,實證結果則顯示所有銀行特性對於理賠金額之影響都是不顯著的,表示被保險人或許會因為投保銀行之特性影響其申請理賠之機率,但不會因銀行之特性影響申請理賠之金額。 / Bancassurance in Taiwan has been developed rapidly since 2000. In 2009, first year premium (FYP) of life insurance from bank channels exceeds FYP from agent channels for the first time. It is clear that bank channels are very important for life insurance companies. Thus, how to maintain the quality of insurance business from every bank channel becomes a big concern for life insurance companies.
This study judge the quality of insurance business by observing the conditions of claim of permanent health insurance selling in bank channels, and use logistic regression and OLS regression to analyze the relationship between the characteristics of banks and the quality of bancassurance based on the foundation time of banks, the equity possessions of banks, the assets of banks, the corporate governance structure of banks, and so forth.
According to the empirical results, the characteristics of banks affect the probability of short-term claim, but the characteristics of banks do not affect the amount of claim. Read more
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銀行通路與保險公司間合作關係與 保險業務品質之研究 / How the Relationship between Insurance Companies and Banks Affects the Quality of Bancassurance黃靖宇, Huang, Ching Yu Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果顯示,相對談判力小、信任程度高及保險公司有投資股權的合作銀行,其短期理賠的機率較低,而銀行與保險公司間的合作關係對於理賠金額則沒有顯著影響。 / Due to the motivation of macroeconomic environment and the change of regulation, bancasssurance in Taiwan develops quickly these years. In general, life insurance companies sign cooperative contracts with plenty of banks, but the relationship with every bank could be different. All life insurance company wish that the quality of insurance business from every bank channel maintains very well despite the different cooperative relationships.
This study evaluate the quality of insurance business by observing the conditions of claim of permanent health insurance selling in bank channels, and use logistic regression and OLS regression to analyze how the relationship between insurance companies and banks affects the quality of bancassurance
According to the empirical results, when banks have relatively weaker bargaining power, banks are highly trusted or invested by insurance companies, the quality of bancassurance from the above-mentioned bank channels is better. Read more
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台灣銀行業建構銀行保險業務之策略與步驟胡榮健 Unknown Date (has links)
在我國金融界,一窩蜂地為合併轉為金控公司之際,未組成金控公司之銀行業,除了進行本身的「營運業務改造計畫」,更必須認真思考未來銀行地經營策略與方向,在銀行「虛擬金控」經營策略下,為求強化其經營體質,而提高無風險的Fee income收入比重,例如,保險佣金收入,擴大金融版圖進而跨業經營銀行保險(Bancassurance)相關業務,增強競爭優勢提供符合顧客需求便利服務的商品。
對於新投資計畫之重大決定之前,必須考量古柏〈Robert Copper〉所提出五項風險管理原則,尤其退出之機制更應確立。對非金控之台灣銀行業進入銀行保險之方式,無論採取通路驅動或是資本驅動的模式,皆必須先建構非金控銀行業銀行保險運作最佳的經營模式,以利將來銀行保險業務之發展。 Read more
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Interest-Sensitive Annuities¡VStudy of Its Marketing StrategiesHsiu Lu, Ching 08 August 2011 (has links)
Taiwan has an ageing population, with more people in the concern of not having sufficient income stream during retired life. This study investigates the ageing issue through socioeconomic perspectives. It is recommended that apart from low interest-bearing term deposits, Interest-Sensitive Annuity is the most suitable solution for countering longevity risk.
Through case studies, it has been found that 1, due to Annuity Puzzle sentiment, term depositors will continue to invest in Interest-Sensitive Annuities, regardless of the low interest rate environment. 2, Interest-Sensitive Annuity investors are as risk-averse as term depositors, implying that they do not necessarily choose the surrender option upon expiry. 3, due to customer sentiment, the Interest-Sensitive Annuity policy fees charged are inversely correlated to customers¡¦ willingness to invest. 4, by selling low-commission products, namely one- and two-year Interest-Sensitive Annuities through bancassurance channel, insurance companies enjoy the benefit of low cost capital and are able to reduce interest spread risk through efficient investments. Moreover, customers have their retirement needs covered while insurance salespeople of different channels are able to meet respective sales targets.
It is therefore shown that Interest-Sensitive Annuities have the following benefits. For investors, it is the product type that best meets their needs. For insurance salespeople, they enjoy a diverse and complete product portfolio and for insurance companies, it maximizes operation efficiency. Unfortunately, after the termination of one- and two-year Interest-Sensitive Annuities on the market, insurance company capital costs have been negatively impacted, with retirement and longevity risks unsatisfied and insurance salespeople having less products to choose from. It is suggested that the regulator considers re-introducing one- and two-year Interest-Sensitive Annuities, using Risk-Based Capital as a complement in monitoring insurance companies. Read more
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Integrační tendence na finančních trzích s důrazem na začlenění pojišťovnictví / Integration tendency of financial markets with emphases on insurance business incorporationHlúchová, Petra January 2007 (has links)
Principal aim of this thesis is the analysis of integration processes of financial markets with emphases on implementation of insurance business incorporation to banking segment. This thesis surveys the history of bancassurance, reasons of reciprocal cooperation between banks and insurance companies, models of settlement for bancassurance companies and conditions for their successful business. Then the thesis analyses a different level of integration trend on the financial markets in the European Union with emphasis on penetration of bancassurance in the Czech Republic. The conclusion considers future of bancassurance segment.
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Pojištění bankovních produktů / Banking products' insuranceNovák, Michal January 2008 (has links)
This work deals with the insurance of the banking products, i.e. with the insurance products, which explicitly insure or are closely connected to some banking product. Therefore, an interaction of banking and insurance activities is present in this area of insurance. The overview of both of the financial institutions' activities opens this thesis in order to explain the interaction between the activities of banks and insurance companies. Possible ways of integration of this interaction, which allowed increased efficiency, follow the opening introduction. Bancassurance as a way of selling insurance through banks is explained in a separate part. After a short overview of the banking products, the thesis is completed by the analysis of the key insurances of them.
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Bankopojištění a jeho současná pozice na českém finačním trhu / Bancassurance and its current position on the Czech Financial MarketVoldřichová, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Thesis "Bancassurance and its current position on the Czech Financial Market" analyzes the causes of cross-industry integration in banking and insurance sector and its development in the Czech financial market with regard to the benefits of integration for banks, insurance companies, state and citizens also contains legislative conditions sale in the form of financial networks and integration models. Much of the work is devoted to life insurance with single premium payments. The work ends with prognosis bancassurance development strategy.
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