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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of new photonic devices based on barium titanate in silicon

Castera Molada, Pau 01 September 2017 (has links)
Integration of complex optical functionalities with high performance will lead to a huge development in the field of nanophotonics for a broad range of applications. Silicon photonics is currently the leading technology for the implementation of low-cost photonic integrated devices. The great potential of this technology relies on its compatibility with the mature silicon integrated circuits manufacturing based on complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) processes widely used in microelectronic industry and the availability of high quality silicon-on-insulator wafers, an ideal platform for creating planar waveguide circuits that offers strong optical confinement due to the high index contrast between silicon (n=3.45) and silicon dioxide (n=1.45). In order to keep improving the performance of photonic devices on silicon, the integration of CMOS compatible materials with unique properties shows up as an excellent opportunity to overcome the current limitations in silicon while offering unprecedented and novel capabilities to the silicon platform. In this way, barium titantate (BaTiO3) stands out as one of the most disruptive candidates. The work developed in this thesis is essentially focused on the design, fabrication and characterization of an electro-optic modulator based on a hybrid BaTiO3 on silicon structure for the implementation of high performance electro-optic functionalities with beyond state-of-the art performance that currently cannot be afforded in silicon photonics technology. / La integración de funcionalidades ópticas con alto rendimiento llevará a un gran desarrollo en el campo de la nanofotónica para un amplio abanico de aplicaciones. Actualmente, la fotónica de silicio es la tecnología líder para la implementación de dispositivos fotónicos integrados a bajo coste. El gran potencial de esta tecnología reside en su compatibilidad con las maduras técnicas de fabricación de circuitos integrados de silicio basadas en los procesos "complementary metal-oxide semiconductor" (CMOS) ampliamente utilizados en la industria microelectrónica y la disponibilidad de disponer de obleas de silicio sobre aislante de alta calidad, una plataforma ideal para crear circuitos de guía de ondas planas que ofrecen un fuerte confinamiento óptico debido al alto contraste índices entre el silicio (n=3,45) y el dióxido de silicio (n=1,45). Para poder mejorar el rendimiento de dispositivos fotónicos en silicio, la integración de materiales con propiedades excepcionales y compatibles con los procesos de fabricación CMOS surge como una excelente oportunidad para superar las actuales limitaciones de la tecnología de silicio al mismo tiempo que ofrece oportunidades novedosas y sin precedentes en la plataforma de silicio. En este sentido, el material titanato de bario (BaTiO3) se postula como uno de los candidatos más prometedores. El trabajo desarrollado en esta tesis está esencialmente enfocado en el diseño, fabricación y caracterización de un modulador electro-óptico basado en una estructura híbrida de BaTiO3 en silicio para la implementación de funcionalidades electro-ópticas de alto rendimiento más allá del estado del arte de las que no se puede disponer actualmente en la tecnología de fotónica de silicio. / La integració de funcionalitats òptiques amb alt rendiment portarà a un gran desenvolupament en el camp de la nanofotònica per a un ampli ventall d'aplicacions. Actualment, la fotònica de silici és la tecnologia capdavantera per a la implementació de dispositius fotònics integrats a baix cost. El gran potencial d'aquesta tecnologia resideix en la seva compatibilitat amb les madures tècniques de fabricació de circuits integrats de silici basades en els processos "complementary metal-oxide semiconductor" (CMOS) amplament utilitzats en la indústria microelectrònica i la disponibilitat de disposar d'hòsties de silici sobre aïllant d'alta qualitat, una plataforma ideal per crear circuits de guia d'ones planes que ofereixen un fort confinament òptic a causa de l'alt contrast d'índexs entre el silici (n=3,45) i el diòxid de silici (n=1,45). Per poder millorar el rendiment de dispositius fotònics en silici, la integració de materials amb propietats excepcionals i compatibles amb els processos de fabricació CMOS sorgeix com una excel·lent oportunitat per superar les actuals limitacions de la tecnologia de silici al mateix temps que ofereix oportunitats noves i sense precedents en la plataforma de silici. En aquest sentit, el material titanat de bari (BaTiO3) es postula com un dels candidats més prometedors. El treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi està essencialment enfocat en el disseny, fabricació i caracterització d'un modulador electro-òptic basat en una estructura híbrida de BaTiO3 en silici per a la implementació de funcionalitats electro-òptiques d'alt rendiment més enllà de l'estat de l'art de les quals no es pot disposar actualment a la tecnologia de fotònica de silici. / Castera Molada, P. (2017). Development of new photonic devices based on barium titanate in silicon [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86197

Efeito da membrana de poli (vinilideno-trifluoretileno)/titanato de bário no reparo de defeitos ósseos em calvárias de ratas ovariectomizadas / Effect of poly (vinylidene-trifluoroethylene)/barium titanate membrane on the repair of bone defects in calvaria of ovariectomized rats

Scalize, Priscilla Hakime 06 April 2018 (has links)
O aumento da longevidade da população mundial vem acompanhado do aumento da incidência de doenças crônicas. Várias são as doenças que podem acometer esta população e entre estas, a osteoporose, que compromete a resistência e qualidade do tecido ósseo, predispondo a fraturas. Além disso, a osteoporose pode dificultar a reparação óssea. Uma técnica importante e que tem por objetivo a neoformação óssea é a regeneração óssea guiada (ROG), que utiliza uma membrana que atua como uma barreira mecânica, permitindo a criação de um espaço protegido em torno do defeito ósseo. Embora a membrana de politetrafluoretileno (PTFE) seja uma das mais utilizadas na ROG, novas membranas têm sido desenvolvidas dentre elas a membrana obtida pela associação do polímero de poli(vinilideno-trifluoretileno) e da cerâmica de titanato de bário (P(VDF-TrFE)/BT). Estudos in vitro demonstraram resultados favoráveis à membrana de P(VDF-TrFE)/BT. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar in vivo, o efeito da membrana de poli(vinilidenotrifluoretileno)/titanato de bário (P(VDF-TrFE)/BT), e como controle a de PTFE no reparo ósseo em ratas com modelo experimental para a osteoporose. Foram utilizados 30 animais, sendo 5 pertencentes ao grupo controle - Grupo 1 (G1) e 25 que foram ovariectomizados bilateralmente (OVX). Após 150 dias foram confeccionados defeitos ósseos (5 mm) na calvária e os animais OVX foram distribuídos em três grupos com relação à utilização ou não de membranas nos defeitos ósseos: Grupo 2 - nenhum tipo de membrana; Grupo 3 - membrana de PTFE e Grupo 4 - membrana de P(VDF-TrFE)/BT. Após 4 semanas, os animais foram eutanasiados e as calvárias foram coletadas para as análises histológica, histomorfométrica por micro-CT e de expressão gênica por PCR em tempo real. A análise histomorfométrica mostrou que os animais que receberam a membrana de P(VDF-TrFE)/BT apresentaram parâmetros morfométricos semelhantes ou até melhores quando comparados com os animais que receberam a membrana de PTFE. A comparação dos grupos que receberam as membranas mostrou para o grupo P(VDF-TrFE)/BT uma menor expressão para os genes RUNX2, BSP, OPN, OSX e RANKL; uma expressão semelhante para os genes ALP, OC, RANK e CTSK e uma maior expressão dos genes OPG, CALCR e MMP9. Estes resultados evidenciam que a membrana de P(VDF-TrFE)/BT pode ser considerada um biomaterial promissor para a reparação óssea em condições de osteoporose / The worldwide population age is increasing accomplished by chronic disease. The most common disease which involves the population is the osteoporosis. The bone resistance and quality of bone matrix are compromised and the fractures risks are higher. Nonetheless, the osteoporosis can avoid the bone healing. The important technique to achieve the bone neoformation is the Bone Guided Regeneration (BGR), which used a membrane as mechanic barrier to allow the new gap protection around the bone defect. Although the politetrafluoetilene (PTFE) is the most used in BGR, newest membranes have been developed as the polyvinylidene-trifluoroethylene polymer and barium titanate ceramics (P(VDF-TrFE)/BT). In vitro assays showed favorable results to P(VDF-TrFE)/BT membrane. The aim of the study was to evaluate the poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene)/barium titanate (P(VDF-TrFE)/BT) effects, and the PTFE has been used as control on the bone repair in the osteoporosis experimental rats model. It was used 30 animals, 5 on the control group- Group 1 (G1) and 25 were ovariectomized bilaterally (OVX). Bone gaps were done 5mm size on the rats calvaria´s and the (OVX) were housed in three different groups concerned by membranes applied or not at the bone gap. Group 2 no membrane applied; Group 3 PTFE membrane and Group 4 P(VDF-TrFE)/BT membrane. Four weeks later, the animals were euthanized and the calvarias were collected to the histological analysis, histomorphometric assays by micro CT and the gene expression by the real time PCR. The histomorphometric analysis showed that the animals which received P(VDF-TrFE)/BT membrane presented similar morphometric parameters better than PTFE. The P(VDF-TrFE)/BT showed a minor expression to RUNX2, BSP, OPN, OSX e RANKL genes; the similar were to RANK e CTSK and the higher expression were to OPG, CALCR e MMP9. These results evidence that the P(VDF-TrFE)/BT could be used as promising biomaterial to bone healing under osteoporosis

Correlação elétrica e microestrutural entre os comportamentos termistor tipo PTCR e varistor em eletrocerâmicas de titanato de bário dopadas com érbio / Electrical and microstructural correlation between thermistor PTCR and varistor behavior in erbium doped barium titanate eletroceramics

Oliveira, Rafael Bonacin de 11 September 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho, eletrocerâmicas a base de BaTiO3 e Ba(1-x)Erx TiO3 com x(Er3+) = 0,001, 0,010 e 0,050 foram preparadas através do método dos precursores poliméricos, com o propósito de estudar as possíveis relações entre os comportamentos termistor (tipo PTCR) e varistor em nível elétrico e microestrutural. Após calcinação dos pós-precursores em 700°C por 2h, os pós compactados isostaticamente a 300 MPa na forma de pastilhas, foram sinterizados em 1200°C, 1250°C, 1300°C e 1350°C. Foram realizadas caracterizações estruturais e microestruturais aplicando as técnicas de difração de raios X e microscopia eletrônica de varredura por emissão de campo, além de estudos elétricos e dielétricos utilizando a técnica de espectroscopia de impedância como ferramenta principal. Destas caracterizações, verificou-se a obtenção de materiais cerâmicos densos e com valores médios de tamanhos de grãos dependentes de x(Er3+) bem como da temperatura de sinterização. A análise dos resultados de espectroscopia de impedância via circuito equivalente revelaram para as amostras de Ba(1-x)ErxTiO3 que as respostas elétricas podem ser associadas a 3 microrregiões (Modelo Core-Shell): os núcleos e as \"couraças\", ambas relacionadas as porções internas dos grãos cerâmicos, mais os contornos de grãos, respectivamente. Considerando as contribuições resistivas associadas a cada microrregião, em função das tensões e temperaturas aplicadas, os comportamentos varistor e termistor das eletrocerâmicas de Ba(1-x)ErxTiO3 são apresentados e caracterizados em relação ao comportamento das amostras de BaTiO3. No âmbito geral, este trabalho revela uma boa correlação entre estes fenômenos e suas associações a cada microrregião identificada pelos modelos de circuitos equivalentes supostos na literatura. / Electroceramics based on Ba(1-x)ErxTiO3, with x(Er3+) = 0,001, 0,010, 0,050 stoichiometry were synthesized by the polymeric precursors method in an attempt to correlate the possible relations between the PTCR effect and the varistor behavior detected in terms of microstructures by electrical properties. After calcinated at 700°C for 2h, the samples were processed like pellets under isostatically compaction at 300 MPa, and sintered at 1200°C, 1250°C, 1300°C 1350°C, by 3h. Characterizations were made by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with field emission gun and impedance spectroscopy, this last one, as the key tool from this work. The results, in general, showed good densification parameters, which are dependent of x(Er3+) and sintering temperature as well. Furthermore, impedance spectroscopy via equivalents circuits, in terms of the series layer model, revealed the appearance of three microregions, which are stated to be in well agreement with the Core-Shell microstructural model. Considering the relation between the resistive response of each microregion, i.e., the nuclei, the intermediary shells and the grain boundaries, it was possible to establish a path to the relation between PTCR effect with the varistor one under the structural, microstructural and electrical peculiarities from the Ba(1-x)ErxTiO3 electroceramic system, in comparison with the pure polycrystalline BaTiO3 behavior.

Morphology-preserving chemical conversion of bioorganic and inorganic templates

Vernon, Jonathan P. 17 January 2012 (has links)
The generation of nanostructured assemblies with complex (three-dimensional, 3D) self-assembled morphologies and with complex (multicomponent) tailorable inorganic compositions is of considerable technological and scientific interest. This research demonstrates self-assembled 3D organic templates of biogenic origin can be converted into replicas comprised of numerous other functional nanocrystalline inorganic materials. Nature provides a spectacular variety of biologically-assembled 3D organic structures with intricate, hierarchical (macro-to-micro-to-nanoscale) morphologies. Morphology-preserving chemical conversion of such readily available, structurally complex templates will provide a framework for chemical conversion of synthetic organic templates and, potentially, production of organic/inorganic composites. Four research thrusts are detailed in this dissertation. First, chemical conversion of a nanostructured bioorganic template into a multicomponent oxide compound (tetragonal BaTiO₃ via layer-by-layer surface sol-gel coating and subsequent morphology-preserving microwave hydrothermal processing was demonstrated. Second, photoluminescence was imparted to bioorganic template structures through morphology-preserving chemical conversion to exhibit both the dramatic change in properties such processing can provide, and the potential utility of chemically transformed templates in anti-counterfeiting / authentication applications. Third, the reaction mechanism(s) for morphology-preserving microwave hydrothermal conversion of TiO₂ to BaTiO₃, were studied with the aid of Au inert markers on single crystal rutile TiO₂. Finally, constructive coating techniques (SSG) and moderate temperature (< 500C) heat treatments were utilized to modify and replicate structural color and were coupled with deconstructive focused ion beam microsurgery to prepare samples for microscale structure/property interrogation. Specifically, the effects of coating thickness and coating composition on reflection spectra of structurally colored templates were examined. Also, the effects of the replacement of natural material with higher index of refraction inorganic materials on optical properties were studied. The three processing research thrusts constituting chapters 1, 2 and 4 take advantage of moderate temperature processing to ensure nanocrystalline materials, either for shape preservation or to prevent scattering in optical applications. The research thrust presented in chapter 3 examines hydrothermal conversion of TiO₂ to BaTiO₃, not only to identify the reaction mechanism(s) involved in hydrothermal conversion under morphology-preserving conditions, but also to introduce inert marker experiments to the field of microwave hydrothermal processing.

Chemical Characterisation Of The Surfaces And Interfaces Of Barium Titanate And Related Electronic Ceramics

Kumar, Sanjiv 01 1900 (has links)
This thesis deals with the investigations on the atomic composition, chemical surface states and microstructural features of barium titanate and other electronic ceramics namely barium polytitantes, calcium manganites and magnesium calcium titanate by surface analytical techniques. After presenting a brief introduction on the ceramic materials studied in terms of their crystal structures, electrical properties, nonstoichiometry and interfacial characteristics, the thesis describes the synthesis of the ceramics and the methodology of the different surface analytical techniques utilized such as backscattering spectrometry (BS), an ion beam analysis (IBA) technique, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The XPS investigations on the chemical surface states of polycrystalline barium titanate having well-defined electrical characteristics reveal the prevalence of Ba in two distinct chemical environments : the one corresponding to the lower binding energy is related to the dielectric while the other having higher binding energy is correlated to semiconducting properties of the ceramics. Processes such as abrasion or polishing make the surfaces more reactive and susceptible to atmospheric contamination. Sputter cleaning causes surface modification leading to changes in the Ba (3d) and Ti (2p) spectra. Studies on the surface atomic composition by BS and microstructural features of doped barium titanate ceramics reveal their interfacial characteristics in terms segregation of dopants or metal ion constituents. Surfaces of these ceramics exhibit cationic as well as anionic nonstoichiometry depending on the processing steps involved. Ceramics synthesized by oxalate precursor route are Ti-rich while those prepared by gel-to-crystallite method are Ba-rich. These are correlated to the chemical processes and background impurities which in turn control the microstructures. Barium titanate substitued with > 1 at. % Mn are deficient in oxygen and exist as the hexagonal polymorph. Acceptors segregate at the grain boundaries accompanied by the enrichment of Ti leading to PTCR or GBLC characteristics. The oxygen nonstoichiometry prevailing in the surface regions of differently processed calcium manganites is investigated by way of depth profile measurements involving 16O(a,a) 16O resonant scattering. These studies reveal extensive compositional heterogeneity across the surface layers particularly in the manganite specimens annealed in lower po2 leading to the stabilization of brownmillerite phase. Two of the microwave dielectric ceramics namely dibarium nona-titanate and barium tetra-titanate with suitable variations in Ba:Ti ratios have been synthesized by the carbonate-gel precipitation. The corresponding dense ceramics have high permittivity (~ 52) and low temperature coefficient of permittivity (TCK ~ 5 ppm /0C). Extensive miscibility between the ilmenite-type MgTiO3 and perovskite-type CaTiO3 over a wide compositional range is brought about by the simultaneous equivalent substitution of Al3+ + La3+. The resulting (Mg1-(x+y)CaxLay)(Ti1-yAly)O3 ceramics exhibit improved microwave dielectric properties by way of high permittivity, low TCK and high quality factor. The microarea elemental distribution and chemical surface state studies reveal the complexity in the Mg/Ca distribution and its correlation with the solid state miscibility as well as dielectric properties. The discontinuous changes in the local site symmetry of the cationic substituents in these ceramics have been investigated by the photoluminescence spectra using Pr3+ as the emission probe.

Hydrothermal conversion of diatom frustules into barium titanate based replicas

Ernst, Eric Michael 10 July 2007 (has links)
Numerous organisms produce ornately detailed inorganic structures (often known as shells) with features on length scales from the nanoscale to the microscale. One organism, commonly referred to as a diatom, originates from algae and is found throughout the oceans on Earth. These diatoms possess skeletal structures, frustules, made from silicon dioxide. This chemical makeup limits the number of possible applications for which these structures can be used. Using a series of gas displacement reactions, these frustules can be converted to other useful materials, such as magnesium oxide and titanium dioxide, while maintaining the features of the frustule template. In the current research, silicon dioxide frustules were converted to titanium dioxide replicas using method previously devised by our group. The titanium dioxide replicas were subjected to a hydrothermal reaction by exposing the replicas to an aqueous basic solution containing barium hydroxide to form barium titanate and barium strontium titanate replicas. The effects of reaction temperature, time, and solution composition on extent of conversion were examined. The conventional method of converting titanium dioxide to barium titanate, using a convection heating oven, was compared with a microwave assisted heating method to study the advantages of using microwave heating over convection heating.

High density and high reliability thin film embedded capacitors on organic and silicon substrates

Kumar, Manish 20 November 2008 (has links)
With the digital systems moving towards higher frequencies, lower operating voltages and higher power, supplying the required current at the right voltage and at the right time to facilitate timely switching of the CMOS circuits becomes increasingly challenging. The board level power supply cannot meet these requirements directly due to the high inductance of the package interconnections. To overcome this problem, several thin film decoupling capacitors have to be placed on the IC or close to the IC in the package. Two approaches were pursued for high-k thin film decoupling capacitors. 1) Low cost sol-gel based thin film capacitors on organic board compatible Cu-foils 2) RF-sputtered thin film capacitors on silicon substrate for silicon compatible processes While sol-gel provides cost effective technology, sputtered ferroelectric devices are more compatible from manufacturing stand point with the existing technology. Nano-crystalline barium titanate and barium strontium titanate film capacitor devices were fabricated and characterized for organic and silicon substrates respectively. Sol-gel barium titanate films were fabricated first on a bare Cu-foil and then transferred to organic board through a standard lamination process. With process optimization and film doping, a capacitance density of 3 µF/cm2 was demonstrated with breakdown voltage greater than 12V. Leakage current characteristics, breakdown voltages, and electrical reliability of the devices were significantly improved through doping of the barium titanate films and modified film chemistry. Films and interfaces were characterized with high resolution electron microscopy, SEM, XRD, and DC leakage measurements. RF sputtering was selected for ferroelectric thin film integration on silicon substrate. Barium strontium titanate (BST) films were deposited on various electrodes sputtered on silicon substrates. The main focus was to improve interface stabilities for high-k thin films on Si to yield large-area defect-free devices. Effect of bottom electrode selection and barrier layers on device yield and performance were investigated carefully. High yield and high device performance was observed for certain electrode and barrier layer combination. A capacitance density up to 1 µF/cm2 was demonstrated with a breakdown voltage above 15 V on large area, 7 mm2, devices. These two techniques can potentially meet mid-high frequency future decoupling requirements.

Conformal sol-gel coatings on three-dimensional nanostructured templates

Weatherspoon, Michael Raymond 19 December 2007 (has links)
A custom-built surface sol-gel pumping system was built for applying conformal sol-gel based coatings with controlled thicknesses on three-dimensional (3-D) nanostructured templates. The 3-D templates utilized in this work were derived from biological species, such as diatoms and butterfly wings, as well as a synthetic photoresist polymer (SU-8). Tin oxide coatings were applied on silica-based diatom frustules using the automated surface sol-gel pumping system. An organic dendrimer method was developed for amplifying hydroxyl groups on the silica-based frustule surfaces to enhance the surface sol-gel deposition process. Conformal tin oxide coatings with controlled thicknesses were obtained on the hydroxyl amplified frustule surfaces; however, little if any deposition was observed on the frustules that were not subjected to the hydroxyl amplification process. The automated surface sol-gel system was also utilized to apply multicomponent tin oxide-doped titania alkoxide chemistries on the wing scales of a blue Morpho butterfly. The alkoxide solutions reacted directly with the OH functionalities provided by the native chitin chemistry of the scales. The tin oxide served as a rutile nucleating agent which allowed the titania to completely crystallize in the high refractive index rutile titania phase with doping concentrations of tin oxide as low as 7 mol % after annealing at 450oC. The tin oxide-doped titania coatings were both nanocrystalline and nanothick and replicated the nanostructured scales with a high degree of precision. Undoped titania coatings applied on the scales required a heat treatment of 900oC to crystallize the coating in the rutile titania phase which led to adverse coarsening effects which destroyed the nanostructed features of the scales. Tin oxide-doped titania coatings were also deposited on 3-D SU-8 photonic crystal structures. The coating was crystallized in an acidic solution at 80oC which led to the formation of rutile titania inverse opal photonic crystal structures which maintained the overall structure and ordering of the template. Barium titanate and europium-doped barium titanate coatings were applied on diatom frustules using a conventional reflux/evaporation deposition process. The silica-based diatom frustules had to first be converted into magnesia/silicon composite replicas using a gas/solid displacement reaction to render the template chemically compatible with the barium titanate-based coating. Conformal titanate-based coatings were obtained on the magnesia frustule replicas possessing uncontrolled thicknesses and excess inorganic particles using the reflux/evaporation deposition process. The europium-doped barium titanate coated frustules exhibited bright red photoluminescent properties upon stimulation with an ultraviolet light source.

Identificação da formação de titanato de bário a partir de mistura reacional calcinada em diferentes temperaturas via difração de raios X, espectroscopia fotoacústica e análise térmica / Identification of the formation of barium titanate produced by solid state reaction from reaction mixtures calcined at different temperature by X-ray diffraction, photoacoustic spectroscopy and thermal analysis

Geysa Negreiros Carneiro 19 February 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os materiais ferroelétricos têm sido utilizados em muitas áreas da tecnologia e da ciência, pois possuem um grande número de aplicações, como: sensores; transdutores; capacitores; dispositivos ópticos; dentre outras. A busca por novos materiais cerâmicos ferroelétricos tem sido grande. Um dos materiais cerâmicos ferroelétricos mais estudados é o titanato de bário (BT). São vários os métodos de produção e caracterização do titanato de bário. Neste trabalho, pós cerâmicos de titanato de bário foram obtidos por reação do estado sólido a partir de misturas reacionais calcinadas em diferentes temperaturas entre 400C e 900C. Foram três as misturas reacionais: não dopadas; dopadas com 1%; e dopadas com 5% de dióxido de cério (CeO2). A identificação da formação do BT, nos pós cerâmicos produzidos, foi feita a partir de três técnicas de caracterização: difração de raios X (DRX); espectroscopia fotoacústica (PAS); e técnicas de análise térmica. Com a técnica DRX, difratogramas mostraram que a plena formação do titanato de bário ocorreu a partir da temperatura de calcinação de 700C. Para a amostra não dopada com cério e calcinada a 800C, houve deslocamento de todos os picos de difração. Nas amostras dopadas com dióxido de cério houve deslocamento de todos os picos de difração, em relação as amostras não dopadas. Observou-se também que nas amostras dopadas com 5% de CeO2, e calcinadas a 700C e 800C, resíduos de dióxido de cério foram observados nos difratogramas. Com a técnica PAS, espectros de absorção foram obtidos. Foi possível observar uma grande diferença de absorção da amostra calcinada a 600 e 630C, indicando a formação do titanato de bário a partir da temperatura de 630&#61616;C, nas amostras sem a dopagem dióxido de cério. Houve um alargamento nas bandas de absorção a partir da temperatura de 600C, quando o dióxido de cério entrou na matriz. Foi também possível determinar as energias de band-gap das amostras utilizando o método de Tauc. Com as técnicas de análise térmica, em especial através da técnica termogravimétrica (TG/DTG), foi comprovado que até 400C não havia formação de titanato de bário. Visto que nesta temperatura de calcinação houve a maior perda de massa durante a rampa de aquecimento. O início da formação do titanato de bário foi observado a partir da temperatura de calcinação de 500C, assim como nas técnicas DRX e PAS. Portanto, com os resultados apresentados, foi demonstrada a identificação da formação do titanato de bário nas misturas reacionais calcinadas, com auxílio das potencialidades das três técnicas utilizadas. / Ferroelectric materials have been used in many areas of technology and science, because they have a large number of applications, such as sensors; transducers; capacitors; optical devices; among others. The search for new ferroelectric ceramics has been great. One of the most studied ferroelectric ceramic material is barium titanate (BT). There are several methods for production and characterization of barium titanate. In this work, ceramic powders of barium titanate were obtained by solid state reaction from reaction mixtures calcined at different temperatures between 400C and 900C. Three reaction mixtures were used: undoped; doped with 1%; and 5% doped with cerium dioxide (CeO2). The identification of the formation of BT, for the ceramic powders produced, was taken from three characterization techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD); photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS); and thermal analysis techniques. With the technique XRD diffraction patterns showed that complete formation of the barium titanate occurred after the calcination temperature of 700C. For the sample not doped with cerium and calcined at 800C, there was displacement of all diffraction peaks. In samples doped with cerium dioxide was no displacement of all diffraction peaks, comparing to undoped samples. It was also observed that the samples doped with 5% CeO2 and calcined at 700C and 800C, cerium dioxide residues were observed in the diffraction pattern. The absorption spectra were obtained with the technique PAS. It was possible to observe a large difference in absorption spectra in the samples calcined at 600C and 630C, indicating the formation of barium titanate at temperature of 630C in the samples without doping of cerium dioxide. There was an enlargement in the absorption band above temperature of 600C when the cerium dioxide was introduced into the matrix. It was also possible to determine the band-gap energy of the samples using the method of TAUC. With thermal analysis techniques, in particular by thermogravimetric technique (TG/DTG), has been proven that up to 400C there was no formation of barium titanate. Once, in this calcination temperature there was the largest mass loss during the heating ramp. The onset of formation of barium titanate was observed from the calcination temperature of 500C, as it has been found by the XRD and PAS techniques. Therefore, with the results presented, the identification of the formation of barium titanate calcined in reaction mixtures with the aid of the potentialities of the three techniques was demonstrated.

Correlação elétrica e microestrutural entre os comportamentos termistor tipo PTCR e varistor em eletrocerâmicas de titanato de bário dopadas com érbio / Electrical and microstructural correlation between thermistor PTCR and varistor behavior in erbium doped barium titanate eletroceramics

Rafael Bonacin de Oliveira 11 September 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho, eletrocerâmicas a base de BaTiO3 e Ba(1-x)Erx TiO3 com x(Er3+) = 0,001, 0,010 e 0,050 foram preparadas através do método dos precursores poliméricos, com o propósito de estudar as possíveis relações entre os comportamentos termistor (tipo PTCR) e varistor em nível elétrico e microestrutural. Após calcinação dos pós-precursores em 700°C por 2h, os pós compactados isostaticamente a 300 MPa na forma de pastilhas, foram sinterizados em 1200°C, 1250°C, 1300°C e 1350°C. Foram realizadas caracterizações estruturais e microestruturais aplicando as técnicas de difração de raios X e microscopia eletrônica de varredura por emissão de campo, além de estudos elétricos e dielétricos utilizando a técnica de espectroscopia de impedância como ferramenta principal. Destas caracterizações, verificou-se a obtenção de materiais cerâmicos densos e com valores médios de tamanhos de grãos dependentes de x(Er3+) bem como da temperatura de sinterização. A análise dos resultados de espectroscopia de impedância via circuito equivalente revelaram para as amostras de Ba(1-x)ErxTiO3 que as respostas elétricas podem ser associadas a 3 microrregiões (Modelo Core-Shell): os núcleos e as \"couraças\", ambas relacionadas as porções internas dos grãos cerâmicos, mais os contornos de grãos, respectivamente. Considerando as contribuições resistivas associadas a cada microrregião, em função das tensões e temperaturas aplicadas, os comportamentos varistor e termistor das eletrocerâmicas de Ba(1-x)ErxTiO3 são apresentados e caracterizados em relação ao comportamento das amostras de BaTiO3. No âmbito geral, este trabalho revela uma boa correlação entre estes fenômenos e suas associações a cada microrregião identificada pelos modelos de circuitos equivalentes supostos na literatura. / Electroceramics based on Ba(1-x)ErxTiO3, with x(Er3+) = 0,001, 0,010, 0,050 stoichiometry were synthesized by the polymeric precursors method in an attempt to correlate the possible relations between the PTCR effect and the varistor behavior detected in terms of microstructures by electrical properties. After calcinated at 700°C for 2h, the samples were processed like pellets under isostatically compaction at 300 MPa, and sintered at 1200°C, 1250°C, 1300°C 1350°C, by 3h. Characterizations were made by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with field emission gun and impedance spectroscopy, this last one, as the key tool from this work. The results, in general, showed good densification parameters, which are dependent of x(Er3+) and sintering temperature as well. Furthermore, impedance spectroscopy via equivalents circuits, in terms of the series layer model, revealed the appearance of three microregions, which are stated to be in well agreement with the Core-Shell microstructural model. Considering the relation between the resistive response of each microregion, i.e., the nuclei, the intermediary shells and the grain boundaries, it was possible to establish a path to the relation between PTCR effect with the varistor one under the structural, microstructural and electrical peculiarities from the Ba(1-x)ErxTiO3 electroceramic system, in comparison with the pure polycrystalline BaTiO3 behavior.

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