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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sensorkommunikation över LoRaWAN : En jämförande studie av tekniker för våghöjdsmätning över LoRaWAN

Nyström, Felix January 2021 (has links)
Internet of Things (IoT) är ett koncept som fått mycket uppmärksamhet från forskare och utövare av IoT världen över. IoT kan beskrivas som ett nätverk där vardagliga föremål kommunicerar med varandra eller med människor. IoT kommer att bygga ut internet genom att integrera föremål för kommunicering via inbäddade system, detta leder till ett distribuerat nätverk av enheter som kommunicerar med människor och andra IoT-enheter. Härnösand Miljö & Energi AB (HEMAB), är en av ägarna till ServaNet och är ett företag som vill utöka sitt testområde för IoT-sensorer som använder LoRa-teknik för att kommunicera. HEMAB är en av ägarna till ServaNet. Studien har konstruerat metoder för mätning av höjdskillnad från data av en barometer och en accelerometer. Resultatet jämför de två sensorerna med avseende på hur tillförlitligt de kan mäta höjdskillnad över tid. Accelerometern ger mer tillförlitliga resultat som ligger närmare verkligheten, på lägre höjder, med en kortare mätperiod i jämförelse med barometern. Däremot, visar barometern mer tillförlitliga värden på högre höjder, och mer tillförlitligt värde än accelerometern på den högsta testade höjden. Anledningen till att accelerometern ger mindre tillförlitliga resultat på högre höjder med längre mätperiod, beror på det sättet dubbelintegrering tar med sig felande och avstickande värden som blir större och större ju längre tid som integreras. Barometern ger osäkra värden på lägre höjd på grund av att sensorn ger spridda värden redan då den ligger stillastående, detta jämnas ut på högre höjder. LoRaWAN är en lämplig teknik för att kommunicera våghöjd, förutsatt att beräkningar görs på prototypen och endast våghöjden skickas över LoRa, inte sensordata. / Internet of Things (IoT), is a concept that has received a lot of attention from researchers and practitioners of IoT worldwide. IoT can be described as a network where everyday objects communicate with each other or with people. IoT will expand the internet by integrating objects for communication via embedded systems, this leads to a distributed network of devices that communicate with people and other IoT devices. Härnösand Miljö & Energi AB (HEMAB), is one of the owners of ServaNet and is a company that wants to expand its test area for IoT sensors that use LoRa-technology to communicate. HEMAB is one of the owners of ServaNet, as ServaNet is the city network in Härnösand. This study has constructed a method for each sensor that can measure height difference. The result compares a barometer and an accelerometer with respect to how reliably they can measure height difference over time. The accelerometer gives more reliable results that are closer to the reality, at lower altitudes, with a shorter measurement period compared to the barometer. On the other hand, the barometer shows more reliable measurements at higher altitudes, and more accurate measurement than the accelerometer at the highest tested altitude. The reason why the accelerometer performs worse at higher altitudes with longer measurement periods, is due to the way double integration stacks up errors that grows with time, resulting in larger errors for longer periods of measurements. The barometer gives no reliable measurements at lower altitudes, due to the sensor giving scattered values even when the sensor is stationary, this evens out at higher altitudes. LoRaWAN is a suitable technology for communicating wave height, provided that calculations are made on the prototype and only the wave height is sent over LoRa, not sensor-data.  The outcome of the benchmarks measurement showed that increasing the number of nodes would not result in superior performance. It was noted that an optimal number of nodes was found to be between 1 and 20 for all the tests performed. The study showed that no load balancer could be considered a clear winner, instead, different configurations of load balancers performed varyingly well at different tests.

Formas de mensurar a sustentabilidade: um estudo sobre os novos indicadores / Formas de mensurar a sustentabilidade: um estudo sobre os novos indicadores / Formas de mensurar a sustentabilidade: um estudo sobre os novos indicadores / Formas de mensurar a sustentabilidade: um estudo sobre os novos indicadores

Souza, Adriana Silva de 26 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:48:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Adriana Silva de Souza.pdf: 588771 bytes, checksum: f5afcb0dd11fea5cb3632812df0f43df (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-26 / The reflection on the theme development, along with pressure from society in nature, led the growth in awareness of the environmental problems caused by incompatible standards of living through the process of regeneration of the environment. With that sustainable development has become the main choice for today's socioeconomic development. The finding of fact made researchers were in search of a development model that can guarantee the quality of life of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to survive and develop. Several tools have been developed in recent years with the aim of measuring the sustainability of economic and social systems. In an attempt to improve knowledge of sustainability indicators in this study evaluated three of the tools most widely used and recognized in the context of sustainability: the Ecological Footprint, the Dashboard of Sustainability, and the Barometer of Sustainability. The three tools were evaluated in order to identify the main elements of these indicators and their theoretical basis. The ultimate goal is to write a comparative analysis and improve understanding of sustainability indicators mentioned so that you can use these tools more clearly and consciously / A reflexão sobre o tema desenvolvimento, juntamente com a pressão exercida pela sociedade na natureza, levou o crescimento da consciência sobre os problemas ambientais gerados por padrões de vida incompatíveis com o processo de regeneração do meio ambiente. Com isso o desenvolvimento sustentável tornou-se a principal opção de desenvolvimento socioeconômico da atualidade. A constatação deste fato fez com pesquisadores fossem em busca de um modelo de desenvolvimento que possa garantir a qualidade de vida das gerações atuais sem comprometer a capacidade de gerações futuras de sobreviverem e desenvolverem-se. Várias ferramentas foram elaboradas nos últimos anos com o objetivo de mensurar a sustentabilidade de sistemas econômicos e sociais. Na tentativa de melhorar o conhecimento sobre os indicadores de sustentabilidade o presente estudo avaliou três das ferramentas mais usadas e reconhecidas no âmbito da sustentabilidade: o Ecological Footprint, o Dashboard of Sustainability, e o Barometer of Sustainability. As três ferramentas foram analisadas para que se identificassem os principais elementos formadores destes indicadores e seu embasamento teórico. O objetivo final do trabalho é fazer uma análise comparativa e melhorar o conhecimento dos indicadores de sustentabilidade mencionados para que seja possível utilizar essas ferramentas de forma mais adequada e consciente

Barometer-Assisted 3D Indoor WiFi Localization for Smart Devices-Map Selection and Performance Evaluation

Ying, Julang 05 May 2016 (has links)
Recently, indoor localization becomes a hot topic no matter in industry or academic field. Smart phones are good candidates for localization since they are carrying various sensors such as GPS, Wi-Fi, accelerometer, barometer and etc, which can be used to estimate the current location. But there are still many challenges for 3D indoor geolocation using smart phones, among which the map selection and 3D performance evaluation problems are the most common and crucial. In the indoor environment, the popular outdoor Google maps cannot be utilized since we need maps showing the layout of every individual floor. Also, layout of different floors differ from one another. Therefore, algorithms are required to detect whether we are inside or outside a building and determine on which floor we are located so that an appropriate map can be selected accordingly. For Wi-Fi based indoor localization, the performance of location estimation is closely related to the algorithms and deployment that we are using. It is difficult to find out a general approach that can be used to evaluate any localization system. On one hand, since the RF signal will suffer extra loss when traveling through the ceilings between floors, its propagation property will be different from the empirical ones and consequently we should design a new propagation model for 3D scenarios. On the other hand, properties of sensors are unique so that corresponding models are required before we analyze the localization scheme. In-depth investigation on the possible hybrid are also needed in case more than one sensor is operated in the localization system. In this thesis, we firstly designed two algorithms to use GPS signal for detecting whether the smart device is operating inside or outside a building, which is called outdoor-indoor transition detection. We also design another algorithm to use barometer data for determining on which floor are we located, which is considered as a multi-floor transition detection. With three scenarios designed inside the Akwater Kent Laboratory building (AK building) at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), we collected raw data from an Android phone with a version of 4.3 and conducted experimental analysis based on that. An efficient way to quantitatively evaluate the 3D localization systems is using Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB), which is considered as the lower bound of the estimated error for any localization system. The characteristics of Wi-Fi and barometer signals are explored and proper models are introduced as a foundation. Then we extended the 2D CRLB into a 3D format so that it can fit the our 3D scenarios. A barometer-assisted CRLB is introduced as an improvement for the existing Wi-Fi Receive Signal Strength (RSS)-only scheme and both of the two schemes are compared with the contours in every scenario and the statistical analysis.

Heterogeneidade mantélica na Região Sul do Brasil evidenciada por mineraloquímica de kimberlitos

Carniel, Larissa Colombo January 2017 (has links)
Kimberlitos são rochas vulcânicas que, frequentemente, contêm diamante, grafite e/ou carbonato, sendo a presença destes componentes diretamente influenciada pela variabilidade da fugacidade de oxigênio (fO2) do magma durante a sua ascenção. Segundo Chakhmouradian and Mitchell (2000), CaTiO3-perovskitas podem ser usadas para revelar as condições de alguns dos múltiplos estágios de cristalização da história magmática destas rochas. No intuito de estabelecer a fugacidade de oxigênio de magmas kimberlíticos naturais, CaTiO3-perovskitas foram cristalizadas experimentalmente em equilíbrio com um líquido kimberlítico sintético em altas temperaturas e diferentes condições de pressão e de fugacidade de oxigênio. Os experimentos mostraram que a perovskita incorporou maiores quantidades de Fe3+ com o aumento da fO2. A equação do oxigênio barômetro desenvolvida neste estudo pode ser aplicada em rochas kimberlíticas de diferentes condições de fO2, que contêm CaTiO3-perovskita e olivina. Na presente pesquisa, nós aplicamos este oxigênio barômetro em amostras do kimberlito Rosário do Sul, que é um kimberlito transicional localizado no limite sudoeste da Bacia do Paraná. Os dados de minerais deste kimberlito sugerem que sua fonte é um produto da reação de um líquido silicático-carbonatítico com o manto. Idades U-Pb de ~ 128Ma em CaTiO3-perovskitas (Conceição et al., in prep.) revelam que o kimberlito Rosário do Sul provavelmente entrou em erupção logo após o vulcanismo da Província Paraná-Etendeka. Temperaturas de cristalização, pressões e fO2 dos kimberlitos Rosário do Sul e Alfeu-I, outro importante kimberlito situado no sul do Brasil, foram calculadas. As condições de suas fontes foram estimadas usando diferentes métodos a partir das composições de olivinas, espinélios, CaTiO3-perovskitas, granadas, ortopiroxênios e clinopiroxênios. As temperaturas, pressões e condições de fO2 dos kimberlitos Rosário do Sul e Alfeu-I sugerem que eles foram transportados para a superfície em condições nas quais fluidos ricos em CO2 podem reagir com o manto silicático e produzir carbonatos. A composição mineral e as condições de formação do kimberlito Rosário do Sul indicam que a sua fonte pode ter sido metassomatizada por fluidos provenientes da reciclagem de uma placa oceânica subductada durante a quebra do Gondwana e abertura do Atlântico Sul, logo depois do vulcanismo da Província Paraná-Etendeka. As condições de formação dos kimberlitos Rosário do Sul e Alfeu-I são usadas também para estimar o potencial destes kimberlitos em preservar diamantes. / Kimberlites are volcanic rocks which often contain diamonds, graphite and/or carbonate, and the stability of these minerals is directly influenced by the variability of oxygen fugacity (fO2) of the magma during its ascent. Second Chakhmouradian and Mitchell (2000), CaTiO3-perovskites may be used to unravel the conditions of some of the multiple stages of crystallization in the magmatic history of these rocks. In order to establish oxygen fugacities of natural kimberlititic magmas, we experimentally equilibrated CaTiO3-perovskites with synthetic kimberlitic melts at high temperatures, different oxygen fugacities and different pressures. The experiments show that perovskite incorporates increasing amounts of Fe3+ with increasing fO2. The oxygen barometer equation developed in this study can be applied in kimberlite rocks that contain CaTiO3-perovskite and olivine from different fO2 conditions. In the present research, we applied this oxygen barometer in the Rosário do Sul kimberlite samples, which is a transitional kimberlite located in the southwestern edge of the Paraná Basin. The mineral data of this kimberlite suggest that its source is a product of the reaction of a silicate-carbonate liquid in the mantle. U-Pb ages of ~ 128 Ma on CaTiO3-perovskites (Conceição et al., in prep.) reveal that the Rosário do Sul kimberlite probably erupted just after the volcanism of Paraná-Etendeka Province. We calculated crystallization temperatures, pressures and oxygen fugacities (fO2) of Rosário do Sul and Alfeu-I kimberlites, another important kimberlite situated in the South of Brazil. Their source conditions are estimated using different methods from olivines, spinels, CaTiO3-perovskites, garnets, orthopyroxenes and clinopyroxenes compositions. The calculated temperature, pressure and fO2 values of Rosário do Sul and Alfeu-I kimberlites suggest that they were transported to the surface under fO2 conditions in which CO2-rich fluids may react with mantle silicates to produce carbonates. The mineral composition and fO2 conditions of Rosário do Sul kimberlite indicate that its source may have been metasomatized by fluids generated from the recycling of a subducted oceanic plate during the Gondwana breakup and the South Atlantic opening, just after the Paraná-Etendeka Province volcanism. The source conditions of Rosário do Sul and Alfeu-I kimberlites are also used to estimate the potential of these kimberlites to preserve diamonds.

Pabaltijo šalių darnaus vystymosi įvertinimas / Sustainable development assessment of Baltic countries

Petkevičienė, Vilda, Gaigalienė, Rima 02 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe atliekamas Pabaltijo šalių darnaus vystymosi įvertinimas. Teorinėje dalyje teoriniu aspektu apžvelgta darnaus vystymosi samprata, koncepcijos raida, įvertinta darnaus vystymosi vieta Pabaltijo šalyse, supažindinta su Europos Sąjungos bei Pabaltijo šalių regionine politika bei apžvelgta Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių sukurti darnaus vystymosi sisteminimo modeliai. Pabaltijo šalių darniam vystymuisi įvertinti atrinkta rodikliai, pateikta jų apžvalga bei supažindinta su šių rodiklių įvertinimo metodais. Analitinėje-tiriamojoje baigiamojo darbo dalyje atliktas Pabaltijo šalių pažangos darnaus vystymosi srityje įvertinimas, analizuojant ekonominius, socialinius bei aplinkos rodiklius, naudojant tarpusavio priklausomybės ryšio glaudumo tyrimą, darnaus vystymosi barometro bei kompaso metodus. Darbo pabaigoje atliktas gautų rezultatų, taikant skirtingus metodus Pabaltijo šalių pažangai, darnaus vystymosi srityje, įvertinimas: iš nagrinėtų Pabaltijo šalių, geriausia padėtis darnumo atžvilgiu yra Estijos, o blogiausia – Lietuvos. Analizės metu buvo nustatyta, jog gauti rezultatai neatspindi tikrosios Pabaltijo šalių darnaus vystymosi situacijos, o darnaus vystymosi barometro bei kompaso metodus, norint taikyti praktikoje, dar reikia tobulinti. / Baltic countries sustainable development was evaluated by this bachelor's final work. At the theoretical part the theoretical meaning of sustainable development is overviewed, evolution of conception, the place of sustainable development in Baltic countries was evaluated, introduced with the European Union and the Baltic countries regional policy and systematization models of sustainable development created by Lithuanian and foreign authors are overviewed. Sustainable development of Baltic countries is evaluated by selected indicators, provided an overview and introduced with the characteristics of indicators selected. At the analytical-exploratory part of this final work the progress of the sustainable development at the Baltic countries was evaluated, analyzing economical, social and enviromental indicators, using the examination of the dependency links between each other, sustainable development barometer and compass methods. Baltic countries progress at the sustainable development was evaluated at the end of the work using different methods evaluating progress at the sustainable development sphere: reviewing examined Baltic countries and the best situation according the sustainability aspect is in Estonia, but the worst situation is in Lithuania. Through the analysis it was found that the results obtained do not reflect the true sustainable development situation at the Baltic countries, the barometer and compass of the sustainable development needs to be improved to be... [to full text]

Heterogeneidade mantélica na Região Sul do Brasil evidenciada por mineraloquímica de kimberlitos

Carniel, Larissa Colombo January 2017 (has links)
Kimberlitos são rochas vulcânicas que, frequentemente, contêm diamante, grafite e/ou carbonato, sendo a presença destes componentes diretamente influenciada pela variabilidade da fugacidade de oxigênio (fO2) do magma durante a sua ascenção. Segundo Chakhmouradian and Mitchell (2000), CaTiO3-perovskitas podem ser usadas para revelar as condições de alguns dos múltiplos estágios de cristalização da história magmática destas rochas. No intuito de estabelecer a fugacidade de oxigênio de magmas kimberlíticos naturais, CaTiO3-perovskitas foram cristalizadas experimentalmente em equilíbrio com um líquido kimberlítico sintético em altas temperaturas e diferentes condições de pressão e de fugacidade de oxigênio. Os experimentos mostraram que a perovskita incorporou maiores quantidades de Fe3+ com o aumento da fO2. A equação do oxigênio barômetro desenvolvida neste estudo pode ser aplicada em rochas kimberlíticas de diferentes condições de fO2, que contêm CaTiO3-perovskita e olivina. Na presente pesquisa, nós aplicamos este oxigênio barômetro em amostras do kimberlito Rosário do Sul, que é um kimberlito transicional localizado no limite sudoeste da Bacia do Paraná. Os dados de minerais deste kimberlito sugerem que sua fonte é um produto da reação de um líquido silicático-carbonatítico com o manto. Idades U-Pb de ~ 128Ma em CaTiO3-perovskitas (Conceição et al., in prep.) revelam que o kimberlito Rosário do Sul provavelmente entrou em erupção logo após o vulcanismo da Província Paraná-Etendeka. Temperaturas de cristalização, pressões e fO2 dos kimberlitos Rosário do Sul e Alfeu-I, outro importante kimberlito situado no sul do Brasil, foram calculadas. As condições de suas fontes foram estimadas usando diferentes métodos a partir das composições de olivinas, espinélios, CaTiO3-perovskitas, granadas, ortopiroxênios e clinopiroxênios. As temperaturas, pressões e condições de fO2 dos kimberlitos Rosário do Sul e Alfeu-I sugerem que eles foram transportados para a superfície em condições nas quais fluidos ricos em CO2 podem reagir com o manto silicático e produzir carbonatos. A composição mineral e as condições de formação do kimberlito Rosário do Sul indicam que a sua fonte pode ter sido metassomatizada por fluidos provenientes da reciclagem de uma placa oceânica subductada durante a quebra do Gondwana e abertura do Atlântico Sul, logo depois do vulcanismo da Província Paraná-Etendeka. As condições de formação dos kimberlitos Rosário do Sul e Alfeu-I são usadas também para estimar o potencial destes kimberlitos em preservar diamantes. / Kimberlites are volcanic rocks which often contain diamonds, graphite and/or carbonate, and the stability of these minerals is directly influenced by the variability of oxygen fugacity (fO2) of the magma during its ascent. Second Chakhmouradian and Mitchell (2000), CaTiO3-perovskites may be used to unravel the conditions of some of the multiple stages of crystallization in the magmatic history of these rocks. In order to establish oxygen fugacities of natural kimberlititic magmas, we experimentally equilibrated CaTiO3-perovskites with synthetic kimberlitic melts at high temperatures, different oxygen fugacities and different pressures. The experiments show that perovskite incorporates increasing amounts of Fe3+ with increasing fO2. The oxygen barometer equation developed in this study can be applied in kimberlite rocks that contain CaTiO3-perovskite and olivine from different fO2 conditions. In the present research, we applied this oxygen barometer in the Rosário do Sul kimberlite samples, which is a transitional kimberlite located in the southwestern edge of the Paraná Basin. The mineral data of this kimberlite suggest that its source is a product of the reaction of a silicate-carbonate liquid in the mantle. U-Pb ages of ~ 128 Ma on CaTiO3-perovskites (Conceição et al., in prep.) reveal that the Rosário do Sul kimberlite probably erupted just after the volcanism of Paraná-Etendeka Province. We calculated crystallization temperatures, pressures and oxygen fugacities (fO2) of Rosário do Sul and Alfeu-I kimberlites, another important kimberlite situated in the South of Brazil. Their source conditions are estimated using different methods from olivines, spinels, CaTiO3-perovskites, garnets, orthopyroxenes and clinopyroxenes compositions. The calculated temperature, pressure and fO2 values of Rosário do Sul and Alfeu-I kimberlites suggest that they were transported to the surface under fO2 conditions in which CO2-rich fluids may react with mantle silicates to produce carbonates. The mineral composition and fO2 conditions of Rosário do Sul kimberlite indicate that its source may have been metasomatized by fluids generated from the recycling of a subducted oceanic plate during the Gondwana breakup and the South Atlantic opening, just after the Paraná-Etendeka Province volcanism. The source conditions of Rosário do Sul and Alfeu-I kimberlites are also used to estimate the potential of these kimberlites to preserve diamonds.

Análise da Sustentabilidade da atividade canavieira no município de Pedras de Fogo - PB

Amorim, Bartira Pereira 28 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-08T14:53:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1662757 bytes, checksum: 8e974a2de60d793508f65d23265c99e0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The development conception has been related to the idea of economic growth for a long time, however, this conception has became increasingly questioned since, in parallel to the economic growth, the society began to coexist with a socioeconomic and environmental crisis, distant from something that is considered as developed. In this context, the conception of Sustainable Development arises as a solution to the problems faced by society together with the need to use measurement instruments, which are able to establish guidelines for a position in relation to what is expected for a sustainable environment, the sustainability indicators. The discussions about the sustainability aroused a more critical view of social agents regarding environmental issues and the role of productive activities for achieving sustainable goals. In this sense, the agroecosystems and more specifically the activities of the sugar-alcohol sector have presented a key role in the local sustainable development of the regions where these activities are preponderant. Starting from the discussions about the Sustainability Indicators and the performance of the sugar-alcohol sector in aspects related to Sustainable Development, this study was conducted to evaluate the sustainability of the municipality of Pedras de Fogo in Paraíba with emphasis on the sugar-alcohol sector activities, from the indicators system of Barometer of Sustainability. The methodology consisted in two steps: the use of secondary data for collecting information related to the municipality under study, as well as the data for the sustainability indicators to the construction of Sustainable Development Index from the use of the Barometer of Sustainability; and the survey of primary data from interviews with producers and some stakeholders in the sector, through a semi-structured questionnaire. Among the results, it was obtained a sustainability index of 50.23, considered intermediate in the barometer scale, this index is the result of the low income level of the population, the concentration of income that is considered worrisome, the high rates charged for energy provision, besides the deficit in the water supply system in rural area, the extended period of drought that has affected the profitability of producers and the lack of conservation in the region. As well as positive aspects related to population health with regard to the use of agricultural inputs, the representativeness of the agricultural sector to the municipality GDP, the water quality of the region's main reservoir, among other factors. In conclusion, it is highlighted the importance of the government participation aligned to the actions of entities operating in the sector for more effective actions that can be undertaken jointly between private and public sector, as well as the population and development agencies. / A concepção de desenvolvimento esteve durante muito tempo relacionada à idéia de crescimento econômico, entretanto, essa concepção passou a ser cada vez mais questionada em virtude de que em paralelo ao crescimento da economia, a sociedade passou a conviver com uma crise socioeconômica e ambiental, distante de algo que se considere desenvolvido. Neste contexto, surge o conceito de Desenvolvimento Sustentável como uma solução para os problemas vivenciados pela sociedade juntamente com a necessidade de utilizar instrumentos de mensuração capazes de estabelecer linhas norteadoras para um posicionamento quanto ao que se espera de um ambiente sustentável, os indicadores de sustentabilidade. As discussões a cerca da sustentabilidade despertaram uma visão mais crítica dos agentes sociais no que se refere à problemática ambiental e o papel das atividades produtivas para o alcance de metas sustentáveis. Neste sentido, os agroecossistemas e mais especificamente as atividades do setor sucroalcooleiro, têm apresentado um papel fundamental no processo de desenvolvimento local sustentável das regiões onde estas atividades são preponderantes. Partindo-se das discussões acerca dos Indicadores de Sustentabilidade e da atuação do setor sucroalcooleiro nos aspectos relacionados ao Desenvolvimento Sustentável, este estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a sustentabilidade do município de Pedras de Fogo na Paraíba, com ênfase nas atividades do setor sucroalcooleiro a partir do sistema de indicadores Barômetro da Sustentabilidade. A metodologia utilizada constituiu-se de duas etapas: a utilização de dados secundários para o levantamento de informações relativas ao município em estudo, bem como os dados referentes aos indicadores de sustentabilidade para a construção do Índice de Desenvolvimento Sustentável a partir da utilização do Barômetro da Sustentabilidade; e o levantamento de dados primários a partir de entrevistas com produtores e alguns agentes envolvidos do setor, através de um questionário semi-estruturado. Dentre os resultados, obteve-se um índice de sustentabilidade de 50,23, considerado intermediário na escala do barômetro, o qual é resultante do baixo nível de renda da população e uma concentração de rendimento considerada preocupante, as altas tarifas cobradas para o fornecimento de energia, além do déficit no sistema de abastecimento de água na zona rural, o extensivo período de seca que tem afetado a rentabilidade dos produtores e a ausência de unidades de conservação na região. Bem como de aspectos positivos relacionados à saúde da população no que diz respeito ao uso de insumos agrícolas, a representatividade do setor agropecuário para o PIB do município, a qualidade das águas do principal reservatório da região, dentre outros fatores. O que se conclui é a importância da participação do poder público, alinhada as ações das entidades atuantes no setor para que ações mais efetivas possam ser realizadas de maneira conjunta entre a iniciativa privada, a pública, a própria população e os órgãos de fomento.

Heterogeneidade mantélica na Região Sul do Brasil evidenciada por mineraloquímica de kimberlitos

Carniel, Larissa Colombo January 2017 (has links)
Kimberlitos são rochas vulcânicas que, frequentemente, contêm diamante, grafite e/ou carbonato, sendo a presença destes componentes diretamente influenciada pela variabilidade da fugacidade de oxigênio (fO2) do magma durante a sua ascenção. Segundo Chakhmouradian and Mitchell (2000), CaTiO3-perovskitas podem ser usadas para revelar as condições de alguns dos múltiplos estágios de cristalização da história magmática destas rochas. No intuito de estabelecer a fugacidade de oxigênio de magmas kimberlíticos naturais, CaTiO3-perovskitas foram cristalizadas experimentalmente em equilíbrio com um líquido kimberlítico sintético em altas temperaturas e diferentes condições de pressão e de fugacidade de oxigênio. Os experimentos mostraram que a perovskita incorporou maiores quantidades de Fe3+ com o aumento da fO2. A equação do oxigênio barômetro desenvolvida neste estudo pode ser aplicada em rochas kimberlíticas de diferentes condições de fO2, que contêm CaTiO3-perovskita e olivina. Na presente pesquisa, nós aplicamos este oxigênio barômetro em amostras do kimberlito Rosário do Sul, que é um kimberlito transicional localizado no limite sudoeste da Bacia do Paraná. Os dados de minerais deste kimberlito sugerem que sua fonte é um produto da reação de um líquido silicático-carbonatítico com o manto. Idades U-Pb de ~ 128Ma em CaTiO3-perovskitas (Conceição et al., in prep.) revelam que o kimberlito Rosário do Sul provavelmente entrou em erupção logo após o vulcanismo da Província Paraná-Etendeka. Temperaturas de cristalização, pressões e fO2 dos kimberlitos Rosário do Sul e Alfeu-I, outro importante kimberlito situado no sul do Brasil, foram calculadas. As condições de suas fontes foram estimadas usando diferentes métodos a partir das composições de olivinas, espinélios, CaTiO3-perovskitas, granadas, ortopiroxênios e clinopiroxênios. As temperaturas, pressões e condições de fO2 dos kimberlitos Rosário do Sul e Alfeu-I sugerem que eles foram transportados para a superfície em condições nas quais fluidos ricos em CO2 podem reagir com o manto silicático e produzir carbonatos. A composição mineral e as condições de formação do kimberlito Rosário do Sul indicam que a sua fonte pode ter sido metassomatizada por fluidos provenientes da reciclagem de uma placa oceânica subductada durante a quebra do Gondwana e abertura do Atlântico Sul, logo depois do vulcanismo da Província Paraná-Etendeka. As condições de formação dos kimberlitos Rosário do Sul e Alfeu-I são usadas também para estimar o potencial destes kimberlitos em preservar diamantes. / Kimberlites are volcanic rocks which often contain diamonds, graphite and/or carbonate, and the stability of these minerals is directly influenced by the variability of oxygen fugacity (fO2) of the magma during its ascent. Second Chakhmouradian and Mitchell (2000), CaTiO3-perovskites may be used to unravel the conditions of some of the multiple stages of crystallization in the magmatic history of these rocks. In order to establish oxygen fugacities of natural kimberlititic magmas, we experimentally equilibrated CaTiO3-perovskites with synthetic kimberlitic melts at high temperatures, different oxygen fugacities and different pressures. The experiments show that perovskite incorporates increasing amounts of Fe3+ with increasing fO2. The oxygen barometer equation developed in this study can be applied in kimberlite rocks that contain CaTiO3-perovskite and olivine from different fO2 conditions. In the present research, we applied this oxygen barometer in the Rosário do Sul kimberlite samples, which is a transitional kimberlite located in the southwestern edge of the Paraná Basin. The mineral data of this kimberlite suggest that its source is a product of the reaction of a silicate-carbonate liquid in the mantle. U-Pb ages of ~ 128 Ma on CaTiO3-perovskites (Conceição et al., in prep.) reveal that the Rosário do Sul kimberlite probably erupted just after the volcanism of Paraná-Etendeka Province. We calculated crystallization temperatures, pressures and oxygen fugacities (fO2) of Rosário do Sul and Alfeu-I kimberlites, another important kimberlite situated in the South of Brazil. Their source conditions are estimated using different methods from olivines, spinels, CaTiO3-perovskites, garnets, orthopyroxenes and clinopyroxenes compositions. The calculated temperature, pressure and fO2 values of Rosário do Sul and Alfeu-I kimberlites suggest that they were transported to the surface under fO2 conditions in which CO2-rich fluids may react with mantle silicates to produce carbonates. The mineral composition and fO2 conditions of Rosário do Sul kimberlite indicate that its source may have been metasomatized by fluids generated from the recycling of a subducted oceanic plate during the Gondwana breakup and the South Atlantic opening, just after the Paraná-Etendeka Province volcanism. The source conditions of Rosário do Sul and Alfeu-I kimberlites are also used to estimate the potential of these kimberlites to preserve diamonds.

Are there any signs of deconsolidation in Tunisia according to the deconsolidation theory? : A qualitative theory consuming case study.

Törnberg, Julia January 2021 (has links)
The Arab Spring put several revolutions in motion in the Middle East and North Africa. However, Tunisia was the only country that succeeded with a democratization process, making the country a fairly new democracy. Simultaneously, independent research networks and organizations whose main focus is democracy and democratic values such as Freedom House, V-Demand the Arab Barometer are presenting worrying information about democracy around the world. Democracy is in crises - evident by the remarkable decline or erosion in democratic norms and practices. While scholars have already begun investigating the causes of democratic deconsolidation or backsliding in the context of western democracies, notably those of western Europe and the US, still little is known with regards to new democracies from other parts of the globe. To fill this research gap, this qualitative case study focuses on Tunisia, with the core objective to investigate whether or not Tunisia is experiencing democratic deconsolidation. By using the three criteria described by the political scientist Yascha Mounk in his deconsolidation theory, the result suggests that while democratic values are still quite strong amongst the Tunisian citizens, it is evident that a majority of the Tunisian citizens are experiencing institutional dissatisfaction and low institutional trust.

Höjdmätare för fallskärmshoppning : Metoder för höjdmätning samt framtagning av algoritmer för vald metod / Altimeter for skydiving : Altitude measurement methods and development of algorithms for the chosen method

Björck, Linnea, Petersen, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Inom fallskärmshoppning behövs förutom ett välfungerande fallskärmssystem även en precis höjdmätare. Båda är avgörande komponenter när det gäller utrustning för att kunna genomföra ett säkert hopp. Genom digitalisering och den tekniska utvecklingen finns det idag intressen för att ta fram en digital höjdmätare med bättre precision, flera funktioner och bättre samt tydligare användargränssnitt. Det existerar ett flertal tekniker för mätning av höjd. De tekniker som tas upp i examensarbetet är global positioning system (GPS), radar och barometer. Målet med examensarbetet var att ta fram en robust algoritm för mätning av höjd, med möjlighet till utveckling. Examensarbetet skulle även innehålla riskanalys av vald(a) teknik(er) , samt förslag på lämpliga presentationstekniker och systemlösningar satt i ett större perspektiv. Systemlösningarna skulle vara anpassade för enkel integration av nya funktioner. I mån av tid skulle även en prototyp utvecklas samt testas. Metoden som valdes var en digital höjdmätare på grund av att den passade bäst för det mål som upprättats för projektet. Fr att beräkna höjden med den digitala höjdmätaren användes sambandet mellan lufttryck och höjd. Resultatet av dessa beräkningar visade på ett tillräckligt precist mätvärde för att vara godtagbart. Eftersom mätvärdets precision var godtagbar beslutades det att inga ytterligare rättningar skulle göras. Arbetet fortsattes med att utveckla en prototyp och testning av denna utfördes. Resultatet blev att en fungerande prototyp togs fram. Framtida utvecklingsmöjligheter finns inom presentationsteknik, chassi, ytterligare rättningar av formeln för höjdmätning och fler iterationer av hårdvaran. / In skydiving, in addition to a well-functioning parachute system, a good and precise altimeter is needed. Both which are crucial parts of equipment in order to be able to perform a safe jump. Through digitalization and the technological development, there are today interests of developing a digital altimeter with better precision and several functions There are a number of techniques for measuring altitude. Those that are included in this bachelor thesis are GPS, radar and barometers. The aim of the thesis was to develop a robust algorithm for measuring height, with the possibility of development. The thesis work would also include risk analysis of selected technology or techniques, as well as suggestions for suitable presentation techniques and system solutions in a larger perspective. The system solutions would be adapted for easy integration of new features. If time allowed it, a prototype would also be developed and tested. The method chosen was a digital altimeter because it was best suited for the goals set for the project. To calculate the height with the digital altimeter, the relationship between air pressure and height was used. The result of these calculations showed a sufficiently precise measurement value to be acceptable. Since the accuracy of the measurement value was acceptable, it was decided that no further corrections would be made. The work continued with developing a prototype and testing it. The result was a functioning prototype. Future development opportunities are available within presentation technology, chassis, further corrections of the formula for height measurement and more iterations of hardware.

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