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Role of nuclear technology in South Africa / Frederick BieldtBieldt, Frederick January 2015 (has links)
South Africa is in the critical process of determining the profile of its power composition for the next 30 years and beyond. From the IRP2010 it seems that too much emphasis is placed on renewable energy, coal and other technologies and too little on nuclear power. In the revision of the IRP2010, the renewable portion of the energy composition has been increased substantially from 11.4 to 17.8GW, where nuclear remains on 9.6GW (DME, 2011). The purpose of this research is to investigate and compare power-generating technologies. The investigation of the different technologies is corroborated through modelling the IRP2010 planned energy mix efficiency, as well as a proposed energy mix. These models will be built using Microsoft Excel. Topics not investigated are socio-economic impacts and politics around nuclear energy in South Africa.
The main finding of the research is that nuclear power is the best option for base load energy in order to meet South Africa‟s growing demand for electricity. It has the highest load factor, longest economic life, best safety record, adheres to the Kyoto protocol, uses the least fresh water and is economically competitive. It addresses all the concerns stipulated in the IRP2010 and the technology also offers benefits outside the electricity industry, such as the mining, medical, agriculture and research sectors. This versatile, reliable and powerful technology holds great benefits and has the potential to uplift the quality of life for the whole South African nation. / MSc (Nuclear Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Role of nuclear technology in South Africa / Frederick BieldtBieldt, Frederick January 2015 (has links)
South Africa is in the critical process of determining the profile of its power composition for the next 30 years and beyond. From the IRP2010 it seems that too much emphasis is placed on renewable energy, coal and other technologies and too little on nuclear power. In the revision of the IRP2010, the renewable portion of the energy composition has been increased substantially from 11.4 to 17.8GW, where nuclear remains on 9.6GW (DME, 2011). The purpose of this research is to investigate and compare power-generating technologies. The investigation of the different technologies is corroborated through modelling the IRP2010 planned energy mix efficiency, as well as a proposed energy mix. These models will be built using Microsoft Excel. Topics not investigated are socio-economic impacts and politics around nuclear energy in South Africa.
The main finding of the research is that nuclear power is the best option for base load energy in order to meet South Africa‟s growing demand for electricity. It has the highest load factor, longest economic life, best safety record, adheres to the Kyoto protocol, uses the least fresh water and is economically competitive. It addresses all the concerns stipulated in the IRP2010 and the technology also offers benefits outside the electricity industry, such as the mining, medical, agriculture and research sectors. This versatile, reliable and powerful technology holds great benefits and has the potential to uplift the quality of life for the whole South African nation. / MSc (Nuclear Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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A Statistical Approach to Estimate Thermal Performance and Energy Renovation of Multifamily Buildings : Case study on a Swedish city districtEriksson, Martin January 2022 (has links)
Several climate and energy goals have been set in the European Union, one of them being to increase energy efficiency. In Sweden, a large potential for increased energy efficiency lies in the residential and service sectors, which account for about 40% of total energy use. A large share of buildings in Sweden were built in the Million Homes Program in the 1960s and ’70s. These buildings are now in need of renovation, which enables renovation with the ambition of reducing energy use. In this thesis, the purpose is to develop an energy signature method, a bottom-up statistical method. This method has been validated using a building energy simulation software called IDA ICE, for two kinds of multifamily buildings from the Million Homes Program. The energy signature method has then been applied to a district located in Gävle, Sweden, containing more than 90 multifamily buildings with similar construction. In addition to characterizing current thermal performance of the buildings, the energy signature method is further developed so that potential for energy renovation of the district can be simulated. Simulated energy renovation is developed to comply with building energy use requirements, according to the most recent Swedish building regulations. Both on building and district level, sensitivity analysis is performed. In both cases the energy signature method is insensitive to changes in internal heat gains and indoor temperature. To investigate the effects of simulated renovation on a local district heating system, results are visualized in a duration diagram, where energy use reduction in different load periods is displayed. Thus, it is demonstrated how the energy signature method can be used as a rapid way of simulating energy renovation on district level and with readily available data. / EU har beslutat om flera klimat- och energimål, bland annat att energi ska användas mer effektivt. I Sverige finns en stor potential för ökad energieffektivitet i bostads- och servicesektorn, som står för cirka 40 % av den totala energianvändningen. En stor av del Sveriges byggnadsbestånd består av miljonprogramsbyggnader från 1960- och 1970-talen. Dessa byggnader är i behov av renovering, vilket möjliggör ytterligare renovering med syfte att sänka energianvändningen. Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla en energisignaturmetod, en ”bottom-up” statistisk metod. Metoden har validerats med byggnadsenergisimuleringsprogrammet, IDA ICE, för två typer av flerbostadshus från miljonprogrammet. Energisignaturmetoden har sedan applicerats på ett distrikt i Gävle som innehåller fler än 90 flerbostadshus med liknande konstruktion. Förutom att karakterisera byggnadernas nuvarande termiska prestanda, vidareutvecklas energisignaturmetoden så att även energirenovering kan simuleras. Denna metod utvecklas för att uppfylla Boverkets krav på byggnaders energianvändning, enligt gällande svenska byggnadsreglerna. Känslighetsanalys utförs både på byggnads- och distriktsnivå. I båda fallen visar sig energisignaturmetoden vara okänslig för förändringar i intern värmegenerering och inomhustemperatur. Effekterna av den simulerade renoveringen presenteras i ett varaktighetsdiagram, som visar de möjliga effekterna på ett lokalt fjärrvärmesystem. På detta sätt demonstreras hur energisignaturmetoden kan användas för att snabbt simulera energirenovering på distriktsnivå och med lättillgänglig data.
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A techno-economic appraisal of renewable energy in remote, off grid locations in Nigeria : Obudu ranch as a case study / L. Olawalemi OgunleyeOgunleye, Lawrence Olawale January 2008 (has links)
Energy is central to economic development. It has been established that there is a clear correlation between energy consumption and living standards. Nigeria is a country of very industrious and enterprising people. However, due to non availability of adequate energy in the country, especially in the remote, off grid locations, the entrepreneurial inclination of the average Nigerian living in these locations has been largely stunted.
Over the years, successive governments in the country, in realisation of the pivotal role of energy in national development, have explored various options to improve energy supply and availability, but the situation has not experienced any remarkable improvement. This has forced many businesses and households to resort to self provision through generators, often at exorbitant costs.
This research work addresses the challenge of energy in remote, off grid locations by appraising the techno economic potential of renewable energy, using Obudu Ranch as a case study. This ranch is the foremost tourism resort in Nigeria, and has played host to a number of international events over the years. Presently, electricity is being generated through the use of diesel powered generating sets. The adjoining communities are currently without electricity, although a few of the residents have acquired generators for self provision, mostly for their domestic use. Aside the high cost associated with this, the discharge of noxious contaminants into the atmosphere is undesirable.
The research entailed a working collaboration with some notable Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) that have done extensive ground work in the area for access to some secondary data, as well as a number of corporate and governmental agencies that are relevant to the study.
Further, the ranch was visited to establish hands-on, the existing renewable energy sources. A trade-off of these sources was carried out with reference to a number of relevant evaluation parameters to identify the most suited option for addressing the energy challenge. A comparative analysis of this selected source was then made to establish its techno economic potential against the existing source of power generation- diesel powered generating sets, which currently costs R1.5 million annually in running expenses.
The findings from this research have established that a Renewable Energy source (mini hydro) is a more cost effective option than the diesel powered gen set, providing a 43% reduction in cost of energy generation, and a 42% reduction in the life cycle cost over the five year of analysis, compared to the status quo. In addition, it is also more environmentally friendly.
Conclusively, the findings and recommendations of this research effort, if well implemented, will be beneficial to the ranch, the adjoining communities and other relevant stakeholders. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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A techno-economic appraisal of renewable energy in remote, off grid locations in Nigeria : Obudu ranch as a case study / L. Olawalemi OgunleyeOgunleye, Lawrence Olawale January 2008 (has links)
Energy is central to economic development. It has been established that there is a clear correlation between energy consumption and living standards. Nigeria is a country of very industrious and enterprising people. However, due to non availability of adequate energy in the country, especially in the remote, off grid locations, the entrepreneurial inclination of the average Nigerian living in these locations has been largely stunted.
Over the years, successive governments in the country, in realisation of the pivotal role of energy in national development, have explored various options to improve energy supply and availability, but the situation has not experienced any remarkable improvement. This has forced many businesses and households to resort to self provision through generators, often at exorbitant costs.
This research work addresses the challenge of energy in remote, off grid locations by appraising the techno economic potential of renewable energy, using Obudu Ranch as a case study. This ranch is the foremost tourism resort in Nigeria, and has played host to a number of international events over the years. Presently, electricity is being generated through the use of diesel powered generating sets. The adjoining communities are currently without electricity, although a few of the residents have acquired generators for self provision, mostly for their domestic use. Aside the high cost associated with this, the discharge of noxious contaminants into the atmosphere is undesirable.
The research entailed a working collaboration with some notable Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) that have done extensive ground work in the area for access to some secondary data, as well as a number of corporate and governmental agencies that are relevant to the study.
Further, the ranch was visited to establish hands-on, the existing renewable energy sources. A trade-off of these sources was carried out with reference to a number of relevant evaluation parameters to identify the most suited option for addressing the energy challenge. A comparative analysis of this selected source was then made to establish its techno economic potential against the existing source of power generation- diesel powered generating sets, which currently costs R1.5 million annually in running expenses.
The findings from this research have established that a Renewable Energy source (mini hydro) is a more cost effective option than the diesel powered gen set, providing a 43% reduction in cost of energy generation, and a 42% reduction in the life cycle cost over the five year of analysis, compared to the status quo. In addition, it is also more environmentally friendly.
Conclusively, the findings and recommendations of this research effort, if well implemented, will be beneficial to the ranch, the adjoining communities and other relevant stakeholders. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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Högtempererat borrhålslager för fjärrvärme / High Temperature Borehole Thermal Energy Storage for District HeatingHallqvist, Karl January 2014 (has links)
The district heating load is seasonally dependent, with a low load during periods of high ambient temperature. Thermal energy storage (TES) has the potential to shift heating loads from winter to summer, thus reducing cost and environmental impact of District Heat production. In this study, a concept of high temperature borehole thermal energy storage (HT-BTES) together with a pellet heating plant for temperature boost, is presented and evaluated by its technical limitations, its ability to supply heat, its function within the district heating system, as well as its environmental impact and economic viability in Gothenburg, Sweden, a city with access to high quantities of waste heat. The concept has proven potentially environmentally friendly and potentially profitable if its design is balanced to achieve a good enough supply temperature from the HT-BTES. The size of the heat storage, the distance between boreholes and low borehole thermal resistance are key parameters to achieve high temperature. Profitability increases if a location with lower temperature demand, as well as risk of future shortage of supply, can be met. Feasibility also increases if existing pellet heating plant and district heating connection can be used and if lower rate of return on investment can be accepted. Access to HT-BTES in the district heating network enables greater flexibility and availability of production of District Heating, thereby facilitating readjustments to different strategies and policies. However, concerns for the durability of feasible borehole heat exchangers (BHE) exist in high temperature application. / Värmebehovet är starkt säsongsberoende, med låg last under perioder av högre omgivningstemperatur och hög last under perioder av lägre omgivningstemperaturer. I Göteborg finns en stor mängd spillvärme tillgängligt för fjärrvärmeproduktion sommartid när behovet av värme är lågt. Tillgång till säsongsvärmelager möjliggör att fjärrvärmeproduktion flyttas från vinterhalvår till sommarhalvår, vilket kan ge såväl lönsamhet som miljönytta. Borrhålsvärmelager är ett förhållandevis billigt sätt att lagra värme, och innebär att berggrunden värms upp under sommaren genom att varmt vatten flödar i borrhål, för att under vinterhalvåret användas genom att låta kallt vatten flöda i borrhålen och värmas upp. I traditionella borrhålsvärmelager används ofta värmepump för att höja värmelagrets urladdade temperatur, men på grund av höga temperaturkrav för fjärrvärme kan kostnaden för värmepump bli hög. I denna rapport föreslås ett system för att klara av att nå höga temperaturer till en lägre kostnad. Systemet består av ett borrhålsvärmelager anpassat för högre temperaturer (HT-BTES) samt pelletspannor för att spetsa lagrets utgående fluid för att nå hög temperatur. Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka potentialen för detta HT-BTES-system med avseende på dess tekniska begränsningar, förmåga till fjärrvärmeleverans, konsekvenser för fjärrvärmesystemet, samt lönsamhet och miljöpåverkan. För att garantera att inlagringen av värme inte är så stor att priset för inlagrad värme ökar väsentligt, utgår inlagringen från hur mycket värme som kyls bort i fjärrvärmenätet sommartid. I verkligheten finns betydligt mer värme tillgänglig till låg kostnad. När HT-BTES-systemet producerar fjärrvärme, ersätts fjärrvärmeproduktion från andra produktionsenheter, förutsatt att HT-BTES-systemets rörliga kostnader är lägre. I Göteborg ersätts främst naturgas från kraftvärme, men också en del flis. Kostnadsbesparingen beror på differensen för total fjärrvärmeproduktionskostnad med och utan HT-BTES-systemet. Undersökningen visar att besparingen är större om HT-BTES-systemet placeras i ett område där det är möjligt att mata ut fjärrvärme med lägre temperatur. Om urladdning från HT-BTES kan ske med hög temperatur ökar också besparingen. Detta sker om lagrets volym ökar, om avståndet mellan borrhål minskar eller om värmeöverföringen mellan det flödande vattnet i borrhålen och berggrunden ökar. Dessa egenskaper för lagret leder också till minskade koldioxidutsläpp. Storleken på besparingen beror dock i hög grad på hur bränslepriser utvecklas i framtiden. Strategiska fördelar med HT-BTES-systemet inkluderar; minskad miljöpåverkan, robust system med lång teknisk livslängd (för delar av HT-BTES-systemet), samt att inlagring av värme kan ske från många olika produktionsenheter. Dessutom kan positiva bieffekter identifieras. Undersökningen visar att HT-BTES-systemet har god potential att ge lönsamhet och minskad miljöpåverkan, och att anläggning och drift av lagret kan ske utan omfattande lokal miljöpåverkan. Det har också visats att de geologiska förutsättningarna för HT-BTES är goda på många platser i Göteborg, även om lokala förhållanden kan skilja sig åt. För att nå lönsamhet för HT-BTES-systemet krävs en avvägning på utformning av lagret för att nå hög urladdad temperatur utan att investeringskostnaden blir för stor. Undersökningen visar att om anslutning av HT-BTES-systemet kan ske mot befintlig anslutningspunkt eller till befintlig värmepanna kan investeringskostnaden minska och därmed lönsamheten öka. Placering av HT-BTES-systemet i områden med risk för överföringsbegränsningar kan också minska behovet av att förstärka fjärrvärmenätet, och således bidra till att minska de kostnader som förstärkning av nätet innebär. Betydelsefulla parametrar för att nå lönsamhet för HT-BTES-system inkluderar dessutom kostnaden för inlagrad värme liksom vilket vinstkrav som kan accepteras. Tillgång till HT-BTES möjliggör ökad nyttjandegrad och flexibilitet för fjärrvärmeproduktionsenheter, och därmed ökad anpassningsmöjlighet till förändrade förutsättningar på värmemarknaden. Dock återstår att visa att komponenter som klarar de höga temperaturkraven kan tillverkas till acceptabel kostnad.
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