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Joint relationship of four types of involvement (SI, EI, AMI and RI) : path analysis model combining mediation and moderationYun, Tai Woong 30 April 2014 (has links)
The current study addresses the overarching issue of the role that different types of involvement play in cognitive and behavioral processes and attitude formation by investigating 1) if and how SI and EI function jointly to form the level of AMI, 2) how SI, EI and AMI are interwoven to affect the level of RI, 3) the joint role of SI and EI on the routes to attitude formation. The findings suggest that SI and EI additively influence the level of AMI with stronger role of EI on the formation of AMI. Moreover, while SI and/or EI may affect AMI and subsequent cognitive and behavioral processes such as attention, comprehension, elaboration and information search intention their influences on such cognitive processes are only observed indirectly via the mediating role of AMI. No direct influence of SI and/or EI is observed when AMI is included in the models tested. In addition, AMI appears to be a robust indicator to the level of attention and information search intention regardless of the types of situational source of personal relevance and product types used, while SI and/or EI provide somewhat mixed results depending on the type of situational source of personal relevance and the type of products considered. With regard to joint function of SI, EI and AMI on the information search intention, there is an initial evidence of direct interactive influence of SI and EI on information search intention beyond the mediating role of AMI. However, this interactive function is only found via moderated regression analyses rather than ANOVA with a median-split of EI. Concerning attitude formation via dual-route theories of ELM and HSM, the current study suggests that systematic (central) vs. heuristic (peripheral) processing based on SI is inadequate to account for the two qualitatively different processes in advertising context dealing with laptop computer and digital camera ad. / text
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The impact of virtuality on team functioning: a meta-analytic integrationSeely, Peter W. 14 November 2012 (has links)
Communication technologies have become a central characteristic of workplace functioning. The literature has suggested that the use of these technologies fundamentally changes the manner in which team members interact. The present study sought to reorganize previous research on the impact of virtuality on team emergent states and behavioral processes to elucidate how different degrees of team virtuality shape team functioning, and to investigate the manner in which these relationships differ according to team type, team membership stability, and publication year. Findings from 174 studies (total number of teams = 9204; total N approximately 26,050) suggest that there is not a strong relationship between team virtuality and emergent states and behavioral processes. However, moderator analyses revealed that a reliance on highly virtual tools may be most detrimental to action teams and ad hoc teams. Moreover, findings demonstrate that the degree to which virtuality shapes team transition and action process may be changing over time.
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Arbetsrelaterad stress : betydelsen av kognitiva och beteendemässiga processvariabler / Work Related Stress : the Importance of Cognitive and Behavioral Process VariablesEklund, Gustav, Malmgren, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Betydelsen av kognitivt och beteendemässigt undvikande samt katastroftankar studerades i det sedan tidigare kända sambandet mellan psykosocial arbetsmiljö och upplevd stress. Vidare undersöktes huruvida det fanns subgrupper med olika psykosocial arbetsmiljö. Denna tvärsnittsstudie baserades på enkätdata. Resultat indikerar att kognitivt undvikande och katastroftankar har en medierande funktion, samt att katastroftankar har en svag modererande funktion i sambandet. Vidare finns det subgrupper med olika psykosocial arbetsmiljö, vilka även skiljer sig åt avseende kognitivt undvikande och katastroftankar samt upplevd stress. Området är tidigare relativt obeforskat, varför författarna föreslår vidare forskning om kognitiva och beteendemässiga processvariablers betydelse i upplevelsen av stress. / This cross-sectional study examined the function of cognitive and behavioral avoidance and catastrophizing in relation to the already known association between psychosocial work environment and perceived stress. The study also examined whether there were subgroups with different psychosocial work environments. The results indicate that cognitive avoidance and catastrophizing serve as mediators, and that catastrophizing serve as a weak moderator in the association. Further, there were subgroups with different psychosocial work environments, which also differed regarding cognitive avoidance, catastrophizing and perceived stress. This area of investigation is to date relatively uncovered by research, which is why the authors suggest further research on the significance of cognitive and behavioral process variables in the perception of stress.
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Utvärdering av en teambuildingsinsats effekter på teameffektivitet och ledarskattad teamprestationEintrei, Cecilia, Hansson, Tora January 2018 (has links)
Teamarbete (eng. teamwork) är förenat med positiva organisatoriska och individuella effekter, vilket kan förklara varför organisationer i allt större utsträckning vill genomföra teambuildingsinsater för att förbättra teameffektivitet och teamprestation. Det övergripande syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka vilka effekter en specifik teambuildingsinsats kunde medföra för team i termer av reflexivitet, reella teambeteenden, teammedlemsskattad teameffektivitet samt ledarskattad teamprestation. Författarna ämnade också undersöka vilken effekt insatsen kunde få för enskilda teammedlemmar i termer av förändrad arbetstillfredsställelse och intention att sluta sitt arbete. Den teambuildingsinsats som genomfördes i föreliggande examensarbete syftade till att kartlägga och förbättra beteendeprocesser. Nio team från olika verksamhetsområden med totalt 57 teammedlemmar fick ta del av teambuildingsinsatsen. Två enkäter delades ut innan insatsen, en teamledarenkät och en teammedlemsenkät, samt en enkät från ett digitalt verktyg för teambuildingsinsatsen, för att undersöka effekterna av intresse. En eftermätning gjordes fyra till sex veckor efter teambuildingsinsatsen. Pearsons korrelationskoefficient, t-test, Wilcoxons teckenrangstest samt hierarkiska multipla regressionsanalyser användes för bearbetning av data. Resultatet visade på en signifikant ökning av skattning av reella teambeteenden samt ökning av teameffektivitet. Dessutom visade resultatet att förekomsten av reella teambeteenden kan predicera teams effektivitet över tid. Detta resultat legitimerar att organisationer i allt större utsträckning vill genomföra teambuildingsinsater som bygger på samma grund som den aktuella teambuildingsinsatsen. / Teamwork is associated with positive organizational and individual effects, explaining the increase in organizations’ implementation of team building interventions, in order to improve team effectiveness and team performance. The overall aim of the study was to investigate the effects of a specific team building intervention on teams in terms of team reflexivity, real team behavior, team rated team effectiveness, and leader rated team performance. The authors also aimed to investigate the impact of the team building intervention on individual team members regarding job satisfaction and intention to leave. The purpose of the team building intervention utilized for data collection was to map and improve behavioral processes. Nine teams from different industries with a total of 57 team members participated in the team building intervention. Prior to the intervention two surveys were distributed, one for team leaders and one for team members, as well as a survey from a digital team building tool, for evaluation of potential effects of the intervention. An additional measurement was made four to six weeks after the team building intervention. Pearson correlation coefficient analysis, t-test, Wilcoxon signed ranks test, and hierarchical multiple regression analyses were used to analyze data. The result showed a significant increase in estimation of real team behavior and increase in team effectiveness. In addition, the result demonstrated that presence of real team behaviors may predict team effectiveness over time. This result justifies organizations’ increase in implementation of team building interventions similar to the intervention investigated in the present study.
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