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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Historieundervisning utanför klassrummet : En lokal fallstudie kring historieundervisning i närområdet / : A case study concerning the possibilities of teaching history through field trips

Piirhonen, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är främst att studera tillgången på lämpliga besöksmål i närområdet, samt lärare och elevers generella attityd och erfarenhet till studiebesök som en del i historieundervisningen. Detta sker genom en lokal fallstudie, där elever och lärare från mellanstadium, högstadium och gymnasiet deltar. Vidare får företrädare för ett lokalt museum ge sin syn på samarbetet med skolan. Undersökningen är tvådelad. Dels genom ett intervjuförande där de tre lärarna samt företrädaren för det lokala museet får komma till tals. Utöver detta tillkommer även en enkätundersökning där fyra stycken skolklasser från olika årskurser deltar. Resultatet visar på att såväl lärare, elever och lokala besöksföreståndare, överlag ser positivt på studiebesök, men att nyttjande av lokala besöksmål är varierande, och att mer nationella besöksmål föredras framför lokala motsvarigheter.

Characterization of Fe-rich skarns and fluorapatite-bearing magnetite occurrences at the Zinkgruvan Zn-Pb-Ag and Cu deposit, Bergslagen, Sweden

Ivarsson, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Zinkgruvan is a stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag and Cu sulphide deposit hosted by Paleoproterozoic strata in southern Bergslagen, Sweden. The deposit underwent medium-high grade regional metamorphism during the Svecokarelian orogeny, including partial melting of the host succession. Subordinate zones of semi-massive to massive magnetite and Fe-rich skarns occur in marble stratigraphically below the stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag ore but have so far not been described in detail in the scientific literature. This thesis presents results from detailed geological drill core logging, light optical microscopy (LOM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), which have been integrated with results from electron microprobe analysis (FE-EMPA) and whole-rock lithogeochemical analysis to provide a comprehensive description of the magnetite mineralization. Samples from the formerly mined magnetite deposits Västerby, Garpa and Åmme - distal to Zinkgruvan - have also been studied to allow for a comparison. The combined dataset has been used to 1) discuss the genesis of the magnetite mineralizations, including their relationship to base metal sulphide mineralization, and 2) evaluate potential vectors to Zn-Pb-Ag and Cu mineralization based on variations in the magnetite deposits. The semi-massive to massive magnetite, adjacent and associated Fe-rich skarn at Zinkgruvan are located in the stratigraphic upper part of the marble host. Three different varieties of magnetite mineralization can be defined: 1) semi-massive to massive magnetite mineralization in marble, 2) magnetite-bearing veins and 3) retrograde magnetite after olivine. Detailed optical microscopy has revealed a positive spatial correlation between aluminium spinel, apatite, magnetite and graphite. Semi-massive to massive magnetite mineralization at Zinkgruvan is enriched in P2O5, ΣREELa-Lu and Mn relative to a carbonate precursor. A positive correlation exists between P2O5 and ∑REELa-Lu, suggesting apatite and monazite are the primary REE-bearing minerals. The fact that the samples with highest P2O5 and ∑REELa-Lu are all Fe-rich rocks suggest the enrichment of the latter is related to the event which formed the Fe mineralization. Magnetite mineralization from the historic iron mines NW of Zinkgruvan share several key attributes with magnetite mineralization at Zinkgruvan. These include: 1) magnetite is the only iron oxide, 2) lithological and mineralogical similarities, including spatial association with marble, 3) equally high whole-rock Fe content, 4) equally high Mn (1-4 wt.% MnO), 5) equally high Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 1.1- 2.8, avg. 1.75), and 6) local presence of sphalerite mineralization. Bending of the tectonic foliation from c. E-W to NW in the western part of Zinkgruvan suggest these magnetite mineralizations may be located along the same trend as those at Zinkgruvan. The normal calc-silicate mineralogy in Zinkgruvan marble (e.g. diopside, forsterite, phlogopite) can be explained by prograde regional metamorphic reactions between silicates and dolomite or calcite in impure carbonate rocks with a variable content of detrital siliciclastic and volcaniclastic material. However, the stratabound magnetite mineralization and associated Fe-rich skarns cannot be fully accounted for by this model. It is plausible that the Fe-rich skarns can be explained by similar reactions but involving more Fe-rich carbonates (ferrodolomite, ankerite, siderite). In the absence of quartz, siderite is known to thermally decompose into magnetite and graphite at temperatures above 465° C, whereby siderite-rich rocks may have been precursor to the semi-massive to massive magnetite mineralization. A recent genetic model suggests that the ore-forming fluids which formed Zinkgruvan where similar to those which formed McArthur-type SEDEX deposits. The presented results are consistent with this model, since e.g. siderite is a common alteration mineral in alteration envelopes to such deposits. Hence, magnetite mineralization, Zn-Pb-Ag and Cu-ore may all be related to the same pre-metamorphic hydrothermal system. The current genetic model places the magnetite mineralization at Zinkgruvan proximal to a fossil hydrothermal vent zone (the Burkland discontinuity). It is plausible that the magnetite mineralization mined at surface lay along the northern continuation of the Burkland discontinuity. Based on the assumption that the Burkland Cu-mineralization is most proximal and the old iron mines at Åmme are most distal along this structure, variations in whole-rock lithogeochemistry, mineral chemistry and mineralogy have been used to define nine vectors to economic Zn-Pb-Ag and Cu ore as is mined at Zinkgruvan.

Plats för kulturarv och turism : Grythyttan - en fallstudie av upplevelser, värderingar och intressen

Braunerhielm, Lotta January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis focuses on the tension between cultural heritage and tourism development. A case study was carried out in Grythyttan, a cultural-historical place, located in the municipality of Hällefors in Bergslagen. The central aim of the study is to explore, understand and interpret the tensions between cultural heritage and tourism. The ambition has been to focus upon the consequences of the increased interest from the tourism industry in cultural heritage and the increased interest from the cultural heritage sector in tourism and on creating heritage-based experiences. Grythyttan represents the place where the complex of problems is illustrated. The aim involves a description of characteristics of cultural heritage and tourism and how they are experienced with regards to a historical-geographical perspective. This is considered in contrast to the increased commercialization in society. The method has been to study how the place, cultural heritage and tourism are experienced by different actors, those who live, work and visit the place. The three actor groups who were studied were producers, consumers/visitors and locals. The producers were representatives of both the tourism and cultural heritage sector and from the municipality.</p><p>What has happened at the place is characteristic of our time, i.e. the commercialization of places and an adjustment to the tourism market. Grythyttan has been transformed into a tourism destination with a profile of meal. The whole municipality has purposely erased an old identity associated with the history of coalmining and ironworks. This has contributed to a clear distinction between a ‘place’ and a ‘destination’. This also highlights two different perspectives of the actors, those who bring out the importance of the heritage and those who look upon the heritage and the place from a commercial perspective. Visitors are offered a commercial place and an experience of the meal destination but are not offered the story of ‘the place’.</p><p>The concluding remarks are that the ‘place’ Grythyttan is associated with a strong identity anchored in its historical-geographical context and strongly associated with locals and the heritage sector. The cultural heritage gives way to tourism and meal. Heritage is not a part of and not ‘given place’ in the tourism destination of meal.</p>

Plats för kulturarv och turism : Grythyttan - en fallstudie av upplevelser, värderingar och intressen

Braunerhielm, Lotta January 2006 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the tension between cultural heritage and tourism development. A case study was carried out in Grythyttan, a cultural-historical place, located in the municipality of Hällefors in Bergslagen. The central aim of the study is to explore, understand and interpret the tensions between cultural heritage and tourism. The ambition has been to focus upon the consequences of the increased interest from the tourism industry in cultural heritage and the increased interest from the cultural heritage sector in tourism and on creating heritage-based experiences. Grythyttan represents the place where the complex of problems is illustrated. The aim involves a description of characteristics of cultural heritage and tourism and how they are experienced with regards to a historical-geographical perspective. This is considered in contrast to the increased commercialization in society. The method has been to study how the place, cultural heritage and tourism are experienced by different actors, those who live, work and visit the place. The three actor groups who were studied were producers, consumers/visitors and locals. The producers were representatives of both the tourism and cultural heritage sector and from the municipality. What has happened at the place is characteristic of our time, i.e. the commercialization of places and an adjustment to the tourism market. Grythyttan has been transformed into a tourism destination with a profile of meal. The whole municipality has purposely erased an old identity associated with the history of coalmining and ironworks. This has contributed to a clear distinction between a ‘place’ and a ‘destination’. This also highlights two different perspectives of the actors, those who bring out the importance of the heritage and those who look upon the heritage and the place from a commercial perspective. Visitors are offered a commercial place and an experience of the meal destination but are not offered the story of ‘the place’. The concluding remarks are that the ‘place’ Grythyttan is associated with a strong identity anchored in its historical-geographical context and strongly associated with locals and the heritage sector. The cultural heritage gives way to tourism and meal. Heritage is not a part of and not ‘given place’ in the tourism destination of meal.

Metamorfa förhållanden på nordöstra Utö; en mikrosondanalys av karbonatberg och gråvacka

Lidström, Anton January 2013 (has links)
Berggrunden på norra Utö har karterats i fält som en del av projektet Metamorphic map of Sweden. Vidare har stuffer analyserats i tunnslip och mikrosond, för att med datorprogrammen THERMOCALC, AX samt Anovitz &amp; Essenses kalcit-dolomit-geotermometer (1987) för kunna fastställa vilken grad av metamorfos området utsatts för. Berggrunden visade sig utgöras främst av pelagiska metasediment som karbonatbergarter och gråvackor, med avbrott i form av felsiska vulkaniter som följer lagringen. I fält såväl som mikroskop indikerade resultaten en relativt låg grad av metamorfos. De geotermobarymetriska uträkningarna som utförs i rapporten stöder detta resultat och bestämmer temperaturen till mellan 430 och 697°C samt trycket 4.5±2.3Kbar, vilket placerar metamorfosen inom ”Amphibolite facies”. Undersökningar kring XCO2-värdet i den fluid som verkat under metamorfosen uppvisade resultat med stora osäkerheter. / metamorphic map of sweden

Managing Selection and Retention of Employees : A Case Study on Länsförsäkringar Bergslagen

Quader, Kazi, Jin, Sisi January 2011 (has links)
Research Question: How can a firm such as Länsförsäkringar Bergslagen utilize selection and retention methods to find and keep employees that add value to the organisation? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyse the process of selection and retention and how it can affect organisations’ ability to select and retain staff that perform well and are an asset to the organisation. Method: Primary information was gathered from a face-to-face interview with the chief of personnel at LFB, as well as from a follow-up e-mail interview. Secondary information was gathered from books, journals and the web. The research is designed as a case study and the approach to analyzing data is qualitative. Conclusion: From the findings the authors conclude that by using selection methods with high predictive validity such as structured interviews, cognitive and personality tests, work samples and assessment centres, while at the same time considering how these methods affect the candidates attitudes and how well they allow for the candidate and employer to exchange views, values and goals, is the way firms can utilize selection methods in order to find staff that will add value to the organisation. LFB is using all these methods, except for work samples. Of the others remaining, structured interviews is the most common in LFB. On the perspective of retention, Länsförsäkringar Bergslagen has developed a performance-based system which takes an essential role on employee motivation, where recognition by offering growth opportunities is most significant in retaining key employees but is also most difficult to be conducted in LFB as growth opportunities are limited.

Malmbildande processer och Bergslagen : - Med exemplifiering från en silver-rik sulfidmineralisering vid Dammen nära Dannemora

Nordström, Albin January 2012 (has links)
Den här rapporten beskriver malmbildande processer och Bergslagens malmgeologi. En beskrivning av malmmikroskopet ges tillsammans med identifikationskriterier för de mineral som påträffats i en mikroskopisk studie som gjorts på fyra stuffer från Dammen nära Dannemora, inkluderande vanliga och påträffade malmtexturer. Två av proverna analyserades med mikrosond. / This report gives a description of ore-forming processes and an introduction to Bergslagen ore-geology. The polarization microscope is described together with a number of identification-criteria of specifik minerals found during a study of four geological specimens from Dammen close to Dannemora, including a description of common ore textures. Two of the samples were also analyzed with an electon probe microanalyzer

Stratigraphy and Geochemistry of the Palaeoproterozoic Dannemora inlier, north-eastern Bergslagen region, central Sweden.

Dahlin, Peter January 2014 (has links)
The Palaeoproterozoic Dannemora inlier is situated in the north-eastern Bergslagen region. The inlier consists of primary and reworked volcanic deposits, stromatolitic limestone and skarn that have been subjected to upper greenschist facies metamorphism. Thicknesses of the different volcanic deposits indicate deposition within a caldera, where syn-volcanic alkali alteration was strong. The deposition was submarine and below wave base in the eastern part of the inlier, but above wave base in the central part where erosion channels together with cross-bedding occurs frequently. The Dannemora Formation is the volcanosedimentary succession of the inlier. Two borehole profiles, a northern and a southern, cover the whole Formation and show different alteration patterns. A strong depletion of Na2O and enrichment of K2O dominate in the southern profile, whereas this pattern is not as evident in the northern profile. The uppermost section of the totally eight constituting the Formation, is intercalated with ore-bearing dolomitic limestone and skarn, and has experienced at least two episodes of alteration. An anticline has been established lithogeochemically from immobile element ratios and the reoccurrence of an accretionary lapilli bed. Numerous altered sub-alkaline, calc-alkaline and basaltic dykes have been recorded in the Dannemora inlier. They are the result of mixing and fractionation of at least three magmatic sources and carry a mixed signature of subduction zone and within-plate volcanic tectonic setting. A seismic profile across the Dannemora inlier images a strong reflector package that dips c. 50° E to the east of the inlier. This package coincides with the polyphase, E-up reverse, brittle-ductile Österbybruk deformation zone (ÖDZ). Yet another steep reflector in the Dannemora ore-field extends to a depth of more than two kilometres. This reflector might represent either a deep-seated iron deposit or a fluid-bearing fault zone.

Representing Bergslagen for tourism – a post-feminist approach : Androcentric representations of the industrial heritage in central Sweden

Funk, Minéa January 2018 (has links)
Marketing material used in promotion of industrial heritage sites for tourism creates representations of said cultural heritage. In order to increase the touristic value of the historical industrial sites marketers can create or make a place attractive through careful selection of images and texts. It is believed that simplifying the image can make it comprehensible and thus more attractive to potential visitors. However, simplifying images of heritage can result in creation of stereotypical representations. This research aimed to analyse what representations of the industrial heritage of Bergslagen, in the middle of Sweden, could be found in marketing material of tourism destinations today. Post-feminist theory was applied as a tool for analysis of the content as a contextual and critical perspective in order to interpret what meanings these representations found were conveying. By understanding the data in relation to androcentric discourse and the context of Bergslagen as a patriarchal system representations of continued polarization of gender was found. By conducting a content analysis of three destinations, Långban, Engelsbergs bruk and Axmar Bruk, four dominating themes of their representations in visual and textual promotional material were found. The narratives in the re-imagination and reproduction of the sites and their industrial heritage were also discovered during the analysis. The findings thus indicated that the marketing perpetuated stereotypes of the inherent gender roles that have existed in the past but were accentuated even through the modern mediums. As tourism is a tool for rejuvenation of industrial heritage sites it is important to note that, the need for increasing the attractiveness by consciously or unconsciously deciding which narratives should be told, marketers act as facilitators of generic ideas and impositions. When trying to simplify something as complex as a heritage, meaning can become lost in translation. The representations can become distorted, which they have in Bergslagen, according to the findings of this research. Representations can thus inform us of what is being marginalized. The understanding and interpretations of the representations can therefore become a resource in the marketing the real and genuine heritage.

Factors governing marble lightness in peripheral alteration haloes around carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb-Ag-(Cu-Au) deposits, Garpenberg, Sweden

Eriksson, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
A Master thesis about the Garpenberg deposit located in Bergslagen, a lithotectonic domain, with a mining history that might date back as far as 350 BC. Marble- and skarn-hosted sulfide deposits are found in the area, which creates the opportunity to mine both limestone and sulfidic ore in a single mine. Garpenberg is such a location hence this thesis, which aims to quantify the factors governing spectrophotometric lightness in marble at the Dammjön ore body. The work is mainly based on five drill cores which were logged and sampled. A total of twenty-seven samples were characterized using lithogeochemical analysis and thin-section analysis. The amount of Acid Insoluble Residue (AIR), magnetic minerals and the spectrophotometric lightness were determined for the same samples. The calcite marble was divided into seven different varieties; 1) calcite marble breccia, 2) light, 3) grey, 4) green, 5) banded salmon pink, 6) ophicalcite and 7) spotted calcite marble. The dolomite marble is white to grey in color and skarn minerals are common and varies between 5-20 vol.%. Grey and light calcite marble are the varieties with the highest spectrophotometric lightness, and it could be shown that the lightness increases with a decreasing amount of titanium, aluminum and zirconium which are chemical proxies for mineralogical impurities of originally volcaniclastic origin. High-quality calcite marble is a potentially economic by-product at the Garpenberg mine, the lightest samples are nearly as light as the light standard used during analysis (92.45 out of 100%). The lightest marble is also the chemically most pure which means that the calcium oxide (CaO) and total-carbon content are high. Key geological factors detrimental to lightness and purity are the primary composition, which is determined by the admixture of volcaniclastic material in the limestone precursor. Hydrothermal alteration with the addition of silicates, sulfides and oxides forms a halo around the massive sulfide lenses. Dolomite marble, which is more proximal to ore, is richer in manganese and sulfides, and not as light as the calcite marble at Dammsjön.

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