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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Espace urbain et danses contemporaines : usages de l'espace et espaces des usages / Urban space and contemporary danses : uses of space and spaces of uses

Brunaux, Hélène 10 February 2010 (has links)
La thèse s'intéresse aux interventions chorégraphiques performatives et événementielles impulsées par diverses structures, ou générées par des activités auto-organisées dans l'espace public. L'objectif est d'identifier en quoi les nouveaux usages qui se développent depuis les années quatre vingt en France, participent de la transformation progressive des espaces des usages. En effet, l'apparition de formes de sociabilités inhabituelles impulsées par une ouverture spatiale des dispositifs va progressivement enrichir leur dynamique intrinsèque, et participer à les qualifier d'" espaces intermédiaires ". Par là-même, l'étude montre comment l'imbrication de différents mondes sociaux pluralise les engagements des acteurs, et complexifie les processus de reconnaissance identitaire dans le monde de la danse. De nouveaux usages sociaux, économiques et corporels apparaissent alors à l'interface des espaces plus légitimes. Or, l'analyse des carrières envisagées à partir des différentes formes de socialisation conduit aussi à distinguer plusieurs types d'acteurs collectifs présentant des conceptions différenciées de la territorialité. C'est ainsi que les compétences développées par certains danseurs, chorégraphes et intermédiaires culturels œuvrant dans l'in situ, résultent plus que les autres d'une véritable capitalisation des expériences spatiales dynamisées par l'encastrement entre différents mondes sociaux. Ces acteurs vont alors participer à brouiller les frontières du marché du travail de la danse, puisque leurs compétences vont réfléchir sur leur socialisation professionnelle et sur leurs engagements sur les différents réseaux sociaux du monde de la danse. / This dissertation focuses on event-driven and performance, choreographic interventions; such interventions could either be created by cultural institutions or rise from self-organized activities occurring in public space. The main purpose of this work is to identify new spatial practices which have developed since the 80s in France, and how they are part of a gradual change in the broad spectrum of practices. Indeed, as art arrangements grew to become more and more spatially opened, new and unusual sociability forms appeared. These new forms fuelled the intrinsic dynamic of these new arrangements, leading them to be labelled as " in-between spaces ". It is thus revealed how actors' engagements are pluralized through the overlapping of different social worlds. These crossings between worlds add a great complexity to identity recognition processes in the dance world. New social, economic and corporeal practices appear at the interface of more legitimate spaces. However, by analyzing the careers from the different forms of socialization also leads to distinguishing between several types of collective actors which develop differentiated conceptions of territoriality. In this way, the competencies developed by certain dancers, choreographers and cultural intermediaries working in situ, are more (than others) the result of a real capitalization of spatial experiences which are invigorated by the embedment of different social worlds. These actors will then blur the limits of the dance job market, because their competencies will reflect professional socialisation and their engagements in different social networks in the world of dance.

La population de Toulon au XVIIe siècle et au début du XVIIIe siècle : recherche des prémices de la révolution démographique / .

Lachèse, Bernard 10 April 2013 (has links)
A la fin du XVIe siècle, Toulon, port de pêche et de commerce sur la Méditerranée, n’est qu’une bourgade de quelques milliers d’habitants ; Charles VIII et Henri IV le transforment en une ville tournée maintenant vers l’abri et la réparation des galères, puis, avec un rudiment d’arsenal, vers la construction navale. La ville s’agrandie pour accueillir une population nouvelle venant participer à son essor aux côtés de ses habitants. Sous Louis XIV, Vauban et Colbert dotent la ville d’un arsenal, et transforment Toulon en place-forte en l’entourant, de puissantes fortifications. Les habitants sont confrontés à des habitudes héritées du passé, et d’autres venant de l’extérieur. L’étude démographique de cette population, dans la deuxième moitié du XVIIe siècle et au début du XVIIIe, est l’occasion de proposer une approche méthodique originale, séquencée, des paramètres de la fécondité des couples, fondée sur l’étude statistique des intervalles entre deux naissances consécutives. Les résultats cités montrent une population urbaine dynamique, participant pleinement à l’essor démographique de la ville, avec une forte natalité et une fécondité relativement faible freinée par l’adoption quasi unanime de l’allaitement maternel. / At the end of the 16th century, Toulon a fishing and trading port on the Mediterranean sea is only a small town of a thousand inhabitants, Charles VIII and Henri IV have the city centered on shelter and repair of galleys, then with a rudimentary arsenal, toward the shipbuilding industry. The city grows to welcome a new population coming to participate to its rise together with its inhabitant. Under the reign of Louis XIV, Vauban and Colbert grant the city an arsenal, and transform Toulon into a stronghold by surrounding it with solid fortification. The inhabitant are used to custom coming from the past and from the outside. The demographic study of this population, in the second half of the 17th century and the biginning of the 18th, is the occasion to propose a genuine methodical approach-sequenced- of conjugal fertility’s settings, based on the statistical study of intervals between two consecutive births. The results are revealing a dynamical urban population, taking fully part in demographical rise of the city, with a strong natality and a fertility relatively low slowed down by the almost unanimos choise of the maternal breasteeding.

Représentations cartographiques intermédiaires : comment covisualiser une carte et une orthophotographie pour naviguer entre abstraction et réalisme ? / In-between cartographic representations : how to covisualize maps and orthoimages to browse abtraction and realism ?

Hoarau, Charlotte 02 July 2015 (has links)
Deux représentations du territoire sont majoritairement proposées pour être covisualisées de multiples façons (loupe, curseurs, vues asservies, etc.) : la carte topographique et l'orthophotographie. Ces deux représentations apportent une vision complémentaire du territoire : la carte topographique est l'archétype même de l'abstraction et l'orthophotographie renvoie une perception réaliste du territoire. Pour permettre à l'utilisateur de covisualiser ces deux types de représentations, nous préconisons de ne pas chercher un mélange graphique idéal mais plutôt de produire un continuum cartographique formé d'un ensemble continu de représentations intermédiaires mixant données topographiques et orthophotographie. Notre objectif est de permettre à l'utilisateur de choisir sa position entre les deux extrémités en contrôlant le degré de réalisme et d'abstraction tout au long du continuum. Notre approche se fonde sur la nécessité d'adaptation locale de la symbolisation des données topographiques pour assurer la lisibilité de chaque représentation intermédiaire, la création de transitions graphiques pour établir une continuité entre ces représentations, et la synchronisation des symbolisations visant à garantir une homogénéité visuelle de ces représentations mixtes. Nous proposons une méthode de conception reposant sur la combinaison de briques de symbolisation élémentaires. Le premier type de brique consiste à interpoler les paramètres de symbolisation de la norme SLD tels que la couleur, la transparence ou la texture (procédurale, naturelle, ou mixée) entre deux symbolisations données. Le second type de brique analyse le contexte graphique des objets à mettre en valeur afin de déterminer localement une symbolisation adaptée et lisible. Ces briques sont combinées pour chaque thème et coordonnées entre les différents thèmes. Nous émettons des préconisations de paramétrage de ces étapes de conception à partir des résultats de notre test utilisateur visant à estimer le degré de réalisme et d'abstraction des symbolisations cartographiques. Enfin, nous mettons en œuvre cette méthode de conception au sein de la plateforme de recherche GeOxygene sous la forme d'un outil permettant de naviguer dans un continuum cartographique entre réalisme et abstraction / Two representations of the territory are widely provided simultaneously to the user through interactive tools (such as magnifiers, sliders or swipes): topographic maps and orthoimages. They provide complementary visions of the territory because of abstraction steps used to design maps and the intrisic perceived photorealism power of orthoimages. Aiming at providing efficient covisualizations of these two representations to the user, we advise not to search for an ideal graphic mix, but to produce a cartographic continuum composed of in-between representations mixing topographic data and orthoimagery. Our objective is to provide interactive tools allowing to choose an intermediate step within the continuum by controling the realism and abstraction levels. Our approach is based on three principles: first, the need for local adaptation of vector data symbolisation to preserve their readability, second, the call for graphic transitions to establish a continuity through in-between cartographic representations, and third the required control over realism level in order to ensure a visual consistency of hybrid visualisations. We provide elementary symbolisation methods to be combined in a global design process. The first one aims at interpolating SLD symbolisation parameters such as color, opacity or texturing between two symbolisations. The second one aims at defining a local symbolisation depending on the graphic context of objects to be highlighted. Those symbolisations are combined for each theme and synchronized for all themes. For these design steps, we provide guidelines based on the evaluation of the realism level coming from our user test. Finally we build a prototype software allowing to test our propositions and browse in-between representations from abstraction to realism through an interactive slider

D'OEdipe à Antigone, la voix en scène chez Pierre Bartholomée dans ses oeuvres composées d'après les romans d'Henry Bauchau / From OEdipus to Antigone, the voice on stage in Pierre Bartholomée's works composed after Henry Bauchau's novels

Siffert, Elsa 18 December 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les opéras de Pierre Bartholomée composés d'après les romans d'Henry Bauchau à partir de la thématisation de la voix qu'ils proposent. Ce schème narratif, décliné tantôt sous la forme d'un chant épique, tantôt comme musique pure, est isolé pour devenir le sujet des livrets. C'est un sujet problématique car la voix révèle le ratage irréductible de la rencontre d'un texte et d'une musique. Or, depuis la fondation du genre, l'opéra a pensé leurs rapports en termes de fusion du sens et du son. Au contraire, l'étude comparative des opéras de Bartholomée, du livret à la scénographie en passant par la partition, met en évidence ce nouage en forme de déliaison. En effet, les différences repérées entre ces deux opus permettent de dégager les modes de représentation de cette rencontre toujours manquée. La musique et le texte ne s'additionnent pas pour former un objet homogène mais s'accolent le long de leur commun littoral, la voix, ce reste de la langue à laquelle on a retranché le signifié des mots. Sur le mode narratif, poétique et musical, le diptyque bauchalien de Bartholomée raconte le renoncement au leurre d'une conception de l'opéra comme lieu de la coïncidence entre un texte et une musique au profit de la reconnaissance de leur hétérogénéité. La description comparée des scénographies corrobore cette affirmation dans la mesure où l'estompe grandissante du réalisme neutralise progressivement l'illusion théâtrale. Le choix de faire des visages la pierre de touche des mises en scène successives offre ainsi un prolongement visuel à la voix. Visage et voix deviennent le paradigme d'une altérité valorisée dont Antigone est le héraut. Réclamant pour son frère et la femme qu'elle est le droit de cité, elle s'oppose à la réduction de l'autre au même / In this dissertation, Pierre Bartholomée's operas composed after Henry Bauchau's novels are studied through the theme of voice. This narrative pattern, sometimes as epic singing, sometimes as pure music, becomes the subject of the librettos. It is a problematic issue because the voice reveals the missed encounter between text and music. &et, since the foundation of the genre, opera has described their relations as a melting of meaning and sound. But a comparative study of Bartholomée's operas, from the libretto to the stage design including the score, underlines a de-linkage. Indeed, the differences between the two opuses allow to highlight how this disconnection is represented. The reunion of music and text don't mount up to a homogeneous object. Theyjoin and share a border, the voice, which remains after the removal of the meaning from the language. The diptych tells the forsaking of the irrelevant conception of the opera as a coïncidence between text and music in favour of its heterogeneous nature. Comparative descriptions of the stagings reinforce this idea. In fact, realism fades gradually out and neutralises the theatrical illusion. Faces are the core of the stagecrafts and provide a visible extension of the voice. Thus, face and voice are the epitom of a positive alterity which is embodied by Antigone. She begs for her brother and herself as a woman the right to be part of the city-state. In other words, she sets against the incorporation of the otherinto the same.

Omyl v občanském právu / Mistake in civil law

Altmanová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to point out difficulties in interpretation of the civil code provisions (the act No. 89/2012 Coll.) regulating mistake as a form of vitiated consent and outline solutions to them on the basis of appropriate interpretation methods. The thesis applies to the legislation of mistake in relation to contracts in general as provided in the civil code, s. 583 - 585 and analyzes the legal consequences made by mistake. The keyword - mistake - is defined in the text in two ways - firstly as discrepancy between the genuine will of the acting person and manifestation of the will, secondly as a defect of the will. The study is primarily focused on the latter case. The text analyzes thoroughly conditions which must be satisfied so that so-called substantial mistake affects legal consequences. These conditions include determining circumstance, mistake caused by the second party and excusability of mistake. A separated chapter is devoted to mistake caused by fraud which is a special type of mistake because of its graveness, and therefore the act provides requirements which are different from those leading to the substantial mistake. The next chapter focuses on mistake caused by the third person. At the end of the work, legal consequences of mistake are illustrated - the right to avoid a...

Alueiden työllisyyden rakenne ja kehitys tavarantuotannon ja palvelujen vuorovaikutuksessa

Ainali, S. (Saara) 07 June 2011 (has links)
Abstract This study analyses the significance of goods production and services to regional employment. As a part of this study, a regional input-output model has been created in which the employment of different industries is determined by their own and each others’ final demand, the productivity of the labour input and the production-income-consumption dependencies of the industries. In the empirical results attention is mainly paid on the changes to the employment structure in 2002 and the subsequent five-year period. Four Finnish provinces were represented in this study: Northern Ostrobothnia, Kainuu, Lapland and Uusimaa. The specialisation of the regions causes differences both in the structure and the development of their employment. Of the regions, focus has been primarily on Northern Ostrobothnia, which has specialised strongly in the manufacture of electronic products during the last two decades. In Kainuu and Lapland, the main industries are primary production, basic manufacturing industries and public services. In Uusimaa, where private services are concentrated, the production basis is clearly different from the northern provinces. In all four regions, exports and public consumption have together maintained approximately 80 per cent of the employment in 2002. In Northern Ostrobothnia, exports of electronic products are significant to employment in the service industry as well. The significance of public consumption is greatest in Kainuu and Lapland. In Uusimaa, private services play a central part in employment. A total of one-fifth of the employment in all these regions is maintained by gross capital formation and the exogenous consumption of private households. The income basis of this consumption consists of pensions, unemployment benefits and other transfers of income, the significance of which is greatest in small provinces. Final demand is a central factor in the future development of employment, so its regional prospects should be taken into consideration in the economic policy. In strong, export-oriented regions, background support for companies and counter-cyclical measures might be sufficient. In small and peripheral provinces, continuous and extensive activity is needed for maintaining sufficient demand. The common goal should be to reinforce the production and income basis of the region. / Tiivistelmä Tässä tutkimuksessa analysoidaan tavarantuotannon ja palvelujen merkitystä alueiden työllisyydessä. Osana tutkimusta on laadittu alueellinen panos-tuotosmalli, jossa toimialojen työllisyys määräytyy niiden omasta ja toistensa loppukysynnästä, työn tuottavuudesta sekä toimialojen tuotanto-, tulo- ja kulutusriippuvuuksista. Empiirisissä tuloksissa päähuomio on alueiden työllisyyden vuoden 2002 rakenteessa ja sen jälkeisellä viisivuotiskaudella tapahtuneissa muutoksissa. Tutkimuksessa on edustettuna neljä Suomen maakuntaa: Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Kainuu, Lappi ja Uusimaa. Alueiden erikoistuminen aiheuttaa eroja sekä niiden työllisyyden rakenteeseen että kehitykseen. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa on paneuduttu yksityiskohtaisimmin Pohjois-Pohjanmaahan, joka on kahden viime vuosikymmenen kuluessa erikoistunut vahvasti sähkötekniseen teollisuuteen. Kainuussa ja Lapissa keskeisiä toimialoja ovat alkutuotanto, perusteollisuus ja yhteiskunnalliset palvelut. Uusimaa valtakunnallisena palvelukeskittymänä poikkeaa tuotantoperustaltaan selvästi pohjoisista maakunnista. Kaikilla neljällä alueella vienti ja julkinen kulutus yhdessä ovat ylläpitäneet noin 80 prosenttia työllisyydestä vuonna 2002. Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla sähköteknisen teollisuuden viennillä on tärkeä asema myös palvelujen työllisyydessä. Julkisen kulutuksen merkitys on suurin Kainuussa ja Lapissa. Uudellamaalla keskeinen asema työllisyydessä on yksityisillä palveluilla. Kaikkien alueiden työllisyydestä yhteensä viidenneksen turvaavat pääoman bruttomuodostus sekä kotitalouksien eksogeeninen kulutus. Tämän, alueiden tuotannosta riippumattoman kulutuksen tuloperustaa ovat eläkkeet, työttömyyskorvaukset ja muut tulonsiirrot, joilla on suurin merkitys pienissä maakunnissa. Loppukysyntä on keskeinen taustavaikuttaja työllisyyden tulevassa kehityksessä, joten sen alueelliset kehitysnäkymät tulisi ottaa talouspolitiikassa huomioon. Vahvoilla, vientiin suuntautuneilla alueilla taustatuki yrityksille ja suhdannepolitiikka saattavat riittää. Sen sijaan pienissä ja perifeerisissä maakunnissa riittävän kysynnän ylläpitäminen edellyttää pysyvää ja laaja-alaista vaikuttamista. Sen yhteisenä pyrkimyksenä tulee olla alueen tuotanto- ja tuloperustan vahvistaminen.

Kasvatustieteen teoria–käytäntö-suhde:teoreetikoiden ja praktikoiden vuoropuhelua

Peltonen, J. (Jouni) 10 November 2009 (has links)
Abstract This study examines the relationship between theory and practice in the science of education. In the first part of the study, theorists’ views about the relationship are examined in three continental orientations of pedagogy or science of education: hermeneutic-humanistic pedagogy (geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik), empirical-analytic science of education and critical pedagogy. In the context of empirical-analytic orientation, the science of education takes the shape of a technical discipline allowing practitioners of education to make diagnoses, prognoses, and technical prognoses. However, in reality the practical application of empirical-analytic knowledge about education is a highly complex and demanding enterprise. In hermeneutic-humanistic pedagogy and critical pedagogy, the relationship between theory and practice is more clearly structured according to the notion of practical or moral science. For pedagogy or science of education, it is not sufficient to merely describe or interpret phenomena of education and their socio-historical context. Education must also have orientation, and educational theories are to serve possible or future practice. In the second part of the study, drawing from the interviews of practitioners from various fields of education, five practitioner’s views about the relationship between theory and practice in education are reconstructed. According to the first view, the source of the problems concerning the relationship between theory and practice in education lies in the questionable scientific status of the science of education and educational theories. The core of the second practitioner’s view is that the problems encountered when applying educational theories to practice stem from the failure of the science of education to acknowledge the pedagogical difference between educational theory and practice. The third practitioner’s view holds that in order to act in the practice of education, the practitioner must focus reflection on the task at hand. The fourth practitioner’s view reconstructed in this study is a notion about the unrealistic and unempirical character of educational theories: instead of describing what really happens in the practice of education, educational theories often outline the actions of ideal educators and subjects of education. According to the fifth practitioner’s view, the practitioner must function as the personal and individual element bridging the gap between theory and practice. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kasvatustieteen teoria–käytäntö-suhdetta. Työn alkuosassa eritellään teoria–käytäntö-suhdetta koskevia teoreetikkojen näkemyksiä henkitieteellisessä pedagogiikassa, empiiris-analyyttisessa kasvatustieteessä ja kriittisessä kasvatustieteessä. Empiiris-analyyttisesta kasvatustieteestä on muodostunut teknologinen tiede, jonka avulla käytännön kasvattajien on periaatteessa mahdollista diagnosoida, prognosoida ja teknisesti prognosoida. Empiiris-analyyttisen kasvatusta koskevan tiedon soveltaminen käytäntöön on kuitenkin todellisuudessa huomattavan monimutkaista. Henkitieteellisessä pedagogiikassa ja kriittisessä kasvatustieteessä teoria–käytäntö-suhde on rakentunut edellistä selvemmin praktisen tieteen mallin mukaiseksi. Kasvatustieteen tai tieteellisen pedagogiikan osalta ei tällöin riitä, että tutkimuskohteena olevaa toimintaa ja sen yhteiskunnallis-historiallista kontekstia vain kuvataan tai tulkitaan. Pedagogista toimintaa on myös orientoitava, ja teorioiden on palveltava mahdollista tai tulevaa inhimillistä käytäntöä. Tutkimuksen loppuosassa rekonstruoidaan kasvatuksen eri alueilla toimivilta kerätyn empiirisen haastatteluaineiston perusteella viisi praktikon näkemystä kasvatustieteen teoria–käytäntö-suhteesta. Ensimmäisen näkemyksen mukaan kasvatustieteen teoria–käytäntö-suhteen ongelmien alkulähteenä on kyseenalainen tieteellinen status. Toisessa näkemyksessä teoria–käytäntö-suhteen ongelmat seuraavat kasvatustieteen epäonnistumisesta paikanmäärityksessään pedagogisen differenssin suhteen. Kolmannen näkemyksen yhteydessä esitetään ajatus siitä, että jotta pedagoginen toiminta käytännössä olisi mahdollista, on reflektio välttämättä tarkennettava käytännön toiminnassa käsillä olevaan kohteeseen. Neljäs praktikon näkemys on ajattelutapa, jonka mukaan kasvatustieteelliset teoriat ovat epärealistisia ja epäempiirisiä: ne kuvaavat reaalisen sijaan idealisoidun kasvattajan ja idealisoitujen kasvatettavien toimintaa. Viides praktikon näkemys kiteytyy ajatukseen siitä, että praktikko itse on teoriaa ja käytäntöä välittävä persoonallinen ja yksilöllinen silta.

INPRINT local fashion house - celebrating the parallels between interior architecture and fashion

Papaspyrou, Kyriaki 09 November 2013 (has links)
INPRINT is a local fashion house , involved with the adaptive re-use of the Saxon Building in the Pretoria CBD. The design attempts to: -Celebrate the relationship between past and present, new and old within architecture and the fashion industry. -Showcase the relationship between fashion retail and the craft of garment production. -Redefine the relationship between interior architecture and fashion. -Provide a platform to encourage and exhibit local fashion design and production. The reinfusion of energy into the interior space of the Saxon Building along Church Street gives the interior and the building as a whole its significance as currently it is insufficiently used and has no reference to the sites historical significance. Reprogramming and designing of this space also contributes to the current Tshwane urban renewal project of the surrounding area. This project was initiated due to a fascination between the role that interior environments and clothing have on an individual, as well as the dramatic change in fashion retail since the 1800’s. Through the introduction of a multi use program, the original function of the building, a retail store, becomes more accessible to a variety of users and the general public within and around the CBD. The interior as a whole becomes a network of interactive spaces encouraging personal relationships and social interaction, thus engaging the public with the craft of fashion. The existing character has been reinterpreted allowing the Saxon Building to regain its former identity and significance. This investigation supports the idea that spaces, as with clothing, contributes to the identity of the users, the South African garment industry and the greater context. / Dissertation MInt(Prof)--University of Pretoria, 2014 / Architecture / MInt(Prof) / Unrestricted

La coordination entre les agents économiques : risque ou confiance : le cas de la sous-traitance textile au Maroc / The coordination relationship between economics agents : risk or trust : the case of subcontracting in the textile and clothing industry in Morocco

Khallaf, Nezha 12 May 2009 (has links)
L’objet de la thèse est d’analyser la forme de coordination entre les agents économiques dans un environnement évolutif, incertain et complexe. Cette recherche est consacrée à l’étude des interactions entre l’organisation de la production, la logique relationnelle et la dynamique spatiale à travers la recherche de la flexibilité. Cette nouvelle orientation modifie les relations industrielles vers des rapports de coordination plus enrichis et des stratégies plus innovantes. Au niveau théorique, les différentes contributions provenant de différents courants de pensée (économie, gestion, sociologie, géographie industrielle) révèlent la diversité des comportements des agents, ce qui explique la pluralité de la forme de coordination. Le rapprochement entre les différentes approches théoriques (Nouvelle Economie Institutionnelle, l’économie des conventions, la sociologie économique et l’approche évolutionniste) apparaît indispensable pour une meilleure compréhension de la nature de relation entre les agents et le mode de management des risques dans le temps et l'espace. Les apports de ces approches prennent en considération les interactions formelles et informelles qui caractérisent la relation de coordination. L’application de cette grille de lecture théorique à la relation de sous-traitance dans le secteur textile–habillement marocain, constitue l’objet de l’étude empirique. La confrontation entre l’analyse théorique et le travail de terrain permet de tester la pertinence du modèle conceptuel et les hypothèses de départ / The object of this thesis is to analyze the form of coordination between the economic agents in an evolutionary, uncertain and complex environment. This research is dedicated to the study of interactions between production organization of the production, the relational logic and spatial dynamics in the search for flexibility. This new orientation modifies industrial relations into more enriched coordination relations and more innovative strategies. At the theoretical level, the various contributions resulting from various schools of thought (economy, management, sociology, industrial geography) reveal the variety of the behavior of the agents, which explains the plurality of the form of coordination. The connection between the various theoretical approaches (New Institutional Economy, economy of agreements, economic sociology and the evolutionist approach) seems indispensable for a better understanding of the nature of relations between the agents and the mode of management of risks in time and space. The contributions of these approaches take into consideration the formal and informal interactions which characterize the relation of coordination. The use of this theoretical reading grid in the subcontracting relation in the Moroccan textile and clothing industry constitutes the object of the empirical study. The confrontation between the theoretical analysis and the field work allows us to test the relevance of the abstract model and the hypotheses of departure

An investigation into the knowledge and practice of undergraduate nursing students regarding universal precautions and their fear of occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens

Van der Berg, Lindy Sheryldene January 2009 (has links)
Magister Curationis - MCur / Background: Health care workers, more specifically, nursing students are at increased risk of occupational injury and exposure to blood borne pathogens. Compliance with universal precautions (UP) will minimise risk or transmission of HIV and HBV (Hepatitis B virus) according to the Department of Health of South Africa. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge and practice of universal precautions amongst nursing students and their fear of occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens. Rationale: The rationale for the study was to investigate what the studentss knowledge and practice of UP were, to see if this could be a possible contributing factor to occupational exposure. Research design: The study was a quantitative, cross sectional survey using a questionnaire that included one open ended question. Participants: The participants for the study were the undergraduate nursing students in year levels two to four (n = 253) who and were selected by means of stratified random sampling. Procedures: A questionnaire was administered to the participants by the researcher. Analysis of the data collected was done through statistical package for social sciences (SPSS 16.0) and content analysis. Results: The researcher established that there is indeed a lack of knowledge regarding UP and that the students’ self reported practice of UP is poor. No statistically significant correlation between knowledge and practice of UP were found. There is underreporting of occupational exposures to staff at the School of Nursing. The majority of students reported a moderate to severe fear for occupational exposures and contributing factors raised by them are reality in the clinical facilities. / South Africa

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