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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perivascular Drug Delivery Systems for the Inhibition of Intimal Hyperplasia

Kanjickal, Deenu George January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Eine in-vitro-Untersuchung der Biokompatibilität von beschichteten und unbeschichteten Drähten gegenüber humanen Gingivaepithelzellen und Fibroblasten

Schäfer, Sandra 04 June 2024 (has links)
Die Behandlung von Dysgnathien ist das Kerngebiet der Kieferorthopädie. Neben der schonenden Korrektur der Zahnfehlstellung legen Patienten im Jugend- und Erwachsenenalter zunehmend Wert auf die Optik der Apparatur. Die Entwicklung ästhetischer Brackets und Bögen strebt auf, muss aber nach aktuellem Medizinproduktegesetz vor dem kommerziellen Einsatz in vitro und in vivo einer Biokompatibilitätsprüfung unterzogen werden. Ziel der vorliegenden Promotion war es, die Biokompatibilität ästhetischer Bögen an primären gingivalen Keratinozyten (HGK) sowie primären gingivalen Fibroblasten (HGF) humanen Ursprungs zu untersuchen. Damit sollte sich die Arbeit von bisher veröffentlichten in-vitro-Studien mit L929-Zellen abheben. Die Zelllinien wurden mit den jeweiligen beschichteten und unbeschichteten Drähten verschiedener Hersteller 11 Tage inkubiert und anschließend die Zellproliferation und die Zytotoxizität analysiert. Zusätzlich wurde eine drahtlose Vergleichslinie und eine Gruppe primärer Gingivafibroblasten 3 Tage als Kurzzeitstudie untersucht. Für die Quantifizierung der vitalen und avitalen Zellen wurde der Cytotox-Glo™-Assay verwendet. Lichtmikroskopische Untersuchungen sollten sicherstellen, dass eine gesunde Zellmorphologie vorliegt und die Zellen eine gute Adhäsion zur Probe aufweisen. Sowohl bei den Keratinozyten als auch bei den Fibroblasten traten signifikante Steigerungen der Zytotoxizität und der Zellproliferation häufig sowohl beim verblendeten als auch beim unverblendeten Probendraht eines Herstellers auf, unabhängig mit welchem Material verblendet wurde. Eine gesteigerte Zytotoxiztiät bei gleichbleibender Zellproliferation im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe spricht für einen negativen Einfluss der Drahtprobe auf die Biokompatibilität. Dieses Ergebnis fand sich bei den HGK bei den sowohl verblendeten als auch unverblendeten Drähten von zwei Herstellern (WCO, TPO). Auch bei den Fibroblasten fielen die Drähte von WCO sowie TPO mit einer gesteigerten Zytotoxizität und sogar signifikant niedrigerer Zellproliferation nach 3 Tagen Inkubation auf, was sich nach 11 Tagen allerdings änderte. Ab da waren die Zytotoxiztität und die Zellproliferation gesteigert. Eine erhöhte Zytotoxizität bei gleichbleibender Zellproliferation zeigten die Hersteller Forestadent, Ortho-Technology und Dentalline nach 3 Tagen; Dentalline mit seinen verblendeten Drähten auch bis nach 11 Tagen Inkubation. Hieraus kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass die Kunststoffverblendung von Dentalline sowohl kurz- als auch längerfristig einen negativen Einfluss auf die Fibroblasten hat. Positiv fiel hingegen der Hersteller GC-Orthodontics mit seinem rhodinierten sowie unverblendeten Draht auf. Sowohl die HGK als auch die HGF zeigten eine gute Biokompatibilität. Qualitativ zeigte sich bei den Keratinozyten im Lichtmikroskop ein mehr oder weniger dichter Zellrasen an allen Drahtproben. Es gab nur wenige Unterschiede bezüglich der Hersteller oder der Art der Verblendung. Bei den Fibroblasten zeigten sich klarere Unterschiede, welche sich teilweise mit den quantitativen Ergebnissen deckten. Bei den beschichteten Drähten von American-Orthodontics, Teledenta, Ortho-Technology und Dentalline fand sich kein konfluenter Zellrasen, ebenso beim unverblendeten NiTi-Draht von Ortho-Technology sowie World-Class-Orthodontics. Ein dichter Zellrasen konnte hingegen an beiden Drähten des Herstellers GCOrthodontics detecktiert werden. Aus den Ergebnissen kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass alle Verblendmaterialien biokompatibel sind. Bei der Wahl des zu verwendenden Bogens können sowohl Epoxyresin-, Teflonals auch andere Kunststoffbeschichtungen empfohlen werden. Dagegen werden die herstellerspezifischen Unterschiede bezüglich der Biokompatibilität deutlich. Als Grund kann das herstellereigene Nickel-Titan-Grundgerüst vermutet werden. Die Zellen kamen damit sowohl bei den unbeschichteten als auch bei den beschichteten Drähten in Berührung, da die meißten Drähte nur einseitig beschichtet waren.:Abbildungsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1.1 Ästhetik in der Kieferorthopädie 1.2 Beschichtungsmaterialien ästhetischer Bögen 1.2.1 Rhodium 1.2.2 Kunststoffbeschichtungen Polytetrafluorethylen Epoxyresin 1.3 Untersuchung der Bioverträglichkeit 1.4 Zielstellung der Studie 2 Material und Methode 2.1 Material 2.1.1 Vorbereitende Maßnahmen und allgemeine Ergänzungen Chemikalien und Gase Medium und Puffer Fertigsysteme Geräte und Hilfsmittel Verbrauchsmaterial 2.1.2 Kieferorthopädische Drähte 2.1.3 Zelltypen 2.2 Methode 2.2.1 Versuchsvorbereitung 2.2.2 Auszählen der Zellen 2.2.3 Aufbereitung der Zellen nach der Inkubation 2.2.4 Statistische Auswertung der ermittelten Zellzahlen 3 Ergebnisse 3.1 Zytotoxizitätsrate 3.1.1 Zytotoxizitätsrate der primären Gingivaepithelzellen nach 11 Tagen Inkubation 3.1.2 Zytotoxizitätsrate der primären Gingivafibroblasten nach 3 Tagen Inkubation 3.1.3 Zytotoxizitätsrate der primären Gingivafibroblasten nach 11 Tagen Inkubation 3.2 Proliferationsrate 3.2.1 Proliferationsrate der primären Gingivaepithelzellen nach 11 Tagen Inkubation 3.2.2 Proliferationsrate der primären Gingivafibroblasten nach 3 Tagen Inkubation 3.2.3 Proliferationsrate der primären Gingivafibroblasten nach 11 Tagen Inkubation 3.3 Qualitative Beurteilung der Zelladhärenz an allen untersuchten Bögen nach 11 Tagen mittels Lichtmikroskop 3.3.1 Zelladhärenz der primären Gingivaepithelzellen 3.3.2 Zelladhärenz der primären Gingivafibroblasten 4 Diskussion 5 Zusammenfassung Literaturverzeichnis Anlage 1: Erklärungen zur Eröffnung des Promotionsverfahrens Anlage 2: Bestätigung über Einhaltung der aktuellen gesetzlichen Vorgaben

Supramolecular chemistry enables vat photopolymerization 3D printing of novel water-soluble tablets

Ong, J.J., Chow, Y.L., Gaisford, S., Cook, M.T., Swift, Thomas, Telford, Richard, Rimmer, Stephen, Qin, Y., Mai, Y., Goyanes, A., Basit, A.W. 12 December 2023 (has links)
Yes / Vat photopolymerization has garnered interest from pharmaceutical researchers for the fabrication of personalised medicines, especially for drugs that require high precision dosing or are heat labile. However, the 3D printed structures created thus far have been insoluble, limiting printable dosage forms to sustained-release systems or drug-eluting medical devices which do not require dissolution of the printed matrix. Resins that produce water-soluble structures will enable more versatile drug release profiles and expand potential applications. To achieve this, instead of employing cross-linking chemistry to fabricate matrices, supramolecular chemistry may be used to impart dynamic interaction between polymer chains. In this study, water-soluble drug-loaded printlets (3D printed tablets) are fabricated via digital light processing (DLP) 3DP for the first time. Six formulations with varying ratios of an electrolyte acrylate …

Development of Novel Biomimetic Electroactive Environments with Bioactive Molecules for Musculoskeletal Regeneration

Aparicio Collado, José Luis 20 July 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El sistema musculoesquelético tiene una capacidad de regeneración limitada. Las pérdidas importantes de tejido no se pueden regenerar, lo que provoca necrosis y deterioro funcional. Los tratamientos tradicionales basados en implantes o trasplantes no han demostrado ser del todo exitosos, con múltiples efectos secundarios como inmunogenicidad o rechazos. Por ello, es muy importante desarrollar nuevas alternativas para tratar la degeneración muscular. La ingeniería tisular combina biomateriales, células y agentes bioactivos para desarrollar constructos biológicos biocompatibles donde las células encuentran un entorno que imita sus condiciones in vivo para crecer, proliferar y diferenciarse en tejido muscular y restaurar su funcionalidad. Los biomateriales conductores son de particular interés en tejidos electro-sensibles como es el caso del sistema musculoesquelético. Se ha demostrado que los polímeros conductores (polipirrol, polianilina, etc.), los materiales de carbono (grafeno, óxido de grafeno reducido, etc.) y los nanomateriales metálicos mejoran la diferenciación muscular, incluso sin estimulación eléctrica externa. Además, diferentes moléculas bioactivas como factores de crecimiento (FGF-2, IGF-1, etc.) o iones inorgánicos "terapéuticos" (zinc, magnesio, etc.) son alternativas para potenciar la diferenciación celular en diferentes tejidos. Por lo tanto, la combinación de biomateriales conductores y moléculas bioactivas para mejorar la regeneración muscular representa una gran oportunidad en la ingeniería de tejidos musculares. El objetivo de este proyecto de tesis es desarrollar y caracterizar nuevos biomateriales electroactivos con diferentes composiciones, estructuras y propiedades y evaluar su potencial para tratar la regeneración musculoesquelética, así como la combinación de estos biomateriales electroactivos con iones inorgánicos buscando descubrir nuevas sinergias biomateriales conductores-iones terapéuticos en términos de diferenciación muscular. ¿ / [CA] El sistema musculoesquelètic té una capacitat de regeneració limitada. Les pèrdues importants de teixit no es poden regenerar, cosa que provoca necrosi i deteriorament de la funcionalitat. Els tractaments tradicionals basats en implants o trasplantaments no han demostrat ser del tot exitosos, amb múltiples efectes secundaris com ara immunogenicitat o rebutjos. Per això, és molt important desenvolupar noves alternatives per tractar la degeneració muscular. L'enginyeria tissular combina biomaterials, cèl·lules i agents bioactius per desenvolupar constructes biològics biocompatibles on les cèl·lules troben un entorn que imita les seves condicions in vivo per créixer, proliferar i diferenciar-se en teixit muscular i restaurar-ne la funcionalitat. Els biomaterials conductors són de particular interès en teixits electrosensibles com és el cas del sistema musculoesquelètic. S'ha demostrat que els polímers conductors (polipirrol, polianilina, etc.), els materials de carboni (grafè, òxid de grafè reduït, etc.) i els nanomaterials metàl·lics milloren la diferenciació muscular, fins i tot sense estimulació elèctrica externa. A més, diferents molècules bioactives com a factors de creixement (FGF-2, IGF-1, etc.) o ions inorgànics "terapèutics" (zinc, magnesi, etc.) són alternatives per potenciar la diferenciació cel·lular en diferents teixits. Per tant, la combinació de biomaterials conductors i molècules bioactives per millorar la regeneració muscular representa una gran oportunitat a l'enginyeria de teixits musculars. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte de tesi és desenvolupar i caracteritzar nous biomaterials electroactius amb diferents composicions, estructures i propietats i avaluar-ne el potencial per tractar la regeneració musculoesquelètica, així com la combinació d'aquests biomaterials electroactius amb ions inorgànics buscant descobrir noves sinergies biomaterials conductors-ions terapèutics en termes de diferenciació muscular. / [EN] The musculoskeletal system can self-regenerate in a limited way. Major tissue losses cannot be regenerated, resulting in necrosis and functional impairment. Traditional treatments based on implants or transplants have not proven to be completely successful, with multiple side effects such as immunogenicity or rejections. Therefore, it is very important to develop new alternatives to treat muscle degeneration. Tissue engineering combines biomaterials, cells and bioactive agents to develop biological and biocompatible constructs where cells find an in vivo likely environment to grow, proliferate and differentiate into muscle tissue and restore its functionality. Conductive biomaterials are of particular interest in electrosensitive tissues such as the musculoskeletal system. Conductive polymers (polypyrrole, polyaniline, etc.), carbon materials (graphene, reduced graphene oxide, etc.) and metal nanomaterials have proved to enhance cell differentiation, even without external electrical stimulation. Moreover, different bioactive molecules such as growth factors (FGF-2, IGF-1, etc.) or inorganic "therapeutic" ions (zinc, magnesium, etc.) are alternatives to enhance cell differentiation into different tissues. Therefore, the combination of conductive biomaterials and bioactive molecules to enhance muscle regeneration represents an exciting opportunity in muscle tissue engineering. This thesis project aims to develop and characterize novel electroactive biomaterials with different compositions, structures and properties and evaluate their potential to treat musculoskeletal regeneration, as well as its combination with inorganic ions looking forward to discovering new conductive biomaterial-therapeutic ions synergies in terms of muscle differentiation. / Gracias a la financiación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, a la Agencia Estatal de Investigación y a los fondos FEDER por la financiación del proyecto RTI2018- 097862-B-C21 que ha permitido llevar a cabo esta tesis doctoral. / Aparicio Collado, JL. (2023). Development of Novel Biomimetic Electroactive Environments with Bioactive Molecules for Musculoskeletal Regeneration [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/195233 / Compendio

The design of novel nano-sized polyanion-polycation complexes for oral protein delivery

Khan, Ambreen Ayaz January 2014 (has links)
Introduction Oral delivery of proteins faces numerous challenges due to their enzymatic susceptibility and instability in the gastrointestinal tract. In recent years, the polyelectrolyte complexes have been explored for their ability to complex protein and protect them against chemical and enzymatic degradation. However, most of the conventional binary polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) are formed by polycations which are associated with toxicity and non-specific bio-interactions. The aim of this thesis was to prepare a series of ternary polyelectrolyte complexes (APECs) by introduction of a polyanion in the binary complexes to alleviate the aforementioned limitations. Method Eight non-insulin loaded ternary complexes (NIL APECs) were spontaneously formed upon mixing a polycation [polyallylamine (PAH), palmitoyl grafted-PAH (Pa2.5), dimethylamino-1-naphthalenesulfonyl grafted-PAH (Da10) or quaternised palmitoyl-PAH (QPa2.5)] with a polyanion [dextran sulphate (DS) or polyacrylic acid (PAA)] at 2:1 ratio, in the presence of ZnSO4 (4μM). A model protein i.e., insulin was added to a polycation, prior to addition of a polyanion and ZnSO4 to form eight insulin loaded (IL) APECs. PECs were used as a control to compare APECs. The complexes were characterised by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). In vitro stability of the complexes was investigated at pH (1.2-7.4), temperature (25˚C, 37˚C and 45˚C) and ionic strength (NaCl-68mM, 103mM and 145mM). Insulin complexation efficiency was assessed by using bovine insulin ELISA assay kit. The in vitro cytotoxicity was investigated on CaCo2 and J774 cells by MTT (3-4,5 dimethyl thialzol2,5 diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) assay. All complexes were evaluated for their haemocompatibility by using haemolysis assay, oxidative stress by reactive oxygen species (ROS) assay and immunotoxicity by in vitro and in vivo cytokine generation assay. The potential of the uptake of complexes across CaCo2 cells was determined by flow cytometry and fluorescent microscopy. The underlying mechanism of transport of complexes was determined by TEER measurement, assessment of FITC-Dextran and insulin transport across CaCo2 cells. 15 Results NIL QPa2.5 APECs (except IL QPa2.5-DS) exhibited larger hydrodynamic sizes (228-468nm) than all other APECs, due to the presence of bulky quaternary ammonium moieties. QPa2.5 APECs exhibited lower insulin association efficiency (≤40%) than other APECs (≥55%) due to a competition between the polyanion and insulin for QPa2.5 leading to reduced association of insulin in the complexes. DS based APECs generally offered higher insulin association efficiency (≥75%) than PAA based APECs (≤55%) due to higher molecular weight (6-10kDa) of DS. In comparison to other complexes, Pa2.5 PECs and APECs were more stable at varying temperature, ionic strength and pH due to the presence of long palmitoyl alkyl chain (C16) which reduced the chain flexibility and provided stronger hydrophobic association. The cytotoxicity of polycations on CaCo2 and J774 cells is rated as PAH>Da10=Pa2.5>QPa2.5. The introduction of PAA in Pa2.5 and Da10 brought most significant improvement in IC50 i.e., 14 fold and 16 fold respectively on CaCo2 cells; 9.3 fold and 3.73 fold respectively on J774 cells. In comparison to other complexes, Da10 (8mgml-1) induced higher haemolytic activity (~37%) due to a higher hydrophobic load of 10 percent mole grafting of dansyl pendants. The entire range of APECs displayed ≤12% ROS generation by the CaCo2 cells. The degree of in vitro TNFα production (QPa2.5≥Da10≥Pa2.5=PAH) and in vitro IL-6 generation (QPa2.5≥Pa2.5=PAH≥Da10) by J774 cells established an inverse relationship of cytotoxicity with the cytokine generation. Similar to MTT data, the introduction of PAA in APECs brought more significant reduction in in vitro cytokine secretion than DS based APECs. Pa2.5-PAA brought the most significant reduction in both in vitro and in vivo cytokine generation. All the formulations were able to significantly reduce original TEER, however did not demonstrate appreciable paracellular permeation of a hydrophilic macromolecular tracer of paracellular transport i.e., FITC Dextran. The uptake study revealed internalisation of APECs predominantly by a transcellular route. Transcellular uptake of IL QPa2.5 (≤73%), IL QPa2.5-DS (67%) was higher than their NIL counterparts, whereas the uptake of NIL Pa2.5 (≤89%), NIL Pa2.5-PAA (42%) was higher than their IL counterparts. Conclusion In essence, amphiphilic APECs have shown polyanion dependent ability to reduce polycation associated toxicity and they are able to facilitate transcellular uptake of insulin across CaCo2 cells.

Synthesis and characterization of main-chain bile acid-based degradable polymers

Zhang, Jie 07 1900 (has links)
Les acides biliaires sont des composés naturels existants dans le corps humain. Leur biocompatibilité, leur caractère amphiphile et la rigidité de leur noyau stéroïdien, ainsi que l’excellent contrôle de leurs modifications chimiques, en font de remarquables candidats pour la préparation de matériaux biodégradables pour le relargage de médicaments et l'ingénierie tissulaire. Nous avons préparé une variété de polymères à base d’acides biliaires ayant de hautes masses molaires. Des monomères macrocycliques ont été synthétisés à partir de diènes composés de chaînes alkyles flexibles attachées à un noyau d'acide biliaire via des liens esters ou amides. Ces synthèses ont été réalisées par la fermeture de cycle par métathèse, utilisant le catalyseur de Grubbs de première génération. Les macrocycles obtenus ont ensuite été polymérisés par ouverture de cycle, entropiquement induite le catalyseur de Grubbs de seconde génération. Des copolymères ont également été préparés à partir de monolactones d'acide ricinoléique et de monomères cycliques de triester d’acide cholique via la même méthode. Les propriétés thermiques et mécaniques et la dégradabilité de ces polymères ont été étudiées. Elles peuvent être modulées en modifiant les différents groupes fonctionnels décorant l’acide biliaire et en ayant recours à la copolymérisation. La variation des caractéristiques physiques de ces polymères biocompatibles permet de moduler d’autres propriétés utiles, tel que l’effet de mémoire de forme qui est important pour des applications biomédicales. / Bile acids are natural compounds in the body. Their biocompatibility, facial amphiphilicity, rigidity of steroid nucleus, and ease of chemical modification make them excellent candidates as building blocks for making biodegradable materials used in drug delivery and tissue engineering applications. We have prepared main-chain bile acid-based polymers having high molecular weights. Macrocyclic monomers were synthesized from dienes, which consist of flexible alkyl chains attached to a bile acid core through either ester or amide linkages, via ring closing metathesis using first-generation Grubbs catalyst. They were polymerized using entropy-driven ring-opening metathesis polymerization using second-generation Grubbs catalyst. Copolymers were also prepared from monolactone of ricinoleic acid and cholic acid-based cyclic triester monomer via the same method. The thermal and mechanical properties and degradation behaviours of these polymers have been investigated. The properties can be tuned by varying the chemical linking with the bile acid moiety and by varying the chemical composition of the polymers such as copolymerization with ricinoleic acid lactones. The tunability of the physical properties of these biocompatible polymers gives access to a range of interesting attributes. For example, shape memory properties have been observed in some samples. This may prove useful in the design of materials for biomedical applications.

Conception, synthèse et caractérisation de nouvelles macromolécules branchées biocompatibles pour encapsuler des principes actifs hydrophobes

Elkin, Igor 08 1900 (has links)
La vectorisation des médicaments est une approche très prometteuse tant sur le plan médical qu’économique pour la livraison des substances actives ayant une faible biodisponibilité. Dans ce contexte, les polymères en étoile et les dendrimères, macromolécules symétriques et branchées, semblent être les solutions de vectorisation les plus attrayantes. En effet, ces structures peuvent combiner efficacement une stabilité élevée dans les milieux biologiques à une capacité d’encapsulation des principes actifs. Grâce à leur architecture bien définie, ils permettent d’atteindre un très haut niveau de reproductibilité de résultats, tout en évitant le problème de polydispersité. Bien que des nombreuses structures dendritiques aient été proposées ces dernières années, il est cependant à noter que la conception de nouveaux nanovecteurs dendritiques efficaces est toujours d’actualité. Ceci s’explique par des nombreuses raisons telles que celles liées à la biocompatibilité, l’efficacité d’encapsulation des agents thérapeutiques, ainsi que par des raisons économiques. Dans ce projet, de nouvelles macromolécules branchées biocompatibles ont été conçues, synthétisées et évaluées. Pour augmenter leur efficacité en tant qu’agents d’encapsulations des principes actifs hydrophobes, les structures de ces macromolécules incluent un coeur central hydrophobe à base de porphyrine, décanediol ou trioléine modifié et, également, une couche externe hydrophile à base d’acide succinique et de polyéthylène glycol. Le choix des éléments structuraux de futures dendrimères a été basé sur les données de biocompatibilité, les résultats de nos travaux de synthèse préliminaires, ainsi que les résultats de simulation in silico réalisée par une méthode de mécanique moléculaire. Ces travaux ont permis de choisir des composés les plus prometteurs pour former efficacement et d’une manière bien contrôlable des macromolécules polyesters. Ils ont aussi permis d’évaluer au préalable la capacité de futurs dendrimères de capter une molécule médicamenteuse (itraconazole). Durant cette étape, plusieurs nouveaux composés intermédiaires ont été obtenus. L’optimisation des conditions menant à des rendements réactionnels élevés a été réalisée. En se basant sur les travaux préliminaires, l’assemblage de nouveaux dendrimères de première et de deuxième génération a été effectué, en utilisant les approches de synthèse divergente et convergente. La structure de nouveaux composés a été prouvée par les techniques RMN du proton et du carbone 13C, spectroscopie FTIR, UV-Vis, analyse élémentaire, spectrométrie de masse et GPC. La biocompatibilité de produits a été évaluée par les tests de cytotoxicité avec le MTT sur les macrophages murins RAW-262.7. La capacité d’encapsuler les principes actifs hydrophobes a été étudiée par les tests avec l’itraconazole, un antifongique puissant mais peu biodisponible. La taille de nanoparticules formées dans les solutions aqueuses a été mesurée par la technique DLS. Ces mesures ont montré que toutes les structures dendritiques ont tendance à former des micelles, ce qui exclue leurs applications en tant que nanocapsules unimoléculaires. L’activité antifongique des formulations d’itraconazole encapsulé avec les dendrimères a été étudiée sur une espèce d’un champignon pathogène Candida albicans. Ces tests ont permis de conclure que pour assurer l’efficacité du traitement, un meilleur contrôle sur le relargage du principe actif était nécessaire. / The drug molecule vectorization is a very promising approach in terms of both medical and economical factors for the delivery of active substances with low bioavailability. In this context, the star polymers and dendrimers, symmetrical and branched macromolecules, seem to be more attractive solutions. Indeed, these structures can effectively combine a high stability in biological media and the ability to encapsulate active ingredients. Thanks to the well-defined architecture, they can achieve a high level of reproducibility of results, while avoiding the problem of polydispersity. In recent years, many dendritic structures have been proposed; however, the design of new effective dendritic nanocarriers is still relevant. This is due to many reasons such as related to biocompatibility, encapsulation efficiency of therapeutic agents, as well as economic reasons. In this project, new branched biocompatible macromolecules were designed, synthesized and evaluated. To increase their effectiveness as encapsulation agents for hydrophobic active principles, the structures of the proposed macromolecules include a hydrophobic central core on the basis of porphyrin, decanediol or modified triolein, and also a hydrophilic outer layer based on succinic acid and polyethylene glycol. The choice of structural elements of future dendrimers was based on the data on their biocompatibility and the results of our preliminary synthesis works, as well as the in silico simulations performed by using the method of molecular mechanics. The preliminary studies allowed for selecting the most promising compounds to effectively form polyesters macromolecules in well controlled manner, as well as to assess in advance the ability of future dendrimers to capture a drug molecule (itraconazole). During this phase, several new intermediates were obtained. The optimization of reaction conditions leading to high yields was performed. Based on the preliminary work, the assembly of new dendrimers of first and second generations was performed, by using the divergent and convergent synthesis approaches. The structures of new compounds were characterized by proton and 13C carbon NMR, FTIR, UV-Vis, elemental analysis, mass spectrometry, and GPC techniques. The biocompatibility of products was evaluated by cytotoxicity tests with MTT on murine RAW 262.7 macrophages. The ability to encapsulate hydrophobic active principles was studied by testing with itraconazole, an antifungal agent with low bioavalability. The size of nanoparticles formed in aqueous solutions was measured by the DLS technique. These measurements showed that all dendritic structures tend to form micelles, which excludes their application as unimolecular nanocapsules. The antifungal activity of itraconazole formulations with dendrimers was studied in a kind of a pathogenic fungus Candida albicans. These tests lead to the conclusion that to ensure the effectiveness of treatment, more control over the release of the active ingredient has been needed.

Modificações superficiais em polímeros por feixes iônicos para estudo de biocompatibilidade / Surface modifications in polymers by ion beams for the study of biocompatibility

Trindade, Gustavo Ferraz 07 October 2013 (has links)
Nos dias atuais, grande parte das intervenções cirúrgicas inclui o implante de materiais. Os grandes obstáculos na implantação de próteses em organismos humanos são a coagulação sanguínea em contato com o material devido ao alto grau de ativação plaquetária e a compatibilidade dos tecidos biológicos ao material implantado. Agregando melhorias de propriedades mecânicas a superfícies biocompatíveis, materiais poliméricos apresentam grandes tendências a serem excelentes candidatos a biomateriais para tais aplicações. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar modificações superficiais em polímeros através do método de implantação por feixe iônico a fim de se investigar mudanças induzidas em suas propriedades superficiais e estudar possíveis mudanças em sua biocompatibilidade, em específico, sua hemocompatibilidade. Amostras de policarbonato foram irradiadas com feixes de íons de argônio com energia 23 keV e cinco diferentes doses. As superfícies das amostras foram analisadas com medidas de ângulo de contato, microscopia de força atômica, espectroscopia de massa de íons secundários, espectroscopia de fotoelétrons, espectroscopia de retroespalhamento Rutherford, deteção de recuo elástico, espectroscopia de raios-X induzidos por partículas e testes de adesão plaquetária. Os resultados das diferentes técnicas apontaram de forma consistente a uma série de alterações químicas e físicas induzidas nas superfícies das amostras, dentre elas: a perda significativa de hidrogênio nas amostras irradiadas, aumento do grau de reticulação entre as cadeias poliméricas que levou ao aumento de elétron deslocalizados e mudança de coloração, remoção de aditivos, migração à superfície de átomos de argônio implantados e alteração de hidrofilicidade. Ao confrontar todos os resultados obtidos com os resultados dos testes de adesão plaquetária, constatou-se que os efeitos observados aumentam o caráter trombogênico da superfície do policarbonato e que a remoção de aditivos com grupos sulfato e sulfonato após irradiação com argônio teve grande influência em tal aumento. / In the current days, a big part of the surgical interventions includes the implant of materials. The great obstacles for prosthesis implantation in living organisms are the blood clotting when in contact to the material due to a high level of platelet activation and the biological tissues compatibility to the implanted material. By joining improvements on mechanical properties to biocompatible surfaces, polymer materials present high tendencies to be excellent biomaterials candidates for such applications. The objective of this work was to perform surface modification in polymers through the ion beam implantation method in order to investigate changes induced in their surface properties and study possible biocompatibility changes. Samples of polycarbonate were irradiated with argon ion beam with 23 keV energy and different doses. The surfaces of the samples were analyzed by contact angle measurements, atomic force microscopy, secondary ion mass spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy, elastic recoil detection, particle induced x-ray spectroscopy and platelet adhesion tests. The results from the different techniques pointed consistently to a series of chemical and physical changes induced on the samples\' surfaces, such as: significant loss of hydrogen for the irradiated samples, increase of cross-linking between polymer chains which led to the increase of delocalized electrons and color change, removal of additives, migration of argon atoms to the surface and hydrophilicity changes. By comparing all the obtained results to the platelet adhesion tests results, it was found that the observed effects increase the thrombogenic characteristic of the polycarbonate surface and that the removal of additives with sulfate and sulfonate groups after the argon irradiation had great influence on such increase.

Modificações superficiais em polímeros por feixes iônicos para estudo de biocompatibilidade / Surface modifications in polymers by ion beams for the study of biocompatibility

Gustavo Ferraz Trindade 07 October 2013 (has links)
Nos dias atuais, grande parte das intervenções cirúrgicas inclui o implante de materiais. Os grandes obstáculos na implantação de próteses em organismos humanos são a coagulação sanguínea em contato com o material devido ao alto grau de ativação plaquetária e a compatibilidade dos tecidos biológicos ao material implantado. Agregando melhorias de propriedades mecânicas a superfícies biocompatíveis, materiais poliméricos apresentam grandes tendências a serem excelentes candidatos a biomateriais para tais aplicações. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar modificações superficiais em polímeros através do método de implantação por feixe iônico a fim de se investigar mudanças induzidas em suas propriedades superficiais e estudar possíveis mudanças em sua biocompatibilidade, em específico, sua hemocompatibilidade. Amostras de policarbonato foram irradiadas com feixes de íons de argônio com energia 23 keV e cinco diferentes doses. As superfícies das amostras foram analisadas com medidas de ângulo de contato, microscopia de força atômica, espectroscopia de massa de íons secundários, espectroscopia de fotoelétrons, espectroscopia de retroespalhamento Rutherford, deteção de recuo elástico, espectroscopia de raios-X induzidos por partículas e testes de adesão plaquetária. Os resultados das diferentes técnicas apontaram de forma consistente a uma série de alterações químicas e físicas induzidas nas superfícies das amostras, dentre elas: a perda significativa de hidrogênio nas amostras irradiadas, aumento do grau de reticulação entre as cadeias poliméricas que levou ao aumento de elétron deslocalizados e mudança de coloração, remoção de aditivos, migração à superfície de átomos de argônio implantados e alteração de hidrofilicidade. Ao confrontar todos os resultados obtidos com os resultados dos testes de adesão plaquetária, constatou-se que os efeitos observados aumentam o caráter trombogênico da superfície do policarbonato e que a remoção de aditivos com grupos sulfato e sulfonato após irradiação com argônio teve grande influência em tal aumento. / In the current days, a big part of the surgical interventions includes the implant of materials. The great obstacles for prosthesis implantation in living organisms are the blood clotting when in contact to the material due to a high level of platelet activation and the biological tissues compatibility to the implanted material. By joining improvements on mechanical properties to biocompatible surfaces, polymer materials present high tendencies to be excellent biomaterials candidates for such applications. The objective of this work was to perform surface modification in polymers through the ion beam implantation method in order to investigate changes induced in their surface properties and study possible biocompatibility changes. Samples of polycarbonate were irradiated with argon ion beam with 23 keV energy and different doses. The surfaces of the samples were analyzed by contact angle measurements, atomic force microscopy, secondary ion mass spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy, elastic recoil detection, particle induced x-ray spectroscopy and platelet adhesion tests. The results from the different techniques pointed consistently to a series of chemical and physical changes induced on the samples\' surfaces, such as: significant loss of hydrogen for the irradiated samples, increase of cross-linking between polymer chains which led to the increase of delocalized electrons and color change, removal of additives, migration of argon atoms to the surface and hydrophilicity changes. By comparing all the obtained results to the platelet adhesion tests results, it was found that the observed effects increase the thrombogenic characteristic of the polycarbonate surface and that the removal of additives with sulfate and sulfonate groups after the argon irradiation had great influence on such increase.

Efeito de oxigênio na biocompatibilidade e propriedades da liga Ti-15Mo /

Martins Júnior, José Roberto Severino. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Roberto Grandini / Banca: Marize Varella de Oliveira / Banca: Nilson Tadeu Camarinho de Oliveira / O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais, PosMat, tem caráter institucional e integra as atividades de pesquisa em materiais de diversos campi da Unesp / Resumo: Desde 1970, o titânio e algumas de suas ligas são vastamente usados na fabrição de próteses e dispositivos especiais nas áreas médica e odontológica devido às suas propriedades como baixos valores de módulo de elasticidade (Módulo de Young), resistência à corrosão e características de biocompatibilidade. A presença de elementos intersticiais (oxigênio, carbono, nitrogênio e hidrogênio) altera de maneira significativa as propriedades mecânicas da liga, principalmente suas propriedades elásticas, causando endurecimento ou fragilização da liga. As medidas de espectroscopia mecânica constituem uma ferramenta poderosa para o estudo da interação destes elementos substitucionais e intersticiais com a matriz metálica. O objetivo do trabalho foi prepararA LIGA Ti-15Mo por fusão a arco, e estudar a influência de tratamentos térmicos e do oxigênio presente em solução sólida, na estrutura, propriedades mecânicas, químicas, anelásticas e biocompatibilidade da liga. Os resultados de difração de raios X analisados pelo método de Rietveld permitiram quantificar as fases presentes na microestrutura, estando de acordo com as micrografias obtidas. Os resultados de dureza e módulo de elasticidade mostraram ser sensíveis à concentração de oxigênio e à microestrutura da liga. Nos ensaios de corrosão houve uma melhora significativa do potencial de corrosão após as dopagens com oxigênio. As medidas de espectroscopia mecânica apresentaram estruturas de relaxação e foram identificados os processos constituintes. Os ensaios de biocompatibilidade mostraram que a liga em questão pode ser considerada biocompatível / Abstract: Since 1970, titanium and some of its alloys have been widely used in the manufacture of special devices and prostheses in medical and dental areas due to properties which include low elasticity modulus values, corrosion resistance and characteristics of biocumpatibility. The presence of interstial elements (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen) significantly alters the alloy's mechanical properties, mainly its elastic properties, causing either a hardening or softening of the alloy. Mechanical spectroscopy measurements are a powerful tool to study the interaction of these substitutional and interstitial elements with a metallic matrix. The aim of this work was to prepare the Ti-15Mo alloy by arc-melting and study the influence of heat treatments and oxygen present in the solid solution of the structure, as well as the mechanical, chemical and anelastic properties, and biocompatibility of the alloys. The results of x-ray diffraction were analyzed by the Rietveld Method to allow the phases present in the microestructure to be quantified according to the obtained micrographies. The hardness and elasticity modulus results were sensitive to the oxygen concentration and the alloy microstructure. In corrosion tests there was a significant improvement of the corrosion potential after the oxygen dopyng. The mechanical spectroscopy measurements showed relaxation structures, and constituent relaxation processes were identified. The biocompatibility tests showed that the alloy in question can be considered biocompatible / Mestre

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