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Estudo da biossíntese de poli-3-hidroxibutirato-co-hidroxialcanoatos de cadeia média (P3HB-co-3HAmcl) a apartir de ácidos graxos livres e óleo vegetal. / Biosynthesis study of poly-3hydroxybutirate-co-hydroxyalkanoates of medium chain length (P3HB-co-3HAmcl) from fatty acids and plant oil.Vanzin, Cézar 19 May 2008 (has links)
Os polihidroxialcanoatos constituem um grupo de poliésteres acumulados por inúmeras bactérias na forma de grânulos intracelulares, que podem representar até 80% da massa seca celular. No presente trabalho, foi avaliado o comportamento de diferentes linhagens quanto a capacidade de metabolizarem ácidos graxos livres e óleo de soja para a produção de biopolímeros e, posteriormente, em biorreator, algumas linhagens selvagens e recombinantes foram testadas na presença ou não de um inibidor da b-oxidação. Experimentos em frascos agitados, mostraram valores de teor de PHA em até cerca de 70% na biomassa total com cerca de 5% de monômeros de cadeia média permitindo selecionar as linhagens Cupriavidus necator e Burkholderia cepacia para os ensaios seguintes. Experimentos em biorreator mostraram que, as variáveis manipuláveis quanto ao fluxo de óleo de soja, de co-substratos e o inibidor de b-oxidação não influenciaram, significativamente, no rendimento de P3HB/3HAmcl formado quando utilizado Burkholderia cepacia IPT-048, entretanto, contribuíram na síntese de 3HV. Durante os ensaios, o aumento do número de cópias do gene phaB em Cupriavidus necator, aparentemente, não contribuíram para o aumento do rendimento de 3HHx, porém, outras variáveis manipuláveis deverão ser propostas para a confirmação. / The poly-3-hydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are a group of polyesters accumulated for several bacteria in the intracellular granule form, that can represent up to 80% of the dry mass cellular. The main advantage of the biopolymers on the synthetic materials is its degradation in the environment. Recycable raw materials can be used as carbon sources for the production biodegradable polymer. Some polymers have appeared in literature having mechanical characteristic considered appropriate in such a way for use in packings (flexible and covering films), how base for controlled release of asset to be applied in the pharmacological-medical and foods area. The P3HB-co-3HAmcl are 3-hydroxybutyrate copolymers and 3-hydroxyacyl of 6 or more carbon atoms which has aroused interest for to present intermediate properties between HB and HAmcl, having taken care of the requirements for diverse applications. Some strains are distinguished, however, assays in bottles agitated with the Cupriavidus sp. and Burkholderia sp. strains, using as substratum greasy free acid and soy oil, had led the promising results. In the present work, first, was evaluated the behavior of different strains (Cupriavidus necator DSM545 IPT-026, C. necator H16 IPT-027, Pseudomonas sp. IPT-066, Burkholderia cepacia IPT-048 and B. sacchari IPT-189) how much to metabolizer capacity of free fatty acids and soybean oil for the production of biopolymers and, later, in tank bioreactor some wild strains and recombinant had been tested together or not of an inhibitor of the boxidation (acid acrylic). Experiments in bottles with agitation, had shown values of PHA in about 70% of the total biomass with about 5% monomers chain average allowing to select the Burkholderia cepacia IPT-048 and Cupriavidus necator DSM545 strains for the following assays. Experiments in tank bioreactor had shown that, the interactions between the substratum, co-substratum and the inhibitor of boxidation had influenced in the amount of formed P3HB/3HAmcl when used the Burkholderia cepacia IPT-048 strains, contributing for the synthesis of 3HV and 3HHx. When used only the soybean oil (5g/L) was gotten an amount of HHx with about 6 mol% with Burkholderia cepacia strains. In this same condition was verified that after some determined period also proved monomer HV in an amount of 0.20 mol%. Adding the acid acrylic (0.18 g/L) were gotten 1.50 mol% of HHx, however, differently of the previous condition the amount of HV varied of 0.91 - 2.77 mol%. A conclusion for the condition soybean oil and acrylic acid is that, the strains is using the acrylic fatty acid as carbon source, or either, the formation of acrylil-CoA with consequent formation of chains with 5 carbons. Similar results had been gotten when analyzed extracted polymer, or either, after the stage of extraction with chloroform was verified that the amount varied of 1.60 - 2.14 mol%. When added to a cosubstratum in the phase of accumulation (caproic fatty acid) and absence of the acrylic acid, it did not have the increase of HHx in relation to the previous variable, as much that, the amount of monomer reached about 0.50 mol%. In this condition, the presence of the acrylic fatty acid also did not contribute for the HV synthesis, not having been observed monomers during the assays. In the following phase, in which we work with Cupriavidus necator and a recombinant (Cupriavidus necator::phaB) strains, was verified that the gotten amount of HHx had been similar, about 0.30 mol%. Our hypothesis, we believe that the increase of the number of copies of the gene phaB could contribute for the increase of the carbon flow in the direction to raise the amount of 3HB how much of other monomers. As in the assays in bottles with agitation substrat caproic and caprylic fatty acids they had been distinguished also when availabled 2g/L and the soybean oil of in a concentration of 5g/L, we analyze the strains recombinant with soybean oil and caprylic fatty acid with 5 g/L. The insistence in the use of the caprylic fatty acid was based on the fact of the possibility of strains to oxidate part of fatty acids for the production of cells and energy and, at the moment that had the nitrogen limitation, to begin the accumulation phase dividing two carbons for the production of acetyl-CoA and the remain of the chain was stored in the form of 3HHx. The caprylic fatty acid disponibility it did not have the monomer attainment, therefore, Cupriavidus necator and Cupriavidus necator::phaB had its replyed inhibited capacity by the substratum. In the added soybean oil bottles with and without the acrylic fatty acid the behavior it was the opposite to the observed with caprylic fatty acid. During the incubation period, for both the strains, the amount of PHA, and consequently, the percentage of 3HB in the dry mass cellular was of 22.95% (100 mol%) and 25.90% (100 mol%) in 28ª and 24ª hours, respectively. In this condition, in the recombinant strains, also was observed the presence of HHx between 32ª and 49ª hour with a maxim amount of 1.10 mol%. From the results it can be concluded that the Burkholderia cepacia is considered a promising strains for the attainment of HHx and HV allowing that soybean oil with and without the acrylic fatty acid, respectively. The increase in the number of copies of the gene phaB in Cupriavidus necator apparently did not contribute with the increase of 3HHx efficiency however, other handling variables will be proposed for confirmation.
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Micro-organismos de interesse farmacêutico e agrícola: estudo químico e biossintético / Microorganisms of pharmaceutical and agricultural interests: chemical and biosynthetic studiesConti, Raphael 15 June 2012 (has links)
A biodiversidade microbiana de diferentes ecossistemas tem incentivado estudos químicos e biológicos com micro-organismos dos mais variados habitats, os quais têm conduzido à obtenção de moléculas bioativas com aplicações na medicina, indústria química e agricultura, proporcionando melhorias na qualidade de vida ao homem. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos a bioprospecção por actinobactérias endofíticas e seus metabólitos, além do estudo da via biossintética dos sesquiterpenos aristoloquenos produzidos pelo fungo fitopatogênico Botrytis cinerea. No estudo de bioprospecção foram isoladas 41 linhagens de actinobactérias endofíticas de duas espécies de Asteraceae (Thitonia diversifolia e Lychnophora ericoides). A identificação através do sequenciamento de DNAr indicou predominância do gênero Streptomyces. As linhagens foram cultivadas em meio de arroz e os extratos etanólicos submetidos aos ensaios de citotoxicidade frente a células tumorais e antimicrobiano. Um total de 58,5% dos extratos apresentou atividade em pelo menos um dos ensaios realizados. Foram selecionadas as linhagens Streptomyces cattleya RLe 4 e Streptomyces sp. RLe 8 para cultivo em escala ampliada, isolamento e identificação de metabólitos bioativos. O isolamento dos compostos foi realizado através de diferentes técnicas cromatográficas e a identificação estrutural foi baseada em dados de ressonância magnética nuclear de 1H e 13C e espectrometria de massas. De S. cattleya RLe 4 foram isolados quatro compostos: 2-hidroxibenzamida, desferrioxamina E, 1-(3\',4\'-dimetoxifenil)-1-propanona e 1-(3\',4\'-dimetoxifenil)-1-etanona. Dos extratos de Streptomyces sp. RLe 8 foram isolados dez compostos: benzamida, 3- hidroxibenzamida, 3-hidróxi-4-metoxibenzamida, 4-hidróxi-3-metoxibenzamida, 3,4- dimetoxibenzamida, 2-fenilacetamida, dois isômeros de 3,4-diidro-3,4,6,8-tetraidróxi-1(2H)- naftalenona, 2,3-diidro-2,2-dimetil-4(1H)-quinazolinona e desferrioxamina B. O composto 2,3-diidro-2,2-dimetil-4(1H)-quinazolinona apresentou elevada atividade frente as células de câncer de cólon (HCT-8) e glioblastoma (SF295), com 93,9 % e 87.0 % de inibição, respectivamente. O outro enfoque da tese envolveu a otimização da produção de sesquiterpenos aristoloquenos por linhagens de B. cinerea, seguido de estudo biossintético destes produtos naturais através de experimentos de incorporação de precursores isotopicamente enriquecidos com 2H (deutério) e 13C (carbono treze). As análises dos dados obtidos de RMN de 2H e de 13C do sesquiterpeno majoritário indicaram que a biossíntese desta substância ocorre pela via do mevalonato (MVA). Os resultados também sugeriram o possível envolvimento da via do metil-eritritolfosfato ou 1-desoxi-D-xilulose-fosfato (MEP/DPX) na biossíntese deste sequiterpeno. Estes resultados podem contribuir para o planejamento racional de fungicidas seletivos com aplicação na agricultura. O trabalho desenvolvido mostrou o grande potencial de actinobactérias endofíticas para a obtenção de moléculas bioativas e que estudos usando precursores isotopicamente marcados fornecem informações precisas acerca da origem biossintética de produtos naturais. / The microbial biodiversity from different ecosystems has incited chemical and biological studies with microorganisms from several habitats, leading to the isolation of bioactive natural products with applications in medicine, chemical industry and agriculture, and thus contributing to a better quality of life. This thesis aimed the biopropecting on endophytic actinobacteria and their natural products, and also the biosynthetic study of aristolochene sesquiterpenes in the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea. A total of 41 actinobacterial strains were isolated of two Asteraceae species (Thitonia diversifolia and Lychnophora ericoides) for the bioprospecting study. The rDNA sequencing showed predominancy of Streptomyces genus. All the strains were cultured on rice medium, and the ethanolic extracts were screened in cytotoxity and antimicrobial assays. As a result, 58.5% of the extracts showed activity in al least one bioassay. The strains Streptomyces cattleya RLe 4 and Streptomyces sp. RLe 8 were selected for scale up cultures, isolation and identification of bioactive compounds. Different chromatographic methods were applied for the isolation of compounds, and structural analysis were based on 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry data. Four compounds were isolated from S. cattleya RLe 4: 2- hydroxybenzamide, desferrioxamine E, 1-(3\',4\'-dimethoxyphenyl)-1-propanone, and 1-(3\',4\'- dimethoxyphenyl)-1-etanone. Ten compounds were isolated from Streptomyces sp. Rle 8: benzamide, 3-hydroxybenzamide, 3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzamide, 4-hydroxy-3- methoxybenzamide, 2-phenylacetamide, two isomers of 3,4-dihydro-3,4,6,8-tetrahydroxy- 1(2H)-naphthalenone, 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-4(1H)-quinazolinone, and desferrioxamine B. Compound 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-4(1H)-quinazolinone showed high antiproliferative activity against colon cancer cells (HCT-8) and glioblastoma cells (SF295), with 93.9 and 87.0% of inhibition, respectively. The second focus of the thesis involved the optimization of aristolochene sesquiterpenes production by two strains of B. cinerea, followed by the biosynthetic study through feeding experiments with 2H (deuterium) and 13C isotopically labeled precursors. The 2H and 13C NMR obtained data showed that the biosynthesis of the sesquiterpene proceeds by the mevalonate pathway (MVA). The results also suggested the possible participation of the non mevalonate pathway, methylerytritol phosphate ou 1-deoxy- D-xylulose phosphate (MEP/DXP), in the biosynthesis. These results might contribute to the rational design of selective fungides with application in agriculture. This thesis showed the endophytic actinobacteria as promising sources of bioactive natural products, and also showed that the isotopically labeled feeding experiments give reliable information about the natural products biosynthetic pathways.
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Caracterização molecular e bioquímica das enzimas envolvidas na biossíntese de prolina em Trypanosoma cruzi. / Molecular and biochemical characterization of the enzymes involved in proline biosynthesis in Trypanosoma cruzi.Marchese, Letícia 29 September 2017 (has links)
Alguns organismos podem biossintetizar L-prolina (L-Pro) principalmente via L-glutamato (L-Glu). A Δ1-pirrolina-5-carboxilato (P5C) sintase (P5CS) converte o L-Glu ao intermediário da via, o P5C que uma vez formado é reduzido a L-Pro via P5C redutase (P5CR). Nesse trabalho, verificou-se a possível ocorrência dessa via em Tritryps. Em Trypanosoma cruzi toda a via é operativa, em Trypanosoma brucei está ausente, enquanto que em Leishmania amazonensis acontece parcialmente. A biossíntese de L-Pro em T. cruzi é abordada com mais detalhes. Ambas as enzimas da via foram expressas e tiveram sua localização determinada no citosol, compartimento distinto das enzimas do catabolismo de L-Pro. Ainda realizou-se a caracterização bioquímica da TcP5CR, que curiosamente sofre inibição incompetitiva pelo NADPH, e por isso é candidata a regular esse metabolismo. Por fim, evidenciou-se a saída do P5C da mitocôndria, possibilitando a existência de um mecanismo de transidrogenação via a interconversão de L-Pro em P5C e vice versa. / Some organisms biosynthesize L-proline (L-Pro) mainly from L-glutamate (L-Glu). The Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C) synthase (P5CS) converts L-Glu into the intermediate P5C, which in turn, is reduced to L-Pro by a P5C reductase (P5CR). In this study, we verified the possible occurrence of this pathway in Tritryps. In Trypanosoma cruzi the entire route is operative. In Trypanosoma brucei, is absent, while Leishmania amazonensis this pathway is partially operative. In T. cruzi, both enzymes were expressed and had their location determined in the cytosol, differently from those of the catabolism of L-Pro. In addition, the biochemical characterization of TcP5CR showed an uncompetitive inhibition by NADPH, and therefore it is a candidate to be a regulation point of the pathway. Finally, it was observed the exit of PC5 from the mitochondria, a condition for the existence of a transhydrogenation mechanism via the interconversion between Pro and P5C.
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Applications of phage-displayed antibody library for antibody discovery and engineering. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2008 (has links)
Antibodies are one of the most useful molecules with affinity of binding and specificity for in vitro and in vivo diagnosis, or for immunotherapy of human diseases. In recent years, phage-displayed antibody library has been widely adopted to select tailor-made antibodies in a fast, high-throughput mode, as an alternative of traditional hybridoma technology. Although phage display has been introduced for about 20 years, the applications and development of this technology still have a rich space to be explored. / Attempts are made in the present study to extend three applications of the phage displayed antibody library in antibody discovery and engineering. Firstly, a CDR3-randomized phage-displayed scFv library was constructed from genomic DNA of mouse. Following biopanning, anti-peptide of mas oncoprotein scFvs were isolated and identified. These results illustrate the potential use of the genomic phage-displayed library for anti-peptide antibodies selection. Secondly, we described the isolation of anti-idiotypic scFvs against a chimeric anti-CD22 mAb from an immunized phage-displayed scFv library. The isolated anti-Id scFvs were able to capture the immune response of chimeric anti-CD22 mAb with high specificity. This reagent will enhance our understanding of the therapeutic mechanism of anti-CD22 mAb in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma treatment, and may be applied to probe the pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution, and modulation of anti-CD22 mAb in vivo. / In conclusion, we have attempted various approaches to identify specific anti-peptide scFvs, anti-idiotypic scFvs and passive anti-tumor scFvs. These results extend the applications of phage display technology in antibody discovery and engineering. / Our approach enables us to isolate selective and sensitive anti-idiotypic antibodies and could be exploited for other antibodies with clinical and biological applications. Thirdly, we profile a strategy to select and identify markers on tumor cell surface using phage-displayed antibodies from mice bearing xenograft tumor. Our data imply that passive antibodies in cancer patients may be obtained from the immune repertoire of cancer patients. Besides, we found a cell surface antigen was up-regulated more than 3-fold in mas-expressing cells. We further use the targeting antibody to construct a tumor endoprotease-activated immunotoxin. / Zhao, Qi. / Adviser: Wing-Tai Cheung. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 70-06, Section: B, page: 3499. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 227-250). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / School code: 1307.
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Syntheses of pseudoaminodisaccharides. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2004 (has links)
Cheung Wai-chit. / "July 2004." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004 / Includes bibliographical references (p. 135-140) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.
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Two-step bioengineered enzyme conversion of cephalosporin C to 7-aminocephalosporanic acid. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2004 (has links)
Yap Hong Kin. / "April 2004." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 102-116) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.
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Enantiospecific syntheses of N-linked carbadisaccharides. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2006 (has links)
*Please refer to dissertation for diagrams. / In this thesis, a review concerning enantiospecific syntheses and structure activity relationship of N-linked carbadisaccharides from 1994 to 2005 is presented. / Valienamine was isolated from microbial degradation products of validoxylamine A with Pseudomonas denitrificans. It showed alpha-glycosidase inhibitory activity and antibiotic activity. Isopropylidene protected allylic chlorides, 2-epi-valienamine and 4-amino-6-deoxy-alpha- D-pseudomannopyranose were synthesized from (-)-quinic acid. The acetonide blocking groups were shown to be the best hydroxyl protecting groups for coupling precursors, compatible with palladium-catalyzed coupling reaction which afforded high yields of the 1,1'- and 1,4'-N-linked carbadisaccharides 83-88 and 89-91, respectively, with a minimum amount of an elimination diene side-product. 2-epi-Valienamines 92 and N-alkyl 2-epi-valienamine 93 and 94 were also prepared. The key palladium-catalyzed coupling reaction was shown to be a regio- and stereospecific reaction. Acid hydrolysis was used to obtain free pseudoaminosugars as glycosidase inhibitors. The inhibitory activities of these pseudoaminosugars were evaluated by the Biochemistry Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.* / Kwong Suk Kwan. / "January 2006." / Adviser: Tony K. M. Shing. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-11, Section: B, page: 6409. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 146-154). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / School code: 1307.
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Diversité et biosynthèse des lipides chez les palmiers / Lipid diversity and biosynthesis in palmsGuérin, Chloé 10 December 2015 (has links)
Le palmier à huile, Elaeis guineensis (Eg), produit deux huiles d’une importance économique majeure, l’huile de palme et l’huile de palmiste, extraites respectivement du mésocarpe et de l’albumen. Alors que l’acide laurique (12:0) prédomine dans l’huile de l’albumen, les acides gras (AG) majoritaires de l’huile du mésocarpe sont les acides palmitique (16:0) et oléique (18:1). Par ailleurs, la teneur en huile à maturité est très différente entre ces tissus. Dans la première partie de ce travail, leur transcriptome a été comparé afin d’identifier les mécanismes qui gouvernent leurs différences de composition lipidique. Les contributions des voies plastidiale et cytosolique de la glycolyse diffèrent considérablement entre le mésocarpe et l’albumen. L’accumulation de 12:0 repose sur la surexpression d’un paralogue codant pour une isoforme spécialisée d’acyl-ACP thioestérase (FatB), et le recrutement concerté d’isoformes spécifiques des enzymes impliquées dans l’assemblage des triacylglycérols. Trois paralogues du facteur de transcription (FT) WRI1 ont été identifiés, parmi lesquels EgWRI1-1 et EgWRI1-2 sont transcrits massivement dans respectivement le mésocarpe et l’albumen. Les changements de composition lipidique de feuilles de tabac agro-infiltrées avec plusieurs combinaisons des paralogues de FatB et de WRI1 identifiés valident leur fonction.Le palmier à huile Américain, E. oleifera (Eo), accumule aussi de l’huile dans le mésocarpe, mais en quantité moindre que chez Eg. La composition en AG de l’huile est également très différente entre Eg et Eo, notamment la teneur en 16:0 qui est deux fois moins élevée chez Eo que chez Eg. Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail, des analyses de coexpression génique, des mesures de l’expression allélique spécifique et des analyses multivariées conjointes de données transcriptomiques et lipidiques, ont été conduites dans une population d’hybrides rétrocroisés entre Eg et Eo. Le réseau de coexpression génique construit révèle une coordination transcriptionnelle étroite entre la voie plastidiale de la glycolyse, le métabolisme de l’amidon, des voies de recapture du carbone, la perception des sucres et la synthèse des AG. La biogénèse des plastes et le transport auxinique sont les deux autres processus les plus étroitement reliés à la synthèse des AG. En plus de WRI1, deux nouveaux FT, appelés NF-YB-1 et ZFP-1, ont été trouvés au cœur du module de synthèse des AG. Les analyses de coexpression identifient également de nouveaux gènes potentiellement impliqués dans la synthèse des lipides. Enfin, la teneur en 16:0 de l’huile semble principalement contrôlée par le niveau de transcription du gène codant pour la beta-kétoacyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) synthase, qui catalyse l’élongation du 16:0-ACP en 18:0-ACP dans le plaste.Enfin, la troisième partie de ce travail vise à explorer les relations entre la composition lipidique des graines, d’une part, et des paramètres phylogénétiques, biogéographiques et écologiques, d’autre part, au sein de la famille des Arécacées. La teneur en lipides et la composition en AG ont été caractérisées chez 177 espèces de palmiers, révélant une diversité considérable à l’intérieur de cette famille. Les espèces dont les graines accumulent le plus d’huile appartiennent à la tribu Cocoseae. En revanche, des espèces qui accumulent du 12:0 existent dans toutes les tribus. Les analyses multivariées basées sur la composition en AG regroupent de manière satisfaisante les espèces appartenant à une même tribu. Cependant, ces classifications présentent une topologie qui concorde peu avec la phylogénie. Aucune association claire n’a été identifiée entre les paramètres biogéographiques et écologiques et la composition en AG. Néanmoins, une corrélation significative entre la teneur en AG insaturés et l’altitude maximale de l’aire d’origine a été trouvée dans certaines tribus. / Oil palm, Elaeis guineensis (Eg) produces two oils of major economic importance, commonly referred to as palm oil and palm kernel oil, extracted from the mesocarp and the endosperm, respectively. While lauric acid (12:0) predominates in endosperm oil, the major fatty acids (FA) of mesocarp oil are palmitic (16:0) and oleic (18:1) acids. In addition, the two tissues display high variation for oil content at maturity. In the first part of this PhD work, tissue transcriptome and lipid composition were compared during development to gain insight into the mechanisms that govern such differences in oil content and FA composition. The contribution of the cytosolic and plastidial glycolytic routes differs markedly between the mesocarp and seed tissues. Accumulation of lauric acid (12:0) relies on the dramatic upregulation of a specialized acyl-ACP thioesterase paralog and the concerted recruitment of specific isoforms of triacylglycerol assembly enzymes. Three paralogs of the WRI1 transcription factor were identified, of which EgWRI1-1 and EgWRI1-2 were massively transcribed during oil deposition in the mesocarp and the endosperm, respectively. Changes in triacylglycerol content and FA composition of Nicotiana benthamiana leaves infiltrated with various combinations of WRI1 and FatB paralogs from oil palm validate functions inferred from transcriptome analysis.The American oil palm, E. oleifera (Eo), also stores oil in the mesocarp, but in lower amount than in Eg. Mesocarp oil fatty acid (FA) composition also differs considerably between Eg and Eo, especially the 16:0 content which is two-times lower in Eo than in Eg. In the second part of this work, the mechanisms that govern oil synthesis and FA composition in the two species were investigated. Gene-to-gene coexpression analysis, quantification of allele-specific expression, and joint multivariate analysis of transcriptomic and lipid data, were carried out in an interspecific backcross population between Eg and Eo. The gene coexpression network built reveals the tight transcriptional coordination of the plastidial glycolytic route, starch metabolism, carbon recapture pathways and sugar sensing with fatty acid synthesis (FAS). Plastid biogenesis and auxin transport are the two other biological processes the most tightly connected to FAS in the network. In addition to WRI1, two novel TFs, termed NF-YB-1 and ZFP-1, were found at the core of the FAS module. Coexpression analysis also identifies novel genes likely involved in lipid biosynthesis pathways. Finally, the level of 16:0 in oil seems primarily controlled by the level of transcription of the gene coding for beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) synthase II, which catalyzes the elongation of 16:0-ACP to 18:0-ACP in the plastid.Finally, the third part of this work aimed to explore relationships between seed lipid composition on one hand, and phylogenetic, biogeographic and ecological parameters on the other, in the family Arecaceae. Oil content and FA composition were characterized for 177 species of the palm family, revealing a considerable intra-family diversity for seed lipid composition. Species whose seeds store the highest amounts of oil belong to the tribe Cocoseae. By contrast, species that accumulate 12:0 in their seeds occur in all tribes. Multivariate analyses based on FA composition satisfactorily group species belonging to the same tribe. However, only a few of the groups display topologies that are congruent with phylogenetic data. No clear associations were identified between biogeographic and ecological traits and FA composition. However, a tribe-dependent significant correlation was observed between unsaturated FA content and maximum elevation in native area.
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Exploring anti-tyrosinase bioactive compounds from the Cape floraSonka, Luveni January 2018 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Tyrosinase is an enzyme widely distributed in the biosphere and is found in many species of
bacteria, fungi, animals, and plants; it is associated with melanin production. Even though it
possesses many beneficial properties such as photoprotection, but overproduction causes
undesirable effects such melasma, solar lentigines etc. Therefore, tyrosinase enzyme inhibitors
are of far-ranging importance in cosmetics, medicinal products, and food industries.
This study is aimed to test anti-tyrosinase activity in 37 plants from 20 families using
mushroom tyrosinase inhibition method; each plant was extracted with methanol. The results
showed that 17 plant extracts, exerted a considerable level of in vitro tyrosinase inhibition
comparable to positive controls of kojic acid in the same solvent systems when evaluated
spectrophotometrically. Among plant extracts, those that showed an inhibition rate >50 % at
50 μg/ml and ˃60 % at 200 μg/ml were A. karroo (Hayne.), A. afra Jacq. Ex Willd, C.
geifolia (L.), E. racemosa (L.), H. petiolare Hilliard & B.L.Burt, M. quercifolia (L.), M.
communis (L.), P. rigida (Wikstr.), P. ecklonii (Benth.), P. ericoides (L.), S. Africanacaerulea
(L.), S. Africana-lutea (L.), S. antarcticus (Willd.), S. lucida (L.) F.A.Barkley, S.
hamilifolius (L.), S. furcellata R.Br and T riparia which exhibited great anti-tyrosinase
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Fonction et régulation des gènes de biosynthèse des acides mycoliques chez les mycobactéries / Function and regulation of mycolic acids genes in mycobacteriaJamet, Stevie 22 September 2015 (has links)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) l'agent étiologique de la tuberculose infecte un tiers de la population mondiale avec 9 millions de nouveaux cas et 1.5 millions de décès chaque année. La capacité de la bactérie à persister dans son hôte ainsi que l'apparition croissante de souches multi-résistantes voire totalement résistantes expliquent ces statistiques dramatiques. La découverte de nouveaux traitements à travers une meilleure connaissance de la physiologie et des programmes génétiques adaptatifs du pathogène est donc une priorité mondiale. M.tb est un bacille à Gram+ avec une enveloppe particulière caractérisée par une membrane externe (la mycomembrane) essentielle à sa viabilité et sa virulence. Cette membrane est constituée majoritairement d'acides mycoliques (AMs), des acides gras à très longues chaînes modifiés par l'introduction de groupements fonctionnels. Bien qu'à ce jour la biosynthèse des AMs est relativement bien caractérisée d'un point de vue biochimique, certaines données nécessitent d'être confirmées in vivo, de même qu'il existe peu d'information sur la régulation et la contribution des gènes de biosynthèse à la capacité adaptative des mycobactéries. Une trentaine de gènes sont impliqués dans la biosynthèse des AMs dont hadA, hadB et hadC codant pour une réaction de déshydratation essentielle. Il a été démontré biochimiquement que HadB porte l'activité catalytique et que HadA et HadC apportent la spécificité de substrats. Au cours de ma thèse, par une approche génétique, nous avons montré que seule HadB était essentielle à la viabilité mais que HadA et HadC bien que non essentielles jouaient un rôle majeur dans la physiologie, la capacité adaptative et la virulence des mycobactéries, en relation avec leur rôle dans la structure des AMs. Ces résultats avaient non seulement confirmé les données biochimiques quant au rôle de HadC dans la biosynthèse des AMs, mais également souligné l'intérêt d'une stratégie de lutte basée sur l'affaiblissement du fitness de M.tb, rendant ainsi le pathogène plus sensible aux traitements déjà existants ainsi qu'aux défenses naturelles de l'hôte. Une analyse phylogénétique couplée à une analyse expérimentale de l'expression des gènes nous a permis de retracer et de rationaliser le scénario évolutif qui a façonné le locus hadABC. En accord avec l'organisation génétique, j'ai ainsi montré que la carence en nutriments, un stress rencontré par la bactérie lors de l'infection, conduisait à la co-répression des gènes hadABC ainsi que de la plupart des gènes de biosynthèse des AMs avec des gènes impliqués dans le processus de traduction. Le potentiel de traduction est connu pour être contrôlé par la disponibilité en nutriments, à travers notamment la réponse stringente, une réponse adaptative universellement conservée chez les bactéries. Suite à ces résultats, un modèle a été proposé selon lequel au cours de la réponse stringente, les intermédiaires de synthèse des AMs, seraient détournés au profit de la synthèse de lipides alternatifs dont des lipides de stockage. L'analyse phylogénétique a également suggéré une relation fonctionnelle étroite entre l'activité des enzymes HadABC et des enzymes responsables de la modification des AMs. Afin d'avoir une vision intégrée de la régulation de la synthèse de la mycomembrane, nous avons analysé le rôle biologique du gène rv0081 codant pour un facteur de transcription global. Différentes approches systémiques suggéraient que Rv0081 jouerait un rôle central dans la capacité adaptative de M.tb en régulant de nombreux gènes impliqués dans différentes fonctions cellulaires dont les gènes hadABC. J'ai pu montrer qu'un mutant rv0081 était hypervirulent et que l'absence d'une régulation naturelle du gène affectait la capacité de survie de la bactérie à l'intérieur des macrophages. / Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), the causative agent of tuberculosis infects one third of the world population with 9 million new cases and 1.5 million deaths each year. The capability of the bacteria to persist in its host and the emergence of multi- and totally-drug resistant strains explain these dramatic statistics. Therefore, the discovery of new drugs through a better understanding of the physiology and of the adaptive genetic programs of the pathogen is a priority. Mtb is a Gram + bacilli with an unusual cell envelope characterized by an outer membrane (the mycomembrane) essential to its viability and virulence. This membrane is mainly composed of mycolic acids (MAs), a class of very long chain fatty acids which are modified by the introduction of functional groups. To date the biosynthesis of MAs is biochemically well characterized, but some data need to be confirmed in vivo, likewise there is little information about the regulation and the contribution of biosynthesis genes in the adaptive capacity of mycobacteria. Around thirty genes are involved in the biosynthesis of MAs including hadA, hadB and hadC which are required for an essential dehydration reaction. It has been shown biochemically that HadB bears the catalytic activity and that HadA and HadC bring about the substrate specificity. In this study, using a genetic approach, we have shown that only HadB was essential to the viability but that the non-essential HadA and HadC proteins played a major role in the physiology, the adaptive capacity and the virulence of mycobacteria. These results have not only confirmed the biochemical data on the role of HadC in the biosynthesis of MAs, but have also underlined the relevance of a strategy based on weakening the fitness of Mtb, making the pathogen more susceptible to existing therapy as well as to the natural host defenses. Phylogenetic and experimental analyses of gene expression allowed us to rationalize the evolutionary scenario that has shaped the hadABC locus. In agreement with the genetic organization, I have shown that starvation, a stress experienced by the bacterium upon infection, resulted into the co-repression of the genes hadABC as well as most of the MAs biosynthetic genes with genes involved in the translation process. The translation potential is known to be controlled by nutrient avaibility, especially through the stringent response, an adaptive response widely conserved in bacteria. Following these results a model was proposed stating that during the stringent response, the MAs intermediate products would be redirected toward the synthesis of alternate lipids including storage lipids. Phylogenetic analysis also suggested a close functional relationship between the activity of HadABC proteins and the enzymes involved in the modification of MAs. In order to get an integrated picture of the regulation of the biosynthesis of the mycomembrane, we analyzed the biological role of rv0081, a gene encoding a transcription factor. Various comprehensive approaches suggested that Rv0081 plays a key role in M.tb adaptive capacity through the regulation of many genes involved in various cellular functions including the hadABC genes. In my PhD work I have shown that an rv0081 deleted strain was hypervirulent and that the inability of the bacteria to properly regulate the gene had prevented the bacteria to survive within macrophages.
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