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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The history of Tumelong Mission in the Diocese of Pretoria with specific reference to the period 1939-1996

Kgomosotho, Daniel 11 1900 (has links)
During the period 1939 -1996 the Anglican Diocese of Pretoria sponsored Missions in disadvantaged commun ies served by the Church. Socio-economic factors were largely responsible for the situation of disempowered communities which lacked adequate resources in the spheres of education, healing and commundevelopment This dissertation deals with Ekutuleni as a first model for later Missions in the Diocese. The Mission at Sophiatown was established in 1927 and has ever since provided a paradigm for the Anglican Chunch's involvement with disad.vantaged communities of the Transvaal. The Chunch was able through the Work of Ekutuleni to meet the needs of the people of Sophiatown. In 1939 Tumelong Mission was established by the Anglican Church at Lady Selbome, Pretoria. The work of the Mission is evaluated against the background of the Anglican Church in the Diocese of Pretoria. The dissertation puts Tumelong ir1 the context of the communities of Mabopane, Temba and Ga-Rankuwa. Finally it puts Tumelong in the wider context of missions in the Transvaal. / Theology / Th. M. (Church History)

Cyprianus se kerkbegrip

Kruger, Hendrik Gerhardus Stefanus 12 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Die tema van hierdie studie toon die kerkbegrip van Cyprianus aan as 'n spanning tussen die kerk as instituut en die kerk van die Gees. Hoofstuk een skets die invloed van Tertullianus as leermeester op Cyprianus. Tertullianus se kerkbegrip getuig self van spanning wat die produk is van 'n verandering van lidmaatskap vanaf die Katolieke kerk na die Montaniste. Tertullianus se kerkbegrip word vanuit twee perspektiewe belig. Eerstens vanuit 'n Katolieke, met 'n fokus op die fundering van die ware kerk en die mag van die kerk om sondes te kan vergewe. Tweedens vanuit 'n Montanistiese, wat die def iniering van die ware kerk en die mag van die kerk om sondes te kan vergewe eksklusief geestelik begrond. Hoofstuk twee skets die milieu waarbinne Cyprianus gearbei het. Dit sluit in 'n biografie van Cyprianus en die Afrika-religie en bevolking. Tweedens word die Europese invloed op Cyprianus se kerkbegrip aangedui. Die invloed van die Romeinse staatkundige model kan duidelik waargeneem word. Die grootste invloed was egter die Roomse kerklike model, weens die dinamika van die Roomse kerk. Hoofstuk drie skets die ekklesiologie van Cyprianus. Die spanning tussen die kerk as 'n instituut en die kerk van die Gees word aangedui deur 'n bespreking van die episkopaat; die betekenis van die biskop; Cyprianus se gesagsbegrip en sy perspektief op die primaat. Cyprianus se Bybelse verbintenis, sowel as die twee historiese lyne, naamlik die Pauliniese lyn en die Petruslyn, plaas sy uitspraak salus extra ecclesiam non est in perspektief. Cyprianus se kerkbegrip is primer 'n ekklesiologie van die Gees. In sy strewe na die eenheid van die kerk vind hy die kerk as instituut egter onontbeerlik. Spanning onstaan in sy poging om 'n sintese tussen die twee te vorm. / The theme of this study reveals the tension to be found between the church as institution and the church of the Spirit, in the ecclesiology of Cyprian. Chapter one shows the influence which Tertullian, as tutor, exerted on Cyprian. The ecclesiology of Tertullian also reveals the tension which is produced by the change of membership from Catholicism to Montanism. Tertullian's ecclesiology is highlighted from two different perspectives. Firstly from a Catholic view, with the focus on the fundamentals of the true church, and the authority and power of the church to forgive sins. Secondly, a Montanist view is proposed, which defines the true church, and the power it yields in forgiving sins, as being exclusively spiritual in nature. Chapter two describes the environment in which Cyprian worked. This includes a biography of Cyprian, as well as the African religion and people. Secondly the European influence is shown on Cyprian's ecclesiology. The influence exerted by the Roman state model is also clearly seen. The major influence though, was exercised by the Roman church model, on account of the dynamics of the Roman church. Chapter three describes Cyprian's ecclesiology. The tension between the church as institute and the church of the Spirit is revealed in a discussion on the episcopacy; the significance of the bishop; Cyprian's view on authority and his perspective on the primacy. Cyprian's biblical connection, as well as the two historical lines, namely the Pauline and Petrine lines, put his salus extra ecclesiam non est pronouncement in perspective. ecclesiology the unity of Cyprian's view is primarily that of a of the Spirit. In his striving towards the church though, he finds the church as institute to be indispensable. Tension develops in his endeavor to form a synthesis between the two. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th.

The Twelve between two testaments : the Minor Prophets as Christian scripture in the commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria

Ondrey, Hauna T. January 2015 (has links)
My thesis offers a comparison of the Minor Prophets commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria, isolating the role each assigns (1) the Twelve Prophets in their ministry to Old Testament Israel and (2) the texts of the Twelve as Christian scripture. While the two produce radically different commentaries in terms of quantity and detail of christological interpretation, the source of their divergence cannot be reduced to Cyril's admitting messianic prophecy whereas Theodore does not. Rather, I argue that Theodore does acknowledge christological prophecies, as distinct from both retrospective accommodation and typology. Further, a careful reading of Cyril's Commentary on the Twelve limits the prospective christological revelation he ascribes to the prophets and reveals the positive role he grants the Mosaic law prior to Christ's advent. My thesis secondly explores the Christian significance both Theodore and Cyril assign to Israel's exile and restoration, the pivotal event to which the Twelve bear witness. I here argue that Theodore's reading of the Twelve Prophets, while not attempting to be christocentric, is nevertheless self-consciously Christian. Cyril, unsurprisingly, offers a robust Christian reading of the Twelve, yet this too must be expanded by his focus on the church and concern to equip the church through the ethical paideusis provided by the plain sense of the prophetic text. Revised descriptions of each interpreter lead to the claim that the label “christocentric” obscures more than it clarifies and polarizes no less than earlier accounts of Antiochene/Alexandrian exegesis. I advocate rather for an approach that takes seriously Theodore's positive account of the unity and telos of the divine economy and the full range of Cyril's interpretation, in order to move beyond a zero-sum assessment and offer instead a positive account that appreciates the strengths of each Christian reading of the Twelve.

Egyptian Christianity : an historical examination of the belief systems prevalent in Alexandria c.100 B.C.E. - 400 C.E. and their role in the shaping of early Christianity

Fogarty, Margaret Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis sets out to examine, as far as possible within the constraints of a limited study, the nature of the Christianity professed in the first centuries of the Common Era, by means of an historical examination of Egyptian Christianity. The thesis contends that the believers in Christ's teachings, in the first century, were predominantly Jewish, that "Christianity" did not exist as a developed separate religion until its first formal systematizations commenced in the second century, through the prolific writings of the Alexandrians, Clement and Origen. It is noted that the name "Christianity" itself was coined for the first time in the second century by Ignatius of Antioch; and that until the fourth century it is more accurate to speak of many Christianities in view of regional-cultural and interpretative differences where the religion took root. The study examines the main religions of the world in which the new religion began to establish itself, and against which it had to contend for its very survival. Many elements of these religions influenced the rituals and formulation of the new religion and are traced through ancient Egyptian religion, the Isis and Serapis cults, Judaism, Gnosticism and Hermeticism. Alexandria, as the intellectual matrix of the Graeco-Roman world, was the key centre in which the new religion was formally developed. The thesis argues, therefore, that despite the obscurity of earliest Christianity in view of the dearth of extant sources, the emergent religion was significantly Egyptian in formulation, legacy and influence in the world of Late Antiquity. It is argued, in conclusion, that the politics of the West in making Christianity the official religion of the empire, thus centring it henceforth in Rome, effectively effaced the Egyptian roots. In line with current major research into the earliest centuries of Christianity, the thesis contends that while Jerusalem was the spring of the new religion Alexandria, and Egypt as a whole, formed a vital tributary of the river of Christianity which was to flow through the whole world. It is argued that without the Egyptian branch, Christianity would have been a different phenomenon to what it later became. The legacy of Egyptian Christianity is not only of singular importance in the development of Christianity but, attracting as it does the continued interest of current researchers in the historical, papyrological and archaeological fields, it holds also considerable significance for the study of the history of religions in general, and Christianity in particular. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die proefskrif poog om, insover moontlik binne beperkte skopus, die aard van die vroeë Christendom gedurende die eerste eeue V.C. te ondersoek, deur middel van 'n historiese ondersoek van die Egiptiese Christendom. Die tesis voer aan dat die vroegste Christelike gelowiges in die eerste eeu N.C. grootendeels Joods was, en dat die Christendom as afsonderlike godsdiens nie ontstaan het nie voor die formele sistematiseringe wat deur die Aleksandryne Clemens en Origines aangebring is nie. Selfs die term Christendom is vir die eerste keer in die tweede eeu n.C. deur Ignatius van Antiochië versin; daar word verder opgemerk dat voor die vierde eeu dit meer akkuraat is om van veelvuldige Christelike groepe te praat. Die studie ondersoek die vernaamste godsdienste van die milieu waarin die nuwe godsdiens wortel geskied het, en waarteen dit om sy oorlewing moes stry. Baie invloede van die godsdienste is uitgeoefen op die rites en die daarstelling van die nuwe godsdiens, en kan herlei word na die antieke Egiptiese godsdiens, die kultusse van Isis en Serapis, Judaïsme, Gnostisisme en Hermetisme. Aleksandrië, die intellektuele matriks van die Grieks-Romeinse wêreld, was die hoof-sentrum waarin die nuwe godsdiens formeelontwikkel het. Die tesis toon daarom aan dat ten spyte van die onbekendheid van die vroegste Christendom, wat te wyte is aan die tekort aan bronne, die opkomende godsdiens in die Laat Antieke wêreld opvallend Egipties van aard was in formulering, invloed en erfenis. Ten slotte word daar aangevoer dat die politiek van die Weste wat die Christendom as amptelike godsdiens van die ryk gemaak het, en wat dit vervolgens dus in Rome laat konsentreer het, die Egiptiese oorspronge van die godsdiens feitlik uitgewis het. In samehang met kontemporêre belangrike navorsing op die gebied van die Christendom se vroegste eeue, argumenteer die tesis dat terwyl Jerusalem wel die bron van die nuwe godsdiens was, Aleksandrië, en Egipte as geheel, 'n deurslaggewende sytak was van die rivier van die Christendom wat uiteindelik deur die ganse wêreld sou vloei. Daar word aangetoon dat sonder die Egiptiese tak, die Christendom 'n heel ander verskynsel sou gewees het in vergelyking met sy latere formaat. Die erfenis van die Egiptiese Christendom is nie alleen van die grootste belang vir die ontwikkeling van die Christendom nie, maar 'n nalatenskap wat die voortgesette aandag van navorsers op historiese, papirologiese en argeologiese gebiede vra, en is daarom van groot belang vir die studie van die geskiedenis van godsdienste in die algemeen, en die Christendom in die besonder.

Conflits franco-allemands et présence missionnaire : la fondation et le développement de la mission des Capucins d'Alsace à Madagascar (1932-1960) / French and German conflicts and missionary presence : the foundation and development of the Capuchin mission in Madagascar (1932-1960)

Tsiarify, Lalao 25 September 2015 (has links)
Intitulée Conflits franco-allemands et présence missionnaire. La fondation et le développement de la mission des Capucins à Madagascar (1932-1960) , cette thèse s’intéresse aux crises qu’ont dû affronter les Capucins d’Alsace lors de leur installation à Madagascar au début des années trente. Le motu proprio de Pie XI, Supremi apostolatus munus, du 2 février 1932, transférant la préfecture apostolique de Mayotte, Nosy-Be et des Comores agrandie, marquait le début de l’aventure missionnaire de ces religieux sur la grande île malgache. Ces derniers héritèrent ce territoire des Pères du Saint-Esprit qui étaient à Nosy-Be depuis 1879. Ainsi, le problème du transfert des biens se posait, lorsqu’ils y arrivèrent. Il se développait dans une querelle entre les anciens et les nouveaux missionnaires et le conflit d’autorité qui affrontait le P. Lopinot avec le Fr. Brillaud de la Congrégation des Frères de Saint-Gabriel et le Comité d’Action populaire catholique de Nossi-Bé. Il s’ajoutait à cela les débats nourris d’arguments identitaires et patriotiques sur l’origine des Capucins venant d’Alsace. L’étude des diverses sources disponibles montre qu’il y avait des tentatives d’accorder à ce problème particulier de changement des missionnaires une dimension diplomatique et politique. Les opposants des religieux d’Alsace évoquaient leur germanité, et par là mettaient en cause leur attachement à la France. Les Capucins d’origine alsacienne furent soupçonnés d’être au service des intérêts allemands et accusés d’être destructeurs des valeurs religieuses et traditions françaises. Il s’agissait de l’instrumentalisation des conflits franco-allemands dans une crise d’autorité et de conflits personnels, puisqu’au niveau politico-diplomatique, cette crise ne représentait pas les différends directs entre l’Allemagne et la France. La première partie de cette thèse s’ouvre avec un chapitre qui retrace l’histoire de l’établissement des Capucins dans la région alsacienne, couvrant la période 1729-1932. L’intégration de l’Alsace-Lorraine à la souveraineté allemande en 1871 eut des conséquences dans l’histoire de la province des Capucins en Alsace, supprimée lors de la Révolution française. Confrontés avec le Kulturkampf, leurs confrères de la Rhénanie-Westphalie s’installèrent dans la région alsacienne en 1888. La province des Capucins dans l’ancien Reichland Elsaß-Lothringen renaît après la Première Guerre mondiale. Le deuxième chapitre s'intéresse à l’évolution des relations franco-allemandes dans la deuxième moitié des années vingt et au début des années trente. Il aborde la question de la mission dans les vicissitudes des rivalités internationales à la fin des hostilités. La réflexion se focalise sur l’Allemagne, la France et le Vatican. Cette partie se termine avec un chapitre consacré au transfert de la préfecture apostolique de Mayotte, Nosy-Be et des Comores aux Capucins d’Alsace en 1932. Ce chapitre décrit brièvement l’histoire de l’évangélisation de ce territoire avant leur arrivée et retrace l’état de la mission dans les régions du Sambirano et de Maromandia vers la fin des années vingt et au début des années trente ; cette période est marquée par le conflit de juridiction entre le vicariat apostolique de Majunga et de Diégo-Suarez. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l’analyse de la crise qui avait mis à l’épreuve l’installation des Capucins venant d’Alsace à Madagascar. Elle examine le litige à propos des biens de la mission entre les anciens et les nouveaux missionnaires. Ces faits se sont déroulés à l’époque du P. Lopinot (1932-1937). Elle aborde aussi le conflit d’autorité entre celui-ci et le Fr. Brillaud, frère de Saint-Gabriel, à propos de la fanfare communale. Leur querelle se situait dans le contexte de la commémoration de l’armistice de 1918. Elle se prolongeait aux conflits et tensions entre le P. Lopinot et les habitants de Nosy-Be. Cette partie relate aussi l’instrumentalisation des conflits franco-allemands dans cette situation..... / The present dissertation, titled French and German conflicts and missionary presence. The foundation and development of the Capuchin mission in Madagascar (1932-1960) deals with the crises that the Capuchin friars from Alsace had to face while settling in Madagascar in the early thirties. On February, 2nd 1932, Pius XI issued the Supremi apostolatus munus, a motu proprio whose effect was to transfer the aggrandized apostolic prefecture of Mayotte, Nosy-Be and the Comoros to the latter. This marked the beginning of a missionary adventure on the large Madagascar Island for those clergymen. They inherited this territory from the Fathers of the Holy Spirit who had been in Nosy-Be since 1879. This transfer, and their arrival brought about the question of the transmission of assets. This became a real issue as it took place in the broader context of a general dispute between former and new missionaries along with a conflict of authority between Father Lopinot and Brother Brillaud from the Congregation of the Brothers of Saint-Gabriel and the Committee for Catholic Popular Action in Nossi-Bé. Added to that, the Capuchin Friars from Alsace were the target of heated debates on grounds such as their origin, identity, or patriotic spirit. The various sources available lay bare a number of attempts at giving a diplomatic and political dimension to the specific problem of the change of missionaries. Opponents of the clergymen from Alsace put forward their German nature, thereby questioning their affiliation with France. Capuchin Friars of Alsatian origin were suspected of acting in the interest of the Germans and were accused of destroying French religious values and traditions. What actually happened was that they were utilising French and Germans conflicts to fuel a crisis of authority and personal conflicts, as in truth, this crisis was by no means representative of the political and diplomatic disagreements between Germany and France. The first chapter of this dissertation recounts the story of the Capuchin settlement in the Alsatian region from 1729 to 1932. The German sovereign power taking over Alsace and Lorraine in 1871 had repercussions on the history of the Capuchin province in Alsace, which was suppressed during the French Revolution. Faced with the Kulturkampf, their fellows from the Rhineland and Westphalia settled in the Alsatian region in 1888. The Capuchin province in former Reichland Elsaß-Lothringen rose again after World War I. The second chapter focuses on the evolution of French and German relationships during the second half of the twenties and early thirties. It addresses the question of the mission in the tumultuous context of international rivalries at the end of hostilities. Specific attention is paid to Germany, France and the Vatican. This part ends on a chapter about the 1932 transfer of the apostolic prefecture of Mayotte, Nosy-Be and the Comoros to the Capuchin Friars from Alsace. This chapter briefly recounts how that territory had been evangelised prior to their arrival and describes the state of the mission in the Sambirano and Maromandia regions around the end of the twenties and early thirties — a period marked by a jurisdiction conflict between the apostolic curacy of Majunga and Diego-Suarez. The second part is devoted to the analysis of the crisis and the hardships the Capuchin Friars from Alsace were faced with as they settled in Madagascar. It examines the contention between former and new missionaries concerning the assets of the mission. This took place under Father Lopinot (1932-1937). This part also tackles the conflict of authority between the latter and Brother Brillaud, a brother of Saint-Gabriel, on the question of the municipal fanfare. Their quarrel took place in the context of the commemoration of the 1918 armistice.....

A razão e a ordem: o Bispo José Joaquim da Cunha de Azeredo Coutinho e a defesa ilustrada do antigo regime português (1742-1821) / The reason and the order: Bishop José Joaquim da Cunha de Azeredo Coutinho and the illustrated defense of the ancient Portuguese regime (1742-1821)

Cantarino, Nelson Mendes 27 April 2012 (has links)
Último inquisidor-mor, bispo de Olinda e deputado eleito pelo Rio de Janeiro nas Cortes de Lisboa. A vida e a trajetória de José Joaquim da Cunha Azeredo Coutinho (1742-1821) são conhecidas da historiografia brasileira. Intransigente defensor da ordem estabelecida, Azeredo Coutinho distinguiu-se, inicialmente, com a publicação de memórias econômicas, abordando temas variados que vão desde o preço do açúcar até a defesa da justiça do comércio de escravos africanos; por sua participação no governo da Capitania de Pernambuco e a frente da diocese da cidade alentejana de Elvas. Esta pesquisa pretende analisar o pensamento econômico e as concepções políticas de Azeredo Coutinho. Num primeiro momento, faremos uma leitura crítica de seus escritos à luz de sua atuação pública, reconstituindo seus referenciais teóricos e contextualizando-os a partir das questões que ele procurava responder. Neste percurso, teremos sempre em vista sua colaboração com os ministros ilustrados na produção de uma idéia de Império, de inspiração luso-brasileira, em direção a uma solução mais ampla, de caráter imperial. Destacaremos também o caráter reformista de suas idéias e ações. Como inúmeros de seus contemporâneos, Azeredo combateu a secularização buscando manter o passado atual, mas sem propor um retorno a ele. Reformista, acreditava que a destruição das estruturas históricas elaboradas por formas sociais mais antigas levaria a destruição da sociedade no seu caráter moderno. Foi nesse contexto intelectual que Azeredo Coutinho produziu sua defesa das prerrogativas do Trono, da legitimidade da autoridade da Igreja e da atualidade do Sistema Colonial. / This is a study about the life and times of D. José Joaquim da Cunha de Azeredo Coutinho (1742-1821). A catholic bishop and a statesman, Azeredo Coutinho is one of the best examples of an enlightened author defender of the Ancient Regime in the Portuguese Empire. In this work, aspects of his essays on economics and political issues, his actions as the head of the Capitania de Pernambuco government (1798- 1802), and as bishop of the Alentejo city of Elvas will be contextualized with the program of reforms sponsored by the Portuguese Crown in the late 18th Century. Furthermore, is your objective to understand the principal ideas and influences behind Azeredos essays. To accomplish this goal, the ideas in context methodology will be your analytical tool.

L'ascension du Cardinal de Fleury (1653-1726) / The rise of Cardinal de Fleury (1653-1726)

Malcor, Fabrice 30 January 2016 (has links)
L’ascension du cardinal de Fleury décrit les mécanismes ayant conduit le rejeton d’une famille de financiers « moyens » du Languedoc à devenir en 1726 le principal ministre de Louis XV. Il faut d’abord compter avec le mouvement d’ensemble de tout un lignage qui plonge ses racines dans la marchandise du lodévois depuis au moins le XVIe siècle. Le passage à la finance s’effectue avec le grand-père du cardinal et se poursuit avec son père Jean et surtout son oncle Pierre-Moïse, trésorier de France au bureau des finances de Montpellier. Ce dernier favorise la montée à Paris du jeune André-Hercule qui embrasse dès lors la carrière ecclésiastique. Les moteurs de l’ascension sont ensuite individuels et reposent sur le jeu des clientèles, avec le cardinal de Bonsy puis le cardinal de Noailles qui obtient d’un Louis XIV réticent l’évêché de Fréjus (1698) pour son protégé. La suite relève davantage de la contingence mais ne peut s’extraire du contexte religieux et, là encore, le système des fidélités. La désignation comme précepteur du futur Louis XV, quelques jours avant la mort du Grand Roi, permet à Fleury de faire sa rentrée à la Cour. L’incontestable habileté de Fleury lui permet de profiter de l’évolution politico-religieuse engagée par le Régent qui, passé une phase initiale de rapprochement avec les adversaires de la bulle Unigenitus, s’en détache bientôt. Fleury incarne un soutien modéré mais ferme. Sa proximité avec le petit roi fait le reste et le positionne en personnalité majeure. Les décès de Dubois puis de Philippe d’Orléans le laissent seul face au duc de Bourbon (1723). Trois ans seulement vont suffire à M. de Fréjus pour éliminer le premier ministre en titre. / The ascent of the cardinal of Fleury describes the mechanisms which have driven the heir of an "average" family of financiers in Languedoc to become Louis XV’s Prime Minister in 1726. It is necessary to underline at first the whole rise of a linage which plunges its roots into the merchandise in the Lodévois for at least the XVIth century. The transition to the finance is made with the cardinal’s grandfather and continues with his father Jean and especially his uncle Pierre-Moses, trésorier de France at the bureau des finances of Montpellier. The latter favors the rise in Paris of the young André-Hercule who embraces from then the ecclesiastical career. The causes of the ascent are individual and are based on the set of the clienteles, with at first the cardinal of Bonsy, then the cardinal of Noailles who obtains from reluctant Louis XIV the bishop's siege of Fréjus ( in 1698 ) for his protégé. The continuation is more a matter of contingency but cannot be extracted from the religious context and, even there, the system of the clienteles. The designation as the private tutor of the future Louis XV, a few days before the death of the Great King, allows Fleury to make his comeback to the Court. The indisputable skill of Fleury allows him to take advantage of the politico-religious evolution led by the Regent who, after an initial phase of proximity with the opponents of the Unigenitus bull, soon gets loose from them. Fleury embodies a moderate support but firm. His closeness with the small king makes of him a major actor. The death of Dubois and of Philippe of Orléans leaves him alone in front of the duke of Bourbon (1723). Three years only will be enough for M. de Fréjus to eliminate the official Prime Minister.

Les femmes pasteurs et prophétesses dans les Églises pentecôtistes congolaises : enjeux d'autorité, représentations et rapports de genre / Female pastors and prophets in the Congolese Pentecostal churches : authority issues, representations and gender relationship

Simantoto Mafuta, Apollinaire-Sam 10 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’appuie sur une approche empirique et épistémologique qualitative basée sur des entretiens semi-directifs, un questionnaire auto-administré et une observation ethnographique. Elle est construite à partir de l’analyse des rapports sociaux de genre dans les représentations des femmes au sein des Églises pentecôtistes congolaises. En interrogeant différentes trajectoires de vie, d’engagement et de vocation pastorale et/ou épiscopale des femmes, elle cherche à comprendre comment articuler à la fois la dimension genrée et le désir des femmes d’exercer une profession historiquement conjuguée au masculin dont l’accès leur avait été longtemps fermé. Si, dans l’économie du temps qui court, être pasteur dans cette religion d’éveil apparaît comme un ascenseur social ou une élévation qui nourrissent l’ambition à l’acquisition de la prospérité matérielle et spirituelle, le pastorat exercé au féminin pose une série d’interrogations : comment interpréter la facilité avec laquelle on devient pasteur en République Démocratique du Congo ? De quelle manière définir le rôle actuel des femmes qui exercent le métier de pasteur ou d’évêque ? Comment penser la tension permanente entre la visibilité du travail des femmes à travers l’exercice de la profession religieuse au sein du pentecôtisme et la prégnance des stéréotypes liés à leur supposée subalternation ou à l’incompatibilité du corps féminin à des fonctions de direction restées longtemps le pré carré des clercs masculins ? Comment conjuguent-elles foi, féminité, leadership et compétences professionnelles face aux défis actuels de la société en mutation ? Comment se définissent les rôles de pasteurs ou d’évêques lorsqu’ils se déclinent au féminin ? La fonction hiératique se modifie-t-elle dans ce cas de figure ? Quelles sont les nouvelles dimensions de l’exercice de la profession religieuse ? Sont-elles sociales, familiales, se réfèrent-elles à l’intimité personnelle ou à une nouvelle dimension du sacré ? Autant de questions auxquelles tente de répondre cette réflexion qui, par ailleurs, montre de nouvelles dimensions de l’exercice de la profession religieuse par le biais des femmes et apporte de nouvelles indications sur les changements religieux qui se sont opérés ces dernières années en Afrique noire en général et en RD Congo en particulier. / This PhD is based on a qualitative, empirical and epistemological approach relied on interviews, self-administered questionnaire and ethnographic observation. The analysis of gender relationships and representations of female pastoral labor in the Pentecostal churches is the main topic of this research. We are looking for life stories items and commitment in a pastoral or episcopal female vocation inasmuch to understand gendered dimension and the motives of the young ladies to look for such a well known male profession for which they have been banned for centuries. This religion of the Reborn seems to give an opportunity for climbing the social ladder and awakens the desire for material goods and spiritual prosperity. Many questions are at stake with the female pastoral vocation. How to interpret the ease with which one becomes a pastor (how shall we figure out) the fact that it is very easy to become a pastor in the Democratic Republic of Congo ? How to define the current female role of pastors or bishops ? How to understand the permanent tension between the female vocation, the social stereotypes and the linked body alienation ? Although, they must have leadership roles that have always been the privilege of the male clerics ? Facing the current challenges of a changing society, how do they combine faith, femininity, leadership and professional skills ? What are the roles of pastors and bishops when they belong to the female sex ? Does the hieratic function change in this case ? What are the new dimensions of the religious profession practice ? Are they more concerned with social or family issues ? Do they refer to personal intimacy or to a new dimension of the sacred ? This PhD is trying to answer all these questions. It shows moreover new faces of the religious profession practice through the coming out of female pastors and bishops. It provides new indications regarding the religious changes that have taken place in recent years in Sub- Saharan Africa in general and in DR Congo in particular.

Reid Concerts at the University of Edinburgh : the first 100 years, 1841-1941

Donaldson, Fiona McCallum January 2018 (has links)
Reid Concerts began in 1841 and were defined by Donald Francis Tovey as those concerts presented by the University of Edinburgh under the auspices of the Professors of Music, based on the guidance laid down in the will and codicil of General John Reid. Reid was a major benefactor who bequeathed funds for the establishment of the Chair of the Theory of Music at The University of Edinburgh with a condition attached to the bequest that a concert be held each year in his memory. This thesis will explore the development and evolution of the first 100 years of these concerts through the contents of the available original concert programmes and related ephemera held in the Centre for Research Collections at The University of Edinburgh - a valuable historical resource which has never been fully recorded or researched. Analysis of this resource will focus on the programming, people, personalities, places, and perspectives associated with the performances and offer insight into the choices and influences of the Professors of Music charged with the organisation and implementation of the concerts over an extended timescale from 1841 to 1941. To aid this analysis a searchable online database has been designed and developed to provide outline performance details and some background information on the contents of many of these Reid concert programmes: http://www.reidconcerts.music.ed.ac.uk. The database is both a finding aid to these contents and a research tool providing a basis for future studies. This research will contribute to the history of the University and City of Edinburgh and the social and musical history of concerts in the University from 1841. The findings emphasise the usefulness of printed concert programmes in recording trends in concert presentation and programming and will broaden the knowledge of this use of such ephemera for academic research.


進藤, 翔大郎 23 May 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第24114号 / 人博第1051号 / 新制||人||246(附属図書館) / 2022||人博||1051(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生文明学専攻 / (主査)准教授 齋藤 嘉臣, 教授 森口 由香, 准教授 徳永 悠, 准教授 楠 綾子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

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