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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O governo das conquistas do norte: trajetórias administrativas no Estado do Grão-Pará e Maranhão (1751-1780) / The governor of the conquests of the north: administrative courses in the State of Grão-Pará and Maranhão (1751-1780)

Fabiano Vilaça dos Santos 24 March 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo delinear as trajetórias administrativas dos governadores e dos bispos que atuaram na jurisdição do Estado do Grão-Pará e Maranhão no período pombalino. De acordo com os pressupostos renovados da biografia, são analisados: os perfis sociais dos agentes nas conquistas do Norte; a sua formação e experiências no Real Serviço; os critérios de recrutamento dos administradores coloniais para as capitanias do Grão-Pará (governadores e capitães-generais), Maranhão, São José do Piauí e São José do Rio Negro (governadores), e dos bispos encarregados das dioceses do Maranhão e do Pará; as linhas gerais da ação administrativa nas esferas temporal e religiosa; as situações de colaboração e de conflito entre governadores e bispos no cumprimento das diretrizes metropolitanas; e, por fim, as possibilidades de remuneração e de promoção pela participação no Real Serviço. A análise desta dimensão das trajetórias leva em conta alguns fatores essenciais: O desempenho das funções na mitra e no governo das capitanias e o estabelecimento de alianças políticas e de conexões familiares no Reino. / This work intends to outline the administrative careers of governors and bishops that acted in the jurisdiction of the State of Grão-Pará and Maranhão in the period of Pombal\'s government. According to the renewed assumptions of biography, were analyzed: the social profiles of the agents in the conquests of the North; their upbringing and experiences in the Royal Service; the criteria for recruiting the colonial administrators for the captaincies of Grão-Pará (governors and general captains), Maranhão, São José do Piauí and São José do Rio Negro (governors); and the bishops in charge of the dioceses of Maranhão and of Pará; the general outlines of the administrative action in the secular and religious circles; the circumstances of collaboration and conflict between governors and bishops in fulfilling the metropolitan directives; and, finally, the possibilities of remuneration and promotion for the participation in the Royal Service. The examination of this dimension of the careers considers some essential factors: the performance of the bishops in the functions of the miter and in the government of the captaincies, and the establishment of political alliances and familiar relationships in the Kingdom.

Mandlenkhosi Zwane (1932-1980) : first African Bishop in Swaziland.

Langa, Clement Johane. January 1996 (has links)
This thesis attempts to give a sketch of the life of Bishop Mandlenkhosi Zwane (1932-1980) who was bishop of Manzini for only four years. His enemies thought that he was magnificently prevaricating, his friends saw him as plain-dealing and bound by invisible power. Being the first Catholic African Bishop in Swaziland, he brought many changes in the life of the Church. Consecrated to the episcopate when the diocese of Manzini and the Southern Africa Catholic Bishops' Conference urgently needed a leader who would challenge injustice and the lack of authentic African spirituality, Zwane felt compelled to fight for justice and promote inculturation thus building the church. Though at a certain stage he was declared persona non grata by the South African Government; he did not stop helping the victims of injustice, in fact later on in our discussion we will find that Zwane had been at a certain stage branded a politician. He was not interested in political leadership, but he was interested in spiritual leadership. Since he was also interested in social justice some governments in the Southern Africa region felt threatened by his presence. Let us look briefly at the method. For many years Catholics in Swaziland have felt the need for a biography of Bishop Zwane. Surprisingly, no one has yet written the biography of Zwane. Since very little has been written on Zwane, in an endeavour to write his biography I felt compelled to conduct many interviews with some of the people who knew him. This means that for our knowledge of the life and the episcopate of Zwane, we are almost entirely depended upon interviews conducted fourteen years after his tragic death. A tape-recorder and questionnaires have been used. Other people who should have been interviewed have been unintentionally missed. We have made an effort to screen out errors and discrepancies. By far the most important written source for the life of Bishop Zwane is the collections of speeches and writings compiled and published by the Catholic Institute for International Relations. The oral and written sources provide new insight into Zwane's character and philosophy. They also throw certain aspects of his life into new perspective, in particular Zwane's feeling towards the poor whom he adored unequivocally. Our discussion is divided into three chapters. The first chapter deals with inculturation, which seems now to have attracted many people in Africa especially these days when the Church is preparing to enter into the third millennium. Also in that chapter, we shall try to understand how the Church looks at inculturation. Some documents of the Second Vatican and Post-Vatican Council will be used. Our reflection on inculturation will be reintroduced in the third chapter where we will be looking at Bishop Zwane's life. The inculturation we discuss in the first chapter is designed to help the reader understand how the church locks at inculturation. The second chapter looks at the Catholic Church and evangelization in Swaziland. That chapter will help us to understand how the church in Swaziland has carried out the work of evangelization amongst the Swazis. We are going to look briefly at how different religious congregations that engaged themselves in the work of evangelization established themselves in the country. When religious congregations arrived in Swaziland they discovered that there were many social problems. It will be interesting to look how they tried to address these issues as foreign missionaries. That discussion will certainly prepare us to see how Zwane who was the first African Bishop addressed similar problems. After one has understood the different approaches she or he will not hesitate to call Zwane a pioneer. Zwane tried to lay the foundations for the encounter between the Swazi culture and the Gospel. The principal aim of chapter three is to throw light on the life and the episcopate of Zwane. This chapter will consist of a careful study of some of the main issues discussed in the previous chapters such as inculturation, relations between Church and State, and other issues. Also in that chapter we shall see that the Church is one of the institutions that have a strong sense of social responsibility. The Church concern for justice was obvious in many conferences which were held during Zwane's episcopate. Our study on Zwane will enable us to learn how to build a prophetic Church. Finally; we shall be looking at the mysterious death of Bishop Zwane. Many questions have been raised about his death. / Thesis (M.Th.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1996.

John Spottiswoode, Jacobean archbishop and statesman

Pearce, A. S. Wayne January 1998 (has links)
This main aim of this thesis is to conclusively demonstrate that John Spottiswoode was one of the most important churchman in early modern Scotland. He was, it will be shown, the most authoritative and impressive of Scotland's post-Refonriation bishops. Spottiswoode was the principal ecclesiastic in James VI's reconstruction of an episcopal church in Scotland after 1603 when he was appointed Archbisiop of Glasgow. This was followed by his prestigious translation to the metropolitan see of St Andrews in 1615 from where he presided over those controversial liturgical reforms of the succeeding years of the Jacobean era. Moreover, as a prominent member of the Scottish government he was heavily involved in secular politics and administration throughout the absentee kingship of James VI and that of his son, Charles I. This study, however, will confine itself to charting the archbishop's ecclesiastical and political ascendancy and involvement within the Scottish Jacobean church and state. Although Spottiswoode was without question a loyal supporter of the crown, it will be shown that he was no sycophant. Therefore, it is necessary to provide an analysis of the qualities and characteristics that made Spottiswoode such an influential figure and beneficiary of royal largesse between 1603 and 1625. Through focusing on the activities and objectives of Archbishop Spottiswoode throughout the reign of James VI, this thesis also aims to challenge the popular notion that the Church of Scotland functioned efficiently and harmoniously throughout the reign of"rex pacificus". Furthermore, the idea that an absolutist state existed in Scotland after the regal union will be exposed as fanciful.

Vivre sa foi catholique en Corse, à Gênes et dans le comté de Nice du XVe au XVIIIe siècle : Essai d'histoire comparée. / Living out is catholic faith in Corsica, in Genoa and in the county of Nice from XVth to XVIIIth century : essay of comparative history

Letournel, Marine 29 June 2015 (has links)
Le concile de Trente définit à la fin du XVI° siècle les principales réformes à entreprendre afin de restaurer l'image de l'Église. Une nouvelle approche structurelle et humaine est ainsi promue pour répondre aux critiques des protestants et de certains catholiques. La reconquête de la confiance des fidèles par l'Église se traduit par une modernisation et l'instauration de structures ecclésiastiques locales. La formation et l'apprentissage sont placés au centre de la politique menée par la curie romaine et les épiscopats locaux. Ces principes sont soutenus par la résurgence et la fondation de nouvelles compagnies religieuses ou associations laïques, répondant aux besoins quotidiens des populations. Le processus d'évangélisation passe également par la diffusion d'une nouvelle forme d'art capable de susciter un sentiment de grandeur et de richesse. Le baroque s'affirme comme un outil pédagogique indispensable dont les traces, encore actuelles, attestent de la magnificence. Le renouveau du message catholique, suite au concile de Trente, connaît cependant une application relative selon les territoires. Il apparaît à cet égard intéressant d'étudier l'impact de cette contre-Réforme sur la manière de vivre sa foi au sein de trois espaces liés d'un point de vue culturel et géographique que sont la Corse, Gênes et le comté de Nice. / The council of Trent held at the end of the 16th century embodies main reforms to carry out in order to restore the Church’s image. A new structural and human approach is put forward in response to the critics addressed by Protestants and some Catholics. The regaining of the faithful’s trust, wanted by the Church, has led to a modernization and to the creation of local ecclesiastic structures. Training and learning have been put at the center of the policy conducted by the roman Curia and local episcopacies. This principles are supported by the renewal or the creation, of both religious societies and non-religious associations, able to meet the daily requirements of populations. Process of evangelization also goes through spreading of a new type of art, fostering a sense of glory and wealth. By doing so, the baroque asserts itself as a necessary educational tool, traces of which remain present until today and bear witness to its magnificence. However, the renewed catholic message, after the council of Trent, was not put in application equally in all the provinces. In this regard, it is interesting to study the impact of this counter-reformation on the way to live out is faith in this three culturally and geographically linked areas that are Corsica, Genoa and the county of Nice.

Les premiers évêques du Languedoc : construction et déconstruction d'une mémoire hagiographique au Moyen âge / The first bishops of the Languedoc : construction and deconstruction of a hagiographic memory in the Middle Age

Peloux, Fernand 10 December 2016 (has links)
Ce sujet propose de déconstruire les discours qui ont conduit à fixer dès le Moyen Age une mémoire officielle des origines chrétiennes du diocèse. Cette lecture est essentielle dans la mesure où l'historiographie a longtemps utilisé les récits hagiographiques sans réfléchir au contexte de leur genèse et de leur diffusion. Des travaux récents ont montré combien l'hagiographie était en fait un genre littéraire qui reproduisait un certain nombre de modèles et que l'historicité des vies de saints reposait seule dans le contexte qui les avait vu naître.Il s'agit d'étudier les saints évêques supposés avoir vécu avant l’an mil, et s'intéresser à l'évolution de leur figure jusqu'à la fin du Moyen Age pour étudier la mémoire épiscopale dont l'hagiographie est le principal-mais non unique- vecteur. La question de la dimension politique de la sainteté, du culte des saints et de l'écriture hagiographique est en outre en plein renouvellement. Le Languedoc permet de conduire une première étude de cas régionale pour tester les constatations qui ont été faites ailleurs dans ce domaine. La problématique centrale de la thèse est donc la question de la mémoire et de ses enjeux politiques. Un inventaire raisonné servira de fondement à une synthèse permettant de comprendre dans quelle mesure la sainteté locale a participé à la construction d’un discours mémoriel sur les origines chrétiennes du diocèse. Ainsi, on comprendra ce qui, à plusieurs périodes du Moyen Age, a pesé dans la perception du passé mais on pourra appréhender également, une fois les différentes strates des discours sur le passé collectif du diocèse analysées, la réalité des changements politiques et territoriaux dans le Languedoc de l'Antiquité Tardive et du haut Moyen Age. / In order to study the relationship between hagiographic production and the formation of a memory of Christian origins, it is necessary to update the sources by analyzing the transmission of hagiographic texts and the establishment of new editions of these texts. What emerges in a study of fifteen dioceses in the South of France is a pattern which demonstrates that since Late Antiquity, the traditions that founded local churches were put into writing with the goal of shaping a memory of these events that was meaningful in the present time. Hagiographic tales were elaborated in periods of crisis, as if hagiography could pacify the present by evading the past's turpitudes at the service of competing powers who invented their own history. The Medieval period was marked by several phases of deeper embellishment of the hagiographic memory, as the figures of bishop saints was useful to both clergy and laymen. In particular, the relationship between cultural memory and hagiography crystallizes around places, marked by the presence of the saint through its relics, whose location in urban space often allows to explain the origin and the uses of Christian memory. This connection with sacred space forms a hagiographic productionwhich can be seen as a local adaptation of sacred history up to the 14th century, when the papacy's move to Avignon marked the last great phase of hagiographic production in the Southern France of the Medieval Period.

Lekande lätt att lära matematik : en handledning i matematik för förskolans personal / Math in a playful way : a tutorial for preschool personnel

Berg, Hanna, Svedberg, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Forskning visar på att allt fler förskollärare anser att det är svårt att lära ut matematik till yngre barn. För att bidra till ökad matematikundervisning samt förståelse framställdes en produkt, i form av en handledning. Handledningen riktar sig till förskolepersonal som arbetar med barns lärande av matematik. Detta gjordes främst för att all förskolepersonal ska kunna vara delaktig i undervisningen. Handledningen innefattade fyra olika matematiska avsnitt med varierande aktiviteter som kallades talraden, geometri, mönster samt mätning. De utvalda aktiviteterna stöds i handledningen främst av Bishops matematiska aktiviteter och mål från förskolans läroplan samt vetenskaplig grund i form av forskning. Handledningen provades av intresserad förskolepersonal från tre olika förskolor. De 14 personerna som provade materialet svarade sedan på en utvärderingsenkät som handledningen reviderades utifrån. Under arbetets gång gavs tillfälle att presentera handledningen för en grupp förskolechefer. De lämnade sina åsikter som sedan jämfördes med förskolepersonalens svar. Resultatet visade att handledningen fyller en funktion i matematikundervisningen i förskolan samt att den fungerar både i teori och praktik. Slutsatsen som dras är att handledningen bidrar till att underlätta matematikundervisningen.

Canonicité de la subsidiarité ad intra, Église catholique romaine (1946-2018) : atouts et conditions / Subsidiarity’s canonicity ad intra, Roman Catholic Church (1946-2018) : strengths and conditions

Bikunda Mawete, Jean-Pierre 11 December 2018 (has links)
Le principe de subsidiarité est ici étudié en droit canonique, et au cours de son histoire contemporaine. Le catholicisme romain procède, depuis moins d’un siècle, à une complexe acculturation et inculturation, certes conditionnelle par respect envers sa spécificité religieuse, à propos de procédures de subsidiarité. Et, y compris, afin que de telles procédures puissent être assumées dans les rapports de pouvoirs internes à cette Église chrétienne. Car la meilleure des mises en œuvre de subsidiarité a acquis une réputation de précieuses contributions pour rendre le vécu en sociétés plus humain : un savoir procédural pour articuler les différents ordres supérieurs et inférieurs. Que ces subsidiarités articulent davantage de participation effective de tous et de toutes aux décisions les concernant. Aussi les formes de subsidiarités les plus ajustées et opportunes peuvent en principe faciliter un exercice plus libre et plus responsable des compétences légitimement réparties. Mais, leurs applications concrètes ne sont pas sans soulever des difficultés, des confusions indues et équivoques de compétences. L’Église catholique romaine recommande l’application du principe de subsidiarité à la société civile (ad extra). À quelles conditions institutionnelles des procédures de subsidiarités dans l’Église catholique romaine contemporaine (ad intra) ? / The principle of subsidiarity is studied here in canonic law, and during modern history. The Roman Catholicism has proceeded, less than a century, in a complex acculturation and inculturation, admittedly conditional with respect for religious specificity, about the procedures of subsidiarity. And, furthermore, in order such procedures to be assumed in the power relations internal to this Christian Church. Because the best practice of subsidiarity has acquired, in a real-world situation and in the Church, a reputation of precious contributions to make society more human: a procedural knowledge to articulate the different superior and inferior orders. That this subsidiarity leads to a more efficient participation of everybody to the decisions concerning them. Thus the most adjusted and appropriate forms of subsidiarity can in principle make easier the exercise of the competences legitimately distributed. But, their concrete application is not without raising some difficulties, undue confusion and equivocal competences. The Roman Catholic shaping of this principle of social and political moral of subsidiarity, addressed to all the good societies possibly well-disposed, is advocated, firstly and mostly, since the encyclical letter Quadragesimo Anno of May 15th 1931 from Pie XI. The Roman Catholic Church teaches and recommends steadfastly the application of the principle of subsidiarity to the civil society (ad extra).What about its existence in the modern Roman Catholic Church (ad intra)?

Mary, the U.S. Bishops and the decade of silence: the 1973 pastoral letter "Behold Your Mother Woman of Faith"

Myler, John T. 06 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Mate-este-tik : Möjligheter till matematik i barns skapande / Mate-este-tik : Opportunities for mathematics in children's creativity

Smakici, Cendresa, Risendal, Louise January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna mindre etnografiska studie är att utmana uppdelningen mellan matematik och estetikgenom att undersöka barns estetiska skapande och vilken matematiska möjligheter som uppstår underprocessen i barns möte med materialet. Detta med hjälp av deltagande observationer för att kunnaundersöka barns möte med matematik, estetik och material i en sammanflätad tillblivelseprocess däringet överordnar det ena eller det andra. Med hjälp av tidigare forskning, litteratur, metod och teorivisar resultatet i studien att matematiken är möjlig och en del i barns estetiska skapande. I empirin blirdet synligt att det inte endast är människan som är aktiv i skapandet av kunskap utan ävenmaterialiteter har agens och kraft att påverka oss i den dynamiska intra-aktion som uppstår. Slutsatsenmed studien blir att det inte går att göra tydliga uppdelningar av ämnesdiscipliner som matematik ochestetik, subjekt-objekt och teori-praktik utan allt är i rörelse av ständig tillblivelse.

John Bede Polding, O.S.B. : Archbishop of Sydney, 1835-1877

McCarthy, Patrick January 1960 (has links)
No description available.

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