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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Images radar des précipitations et durée dhumectation simulée pour lévaluation des risques potentiels dinfection du blé dhiver par la septoriose/Weather-Radar Rainfall Measurement and Simulated Surface Wetness Duration for Septoria Leaf Blotch Risk Assessment

Mahtour, Abdeslam 10 November 2010 (has links)
Lhumectation des surfaces végétales, due principalement aux précipitations sous forme de pluie ou de rosée, joue un rôle déterminant lors de la phase de contamination des plantes par de nombreux agents phytopathogènes. La connaissance de la pluie et de la rosée constitue un élément fondamental pour létude et la compréhension du fonctionnement des modèles de simulation des épidémies et des systèmes d'avertissements agricoles. Lobjectif de cette recherche est de contribuer à lamélioration du système davertissement des principales maladies cryptogamiques affectant le blé dhiver au sud de Belgique et au G-D de Luxembourg. Notre démarche a consisté, dans un premier temps à évaluer les potentialités du radar météorologique de Wideumont. Nous avons décrit son fonctionnement général ainsi que son principe de mesure et nous avons détaillé les différentes sources derreur qui affectent les estimations de précipitations dérivées des observations radar. Les mesures radar sont moins précises que les mesures de précipitations par des pluviomètres. Néanmoins, le radar permet dobserver en temps réel les précipitations sur un large domaine avec une très bonne résolution spatiale et temporelle. La comparaison quantitative et qualitative des précipitations mesurées au sol avec celles estimées par le radar a été faite sur une période de trois ans (2003, 2004 et 2005). Les résultats de la validation des cumuls mensuels font apparaître que le radar a tendance à sous-estimer les précipitations. Lerreur calculée pour lensemble des stations varie entre -50% et +12%. La validation qualitative du radar a été réalisée sur des occurrences de cumuls horaires. Les indices calculés à partir des tables de contingence donnent des valeurs de POD (Probability Of Detection) entre 0.44 et 0.80 durant la période étudiée. Limpact des estimations radar sur les périodes dinfection de Septoria tritici simulées par PROCULTURE a été évalué durant trois saisons culturales (2003, 2004 et 2005) par comparaison entre les données de sortie du modèle (alimenté par des estimations radar de précipitations horaires) et les estimations visuelles du développement des symptômes de la maladie sur les trois dernières feuilles. Les outputs de PROCULTURE via les données radar ont montré un grand accord entre la simulation et lobservation. Le radar météorologique devrait dès lors être bénéfique pour des régions où le réseau des pluviomètres est inexistant (ou moins dense) et où lincidence de la septoriose est importante. Dans un deuxième temps, sur base dune recherche bibliographique, un modèle dhumectation a été choisi. Le modèle sélectionné, appelé SWEB, se base sur le bilan énergétique et le bilan hydrique. Il simule la durée dhumectation due à la pluie et à la rosée sur lensemble du couvert végétal à partir des données issues des stations agrométéorologiques. Le modèle a été ensuite testé et validé sur différentes variétés de blé dhiver. Les données de sortie du modèle ont été comparées statistiquement aux mesures des capteurs (préalablement calibrés) et aux données dobservation obtenues sur des parcelles expérimentales et au champ durant les saisons culturales 2006 et 2007. Sur base des résultats obtenus, le modèle SWEB semble sous-estimer la durée dhumectation et plus particulièrement pour les événements de la fin dhumectation (dryoff). Lerreur moyenne en général est inférieure à 90 minutes. Dans un troisième temps, afin dobtenir une relation entre les périodes dhumectation et le développement de la septoriose sur les trois dernières feuilles, les périodes dhumectation simulées par SWEB ont été comparées dune part aux périodes dinfection de Septoria tritici simulées par PROCULTURE et dautre part aux estimations visuelles. Le modèle de la durée dhumectation simule avec succès des périodes dhumectations, dues à la fois à la rosée et à la pluie, qui ont déclenché linfection de la septoriose observée sur des parcelles expérimentales. Une durée minimale dhumectation favorable à linfection des feuilles de blé par Septoria tritici a été déterminée. Il est donc désormais nécessaire délaborer un système opérationnel intégrant le radar météorologique, le modèle de la durée dhumectation et le modèle épidémiologique. Notre travail a permis dacquérir via lanalyse des données agrométéorologiques et des données phytopathologiques, les connaissances nécessaires à lélaboration dun tel système et de participer ainsi à lamélioration des modèles davertissements existants. En effet, nous avons analysé les avantages et les limites du système radar comme données dentrée aux modèles et son aptitude dans la spatialisation des données. Nous avons également testé le modèle dhumectation pour la détermination des périodes dinfection nécessaires au développement de la septoriose. Dans une perspective dune meilleure opérationnalisation du système, lapproche envisagée pourrait facilement être intégrée dans le système existant pour la simulation dautres maladies comme les rouilles, loïdium et la fusariose à léchelle régionale. En définitive, ce travail aura prouvé une fois de plus lintérêt du "mariage" entre lagrométéorologie et la phytopathologie. [en] Summary - Weather-Radar Rainfall Measurement and Simulated Surface Wetness Duration for Septoria Leaf Blotch Risk Assessment. The persistence of free moisture on leaves, mainly as a result of precipitation in the form of rainfall or dew, plays a major role during the process of plant infection by most fungal pathogens. Acquiring rainfall and leaf moisture information is needed for accurate and reliable disease prediction and management. The objective of this research is to contribute to improve forecasting Septoria leaf blotch and other fungal pathogens on winter wheat in Belgium and Luxembourg./In the first part of this work, the potential of weather-radar rainfall estimates for plant disease forecasting is discussed. At first step, we focused on assessing the accuracy and limitations of radar-derived precipitation estimates, compared with rain-gauge data. In a second step, the Septoria leaf blotch prediction model PROCULTURE was used to assess the impact on the simulated infection rate of using, as input data, rainfall estimated by radar instead of rain gauge measurements. When comparing infection events simulated by PROCULTURE using radar-derived estimates and reference rain gauge measurements, the probability of detection (POD) of infection events was high (0.83 on average), and the false alarm ratio (FAR) of infection events was not negligible (0.24 on average). FAR decreased to 0 and POD increased (0.85 on average) for most stations, when the model outputs for both datasets were compared against visual observations of Septoria leaf blotch symptoms. Analysis of 148 infection events observed over three years at four locations showed no significant difference in the number of simulated infection events using either radar assessments or gauge measurements. This suggests that, for a given location, radar estimates are just as reliable for predicting infection events as rain gauges. As radar is able to estimate rainfall occurrence over a continuous space, unlike weather station networks that do observations at only a limited number of points, it has the great advantage of being able to predict the risk of infection at each point within an area of interest with an accuracy equivalent to rain gauge observations. This gives radar an important advantage that could significantly improve existing warning systems. In the second part, a physical model based on the energy balance, known as the Surface Wetness Energy Balance (SWEB), was applied for the simulation of Surface Wetness Duration (SWD) on winter wheat canopy. The model, developed in the United States on grapes canopies, was adapted for the winter wheat cultivars and was applied for use with agrometeorological data easily available from standard weather stations and weather-radar rainfall estimates. The SWEB model simulates surface wetness duration for both dew and rain events. The model was validated with data measured by sensors and with visual observations of SWD conducted in experimental plots during two cropping seasons in 2006 and 2007. The wetness was observed visually by assessing the presence or absence of surface water on leaves. Based on the results, the SWEB model appeared to underestimate surface wetness duration and especially for the dry-off events when compared statistically to visual observations. The error, on average, is generally less than 90 minutes. In order to establish a relationship between the surface wetness periods and Septoria leaf blotch development risk on the top three leaves, the SWEB model SWD outputs were compared with the number of hours of high probability of infection simulated by PROCULTURE as well as with visual plant diseases observations. A minimal surface wetness duration of favourable infection conditions for Septoria tritici was established. It is now required to develop an operational system that would integrate weather radar, surface wetness duration and foliar epidemic model. In this work, we have analyzed the advantages and limitations of the radar system as input to models and its ability for spatial interpolation of rainfall. We also tested the model for the determination of surface wetness periods required for Septoria Leaf Blotch Risk development. The proposed approach could be integrated in the existing system. Finally this approach shows once more the "happy marriage" between agrometeorology and plant disease management.

Comparison and implementation of IPS

Helgesson, Dan, Nilsson, Emelie January 2014 (has links)
Innomhuspositioneringssystem kan med fördel användas i många olika tillämpningar, allt från sjukhus till shoppingcenter. Denna rapport behandlar olika tekniker och lösningar för att designa ett positioneringssystem. Rapporten tar även upp i detalj hur ett system kan konstrueras av ZigBee kombinerat med dödräkning.

Beacons & Internet of Things : A design concept for contect-aware mobile interaction with beacons

Selezneva, Nadia, Juskova, Aleksandra January 2014 (has links)
Mobile technology is developing quickly and becomming a part of daily life and communication. Bluetooth Low Energy is presented as a new way of mobile interaction. However there are not enough studies in this field on the interaction between mobile devices and the physical world. In order to understand user needs, and to encourage users to interact, we simulated an interaction process through designing and testing a prototype in a specific indoor environment. Prototype effectiveness and main characteristics for future mobile application was evaluated through a qualitative user study with 20 participants who interacted with our prototype. / Den mobila tekniken växer snabbt och blir en del av våra liv och vår kommunikation. BLE presenteras på ett nytt sätt inom mobilinteraktion. Det förekommer inte tillräckligt med studier inom området för interaktionen mellan mobila enheter och den fysiska världen. För att förstå användarbehov och få användare att interagera har vi simulerat en interaktiv process genom att designa och testa en prototyp i en specifik inomhusmiljö. Utvärdering av prototypens effektivitet och heuristiken har evaluerats genom en kvalitativ studie med 20 användare som har deltagit i interaktionen med vår prototyp.

Development of a Bluetooth controller for mobile VR headsets

Holmberg, Tommy January 2018 (has links)
Mobile virtual reality (VR) headsets have been becoming more and more popular. However, the cheapest headsets do not come with any controllers and the ones that do include controllers only uses sensors for rotation, not translational movement. This thesis project aims to develop a prototype of a Bluetooth connected controller for the mobile VR headsets. The controller is based on a MetamotionC board produced by mbientlab Inc., which comes with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), an ARM M4 microcontroller, an miniature inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor (containing a 3-axis accelerometer, a 3-axis gyroscope, and a 3-axis magnetometer and a barometer), a thermometer and other sensors. The only sensors used in this project are the accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer. As a finished prototype, the MetaMotionC is placed on a glove together with five Aruco markers; a 3D model of a hand intended to use as an avatar of the glove was made with Blender and MakeHuman; and a VR room to use the controller with was created in Unity. The 3D hand responds to rotational and translational movements via Bluetooth connection to the IMU sensor on the MetaMotionC. The smartphone camera is used to detect the glove's position with Aruco markers, and the 3D hand is moved to a corresponding location in the VR room. The OpenCV library is used for image processing. The sensor data is filtered with low-pass, median, and thresholding to improve the measurement accuracy. Zero velocity update is used to reset the drift of the integrated accelerations. To reduce the integration error, Romberg's method with a floating window is implemented in Matlab. However, it did not reduce the error enough to make a difference. Thus, the result was unreliable.

End-to-end Security Enhancement of an IoT Platform Using Object Security

Tjäder, Hampus January 2017 (has links)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is seen as one of the next Internet revolutions. In a near future the majority of all connected devices to the Internet will be IoT devices. These devices will connect previously offline constrained systems, thus it is essential to ensure end-to-end security for such devices. Object Security is a concept where the actual packet or sensitive parts of the packet are encrypted instead of the radio channel. A compromised node in the network will with this mechanism still have the data encrypted ensuring full end-to-end security. This paper proposes an architecture for using the object security format COSE in a typical constrained short-range radio based IoT platform. The IoT platform utilizes Bluetooth Low Energy and the Constrained Application Protocol for data transmission via a capillary gateway. A proof-of-concept implementation based on the architecture validates that the security solution is implementable. An overhead comparison between current channel security guidelines and the proposed object security solution results in a similar size for each data packet. The thesis concludes that object security should be seen as an alternative for ensuring end-to-end security for the Internet of Things.

Bluetooth audio codecs in a real-time interactive context

Johansson, Gustav, Adevåg, Mattias, Milton, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
The emergence of Bluetooth Low Energy in combination with optimized coders has made it possible to transfer digital audio at very low bitrates, paving the way for small devices with longlasting batteries. The aim of this study is to compare the audio codecs LC3 and aptX, as well as peoples’ attitude towards audio quality in different contexts. Two open source implementations of the codecs are evaluated in terms of time for execution. Furthermore, the perceived audio quality of low bitrates are subjectively compared in a listening test in combination with a questionnaire regarding peoples’ attitude towards audio quality. The results show that LC3 is capable of delivering satisfying audio quality at very low bitrates, whilst also outperforming aptX. It will be interesting to see how LC3 will affect transmission latency, battery life and overall QoS once it is established in everyday products

Implementation and performance analysis of multiple concurrent WPAN protocols on a system-on-chip

Hag, Juni January 2022 (has links)
The development of new energy efficient Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) protocols is a big factor for the increased interest in Internet of Things (IoT). However, the many protocols with overlapping applications have led to competing standards and sensor networks using different protocols, even to perform the same tasks. If different sensors in IoT uses different protocols in the same area, a single gateway connecting to all of them must support all their protocols simultaneously. This thesis studies latency, average sending time and range for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), 802.15.4 and Zigbee in multiprotocol mode on the nRF52840 System on Chip (SoC). In addition, an 802.15.4-based protocol synchronizing with the BLE frames using Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) techniques was designed and implemented. This protocol could be used in sensor networks using both the BLE and 802.15.4 protocols to assure the 802.15.4-based devices will not try to transmit during the periods the gateway is busy with other communications. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

A study on the postposition of adjectives ending in-ible and -able

Renman, Josefin January 2021 (has links)
In the English language adjectives can either be placed before the noun or after the nounin the noun phrase. This thesis is concerned with the postposition of adjectives inEnglish. It is particularly concerned with adjectives ending in -ible and -able which caneither take a prepositive or postpositive position when modified by a superlativeadjective, only or next etc. In the theoretical section of this study, reasons for whypostposition might occur and historic information about the -ble suffix are described.The usage of these adjectives in both the prepositive and postpositive position isfurthermore excerpted from the Corpus of Contemporary American English. Twentyadjectives from the adjective sample are further analysed in detail regarding theirpostposition, to ascertain which characteristics might lead to postposition, in principlesemantics, domain usage, etymology, syntactic function, and the characteristics of theirnoun collocates. Ten nouns are further analysed using the same criteria to ascertain ifcertain nouns can affect the postposition of adjectives in the noun phrase. From theseexamples, conclusions about the common characteristics of adjectives ending in -blethat prefer the postpositive position are drawn. The results showed that -ible adjectiveshad a 17.4% tendency to be postposed, whereas -able adjectives had a 17.5 % tendencyto be postposed. Which can be compared to the 4.6 % chance that an adjective ispostposed in English. -Ible and -able adjectives were, furthermore, mostly postposed inprepositional phrases, phrases with complements and in fixed expressions. The -ibleadjectives were also often of Latin or French origin, whilst the -able adjectives were ofFrench origin. These adjectives were moreover commonly used in the academic domainand denoted a dynamic sense. Their noun collocates were, lastly, commonly inanimate,intangible objects used in the academic domain.

Korsplattformskommunikation med Bluetooth Low Energy / Crossplatformcommunication with Bluetooth Low Energy

Lindberg, Johan January 2014 (has links)
This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device. This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication. Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT. / Projektet undersökte dagens marknad gällande trådlösa nät samt kommunikation mellan verktyg som används för diagnostik/underhåll och ett inbyggt system. Utifrån underlaget som erhölls genom intervjuer har ett demosystem skapats som bygger på Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) kommunikation mellan ett inbyggt system och en Android-enhet. Denna rapport avser redogöra för de verktyg och metoder som använts för att konstruera ett demosystem samt resultatet av en analys av BLE-kommunikationen. Bluetooth Low Energy är ett spännande protokoll med stora tillämpningsmöjligheter inom industrin. Detta projekt har undersökt möjligheterna att kommunicera mellan en Smartphone och en Raspberry Pi och utifrån resultaten som uppkommit kan slutsatsen dras att BLE är ett protokoll som kan ha många och fördelaktiga tillämpningar inom Industriell IT.

穿戴式互動展演創新應用與姿態感測技術研究 / Interactive Performance Using Wearable Devices: Body Skeleton Detection Technology and Innovative Applications

蘇冠榮, Su, Guan Rong Unknown Date (has links)
近年來人體姿態感測的技術與應用愈來愈熱門。許多電玩及電影大多是藉由攝影鏡頭偵測人體姿態,但效果容易受到外在因素的影響,如陽光、遮蔽物等,特別是用在舞台展演方面就不適合了。因此本篇論文希望設計穿戴式裝置來感測人體姿態,並結合新一代無線網路藍牙4.0做為數據傳輸方式,以進行即時互動展演。本論文研究開發以Arduino結合六軸姿態感測器,設計此穿戴式裝置雛型。而實際在展場上表演,此裝置必需具有一定的穩定性、可靠性且方便穿戴。本論文設計出的裝置與系統,已實際參與數場即時互動展演,並且供觀眾親自體驗,反應熱烈。未來期許能將此系統擴大應用於多人異地互動展演上、能有更大的擴充性、多樣的互動體驗。 / Recently, human body skeleton detection technology and its applications are becoming more popular. Many computer games and movies detect human body skeleton by cameras. However, the detection will be affected easily by sun light or obstacles. Especially, this is not suitable for the applications on stage performance. The goal of this thesis is to design wearable devices to detect body skeleton and uses BLE 4.0 for data transmission to interactively real time art perform. We put 6-axis motion detector on Arduino to develop the wearable device prototyping. These devices for performing in practice should be stable, reliable and convenient for wearing or taking off. The devices and system we developed have been used in several real time interactive performances and for audience experience. In the future, this system can be expanded to people performing in different locations and has better scalability and varieties of interactive experience.

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