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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using Node-Red to Connect Patient, Staff and Medical Equipment

Olsson, Joel, Asante, Junior January 2016 (has links)
The emergency departments in Region Östergötland use pen and paper to a large extent when recording emergency care procedures and measurements. During treatment the patient should be the main focus. Because of this, recording of measurements done could be delayed or in worst case forgotten during stressful situations. The proposal of this project is the development of a prototype that tries to make the administrative work a passive procedure rather than an active one. The system developed uses a Raspberry Pi, along with Node-Red, which connects predefined patient data and medical records, with the clinical staff tending the patient. All these connections are initiated by mainly using RFID technology. The conclusion made with the developed system is that it should unload the staff with the recording of data and that it helps make a data logging a more passive work than today’s used methods. Along with a process that is easier to operate, the time spent on administrative work could be reduced with the proposed system.

Modélisation des pertes de rendement des cultures de blé dhiver au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg sur base de létude des surfaces photosynthétiquement actives./Yield loss modélisation of wheat based on photosynthetic active area studies.

Mackels, Christophe 06 April 2009 (has links)
Au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, le développement de modèles opérationnels pour la prévision des rendements se heurte actuellement au problème de la non prise en compte de la diminution de la surface verte utile et de sa relation avec des processus biotiques et abiotiques incriminés en situation de production. Pourtant, il apparaît que lélaboration dun modèle reliant la perte de surface verte à la baisse de rayonnement absorbé est la façon la plus adéquate daméliorer les prévisions de perte de rendement aux champs. De nombreuses manières destimer les rendements existent et se basent sur différentes approches et méthodes. Lobjectif de ce travail est de proposer un modèle destimation des rendements basé sur létude de la dégradation de la surface verte foliaire du blé et du rayonnement intercepté par cette surface tout au long de sa dégradation. Lapproche envisagée consiste, dans un premier temps, à utiliser les deux principaux modèles existants qui décrivent linterception du rayonnement par les surfaces foliaires vertes avec des données issues dexpérimentations aux champs, au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg en 2006 et 2007. Différentes méthodes dobtention des principales données dentrée de ces modèles ont été comparées et leurs avantages ont été mis en évidence. Ces données sont le LAI (Leaf Area Index) et le pourcentage de surface foliaire verte. Un LAI de référence, obtenu à laide dune méthode danalyse dimages de feuilles a été validé et comparé à une méthode dobtention du LAI basée sur la mesure du rayonnement intercepté par le couvert ainsi quà une méthode fournissant la couverture verte du sol à partir dimages aériennes de courte distance. Il a été montré que le LAI issu de la mesure du rayonnement intercepté et la couverture verte du sol sont obtenus plus rapidement et pour de plus grandes surfaces, mais quils ne sont pas suffisamment corrélés au LAI de référence pour être utilisés afin dobtenir le LAI réel. Le pourcentage de la surface foliaire verte de référence a également été obtenu à laide de la méthode danalyse dimages de feuilles. La comparaison de celui-ci aux estimations visuelles du pourcentage de surface verte foliaire a montré que cette méthode est plus rapide, mais engendre une surestimation du pourcentage de surface foliaire verte. Une relation linéaire significative entre la couverture verte du sol par prise dimages aériennes et le pourcentage de surface foliaire verte a été obtenue. Une amélioration de la prise dimages aériennes de courte distance pourrait mener à une substitution du pourcentage de surface foliaire verte par la couverture verte du sol sur de grandes surfaces à lavenir. Les deux principaux modèles décrivant linterception du rayonnement par les surfaces foliaires vertes ont été utilisés avec le LAI et le pourcentage de surface foliaire verte de référence. Une simplification de ces modèles par lutilisation de la dernière ou des deux dernières strates foliaires à la place des trois dernières pour le pourcentage de surface verte a montré que la simplification ne menait pas à une amélioration des résultats dans la plupart des cas. Dautre part, une estimation des biais introduits en utilisant les pourcentages de surface verte issus de lestimation visuelle à la place des estimations par lanalyse dimages montre que lestimation visuelle introduit un biais allant jusquà 20%. La comparaison des deux modèles testés a mené à la sélection du modèle aux sorties fournissant la meilleure relation avec les rendements. Cest une relation linéaire simple entre les paramètres de la courbe décrivant lévolution des sorties du modèle dit du « calcul de la matière sèche » au cours de la saison de culture et le rendement qui a été retenue. Dans un deuxième temps, le modèle sélectionné a été utilisé avec des données issues dexpérimentations menées de lannée 2000 à 2005, afin dobtenir une relation linéaire plus stable entre les rendements et les sorties de ce modèle. La relation obtenue montre des résultats significatifs et expliquant plus de 66% des rendements si une variété au comportement atypique est exclue. Un effet significatif de lannée, du précédent et de la variété sur cette relation a été mis en évidence. Dans un troisième temps, laspect prédictif du modèle destimation des rendements basé sur la relation linéaire simple retenue a été étudié sur deux années de données extérieures aux années utilisées pour la construction de celui-ci. Les données dentrée nécessaires au fonctionnement du modèle ont dû être obtenues de manière prédictive, afin de réaliser des estimations du rendement à venir à partir de la floraison. Le modèle Proculture, basé sur la simulation de lévolution des symptômes de la septoriose, a permis dobtenir des estimations en prévision des pourcentages de surface verte, et le LAI a été considéré comme constant par variété dune année à lautre. Le modèle destimation utilisé a permis dobtenir des prévisions de rendement ~20% supérieures aux rendements réels./In the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the development of operational models for predicting yields currently runs against the failure to take into account the green leaf area decline and its relationship with biotic and non biotic processes involved in a situation of production. Yet it appears that the development of a model linking the loss of green leaf area to lower radiation absorbed is the most adequate to improve prediction of yield loss in the fields. Many ways to estimate yields exist and are based on different approaches and methods. The objective of this work is to propose a model for estimating yields based on the study of the green leaf area decline of wheat and radiation intercepted by this area throughout the season. The approach is, first, to use the two main existing models that describe the interception of radiation by green leaf area with data from experiments in the field, in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in 2006 and 2007. Different methods for obtaining key data entry of these models were compared and their benefits have been identified. These data are LAI (Leaf Area Index) and the percentage of green leaf area. The reference method, obtained using image analysis of leaves has been validated and compared to a method for obtaining LAI based on the measurement of radiation intercepted by the canopy as well as a method based on the green cover soil obtained from short distance aerial images. It was shown that the LAI obtained from the measurement of radiation intercepted and the green land cover obtained from short distance aerial images are obtained faster and for larger surfaces, but they are not sufficiently correlated with the LAI from the reference method to be used in place of reference LAI. The percentage of green leaf area of reference has also been obtained using the image analysis of leaves. Comparing it to visual estimates of the percentage of green leaf area has shown that this method is faster and creates an overestimation of the percentage of green leaf area. A significant linear relationship between green land cover from short distance aerial images analysis and the percentage of green leaf area was obtained. An improved short distance aerial image could lead to the substitution of the percentage of green leaf area by the green land cover over large areas in the future. The two main models describing the interception of radiation by green leaf area were used with the LAI and the percentage of green leaf area of reference. A simplification of these models by using only the upper leaf or the two last leaves to emerge in place of the last three leaves to emerge for the percentage of green area has shown that simplification did not lead to improved results in most cases. On the other hand, an estimate of bias using the percentage of green leaf area from the visual estimate in place of estimates by image analysis shows that visual estimate introduce an approximate bias of 20%. A comparison of the two models tested led to the selection of the model outputs providing the best relationship with yields. It is a simple linear relationship between parameters of the curve describing the evolution of model outputs socalled calculation of dry matter during the growing season and yield that was chosen. In a second time, the selected model was used with data from experiments conducted from 2000 to 2005 to obtain a more stable linear relationship between yields and output of the model. The relationship obtained shows significant results and explains over 66% yields if datas from an atypical variety are excluded. A significant effect of years, precedent and variety on this relationship was highlighted. In a third time, the predictive aspect of the model to estimate yields based on the simple linear relationship has been studied on two years of external data used for years to build it. The input data needed to run the model had to be obtained on a predictive way to make estimates of future performance from flowering. The model Proculture, based on the simulation of the progression of septoriose disease, allowed obtaining estimates in anticipation of the percentage of green area, and LAI was considered constant variety from one year to another. The estimation model used resulted in expected future performance ~ 20% higher than actual yields.

Cross-platform Mobile Development and Internet of Things : Developing a cross-platform mobile application using web technologies to interact with smart things

Anton, Andersson, Runbert, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Today more and more objects in our daily lives are getting connected to the Internet. This phenomenon is called the Internet of Things and is a way for physical things such as cars, buildings or even bus stations to get access and communicate with other objects using the Internet. The problem is that for every Internet of Things device, an application is often needed in order to communicate with these devices. Developing mobile applications in a separate programming language for each operating system can be an expensive and time consuming task. In this thesis, we implement and evaluate a cross-platform mobile solution for users to interact with smart things using the advantages of web technologies. To compare previous findings in this area, two literature reviews has been performed to find out which is the state of the art on cross-platform mobile development frameworks and smart-things technologies used for interacting with physical objects. The result is a mobile application developed using PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile that interacts with iBeacons, where students inside a university building can get directions and schedules for different rooms. The application received good results from a couple of usability studies, and performed well when measuring its performance. The outcome shows that web technologies that exist today are a viable solution to native mobile applications in terms of interacting with smart things such as tagging technologies.

Wireless IO : A wireless accessory for integration of an Axis Communications camera in a sensor network.

Eriksson, Hannes, Brange Sollie, Ivan January 2017 (has links)
When installing new network security cameras in buildings, the cameras are often connected to sensors via signal wires. Since most building already have internet and electricity drawn throughout the structure, the procedure of routing a new signal wire can be costly and time demanding. By replacing this wire with a wireless link, the cost and time it takes for the customer to install a camera could be reduced. The objective for this thesis is to investigate different wireless technologies used in short range, low power wireless communication networks such as PANs and LANs. Focusing on technologies used in the surveillance segment a decision will be made on which wireless technology that would suit as a link between a sensor and a camera for transmitting trigger signals. The technology will then be implemented in a proof-of-concept accessory, which can give an Axis Communications camera wireless functionality through it’s IO port.

Trådlös dynamisk lastbalansering

Turesson, Joakim, Ivarsson, Filip January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to create a gateway between a Z-Wave device and a Bluetooth device.The gateway is supposed to make it possible for the company AES AB to sell and install a dynamic load balancer to their EV charger, even after it’s already been installed. The method that was used during this project was LIPS, where the project where divided into multiple subtargets. Each subtarget then had it’s own test which is shown in the results. The results for the overall project and not just the subtargets, are that a concept solution was created. The concept solution was able to forward the Z-Wave devices values to the Bluetooth device that was the target, but did so using a Raspberry Pi and a Z-Wave stick instead of a Z-Wave transceiver. The conclusion for the bachelor thesis is that the concept solution worked, and the demands of the assignment was fullfilled.

Real-world Exploitation and Vulnerability Mitigation of Google/Apple Exposure Notification Contact Tracing

Ellis, Christopher Jordan January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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