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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Ibarra, Sixto Alvin 03 May 2011 (has links)
La prevalencia de los trastornos metabólicos está creciendo a nivel mundial. Botánicos, como el romero (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) y las semillas de fresno (Fraxinus excelsior L.), pueden ser una alternativa para mejorar estos trastornos. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral fue generar extractos industriales de las partes comestibles de estas plantas, identificar sus compuestos por HPLC, HPLC-MS y RMN, y determinar su eficacia y seguridad. Se desarrollaron tres extractos de romero - estandarizados al 20% de ácido carnósico, 20% de ácido rosmarínico, y 40% de ácido ursólico. El extracto rico en ácido ursólico mostró la menor capacidad antioxidante en modelos ORAC y FRAP in vitro, mientras que los otros dos extractos tuvieron capacidades más elevadas. Sin embargo, el extracto rico en ácido carnósico (RE) fue superior en la inhibición de la oxidación de LDL ex vivo, y fue el único seleccionado para estudios posteriores. Se desarrolló un extracto de semilla de fresno (FE) de acuerdo a su uso tradicional en Marruecos, siendo identificados salidrosido y 9 glucósidos secoiridoides, dos de ellos fueron descubiertos por primera vez: Excelside A y Excelside B. En estudios in vitro, RE y FE activaron receptores nucleares que regulan la homeostasis de la glucosa y la energía, y actuaron sobre mecanismos contra la obesidad y la dislipidemia - RE activa PPAR? e inhibe la lipasa pancreática, y FE estimula PPAR? y evita la diferenciación de preadipocitos. La eficacia de ambos extractos para el control de trastornos metabólicos fue confirmada en ratones C57BL/6J administrados con una dieta baja en grasa, una dieta alta en grasa, o una dieta alta en grasa más 0.5% RE (HFD.RE) o 0.5% FE (FED) durante 16 semanas. HFD.RE limitó el aumento del peso corporal y grasa en el epidídimo en un 69% (P<0.01) y 79% (P<0.001), respectivamente. HFD.RE también redujo la glucemia (72%, P<0.01) y los niveles de colesterol (68%, P<0.001). FED redujo la glucemia (76.52%, P<0.001), insulinemia (53.43%, P< / Ibarra, SA. (2011). OBTENTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ROSEMARY AND ASH TREE SEED EXTRACTS AND STUDY OF THEIR PREVENTIVE EFFECTS ON METABOLIC DISORDERS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/10795

On-line to healthy weighs : electronic messages for employed women on maintaining a healthy weight

Sullivan, Angelique S. 14 June 1996 (has links)
A nutrition education program for employed women on maintaining a healthy weight was developed and evaluated. Delivery of eight messages (two per week for four weeks) by electronic mail was tested for effectiveness. The subjects were 243 members of the Oregon State University Office and Personnel Association who were randomly assigned to three experimental groups. Group #1 received hard copies of the messages, group #2 received hard copies along with a weekly electronic tip on weight management, and group #3 received the messages by electronic mail (e-mail). An evaluation survey was developed to assess: 1) Participants' stage of change regarding fat in the diet, 2) Participants' social support network for weight maintenance, 3) Reactions to the program, 4) Impact of the program on positive behavior regarding weight control, and 5) Demographics. The survey was sent by campus mail about three weeks after the program. The evaluation was completed by 80.2% of participants. The nine male respondents and the two gender-unidentified respondents were not included in the data analysis to assure a total female population. A total of 181 surveys were analyzed (74.5%). The mean age of female respondents was 47.8 ± 13.3. Although it was hypothesized that electronic delivery of the program and/or supplementing the hard copy/print program with brief electronic tips would be associated with higher order stages of change (Transtheoretical Model), the results from this study did not support the hypotheses. There was no significant difference in stage of change among participants in the three modes of delivery. The messages appeared to have the greatest impact on women in the action and preparation stages. They tended to make more positive changes (i.e. reading food labels) than women in the maintenance, contemplation, and precontemplation stages. Mode of delivery did not appear to make a difference in whether the women looked forward to the messages, reactions to message length, how many were read, or the resulting knowledge or behavior change. Therefore, it may not be critical to program effectiveness. Women in the electronic group, however, were more certain that they received all eight messages and were more apt to ask questions of the researcher. The potential cost savings, convenience, and ease of quick communication make it a more attractive option. Access to the technology and participant preference are equally important factors. / Graduation date: 1997

The Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Stress-Induced Eating Disturbances in Rats

Chu, Jennifer January 2008 (has links)
Eating disorders are serious psychological disorders associated with debilitating lifestyle, multiple health problems and high rates of suicidality and mortality. Despite extensive research, the aetiology of eating disorders still remains unclear. Amongst the identified risk factors for eating disorders, stress has been frequently studied. The purpose of the present study was to explore the possibility that tail-pinch administered to rats could provide an animal model of stress-induced eating disturbances in humans, and whether environmental enrichment might ameliorate the effects of stress. In Experiment 1, we compared eating behaviours of rats that were reared in either enriched or standard environments and later exposed to tail-pinch and allowed to eat when food deprived. The study showed that a single exposure to tail-pinch induced eating disturbances in most of the rats. When rats were not food deprived, but were conditioned to eating when placed in test chamber, tail-pinch suppressed eating in all rats, but significantly more for rats reared under standard than in enriched conditions. Experiment 2 used a between-subjects design in which rats were reared in either a standard or enriched environment, and were either exposed to tail-pinch or not exposed during sessions in which they were not food deprived and allowed to eat. Tail-pinch suppressed the food intake of rats reared in enriched but not standard environments. Although this finding appeared to contradict results of Experiment 1, analysis of body weight revealed that exposure to tail pinch suppressed increases in weight gain across sessions more for rats reared in standard than enriched environments. The suppression of food intake during test sessions for enriched but not standard rats exposed to tail-pinch was attributed to differences in contextual conditioning and discrimination of the test chamber from home cages. Overall, results of the present study suggest that rats reared in enriched environments were more resilient to the effects of tail-pinch as a stressor. Implications of these findings for the understanding of human eating disorders are discussed.

Étude de la modulation de la détection olfactive par les états alimentaires et métaboliques / Influence of feeding and metabolic states on olfactory detection

Aimé, Pascaline 11 May 2010 (has links)
Le système olfactif partage de nombreux liens moléculaires, neuroanatomiques et fonctionnels avec le système de régulation de l’homéostasie énergétique. L’exploration de ces interactions nous a conduit à démontrer que la détection olfactive est modulée par les états alimentaires et métaboliques : des animaux affamés présentent une meilleure sensibilité olfactive que des animaux rassasiés. Cette modulation persiste chez les rats Zucker fa/fa obèses et disparaît chez les rats LouC résistants à l’obésité. Les hormones et les neuropeptides impliqués dans la régulation de l’homéostasie énergétique apparaissent comme de bons candidats pour expliquer l’influence des états alimentaires et métaboliques sur la détection olfactive. Afin de tester directement leur action sur la détection olfactive, nous avons évalué les rôles de l’Orexine A, un neuropeptide hypothalamique orexigène, ainsi que de la leptine et de l’insuline, deux hormones d’adiposité périphériques, sur la capacité de détection olfactive de rats Wistar. Ainsi, nous avons démontré que l’injection ICV d’orexine A induit une augmentation de la détection olfactive. A l’inverse, les injections ICV de leptine et d’insuline induisent une diminution de la détection olfactive. Les récepteurs de l’orexine A, de l’insuline et de la leptine sont largement exprimés au niveau du système olfactif. En particulier, les récepteurs de l’insuline présentent une régionalisation marquée et sont très abondants au niveau de plusieurs catégories cellulaires du bulbe olfactif, le premier relais central de l’information olfactive. Nous avons également montré que la quantité d’insuline bulbaire variait en fonction de l’état alimentaire tandis que la densité des récepteurs n’était pas modifiée. L’ensemble de ces données, corroboré par d’autres travaux de la littérature, suggère que les hormones et les neuropeptides impliqués dans la régulation de l’homéostasie énergétique jouent également un rôle majeur dans la régulation de la fonction olfactive. Les molécules orexigènes, libérées en état de faim et de carence énergétique, augmentent la détection olfactive et participent à l’initiation du comportement alimentaire. A l’inverse, les molécules anorexigènes libérées en état de rassasiement et d’abondance énergétique, diminuent la détection olfactive et conduisent à l’arrêt de la prise alimentaire. La compréhension des mécanismes qui sous-tendent les interactions entre l’odorat et la régulation de la prise alimentaire et de la masse corporelle pourrait permettre à terme d’évaluer l’importance de la perception sensorielle de la nourriture lors de la mise en place de troubles du comportement alimentaire. / Olfaction is closely linked to energy homeostasis regulation. The olfactory system shares several molecular, anatomical and functional links with brain areas and peripheral organs involved in food intake and body weight regulations. We demonstrated that the feeding state modulates olfactory detection: fasted rats display better olfactory sensitivity that satiated ones. This modulation is also observed in Obese Zucker fa/fa rats. However, obesity-resistant LouC rats do not modulate their olfactory detection according to the feeding state. Peripheral hormones and neuropeptides involved in energy homeostasis regulation might be responsible for olfactory detection modulation. To examine this hypothesis, we evaluated the respective roles of Orexin A, a hypothalamic orexigenic neuropeptide; as well as leptin and insulin, two peripheral adiposity hormones; on olfactory detection. We demonstrated that central administration of Orexin A increases olfactory detection; whereas central administration of leptin or insulin decreases olfactory detection. Orexin A, leptin and insulin receptors are widely expressed in the olfactory system. We further demonstrated that insulin receptors were abundantly expressed in discrete olfactory bulb areas and in several neuron types of the olfactory bulb network. The whole of these data, supported by several reports, suggest that hormones and neuropeptides classically involved in energy homeostasis regulation extend their roles to olfactory detection modulation. Indeed, orexigenic signals released upon fasting or in conditions of energy depletion increase olfactory detection which participate in meal initiation. By contrast, anorexigenic signals released during refeeding or in conditions of energy abundance decrease olfactory detection which participate in meal termination. With the ever rising incidence of metabolic disorders, elucidating the cross-talks between olfaction and energy homeostasis regulation is of critical relevance to better understand and manage the etiology of altered food-intake behaviours.

Respostas motoras durante a marcha com suporte de peso corporal na esteira em diferentes velocidades em indivíduos com lesão medular / Motor responses during body weight support treadmill gait at different speeds in individuals with spinal cord injury

Padula, Natalia 14 March 2018 (has links)
A Lesão Medular (LM) afeta a funcionalidade do indivíduo e pode reduzir drasticamente a independência. A restauração da mobilidade e do andar, é uma das principais metas das intervenções na população com LM, e nesse contexto o treinamento locomotor (TLSP) é uma intervenção utilizada com objetivo de fornecer estímulos sensoriais específicos ao sistema nervoso danificado para estimular as redes e circuitos preservados da medula. A velocidade é uma aferência sensorial importante durante o TLSP em esteira. Objetivo: investigar o efeito da variação de velocidade sobre as respostas motoras de indivíduos com lesões medulares durante TLSP em esteira. Método: 20 sujeitos sem LM denominado de grupo controle (GC) e 13 com LM completa (GLM) foram submetidos ao protocolo TLSP em esteira nas velocidades 2, 3 e 4 km/h. Foi realizada uma análise de EMG para avaliar atividade muscular de vasto lateral (VL), bíceps femural (BF), tibial anterior (TA) e gastrocnêmio lateral (GL) ao longo do ciclo do passo. Resultados: O GC apresentou maior atividade muscular distal TA e GL quando comparado ao GLM com maior atividade proximal VL e BF durante todas as fases da marcha. A velocidade que apresentou maior atividade muscular foi a intermediária (3km/h), quando comparado as velocidades 2Km/h e 4km/h. O aumento da velocidade resultou em maior influência nos músculos distais. Conclusão: a velocidade pode influenciar nas respostas motoras locomotoras de indivíduos com LM. O aumento da velocidade teve um papel importante no aumento da atividade muscular, contudo a atividade muscular foi maior na velocidade intermediária (3km/h) / Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) affects the individual\'s functionality and can gradually reduce independence. The restoration of mobility and walking, is one of the main goals of the interventions in SCI population. In this context body weight support treadmill training (BWSTT) is an intervention used to provide specific sensory stimuli to the damaged nervous system to stimulate the networks and circuits preserved in the spinal cord. Velocity is an important sensory afferment during the BWSTT. Objective: to investigate the effect of speed variation on motor responses of use with spinal cord injuries BWSTTl. Method: 20 healthy subjects composed the control group (CG) and 13 with complete SCI (SCIG) were submitted to BWSTT at speeds 2, 3 and 4 km/h. An EMG analysis was performed to evaluate the muscle activity of lateral vastus (LV), biceps femorales (BF), tibial anterior (TA) and gastrocnemius lateral (GL) throughout the cycle of the step. Results: The CG had greater distal muscle activity TA and GL when compared to GLM with greater proximal activity, VL and BF, during all gait phases. The velocity that presented greater muscular activity was the intermediate (3km/h), when compared as speeds 2Km/h and 4km/h. Increased speed resulted in greater influence on the distal muscles. Conclusion: the velocity can influence motor responses. Increased speed had an important role in increasing muscle activity, however, muscle activity was greater at intermediate velocity (3km / h)

Mathematical modeling of the hormonal regulation of food intake and body weight : applications to caloric restriction and leptin resistance / Modélisation mathématique de la régulation hormonale de la prise alimentaire et de la prise de poids : Applications à la restriction calorique et la résistance à la leptine

Jacquier, Marine 05 February 2016 (has links)
Réguler la prise alimentaire et la dépense énergétique permet en général de limiter d'importants changements de poids corporel. Hormones (leptine, ghréline, insuline) et nutriments sont impliqués dans ces régulations. La résistance à la leptine, souvent associée à l'obésité, limite la régulation de la prise alimentaire. La modélisation mathématique de la dynamique du poids contribue en particulier à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes de régulation (notamment chez l’humain). Or les régulations hormonales sont largement ignorées dans les modèles existants.Dans cette thèse, nous considérons un modèle de régulation hormonale du poids appliqué aux rats, composé d'équations différentielles non-linéaires. Il décrit la dynamique de la prise alimentaire, du poids et de la dépense énergétique, régulés par la leptine, la ghréline et le glucose. Il reproduit et prédit l'évolution du poids et de la prise alimentaire chez des rats soumis à différents régimes hypocaloriques, et met en évidence l'adaptation de la dépense énergétique. Nous introduisons ensuite le premier modèle décrivant le développement de la résistance à la leptine, prenant en compte la régulation de la prise alimentaire par la leptine et ses récepteurs. Nous montrons que des perturbations de la prise alimentaire, ou de la concentration en leptine, peuvent rendre un individu sain résistant à la leptine et obèse. Enfin, nous présentons une simplification réaliste de la dynamique du poids dans ces modèles, permettant de construire un nouveau modèle combinant les deux modèles précédents / The regulation of food intake and energy expenditure usually limits important loss or gain of body weight. Hormones (leptin, ghrelin, insulin) and nutrients (glucose, triglycerides) are among the main regulators of food intake. Leptin is also involved in leptin resistance, often associated with obesity and characterized by a reduced efficacy to regulate food intake. Mathematical models describing the dynamics of body weight have been used to assist clinical weight loss interventions or to study an experimentally inaccessible phenomenon, such as starvation experiments in humans. Modeling of the effect of hormones on body weight has however been largely ignored.In this thesis, we first consider a model of body weight regulation by hormones in rats, made of nonlinear differential equations. It describes the dynamics of food intake, body weight and energy expenditure, regulated by leptin, ghrelin and glucose. It is able to reproduce and predict the evolution of body weight and food intake in rats submitted to different patterns of caloric restriction, showing the importance of the adaptation of energy expenditure. Second, we introduce the first model of leptin resistance development, based on the regulation of food intake by leptin and leptin receptors. We show that healthy individuals may become leptin resistant and obese due to perturbations in food intake or leptin concentration. Finally, modifications of these models are presented, characterized by simplified yet realistic body weight dynamics. The models prove able to fit the previous, as well as new sets of experimental data and allow to build a complete model combining both previous models regulatory mechanisms

Avaliação da composição corporal por espectroscopia por bioimpedância em pacientes com síndrome nefrótica / Evaluation of the body composition by spectroscopy by bioimpedance in patients with nephrotic syndrome

Rodrigues, Aline Scharr 06 November 2018 (has links)
Síndrome nefrótica é definida pela presença simultânea de edema sistêmico, hipoalbuminemia e proteinúria intensa. Vários componentes da composição corporal, principalmente relacionados à água corporal, sofrem rápidas e frequentes alterações nessa síndrome. A espectroscopia por bioimpedância (BIS) é um método de fácil execução, baixo custo, que pode ser repetido e praticamente isento de riscos que permite avaliar água corporal, massa magra e gordura corporal e tem sido pouco utilizado na síndrome nefrótica. Objetivo. Avaliar as alterações da água e de outros componentes da composição corporal através da BIS em pacientes com síndrome nefrótica. Métodos. Pacientes foram avaliados na ocasião da biópsia renal e no desfecho com ou sem remissão do edema. Foram medidos o peso corporal, albumina sérica e proteinúria de 24 h e, pela BIS, variáveis relacionadas à água corporal e a outros parâmetros de composição corporal. Resultados. Foram estudados 17 pacientes (idade: 51,1 + 17,4 anos) com síndrome nefrótica. Dez pacientes obtiveram remissão do edema (grupo R), sendo que em nove ocorreu também remissão da síndrome nefrótica. Em sete pacientes o edema permaneceu presente, sem remissão (grupo SR). A variação entre a primeira e a segunda medida para a sobrecarga hídrica foi de -5,4 L (-8,5 L; -1,8 L) no grupo R e de 0,0 L (-1,1 L; 1,2 L) no grupo SR (p < 0,05). A água corporal total variou de -4,75 L (- 10,20 L; -2,50 L) e de 4,80 L (-1,30 L; 6,10 L) nos grupos R e SR, respectivamente (p < 0,05), e a água extracelular variou de -5,90 L (-10,10 L; -0,42 L) e de 1,20 L (-0,80 L; 2,70 L) nos mesmos grupos (p < 0,05). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na variação entre as duas avaliações nos grupos R e SR para a água intracelular, massa de tecido magro, massa de tecido adiposo, massa gorda total e massa celular corporal. A variação do ângulo de fase entre as avaliações foi de 1,55° (0,41°; 2,24°) no grupo R e 0,10° (-0,28°; 0,46°) no grupo SR (p < 0,05). Houve correlação estatisticamente significante entre cada variável definidora da síndrome nefrótica (peso corporal, proteinúria e albumina sérica) versus sobrecarga hídrica, água corporal total, água extracelular e ângulo de fase, mas não versus as demais medidas de composição corporal obtidas pela BIS. Conclusão. A espectroscopia por bioimpedância mostrou-se eficiente em detectar mudanças da água corporal e do ângulo de fase em pacientes com síndrome nefrótica, mas não para identificar variações relacionadas à massa de tecido magro, massa de tecido adiposo, massa gorda total e massa celular corporal. . / Nephrotic syndrome is established by the simultaneous presence of systemic edema, hypoalbuminemia, and severe proteinuria. Several components of the body composition, mainly related to the body fluid, undergo to rapid and frequent changes in this syndrome. Spectroscopy by bioimpedance (BIS) is a reliable, cost-effective and easy-to-perform method to evaluate body water, adipose tissue mass, and body cell mass. Despite these advantages, BIS has barely been used to evaluate patients with nephrotic syndrome. Aims. To evaluate body fluid variable changes and other components of the body composition in patients with nephrotic syndrome by bioimpedance spectroscopy. Methods. Patients were studied in two moments: at the occasion of the renal biopsy (1st evaluation), and at the end-point (2nd evaluation). Patients were grouped according to they reached remission (Group R) or remained without remission (Group WR) of the edema at the 2nd evaluation. Body weight, serum albumin and 24 hours proteinuria were measured at the two time-points, as well as other variables associated with body fluid and other components of the body composition obtained by the BIS. Results. Seventeen patients (age: 51,1 + 17,4 years-old) with nephrotic syndrome were studied. Ten patients reached remission of the edema while nine of them were also in remission of the nephrotic syndrome. Seven patients remained with edema at the end-point. The variation between the 1st and the 2nd measurement for the overhydration was of -5,4 L (-8,5L; -1,8L) at the group R and of 0,0 (-1,1 L; 1,2 L) at the group NR (p < 0,05). Total body water changes were of -4,75 L (-10,20 L; -2,50 L) and of 4,80 L (-1,30 L; 6,10 L) at the groups R and WR, respectively (p < 0,05), and the extracellular water changed of the -5,90 L (-10,10 L; -0,42 L) and of 1,20 L (-0,80 L; 2,70 L) at the same groups, respectively (p < 0,05). There was no statistically significant difference in the variation between the two evaluations for the groups R and NR for intracellular water, lean tissue mass, fat mass, adipose tissue mass, and body cell mass. The variation of the phase angle between the two evaluations was of the 1,55° (0,41°; 2,24°) at the group R and 0,10° (-0,28°; 0,46°) at the group WR (p < 0,05). There was a statistically significant correlation between each related nephrotic syndrome variable compared with overhydration, total body water, extracellular water, and phase angle, but no difference when compared with the other variables related to the body composition measured by the BIS. Conclusion. The spectroscopy by bioimpedance was efficient to measure body water changes and the phase angle in patients with nephrotic syndrome. However, the BIS could not detect changes related to the intracellular water, lean tissue mass, fat mass, adipose tissue mass, and body cell mass.

Efeito do protocolo de estressores e da privação de água sobre o consumo de sacarose, o peso corporal e o consumo de alimento e água em ratos / Effects of a stress protocol and water deprivation on sucrose consumption, body weight and food and water intake by rats

Pereira, Clarissa Moreira 17 April 2015 (has links)
O Chronic Mild Stress (CMS) é um modelo animal de depressão estudado para investigação das causas e dos atenuadores deste problema. Nele, ratos são submetidos a um protocolo de estressores moderadamente aversivos de maneira crônica. É observada diminuição na ingestão e preferência por substância líquida doce por conta desta submissão. Em estudo sobre o papel da privação de alimento e água no conjunto de estressores, Pereira e Sério (2010) não observaram os efeitos de diminuição na ingestão e preferência por sacarose. É levantada a possibilidade de que a privação de água e alimento a que os sujeitos foram submetidos previamente ao protocolo poderia ter sido responsável pelas diferenças encontradas, já que diferiu em muitos aspectos do realizado por Willner et al. (1987). O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de investigar o papel da privação de água no protocolo de estressores. Três grupos de sujeitos foram propostos: Grupo Protocolo (submetido ao protocolo completo), Grupo Privação (submetido apenas à privação de água presente no protocolo) e Grupo Controle (submetido apenas aos testes semanais de ingestão e preferência). Foram realizados testes de ingestão e preferência por sacarose antes, durante e depois do protocolo ou da privação e aferições semanais de peso e consumo de alimento e água. Como resultado o consumo de sacarose apresentou queda com o decorrer dos testes tanto para os Grupos Protocolo e Privação quanto para o Grupo Controle. Ou seja, não é possível atribuir a nenhum dos procedimentos (protocolo ou privação) a queda observada nessa medida. O peso corporal apresentou queda também para os três grupos assim que iniciado o procedimento de privação precedente ao teste. Apenas quando iniciados o protocolo e a privação para os grupos correspondentes, ocorreu menor ganho de peso semanal nesses grupos em comparação ao Grupo Controle. Com relação ao consumo de alimento, observou-se queda para os três grupos quando iniciada a privação semanal. Iniciado o protocolo de estressores, o consumo de alimento para o Grupo Protocolo apresentou a menor queda dentre os três, comparativamente ao que consumia antes. É sugerido que o consumo de sacarose não é uma boa medida dos efeitos do protocolo, sendo discutidas possibilidades de maior controle sobre essa medida e sugeridas outras medidas como possivelmente mais precisas para aferir os efeitos do protocolo / Chronic Mild Stress (CMS) is an animal model of depression studied by different areas of research into the causes and \"attenuators\" of this problem. In it, rats are subjected to a protocol of moderately aversive stressors applied chronicaly. Decreased intake and preference for sweet liquid substance on behalf of that submission is observed. In a study on the role of the deprivation of food and water in the set of stressors, Pereira and Sério (2010) did not observe the effects of decreased intake and preference for sucrose. It is raised the possibility that the deprivation of food and water that the subjects were submitted previously to the protocol might have been responsible for the differences found, given it differed in many aspects to what was done by Willner et al. (1987). The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of water deprivation in the stress protocol. Three groups of subjects were proposed: Protocol (submitted to the full protocol), Deprivation (subject only to the deprivation of water present in the protocol) and Control (subject only to the weekly consumption and preference tests). Free tests of sucrose intake and preference before, during and after the protocol or the deprivation were carried out. The main results observed were that for both the Protocol and Deprivation Groups and for the Control Group, sucrose consumption decreased over the course of the tests. That means it is not possible to assign to any of the procedures (protocol or deprivation) the decreased consumption observed. Body weight decreased in the three groups as soon as the deprivation procedure preceding the test started, but when the protocol and deprivation for the corresponding groups began, lower weekly weight gain occurred in these groups compared to the control group. With respect to food intake, a decrease for the three groups when initiated weekly deprivation was observed. As the stress protocol began, food intake in this group had the smallest drop compared to that consumed before in relation to the other groups. It is suggested therefore that the sucrose consumption is not a good measure of the effects of the protocol, and possibilities of control over this measure are discussed, along with the suggestion of other more precise measures of the effects of the stress protocol

Relação entre diferentes índices de eficiência alimentar e características de desempenho, carcaça e termografia em bovinos Nelore confinados / Relationship of different feed efficiency indexes with performance, carcass traits and thermography in feedlot Nellore cattle

Buarque, Vicente Luiz Macêdo 23 March 2018 (has links)
Esse trabalho foi desenvolvido para avaliar a relação entre diferentes medidas de eficiência utilizadas na bovinocultura de corte e as características de desempenho, carcaça e termografia infravermelho (TIV) em bovinos Nelore confinados. Foram utilizados 111 bovinos Nelore, machos não-castrados contemporâneos, com idade aproximada de 16±2 meses, peso corporal médio de 420±55 kg. Os animais foram confinados por 91 dias, sendo 21 dias de adaptação às instalações e à dieta. A dieta foi a mesma para todos os animais e composta por 73% de concentrado e 27% de volumoso. O consumo de matéria seca (CMS) foi avaliado diariamente, enquanto o peso vivo, medidas de ultrassom para avaliação de características de carcaça e imagens de TIV foram realizadas a cada 28 dias até o dia 70. A partir dos dados de CMS foram calculados o consumo alimentar residual (CAR), ganho de peso residual (GPR), consumo e ganho residual (CGR). Após a obtenção dos dados foram realizadas análises de associação (correlação e regressão) visando à identificação de possíveis relações entre as diferentes características com as medidas de eficiência. Não houve correlação entre o GMD com o CAR (r=0,001), e com o CGR (r= 0,114), enquanto o GPR apresentou correlação com o GMD (r= 0,588). O CMS foi correlacionado com o CAR (r= 0,612) e com o CGR (r= -0,532) e não houve correlação com o GPR (r= -0,002). Não houve correlação entre as medidas de eficiência com as características de peso vivo inicial (PVI) e peso vivo final (PV70). Dentre as características de carcaça avaliadas ao abate, apenas o GPR apresentou correlação com a gordura renal pélvica e inguinal (GRPIkg), trato gastrintestinal (TGIkg) e peso de corpo vazio (PCVZkg) na ordem de (r= 0,240), (r= 0,226) e (r= 0,210), respectivamente. Entre as medidas de carcaça avaliadas por ultrassom, apenas a espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS) final apresentou correlação com o CAR (r= 0,348), GPR (r= -0,188) e CGR (r= -0,340), enquanto a espessura de gordura da picanha (EGP) final apresentou correlação apenas com o CAR (r= 0,233) e CGR (r= -0,200). Houveram correlações entre o ganho de EGS e o CAR (r= 0,371) e CGR (r= 0,345), porém o ganho de EGP se correlacionou apenas com o CAR (r= 0,202). Não foram observadas correlações entre as medidas de eficiência e TIV, porém, esses resultados podem ter sido influenciados pelos fatores ambientais. A AOL não apresentou correlação com nenhuma das medidas de eficiência avaliadas. Dessa forma conclui-se que, o CAR é a medida que mais se aplica n seleção de animais de menor CMS, sem prejuízos as características de desempenho. Adicionalmente, o CAR e CGR selecionam animais mais eficientes em termos de menor consumo, enquanto que o GPR seleciona animais de maior GMD. / The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between different efficiency indexes used in beef cattle and performance, carcass traits and thermography in Nellore cattle at the feedlot system. A total of 111 Nellore male, with around 16±2 months age and 420±55 kg of body weight, were used. The animals were confined for 91 days, with 21 days for adaptation to the facilities and diet. The diet was the same for all animals, and composed by 73% of concentrate and 27% of roughage. Dry matter intake (DMI) was evaluated daily, and performance, ultrasound measurements and infrared thermography images were performed every 28 days until day 70. From the DMI measurements, residual feed intake (RFI), residual weight gain (RWG), residual intake and body weight gain (RIG) were calculated. From the data obtained, association analysis (correlation and regression) were performed to identify the possibilities relationships between the different characteristics with the efficiency measures. The ADG showed no correlation with RFI (r= 0.001) and RIG (r= 0.114); however, the RWG was correlated with ADG (r= 0.588). DMI was correlated with RFI (r= 0.612) and RIG (r= -0.532) and there was no correlation with RWG (r= -0.002) There was no correlation between efficiency measures with initial body weight (IBW) and final body weight (BW70). For carcass traits, evaluated at slaughter, only the RWG showed correlation with pelvic renal and inguinal fat (PRIFkg), gastrintestinal tract (GITkg) and empty body weight (EBWkg) in order of the (r= 0.240), (r= 0.226) and (r= 0.210), respectively. For carcass measurements evaluated by ultrasound, the final backfat thickness (BFT) showed correlation with RFI (r= 0.348), RWG (r= -0.188) and RIG (r= -0.340), while final subcutaneous fat thickness on the Biceps femoris muscle (BFTP8) showed a correlation with RFI (r= 0.233) and RIG (r= -0.220). In addition, BFT gain has been also correlated with RFI (r= 0.371) and RIG (r= 0.345); however, the BFTP8 gain only showed correlation with the RFI (r=0.202). There was no correlation between efficiency measures and the infrared thermography (IRT). The rib eye area (REA) showed no correlation with any the efficiency measures evaluated. In conclusion, the RFI is the measure that most applies in the selection of animals of smaller DMI, without damage to the performance traits. In addition, the RFI and RIG can promoter the selection of more efficient animals by lower consumer, whereas the RWG selected great ADG animals.

Caracterização do perfil de expressão gênica hepática global associada à eficiência alimentar em bovinos Nelore / Characterization of global hepatic gene expression profile associated with feed efficiency in Nelore cattle

Alexandre, Pâmela Almeida 30 March 2015 (has links)
A seleção de bovinos de corte para eficiência alimentar (EA) é bastante vantajosa não só do ponto de vista produtivo e econômico como também por ajudar a diminuir o impacto ambiental da produção pecuária. Por ser uma característica multifatorial e de mensuração onerosa, objetivou-se com esse trabalho, a partir da expressão gênica global hepática de animais com alta eficiência alimentar (AEA) e baixa eficiência alimentar (BEA), identificar novos genes, funções biológicas e genes reguladores associados a esse fenótipo. Para isso, 98 bovinos Nelore foram avaliados quanto ao desempenho em confinamento, medidas de EA, ultrassonografia de carcaça, bioquímica sérica, biometria, rendimento de carcaça, maciez de carne e avaliação de líquido ruminal. Além disso, 8 animais de AEA e 8 animais de BEA, selecionados pela medida de consumo e ganho residual ao final do confinamento, tiveram dados de perfil transcriptômico hepático analisados por 3 abordagens: expressão gênica diferencial, co-expressão e co-expressão diferencial. Foi observado que os grupos de AEA e BEA apresentaram desempenho igual quanto ao peso inicial e final, ganho de peso, rendimento de carcaça e área de olho de lombo. Por outro lado, os animais de BEA tiveram maior consumo de alimentos e maior deposição de gordura subcutânea e visceral. Além disso, os animais de BEA apresentaram níveis elevados de colesterol e de GGT e a análise de perfil transcriptômico mostrou estar relacionada à resposta imunológica, inflamação e metabolismo de lipídeos. Baseado nesses resultados e em pesquisas em humanos criou-se a hipótese de que os animais de BEA são mais susceptíveis a infecção bacteriana no fígado em resposta à mudança da dieta a pasto para a dieta de confinamento. / The selection of beef cattle to feed efficiency (FE) traits is very important not only from the productive and economic perspective but also for helping to reduce the environmental impact of livestock production. Being a multifactorial and expensive to measurement trait, the aim of this work was to analyze the liver global gene expression profile of animals with high feed efficiency (HFE) and low feed efficiency (LFE), to identify new genes, biological functions and regulatory genes associated to this phenotype. For this purpose, 98 Nellore cattle were evaluated regarding feedlot performance, FE measures, carcass ultrasound, serum biochemistry, biometric measures, carcass evaluation, meat tenderness and evaluation of ruminal fluid. In addition, 8 animals of HFE and 8 animals of LFE, selected by the measure of residual intake and body weight gain at the end of feeding trial, had liver transcriptomic profile data analyzed by three approaches: differential gene expression, co-expression and differential co-expression. It was observed that HFE and LFE groups showed equal performance for initial and final weight, weight gain, carcass yield and rib eye area. On the other hand, the animals of LFE had higher feed intake and increased deposition of subcutaneous and visceral fat. In addition, animals of LFE showed higher levels of cholesterol and GGT and transcriptomic profile analysis showed to be related to immune response, inflammation and lipid metabolism. Based on these results and research in humans we created the hypothesis that the LFE animals are more susceptible to bacterial infection in the liver in response to the change of pasture diet to feedlot diet.

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