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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inkas, “flecheros” y mitmaqkuna : Cambio social y paisajes culturales en los Valles y en los Yungas de Inkachaca/Paracti y Tablas Monte (Cochabamba-Bolivia, siglos XV-XVI)

Sánchez Canedo, Walter January 2008 (has links)
<p>The research work addresses the changes that occurred in the valley and the Yungas of Cochabamba during the Inka Horizon (1400-1538 AC) while introducing in an exploratory way, the Late Intermediate (1100-1400 AC) and the Middle Horizon (400-1100 AC) periods. In theoretical terms, we emphasize the local human agency (individual and social) as important elements in order to understand the processes of social change. We assume that the complex relational webs generated by the Inka presence in the valleys and the Yungas appear as "traces" in the space (as constructed landscapes: social, agro-hydrological, sacral, administrative, war landscapes etc.) that can be seized from two sources, archaeological and historical, that are seen as complementing each other. </p><p>We carried out two case studies in the Yungas of Tablas Monte and Inkachaca /Paracti. In both areas, previously unknown to Bolivian archaeology, we examined the impact of the Inka. Based upon material evidence, such as the sophisticated agro-hydrological system sustained by an intensive use of the stone as well as documentary data, we discuss the presence of warrior groups, i.e. that the arrival of the Inka had a relative impact in this area.</p>

Vilken förbättring i visus ger begagnade glasögon hos hjälpsökande i Bolivia?

Nordström, Malin January 2010 (has links)
<p><p><strong>Bakgrund: </strong>World Health Organization, WHO, har i sina studier visat att det globalt finns 279 miljoner människor med synnedsättning, av dessa beror 98 miljoner på okorrigerade refraktionsfel och representationen är störst i utvecklingsländer hos personer över 50 år.</p><p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på vilken förbättring i avståndsvisus hjälpsökande i Bolivia får med begagnade glasögon från Vision for all, VFA, och samtidigt titta på hur fördelningen av refraktionsfel ser ut i jämförelse med andra delar av världen.</p><p><strong>Metod & Material</strong>: Projektet utfördes i samarbete med VFA under en resa till Bolivia i april 2010. Tre städer i Bolivia besöktes och försökspersonerna fick själva söka upp undersökningsplatsen. En enklare synundersökning, där bästa sfäriska styrka togs fram binokulärt, utfördes av tre optikerstudenter och en legitimerad optiker. Snellen E-hake användes tillsammans med provbåge, provglas och flipprar. Resultatet journalfördes och analyserades och jämfördes sedan med studier från andra delar av världen.</p><p><strong>Resultat</strong>: I studien ingår 1083 försökspersoner mellan 6 och 92 år, varav 622 var emmetropa, 300 hyperopa, ≥ +0,25D, och 161 myopa, ≥-0,25D. Medelvärdet på fri/habituell visus hos hela populationen var 0,81±0,24, där 16,4% av försökspersonerna hade fri/habituell binokulär visus på 0,5 eller högre. När bästa korrektion tagits fram hade 89,3% binokulär visus på 0,8 eller högre. Medelvärdet på korrigerad visus för hela populationen var 0,91±0,14, vilket är en signifikant förbättring (p<0,001). Då man jämförde resultatet med studier från andra delar av världen såg man att hyperopi förekomsten i Bolivia var högre än i alla andra studier. Myopi förekomsten påminde mest om den i USA i de äldre åldergrupperna och Afrika i de yngre åldergrupperna.</p><p><strong>Slutsats</strong>: Studien visar att VFA med hjälp av en enkel synundersökning och begagnande glasögon gör en förbättring i visus hos människorna i Bolivia. Förbättringen innebär inte bara ett bättre seende utan även en bättre livskvalitet och ökad möjlighet till utbildning och arbete.</p></p>

Hur stora är forierna/tropierna hos hjälpsökande i Bolivia? : En studie utförd under en resa med Vision for all

Ris, Emma January 2010 (has links)
<p><p><strong>Syfte</strong>: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur stora forierna och tropierna är hos de människor som söker hjälp för sin syn hos Vision for all i Bolivia.</p><p><strong>Metod</strong>: En enkel subjektiv refraktion utfördes binokulärt. Efter utprovad korrektion gjordes ett covertest på avstånd för att se om patienten hade någon fori eller tropi. Om någon fori eller tropi upptäcktes mättes denna upp med ett prismacovertest.</p><p><strong>Resultat</strong>: Av 1118 undersökta personer var det 58 som hade en fori som mättes upp. 9 personer hade någon form av tropi och 8 av tropierna mättes upp. 52 av forierna var exofori och 6 var esofori. Storlekarna på exoforierna som uppmättes var mellan 2Δ och 14Δ, där 2Δ var vanligast förekommande. Storlekarna på esoforierna som uppmättes var mellan 2Δ och 35Δ. 1042 personer hade ortofori.</p><p><strong>Slutsats</strong>: Studien visar att medelvärdet bland forierna var 2.33Δ exofori. Studien visar även att förekomsten av både forier och tropier är mindre i jämförelse med resultat från tidigare studier.</p></p>

Romancing the Road: The Villa Tunari - San Ignacio de Moxos Highway

Korosi, Sara 22 April 2013 (has links)
The 306 kilometer Villa Tunari - San Ignacio de Moxos highway project was designed in 2008 as part of an interoceanic corridor to foster greater integration of the capitalist economy in South America. Despite its double status as a protected ecological and Indigenous Territory, this highway was designed to cut through the center of the Isiboro Sécure National Park and Indigenous Territory (TIPNIS). Construction began in 2011. The response was immediate; marches and protests were held both against and for the highway. Construction was then put on hold as consultations were held with communities who live within the borders of TIPNIS. Despite the existence of numerous documents regarding the rights of Indigenous Peoples, their operationalization has been deeply problematic. The TIPNIS highway project received wide spread international attention when members of the Eighth Indigenous March in Defense of TIPNIS were attacked and detained by police in September of 2011. This thesis will illustrate that this was not an isolated phenomenon. Rather this, and subsequent events, are deeply embedded within the colonial framework in which they are taking place. By highlighting the larger power structures that exist, as well as the strength and courage of Indigenous Lowlanders and those who stand in solidarity with them, questions such as, ‘Why is this highway project so contentious?’, become clearer. / Thesis (Master, Global Development Studies) -- Queen's University, 2013-04-20 22:06:56.878

The art of riverine warfare from an asymmetrical approach

Willey, Paul F. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / This thesis examines U.S. riverine warfare from an unconventional perspective in three Latin American countries to include: Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru. U.S. forces in particular NSW was (and remains) instrumental in helping these countries establish riverine units and an active presence on their rivers. These three different programs all have the same mission to deny the uncontested use of the rivers and inland waterways by narco traffickers and insurgent forces for the use of illegal activities. This thesis compares and contrast the three cases and garnishes lessons learned for future endeavors of the same. / Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy

Centro especializado en traumatología y ortopedia: — arquitectura que sana El Alto Bolivia

Pacheco Mollinedo, Janine January 2011 (has links)
En Bolivia, el fenómeno del crecimiento urbano ha provocado una alta escases de infraestructura en las ciudades, constituyendo uno de los principales problemas sociales que acontece en los últimos años. El área de la salud abarca gran parte de este problema, lo cual recae directamente en la mala calidad de vida de un considerable número de habitantes de todo el país. Es por esto que el Gobierno ha determinado la creación de nuevos planes para subsanar el problema y cambiar la situación actual de los establecimientos de salud a lo largo de todo el territorio boliviano. El proyecto cubrirá la necesidad de urgencia traumatológica derivada de los accidentes automovilísticos (una de las principales causas de mortalidad en el país) y también realizará una gestión de Alta Especialización en la cobertura de los riesgos derivados de causas congénitas relacionadas al sistema osteomuscular. Destinado a ser el primer Centro Especializado de carácter público en Bolivia, sus confines acogerán a habitantes de todo el país que necesiten tratamientos de alta especialidad en esta área de la medicina. Se comprenderá el proyecto entonces, tanto en su importancia a nivel nacional como detonante del Plan de Redes SAFCI como en su importancia a nivel local como hito dentro de la ciudad de El Alto.

Feeding local economies: Bolivia’s edible biocultural heritage and rural territorial development

Turner, Katherine January 2016 (has links)
The biocultural heritage and diversity of localised food systems are resources that some communities, governments and other actors are mobilising to pursue their development objectives. However, further understanding is needed to determine how regimes of access and benefit surrounding this collectively held heritage are affected by its use in development projects. This dissertation examines rural development involving interventions in the food systems of the Central Valley of Tarija, Bolivia, and the ripple effects on the people who depend on these systems for their survival as producers, intermediaries and consumers. Core themes relate to personal histories and experiences of change and continuity in household economies and diet, and the role of biocultural heritage within localised food systems. These are examined in relation to processes of territorial construction and ordering through development programs and less planned processes of global and environmental change. Data were gathered through a food systems methodology, acknowledging the complex, interdependent relationships among production, transformation, exchange and consumption. The primary methods used were semi-structured interviews with local producers, intermediaries, consumers and government and non-governmental organisation key informants, complemented by participant observation, surveys, and document review. I found edible biocultural heritage to be a key resource in territorial projects seeking to alter current and future conditions of the Central Valley territory. From the 1970s onward, agricultural production possibilities available to research participant households have narrowed because of land enclosures, market integration, and other intersecting factors ultimately favouring transition towards commodity production (Chapter 2). Some smallholder viticulturalists, however, have incorporated grape production within multi-species agroecosystems to balance the risks and benefits of participation in the expanding commercial sector (Chapter 3). Edible biocultural heritage is being mobilised within multiple territorial projects in the Central Valley, including a gourmet project (Chapter 4) and an alternative food network around campesino gastronomic heritage (Chapter 5), with distinct ecological, economic and sociocultural implications. Whose heritage (or aspects of heritage) is carried forward and given precedence within development processes, and whose is rendered less viable and visible, has significant impacts on food systems’ form and function, the representations of local identity they manifest and the livelihood possibilities they entail. / February 2017

Plan de negocios para la apertura de una empresa productora y comercializadora de leche de quinoa

Baldivia Oblitas, José Enrique January 2014 (has links)
Autor no autoriza el acceso a texto completo de su documento hasta el 15/12/2019. / Magíster en Administración y Dirección de Empresas / El presente plan de negocios se orienta a la constitución y desarrollo en el mercado boliviano de una empresa productora y comercializadora de leche de quinua, como una bebida alternativa atractiva, innovadora y saludable. La oportunidad de negocio se sustenta en las tendencias mundiales de consumo de productos orgánicos, que muestran constantes alzas durante los últimos años, al igual que las ventas de productos ecológicos nutricionales, sobre todo en Latinoamérica. Bolivia, además de ser uno de los mayores productores de quinua en el mundo, presenta un entorno favorable a la inversión en la agroindustria, como resultado de recientes medidas de incentivo impulsadas por el gobierno. En la última década (2000-2012), la industria de bebidas en Bolivia cuadruplicó su tamaño, principalmente por el incremento del gasto de las personas en alimentos y bebidas. Las principales empresas en la industria de jugos naturales y productos de soya son Delizia (37,6% del mercado), Pil (31,1%), Ades (16,9 %) y Jugos del Valle (4,4%). Estas empresas que no ofrecen leche de quinua, por lo que se vio una oportunidad de negocio para incursionar en esa industria con un producto innovador. Se determinó como segmento objetivo del negocio la población adolescente y adulta de los estratos sociales C1,C2 y C3 (clase media-alta) de la ciudad de La Paz, en base a las entrevistas y encuestas que se realizaron en el estudio de mercado. La estrategia de la empresa será de diferenciación, apuntando a ganar rápidamente participación de mercado. Para esto se buscará que el posicionamiento muestre un producto innovador y superior en términos alimenticios y energéticos a los actualmente disponibles. También se definirán alianzas estratégicas con proveedores y canales de distribución. La estrategia de marketing se orientará a la creación de valor de marca y el rápido posicionamiento en la mente del consumidor. El producto se ofrecerá al público en presentaciones de 1lt y 200ml, y a precios competitivos. Se lo distribuirá primeramente a través de supermercados de renombre en La Paz (Ketal, Hipermaxi y Fidalga). Los principales medios de promoción serán redes sociales, televisión, ferias y degustaciones. La empresa apunta a una participación de mercado del 10% de la industria de jugos naturales de soya en la ciudad de La Paz y a un volumen de ventas de 74.000 lts mensuales. La planta productiva, de diseño eficiente, se localizará en La Paz, lo que facilitará el aprovisionamiento de materias primas (especialmente harina de quinua). Se considera establecer alianzas con proveedores que eleven las barreras de entrada a nuevos competidores. La proyección del negocio a 10 años, con una tasa de descuento del 27%, entrega un VAN positivo de MUS$ 437 y una TIR del 53,2%. El período de payback del proyecto es de 2 años y tres meses. Existe mayor sensibilidad del VAN en variaciones del precio que en las de volumen del producto, manteniéndose un valor positivo del primero con descensos del precio de hasta 15%. Estos resultados permiten considerar que el negocio es atractivo.

Filmemos nuestra liberación: el tercer cine y su relación con la producción cinematográfica de Chile y Bolivia: 1967-1977

Díaz García, Camilo January 2018 (has links)
Informe de Seminario para optar al grado de Licenciado en Historia Seminario de Grado: "Cine y sociedad en América Latina"

Os caminhos da politização da indigeneidade: um estudo sobre a identidade indígena na política boliviana pós-1985 / The paths of indigeneity politicization: a study on indigenous identity in Bolivian politics after 1985

Amaral, Aiko Ikemura 27 May 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca analisar o processo de politização das identidades indígenas, entendido como uma luta por reconhecimento, ressaltando a dinâmica das fronteiras étnicas na interação entre indígenas e o Estado, na Bolívia pós-1985. Entende-se que ao fundamentarem sua luta em um largo histórico de dominação e traduzirem-na em uma demanda por direitos e por reconhecimento social e político, os povos indígenas ressignificam sua posição marginal na sociedade e conformam a base para sua organização. Defende-se que, uma vez que as identidades resultam de constantes processos internos e externos de definição, a possibilidade de conformação de uma identidade efetivamente autônoma só se concretiza se os sujeitos podem definir quais os parâmetros legítimos a partir dos quais se dá o reconhecimento, que adquire um caráter eminentemente político. A este respeito, entende-se que a luta avançada pelos povos indígenas representa um desafio para as formas tradicionais de definição de cidadania, questionando o paradigma liberal até então hegemônico, especialmente no que tange a natureza coletiva do sujeito indígena e sua relação com o território e com a política em geral. Assim, a indigeneidade se coloca como uma peça chave para a compreensão das mudanças ocorridas nas últimas décadas na Bolívia, assim como para a compreensão de um processo mais amplo de descolonização das categorias e instituições do Estado-nação. Desta forma, o trabalho segue de forma a discutir como a luta por reconhecimento por direitos se construiu a partir das críticas ao colonialismo interno do Estado boliviano, posteriormente avançando sobre como ampliação das fronteiras da identidade indígena serviu como elemento aglutinador de um processo crescentemente contencioso das relações entre a sociedade as instituições do Estado em sua acepção liberal. Posteriormente, discutir-se-á sobre como as lutas e demandas indígenas foram reconhecidas na Constituição de 2009 em um esforço conjunto de representantes de diversos movimentos sociais no país para superar a abordagem multiculturalista através da plurinacionalidade e da interculturalidade. Por fim, destacar-se-á as presentes contradições deste processo, no qual o empoderamento político indígena se depara com a centralidade cada vez maior da democracia representativa e dos apelos de uma identidade nacional indigeneizada, em detrimento dos avanços legais da Constituição plurinacional e das lutas por interculturalidade e pela consolidação da autonomia dos sujeitos coletivos na Bolívia / The following work will discuss the process of politicization of indigenous identities, understood as a struggle for recognition, highlighting the dynamics of the ethnic boundaries in the interaction between the indigenous and the state in Bolivia after 1985. We sustain that as indigenous peoples root their struggle in a long background of domination which is translated into a demand for rights and for social and political recognition, they ressignify their marginality within the society and establish the foundations for their organization. We suggest that, inasmuch as identities result from constant processes of internal and external forms of definition, the possibility of constructing actually autonomous identities is only possible if the subjects are able to define by which standards should they be granted recognition, which, in turn, becomes eminently political. Following that, we observe that the indigenous struggles posits a challenge to traditional forms of defining citizenship, as they question the hegemony of the liberal paradigm so far, specially in matters of the collective nature of indigenous subject and its particular relation to the territory and politics. Therefore, indigeneity is presented as a key factor for understanding the political changes in Bolivia over the last decades, but also for analyzing the process of decolonization of nationstate categories and institutions. We herein discuss how the struggle for recognition in the legal and social dimensions was key for constructing a broader critique of the internal colonialism in the Bolivian State, followed by a discussion on how the expansion of the boundaries of the indigenous identities transformed it into a converging element of a increasingly contentious process in the relation between the society and the states institutions in their most liberal facet. Later on, we will explore how these struggles and demands were recognized in the 2009 Constitution, as a result of the mutual effort of representatives of various social movements to overcome the multicultural approach to indigenous rights with plurinationality and interculturality. Finally, we assess the present contradictions of such process, in which the political empowerment of the indigenous faces the rising centrality of representative democracy and the appeals of a indigenized national identity, as opposed to the consolidation of constitutional plurinationality and of the intercultural plea for the consolidation of the autonomy of indigenous collective subjects in Bolivia

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