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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Osteoporosis: An Age-Related and Gender-Specific Disease – A Mini-Review

Pietschmann, Peter, Rauner, Martina, Sipos, Wolfgang, Kerschan-Schindl, Katharina January 2009 (has links)
Osteoporosis, a classical age-related disease and known to be more common in women than in men, has been reported increasingly often in men during the past few years. Although men at all ages after puberty have larger bones than women, resulting in greater bending strength, mortality after a hip fracture, one of the major complications of osteoporosis, is more common in men than in women. Sex hormone deficiency is associated with unrestrained osteoclast activity and bone loss. Even though estrogen deficiency is more pronounced in women, it appears to be a major factor in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis in both genders. In contrast to osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, the treatment of osteoporosis in men has been scarcely reported. Nevertheless, some drugs commonly used for the treatment of osteoporosis in women also appear to be effective in men. The aim of this study is to review primary osteoporosis in the elderly with particular emphasis on gender-related aspects. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Die Wirkung von systemisch appliziertem rekombinantem speziesspezifischem Wachstumshormon auf den Knochenumbau am Achsenskelett / Histologische und histomorphometrische Untersuchungen bei der Distraktionsosteogenese am Yucatan-Minischwein

Funk, Julia Franziska 27 October 2004 (has links)
Die Auswirkung der systemischen Applikation von 100µg/kg/KG rekombinantem speziesspezifischem Wachstumshormon (GH) über 26 Tage auf den Knochenumbau des Yucatan-Minischweins wurde an Wirbelkörpern, Beckenkämmen und Rippen histomorphometrisch untersucht. Der Einfluss der Distraktionsosteogenese auf die Mineralappositionsrate wurde ermittelt. 24 Tiere wurden an der linken Tibia osteotomiert, ein Fixateur externe wurde zur Distraktionsosteogenese von 2mm/d angelegt. 12 Tiere erhielten Wachstumshormon, 12 Placebo. Eine polychrome Fluoreszenzmarkierung wurde i.v. appliziert. Post mortem wurden Schnitte und Dünnschliffe der genannten Knochen angefertigt. Mittels Bildanalysesystem erfolgte die histomorphometrische Auswertung anhand der Parameter Knochendichte, Porosität, Trabekeldicke, Trabekelumbauparameter und Mineralappositionsrate (MAR). Signifikante Veränderungen durch Wachstumshormongabe konnten gezeigt werden. Unterschiede zwischen den Lokalisationen traten auf. So war die Knochendichte der GH-Tiere an Wirbelkörpern und Rippen signifikant geringer als in der Placebogruppe, kein signifikanter Unterschied zeigte sich am Beckenkamm. An allen 3 Lokalisationen war in der Wachstumshormongruppe eine signifikant erhöhte kortikale Porosität zu finden. Nur am Wirbelkörper waren die trabekuläre Knochendichte und die Trabekeldicke bei den GH-Tieren signifikant geringer als bei den Kontrolltieren. Die Knochenresorption war in der GH-Gruppe am Beckenkamm signifikant erhöht. Die Formation war bei den GH-Tieren sowohl iliakal als auch vertebral signifikant erhöht. Insgesamt ergab sich damit ein signifikant verminderter Anteil an ruhender Oberfläche bei den GH-Tieren. In ihrer Ausprägung waren diese Parameter zwischen Wirbel und Beckenkamm signifikant verschieden. Die MAR war in der GH-Gruppe signifikant höher als in der Placebogruppe, außerdem war sie während der Distraktionsphase signifikant höher als während der Konsolidierungsphase. Vergleicht man die Parameter mit Angaben aus der Literatur, kann bestätigt werden, dass die hier verwendeten Messmethoden geeignet sind, und dass das Yucatan-Minischwein ein geeignetes Modell zur Klärung von Fragestellungen der Knochenbiologie auch im Hinblick auf den Vergleich zum Menschen darstellt. / The effect of systemic application of 100 µg/kg recombinant species specific growth hormone (GH) on the bone remodelling of 24 Yucatan mini pigs for a duration of 26 days was evaluated on vertebral body, iliac crest, and rib. The influence of distraction osteogenesis on the mineral apposition rate (MAR) was examined. 24 animals were osteotomized at the left tibia and treated with an external fixator for distraction osteogenesis of 2 mm/d. 12 of them received GH, the others placebo. A sequential polychrome fluorescent labelling was applied. After sacrifice thin and ground sections were manufactured. Using an image analysis system, a histomorphometrical evaluation was performed by means of bone density, porosity, trabecular thickness, trabecular remodelling parameters, and mineral apposition rate (MAR). Significant changes after GH application were visible. Differences between the locations were found. The bone density of vertebrae and ribs of the treatment group was significantly lower than that of the placebo group, whereas no difference was seen in the iliac crest biopsies. All 3 locations showed a significantly higher cortical porosity in the GH group. The trabecular bone density and the trabecular thickness were significantly decreased only in the vertebral bodies of the treatment group. The bone resorption was significantly elevated in the iliac crests of the GH group. The bone formation was increased in the iliac crest as well as in the vertebrae of the GH treated animals. Therefore, the resting surface was significantly decreased in the GH group. The extent of these effects was significantly different between iliac crest and vertebral body. The MAR was significantly higher in the GH group and during distraction osteogenesis. Compared to results of other study groups these parameters validate the methods of measurement and show that the Yucatan mini pig is a suitable model for research concerning bone biology, especially concerning the comparison with human parameters.

Lattice models in materials science / diffusion, trabecular bone remodelling and linear elastic networks

Hartmann, Markus 10 February 2006 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden drei unabhängige Problemfelder moderner biophysikalischer und materialwissenschaftlicher Forschung untersucht: Diffusion in binären Legierungen, der Umbauprozess in trabekulärem Knochen und die Voraussage mechanischer Eigenschaften, insbesonders der Biegesteifigkeit, selbstorganisierender, amphiphiler Membrane. Für alle drei Problemfelder wurden Gittermodelle gewählt, um ausgesuchte Fragestellungen zu untersuchen. Für den Fall der Diffusion in Legierungen war dies, inwieweit sich der Diffusionprozess, der sich auf atomarer Ebene als diskrete Platztäusche zwischen Atomen und Leerstellen manifestiert, auf einer größeren, makroskopischen, Ebene mit Hilfe einer kontinuumstheoretischen Theorie beschreiben lässt. Im Fall der Beschreibung des Umbauprozesses in in trabekulärem Knochen wurde die die spongiöse Architektur des Knochens auf ein Gitter abgebildet und mittels einer vereinfachten mechanischen Beschreibung die lokale Belastung in jedem Knochenelement bestimmt. Die zeitliche Entwicklung des Systems wurde mittels eines stochastischen Umbaugesetzes gesteuert, das die Wahrscheinlichkeit für Knochenan- bzw. -abbau als Funktion der lokalen Volumenänderung vorgab. Es wurde gezeigt, dass ein nicht-lineares Umbaugesetz bessere Übereinstimmung mit experimentellen Ergebnissen zeigt, als ein rein lineares. Weiters wurde das Krankheitsbild der Osteoporose untersucht und es konnte eine Unterscheidung zwischen einem normalen Alterungsprozess der Knochenstruktur und einer krankhaften Veränderung gezogen werden. Um die mechanischen Eigenschaften selbstorganisierender Membrane zu bestimmen, wurden linear elastische Federkräfte zwischen benachbarten Molekülen angenommen. Die volle elastische Matrix und daraus die gewünschten Eigenschaften wurden für unterschiedliche Zusammensetzungen der Membrane bestimmt. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Biegesteifigkeit solcher Membrane in einem begrenzten Konzentrationsbereich um mehrere Größenordnungen variieren kann. / This thesis presents the results of investigations on three independent research topics of modern biophysical and materials science research: substitutional diffusion in binary alloys, the remodelling process in trabecular bone and the prediction of mechanical properties of self assembling, amphiphilic bilayers. The basic description of all three projects is based on lattice models, a highly successful class of models that are used in several fields of modern physics to describe physical processes. For the diffusional process in alloys, which on a microscopic scale manifests in a discrete site exchange between one atom and a neighbouring vacancy, it was investigated how this microscopic description can be reconciled with a macroscopic continuum model. For the investigations on remodelling of trabecular bone, the architecture of bone was mapped onto a lattice and the local mechanical state of each element was determined by a simplified mechanical model. A stochastic description was chosen to model the time evolution of the system, relating the probability of bone formation and resorption, respectively, to the local volume changes of the bone elements. It was shown that a non-linear remodelling law is a better candidate to describe the remodelling process in real bone than a linear one. Furthermore, applying the model to osteoporosis - a wide spread bone disease - it was shown that in the features attributed to osteoporosis one has to distinguish between normal ageing of bone''s architecture and additional changes that stem from pathological alterations in the regulatory system. A simple concept was introduced to model the mechanical properties of self-assembled membranes. The molecules forming the membrane are assumed to occupy a triangular lattice, nearest neighbours are connected by linear elastic springs. It was shown that the bending rigidity exhibits a pronounced concentration dependence, varying over orders of magnitude in a narrow concentration regime.

Oral health among Finns aged 60 years and older:edentulousness, fixed prostheses, dental infections detected from radiographs and their associating factors

Haikola, B. (Britta) 25 November 2014 (has links)
Abstract Oral health among older people is shown to be worse compared to younger people. The aim of this study was to evaluate oral health and associating factors among ageing Finns. A cross-sectional, descriptive epidemiologic survey was performed in Kirkkonummi in southern Finland and in the Lakeus District in northern Finland. Altogether 1,191 subjects aged 60 to 78 years, 625 from Kirkkonummi and 566 from Lakeus, were examined and interviewed. Edentulousness and poor occlusal stability were recorded clinically. Gonial angle, ramus height, condylar height and the amount of residual ridge resorption in the mandible and the presence of fixed prostheses were evaluated from panoramic radiographs. Based on the radiographs the scoring of infection foci was performed with an infection focus index. The signs of infection recorded were deep caries, periapical lesions, furcal lesions, vertical bone pockets and horizontal bone loss. The prevalence of edentulousness was 37%, being significantly higher among women than among men and significantly higher in the northern compared to the southern region. Edentulousness was more prevalent among subjects with primary school education than among those with higher education. The mean of the gonial angle was smaller among dentate subjects than among edentulous ones. Dentate subjects had significantly greater ramus height and condylar height than edentulous subjects. Women had significantly more often than men severe residual ridge resorption in the mandible. Poor satisfaction with dentures associated significantly with poor occlusal stability in both genders. More than three quarters of the subjects had severe risk of infection, more in the southern than in the northern region. In the dentate sample women showed higher prevalence of fixed prostheses than men. In the Kirkkonummi region both men and women had more fixed prostheses than subjects in the Lakeus region. Edentulousness was very frequent among ageing Finns. Mandibular bone morphology changed as a consequence of tooth loss. The prevalence of fixed prostheses was low and the prevalence of signs of infection of dental origin was high. The geographical differences in oral health should be considered by health authorities in order to promote good oral health in rural areas, especially focusing on older people with low socio-economical status and poor health. / Tiivistelmä Vanhusväestön suun terveydentila on useassa tutkimuksessa todettu huonommaksi kuin nuoremmilla. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää suomalaisen ikääntyvän väestön suun terveydentilaa ja siihen liittyviä tekijöitä. Epidemiologinen poikkileikkaustutkimus tehtiin Kirkkonummella Etelä-Suomessa ja Lakeuden terveyskeskuksen alueella Pohjois-Suomessa. Tutkimukseen ja haastatteluun osallistui yhteensä 1191 iältään 60–78-vuotiasta henkilöä, 625 Kirkkonummelta ja 566 Lakeudelta. Kliinisessä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin hampaattomuus ja proteesien purentatasapaino. Alaleuan leukakulma, nousevan haaran ja nivellisäkkeen korkeus, hammasharjanteen korkeus ja kiinteiden proteesien esiintyminen arvioitiin panoraamaröntgenkuvista. Tulehdusriskiä kuvaava indeksi arvioitiin röntgenkuvien tulehdusmuutoksista, joina rekisteröitiin syvä karies, hampaan juurenpään tulehdus, tulehdus takahampaiden juurten haarautumassa, syventyneet luutaskut ja kiinnityskudoskato usean hampaan alueella. Hampaattomuuden vallitsevuus oli 37 %. Se oli tilastollisesti merkitsevästi korkeampi naisilla kuin miehillä ja pohjoisella alueella merkitsevästi korkeampi kuin eteläisellä. Hampaattomuus oli yleisempää vähiten koulutusta saaneilla kuin korkeamman koulutuksen saaneilla. Hampaallisilla oli pienempi alaleuan leukakulma kuin hampaattomilla, ja heillä oli myös korkeampi nouseva haara ja nivellisäke kuin hampaattomilla. Naisilla oli merkitsevästi useammin vakavaa hammasharjanteen madaltumista kuin miehillä. Molemmilla sukupuolilla tyytymättömyys proteeseihin liittyi merkitsevästi huonoon purentatasapainoon. Yli kolmella neljäsosalla tutkituista oli vakava tulehdusriski, eteläisellä alueella enemmän kuin pohjoisella. Hampaallisessa aineistossa naisilla oli enemmän kiinteitä proteeseja kuin miehillä. Kirkkonummen alueella tutkituilla oli enemmän kiinteitä proteeseja kuin Lakeuden alueella. Hampaattomuus oli hyvin yleistä 60–78-vuotiailla suomalaisilla. Alaleuanluun muoto muuttui hampaiden menetyksen seurauksena. Kiinteiden proteesien määrä oli vähäinen ja ikääntyvillä suomalaisilla oli röntgenkuvissa runsaasti hammasperäisten tulehdusten löydöksiä. Suun terveyden alueelliset erot tulisi ottaa huomioon suu- ja hammasterveyden edistämistyössä, jossa erityisesti tulisi huomioida alhaisen sosioekonomisen aseman ja huonon terveyden omaava vanhempi väestö.

Avaliação do metabolismo mineral de pacientes com doença renal crônica em diálise peritoneal: correlação entre parâmetros clínicos, bioquímicos e de histologia óssea / Evaluation of mineral metabolism in peritoneal dialysis patients: correlation between bone histology, clinical features and biochemical parameters

Oliveira, Rodrigo Azevedo de 05 May 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os distúrbios minerais e ósseos da doença renal crônica (DMO-DRC) são influenciados por vários fatores, como idade, etiologia da DRC, toxinas urêmicas e modalidade dialítica. Os DMO-DRC são bem descritos em pacientes tratados com hemodiálise (HD). No entanto, na diálise peritoneal (DP) os estudos são escassos e, na maioria deles, não há dados de histologia óssea. OBJETIVOS: caracterizar os DMO-DRC em uma coorte de pacientes em DP; comparar os resultados com aqueles obtidos da HD; e analisar o desempenho de marcadores séricos para o diagnóstico das doenças de alto e baixo remodelamento ósseo. MÉTODOS: quarenta e um pacientes tratados com DP submeteram-se a avaliação clínica, bioquímica e biópsia óssea. RESULTADOS: a doença óssea adinâmica (DOA) foi o tipo de osteodistrofia renal (OR) predominante, correspondendo a 49% da amostra. Ao se analisar separadamente diabéticos e não diabéticos, a prevalência de DOA foi de 77,7% no primeiro grupo e 26% no segundo (p=0,001). Na comparação entre DP e HD, observou-se que os pacientes do primeiro grupo apresentavam 25(OH) vitamina D mais baixa, mineralização óssea mais comprometida e melhor volume ósseo. A fosfatase alcalina óssea (FAO) apresentou a melhor sensibilidade e especificidade tanto para o diagnóstico de alto, quanto de baixo remodelamento ósseo. CONCLUSÕES: a DOA é o tipo de OR mais prevalente na DP. No entanto, a influência do diabetes como fator de risco parece ser maior do que a própria modalidade dialítica / INTRODUCTION: Chronic kidney disease - mineral bone disorder (CKD-MBD) is a complex syndrome influenced by various factors, such as age, CKD etiology, uremic toxins and dialysis modality. CKD-MBD has been extensively studied in hemodialysis (HD) patients. However, for peritoneal dialysis (PD), only a few, older studies exist, most of which contain no bone biopsy data. The present study sought to: characterize CKD-MBD in a cohort of prevalent PD patients; compare the results with that obtained from HD patients; and analyse performance of bone turnover serum markers to make the diagnosis of high or low bone turnover disease in PD patients. METHODS: Forty-one PD patients underwent to a clinical evaluation, biochemical analysis and bone biopsy. RESULTS: The most prevalent pattern of renal osteodystrophy (ROD) was adynamic bone disease (ABD), comprising 49% of the sample population. When we separately analyzed diabetic and non-diabetic patients, the ABD prevalence was 77.7% in the former group and 26% in the latter group (p=0.001). The comparison between DP and HD patients revealed low 25(OH) vitamin D level, worst bone mineralization and better bone volume parameters in the former group. Bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP) demonstrated the best sensitivity and specificity values to detect both high and low turnover disease. CONCLUSION: ABD is the most frequent type of ROD. However, the effect of diabetes on the development of ABD is more important than the dialysis modality itself

Évaluation de la densité osseuse péri acétabulaire après resurfaçage versus prothèse totale de la hanche métal-métal non cimentée

Ait Yahia, Chabane 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente l’évaluation du remodelage osseux autour des composantes acétabulaires non cimentées press-fit d’une arthroplastie de resurfaçage (RH) et d’une prothèse totale de hanche (PTH) après un minimum de 21 mois d’implantation. Nous avons mesuré par l’absorptiométrie à rayons X en double énergie (DEXA) la densité minérale osseuse (DMO) supra acétabulaire chez 60 patients (44 RH, 16 PTH). Aucune différence significative de la moyenne des DMO au niveau de la zone globale et de la zone centrale de l’acétabulum n’a été trouvée entre la hanche opérée et la hanche controlatérale, dans les deux groupes de traitement. Cependant, la DMO des zones corticospongieuses médiale et latérale est plus élevée du côté opéré par rapport au côté non opéré avec la cupule en chrome cobalt de la RH; (p=0,014 et 0,031 respectivement). Alors que pour la PTH avec une cupule en titane, la différence de la DMO au niveau de ces zones n’est pas significative; (p=0,130 et 0,733). Ces données semblent démontrer qu’avec des cupules plus rigides, il y a transfert des contraintes de charges vers la périphérie corticale. C’est la première étude à évaluer le remodelage osseux péri acétabulaire avec un RH. Cela montre que la DMO est relativement préservée et que le transfert des contraintes vers la périphérie peut être favorable au maintien de la stabilité de l’implant primaire et aux éventuelles révisions de la cupule press-fit du RH. / We undertook a retrospective study to evaluate bone remodeling around two uncemented press-fit acetabular components: (1. Hip resurfacing (HR) and 2. total hip replacement (THR)) at a minimum of 21 months after implantation. We measured by DEXA (Dual energy X ray absorptiometry) the bone mineral density (BMD) in the supra acetabular area in 60 patients (44 HR, 16 THR). We found no significant difference in the average BMD of the global zone and central zone of the acetabulum between the operated hip and the opposite non-operated hip in both treatment groups. However, the BMD of the medial and lateral cortico-cancellous areas on the side of surgery was significantly higher compared to non-operated side in HR group with the cobalt chrome cup; (p=0,014 and 0,031 respectively) As for THR with a titanium cup, we found no significant difference in BMD at these areas (p=0,130 and 0,733). These data show that with more rigid cups, there seems to be greater load transfer to the periphery of the acetabulum without significant stress shielding. This is the first study to assess peri-acetabular bone remodeling with HR. We showed that BMD is relatively preserved. Stress transfer to the periphery may be beneficial in maintaining the stability of the primary implant while conserving bone stock for possible revisions of the press-fit cup of the HR.

Avaliação do metabolismo mineral de pacientes com doença renal crônica em diálise peritoneal: correlação entre parâmetros clínicos, bioquímicos e de histologia óssea / Evaluation of mineral metabolism in peritoneal dialysis patients: correlation between bone histology, clinical features and biochemical parameters

Rodrigo Azevedo de Oliveira 05 May 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os distúrbios minerais e ósseos da doença renal crônica (DMO-DRC) são influenciados por vários fatores, como idade, etiologia da DRC, toxinas urêmicas e modalidade dialítica. Os DMO-DRC são bem descritos em pacientes tratados com hemodiálise (HD). No entanto, na diálise peritoneal (DP) os estudos são escassos e, na maioria deles, não há dados de histologia óssea. OBJETIVOS: caracterizar os DMO-DRC em uma coorte de pacientes em DP; comparar os resultados com aqueles obtidos da HD; e analisar o desempenho de marcadores séricos para o diagnóstico das doenças de alto e baixo remodelamento ósseo. MÉTODOS: quarenta e um pacientes tratados com DP submeteram-se a avaliação clínica, bioquímica e biópsia óssea. RESULTADOS: a doença óssea adinâmica (DOA) foi o tipo de osteodistrofia renal (OR) predominante, correspondendo a 49% da amostra. Ao se analisar separadamente diabéticos e não diabéticos, a prevalência de DOA foi de 77,7% no primeiro grupo e 26% no segundo (p=0,001). Na comparação entre DP e HD, observou-se que os pacientes do primeiro grupo apresentavam 25(OH) vitamina D mais baixa, mineralização óssea mais comprometida e melhor volume ósseo. A fosfatase alcalina óssea (FAO) apresentou a melhor sensibilidade e especificidade tanto para o diagnóstico de alto, quanto de baixo remodelamento ósseo. CONCLUSÕES: a DOA é o tipo de OR mais prevalente na DP. No entanto, a influência do diabetes como fator de risco parece ser maior do que a própria modalidade dialítica / INTRODUCTION: Chronic kidney disease - mineral bone disorder (CKD-MBD) is a complex syndrome influenced by various factors, such as age, CKD etiology, uremic toxins and dialysis modality. CKD-MBD has been extensively studied in hemodialysis (HD) patients. However, for peritoneal dialysis (PD), only a few, older studies exist, most of which contain no bone biopsy data. The present study sought to: characterize CKD-MBD in a cohort of prevalent PD patients; compare the results with that obtained from HD patients; and analyse performance of bone turnover serum markers to make the diagnosis of high or low bone turnover disease in PD patients. METHODS: Forty-one PD patients underwent to a clinical evaluation, biochemical analysis and bone biopsy. RESULTS: The most prevalent pattern of renal osteodystrophy (ROD) was adynamic bone disease (ABD), comprising 49% of the sample population. When we separately analyzed diabetic and non-diabetic patients, the ABD prevalence was 77.7% in the former group and 26% in the latter group (p=0.001). The comparison between DP and HD patients revealed low 25(OH) vitamin D level, worst bone mineralization and better bone volume parameters in the former group. Bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP) demonstrated the best sensitivity and specificity values to detect both high and low turnover disease. CONCLUSION: ABD is the most frequent type of ROD. However, the effect of diabetes on the development of ABD is more important than the dialysis modality itself

Évaluation de la densité osseuse péri acétabulaire après resurfaçage versus prothèse totale de la hanche métal-métal non cimentée

Ait Yahia, Chabane 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Personalization of Bone Remodelling Simulation Models for Clinical Applications

Gutiérrez Gil, Jorge 15 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] El acceso a una atención sanitaria de alta calidad es un marcador importante del desarrollo de las sociedades humanas. Los aportes tecnológicos a la medicina han mostrado un potencial relevante para descubrir procedimientos efectivos a nivel preventivo, diagnóstico y terapéutico. En particular, los métodos computacionales permiten el procesamiento eficaz de datos médicos y, por tanto, pueden modelar sistemas biológicos complejos. Esto ha influido en el desarrollo de la Medicina Personalizada (MP) durante las últimas décadas, donde la obtención de conocimiento específico de cada caso permite realizar intervenciones a medida, todo ello a un coste de recursos accesible. La simulación de remodelación ósea es un campo prometedor en el contexto de la MP. Predecir un proceso de adaptación ósea en un caso concreto puede dar lugar a numerosas aplicaciones en el campo de las enfermedades óseas, tanto a nivel clínico como experimental. Mediante la combinación del Método de Elementos Finitos (FEM) y los algoritmos de remodelación ósea, es posible obtener modelos numéricos de un hueso específico a partir de datos médicos (por ejemplo, una tomografía computarizada). Todo ello puede dar lugar a una revolución en la medicina personalizada. / [CA] L'accés a una atenció sanitària d'alta qualitat és un marcador important del desenvolupament de les societats humanes. Les aportacions tecnològiques a la medicina han mostrat un potencial rellevant per a descobrir procediments efectius a nivell preventiu, diagnòstic i terapèutic. En particular, els mètodes computacionals permeten el processament eficaç de dades mèdiques i, per tant, poden modelar sistemes biològics complexos. Això ha influït en el desenvolupament de la Medicina Personalitzada (MP) durant les últimes dècades, on l'obtenció de coneixement específic de cada cas permet realitzar intervencions a mesura, tot això a un cost de recursos accessible. La simulació de remodelació òssia és un camp prometedor en el context de la MP. Predir un procés d'adaptació òssia en un cas concret pot donar lloc a nombroses aplicacions en el camp de les malalties òssies, tant a nivell clínic com experimental. Mitjançant la combinació del Mètode d'Elements Finits (*FEM) i els algorismes de remodelació òssia, és possible obtindre models numèrics d'un os específic a partir de dades mèdiques (per exemple, una tomografia computada). Tot això pot donar lloc a una revolució en la medicina personalitzada. / [EN] Access to high-quality healthcare is an important marker of the development of human societies. Technological contributions to medicine have shown relevant potential to discover effective procedures at a preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic level. In particular, computational methods enable efficient processing of medical data and can therefore model complex biological systems. This has influenced the development of Personalized Medicine (PM) over recent decades, where obtaining specific knowledge of each case allows for tailored interventions, all at an affordable resource cost. Simulation of bone remodeling is a promising field in the context of PM. Predicting a bone adaptation process in a specific case can lead to numerous applications in the field of bone diseases, both clinically and experimentally. By combining the Finite Element Method (FEM) and bone remodeling algorithms, it is possible to obtain numerical models of a specific bone from medical data (for example, a CT scan). All of this can lead to a revolution in personalized medicine. / Thanks to the Valencian funding programme FDGENT/2018, for providing economic resources to develop this long-term work. / Gutiérrez Gil, J. (2023). Personalization of Bone Remodelling Simulation Models for Clinical Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202059

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