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Imagining India: The Nation as a BrandMehta-Karia, Sheetal 29 November 2011 (has links)
This thesis critically analyzes the phenomenon of nation branding as a technique of neocolonial governmentality. The study focuses on Brand India - postcolonial India’s attempt to imagine the nation and its people through the discourse of branding. I argue that India’s nation branding exercise hollows out the postcolonial imagination so that the nation can now only be imagined through a language and within a framework ‘always-already’ constituted for the postcolony. This thesis builds on Michel Foucault’s analysis of governmentality and utilizes a postcolonial framework, to show that when the practice of nation branding is applied to a postcolonial nation, it works to reinscribe the colonial legacy and reaffirm colonial power relations
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Konsekvent, transparent och attraktiv. : En studie kring hur en organisation kan arbeta med Employer Branding som strategi.Eriksson, Tommy January 2012 (has links)
Employer Branding är ett begrepp som fått stort genomslag i organisationer världen över. Begreppet innebäratt företag arbetar med sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke i syfte att attrahera, motivera och behålla personal.Ett företag som vill utveckla sitt Employer Brand är Arizona Chemical. Arizona Chemical ligger i den lillabruksorten Sandarne strax söder om Söderhamn. Arizona Chemical har gett mig i uppdrag att ge konkretaråd på Employer Branding strategier utifrån företagets förutsättningar. Genom intervjuer med anställda harjag kartlagt organisationens problembild och belyst de behov som finns av en Employer Branding strategi.För att kunna förankra mina förslag på strategier i teori har jag gjort en forskningsöversikt över fenomenetEmployer Branding. Mitt resultat är baserat på teorier utifrån litteraturen som anknyter till ArizonaChemicals behovsbild. Några teorier som framgår i resultatet är att organisationer som arbetar med EmployerBranding bör skapa en god värdegrund, plattformar för Employer Branding samt på olika sätt rikta sinexterna marknadsföring till målgruppen budskapet är avsett för.Analysen resulterade i en 6-stegsmodell som förslag på Arizona Chemicals strategiska arbete med EmployerBranding. De 6 stegen inkluderar: ny värdegrund, nulägesanalys, Employer Branding plattformar, internförankring, utvärderingar och extern kommunikation. I de olika stegen motiverar jag förslagen med hjälp avlitteraturen. Avslutningsvis diskuterar jag kring mina förslag på strategier och Employer Branding i stort.
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eBranding. La creación de marca digital en la era de la conectividadVallet Saavedra, Gemma 05 July 2006 (has links)
La presente tesis tiene como objeto explorar si las empresas desde sus estrategias de comunicación online y contenidos corporativos y de marcas en la red adaptan o no una clara estrategia de marca digital, si su puesta en escena en la red evoluciona hacia la era de la conectividad. Explora a su vez si las agencias de comunicación convencional o las empresas especializadas en comunicación digital o interactiva conocen las exigencias del nuevo mercado y en qué grado contemplan el eBranding en su metodología de trabajo.Asimismo, se realiza un breve recorrido por la historia de internet como canal comercial y de comunicación, lo que permite contextualizar el eBranding y la era de la conectividad. / The thesis explores if companies from their corporative strategies of communication online and contents and brands in the net adapt or not a clear strategy of eBranding, and if their online branding evolves towards the era of the connectivity. It explores as well if the agencies of conventional communication or the companies specialized in digital or interactive communication know the exigencies the new market and in what degree contemplate eBranding in their methodology of work. Also, a brief route by the history of Internet like commercial channel and communication is made, which allows to set the eBranding into the era of the connectivity.
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Kärnvärden - något att luta sig tillbaka mot : En studie om betydelsen av ett företags kärnvärdenLomstedt, Emma, Malmström, Erika January 2013 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa uppsats har studerat hur ett företag i Mellansverige arbetar med att internt vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare. Vidare har uppsatsen identifierat att företagets värderingar har en viktig betydelse för det interna arbetet med employer branding. Företagets grundläggande värderingar benämns kärnvärden och är något som genomsyrar hela verksamheten. På grund av att företaget lägger stor vikt vid sina kärnvärden var vi intresserade av att ta reda på hur företaget arbetar med dessa. Vi identifierade att företaget använder sig av olika kärnvärden internt och externt och ville därför undersöka om detta skapade några problem för personalen. Vidare har uppsatsen fokuserats på vilka personalen på en av företagets produktionsavdelningar upplever vara företagets kärnvärden och vilken betydelse dessa har i det dagliga arbetet. Resultatet av dessa forskningsfrågor har analyserats utifrån sociologiska teorier i kombination med managementlitteratur. Vi har kommit fram till att personalen är eniga om vilka som är företagets kärnvärden och att det inte skapar några problem för dem att företaget förmedlar olika kärnvärden internt och externt. Vidare har vi kommit fram till att kärnvärdena har betydelse i produktion då de vägleder personalen och är något de kan luta sig tillbaka mot. Uppsatsen har bidragit till att ge en djupare förståelse för vikten av ett företags kärnvärden i allmänhet och för personalen i synnerhet.
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Kompetensbrist i arkitektbranschen : en studie om arbetsgivarmarknadsföringKashan, Joakim, Lundmark, Jonas, Zalewski, Jakob January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Influences Behind the Success or Failure of Private Label Goods : A Study of Four Private Label ProductsSandahl, Sanna, Powers, Carina, Kavmark, Ellen January 2012 (has links)
Background and Problem: Consumer behavior has become a topic of great interest in today’s society. Considering todays competitive markets it is imperative that companies understand the needs and actions of their customers. There are many influences behind consumers’ decisions of choosing one brand over another. This thesis investigates Swedish consumers and why some private label products succeed, while others fail within different product categories. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the nature of the good influences Swedish consumers in their decision between private label and national brand goods. Frame of reference: Three theories are applied in order to understand consumer choices: brand loyalty, perceived risk factor and social risk factor. Method: Both a quantitative survey and qualitative interviews have been carried out and applied to the three theories. Coding of interviews was used to understand how the level of influence varies amongst different product types. In order to respond to the research questions, these findings were compared to sales statistics received from Swedish supermarkets. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the three influences affect consumer choices differently,depending on the type of good. Private label brands succeed in low loyalty, low social risk, and low perceived risk goods, while national brands take the lead in high brand loyalty, high social pressure and high associated risk good categories.
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Umeå. Wants more. : A coordination perspective on how key stakeholders develop placebrand identity.Olovsson, Clara, Berendji, Djannet January 2012 (has links)
During centuries, places – nations, region and cities – have tried to make themselvesmore attractive, productive, lucrative and secure. This strive has accelerated due toglobalization and other external factors. Today there is fierce and global competitionbetween cities regarding promoting exports, convincing firms to invest as well asattracting tourists and inhabitants. The place brand, and the meaning of it, is key forsuccess. However, place branding is challenging. It includes the involvement of allstakeholders – possessing different agendas and target markets – and the coordination ofthose while simultaneously making sure that conflicting messages, harming the placebrand, are avoided. There is a disagreement among researchers whether to prefer asingle brand identity – contributing with a clear and trustworthy message, or if amultiple identity approach – enriching and diversifying the place brand, is desirable.The described conflicts above create the problem background on which this study isbased. Place branding is a relatively new but growing field of research. The topic ismultidisciplinary and we consider it advantageous to study place branding from astakeholder and coordination perspective. In this thesis, the Stakeholders are viewed asthe actors that engage in the act of Coordination to successfully undertake the process ofPlace Branding in order to develop a strong Place brand identity. Based on the purposeand research problems of this thesis, we aim to produce a better tool for analyzing brandidentity development. A theory based preliminary framework was developed with theintention of testing it on the case Place brand Umeå.For this qualitative research, a single case study design is used and nine keystakeholders are identified for the data gathering – using semi-structured interviews,secondary data and observations as data collection methods. The preliminary frameworkis used as an analytical tool and gives guidance to the research. For the analysis,categorization and pattern matching techniques are employed. The main finding of thisstudy is that the theoretical framework of place brand identity development holds andcan be used for the understanding of the process of identity development. The keystakeholders develop the brand identity through individual and common goals andactivities. Coordination can be managed through common activities within areas ofinterdependencies, hence the framework emphasizes the correct identification of keystakeholders, goals and activities. All components of the brand identity developmentprocess are affected by external factors. For the case of Place brand Umeå, theframework was slightly modified according to the empirical findings. We identifiedcoordination problems between the key stakeholders of Place brand Umeå and offeredrecommendations to manage the issues. The main contribution of this research is thetheory-based framework laying the foundation for a general theory on the topic, thuscontributing to theory. Our study also fills other research gaps by contributing with anunderstanding of the stakeholder’s role, prerequisites for coordination and by studyingplace branding in the context of a mid-size city. With regard to the empiricalcontribution, this study offers a range of insights for Umeå and the findings can beregarded as a starting point for brand managers working to develop the place brandidentity in other contexts.
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Fastighetsmäklare : en unik tjänstSjönvall, Jonas, Rydén, Mikael January 2008 (has links)
The purpose with this thesis is to clarify how estate agents working with their marketing and marketing strategies. Our study has occured in Kalmar and we have used five different estate agents for our collection of empiric’s data. We have worked with a qualitative methodology to achieve deeper knowledge about these five company’s which have been chosen for the study. We have selected theories that suit our subject and together with the empiric data these two parts will be compared which concludes in an analysis. The analysis will generate a conclusion in which we will answer our purpose. Central parts of this study have been relationship, marketing communication, image, branding and service management.
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A Long Forgotten Jewel : Branding and Imaging of a destinationDuborija, Marco, Mlivic, Aida January 2009 (has links)
The tourism industry is constantly growing and is one of the most expansive industries today. The tourism industry generates many jobs which in they turn generate revenue for the destinations. But in order to take part of this revenue, destinations must first attract the tourists. This is done with destination imaging and destination branding which means that the image and the brand of a destination are playing a significant role. The purpose of this thesis is to examine different aspects of imaging and branding of a destination. In what way they are affecting a country, what impact they have and how they can be manipulated. Terms imaging and branding are of great importance especially for post war countries that have a negative past. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country that until recently was associated with war. To change their image Bosnia and Herzegovina should first distance themselves from their negative past. This thesis has a deductive approach which means that the research is based on different forms of literature and interviews. The conclusion of this thesis is that a destination can change their past, from something negative to something positive. But in order to this, a lot of hard work is required.
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Impact of Direct Marketing Actions by a Component Supplier on Sales and Ingredient Product Perception: Exploration within the Bicycle Industry : MBA-thesis in marketingPopovic, Igor January 2009 (has links)
Purpose/Topic: The proposed research explores impact of the direct marketing actions by component suppliers on (a) sales (objective measure) and (b) industrial customer‟s perception (subjective measures) of the final product (c) and the market development. The proposed research will focus on the bicycle industry. Research Question: "To what extent Shimano‟s component brands important to Shimano customer, and which actions can Shimano undertake to facilitate its brand‟s further market penetration?" Design/Methodology: Two approaches were used to answer the main research question. First, existing literature on ingredient and co-branding was analyzed. Second, we conducted an experiment on a new direct marketing initiative by Shimano-Europe BV. The initiative is "Reliability" campaign that introduces a service logbook across 8 European countries. Originality/Value: There is no research to this date, which empirically examines the influence of component supplier on sales and perception of ingredient brand, especially in the bicycle industry. Role of service and service network is also examined as one of the crucial influences on ingredient brand management. This research provides the base for further exploration in the area of ingredient branding and give guidelines for Ingredient Brand Management. So far, ingredient branding has been studied in contexts of food, chemical and computer industries. This research examines market leader in bicycle industry on 8 different national markets in Europe. Products supplied by Shimano require service and those products differ from ingredients which are consumed in form of food or apparel (that does not requires any service).
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