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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den som väntar på något gott väntar alltid för länge : En studie om Generation Y och deras värderingar i arbetslivet

Andersson, Carl, Pettersson, Stina January 2017 (has links)
This study aims to examine the work-related values of Generation Y and why they exhibit these values. In order to understand this group of people and explain the reasons to their values the theoretical framework will primarily be Zygmunt Bauman’s theory of the individual society and Göran Ahrne’s theory of organizations. In a small addition, this study also aims to assess the possible consequences of these values in the labour market. Especially in relation to organization’s Employer Branding, i.e. their strategies to attract, motivate and retain workers. Previous research shows that work-related values differ between generations. We are using a qualitative method collecting data through interviews to get a detailed and nuanced view of their values. The study indicates that the people of Generation Y value development and social environment (including leadership) the most. It serves as ways to cope with the uncertainties of the flexible society. They also seem to value instant gratification as a result of being used to getting that through innovations such as the Internet. If this need is not satisfied it is likely that their motivation drops and that they start looking for alternative jobs. They seem to be driven by the need for development and this combines with their lack of patience to result in frequent job changes. Organizations will therefore face a difficult challenge to retain members of this generation. This task will be particularly notable as Generation Y soon becomes the largest generational group in the labour market.

Keep calm and love Sundsvall : en kvalitativ studie om den strategiska kommunikationen hos Sundsvalls kommun samt stadens image

Roginder, Caroline, Abrahamian, Elina January 2017 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte Strategisk kommunikation och platsmarknadsföring har blivit allt viktigare för städer och platser att etablera ett gott rykte och vara konkurrenskraftiga i den globala marknaden som finns idag. Det finns platsmarknadsförare som tror att deras varumärke är kontrollerbart, däremot kan det finnas breda variationer av åsikter och uppfattningar om en stad. I och med detta påstående och konflikten i det växer en problematik och frågan fram hur städer egentligen arbetar med sitt varumärke. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka den strategiska kommunikationen hos en stad samt undersöka stadens image, för att se hur kommunens målsättningar och befolkningens uppfattningar förhåller sig till varandra. Metod och material Studien grundas på en intervju från kommunikationsdirektören på Sundsvalls kommun, en kvalitativ textanalys av Sundsvalls kommuns strategidokument samt diskussioner med fyra fokusgrupper bestående av medborgare i Sundsvall.
Huvudresultat Det finns flera likheter mellan Sundsvalls kommuns kommunikationsstrategier och vad teorierna beskriver om strategisk kommunikation, samt en stads varumärkesbyggande. Människor har olika uppfattningar och upplevelser och ser världen på olika sätt, på grund av detta har en plats eller en stad inte en imagebild, utan är mångsidig.

Una guía práctica de eccomerce y branding para emprendedores

Muñoz, Oscar January 2015 (has links)
Seminario para optar al título de Ingeniero Comercial, Mención Administración de Empresas / Autor no autoriza el acceso a texto completo de su documento / Esta tesis busca ser una guía práctica y aplicada sobre los nuevos modelos de emprendimiento, Bussiness Model Canvas, Customer Journey Map y Empathy Model de manera ilustrada y simple para fácil interpretación. También nos adentramos un poco en el fascinante mundo del ecommerce. Sugiriendo plataformas para montar tiendas en línea, técnicas para generar tráfico, tips y herramientas varias que se usan actualmente en ecommerce. La mayoría de los experimentos y experiencias prácticas vienen del análisis de la tIenda on line de Green Glass1. Veremos que ha servido y que no en términos de Marketing, Branding e E-­‐commerce. Esta tesis esta fundamentada en los resultados, todo lo que no haya generado buenos resultados o no haya sido probado no tiene lugar en esta tesis. Sólo se basa en estadísticas, situaciones y personas reales.

Employer Branding : En kvalitativ studie om Employer Branding i praktiken - från ett arbetsgivarperspektiv

Usberg, Leonardo, Clavijo-Retamales, Isaak January 2016 (has links)
In the increasingly competitive labor market it is becoming important for organizations to attract and retain competent employees. There are constant demands and pressures that organizations should comply. Therefor organizations need to have employees with the right knowledge to maintain their competitive advantage. By working systematically with the working environment, organizations can create basic conditions to strengthen their Employer Branding. The concept of Employer Branding have gained a significant role during the past decade and has evolved to become a key strategic priority for organizations. What matters is to appear as the most attractive employer in the market in order to retain and attract the most qualified talent. The study aims to identify and analyze the processes involved in Employer Branding. The results of the study show signs that many organizations have similar processes within their Employer Branding. In the subsequent discussion, the researchers have structured a model that can explain the approach on Employer Branding, where the working environment and Talent Management plays an important role.   Key words: Employer Branding, Talent Management, work environment, social media / I en alltmer konkurrensutsatt arbetsmarknad blir det allt viktigare för organisationer att kunna attrahera och behålla kompetenta medarbetare. Det ställs ständiga krav och riktlinjer som organisationer förväntas efterfölja. Detta leder till att organisationer har behov av medarbetare med rätt kunskap för att kunna vara konkurrenskraftiga. Att skapa en arbetsplats för medarbetarna som ökar trivseln gynnar arbetsgivarna och bör ligga i deras intresse. Genom att systematiskt arbeta med arbetsmiljö kan organisationer skapa de grundförutsättningar som krävs för att stärka sitt Employer Brand.   Begreppet Employer Branding har fått en betydande roll under det senaste decenniet och har utvecklats till att bli en viktig strategisk prioritering för ledningen inom många organisationer. Det handlar alltså om att organisationer vill framstå som de mest attraktiva arbetsgivarna på marknaden. Studiens syfte är att kartlägga och analysera vilka processer som ingår i Employer Branding och undersöka hur dessa används i praktiken. Det teoretiska ramverket som denna studie har sin utgångspunkt i, berör Employer Branding samt olika organisationsteorier för att få en ökad förståelse för detta ämne. Undersökningen består utav en kvalitativ ansats där ett flertal semistrukturerade intervjuer av olika organisationer genomförts. Genom en abduktiv ansats har författarna kunnat skifta mellan den teoretiska referensramen och empiri. Resultatet i studien visar tendenser på att många organisationer har likartade processer i arbetet med Employer Branding. I efterföljande diskussion har författarna till denna studie strukturerat upp en modell som kan förklara arbetssättet kring Employer Branding, där arbetsmiljö och Talent Management spelar en viktig roll.   Nyckelord: Employer Branding, Talent Management, arbetsmiljö, sociala medier

Work in to work out : En studie om hur små- och medelstora företag (SMF) kan stärka sitt employer brand hos medarbetare tillhörande generation Z / Work in to work out : A study about how small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME) can strengthen their employer brands among generation Z employees

Holgersson, Emelie, Ahlén, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Strukturförändringar har präglat den svenska arbetsmarknaden vilket resulterat i en ökad konkurrens bland arbetsgivare. Ett aktivt employer branding-arbete blir därmed viktigare eftersom det är en möjlig konkurrensfördel. Tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet har främst studerat en kontext av stora bolag, detta trots att de allra flesta svenska företag är SMF. Generation Z blir en allt större del av arbetskraften vilket skapar en ökad efterfrågan av mjuka, icke finansiella, värden hos arbetsgivare. Således är det avgörande att förstå hur SMF ska arbeta med sitt employer brand för att attrahera och behålla den unga generationen. Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att undersöka medarbetares, tillhörande generation Z, efterfrågan av mjuka, icke finansiella, värden hos en arbetsgivare i en kontext av små- och medelstora företag (SMF) på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Studien eftersträvar även att utforska sambandet mellan ett antal mjuka värden och lojaliteten hos medarbetare tillhörande generation Z. Detta för att skapa en förståelse för hur SMF kan arbeta med sitt employer brand gentemot generation Z. Metod: För att uppfylla studiens syfte undersöktes såväl medarbetare tillhörande generation Z som ledare i SMF. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes i en förstudie för att samla in bakgrundsinformation om hur SMF idag arbetar med employer branding samt deras uppfattning om generation Z. En enkät framställdes och skickades ut till medarbetare tillhörande generationen i syfte att undersöka deras värderingar av mjuka, icke finansiella, värden samt dess samband med lojalitet. Flertalet analysmetoder, såsom multipel regressionsanalys, har nyttjats för att analysera det empiriska materialet. Resultat: Studien påvisar att generation Z värderar en tydlig och öppen kommunikation från ledaren, en trivsam social arbetsmiljö, att arbeta med något som intresserar dem, stolthet över sin arbetsgivare och ett individuellt perspektiv från ledaren. Lägst värderas utlandsresor i arbetet följt av möjligheten att arbeta hemifrån. Studien kan fastställa att stolthet över sin arbetsgivare, kultur, attraktiviteten som arbetsgivare tillsammans med identifiering med företaget har ett positivt signifikant samband med medarbetarlojalitet. / Background: Structural changes have characterized the Swedish labor market which have resulted in increased competition among employers. Therefore, employer branding becomes even more important since it is a possible competitive advantage. Previous research in the area has mainly studied the context of large companies, although most Swedish companies are SMEs. Generation Z is becoming an increasingly larger part of the workforce, which results in increased demand of employers offering non-financial values. It is therefore crucial to understand how SME should work with their employer brand to attract and retain the young generation. Purpose: This study aims to investigate what kind of non-financial values generation Z employees demand of an employer in a context of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in the Swedish market. The study also seeks to explore the connection between a number of non-financial values and the loyalty of generation Z employees, in order to create an understanding of how SMEs can work with their employer brand towards generation Z. Methodology: In order to fulfill the purpose of the study both generation Z employees and leaders of SMEs were investigated. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in a preliminary study to gather background information about SMEs current work with employer branding and their perception of generation Z. A questionnaire to employees of the generation was produced in order to investigate the generation's valuation of non-financial values and its relation to loyalty. Analytical methods, such as multiple regression analysis, have been used to analyze the empirical material. Conclusion: The study explains that generation Z values a clear and open communication from the leader, a pleasant social work environment, working with something that interests them, pride in their employer and an individual perspective from the leader. The least valued by generation Z is foreign trips, followed by the opportunity to work from home. The study can determine that pride in their employer, culture, attractiveness as an employer together with identification with the company has a positive significant correlation with employee loyalty

Marcas próprias de supermercado: um estudo com consumidoras na cidade de São Paulo / Supermarket private labels: a study with consumers in São Paulo city - Brazil

Figueira Junior, Marcelo Felippe 27 August 2008 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar o consumo de marcas próprias em supermercados, com enfoque nas escolhas do consumidor entre a marca própria e a marca líder . Pretende-se captar a percepção dos consumidores relativamente a preços e qualidade dos produtos fornecidos com a marca dos varejistas. Analisar com qual freqüência os produtos são consumidos, investigar qual o diferencial de preço que o consumidor está disposto a pagar pela marca própria em relação à marca líder, através do método de pesquisa de Grupos de Foco (Focus Group). A decisão de estudar a escolha de marcas próprias pelos consumidores em supermercados deve-se à necessidade de se conhecer esta modalidade específica de consumo, identificando a percepção, o comportamento e o processo de decisão do público supermercadista de modo a trazer contribuições teóricas para Administração de Varejo a partir da pesquisa. / ABSTRACT The objective of this work is to investigate the consumption of private label products in supermarkets, focusing on the consumers\' choices between private label and leading brand products. It is intended to catch the perception of the consumers relatively to the prices and product quality associated to the retailers\' brands. The Focus Group research method is used in order to analyze with which frequency the products are consumed and to investigate which is the price gap that the consumers are willing to pay for private label in relation the leading brands. The decision to study the choice of private label by supermarket consumers is due to the need of knowing, through this research, this specific type of consumption, identifying the perception, the behavior and the decision process of the supermarket clientele in order to bring theoretical contributions to Retail Management body of knowledge.

A publicidade e as estratégias enunciativas de adesão à marca /

Coquemala, Natália Azevedo. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Sílvia Lopes Davi Médola / Banca: Maria Eugenia Porem / Banca: Maria Clotilde Perez Rodrigues / Resumo: Na sociedade midiatizada, o discurso publicitário está fortemente inserido no cotidiano do público, seja por um comercial na televisão, um anúncio impresso no jornal ou um jingle no rádio. Entretanto, a profusão dos meios passou a demandar novas ações e estratégias discursivas para que as marcas fortaleçam seus vínculos com os destinatários. No contexto em que as relações de comunicação são regidas pela lógica de uma cultura de participação, a adoção de recursos que envolvem vivências e experiências relacionadas aos produtos constitui uma importante estratégia de promoção de identificação com as marcas. Sob o olhar da semiótica discursiva, o presente trabalho analisa ações audiovisuais da marca Nivea, "Nivea Doll" e "Anúncio Protetor", de modo a compreender as estratégias enunciativas utilizadas nessas campanhas publicitárias que visam propiciar a vivência de experiências e intensificar o engajamento e o sentimento de participação do público não apenas pelo inteligível, mas também pela percepção sensível / Abstract: In mediatic society, the publicity speech is strongly placed in the public daily life, either by a television commercial, a print ad in the newspaper or a jingle on the radio. However, the profusion of media media began to demand new action and discursive strategies for brands to strengthen its links with the recipients. In the context in which communication relations are rulled by the logic of a culture of participation, the adoption of tools involving experiences related to products are an important identification promotion strategy with brands. under the gaze of discursive semiotic, this paper analyzes audiovisual actions of Nivea brand. "Nivea Doll" and "Anúncio Protetor", in order to understand the enunciatives strategies used in these publicity campaigns that aim to provide the experiences and increase engagement and sense of public participation not only for intelligible, but also the sensitive perception / Mestre

O valor social como partícipe do processo de construção de marca em uma cooperativa de crédito de Blumenau/SC

Rosa, Heloisa, 1988-, Scharf, Edson Roberto, 1965-, Universidade Regional de Blumenau. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração. January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Orientador: Edson Roberto Scharf. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Blumenau,

Faculty perception of branding : a multi-case qualitative study

Pringle, James January 2014 (has links)
This research explores through the lens of branding practices at universities how professionals in public sector spaces respond to the influence of corporate marketing practices. Specifically, this research addressed the question of how faculty perceive branding activities in higher education and their role in branding activities at the university. It also sought to understand the impact and influence of institutional attributes such as heritage and location on faculty perception of branding. The research was conducted at three Universities in Ontario Canada, which were selected based on differences in heritage and location. Marketing, organizational studies and higher education studies literature were combined highlighting the differences between product and service based marketing and the interplay between organizational identity, image and culture. My research revealed ambiguous and complex responses from faculty and highlighted the unique values and beliefs inherent in academic culture. While most faculty members appreciated the need for branding under current economic conditions, many perceived branding as representing the unwelcome encroachment of business ideology within the university which had the potential of eroding the university’s contribution to the public good. They also perceived branding as leading to changes in both the structure and culture of the university. Many faculty expressed concern that branding tended toward a claim to be everything to everyone resulting in significant gaps in authenticity; in other words between brand representations and actual practices. The findings raise questions about the applicability of existing theories of branding to higher education institutions and an academic service brand model is proposed that captures the complexity of academic responses to branding. The management implications arising from this thesis reveal that faculty members see branding as a complex balancing act combining multiple attributes and one that requires transparent communication, the cultivation of trust, accessible brand leadership and authenticity.

The impact of country of origin on retail and wholesale brands in the UK fashion industry

Rashid, Arooj January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of country of origin (COO) on the UK fashion industry, with specific reference to retail and wholesale brands. In this study, the fashion industry encompasses both manufacturing and branding perspectives. This qualitative study comprised 23 in-depth interviews with key informants from large-scale retailers, manufacturers and textile consultancy companies, thereby analysing the issues from an industry, rather than consumer, perspective. The key informants were chosen using a judgmental sampling approach, and the data obtained were analysed using a thematic approach. The notion of country of origin is deemed important because the existing literature suggests that COO, has been considered as an effective branding device with which consumers associate when evaluating the quality of the product and when making purchasing decisions. However, no research has examined country of origin from an industry perspective, and the findings in the UK context are limited in the existing literature. Consequently, this study contributes to the body of knowledge about the importance of COO, and its implication on retail and wholesale brands in the UK fashion industry. The findings of this research also have practical implications for manufacturers and retailers, informing the debate on the value of the 'Made in [...]' epithet, and how country of origin can be used as a branding strategy. This study demonstrates that country of origin is considered important in the UK fashion industry in terms of its strategic importance to organisations. Moreover, COO is manifested in different ways, depending on brand positioning, long-term strategic plan, expertise, brand history and values. Another finding that emerged as a key theme is the blurring of retail and wholesale brands. Thus, the study has found that retailers are becoming wholesale-oriented businesses by selling own label products through third party retailers, including online via pure-play retailers (e.g. ASOS), and concessions within department stores. This is being done to expose brands internationally, to develop a global recognition, as well as improve the brand image. Furthermore, wholesale brands are becoming retail-oriented in order to enjoy superior profit margins, to have control over the product merchandise and to increase customer loyalty. Finally, the study developed a typology of strategic action and implications of country of origin to include the blurring of differences whereby, for instance, brand name is used to promote country of brand origin by both retail and wholesale brands, however, how this manifests itself differs in the sense that retailers promote via sub-brand name, and wholesales have associations with company's name.

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