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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Market Orientation as a Branding Strategy

Mellenius, Harriet January 2008 (has links)
<p>This paper studies the impact of market orientation strategy on brand awareness. Zara, a Spanish leading fashion retailer and an example of a brand using this strategy, is compared to three other multinational brands operating in Stockholm, Sweden, namely Topshop, Mango and United Colours of Benetton. The latter brands are known to use advertising to create brand awareness.</p><p>Fashion magazine attention was used as a measure of brand awareness. Data on the brand awareness was gathered by browsing three leading Swedish fashion magazines – Elle, Glamour and Damernas Värld – and the fashion section of the biggest Swedish tabloid, Aftonbladet.</p><p>It was found that market orientation can compete with advertising as a marketing strategy to create brand awareness, but only in part of the market segment. This was concluded from the fact that Zara was featured in some of the magazines, but not all of them.</p>

Rekrytering av nyexaminerade studenter : En kvalitativ studie om arbetsgivares rekryteringsbeteende

Lundmark, Simon January 2013 (has links)
Abstract Kurs: Ämnesfördjupande arbete, Management 2FE01E Författare: Simon Lundmark Handledare: Lektor Hans Lundberg Examinator: Lektor Anders Hytter Titel: Rekrytering av nyexaminerade studenter – En studie om arbetsgivarens rekryteringsbeteende Nyckelord:”Employer Branding”, Nyexaminerade studenter, Rekrytering, Studentrelevant arbete   Bakgrund: När företag skall rekrytera ny personal väljer de mellan flera olika ansökande personer. Denna studie fokuserar på att öka akademiskstuderandes förståelse för arbetsgivares rekryteringsbeteende, detta för att underlätta dessa studerandes övergång mellan den akademiska världen till näringslivet.     Problemformuleringar: Vilka faktorer är prioriterade för att bli kallad till intervju i en rekryteringsprocess av nyexaminerade studenter? Hur värderar företag erfarenheten av ett studentrelevant arbete under studietiden vid en potentiell rekrytering? Hur stor påverkan har arbetsgivarens ”Employer Brand” vid en rekryteringsprocess? Syfte: Syftet är att öka förståelsen för hur företag värderar att studenter haft ett studie-relaterat arbete under universitetsstudietiden vid rekrytering av ny-examinering. Detta för att studerande ska öka sin kunskap och förmåga att påverka sin kommande situation som arbetssökande och förbättra sina möjligheter för en lyckad rekrytering. Metod: Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ forskningsdesign som har inkluderat semistrukturerade intervjuer för materialinsamling. De semistrukturerade intervjuerna genomfördes med företag i tjänstemarknaden. Från populationen där alla företag verksamma i Sverige var inräknade, gjordes ett urval att studien skulle avgränsas svenska tjänstemarknaden. Resultat: Genom denna studie kunde det klargöras att näringslivserfarenhet var den högst prioriterade faktorn för att bli kallas till en intervju, därefter var på en överensstämmande utbildning som var den faktorn med mest relevans. Erfarenheten av ett studentrelevant arbete under sin studietid värderades som en positiv erfarenhet. En erfarenhet som värderades högre jämfört med en studerande utan den erfarenheten, fast med högre betyg. Studien kunde även visa att företagen indirekt blir påverkade av sitt ”Employer Brand” eller liknande strategier i sin rekryteringsprocess.

Kommersiell närvaro på akademisk mark : En studie av talent management och employer branding på svenska universitet och högskolor

Franzén Therlin, William, Eslander, Christopher January 2014 (has links)
Den fundamentala resursen i en kunskapsekonomi är humankapital och jakten på denna resurs tar sig många olika utryck. Många näringslivsaktörer knyter starka band till universitet och högskolor för att positionera sig som attraktiva arbetsgivare för att rekrytera kompetenta medarbetare. Två begrepp som aktualiseras i denna kontext är employer branding och talent management. Denna studie undersöker hur företag inom revision och rådgivningsbranschen engagerar sig på svenska universitet och högskolor utifrån de två koncepten. Frågor som hur och varför de engagerar sig i en akademisk kontext undersöks utifrån en kvalitativ ansats och 10 intervjuer har genomförts med personer med god insyn i företagens relationer med akademin. Studien visar att insatserna på skolorna är betydande och att arbetet i branschen över lag organiseras på ett liknande sätt. Talent management är inte ett begrepp som branschen generellt använder utan verksamheten som avser att attrahera, rekrytera och utveckla personal kategoriseras som employer branding. Avslutningsvis är det av stor vikt att externa löften från företagens sida är kongruenta med den interna verkligheten gällande vilka karakteristika som präglar ett företag.

Emocinė prekės ženklo dimensija elektroninėje erdvėje / Emotional branding dimension in the electronic environment

Jankauskaitė, Laura 26 June 2014 (has links)
Aktualumas. Didėjant konkurencijos lygiui, informacijos srautui bei pirkėjų išrankumui, parduodančios produktą įmonės privalo taikyti įvairias rėmimo priemones, rasti naujų būdų, kaip efektyviai komunikuoti su klientais. Įmonės stengiasi įsitvirtinti vartotojo sąmonėje taip, kad produkto substitutai būtų tiesiog ignoruojami. Esant dabartinėms rinkos sąlygoms, daugumos prekių pasiūla viršija paklausą. Gamintojai siekdami parduoti pagamintą prekę ar teikiamą paslaugą, turi kovoti už kiekvieno pirkėjo pasirinkimą, įtikinti jį įsigyti produktą. Vartotojui atskirti produktus padeda prekių ženklai. Jie sukuria pridėtinę vertę produktui. Stiprus prekės ženklas turi stiprų emocinį ryšį su vartotoju. Šiame darbe bus nagrinėjama, kuo turi pasižymėti komunikacija su klientu, jog ji efektyviai veiktų jo emocijas. Problemos ištyrimo lygis. Emocinė prekės ženklo dimensija marketinge tiriama dar tik kelerius metus. Emocinė prekės ženklo dimensija elektroninėje erdvėje yra dar mažai ištirta sritis, tačiau sparčiai tobulėjanti kartu su elektroniniais prekių ženklais elektroninėje erdvėje. Darbo nagrinėjama problema. Esama nemažai literatūros, apie emocinį prekės ženklą. Taip pat yra rašoma apie elektroninį prekės ženklą. Tačiau literatūros apjungiančios šias dvi marketingo sritis rasti nepavyko. Elektroninė rinka turi labai didelį potencialą ir yra nuolat auganti, todėl yra reikalinga suprasti, kaip turi būti kuriama emociškai stipri prekės ženklo komunikacija elektroninėje erdvėje. Darbą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Today‘s market is saturated and there is so much information about various products, that consumers do not react to it anymore. One of the way to reach and at the same time to affect consumer‘s mind is emotional branding. This field of marketing exists just for a few years, but now it is used by almost all well known brands. Internet is getting in to every field of life, commerce is one of them. There are some information about marketing on the internet, and some information about e-brands. Emotional branding on the internet is a new topic and there is not much information about it. This is the reason, why it was decided to choose „Emotional Branding Dimension in Electronic environment“ as a topic. Object of this work - Emotional branding dimension Goal of this work is to find out, how company could use emotional branding dimension in electronic environment to communicate with her customers. Theoretical model was created. To prove this model‘s validity there was created e-brand, e-shop, and blog. To improve this e-brand ware used other methods of research: 3 experiments, 2 surreys, 2 content analysis, 1 interview with experts. At the end of this paper theoretical model was improved. During research it was understood, that intercourse between company and consumer are not just a part of theoretical model, they exist in every part of it, where consumer gets and use information. Through emotional dimension company is affected by communication with consumers and finally by... [to full text]

Sverige - Naturens mecka eller blondinernas hemland? : En studie om VisitSwedens förmedlade bild av Sverige och hur bilden uppfattas av internationella turister

Barwén, Alexander, Holmlund, Valle January 2015 (has links)
I dagens turismbransch ökar konkurrensen ständigt mellan olika besöksmål vilket har lett till att länder måste finna nya sätt att differentiera sig på. I Sveriges fall är det den statliga organisationen VisitSweden som har det yttersta ansvaret för att skapa ett konkurrenskraftigt land. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilken bild VisitSweden förmedlar av Sverige som besöksland och vilken bild internationella turister har av Sverige. För att ta reda på detta valde studien att använda en hermeneutisk metod där det genomfördes en diskursanalys av VisitSwedens marknadsföringsmaterial 2014, intervjuer med VisitSweden samt intervjuer med internationella turister. Studien kom fram till att VisitSweden förmedlar en bild av Sverige genom kärnvärdena natur och orördhet, tradition, och unicitet. Sveriges natur och unicitet uppfattas av internationella turister men det traditionella Sverige uppfattas inte riktigt. Det finns också flera sekundära värden i VisitSwedens förmedlade bild som inte uppfattas av internationella turister. Detta ledde till slutsatsen att VisitSwedens förmedlade bild av Sverige 2014 skiljer sig en hel del från den bild som internationella turister har av Sverige.

Engineering the brand : automotive attribute management based on the cognitive categorisation of the branded product

Abbott, Marcus January 2009 (has links)
In mature product markets competitive advantage is increasingly realised by the careful design and engineering of product attributes that emphasise a brand’s values. In the high-luxury automotive segment, user satisfaction appears to be particularly influenced by products that are perceived to be typical to the brand’s lineage. This research aims to explore the links between product specifications and the categorisation of the product as belonging to the brand, by studying the effect with the Bentley brand’s interiors. The research uses cognitive categorisation theory and related methodologies as a basis for understanding the cognitive processes that operate between the input of specific multisensory stimuli and assessments of typicality and therefore satisfaction. These processes are interpreted through Semantic Differentiation techniques in a number of studies of Bentley products and competitor vehicles. The results suggest that by identifying and defining a number of product properties, of varying importance, and measuring subject’s responses to them, brand-based categorisation effects can be visualised and quantified. The research investigates if these effects have been stable over time and finds that some patterns exist that might be used to predict how future products might be categorised. The benefits of the resulting assessment and measurement tool to the product development process appear to be at least two-fold; firstly, by informing the process, product specifications may be set and designs developed, that are considered more accurate, good and right for the brand, resulting in controlled development time and costs and increased consumer satisfaction. Secondly, by enabling the process, property strengths, weakness and competitive threats may be understood that facilitate experimental and actual design modifications to optimise brand distinctiveness.

Employer Branding- Attracting Employees to the area of GGV

Gummesson, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
Abstract   Background:           Although the area of Gnosjö, Gislaved and Värnamo (GGV) have many companies it still lacks of highly educated people. The three municipalities are underrepresented of highly educated employees in relation to population, thus being able to attract and keep employees are a crucial part for the survival of the companies. The new younger generation, generation Y, is different from previous generations as they demand more from their employer and change jobs more frequently than previous generations thus the employer branding and internal marketing strategies must be improved.   Purpose:       The purpose of this study is to understand how different companies in the area of  Gislaved, Värnamo and Gnosjö can attract and retain highly educated employees.   Method:        The study was made with a qualitative method, through in-depth interviews with the HR-managers of the companies chosen. A judgmental sampling technique was used with the criteria’s of manufacturing companies, 35 number of employees, 300 million SEK in turnover and located in the area of GGV. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and coded.   Conclusion: Concluding, the majority of the companies are lacking highly educated employees. The results show that companies are to some extend using strategies for attracting and retaining employees. The participants were asked about employees, employer branding strategies and internal marketing activities. However the strategies are not grounded in how the employees want it, nor in previous research. The companies could use several more strategies and in a more structural way.

Crítica de Libro: Brand New de Wally Olins

Alvarado de Marsano, Liliana 18 August 2014 (has links)
Review of the book Brand New by Wally Olins.

Is South African Tourism (SAT) giving enough support for the establishment of a competitive adventure travel industry.

Aucamp, Jean 30 November 2006 (has links)
The South African government has recognized tourism as a key development priority and an important contributor to the South African economy. Numerous global lifestyle and travel trends impact the nature of tourism, changing it from consisting of mass standardized travel options to more customized niche offerings. Globally adventure tourism has been recognized as one of the fastest growing niche travel market segments. Whilst South Africa has enormous potential for adventure tourism, it is fast becoming a highly competitive sector with many countries competing for a share. For the South African adventure travel product to grow and prosper, it needs the support of South African Tourism (SAT) to successfully market and promote it to the appropriate target market.

Determination of the effect of branding on consumer palatability traits of ground beef and beef strip loin steaks

Wilfong, Alaena January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Animal Sciences and Industry / Travis O’Quinn / The objectives of these studies were to determine how consumer palatability ratings of beef strip loin steaks and ground beef are affected when products are identified with a brand, USDA grade, or product type. Strip loins were selected to represent five quality levels and six ground beef treatments were chosen, representing a variety of fat levels and product types. After aging steaks for 14 d and ground beef for 8 d, 2.5 cm steaks and 151.2 g patties were formed. Consumer panelists evaluated samples for tenderness, juiciness, flavor liking, and overall liking as well as texture liking for ground beef samples. Additionally, consumers rated each palatability trait as either acceptable or unacceptable and rated the sample as either unsatisfactory, everyday quality, better than everyday quality, or premium quality. Samples were fed in two rounds – blind and informed testing. In the first round of blind testing, consumers were served one sample from each treatment with treatments not disclosed. For the second round of informed testing, USDA grade, or product information was disclosed prior to sampling. Samples evaluated by consumers were paired for blind and informed testing. During blind testing, Certified Angus Beef (CAB) steaks rated similar (P > 0.05) to Choice for all palatability traits; however CAB rated greater (P < 0.05) than Choice for all traits for informed testing. Additionally, Angus Select and Select steaks were rated similar (P > 0.05) when tested blind, but Angus Select was rated greater (P < 0.05) than Select for flavor and overall liking when treatment was informed. Prime, CAB, and Angus Select had increased (P < 0.05) ratings for flavor and overall liking due to brand disclosure. However, Choice and Select samples did not receive any increase (P > 0.05) in ratings for palatability traits when brand was informed. Multiple traits were rated greater for Prime, CAB, and Angus Select products indicating these products received a "brand lift" (change in ratings due to brand knowledge) in palatability due to brand identification. However, when brand information was disclosed for Choice and Select steaks, consumers indicated no increase in palatability perception. Few differences were observed in blind testing for ground beef; however, during informed testing, 90/10 CAB ground sirloin rated greater (P < 0.05) than all other products for all palatability traits besides juiciness. Increased (P < 0.05) ratings were found for CAB products for multiple traits while the only non-branded product that received increased (P < 0.05) ratings was 90/10 ground beef during informed testing. There were few differences among ground beef products when tested blind, indicating that during blind testing, brand, fat percentage, and subprimal source have little effect on ground beef palatability. However, when product and brand were identified, multiple treatments received increased ratings for palatability traits indicating branding and product type knowledge influence the palatability of ground beef.

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