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Irská otázka ve světle probíhajícího odchodu Velké Británie z EU / The Irish issue in the light of the Brexit debatesPuklová, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the Irish issue in the light of the Brexit debates. British people decided to leave the European Union in referendum in June 2016. Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty was activated 29th of March 2017. Two years long negotiating period started from that date. The withdrawal agreement proposal which was approved by all 27 members of the European Union was rejected three times by British parliament. Brexit was postponed until the end of October of 2019. Future relationship on the island of Ireland with Irish backstop became the main barrier of Brexit negotiations. Both sides of negotiations agree on no possibility of hard border between Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Both of them want to follow The Good Friday Agreement of 1998. On the other hand none of them is willing to step aside from their earlier requirements. Theresa May, British prime minister, decided to leave the EU Custom Union and the European Single Market resolutely. The EU rejected to renegotiate the withdrawal agreement proposal that includes the Irish backstop. The Irish backstop guarantee maintaining an open border on the island of Ireland in the event that the UK leaves the EU without securing an all-encompassing deal. Great Britain is afraid to lost control over its territory. Based on the...
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Tři roky po referendu o brexitu: Analýza twitterových účtů "Leave EU" a "People's Vote" / Three years after the Brexit referendum: Analysis of the "Leave EU" and the "People's Vote" Twitter accountsChvála, David January 2020 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis, called Three years after the Brexit referendum: Analysis of the "Leave EU" and the "People's Vote" Twitter accounts examines communication of two Twitter accounts of the interest groups Leave.EU and People's Vote. Through quantitative content analysis, the thesis analyses the communication of both accounts, agenda setting and framing of content. The goal of this thesis is to examine the behaviour and profiling of both accounts and to find out to what extent is the content created based on reactions of the followers and how is this content framed.
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BREXIT’S EFFECT ON BUYER-SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIPSOlsson Löwerot, Agnes, Ustav, Noora January 2020 (has links)
Background: Business relationships between buyers and suppliers are of great importance to maintain a profitable and beneficial business environment. Every organization’s relationship characteristics vary and are influenced by various factors, including environmental conditions and competitors in the market. Also, Brexit is an event that brings uncertainty to these relationships. It is unknown how Brexit will affect the business environment and it is, therefore, necessary to investigate Brexit’s effect on buyer-supplier relationships. The research of Brexit could contribute with valuable insightsfor both companies and policymakers since it will demonstrate the way Brexit has influenced buyer-supplier relationships and companies' responses to the event. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between buyers and suppliers in the EU and the British market under the effect of Brexit. The supplier-buyer relationship will be focused on EU buyers and British suppliers, which will illustrate the adaptations and changes companies in the EU are facing regarding their relationships. Further on, the relevance of this paper will be highlighted through the long-debated case of Brexit. Method: The research is a qualitative study that follows a case study frame of logic. Data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with a sample of three individuals with a purchasing background. The empirical findings were analysed through a logic of thematic analysis using the Bensaou (1999) buyer-supplier relationships portfolio model as an analysis tool. Conclusion: The analyses have found that there is no change experienced in the current buyer-supplier relationship characteristics due to Brexit. The participants expect to have some influence on their cost in the future which then may affect their product category. Otherwise, the EU buyers have not changed their outlook on their UK suppliers because of Brexit and for the time being continue their business as usual.
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It’s Not EU, It’s Me! : An Event Study of Brexit on Financial Markets / It’s Not EU, It’s Me! : En eventanalys av Brexit på den finansiella marknadenOlsson Lööf, Greta, Vojcic, Aleksandra January 2019 (has links)
This paper investigates the impact of the European Union membership referendum in the UK on the correlations and volatility between three different broad stock market indices, utilizing an econometric time series model called DCC GARCH. Findings support the claim of higher volatility peaks on the stock market as an immediate response to the event. Evidence indicate higher shortrun correlations between the indices as a response to higher volatility. In addition, the study present evidence that the correlation between the UK stock index and the other two indices declines after the referendum in 2016. / Studien undersöker konsekvenserna av folkomröstningen om Storbritanniens medlemskap i EU. Korrelationen och volatiliteten mellan tre olika aktiemarknadsindex jämförs med hjälp av en ekonometrisk modell för tidsserier kallad DCC GARCH. Resultaten från studien visar på omedelbart högre nivåer av volatilitet på aktiemarknaden dagarna efter omröstningen. Analysen ger stöd för hypotesen om högre nivåer av kortsiktiga korrelationer mellan indexen som en konsekvens av högre nivåer av volatilitet. Resultat visar även på att korrelationen mellan det brittiska aktieindexet och de övriga två minskar efter det undersökta eventet.
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Le Brexit et le mouvement indépendantiste écossaisRheault, Gabrielle 07 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objectif d’expliquer les conséquences du Brexit sur le mouvement
indépendantiste écossais. Plus précisément, ce mémoire tente de comprendre de quelle façon
le Brexit a-t-il influencé la stratégie du SNP quant à l’atteinte de l’indépendance de l’Écosse.
Utilisant la théorie de Hirschman sur la défection, la prise de parole et la loyauté, une analyse
de corpus formé de discours et d’articles produits par les premiers ministres écossais est faite
afin d’en faire ressortir les tendances importantes. Par cette analyse, l’objectif est de vérifier
s’il existe un glissement de la prise de parole à la défection dans les arguments mis de l’avant
par les dirigeants du gouvernement écossais. Conjointement à cette analyse est menée une
analyse statistique afin de déterminer si les changements dans les arguments des chefs du
SNP correspondent à des changements dans le soutien populaire au projet indépendantiste.
Cette recherche conclut que les arguments mis de l’avant par les chefs du SNP concernant
l’indépendance de l’Écosse ne démontrent pas un glissement de la prise de parole à la
défection. De plus, il n’est pas possible de faire ressortir un lien clair entre l’opinion publique
et les discours des dirigeants politiques puisqu’il n’existe pas de corrélation définitive entre
l’augmentation (ou diminution) du soutien populaire et l’augmentation d’un certain argument
dans les discours des dirigeants politiques. / This research aims to explain the consequences of Brexit on the Scottish independence
movement. Specifically, this paper seeks to understand how Brexit has influenced the SNP's
strategy in achieving Scottish independence. Using Hirschman's theory of exit, voice, and
loyalty, a corpus analysis of speeches and articles produced by Scottish First Ministers is
conducted to identify important trends. Through this analysis, the objective is to verify if
there is a shift from voice to exit in the arguments put forward by the leaders of the Scottish
government. In conjunction with this analysis, a statistical analysis is conducted to determine
if changes in the SNP leaders' arguments correspond to changes in popular support for the
independence project.
This research concludes that the arguments put forward by SNP leaders regarding Scottish
independence do not demonstrate a shift from voice to exit. Furthermore, it is not possible to
establish a clear link between public opinion and the speeches of political leaders, as there is
no definitive correlation between an increase (or decrease) in popular support and the
increase of a certain argument in the speeches of political leaders.
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Brexit: the consequences and impact on the health sectorMcIntosh, Bryan, West, Sue 12 April 2017 (has links)
Yes / Even prior to the conclusion of the European Union (EU) referendum (Brexit), the NHS was showing tremendous signs of strain. Immediately after the outcome was announced, promises of major re-investment of funds saved from payments to the EU were retracted. Since then, hospital closures, cuts and changes to health and social care have been revealed, with regular news broadcasts highlighting the crisis facing the NHS. The uncertainties about post-Brexit relationships, economy, politics and security are likely to further significantly impact the NHS and its sustainability. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the NHS are inextricably linked through research and education of health and social care professionals – changes therefore having implications for both.
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Brexit och den svenska vänstern : Socialdemokraternas, Vänsterpartiets och Miljöpartiets inställning till Storbritanniens utträde ur EU / Brexit and the Swedish Left : The Attitudes of the Social Democrats, the Left Party and the Greens towards the United Kingdom Leaving the EUOlanås, Henrik January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine how the Swedish parliamentary left viewed Brexit and its expected consequences. The standpoints concerning Brexit that were presented by the Social Democrats (S; SAP), the Left Party (V) and the Greens (MP) during the foreign policy debates of 2016 and 2017, and during eight of the consultations with the Committee on EU Affairs, from December 2015 to September 2016, are analysed. The actions of the three parties are explained with the help of the concepts politicization, programme realization, vote maximization and maximization of parliamentary influence. The standpoints are categorized using a qualitative text analysis. The conclusion is that the Social Democrats and the Greens had a negative attitude towards the United Kingdom leaving the EU, and they argued that the result of the referendum was a matter of regret. According to the Social Democrats and the Greens, Brexit meant that the EU had to start fulfilling the wishes of the citizens; otherwise the legitimacy of the union would be damaged even further. The Left Party neither approved nor disapproved of Brexit, but it did consider the event a historic opportunity to reform the EU. The analysis of the standpoints showed that Brexit couldn’t be classified as a politicized (contentious) question for the Swedish left. The actions of the Social Democrats are seen as an attempt to achieve all the strategic goals: programme realization, vote maximization and maximization of parliamentary influence. The Left Party prioritized vote maximization over the other goals, while the Greens prioritized maximization of parliamentary influence at the expense of programme realization.
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Právo na vystoupení členského státu z EU v kontextu tzv. Brexitu / Right of a member state to leave the EU in context of the BrexitPetrus, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Right of a member state to leave the EU in context of the Brexit Abstract One year has passed since the United Kingdom officially announced its intention to withdraw from the European Union membership. Brexit as this withdrawal is often called means the turning point not only for the view of the concept of the ever closer European integration, but it also presents feasibility of a new option for the EU Member States. It is astonishing that in spite of popular attention to this topic there is an absence of serious academic research dealing with the right of a Member State to withdraw in all its wide aspects. Therefore, this thesis aims at the goal of describing the problem of the withdrawal in the most complex way and not only in the light of the recent Brexit. For understanding the present situation, it seems to be necessary, at least in the limited way, to introduce the right of withdrawal as the external aspect of the sovereignty ultima ratio which even in the historical period before the explicit incorporation in the Lisbon Treaty had to exist. In a retrospective view, it is also crucial to mention cases which were in a strict sense not examples of a withdrawal of Member States, but that proved the practical accommodation of national instruments and procedures to termination of EU law application. On...
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Legislativní proces v EU během a po Brexitu. / EU legislative process during and after Brexit.JAKUBCOVÁ, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is description of the EU legal process during and after Brexit. The thesis includes description of functioning of European Union institutions. Also, there is a description of the legislative process, a description of the course of the referendum on Brexit and a summary of the impacts, especially the economic ones. One of main themes of the practical part is the analysis of changes that will occur in institutions after the departure of Great Britain - what will be the new composition and what specific changes will happen here. In the practical part, the research question was set: How will the failure of the British mandate influence the course of voting in the EU Council? For finding answer on the research question, was made an analysis of legal acts which was approved by the ordinary legislative procedure 2014-2018. There is a special focus on the UK position during the vote analysis. The analysis is based on data that comes from the EU portal, which allows access to EU law - Eur-lex.europa.com. Data was collected and divided by reference years and by the country's position.
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Brexit: stor politisk osäkerhet : En studie om hur svenska SME-företag hanterar osäkerhetde Stefanis, Erik, Lander, Juta January 2018 (has links)
Brexit utgör en stor politisk osäkerhet eftersom det är första gången som ett land lämnar EUsfrihandelsavtal. Osäkerheten kring detta gör att det är mycket svårt att förutse hur Sverigeshandelsmöjligheter med Storbritannien kommer att påverkas. Brexit bidrar till att affärsmiljönför företag blir ännu mer oförutsägbar och dynamisk än tidigare. Detta ökar behovet hos företagatt hålla sig uppdaterade kring utvecklingar i affärsmiljön samt anpassa sina verksamheter efternya regler och handelsprocedurer. Denna studie undersöker hur små och medelstora företagförhåller sig till Brexit för att hantera den ökade osäkerheten. Studien undersöker i vilkenutsträckning företagen tillämpar strukturerade strategier i jämförelse med inkrementella ochdynamiska strategier. Strukturerade strategier betonar bland annat framtidsprognoser medaninkrementella och dynamiska strategier kännetecknas av flexibilitet och gradvis anpassning.Datainsamlingen har skett med hjälp av undersökningen och sekundärkällor. Analys avresultatet visar att majoriteten av företagen i denna undersökning anser att affärsmiljön är förosäker och oförutsägbar för att utveckla strukturerade strategier utifrån framtidsprognoser.Istället tenderar företagen att komplettera inkrementella strategier med aspekter avstrukturerade strategier för att förbättra sina förutsättningar att anpassa sig gradvist utifrånhändelser i affärsmiljön.
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