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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Folded Variance Estimators for Stationary Time Series

Antonini, Claudia 19 April 2005 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with simulation output analysis. In particular, we are inter- ested in estimating the variance parameter of a steady-state output process. The estimation of the variance parameter has immediate applications in problems involving (i) the precision of the sample mean as a point estimator for the steady-state mean and #956;X, and (ii) confidence intervals for and #956;X. The thesis focuses on new variance estimators arising from Schrubens method of standardized time series (STS). The main idea behind STS is to let such series converge to Brownian bridge processes; then their properties are used to derive estimators for the variance parameter. Following an idea from Shorack and Wellner, we study different levels of folded Brownian bridges. A folded Brownian bridge is obtained from the standard Brownian bridge process by folding it down the middle and then stretching it so that it spans the interval [0,1]. We formulate the folded STS, and deduce a simplified expression for it. Similarly, we define the weighted area under the folded Brownian bridge, and we obtain its asymptotic properties and distribution. We study the square of the weighted area under the folded STS (known as the folded area estimator ) and the weighted area under the square of the folded STS (known as the folded Cram??von Mises, or CvM, estimator) as estimators of the variance parameter of a stationary time series. In order to obtain results on the bias of the estimators, we provide a complete finite-sample analysis based on the mean-square error of the given estimators. Weights yielding first-order unbiased estimators are found in the area and CvM cases. Finally, we perform Monte Carlo simulations to test the efficacy of the new estimators on a test bed of stationary stochastic processes, including the first-order moving average and autoregressive processes and the waiting time process in a single-server Markovian queuing system.

Inventory Control In A Build-To-Order Environment

Ormeci, Melda 28 June 2006 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three independent sections: In the first part, focusing on the auto industry we look at the challenges and solution strategies of employing build-to-order (BTO) with global supply. We consider some familiar tools for managing domestic supply and exploit them for managing international supply, and propose new methods. We study frequency of supply as a way to improve performance. We study the impact of forecast accuracy, and conclude that improvements there alone may not be sufficient to obtain desired savings. Within this perspective we look at a new shipping policy, 'Ship-to-Average", which prescribes sending a fixed quantity, based on the long term average forecast, with each shipment and making adjustments only if the inventory strays outside a prescribed range. In the second part we look at a Brownian control problem. When a manufacturer places repeated orders with a supplier to meet changing production requirements, he faces the challenge of finding the right balance between holding costs and the operational costs involved in adjusting the shipment sizes. Consider a storage system whose content fluctuates as a Brownian motion in the absence of control. A linear holding cost is incurred continuously. Inventory level can be adjusted by any quantity at a fixed plus proportional cost. We show control band policies are optimal for the average cost problem and calculate the optimal policy parameters. This form of policy is described by three parameters q, Q, S. When the inventory falls to 0 (rises to S), the controller expedites (curtails) shipments to return it to q (Q). Developing techniques based on Lagrangian relaxation we show that this type of policy is optimal even with constraints on the size of adjustments and on the maximum inventory level. The Brownian Control problem can be viewed as an idealization --without delivery delays, of the problem of supplying BTO operations, and provides some theoretical explanation for the Ship-to-Average policies. In fact, Ship-to-Average policies are a practical implementation of Control Band policies in the setting with delivery delays. Finally, we explore the power and applicability of the Lagrangian approach developed in the second part.

Option Pricing and Virtual Asset Model System

Cheng, Te-hung 07 July 2005 (has links)
In the literature, many methods are proposed to value American options. However, due to computational difficulty, there are only approximate solution or numerical method to evaluate American options. It is not easy for general investors either to understand nor to apply. In this thesis, we build up an option pricing and virtual asset model system, which provides a friendly environment for general public to calculate early exercise boundary of an American option. This system modularize the well-handled pricing models to provide the investors an easy way to value American options without learning difficult financial theories. The system consists two parts: the first one is an option pricing system, the other one is an asset model simulation system. The option pricing system provides various option pricing methods to the users; the virtual asset model system generates virtual asset prices for different underlying models.

Expert System for Numerical Methods of Stochastic Differential Equations

Li, Wei-Hung 27 July 2006 (has links)
In this thesis, we expand the option pricing and virtual asset model system by Cheng (2005) and include new simulations and maximum likelihood estimation of the parameter of the stochastic differential equations. For easy manipulation of general users, the interface of original option pricing system is modified. In addition, in order to let the system more completely, some stochastic models and methods of pricing and estimation are added. This system can be divided into three major parts. One is an option pricing system; The second is an asset model simulation system; The last is estimation system of the parameter of the model. Finally, the analysis for the data of network are carried out. The differences of the prices between estimator of this system and real market are compared.

Approximation of a Quasilinear Stochastic Partial Differential Equation driven by Fractional White Noise

Grecksch, Wilfried, Roth, Christian 16 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
We approximate the solution of a quasilinear stochastic partial differential equa- tion driven by fractional Brownian motion B_H(t); H in (0,1), which was calculated via fractional White Noise calculus, see [5].

A Study of Complex Systems: from Magnetic to Biological

Lovelady, Douglas Carroll 01 January 2011 (has links)
This work is a study of complex many-body systems with non-trivial interactions. Many such systems can be described with models that are much simpler than the real thing but which can still give good insight into the behavior of realistic systems. We take a look at two such systems. The first part looks at a model that elucidates the variety of magnetic phases observed in rare-earth heterostructures at low temperatures: the six-state clock model. We use an ANNNI-like model Hamiltonian that has a three-dimensional parameter space and yields two-dimensional multiphase regions in this space. A low-temperature expansion of the free energy reveals an example of Villain's `order from disorder' [81, 60] when an infinitesimal temperature breaks the ground-state degeneracy. The next part of our work describes biological systems. Using ECIS (Electric Cell-Substrate Impedance Sensing), we are able to extract complex impedance time series from a confluent layer of live cells. We use simple statistics to characterize the behavior of cells in these experiments. We compare experiment with models of fractional Brownian motion and random walks with persistence. We next detect differences in the behavior of single cell types in a toxic environment. Finally, we develop a very simple model of micromotion that helps explain the types of interactions responsible for the long-term and short-term correlations seen in the power spectra and autocorrelation curves extracted from the times series produced from the experiments.

Stochastic Hybrid Dynamic Systems: Modeling, Estimation and Simulation

Siu, Daniel 01 January 2012 (has links)
Stochastic hybrid dynamic systems that incorporate both continuous and discrete dynamics have been an area of great interest over the recent years. In view of applications, stochastic hybrid dynamic systems have been employed to diverse fields of studies, such as communication networks, air traffic management, and insurance risk models. The aim of the present study is to investigate properties of some classes of stochastic hybrid dynamic systems. The class of stochastic hybrid dynamic systems investigated has random jumps driven by a non-homogeneous Poisson process and deterministic jumps triggered by hitting the boundary. Its real-valued continuous dynamic between jumps is described by stochastic differential equations of the It\^o-Doob type. Existing results of piecewise deterministic models are extended to obtain the infinitesimal generator of the stochastic hybrid dynamic systems through a martingale approach. Based on results of the infinitesimal generator, some stochastic stability results are derived. The infinitesimal generator and stochastic stability results can be used to compute the higher moments of the solution process and find a bound of the solution. Next, the study focuses on a class of multidimensional stochastic hybrid dynamic systems. The continuous dynamic of the systems under investigation is described by a linear non-homogeneous systems of It\^o-Doob type of stochastic differential equations with switching coefficients. The switching takes place at random jump times which are governed by a non-homogeneous Poisson process. Closed form solutions of the stochastic hybrid dynamic systems are obtained. Two important special cases for the above systems are the geometric Brownian motion process with jumps and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with jumps. Based on the closed form solutions, the probability distributions of the solution processes for these two special cases are derived. The derivation employs the use of the modal matrix and transformations. In addition, the parameter estimation problem for the one-dimensional cases of the geometric Brownian motion and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes with jumps are investigated. Through some existing and modified methods, the estimation procedure is presented by first estimating the parameters of the discrete dynamic and subsequently examining the continuous dynamic piecewisely. Finally, some simulated stochastic hybrid dynamic processes are presented to illustrate the aforementioned parameter-estimation methods. One simulated insurance example is given to demonstrate the use of the estimation and simulation techniques to obtain some desired quantities.

Fundamental tests of physics with optically trapped microspheres

Li, Tongcang 06 July 2011 (has links)
This dissertation details our experiments on studying the Brownian motion of an optically trapped microsphere with ultrahigh resolution, and cooling of its motion towards the quantum ground state. We have trapped glass microspheres in water, air and vacuum with optical tweezers. We developed a detection system that can monitor the position of a trapped microsphere with Angstrom spatial resolution and microsecond temporal resolution. We studied the Brownian motion of a trapped microsphere in air over a wide range of pressures. We measured the instantaneous velocity of a Brownian particle. Our results provide direct verification of the Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution and the energy equipartition theorem for a Brownian particle. For short time scales, the ballistic regime of Brownian motion is observed, in contrast to the usual diffusive regime. We are currently developing a new detection system to measure the instantaneous velocity of a Brownian particle in water. In vacuum, we have used active feedback to cool the three center-of-mass vibration modes of a trapped microsphere from room temperature to millikelvin temperatures with a minimum mode temperature of 1.5 mK, which corresponds to the reduction of the root mean square (rms) amplitude of the microsphere from 6.7 nm to 15 pm for that mode. The mean thermal occupation number of that mode is reduced from about 6.8$\times 10^8$ at 297 K to about 3400 at 1.5 mK. / text

Temps de Branchement du Mouvement Brownien Branchant Inhomogène

Turcotte, Jean-Sébastien 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire étudie le comportement des particules dont la position est maximale au temps t dans la marche aléatoire branchante et le mouvement brownien branchant sur R, pour des valeurs de t grandes. Plus exactement, on regarde le comportement du maximum d’une marche aléatoire branchante dans un environnement inhomogène en temps, au sens où la loi des accroissements varie en fonction du temps. On compare avec des modèles connus ou simplifiés, en particulier le modèle i.i.d., où l’on observe des marches aléatoires indépendantes et le modèle de la marche aléatoire homogène. On s’intéresse par la suite aux corrélations entre les particules maximales d’un mouvement brownien branchant. Plus précisément, on étudie le temps de branchement entre deux particules maximales. Finalement, on applique les méthodes et les résultats des premiers chapitres afin d’étudier les corrélations dans un mouvement brownien branchant dans un environnement inhomogène. Le résultat principal du mémoire stipule qu’il y a existence de temps de branchement au centre de l’intervalle [0, t] dans le mouvement brownien branchant inhomogène, ce qui n’est pas le cas pour le mouvement brownien branchant standard. On présentera également certaines simulations numériques afin de corroborer les résultats numériques et pour établir des hypothèses pour une recherche future. / This thesis studies the behavior of particles that are maximal at time t in branching random walk and branching Brownian motion on R, for large values of t. Precisely, we look at the behavior of the maximum in a branching random walk in a time-inhomogeneous environment, where the law of the increments varies with respect to time. We compare with known or simplified models such as the model where random walks are taken to be i.i.d. and the branching random walk in a time-homogeneous environment model. We then take a look at the correlations between maximal particles in a branching brownian motion. Specifically, we look at the branching time between those maximal particles. Finally, we apply results and methods from the first chapters to study those same correlations in branching Brownian motion in a inhomogeneous environment. The thesis’ main result establishes existence of branching time at the center of the interval [0, t] for the branching Brownian motion in a inhomogeneous environment, which is not the case for standard branching brownian motion.We also present results of simulations that agree with theoretical results and help establishing new hypotheses for future research.

A precificação de opções para processos de mistura de brownianos / Option pricing using mixture of Brownian motion processes

Herbert Kimura 14 September 1998 (has links)
O estudo apresenta um modelo de precificação de derivativos financeiros baseado em processos de mistura de movimentos brownianos. A partir de uma modelagem probabilística, são apresentados ajustes ao modelo tradicional de Black-Scholes-Merton para contemplar situações em que o retorno do ativo-objeto não segue uma distribuição normal. O trabalho discute ainda um mecanismo de estimação de parâmetros da mistura de normais. O resultado da pesquisa possibilita a análise de preço de opções em situações mais gerais. / The study presents a model for pricing financial derivatives based on a mixture of Brownian motion processes. From a probabilistic modeling, the research focuses on adjustments to the traditional Black- Scholes- Merton model to address situations where the return of the underlying asset does not follow a normal distribution. The paper also discusses a mechanism to estimate parameters of a mixture of normal distributions. The result of the study allows an analysis of option price in more general situations.

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