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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

DocPlayer: Design Insights from Applying the Non-HierarchicalMedia-Player model to Document Management

Foo, Jody January 2003 (has links)
Managing documents is an integral part of computer use, and with the growing document collections of today, the importance of tools that are both flexible and efficient is becoming more evident. In many cases, the hierarchical file system used by many operating systems is also used for document management purposes. However, by using the file system for document management, restrictions and limitations such as strict hierarchical document classification and the use of non-content-related document properties are inherited. This thesis explores some of the consequences of extending the non- hierarchical media-player model to handle certain document-management tasks. In order to investigate some of these design issues, DocPlayer, a system with non-hierarchical (set-based) filing mechanisms was created that supports multi- category document categorization. This system was then analyzed in the context of document-management tasks associated with writing a thesis. The main insights for designers of document-management systems include advantages and disadvantages of multi-category document categorization.

A busca e o uso da informação em rede : seguindo o trajeto do internauta em revista científica eletrônica

Dantas, Geórgia Geogletti Cordeiro January 2008 (has links)
O periódico eletrônico ganha cada vez mais credibilidade no campo da informação científica, e muitas são as iniciativas para a criação de novos periódicos. Contudo, apesar desse crescimento em número, são poucos os estudos que abordam a busca e o uso de informação realizados nas versões eletrônicas destes produtos, assim como o internauta que os acessa. A análise de logs é um método que objetiva identificar as ações dos usuários de um site através da investigação dos arquivos de logs do servidor web. Esse tipo de análise pode auxiliar no levantamento de informações sobre a utilização de um periódico eletrônico, mas poucas foram as pesquisas brasileiras que adotaram este método. Dessa forma, torna-se necessário também avaliar esse método aplicado ao estudo de periódicos. O foco da pesquisa é analisar o comportamento de busca e uso da informação em periódicos científicos eletrônicos por meio da análise de logs da revista Psicologia: reflexão e crítica. Esse trabalho objetiva também levantar as diferentes formas de acesso ao periódico, verificar o número de acessos e sua distribuição pelo território nacional, verificar a freqüência de uso do periódico, verificar os tipos de internauta a visitar o periódico, levantar os padrões de comportamento de busca e uso possíveis. As bases teóricas para essa pesquisa são os conceitos de comportamento de busca e uso da informação, periódico científico eletrônico e visibilidade. A metodologia utilizada é a análise de logs fornecidos pela Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), para a obtenção de dados quantitativos, e entrevistas, para a obtenção de dados qualitativos. Por meio da metodologia aplicada chegou-se a um panorama geral da busca e uso do periódico, onde foram determinadas a freqüência de visitação, quem utiliza, quais suas ações no periódico e a origem desses internautas. Constatou-se também a existência de oito padrões de comportamento informacional, que são as seqüências de ações com maior probabilidade de serem realizadas pelos usuários do periódico. / The electronic journals are increasingly gaining more credibility in the information science field, and there are many initiatives for the creation of new journals. However, despite this growth in quantity, there are only a few studies on the information search and use performed in the electronic version of these products, as well as the user who access them. The log analysis is a method which aims to identify the actions of the users of a site through the investigation of the web server’s log files. This type of analysis can help in obtaining information regarding the use of an electronic journal, but there are only a few Brazilian studies which adopted this method. Hence, it is also necessary to evaluate this methodology applied to the journals study. The focus of this research is to analyze the information search and use behavior in scientific electronic journals through the logs analysis of the journal Psicologia: reflexão e crítica. This work also aims to identify the different forms of accessing the journal, to verify the access number and its distribution in the national territory, to verify the frequency of use of the journal, to verify the types of users that visit the journal, and to identify the patterns of the possible information search and use behavior. The theoretic basis for this research are the concepts of information search and use behavior, scientific electronic journal and visibility. The used methodology is the analysis of the logs provided by the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), for gathering the quantitative data, and interviews, for gathering the qualitative data. Through the applied methodology we have reached a general view of information search and use behavior in the journal, and in this occasion it was determined the visiting frequency, who uses it, what were his/her actions in the journal and the origin of there users. It was also identified the existence of eight patterns of informational behavior, which are the sequences of actions with the biggest probability of being performed by the users of the journal.

Contextual image browsing in connection with music listening - matching music with specific images

Saha, Jonas January 2007 (has links)
This thesis discusses the possibility of combining music and images through the use of metadata. Test subjects from different usability tests say they are interested in seeing images of the band or artist they are listening too. Lyrics matching the actual song are also something they would like to see. As a result an application for cellphones is created with Flash Lite which shows that it is possible to listen to music and automatically get images from Flickr and lyrics from Lyrictracker which match the music and show them on a cellphone.

Browsing the Web of Amplitudes

Söderberg, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
We begin by studying field-theory amplitude relations such as the Kleiss-Kuijf, Bern-Carrasco-Johansson, Kawai-Lewellen-Tye and the double copy construction, which are important ingredients in this thesis. Going beyond the field-theory limit we study how the gauge-sector of the heterotic string relates to type I amplitudes through the single valued projection of multiple zeta values. At low energy and for a U(1) gauge group (a single brane) the type I amplitudes are generated by the Born-Infeld action, whereas the corresponding heterotic amplitudes vanish in this limit. As a simple exercise we study Yang-Mills theory deformed by a $F^4$ operator, which is the first correction induced by the Born-Infeld action. This exercise is then generalized by considering the four- and six-point amplitudes in Tseytlin's proposal for a non-Abelian Born-Infeld action. Comparing these amplitudes with those found in type I and heterotic string theory we attempt to gain more insight about the non-Abelian Born-Infeld action.

Den Europeiska idegranens återväxtproblematik / The regeneration issues of European Yew (Taxus baccata)

Ermalm, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Abstract I hela Europa har idegranen problem med återväxten. Olika återväxthämmande faktorer påverkar föryngringen i olika stadier, och det är aldrig bara en anledning till att föryngringen inte lyckas. Idegranen är skuggtålig men behöver ljus. Den gynnas av lövfällande bestånd då den drar nytta av vårens öppna krontak. I bristen på ljus stannar de yngre plantorna av i utvecklingen, dessa dör eller äts upp och föryngringen uteblir. Nästan alla naturligt förekommande äldre plantor (> 2 år) betas. Bete av idegran är idag ett stort problem för föryngringen då rådjurens matsmältning klarar av idegran. I Stockholms norra skärgård är det framför allt betet som hämmar plantornas utveckling. Idegranen har problem med sin återväxt och detta sägs vara ett karaktärsdrag för arten.

Metody pro práci s grafy v databázi / Graphs and Its Methods in Databases

Hovad, Josef January 2011 (has links)
The thesis introduces the basic concepts of graph theory and graph representation both in mathematics and programming. Furthermore, it presents basic methods and problems of graphs searching and theory in general. There are presented graph data management capabilities of different database systems including those directly based on the graph theory. In the practical part, there is designed an efficient method of graphs traversing in PostgreSQL database. The method was tested and demonstrated by the graph search algorithms, coloring and isomorphism.

Vliv volně žijících kopytníků na vegetaci v opuštěné krajině / Effects of wild ungulates on vegetation in an abandoned landscape

Horčičková, Eva January 2019 (has links)
Wild ungulates are considered one of the major drivers for shaping terrestrial ecosystems, which has been developing since the early Cenozoic. Understanding the effects of ungfulates on vegetation is necessary for qualified knowledge how European landscape looked prior to human habitation and how it would look like without human intervention. Further, such understanding is of practical importance as management information necessary for managing abandoned landscapes. While the present-day wild ungulate European fauna does not contain several large grazers like auroch (Bos primigenius) anymore, the landscape has long been affected by them. It thus possesses historical experience of response to large grazers, which has been further maintained by livestock grazing. Importantly, the European landscape is experiencing a steady increase of populations of deer (Cervidae) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) with major effects of vegetation and landscape structure. While the effects of these present-day dominants have been studied mainly in forest habitats, there is a growing evidence that they both promote species diversity of forest understory and, interestingly, preferably feed in open vegetation and thus can affect broader landscape heterogeneity. The main aim of this thesis is therefore to examine effects of...

Kan trädslagssammansättning och fodertillgång påverka betesskador på tall? / Can species mixtures and feed access affect browsing damage on Scots pine?

Sandberg, Alice, Marcusson, Emy January 2020 (has links)
Skogsägare, främst i Götaland, har stora problem med betesskador i tallföryngringar vilket kan bidra till minskad tillväxt och ekonomisk förlust. Studien undersökte huruvida trädslagssammansättning och fodertillgång påverkar betesskador på tall i ett fältförsök i Blekinge och i praktiska föryngringar i Östergötland. Studien visar att främst toppskottsbetning förekommer vid lägre höjder vilket påvisar vikten av att snabbt få upp föryngringen till en högre höjd. Att fastslå huruvida exempelvis trädslagssammansättning, vegetationstyp, höjdrelation och medelhöjd påverkar betesskador på tall är komplicerad då det finns många faktorer som har en betydande roll. Dessa kan exempelvis vara vikten av ståndortsanpassning, förädlat plantmaterial, markberedning samt tidpunkt för röjning. Skogsägare måste göra en avvägning i vad som är den mest effektiva metoden i varje enskilt fall för att föryngra tall utan en för stor andel betesskador.

En jämförelse av viltbete vid bränsleanpassad & konventionell avverkning / A comparison of ungulate browsing in fuel-adapted & conventional harvesting

Vestgren, Anna, Westblom, Niclas January 2020 (has links)
Problemen med betesskador på ungskog av tall (Pinus sylvestris) under vintertid är många utifrån flera olika synvinklar. Det finns ett behov av att hitta en balans som är bra för både viltet, skogsbruket, jakten och övriga intressenter. I den här studien har frågan ställts om avverkningsmetoden spelar roll för viltbetet. Kan bränsleanpassad avverkningsmetod bidra till mer foderskapande åtgärder än vid konventionell föryngringsavverkning? En fältdatainsamling utfördes på totalt fyra områden á 2,5 ha, där två var bränsleanpassade och två konventionellt avverkade. All data som samlades in analyserades statistiskt, för att få fram om det fanns någon skillnad mellan avverkningsmetoderna i mängden betat foder, betesfrekvens och andel betade provytor. Även en spillningsinventering utfördes för att se vilken typ av klövvilt som vistats på områdena. Resultatet visar på en högre andel betat foder, högre betesfrekvens, fler spillningshögar och större andel betade provytor vid de bränsleanpassade avverkningarna.

Ecological effects and control of woody invasive species in an eastern oak-hickory forest

Block, Jeremy A. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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