Spelling suggestions: "subject:"flicka""
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Casar, fotografar, compartilhar e lembrar: fotografia de casamento no Flickrda Costa Moreira, Gabrielle 31 January 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente dissertação trata da relação entre fotografia e memória a partir de fotografias de casamento compartilhadas no Flickr. A tecnologia digital é um fenômeno contemporâneo interligado à dilatação do campo da memória e às novas formas de produção, circulação e consumo de imagens. Essas reconfigurações afetam a forma como nos relacionamos com artefatos sociais que são tidos como registros de memória e que perpassam as práticas de narrar e arquivar a própria vida. Com a portabilidade cada vez maior de câmeras fotográficas digitais, a ação mnemônica tornou-se uma prática social cada vez mais generalizada e acessível a todos, inclusive acopladas a outros aparelhos como os de telefonia móvel. A fotografia de casamento é um desses artefatos, que, mais que um objeto-imagem, é uma maneira de ver e pensar o mundo atrelado à ação da memória. O arquivamento de tais fotos nos coloca diante de um emaranhado de questões sobre as práticas contemporâneas de viver, gravar, narrar e arquivar o cotidiano, como parte da construção da identidade que é cada vez mais performática. Compartilhar fotografias no Flickr é uma das formas que o arquivamento do eu (ARTIÈRE, 1998) e a escrita de si assume em tempos de cultura da memória, ao mesmo tempo em que configuram a memória social
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Motivations to upload and tag images vs. tagging practice : an investigation of the Web 2.0 site FlickrStuart, Emma January 2012 (has links)
Digital images are being created and uploaded online in large numbers and this can be attributed to three main interconnected factors: a change in attitudes towards photography and its role in society; technological advancements in the camera industry; and changes in web technology. Many of these digital images are being uploaded to Flickr, one of the most popular of the new web 2.0 image management and sharing applications. Flickr supports secure storage, sharing, online communities, and tagging. Tagging is intended to aid with the organisation, description, and retrieval of images, and as tagging in Flickr generally relates to personal images (e.g., photographs), the tags assigned are highly subjective. Previous research has investigated motivations to upload and tag images in web 2.0 image management and sharing applications, and types of tags used in web 2.0 image management and sharing applications, and a limited number of studies have attempted to correlate the two, however no research has attempted to correlate the two whilst also taking into account the subjective nature of image tagging. Identifying the discrepancies between why people want to use Flickr, and how they use it can help system designers and users to get the best out of these applications. This thesis compares users’ motivations to upload and tag their images in Flickr with how they tag their images in practice. The study used a quantitative survey methodology consisting of a semi-structured questionnaire to explore user motivations. Tagging practices were investigated via a manual tag classification scheme applied to automatically extracted Flickr tags. The questionnaire results show that Flickr users are primarily motivated to upload their images to Flickr for the purposes of social-communication (i.e., to draw attention to their images for comments and feedback and to express and present aspects of their personality and identity) and for socialorganisation (i.e., so other people can access and view the images uploaded). However, tagging images in Flickr is not associated with the motivation of social-organisation and is instead more closely aligned to social-communication, and self-organisation (i.e., as a way of organising images for personal search and retrieval). Self-communication (i.e., documenting and recording for memory and personal reflection) was not found to be a popular motivation for either uploading or tagging images. Flickr users that are motivated to upload their images for the purposes of self-organisation have the clearest tagging practice and they predominantly use tags that are only meaningful to themselves. Gender, pro account status, number of images, and number of contacts are also strong predictors of tagging practice. However, overall, tagging practice is more closely associated with image content than with the motivation the user has. Although the results show that socialcommunication is the most prominent factor in motivating users to upload their images and in motivating users to tag their images, the findings reveal that users who are motivated to upload their images for the purposes of social-organisation are not using the system to its full potential.
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Interações em redes de compartilhamento de fotografias: performances e construção de significados no FlickrBraga, Vitor José Braga Mota 24 May 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Pós-Com Pós-Com (pos-com@ufba.br) on 2012-05-24T15:49:16Z
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Vitor Braga.pdf: 4108078 bytes, checksum: 6d27d813d9a4b98e01eb4c12d5f07799 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-05-24T15:49:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Vitor Braga.pdf: 4108078 bytes, checksum: 6d27d813d9a4b98e01eb4c12d5f07799 (MD5) / Esta dissertação analisa interações ocorridas em sites de redes sociais, voltando-se especificamente para aqueles destinados ao compartilhamento de fotografias; para tanto, elegemos para análise o Flickr, e consideramos a existência de interesses que seriam importantes para a formatação de referenciais identitários dos usuários no ambiente. Partindo desse pressuposto, adotamos como referenciais teóricos as perspectivas dramatúrgica e interacionista – no entendimento sobre como seria possível compreender a existência de interesses por meio do exercício de performances e através da construção de significados perante recursos existentes no site. Para a pesquisa empírica, empreendemos uma análise de páginas de usuários brasileiros do Flickr, através de uma observação não-participante, realizada por meio da verificação de características peculiares a cada interesse, levantadas através de critérios propostos em uma matriz de análise dessas páginas. Para tanto, foram aplicados pressupostos metodológicos da etnografia virtual na obtenção dos dados necessários à argumentação desse trabalho. A hipótese que move esta dissertação é a de que o site se constitui como uma ferramenta utilizada por indivíduos que adotam referenciais identitários por meio de interesses – afetivos, estéticos ou promocionais – no compartilhamento de fotografias nas redes sociais do site. Pudemos constatar, finalmente, que a questão determinante no entendimento do interesse dos usuários no compartilhamento de fotografias é mais posicionada sobre o modo como o indivíduo participa do processo de construção de sentido dos mecanismos promotores de interação no Flickr, do que simplesmente sobre um suposto julgamento de qualidades estéticas que certos grupos porventura possam ressaltar em uma fotografia. / Salvador
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Classroom epigraphy assignments with PerseidsBeaulieu, Marie-Claire, Buckingham, Tim 17 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Flickr網站上世界商務城市之情感輪廓 / Emotional Contours of the Commerce Cities on the Website Flickr馮成發, Fong, Chen Fa Unknown Date (has links)
近年來電腦科學的進步只能以一日千里來形容,不管在軟體或是硬體方面都有驚人的發展,軟體方面有網際網路Web 2.0技術的興盛及普及,使得人們在分享及交流資訊更加快速且便利,硬體方面則有數位相機和有照相功能智慧型手機的發明,造就了分享資訊很快的從文字模式演變成影音、相片等多媒體模式。Flickr社群網站為目前網路世界裡最重要的相片分享平台,每個人都可以將生活中擁有喜、怒、哀、樂情緒的相片上傳至該網站上與他人分享,而且此網站平台也提供下標籤功能,讓上傳者可以更正確的傳達要分享的情感。如當相片被加註上快樂的標籤,也就代表上傳者對這張相片當時的環境情緒反應為愉快、或甚至於興奮,相反地;當相片被加註上生氣的標籤,就表示該相片給上傳者的情緒反應是不愉快的、或甚至於憤怒。當同一區域(如城市)透過大量情感標籤的累積,自然而然就會呈現出該區域的情感輪廓。
情緒議題的研究近年來在各知識領域中已被廣泛的討論著,但針對區域性的情緒表現之研究探討似乎還不多。本研究藉由Flickr社群網站的全球性特質,結合Derudder and Taylor兩位學者於2005年提出的「The cliquishness of world cities」研究報告,定義出41個商務活動頻繁城市作為本研究的研究範圍,並應用Flickr社群網站上強大又完整的API介面功能,撰寫Client端程式擷取這些城市在Flickr網站上有加註情緒標籤的相片數共761,854張、其相關的標籤數有21,569,593個,再經由本研究提出的研究方法及步驟,逐一處理這些各城市相片上傳者所加註的大量標籤,就可以找出每個城市各情感象限數量最多的前30個標籤當作顯著標籤。
最後本研究綜合分析從Flickr網站上取得的大量城市、相片、及顯著標籤相關資料,分別計算出每個城市正負向情感象限的強度百分比,再以正向情感象限強度百分比為基準,定義出這些商務活動頻繁城市的「快樂指數」數值;並利用社會網絡分析軟體NodeXL來觀察各城市、情感性標籤與顯著標籤所呈現的網絡關係。 / In recent years, the computer science progress is extremely fast, whether in software or hardware has an alarming growth. The software aspect has the Internet Web 2.0 technology prosperity and popular, causes the people in share and exchange information are faster and convenient. The hardware aspect has the digital cameras and the smartphones invention, causes the share information from the writing pattern to the multimedia patterns very quickly. The Flickr social website is the most important of shared photograph in the network world for currently,everyone can shared the joy, anger, sadness, happy mood photograph by uploading to this website. This website platform also provides the tagging function, lets the uploader can more correct transmission their emotion. When the identical region (such as a city) through a large number of emotional labels cumulatively, naturally will be showing the emotional contours of the region.
Emotional issues have been widespread discussion in various area of knowledge in recent years, but research the performance of emotion for region seems not much. This research because of Flickr social website global special characteristic, combined Derudder and Taylor two scholars to propose "The cliquishness of world cities" research reports in 2005, Defines 41 economics and trade activity frequent city to take this research the study scope.
Finally, this research made a comprehensive analysis by a large number of cities, photos, and significant label information from the Flickr website, and calculates the percentage of each city to the strength of positive and negative emotions quadrant.Then the percentage of positive emotional intensity as a benchmark quadrant, Defines these economics and trade activity frequent city's "happiness index".
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Sociala fotografer : En studie av bilddelning på sociala medier / Social photographers : A study of image sharing through social media networksWigren, Marcus, Carlsson, Johan January 2011 (has links)
Dagens teknik erbjuder en mängd olika sätt för människor att kommunicera och interagera med varandra. Denna uppsats är en studie i bilddelning på sociala medier med fokus på amatörfotografers användande av tekniken i syfte för att nå ut med sina fotografier. Huvudfokus lades på vad för strategier de använde sig av, men även på användarnas olika målsättningar. Med hjälp av tidigare forskningsarbeten och djupgående intervjuer har vi lyckats återkoppla den egna empirin med våra teoretiska utgångspunkter och dragit slutsatsen att användandet av sociala medier i syftet för att nå ut med sina bilder till andra människor varierar väldigt stort från person till person. Hur tekniken används för detta syfte är därmed unikt för den individuelle användaren, dock har vi lyckats identifiera vissa likheter i användandet av sociala medier i dessa syften. / Today’s technology offers a variety of ways for people to communicate and interact with each other. This paper is a study of photo sharing through social media networks with a focus on the amateur photographers’ usage of this technology in order to widen the spread of their pictures. A key focus was placed on what kinds of strategies were used, but also on what kind of motivations the photographers had. Using previous research and in depth interviews we’ve managed to combine our own empirical data with our theoretical interpretations and have come to the conclusion that the use of social media in the purpose of reaching out with photos to other people varies greatly depending on the person being asked. Thus, how this technology is used depends wholly on the individual user. However, we have managed to identify some similarities in the usage social media for these purposes.
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Användare & filter : En studie om filterfunktioner på fotoapplikationer / Users & filters : A study of the filter functions in photo applicationsArntzen Svensson, Lena, Karlsson, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
Genom århundraden har bilden varit en viktig del i vårt samhälle. Den har varit en källa till underhållning, sparande av minnen och även ett sätt att kommunicera på. Bilder har använts på många olika sätt och sedan 1800-talet har vi kunnat fånga bilder genom fotografier. Med den teknik vi har i dag, kan bilder tas och delas via mobiltelefonen och på grund av detta har fotodelning ökat snabbt. Inte bara genom att vi nu har ett urval av olika fotodelningsapplikationer, utan de erbjuder även verktyg för att retuschera bilder innan de delas vidare med fördefinierade filter för enkel redigering. Vi var därför intresserade av hur dessa verktyg påverkat vårt sätt att retuschera bilder. Med det menar vi om möjligheten att använda filter förändrat hur vi tänker om retuschering och om detta spelat roll i vårt sätt att dela bilder. Resultat från enkät och intervjustudierna har visat att majoriteten av de foton som delas går genom någon form av retuschering. Vare sig det är genom fördefinierade filter eller om de redigeras manuellt finns det mycket få användare av fotodelningsapplikationer som delar oredigerade bilder. Vidare har det visat sig, som en effekt av filterfunktionen, att fler människor introduceras för konsten att redigera. / Through centuries the picture has been an important element in our community. It’s been a source to entertainment, memory sharing and also a way of communication. Pictures have been used in many ways and since the 19th century we have been able to capture pictures on photos. With the technology we have today, pictures can be taken and shared via the cellphone and because of this the photo-sharing have increased rapidly. Not only do we now have a selection of different photo-sharing networks they also offer tools to retouch the photos before sharing with predefined filters for easy editing. We were therefore interested in how these tools influence the way we retouch our photos. By that we mean if the opportunity to use filter affect how we think about retouching and if this affect the way we share our photos. By questionnaire and interview study, the result showed us that the majority of the photos that are being shared are going through some kind of retouches. Whether it is by predefined filters or if they are manually edited there are very few users of photo-sharing networks who shares unedited photos. Further it has merged that because of the filter function, more people are being introduced to the art of editing.
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Classroom epigraphy assignments with PerseidsBeaulieu, Marie-Claire, Buckingham, Tim January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Volunteered Geographic Information : A Case Study on Flickr Data of SwedenMiao, Yufan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis aims to seek interesting patterns from massive amounts of Flickr data in Sweden with pro- posed new clustering strategies. The aim can be further divided into three objectives. The first one is to acquire large amount of timestamped geolocation data from Flickr servers. The second objective is to develop effective and efficient methods to process the data. More specifically, the methods to be developed are bifold, namely, the preprocessing method to solve the “Big Data” issue encountered in the study and the new clustering method to extract spatio-temporal patterns from data. The third one is to analyze the extracted patterns with scaling analysis techniques in order to interpret human social activities underlying the Flickr Data within the urban envrionment of Sweden. During the study, the three objectives were achieved sequentially. The data employed for this study was vector points downloaded through Flickr Application Programming Interface (API). After data ac- quisition, preprocessing was performed on the raw data. The whole dataset was firstly separated by year based on the temporal information. Then data of each year was accumulated with its former year(s) so that the evovling process can be explored. After that, large datasets were splitted into small pieces and each piece was clipped, georeferenced, and rectified respectively. Then the pieces were merged together for clustering. With respect to clustering, the strategy was developed based on the Delaunay Triangula- tion (DT) and head/tail break rule. After that, the generated clusters were analyzed with scaling analysis techniques and spatio-temporal patterns were interpreted from the analysis results. It has been found that the spatial pattern of the human social activities in the urban environment of Sweden generally follows the power-law distribution and the cities defined by human social activities are evolving as time goes by. To conclude, the contributions of this research are threefold and fulfill the objectives of this study, respectively. Firstly, large amount of Flickr data is acquired and collated as a contribution to other aca- demic researches related to Flickr. Secondly, the clustering strategy based on the DT and head/tail break rule is proposed for spatio-temporal pattern seeking. Thirdly, the evolving of the cities in terms of human activities in Sweden is detected from the perspective of scaling. Future work is expected in major two aspects, namely, data and data processing. For the data aspect, the downloaded Flickr data is expected to be employed by other studies, especially those closely related to human social activities within urban environment. For the processing aspect, new algorithms are expected to either accelerate the processing process or better fit machines with super computing capacities.
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Copyright and Social Media : A legal analysis of terms for use of photo sharing sitesLundell, Louise January 2015 (has links)
Before signing a contract, it is important to read and understand the terms in order to know what is being agreed to. However, it has been shown that this is not done to the same extent online. Even though users accept the terms of use for online services, the terms are rarely read, meaning that the user has no idea of what is agreed to. When it comes to social media sites, these have some sort of service for distribution of content, such as photographs. As these are considered creative works, they are most certainly protected by copyright. This means that copyright protection comes in question. As services are accessible from different nations, these need to comply with different kinds of legislation regulating the protection of copyright. The purpose of this study is to investigate the terms of use for specific online services available on the Internet for distribution of digital content and analyse the legal conditions in order to establish congruence with European and US copyright law. The sites legally gain rights to the content that is uploaded by the users. However, there seems to be some unclarity regarding the terms that potentially results in use of the sites that is not accepted. Further, there seem to be possible problems in protecting the moral rights of the authors due to the extent of the licences that is granted to some of the sites.
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