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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a hybrid system for automatic identification of brushed direct current motors

Hamann, Franz, Mesones, Gustavo 01 September 2020 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / This work proposes a low-cost hybrid hardware and software system that, through a set of methods and nested while loop fitting algorithms, allows to automatically identify the electrical and mechanical parameters of a brushed direct current motor. The aim is to facilitate a tool that contributes to the development of motion control projects in which this type of actuator is used, automating and speeding up the identification process of the motor system aiming to reach 98% accuracy, in order to guarantee a good electrical and mechanical parameter estimates for the brushed direct current motor. To achieve the objective, a platform was developed consisting of a main interface programmed in Matlab and a data acquisition hardware based on a single-phase incremental optical encoder, an H-bridge, an optocoupler circuit, and a C language-programmed DSPIC30F2010. Both parts of the platform are interconnected through the authors' own serial communication protocol.

Návrh a výroba modulu pro řízení motorů na nízká napětí / Design and fabrication of the module used for the low voltage electric motors

Ludva, Stanislav January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to design and implement a universal driver unit designed to control electric motors of small voltages – electronically commutated, DC and stepper. This involves creating topology and selecting appropriate components based on the required parameters. It also includes the manufacture of printed circuit board (PCB), soldering of the components and programming of the necessary functions. Thesis contains the analysis of three selected types of motors – the principle of operation, wiring and control. Testing of the control unit was performed at the end of the work.

Creek/Seminole Archaeology in the Apalachicola River Valley, Northwest Florida

Buffington, April J 13 November 2009 (has links)
The Seminole Indians were Creek Indians from Georgia and Alabama who migrated to Florida for several reasons, including much conflict from not only other native groups but European pursuits. This thesis documents the early Creeks coming into northwest Florida, and thereby contributes to the larger research question of Seminole ethnogenesis. By compiling not only the confusing and often unclear historical documentation, but also the archaeological record, this thesis examines Creek/Seminole archaeological sites along the Apalachicola River and lower Chattahoochee River and matches them up with known historical towns to see where and when the Creek Indians were coming into Florida within this valley and when these groups were being referred to as Seminoles. Another question addressed is why the sites, either known historical or archaeological, all fall in the northern portion of the project area and on the west bank of the rivers. The significance of this research is to try to correlate archaeological sites with historic towns and get a better understanding of which native groups are being referred to as Seminole, when they came into Florida, where they were settling, and what the settlements look like archaeologically.

Scaling a Prismatic Revolute Joint (Pr) Manipulator Using Similitude and Buckingham Pi Techniques

Gilbert, Gregory S. Jr. 01 April 1998 (has links)
This thesis presents scaling methods for sizing a prototype micro prismatic revolute (PR) manipulator actuated by permanent magnet (PM) direct current (d.c.) gearmotors. Dimensional analysis was the principle tool used in this investigation, and addressed the problems of scaling a trajectory planner, control law, and gearmotors that exhibit internal nonlinear friction. Similitude methods were used to develop a scaleable two degree-of-freedom trajectory planner from a third order polynomial. Scaling laws were developed from Buckingham's Pi theorem to facilitate the selection process of gearmotors. Nondimensional, nonlinear, differential equations were developed to describe viscous, Coulomb and static friction in comparative PM d.c. motors. From the insights gained through dimensional analysis, a scaleable controller based on the computed torque method was developed and implemented with a cubic trajectory planner. Model and prototype PR manipulator systems were simulated using a hybrid Matlab/Simulink simulation scheme. Experimental systems were constructed with dissimilar model and prototype motors. Control was provided by an AT class PC equipped with 12-bit A/D, D/A cards operating at a sample rate of 100 Hz. The control algorithm was written in Borland 3.1 C for DOS. Results from the experimental testing showed excellent agreement between the test and simulated data and verified the viability of the scaling laws. The techniques presented in this thesis are expected to be applicable to any application that involves scaling PM d.c. micro gearmotors that have significant internal friction terms. These simple, practical tools should be especially beneficial to designers of micro robotic systems. / Master of Science

Propulsion Unit of a 3DOF Helicopter

Ling, Gustav, Persson, Jesper January 2015 (has links)
This Bachelor thesis is a part of a bachelor project which includes building, programming and controlling a 3DOF tandem helicopter. This particular report deals with the propulsion units, i.e. the motors and propellers of the helicopter. It covers the process of how to determine the most suitable propulsion units for the rig that eventually will enable it to run. To achieve this, different data have been processed. Torque and thrust are two important parameters that have been studied. The data have been acquired by different tests, e.g. thrust measurements from a thrust rig. Also more complex analysis such as Blade Element Theory and Actuator Disk Theory have been carried out in order to determine the behaviour of the propulsion units. Study data sheets and databases was also a part of the work. The result of this work was two equal propulsion units which were mounted in the helicopter. They proved to work satisfactory and provided wanted dynamics to the system. / Design & Implementation of a 3DOF Helicopter

Optimisation des actionneurs électromécaniques de la boucle d’air d’un moteur thermique. / Electromechanical actuators optimization used in thermal engine air flow regulation

Gutfrind, Christophe 11 July 2012 (has links)
Les travaux de thèse présentent une étude comparative d'actionneurs électromécaniques à course limitée régulant la position d'un obturateur dans une boucle d'air d'un moteur thermique. Les normes européennes sur la limitation des rejets polluants imposent de nouveaux besoins sur les performances dynamiques et mécaniques des actionneurs. Un état de l’art sur la boucle d’air des moteurs thermiques montre que deux topologies d'actionnements sont devenus majoritaires : l’une se compose d’un moteur à courant continu (MCC) à balais et d’une transmission de puissance par engrenage, l’autre est une machine sans balais à entraînement direct sur l’obturateur. La description de ces topologies montre une approche multiphysique utilisant la mécanique, l’électricité, le magnétisme, la thermique et l’automatique. À l'aide d'un cahier des charges, quatre architectures magnétiques de machines à entraînement direct ont été modélisées et optimisées en régime linéaire. Chaque machine est constituée d’aimants permanents au rotor et d’un circuit magnétique à dents polaires bobinées. De ces quatre machines, une d'entre elles est choisie sur le critère de la performance de couple par unité de volume en vu d'être optimiser sur le critère de la consommation minimale de l'énergie électrique. Pour jauger des résultats obtenus, la topologie MCC avec un réducteur à engrenage à deux étages de réduction est paramétrée et optimisée avec les mêmes contraintes et le même objectif. Les méthodes présentées associent les contraintes physiques et dynamiques sur le dimensionnement de l'actionneur et évoluent vers une optimisation de l'ensemble actionneur, électronique de puissance et loi de commande. / The present work deals with the development of limited motion actuators dedicated to the air flow regulation of internal combustion engines. Because of the recent European Standard applied to car manufacturers, new conceptions of internal combustion engines need a new air flow management such as the low pressure exhaust gas recirculation. According to a state of art on electromechanical actuators that manage the combustive flow, there are mainly two electric topologies for rotary movements: the first one is an indirect drive which is composed of a brushed DC motor associated with a reduction spur gear set, the second one is a direct drive with a brushless DC motor. The topologic analysis carried out in order to design these actuators is based on a multi-physics approach involving mechanical, electrical, magnetic, thermal behaviours and control laws. With requirements, four magnetic topologies have been modelized in linear behaviour and optimized to minimize the external volume. Each actuator is composed of two bipolar permanent magnets on the rotor and two polar teeth on the magnetic core. With an attractive criteria per volume unit torque for a limited stroke application, one of them is chosen to minimize the electrical energy consumption. In order to compare the results of this optimized actuator, a brushed motor and a two reduction stage gear set are modelized and optimized with the aim of minimizing the energy consumption with the same required performances. This approach associates physical and dynamical constraints on actuator designs and contributes to realize a global optimization of machine, power electronics and control law.

Investigation of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of low-voltage (<60V) DC electric motors in construction machinery application

Luong, David, Salloum, Ibrahim January 2019 (has links)
The brushed DC motor is a source of electromagnetic emission that may cause interference. The main issues with brushed DC motor are arcing, which occurs between the brushes and commutator, and inrush current. It is possible to decrease the electromagnetic emissions by addressing the source (brushed dc motor) and the installation. The source may be addressed by using filters in the form of X2Y-capacitors on the terminals or ferrites on the cables. The installation does not produce any emission, but it is possible to lower its contribution. This is done by altering the installation like changing the placement of cables and provide good coupling. An effective way of decreasing inrush currents is by using negative-thermal-coefficient (NTC) thermistors. Another measure to improve the EMC properties of the brushed DC motor is to design the motor so that it can trap EM emissions. Some of these parameters are motor house material, end-cap material, vent holes or slots on motor housing, placement of power terminals, crimping tabs and motor enclosure.

Les céramiques en territoire arverne et sur ses marges de l'antiquité tardive au haut moyen âge (fin IIIe - milieu VIIIe siècle) : approche chrono-typologique, économique et culturelle / [Ceramics in arvern territory and its margins from late antiquity to early middle ages (end of IIIrd century - mid VIIIth century) : chrono-typological, economical and cutural approach]

Chabert, Sandra 25 November 2016 (has links)
La méconnaissance de l’Auvergne durant l’Antiquité tardive tient en partie à l’absence de référentiels chrono-typologiques. La découverte récente d’ensembles céramiques conséquents et la reprise de données anciennes permettent aujourd’hui de combler ce vide documentaire. Ce travail se propose ainsi de dresser un nouveau panorama du territoire arverne durant l’Antiquité tardive et le très haut Moyen Âge (fin IIIe-milieu VIIIe siècle), d’un point de vue économique et culturel par l’étude de la céramique. L’évolution des répertoires montre que les faciès antiques persistent jusqu’au VIe siècle de même que les pratiques culinaires et les manières de table. Diversifiées jusqu’au Ve siècle, les formes et les catégories céramiques s’uniformisent au VIe siècle et, à partir du VIIe siècle, les productions réductrices et les récipients fermés à usage culinaire prédominent. L’étude d’ensembles funéraires des IVe et Ve siècles montre l’insertion du territoire arverne dans l’évolution des pratiques funéraires alors en cours en Gaule. L’Auvergne se démarque néanmoins par le nombre élevé des vases céramiques déposés dans les tombes et par la préférence donnée aux récipients à solides dans la composition du repas funéraire.Les importations indiquent que le territoire arverne est bien inséré dans les circuits commerciaux à la fin de l’Antiquité. Leurs quantités parfois faibles suggèrent cependant un approvisionnement parcimonieux, qui place l’Auvergne aux confins des aires de diffusion de la plupart des productions commercialisées, comme en « bout de circuits ». Les correspondances établies avec les céramiques des IVe et Ve siècles des autres régions de Gaule du Centre montrent l’existence de traditions de fabrication communes et l’ensemble de ces territoires pourrait appartenir à une même entité économique et culturelle. Le sud du territoire arverne apparaît en revanche tourné vers les régions méridionales, comme l’a montré l’étude des céramiques des VIe et VIIe siècles du site lozérien de La Malène, influencées par les faciès de Gaule du Sud / The sparse knowledge of the late antiquity in Auvergne is partly due to the absence of chronological typology for this period. The recent uncovering of significant ceramic assemblages and the reassessment of pastdata make it possible today to fill this research gap. This thesis attempts to bring new light to the Arverne territory, its economy and culture, in the late antiquity and the early middle ages (from the late 3rd century to the mid-8th century), through the study of its pottery. The evolution observed in the repertory shows that the antique facies remained until the 6th century, as well as the culinary practices and table manners. Until the 5th century,forms and types of ceramics are very varied, becoming more standardized in the next century, and finally starting in the 7th century, closed culinary vessels are predominant.The study of funerary assemblages from the 4th and 5th centuries, demonstrates how the Arverne territory participated in the general evolution of funerary practices in Gaul. However the Auvergne region stands out by the considerable number of ceramic vases found in tombs and the clear preference for solid food vessels in funerary repasts.The presence of imported goods is evidence that the Arverne territory was part of the commercial routes by the end of Antiquity. However the small amounts of importations imply a parsimonious procurement, which would mean that the Auvergne region was actually located on the outer limits of the distribution areas of most industrial productions. The correlations established with 4th and 5th century pottery from other areas of Central Gaul could be proof of a common tradition of production, and how such territories could have possibly belonged to a same cultural and economic entity. The South of the Arverne territory seemed however more influenced by southern Gaul as shown by the study of 6th and 7th century pottery from the lozerian site of La Malène

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