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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La migration des silences (Bulgarie-France) : de la mise en récit du non-dit de l’histoire communiste à son impossible transmission familiale / The migration of silences (Bulgaria-France) : storytelling of the unspoken from the communist history to its impossible family transmission

Salabaschew, Sophia 30 November 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche se propose d'examiner, grâce aux outils et aux méthodes de l'anthropologie de la parole et de l'analyse discursive des récits de vie, la transmission des silences et des non-dits au sein de familles dont un membre est issu de la migration de la Bulgarie communiste. À partir d'un ensemble de récits de vie qui se composent de conversations avec les membres de douze familles dans lesquelles un des parents a émigré en France avant 1989, et d'une observation participante de trois années dans une classe de licence de bulgare à l'Inalco, les analyses s'organisent autour de trois axes de réflexion : les liens entre l'histoire socio-politique traversée et les histoires particulières vécues ; ceux entre la transmission et la réception d'une parole marquée par le silence ; ceux entre l'intégration d'un héritage oral et silencieux et l'extériorisation d'une performativité singulière. Outre les histoires familiales, des silences et des non-dits sont transmis par une génération élevée dans la censure et l'autocensure du régime totalitaire. Ce père ou cette mère ayant grandi dans un silence forcé, renvoie à ses enfants, à travers les récits de vie, bien plus que des mots et des paroles. Dans la première partie, une contextualisation historique de l'étude retrace la stratégie du silence dans l'idéologie communiste comme étant à l'origine de la difficulté à inscrire une histoire individuelle dans la grande Histoire. La seconde partie fait état de l'impact de l'expérience subjective du communisme bulgare sur le vécu du silence des parents dans leurs énonciations. Dans la troisième partie, l'étude se concentre sur les effets de ce silence parental sur la seconde génération qui perçoit des failles et des dissimulations dans les histoires reproduites elles-mêmes comme une épopée mythique familiale. Ce constat amène à la dernière partie qui démontre que pour répondre à ce silence, certains enfants vont agir dans leurs discours mais aussi au-delà de la parole, dans leur vie quotidienne. Certains tentent ainsi de performer ces silences pour transformer, par l'art et la création notamment, le poids d'un héritage oral et silencieux en richesse personnelle. Ce travail a pour but d'éclairer la façon dont les événements historiques vécus subjectivement conditionnent les récits de vie familiaux mais plus encore déterminent bien des manières de faire et de dire des enfants, constituant une seconde génération du silence qui n'a rien à perdre à le mettre en mots, et même à le crier haut et fort. / Using the tools and methods of anthropology of speech and discursive analysis of life stories, this research aims to examine the transmission of silences and the unspoken (non-dit) within families in which a member migrated from Communist Bulgaria. Based on several life stories stemming from conversations with members of twelve families in which one parent emigrated to France before 1989, and on three years of participant observation in an undergraduate Bulgarian class at the National institute for oriental languages and civilizations (INALCO), analyses are carried out around three foci: the study of links between socio-political history as it is crossed by particular life stories; those between the transmission and the reception of discourses marked by silence; those between the integration of an oral and silent heritage and the acting out of singular performativity. Besides family history, silences and the unspoken are transmitted by a generation raised under censorship and self-censorship within that particular totalitarian regime. Through these life stories a father or a mother raised in a context of forced silence indeed sends back much more than just words and talk to their children. The first part of this study will be a historical contextualization tracing back a strategy of silence within the Communist ideology as the origin of the difficulty to inscribe individual stories in larger History. The second part demonstrates the impact of the subjective experience of Bulgarian communism on the apprehension of silence by the parents in their discourse/narrations. In the third part, the study focuses on the effects of parental silence on the second generation, who necessarily perceive cracks and concealment in stories reproduced as a mythical family saga. This observation opens to the final part that argues that to answer this silence, some children act through discourse, but also beyond speech, in their daily lives. Some thus try to perform these silences to transform, through art and creation in particular, the weight of an oral but silent heritage into personal resources. This thesis aims to shed light on the way subjectively experienced historical events condition family life stories or even how they determine the way children do things and say things, thereby constituting a second generation that has nothing to lose in talking about this silence, or even to shout it loud and clear.

Rechtstransfer im Fokus. Die Übertragung europäischen Rechts im Bereich der Gleichbehandlung von Frauen und Männern im Rahmen des Erweiterungsprozesses nach Bulgarien und Rumänien / The Transfer of European regulations on the equal treatment of women and men to Bulgaria and Romania.

Schwarzer, Steve 30 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

La construction des systèmes de partis politiques dans les pays de l’Europe centrale et orientale et l’intégration européenne : le cas de la Bulgarie, de la Roumanie et de la Slovaquie / Construction of Central and Eastern European party systems and European integration : the case of Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia

Radonova, Elitsa 09 July 2013 (has links)
Notre doctorat se propose d'étudier les bases de construction du système partisan dans les pays post-communistes et les facteurs externes ou internes de son évolution. Les transformations après 1989 étaient supposées suivre une logique séquentielle comprenant quelques étapes incontournables - l'organisation des élections libres, l'adoption de nouvelles Constitutions, la réforme du corpus juridique et des administrations, l'harmonisation européenne, etc. Les attentes étaient que l'intégration européenne soit la force motrice pour une stabilisation graduelle des institutions et des normes juridiques et qu'elle contribue, à terme, à une progressive convergence des façons de faire est-européennes par rapport aux règles et pratiques en vigueur au sein de l'Union européenne. La présente recherche de thèse a pour objectif d'aborder la construction des systèmes de partis politiques dans les pays de l'Europe centrale et orientale dans un triple logique: celle des caractéristiques structurelles des arènes politiques, des jeux stratégiques des acteurs politiques et du rôle de la variable européenne. Or, malgré l'avancement de l'intégration dans l'Union européenne, l'atmosphère d'une crise permanente se développe au sein des PECO, ainsi que des cycles de désillusion qui accroissent les chances pour les partis non traditionnels et populistes de trouver leur place sur les scènes politiques nationales. Notre recherche est menée de façon comparative et son champ couvre trois pays: la Bulgarie, la Roumanie et la Slovaquie. / Our research work proposes to study the basis of the construction of the political party systems in post-communist countries and the internal and external factors affecting their evolution. The post 1989 changes were supposed to follow a sequential logic comprising certain inevitable steps - organization of free elections; the adoption of new constitutions, judiciary and administration reform, European harmonization etc, The expectation being that European integration would act as the driving force towards a gradual stabilization of the institutions and of the legal standards and that it would contribute, ultimately, to a progressive convergence of East European practices with those already in place within the European Union. The objective of this research thesis is to tackle the construction of the political party system in Central and Eastern Europe in the triple logic of: the structural characteristics of the political arena, the strategy of the main political actors and the role that the European variable played. Despite the progresses of the integration within the European Union, the atmosphere of permanent crisis and the "cycles of disillusionment" within the CEEC increase the chance that non-traditional and populist parties find a place within the national political scenes. Our research is conducted in a comparative way and its scope covers three countries: Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia.

Bulharsko a Rumunsko: ekonomický dopad vstupu do EU a vliv světové finanční krize / Bulgaria and Romania: Economic Assessment of the EU Accession and Impact of the Global Financial Crisis

Kačmařík, Lukáš January 2008 (has links)
Bulgaria and Romania joined the European Union on January 1, 2007 and are so far the last countries to do so. Before this important step, both countries had undergone a long way of economic transformation from planned to free market economy. The transformation began in the early 1990s but so far it has not been finished. Compared to the other Central and Eastern European countries, Bulgaria and Romania still belong to the least developed ones, which is probably the most important reason why these countries did not join the EU in May 2004 together with other Central and Eastern European countries, but almost three years later, in January 2007. The thesis, however, focuses mainly on what happened after January 2007 and aims at analyzing the first years of Bulgaria and Romania in the enlarged European Union and discuss also possible effects of the upcoming economic and financial crisis on both countries. The subject matter of the thesis is divided into three main chapters, accompanied by introduction and summary of main conclusions. First part (Chapter 2) focuses in detail on the process of economic transformation in both countries, on the summarization of the pre-accession period and on the challenges both countries were facing at that time. Main focus here is on the home economy, foreign economic relations and home affairs including current political situation. Analysis of pre-accession negotiations with the EU focuses both on general issues and also on detailed monitoring of the whole process by the European Commission. Second part (Chapter 3) analyzes in detail the first years of Bulgaria and Romania in the EU. The chapter opens with analysis of nominal convergence and fulfillment of Maastricht criteria and continues with real and structural convergence, analysis of external balances and integration of product and financial markets. Labor mobility, structural aid, development of business environment and main challenges for both economies are discussed as well. Third part (Chapter 4) focuses on the latest development and shows the effects of the current economic and financial crisis on Bulgarian and Romanian economies. The chapter discusses development of short term economic indicators and tries to assess the actual impact of the crisis and macroeconomic development in 2009 and 2010. This is, however, extremely difficult due to persisting uncertainty and absence of robust economic predictions. The analysis thus suffers from unavailability of relevant and up-to-date information and economic data.

Dobrudža jako "jablko sváru" mezi Bulharskem a Rumunskem / Dobruja as "the apple of discord" between Bulgaria and Romania

Amelian, Canka January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to introduce the origin and development of the Dobrujan question within the framework of the Bulgarian-Romanian relations. The paper deals with the historical development of this question during the period after the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) until World War II. Attention is also paid to the international context of the Dobrujan issue. The subject of the thesis includes an analysis of the Protection of the Minorities Rights Agreement, the Law on the Organization of New (Southern) Dobruja and the Law on Control of Agrarian Property. The Internal Dobrujan Revolutionary Organization (IDRO) is introduced in the next part of the master thesis. In conclusion the focus is on the Treaty of Craiova and its importance for the Bulgarian and Romanian participants.

Turkish Yoke, Red Vampires, and Euro-Genderists: Strategies of de/legitimization in the debate around the Istanbul Convention in Bulgaria

Stoencheva, Jullietta January 2021 (has links)
In July 2018, Bulgaria’s Constitutional Court rejected the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (better known as the Istanbul Convention). This rejection came following a wave of civic activism, which scholars characterized as the first anti-gender campaign in Bulgaria. Three years after the Constitutional Court’s decision, the Istanbul Convention continues to occupy online and offline public space, still provoking controversy and sparking heated debates. Employing critical discourse analysis (CDA), this thesis analyzes comments under Facebook posts mentioning the Istanbul Convention between 2017 and 2021. The posts appear on the Facebook pages of two ideologically opposing civil organizations that actively participated in the debate around the Convention’s ratification. Using Reyes’ (2011) concept of de/legitimization discourse, this paper analyses the online discussion around the Convention, exploring how de/legitimization discourses are utilized by the two ideologically opposing communities. To account for the role of Facebook as a discursive practice, the study further explores how the architectures and affordances of Facebook as a platform contribute to the polarization of the IC discussion. The analysis reveals the instrumentality of de/legitimization discourses for constructing pro- and anti-IC activist groups, for redefining the meaning of ‘gender’ in Bulgarian society, and later for transforming the meaning of the phrase ‘the Istanbul Convention’ to outgrow a reference to one document and become a signifier of values. Additionally, the study highlights three types of Facebook affordances that were found to affect the discussion’s polarization: identity, social, and functional.

Selective adjustment to EU regulatory provisions in new member states : the case of electricity market liberalization in Bulgaria and Czech Republic

Neofitov, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
The present work aspires to provide a comprehensive analysis of the policy developments through which European-level prescriptions regarding the liberalization of national electricity markets have been accommodated within the domestic policy contexts of two new member states of the European Union: Bulgaria and Czech Republic. Despite being subjected to uniform demands, adaptation to community regulatory provisions in the two countries has prompted divergent patterns of policy change, resulting in full compliance in the Czech Republic and a failure to meet EU objectives in Bulgaria. In order to address the observed inconsistency the envisaged research identifies a causal link between the outcomes of regulatory compliance and the influence of utility regulation as a sector-specific EU governance pattern on the dynamics of resource re-distribution at the domestic level. A major concern of the research is how contextual factors, such as incumbent power balances across actor populations in the target policy area condition the impacts of EU inputs on domestic policy decisions. In this respect the work hypothesizes that due to transition "sediments" in the new EU member states external rules may be selectively applied in order to match the existing realities and lead to outcomes that diverge from the...

Bulharská lidová hudba v interetnických souvislostech / Traditional Bulgarian Music in Interetnic context

Bečev, Georgi January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with interethnic contexts in the traditional Bulgarian music, which in the past were often neglected or marginalized for various reasons. Convergent processes which take place as a result of cultural interaction between the Balkan ethnicities are assessed. A role of the long-term affiliation of the Balkan region with one state structure (the Ottoman Empire) is examined as one of the factors, which could significantly help mutual contacts between involved ethnicities. The author's starting points are based on the philological concept of the Balkan Linguistic Union, in which a set of phenomena and convergent tendencies in genetically unrelated languages of the Balkan area are researched. The author raises the question whether it is possible to formulate a similar thesis in the field of music and to define a notional Balkan Music Union based on the assessment of the main converging processes. For this purpose, two distinctive phenomena, which are both present in the Bulgarian folklore as well as, to certain extent, in a broader Balkan context, are selected. Musical and cultural interaction between two ethnic groups is examined at the ceremony of the Nestinarstvo/Anastenaria, folk mysteries which culminate with a dance on hot coals and is practised by small communities of Bulgarians and...

Exploring Parasocial Relationships Formed in Isolation

Kamenova, Gabriela January 2024 (has links)
A few years ago Covid-19 locked people down at their homes, effectively limiting their social connections and pushing the communicative outlet of the online realm in the forefront. If one wanted to socialize or seek entertainment, there was almost no other choice but to do so via turning to popular or social media. However, with the newly increased frequency of exposure came the question of whether there was also a change in the formation of parasocial relationships formed in isolation and this thesis explores the meaningfulness and longevity of such connections, tracing them before, during and after the pandemic. It also makes note of phenomena such as loneliness, parasocial romance and parasocial breakup, additionally examining the degree of attachment formed to media figures during isolation, as well as their relevance to the public. To achieve that, the empirical portion of this study consists of a survey in which 114 participants had to answer questions relating to isolation and parasocial behaviour. Additionally, for the purposes of the thesis two social media creators were contacted for interviews and were asked to share their views on parasocial interactions and attachments as they observed them in isolation from the other side of the connection. On the basis of previously existing separate research in parasocial relations and isolation six hypotheses were formed in this thesis relating to people’s online activity, perceived loneliness and financial generosity, as well as the degree of relatability and attachment they felt towards media personae.

Enquête sur les musiques et les danses traditionnelles bulgares pratiquées à Montréal à l’heure d’aujourd’hui

Germanov, Sara 12 1900 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies, le Canada a été un pays très attrayant pour les immigrants de la Bulgarie. La communauté bulgare a représenté 6 025 personnes dans la région métropolitaine de Montréal en 2006. Les nouveaux immigrants acquièrent généralement la langue de leur pays d'adoption et rencontrent de nouvelles pratiques culturelles. Ils intègrent de nombreuses valeurs souvent différentes de celles de leur pays d'origine. Un de leur défi demeure, dans ce contexte, de garder un lien avec leur origine et de transmettre ce lien aux générations suivantes. Bulgare d’origine et née à Montréal, cela fait naître chez moi des questionnements et des réflexions sur la pratique de la musique et des danses bulgares dans ma communauté, notamment sur la survie et l’adaptation des traditions musicales et la manière dont elles sont véhiculées entre les générations et comment elles sont représentées pour le public montréalais. Dans cette recherche, nous aborderons le sujet du transfert et de l'adaptation de la musique et des danses traditionnelles au sein de la communauté bulgare de Montréal, en particulier dans les associations, le contexte scolaire, les familles et les musiciens, ainsi qu'avec les danseurs amateurs et professionnels. À partir des observations et des entrevues effectuées au cours de cette étude, nous visons modestement à faire un état des lieux et à comprendre les processus qui sont à l’œuvre, notamment les processus de sélection/d’adaptation opérés tant au niveau des instruments, de la danse, du répertoire utilisé que des styles de jeu, ainsi que des raisons et des motivations qui sous-tendent ces choix. Il peut, en effet, y avoir des raisons esthétiques, mais également identitaires, liées au mode de représentation de soi dans un contexte multiculturel et ouvert à la diversité. De même, nous nous pencherons sur la pratique, les méthodes de transmission et de valorisation du patrimoine musical bulgare à l’intérieur ainsi que dans des contextes qui ne sont pas destinés uniquement à la communauté bulgaro-montréalaise. / Over the last several decades, Canada has been a highly desired country for immigrants from Bulgaria. The Bulgarian community numbered 6,025 people in the Montreal metropolitan area in 2006. New immigrants generally acquire the language of their adopted country and encounter new cultural practices. They incorporate many values that are often different from those of their country of origin. In this context, one of their challenges is to stay connected to their culture and to pass this connection to future generations. As a Bulgarian by origin and born in Montreal, this context brings to my mind questions and reflections on the practices of Bulgarian music and dances in my community, specifically, the survival and adaptation of our musical traditions and the ways in which they are shared among the community members as well as with the Montreal public. In this research, we will address the subject of transfer and adaptation of traditional music and dances within the Bulgarian community in Montreal, specifically, in associations, school context, families and musicians as well as with amateur and professional dancers. We aim to explore and describe the mechanism of selection of the processes at the instrumental, dance and song level, the repertoire, and styles of playing, as well as the reasons and motivations of these choices. The latter could be aesthetically motivated, but also identity based, related to the mode of representation of oneself in a multicultural context open to diversity. Through the method of observation and interviews, we will focus on the significance of Bulgarian traditional music and dance among the members of Bulgarian immigrant community in Montreal, Quebec. Likewise, we will examine the various contexts related to teaching, sharing and practice of Bulgarian traditional music and dance.

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