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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

One rapidly growing market of Sweden: organic food : A qualitative study portraying some consumers’ decision to purchase organic food

Hellgren, Johanna, Sinander, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
In recent years there has been a significantly rising trend amongst consumers for health and environmental issues, which has resulted in greater attention for and sales of organic food. Organic food production strives to use natural resources, such as land, energy and water in a sustainable way and the products does not contain artificial fertilizers or chemical pesticides. However, organic food products are also often more expensive and less available in comparison to conventional food products. Despite this, interest for and sales of organic food products have increased around the globe, and in Sweden particularly, the increase in sales has grown largely from an international perspective. This thesis is of qualitative character and is focused on studying some consumers from the Swedish market of organic food. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute with a better understanding on the buying decision process regarding organic food purchase. To achieve this, the authors have studied some consumers that purchase organic food and have searched for patterns that could be identified in the decision process. The consumer buying decision process model has been used for portrayal of the chosen consumers’ decision to purchase organic food products. Interviews with six Swedish consumers were conducted, whereas each respondent continuously purchase organic food products. Results show that the purchase of organic food products begins with discovering an unsatisfied need state, which the consumers of this study desired to change with the purchase of organic food products. This study show how six consumers reason when passing through the stages of the buying decision process, in order to satisfy their desired need state. The authors found that the respondents feel satisfied with purchasing organic food products, which lead them in to continuously buying these products. Altogether, the findings contribute with knowledge that can come to be helpful when wanting to understand more about the consumer decision to purchase organic food.
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Why consumers engage in eWOM : motivation to conduct research online and post online reviews / Varför konsumenter engagerar sig i eWOM : motivation till att nyttja information på nätet och skapa onlinerecensioner

Lulek, Alexandra, Wehinger, Marcus January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to provide a better understanding why consumers conduct research online and post online reviews. This was achieved by finding relationships between the two phenomena presented above. The study used a cross-sectional design since little was known about the relationships within the chosen research area. Results were measured by quantitative instrument through a self-administered questionnaire divided by each phenomenon. The questionnaire was directed towards Swedish consumers in the buying decision process.Consumers conduct research online with the specific goal for gaining information posted by other consumers, since it has a higher credibility. Helping other consumers and self-expression was reasons found in relation to why consumers post online reviews.Findings strengthen the fact that higher education could be found of relationship to conduct research online; however, not to post online reviews. In comparison to previous studies the study measured online shopping frequency instead of Internet experience. It was found that consumers who conducted online shopping were in relation with previous presented theories. / Syftet med denna studie var att skapa en bättre förståelse till varför konsumenter publicerar och konsumerar onlinerecensioner. Genom att applicera en tvärsnittsdesign kunde syftet uppnås då relationer identifierades. För att möjliggöra mätning av resultatet applicerades ett kvantitativt instrument genom en självadministrerad enkät vilken var uppdelad efter respektive fenomen.Onlinerecensioner används för det specifika målet att samla större mängder information innan köpbeslut. De onlinerecensioner som används främst är de skapade av andra konsumenter då de anses vara av högre trovärdighet än information skapat av företag. Att hjälpa andra konsumenter och självförbättring är vad resultatet påvisar vara anledning till att konsumenter publicerar onlinerecensioner.Vidare stärkte resultatet en relation där konsumenter med högre utbildning tenderar att konsumera onlinerecensioner men inte till att publicera dessa. Konsumenternas köpfrekvens applicerades istället för att mäta graden erfarenhet av Internet, vilket gjorts i tidigare studier.
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Spotřební chování domácností / Consumer Behaviour of Households

Netrdová, Blanka January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the consumer behavior of the households in the period from 2003 to 2013. The theoretical part is divided into two parts, household consumption from the perspective of marketing, and from the perspective of economics. In the marketing section explains the concepts of consumer, household, consumer credit, consumer behavior, consumer predisposition and the buying decision process. In the section dedicated to economics concepts are explained, the budget line consumption, preferences, and surplus consumer's optimum. In the methodological part of the work describes the secondary sources from which I draw the data in the practical part. Listed here are provided for the investigated questions. The practical part includes information about the average income per person per year, the average expenditure per person per year, and also about the structure of consumption. I'm watching whether consumer behavior affect different criteria, for example, the age of the person at the head of the household, the size of the municipality in which the person lives in the household, the head of the household or education of the person at the head of the household. In conclusion is a summary of the collected data.
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Exploring the customer journey : An exploratory study investigating the customer journey

Bolinder, Marcus, Philip, Boström January 2019 (has links)
The customer journey is a re-submerged subject which has become increasingly relevant. The focus derives from the increased focus on customer experience as touch points are increasing as well as becoming more accessible. This is creating problems for companies to allocate their resources in marketing. Previous literature on customer journeys are also limited, mostly originating from research on customer experience. This motivates research within the field with the purpose of exploring the customer journey and connected phenomena.    The basis of this thesis was the customer journey which derives from customer experience. Further, the theoretical framework presents theories about customer experience, consumer buying decisions, customer journey and its touch points. The theoretical framework also presents two conceptual models concerning customer journey and customer experience. Focus was here on exploring the formulation of the customer journey, its steps and components. But also, on investigating how customer experiences affects customer journeys. This thesis had a qualitative research strategy and empirical material was collected through interviews. The empirical findings and the analysis resulted in several conclusions as this was an exploratory study. Reason for use of route, use of different touch points, customer experience impact and were found. Furthermore, the customer journey itself was identified as a reason for conducting a purchase. The result of this thesis might help companies allocate their resources more efficiently between touch points. As well as understanding how to create positive customer experience and the importance of it.
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Får det lov att vara en bil? : En kvalitativ studie om köpbeslutsprocessen inom bilhandeln och hur det fysiska säljmötet har förändrats. / May I offer you a car? : A qualitative study on the purchasing decision process in car sales and how the physical sales meeting has changed.

Engström, Sofie, Mattsson, Pontus, Olofsson, Philip January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Studien har undersökt hur köpbeslutsprocessen och det fysiska mötet ser ut i bilhandeln samt om det finns skillnader mellan hur kvinnor och män upplever köpbeslutsprocessen inom bilhandeln. Studiens ämne valdes på grund av att det gjorts tidigare studier inom bilhandeln gällande köpbeslutsprocessen, men att det finns en brist sedan det digitala mötet kom in i bilden. Det har även genomförts flera studier om skillnader mellan mäns och kvinnors skillnader i köpbeteende, men det finns inga som studerar om skillnaderna ser likadana ut i bilbranschen. Forskningsfråga: Studiens huvudfråga lyder: Hur interagerar bilhandeln med kunden i köpbeslutsprocessen genom det fysiska säljmötet för att det ska leda till försäljning av bil? Studiens underfråga lyder: Skiljer sig bilköp åt för män och kvinnor och i sådana fall på vilket sätt? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur bilhandeln kan arbeta vid köpbeslutsprocessen i förhållande till det fysiska säljmötet och vad som gör att kunden genomför ett köp av bil.Vidare är syftet att studera om det finns några skillnader mellan män och kvinnor vid köpet av bil och om det finns, på vilket sätt skiljer de sig. Metod: Den här studien har en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod och ett abduktivt angreppssätt. Resultatet i studien bygger på 12 semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter spridda över Sverige. Slutsats: Studien har visat att köpbeslutsprocessen är oförändrad, i sin struktur, av den digitala närvaron. Däremot ser det fysiska mötet annorlunda ut då säljaren behöver inleda med att ta reda på hur långt kunden kommit i sin köpbeslutsprocess. Studiens underfråga har medfört resultat som visar att kvinnors och mäns evolutionära roller byter plats inom bilindustrin då det är män som uppskattar att handla mer hedonistiskt och kvinnor mer funktionellt. / Background: The study has examined how the buying decision process and the physical meeting work in car sales and whether there are differences between how women and men experience the buying decision process in the industry. The subject of the study was chosen due to the fact that there are previous studies in car sales regarding the buying decision process, but that there has been a shortage since the digital meeting came into the picture. There have also been several studies on differences in buying behaviour between men and women, but there are no studies regarding whether the differences look the same in the car industry. Research question: The main question of the study is: How does the car sales interact with the customers in the buying decision process through the physical sales meeting in order for it to lead to sales of a car? The study´s sub question reads: Do car purchase differ for men and women, and in such a case how? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate how car sales can work in the buying decision process in relation to the physical sales meeting and what makes the customer to purchase a car. Furthermore, the aim is to study whether there are any differences between men and women in the purchase of a car and, if there is, how they differ. Method: This study has applied a qualitative method and abductive approach. The results of the study are based on 12 semi-structured interviews with respondents spread across Sweden. Conclusion: The study has shown that the buying decision process is unchanged, in its structure, of the digital presence. However, the physical meeting looks different as the seller needs to start by finding out how far the customer has come in the buying decision process. The study's sub question has resulted in results that show that women and men's evolutionary roles change places in the automotive industry as it is the men who appreciate to buy more hedonic and women more functionally.
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Köpprocessen : APPlicering vid nedladdning av spelappar på smartphones / The Buying Decision Process : APPlication When Downloading Gaming Apps on Smartphones

Bach, Carina, Ek, Kenny January 2015 (has links)
Appar är idag en stor marknad eftersom de flesta äger en smartphone och därför är potentiella appkonsumenter. Trots att endast en tredjedel av alla svenskar betalar för mobilspel spenderas hundratals miljoner kronor på köp av appar varje år. Spel är den mest populära appkategorin i svenska App Store och Google Play vilket gör att utvecklare som inte skapar spel har svårt att synas. En etablerad modell i marknadsföringsområdet är köpprocessen, som beskriver hela processen genom ett köp från behovsupptäckande till utvärdering av inköpt produkt. Förståelse för vad som påverkar konsumenter i de olika stegen är viktig för att kunna utforma sin marknadsföring effektivt.Eftersom mobilspel ofta är gratis kan köpprocessen vid nedladdning av spelappar skilja sig från den traditionella, då exempelvis impulsköp kan uppstå i betydande omfattning. Då appmarknaden fortfarande är ung är forskningen inom den begränsad. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur köpprocessen ser ut vid nedladdning av spelappar. För ökad förståelse studeras även områden som påverkar de olika faserna i köpprocessen.Då det inte finns tidigare forskning i det undersökta området genomfördes en kvalitativ studie för att kunna identifiera beteendemönster. Tolv personer i åldrarna 16-25 som spelar spel på smartphones deltog på semi-strukturerade intervjuer och berättade hur de går tillväga när de skall ladda ner ett nytt mobilspel. En litteraturstudie av områden relaterade till köpprocessen ligger till grund för utformningen av intervjuguiden.Resultaten visar att behov av att ladda ner ett nytt mobilspel uppstår genom tristess eller rekommendationer. Information om spelet hämtas från spelets butikssida, där bland annat bilder och videor är betydande. När man är intresserad av ett kostnadsfritt spel laddar man i regel ner utan att tänka på några konsekvenser eftersom man kan avinstallera spelet ifall man inte gillade det. Uppfattningen av utvecklaren påverkas inte beroende på om man är nöjd med det nedladdade spelet eller inte, då man sällan tittar på utvecklaren när man letar efter ett nytt spel. En positiv uppfattning om spelet kan leda till att man rekommenderar spelet till vänner. Är man missnöjd kan man avråda folk man känner, men man brukar inte tala illa om ett spel utan att ha blivit tillfrågad.Studien visar att köpprocessen för nedladdning av gratisspel har fyra steg istället för fem medan processen för betalspel är oförändrad. När det gäller gratisspel har jämförelsefasen tagits bort då det inte sker någon jämförelse innan nedladdning. Informationssökningsfasen har översatts till uppfattning då det är mer beskrivande av fasens innebörd. Faktorer som påverkar de olika stegen i köpprocessen så som attityd, minne och känsloläge sammanfattas i en tabell. / Apps are today a big market since most people own a smartphone and thus are potential app consumers. Even though just a third of all Swedes pay for mobile games, hundreds of millions Swedish Crowns are spent buying apps each year. Games is the most popular app category in the Swedish App Store and Google Play, causing developers who are not making games struggle to be seen. An established model in marketing is the buying decision process, describing the entire process from need identification to evaluation of bought product. The understanding of areas affecting the different stages is important in order to successfully design effective marketing strategies.Since mobile games tend to be free, the buying decision process while downloading gaming apps may differ from the traditional process, since e.g. impulse buying behavior may happen in greater extent. Because the app market is still young, the research is limited. The purpose of this study is to look into the structure of the buying decision process for downloading gaming apps. To extend the understandings, areas affecting the different stages of the buying decision process are examined.Because there is no prior research addressing the studied area, a qualitative approach was performed in order to identify behavior patterns. 12 persons in the ages of 16-25 who play games on their smartphones participated on semi structured interviews, explaining their process for downloading a new mobile game. A literature study of areas related to the buying decision process is the basis for the design of the interview guide.The results show that the need for a new mobile game arises in due to boredom or recommendations. Information about the game is collected from the game’s page at the app store, images and videos being of great importance. When interested in a free game one usually download without regards of any consequences, because you can easily uninstall the game if you did not like it. The opinion of the developer is not affected whether you like the game or not due to the fact one rarely observe the developer while searching for a new game. A positive judgment of the game may lead to the player recommending the game to friends. When dissatisfied one may advise against the game to people you know, but it is rare to speak ill of a game without being asked about it.The study shows that the buying decision process for downloading free mobile games consists of four stages instead of five, while the process for priced games remains the same. Regarding free games, the evaluation of alternatives is removed due to the process being nonexistent prior to a download. The information search stage is replaced with perception, since it better fits to describe the meaning of the stage. Areas affecting the different stages of the buying decision process such as attitude, memory and affect are summarized in a table. The study is in Swedish.
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A influÃncia da marca na decisÃo de compra de clientes de baixa renda. / The brand influence in the decision to purchase low-income customers.

Loreta Maria Cunha Ximenes 12 September 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, à apresentada uma investigaÃÃo sobre a influÃncia da marca no processo de decisÃo de compra do consumidor de baixa renda da cidade de Fortaleza. Para tanto, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa quantitativa, com 291 pessoas em 27 bairros do MunicÃpio. Nesta investigaÃÃo, fez-se uso de um questionÃrio estruturado, aplicado por meio de entrevista direta e domiciliar. A base teÃrica explorou a temÃtica do comportamento do consumidor, especificamente seu processo de decisÃo de compra, bem como a marca e o mercado de baixa renda. Em sÃntese, as conclusÃes extraÃdas deste trabalho mostram que, como era de se esperar, o preÃo à o elemento que, na maioria das vezes, mais influencia a decisÃo de compra desse consumidor, contudo, para alguns produtos, como alimentos e de higiene pessoal, a marca prevalece na escolha, embora isto implique pagar preÃo mais caro. Este estudo fornece informaÃÃes que podem auxiliar as empresas no desenvolvimento de estratÃgias mercadolÃgicas, objetivando atingir a satisfaÃÃo das necessidades desse mercado especifico de forma mais eficaz. Nas conclusÃes e consideraÃÃes finais, sugerem-se propostas para trabalhos futuros, com novas abordagens das teorias discutidas e outros mercados. / In this paper, an investigation is presented on the brand influence in the process of consumer buying decision low-income city of Fortaleza. Thus, it was developed a quantitative survey with 291 people in 27 districts of the municipality. In this investigation was made using a structured questionnaire, applied through direct interview and home. The theoretical basis explored the theme of consumer behavior, specifically their purchase decision process as well as the make and bearish market income. In summary, the conclusions drawn from this study show that, as might be wait, the price is the element that most of the time, most influences the buying decision that consumer, however, for some products such as food and personal hygiene, brand prevails in choice, although this involves paying higher price. This study provides information that can assist companies in developing strategies marketing, aiming to achieve the satisfaction of the needs of this specific market more effectively. The conclusions and final considerations are suggested proposals for future work with new approaches to other markets and discussed theories.
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Kupní rozhodovací proces na trhu mobilních telefonů / Buying decision process in the market of mobile phones

Szelesová, Anita January 2016 (has links)
The goal of the master's thesis is to analyse the buying decision process in the market of mobile phones and determine the phases of the buying decision process focusing on individuals in the Czech and Slovak markets. In the theoretical part the thesis focuses on different views on the buying decision process and presenting the factors that affect the process of decision making. In the practical part the greatest attention is dedicated to the research of the consumer buying decision process in the market of mobile phones based on data from MML - TGI and a questionnaire survey. The analysis realized on the basis of Microsoft Excel tables and charts. In the conclusion of the thesis the obtained results are summarized with focus on the phases of the buying decision process and its factors in the market of mobile phones and marketing suggestions.

The Power of Signs : How Recommendation Signs Affect Consumer Behavior at Supermarkets

Mirbashiri, Clara, Möller, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
Background/Problematization: Many purchase decisions are made in-store and one wayof influencing the decision making process is through signs. Signs are said to drawattention to the product on which they are placed and result in increased sales. Sale signsare widely used to influence purchase decisions, but are there other types of signs that canimpact the purchase decision? Recommendations have also shown to affect consumer’spurchase decisions. However, most of the research within the subject have been done on thepower of social influences from friends and family, e.g. strong-tie relationships. Howrecommendations from experts (e.g. weak-tie relationships) can influence purchases is lessresearched, especially which type of recommendation sign have the most effect. Purpose: The purpose is to examine and map how different types of signs on shelvesrelated to staff recommendations for specific products affect their sales. Method: The scientific approach of the study is deductive and the corresponding researchmethod is a quantitative study with an experimental design and a descriptive focus. Anexperiment was executed in a supermarket on 28 products to test stimuli with differentlevels of information concerning staff recommendations with the use of signs. Result/Conclusion: The result showed only one stimuli to have significantly increasedsales. The stimuli consisted of adding a name of a specific staff member to therecommendation sign. The increase in sales might however have been caused by otherfactors than the applied sign as the outbreak of Covid-19 resulted in changed consumerbehavior at the time of the experiment. The results showed that no significant differences insales could be seen according to the number of alternatives each product had. This mighthowever be a result of the tampered data caused by the changed consumer behavior.
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En kvantitativ studie om köpbeslutsprocessen : En undersökning inriktad på kvinnors konsumtion av konfektionsvaror till låga priser / A quantitative study about buyer decision process : A survey focused on women´s consumption of clothing at low prices

HENNING, CAROLINE, KÅMARK, MALIN January 2011 (has links)
Den svenska klädimporten har ökat dramatiskt och vårt samhälle har förändrats till ett konsumtionssamhälle där vi shoppar efter ”köp och släng” istället för ”slit och släng”. Den ökade klädkonsumtion är ett omdiskuterat samhällsproblem och mode är en färskvara som uppdateras i en allt snabbare takt. Ett stort utbud tillsammans med de låga priser som klädmarknaden är uppbyggd av uppmuntrar till impulsköp vilket gör det allt svårare för kunden att fatta medvetna köpbeslut. I denna studie kommer vi att utgå från Armstrong och Kotlers modell av köpbeslutprocessens som är uppbyggd av fem steg som innefattar hela processen. Första steget är att ett behov upptäcks vilket följs av informationssökning därefter sker utvärdering. Det följande steget handlar om att ett köpbeslut fattas och slutligen utvärderas köpet av konsumenten. Observationsstudier visar att många konsumenter inhandlar kläder utan att följa de steg som presenteras i många klassiska köpbeslutmodeller.Undersökning klargör omfattningen av den nutida kvinnans köpbeslutsprocess när konfektionsvaror till lågpris införskaffas. Kopplingar dras mellan olika typer av köpbeslutsprocesser och köpbeteenden till konsumtion av lågprisvaror. Avslutad studie tyder på att samtliga fem steg i köpbeslutsprocessen av Armstrong och Kotler inte alltid förekommer dock har majoriteten av de individer som deltog i undersökningen gått igenom en köpbeslutsprocess där alla steg funnit med men endast i en liten utsträckning. Studien visar på att i köpbeslutsprocessens första steg identifieras enbart ett behov av att konsumera hos de allra flesta av de kvinnor som deltog och många kvinnor har ett behov av att ständigt förnya sin garderob. Detta förändrade köpbeteende har en betydelsefull koppling till den överkonsumtion av konfektionsvaror som råder i dagens samhälle.The Swedish clothing imports have increased dramatically and our society has become a society where we “buy and toss” instead of “wear out and toss”. The increase in clothing consumption is a controversial social issue and fashion is a perishable product that is quickly updated. A wide range of clothes together with low prices encourages customers to make impulsive purchase and make it complicated for the customer to do conscious purchase. In this study, we will start from a model of the buying decision process made of Armstrong and Kotler. This model consists of five steps, which includes the entire process. The first step is recognition of a need which is followed by information search and further by evaluation of alternatives. The next step is purchase decision and at last the customers evaluation of the product and post purchase behavior. Observational studies show that many consumers purchase clothes without following the steps that exists in many classic models about the buying decision process.This study clarifies the extent of the contemporary woman's buying decision process when clothing at low pieces is purchased. Links is drawn between different types of buying decision processes and buying habits in the consumption of low-priced clothes. This study suggests that all five steps in the buying decision process by Armstrong and Kotler do not always occur. The majority of the individuals who participated in the survey have gone through a buying decision process in which all of the steps are being followed but only in a little extent. The study shows that the first step in the buying decision process is identified only as a need to consume. The majority of the women who took part of the survey had a need to constantly renew their wardrobe. This change in buying behavior has an important link with the overconsumption of clothing that exists in the contemporary society. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen
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