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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do efeito do disseleneto de difenila em modelo de doença de Alzheimer no nematódeo Caernorhabditis elegans / Evaluation of diphenyl disselenide effect in the nematode Caernorhabditis elegans Alzheimer disease model

Zamberlan, Daniele Coradini 21 February 2014 (has links)
Alzheimer s (DA) is a neurodegenerative disease evidenced by cognitive disorders and attention deficit and learning, and is the main cause of dementia in the elderly. The amyloid hypothesis posits that extracellular amyloid-β (Aβ) deposits are the fundamental etiological factor of the disease. However, the AD etiology has yet to be fully understood and common treatments remain largely non-efficacious. Caernorhabditis elegans transgenic strains expressing toxic Aβ has been employed as AD in vivo model in order to elucidate mechanisms and verifying the effectiveness of pharmacological compounds. The organoselenium compound tested in this study, Diphenyl-diselenide (PhSe)2, has shown efficacy in ameliorate several parametres in neurodegenerative disease models. In the present study, we analyzed the effects of (PhSe)2 chronic treatment on Aβ peptide-induced toxicity in C. elegans. This data shows that chronic exposure to (PhSe)2 attenuated oxidative stress induced by Aβ with concomitant recovery of associative learning memory in worms. In addition, (PhSe)2 decreased Aβ transgene expression, suppressing the Aβ peptide and down-regulating hsp-16.2 by reducing the need of this chaperone under Aβ toxicity. This observations suggest that (PhSe)2 plays an important role in protection against oxidative stress-induced toxicity, this representing a promising potential pharmaceutical modality by attenuating Aβ expression. / A Doença de Alzheimer (DA) é uma doença neurodegenerativa evidenciada por distúrbios cognitivos e déficit de atenção e aprendizagem, sendo a principal causa de demência em idosos. A Hipótese Amilóide postula o acúmulo de depósitos extracelulares do peptídio β-amilóide (Aβ) no cérebro como o principal fator da doença. Entretanto, sua etiologia ainda não está completamente elucidada e seu tratamento visa apenas a melhora dos sintomas. Cepas transgênicas do nematódeo Caernorhabditis elegans que expressam as espécies tóxicas Aβ, têm sido utilizadas como modelos in vivo de DA para elucidar mecanismos e verificar a eficácia de novas moleculas. O disseleneto de difenila ((PhSe)2), composto orgânico de selênio utilizado nesse estudo, tem demonstrado eficácia em melhorar diversos parâmetros em modelos de doenças neurodegenerativas. No presente estudo foram analisados os efeitos do tratamento crônico com (PhSe)2 na toxicidade induzida pela Aβ em C. elegans. Os resultados mostraram que a exposição crônica ao (PhSe)2 atenuou o estresse oxidativo induzido pela Aβ, além de recuperar a memória associativa no nematódeo. Além disso, o (PhSe)2 diminuiu a expressão do gene Aβ, levando a supressão do peptídio Aβ e reduzindo a expressão do gene hsp-16.2, por diminuir a necessidade desta chaperona frente a toxicidade Aβ. Estes dados sugerem que o (PhSe)2 desempenha um importante papel na proteção contra a toxicidade induzida por estresse oxidativo, além de representar um promissor agente farmacológico por atenuar a expressão do Aβ.

Artepilina C: isolamento, desenvolvimento e validação de metodologia de quantificação por CLUE-EM-Q-TOF e avaliação das atividades biológicas em Caenorhabditis elegans e Zebrafish

Riani, Lorena Rodrigues 27 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2018-05-17T18:37:10Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-05-22T11:40:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-22T11:40:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2017-07-27 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A artepilina C é o principal marcador químico utilizado no controle de qualidade da própolis verde, a qual é produzida especialmente em Minas Gerais e comercializada principalmente para o Japão e que possui como principal fonte botânica a planta Baccharis dracunculifolia DC. (Asteraceae). Entre as técnicas que podem ser utilizadas para a análise da artepilina C, a cromatografia líquida de ultra eficiência (CLUE) acoplada a espectrometria de massas (EM) apresenta inúmeras vantagens. Em relação às suas atividades biológicas, a artepilina C apresenta ação antioxidante e antitumoral, não tendo sido ainda avaliada sua embriotoxicidade e atividade antienvelhecimento. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos isolar a artepilina C, desenvolver e validar método analítico de quantificação dessa substância por CLUE-EM-Q-TOF, bem como determinar sua atividade antienvelhecimento em nematoides Caenorhabditis elegans e sua toxicidade em embriões de Zebrafish. Para isolar a artepilina C de amostra de própolis verde, foi realizada extração básica seguida de acidificação, com posterior fracionamento por cromatografia líquida a vácuo (CLV) e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) semipreparativa. Para identificação da substância, foi realizada análise por CLAE e ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN) de 1H e 13C. Após isolamento, a substância foi utilizada como padrão para validação de metodologia de quantificação da artepilina C em própolis verde por CLUE-EM-Q-TOF. A metodologia mostrou-se específica, linear, precisa, exata e robusta nas condições avaliadas. Em relação aos ensaios biológicos frente ao nematoide C. elegans, a artepilina C não foi tóxica ao animal, em nenhuma das concentrações avaliadas. Contudo, a artepilina C (125 μM) não foi capaz de prolongar seu tempo de vida. Em embriões de Zebrafish, a substância foi tóxica nas concentrações de 250, 125 e 50 μM, indicando a necessidade de estudos mais aprofundados quanto à sua embriotoxicidade. / Artepillin C is the main chemical marker used in quality control of green propolis, which is produced especially in Minas Gerais and marketed mainly to Japan, being Baccharis dracunculifolia DC. (Asteraceae) its main botanical source. Among the techniques that can be used for the analysis of artepillin C, ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) has many advantages. Regarding its biological activities, artepillin C shows antioxidant and antitumor action, and its embryotoxicity and antiaging activity have not been evaluated yet. The aim of this work was to isolate artepillin C, to develop and validate the analytical method of quantification of this substance by UHPLC-MS-Q-TOF, as well as to determine its antiaging activity in Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes and its toxicity in Zebrafish embryos. To isolate the artepillin C from green propolis sample, basic extraction was performed followed by acidification, with subsequent fractionation by vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC) and semipreparative high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). HPLC and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) 1H and 13C analysis were performed for the substance identification. After isolation, the substance was used as standard for validation of quantification methodology of artepillin C in green propolis by UHPLC-MS-Q-TOF. The methodology was specific, precise, accurate and robust for the evaluated conditions. About the biological assays in C. elegans nematode, artepillin C was not toxic for the animal at any of evaluated concentrations. However, artepillin C (125 μM) was not able to prolong its life span. In Zebrafish embryos, the substance was toxic at 250, 125 e 50 μM concentrations, showing the need for further studies about its embryotoxicity.

Rôle des facteurs chromatiniens PRC1 dans la robustesse des programmes de différenciation neuronaux chez C. elegans / Role of PRC1 chromatin factors in the robustness of neuronal differentiation programs in C. elegans

Bordet, Guillaume 16 October 2017 (has links)
L’acquisition et le maintien de l’identité d’un neurone sont assurés par des facteurs de transcription terminaux exprimés durant toute la vie du neurone. Cependant le processus d’expression génique peut être très bruité. L’objectif de mon projet de thèse est de déterminer comment un neurone peut acquérir et maintenir son identité de manière fiable malgré ce bruit intrinsèque, en utilisant le modèle C. elegans. En combinant des techniques récentes d’ingénierie du génome par CRISPR et des méthodes d’imagerie quantitative in vivo, j’ai observé que l’expression endogène des facteurs de transcription terminaux est fortement bruitée. J’ai également établi que des mutations dans le complexe chromatinien PRC1 induisent une perte stochastique de l’identité de certains neurones au cours du temps. Le complexe PRC1 agit directement au sein des neurones. Il affecte le niveau d’initiation de l’expression des facteurs de transcription terminaux durant l’embryogenèse ainsi que la fiabilité de la maintenance de leur expression aux stades larvaires et adultes. En conclusion, mon travail suggère que le complexe PRC1 joue un rôle important dans la protection des neurones contre le bruit génique, les aidant ainsi à acquérir et maintenir de manière fiable leur identité. / The acquisition and maintenance of neuronal identity is driven by terminal transcription factors expressed throughout the life of the neuron. However, the gene expression process can be noisy. The aim of my PhD work is to determine how a neuron can acquire and maintain its identity in a reliable manner despite this intrinsic noise, using C. elegans as a model system. Combining recent techniques of genome engineering by CRISPR with in vivo quantitative imaging, I observed that the endogenous expression of terminal transcription factors is highly noisy. I also established that mutations in the chromatin complex PRC1 induce a stochastic loss of the identity of some neurons over time. The PRC1 complex directly acts in the neurons. It affects the levels of initiation of the terminal transcription factors during embryogenesis as well as the reliability of their maintenance at larval and adult stages. To conclude, my work suggests that the PRC1 complex plays an important role to protect neurons against gene expression noise, helping them to acquire and maintain their identity in a reliable manner.

Remodelage des jonctions sous stress mécanique / Junction remodeling under mechanical forces

Yang, Xinyi 25 September 2017 (has links)
Les changements de forme des cellules épithéliales sont cruciaux pour la morphogenèse embryonnaire. Chez les embryons de C. elegans, l'activité musculaire sous les cellules épidermiques est l'une des deux forces mécaniques qui dirigent ce processus. Cependant, les mécanismes moléculaires détaillés à travers lesquels l'activité musculaire favorise l'allongement polarisé le long de l'axe antérieur / postérieur (A / P) restent à être totalement compris. Ici, en utilisant l'imagerie rapide-3D, on découvre que les embryons tournent après l'activation musculaire et on décrit le schéma local et global de la rotation de l'embryon induite par activité musculaire. En outre, on a observé que les muscles des côtés opposés de l'embryon se contractent alternativement, expliquant les rotations de l'embryon. Par conséquent, les jonctions adhérentes sont étirées le long de la direction A / P pendant les rotations de l'embryon et sont donc sous une tension plus élevée. Nos résultats préliminaires d'imagerie en molécule unique ont montré que plus de E-cadhérine, matériau de jonction, fusionne avec des jonctions orientées A / P quand il y a une tension élevée sur ces jonctions. / Epithelial cell shape changes is essential for embryonic morphogenesis. In C. elegans embryos, muscle activity from underneath epidermal cells is one of the two mechanical force inputs driving this process. However, the detailed molecular mechanisms through which muscle activity promotes the polarized elongation along the anterior/posterior (A/P) axis remains to be fully understood. Here, using fast-3D imaging, we discover that embryos rotate after muscle activation and we describe the local and global pattern of embryo rotation induced by muscle activity. Furthermore, we observed that muscles located on opposite sides of the embryo mostly contract alternatively, accounting for embryo rotations. As a consequence, adherens junctions get stretched along the A/P direction during embryo rotations and therefore are under higher tension. Our preliminary results from single molecule imaging showed that more junction material E-cadherin fuses with A/P oriented junctions when there is high tension on these junctions.

Étude des liens entre les acteurs de la dynamique mitochondriale et l'apoptose dans la dégénérescence musculaire dystrophinedépendante chez Caenorhabditis elegans / Study of links between actors of mitochondrial dynamics and apoptosis in dystrophin-dependent muscle degeneration in Caenorhabditis elegans

Scholtes, Charlotte 12 January 2018 (has links)
La forme des mitochondries change continuellement grâce aux actions combinées d'événements de fission et de fusion rendant le réseau mitochondrial très dynamique. Les processus mitochondriaux de fission et de fusion sont finement régulés par des GTPases de la famille des dynamines qui sont bien conservées entre les espèces. Chez C. elegans, la fission est régulée par DRP-1, la fusion de la membrane interne par EAT-3, homologue d’OPA1, et la fusion de la membrane externe par FZO-1, homologue de MFN1. Dans les cellules musculaires du nématode sauvage, les mitochondries tubulaires et circulaires sont dans des proportions égales et organisées le long du sarcomère. Cependant, durant la dégénérescence musculaire dystrophine-dépendante, une fragmentation du réseau mitochondrial dans les cellules musculaires apparaît. Or le rôle des acteurs de la dynamique mitochondriale dans les mécanismes moléculaires menant à la dégénérescence musculaire dystrophine-dépendante reste encore incompris. Nous avons trouvé que: (i) la dégénérescence musculaire dystrophine-dépendante s'accompagnait d'une augmentation drastique de la fragmentation mitochondriale qui peut être sauvée par des manipulations génétiques de la dynamique mitochondriale (ii) la perte de fonction du gène de fission drp-1 ou la surexpression des gènes de fusion eat-3 et fzo-1 provoquent une réduction de la dégénérescence musculaire et une mobilité améliorée des mutants dystrophiques (iii) les fonctions de DRP-1 dans l'apoptose et d’autres acteurs de l’apoptose sont importants pour la mort des cellules musculaires déficientes en dystrophine (iv) L’implication de DRP-1 dans l’apoptose est également importante pour la dégénérescence musculaire liée au vieillissement. En conclusion, nos résultats pointent vers un mécanisme impliquant la dynamique mitochondriale pour impacter la dégénérescence musculaire via l’apoptose chez Caenorhabditis elegans / Mitochondrial shape is continually changing thanks to the combined actions of fission and fusion events making the mitochondrial network very dynamic. The mitochondrial fission and fusion processes are finely regulated by GTPases of the family of dynamins that are well conserved between species. In C. elegans, fission is regulated by DRP-1, fusion of the inner membrane by EAT-3, homologue of OPA1, and fusion of the outer membrane by FZO-1, homologue of MFN1. In the muscle cells of wild nematode, tubular and circular mitochondria are in equal proportions and organized along the sarcomere. However, during dystrophin-dependent muscle degeneration, fragmentation of the mitochondrial network in muscle cells occurs. But the role of the actors of mitochondrial dynamics in the molecular mechanisms leading to dystrophin-dependent muscle degeneration is still misunderstood. We found that: (i) dystrophin-dependent muscle degeneration was accompanied by a drastic increase in mitochondrial fragmentation that can be saved by genetic manipulation of mitochondrial dynamics (ii) loss of function of the fission gene drp-1 or overexpression of the eat-3 and fzo-1 fusion genes causes a reduction in muscle degeneration and improved mobility of dystrophic mutants (iii) DRP-1 functions in apoptosis and other are important for the death of dystrophin-deficient muscle cells (iv) The involvement of DRP-1 in apoptosis is also important for age-dépendant muscle degeneration. In conclusion, our results point toward a mechanism involving mitochondrial dynamics to impact muscle degeneration via apoptosis in Caenorhabditis elegans

Etude du rôle des propriétés mécaniques des cellules de l'épiderme au cours de l'allongement des embryons de C. elegans / Genetic analysis of epidermal cells mechanical properties during C. elegans embryonic elongation

Pasti, Gabriella 19 November 2015 (has links)
Mon travail se concentre sur la morphogenèse épithéliale pendant l’élongation embryonnaire de C. elegans. Ce processus s’appuie sur la transmission de signaux mécaniques, jouent un rôle essentiel également au cours de l’homéostasie tissulaire. Le gène pak-1 joue un rôle essentiel au cours des tels processus à la fois chez l’homme et dans l’élongation chez C. elegans. Nous avons montré que α-spectrine (SPC-1) est un nouveau partenaire de la kinase PAK-1. Pendant mon doctorat, j’ai confirmé que la perte simultanée de PAK-1 et de SPC-1 induit des défauts sévères d’élongation, impliquant une rétractation et un collapse général de l’embryon et suggèrent la présence de défauts biomécaniques. Mon travail était destiné à déterminer comment la perte de PAK-1 et SPC-1 influence le comportement mécanique des cellules épidermales. Cette étude permettra de mieux d’établir le rôle de SPC-1 et de PAK-1 dans la morphogenèse épithéliale et de mieux comprendre la régulation des propriétés mécaniques des cellules dans un contexte vivant. / I study epithelial morphogenesis during C. elegans embryonic elongation. This process depends on mechanical cues that also influence tissue homeostasis. The pak-1 gene plays an essential role equally during such processes in human and during C. elegans elongation. Our work identified α-spectrin (SPC-1) as a new interactor of the kinase PAK-1. During my PhD I confirmed that the simultaneous lack of PAK-1 and SPC-1 induces serious elongation defects, including a retraction and general collapse of the embryo and suggests that the mechanical properties of the epidermis are modified. My work aimed to determine how the simultaneous lack of PAK-1 and SPC-1 could influence these processes. Such studies would allow to better establish the role of SPC-1 and PAK-1 during epithelial morphogenesis and to better understand the regulation of cellular mechanical properties in the living organisms.

Élongation du fuseau mitotique dans l'Embryon de C. elegans : caractérisation d'une Nouvelle Force de propulsion / Spindle elongation in C. elegans embryos : characterization of a new pushing force

Nahaboo, Wallis 24 March 2016 (has links)
A la fin de la vie d’une cellule, différentes forces mécaniques permettent la séparation des chromosomes. Nos données préliminaires suggèrent l’existence d’un autre mécanisme provenant du centre du fuseau mitotique, non décrit dans l’embryon une cellule de C. elegans qui permettrait la séparation des chromosomes. Dans cette cellule, les microtubules kinétochoriens n’appliquent aucune force mécaniques sur les chromosomes durant l’anaphase. Il a été décrit que les chromosomes sont séparés grâce au déplacement des centrosomes via les forces de traction corticales. A l’aide de la microchirurgie laser dans les embryons une cellule de C. elegans, j’ai montré qu’en détruisant physiquement un ou deux centrosomes, les chromosomes continuent de se séparer, révélant l’existence d’une force de propulsion interne au fuseau mitotique (Nahaboo et al., 2015). En combinant la destruction de centrosomes et l’inactivation génétique, nous avons caractérisé les rôles de gènes favorisant ou freinant cette force de propulsion. J’ai observé que la kinésine-5, BMK-1, et le crosslinker MAP-65/SPD-1 freinent cette force de propulsion. Alors que dans d’autres espèces ces protéines favorisent la séparation des chromosomes. Nous avons remarqué que les protéines RanGTP et CLASP, favorisant de la nucléation et la polymérisation des microtubules, aident cette force de propulsion. Ces propriétés suggèrent que la polymérisation des microtubules au centre du fuseau est requise pour permettre la séparation des chromosomes durant la mitose.Par manque d’outils adéquats afin d’altérer la dynamique des microtubules, nous avons collaboré avec l’équipe de biochimistes du Dr. D. Trauner à Munich en Allemagne. Ils ont synthétisé la molécule photoactivable, Photostatin (PST), permettant la dépolymérisation des microtubules en quelques secondes (Borowiak et al., 2015). Entre 390 - 430 nm, PST est activé, dépolymérisant les microtubules, alors qu’entre 500 – 530 nm, PST est inactivé, permettant la polymérisation normale des microtubules. J’ai mesuré que la croissance des microtubules avec PST actif est absente dans des cellules Hela. J’ai montré que le cycle cellulaire dans l’embryon de C. elegans est arrêté localement en présence de PST actif. Nous avons alors montré que PST contrôle optiquement la dynamique des microtubules, in vitro, in cellulo et in vivo, de manière non invasive, rapide, locale et réversible. En résume, j’ai identifié une nouvelle force permettant la séparation des chromosomes à l’aide des approches moléculaires et biophysiques, et j’ai aidé à la caractérisation PST, un antimicrotubule photoactivable de manière locale et réversible. / In mitosis, different mechanical forces are involved in chromosome segregation. In C. elegans one-cell embryos, preliminary data suggest that an unknown mechanism, coming from inside the mitotic spindle, could influence chromosome separation. In those cells, it has been showed that kinetochore microtubule activity is absent. Thanks to external pulling forces, centrosome separation drives chromosome segregation. By using microsurgery inside the one-cell C. elegans embryos, we have shown that destroying one or two centrosomes did not prevent chromosome separation, revealing the existence of an outward pushing force (Nahaboo et al., 2015). By combining gene inactivation and centrosome destruction, we showed that the kinesin-5 and the crosslinker SPD-1 act as a brake on this pushing force, whereas they enhance chromosome segregation in other species. Moreover, we identified a novel role for the two microtubule-growth and nucleation agents, RanGTP and CLASP, in the establishment of the centrosome-independent force during anaphase. Their involvement raises the interesting possibility that microtubule polymerization of midzone microtubules is required to sustain chromosome segregation during mitosis. Then, we aim to reversibility affect microtubule dynamics in the central spindle. Because of the lack of adequate tools, we have collaborated with biochemists from Dr. D. Trauner lab, in Munich, Germany, who are specialized in photoactivable drugs. They have synthetized a photoswitable drug, Photostatin (PST), which can depolymerize microtubules in few seconds in an on/off manner (Borowiak et al., 2015). Under blue light (390 - 430 nm), PST is activated leading to microtubule depolymerization, whereas under green light (500 - 530 nm), PST is activated which does not affect microtubule dynamics. I measured that microtubule growing is absent in presence of activated PST in Hela cells. I also showed that cell cycle can be stopped thank to activated PST in multiple cell C. elegans embryos. We have shown that PST can control microtubule dynamics thanks to visible light in vitro, in cellulo and in vivo, as an on/off switch, in a non-invasive, local and reversible manner.

Caractérisation moléculaire et cellulaire de la dégénérescence musculaire dépendante de la dystrophine chez le nématode Cænorhabditis elegans / Molecular and cellular characterisation of dystrophin-dependant muscle degeneration in the nematode Cænorhabditis elegans

Lecroisey-Leroy, Claire 20 September 2010 (has links)
La Dystrophie Musculaire de Duchenne (DMD) est la plus fréquente et la plus sévère des maladies dégénératives du muscle. Elle se caractérise par une dégénérescence progressive des fibres musculaires due à l’absence de dystrophine fonctionnelle dans les muscles. Actuellement, le rôle physiologique de la dystrophine n’est pas clairement établi et il n’existe pas encore de traitement curatif pour cette maladie. La difficulté de mettre en évidence la fonction de la dystrophine et la physiopathologie de la DMD est en partie expliquée par la complexité moléculaire et cellulaire du muscle des modèles vertébrés utilisés dans les études actuelles. Notre équipe de recherche a développé un modèle de DMD chez le nématode Caenorhabditis elegans. Dans ce modèle, la mutation du gène de la dystrophine, provoque une dégénérescence progressive des muscles conduisant à une paralysie des animaux adultes. Nous utilisons ce modèle afin d’étudier la fonction de la dystrophine et les mécanismes impliqués dans la dégénérescence musculaire chez le nématode. Ce travail de thèse porte sur deux nouveaux acteurs de la dégénérescence musculaire dépendante de la dystrophine : la protéine DYC‐1 et son principal partenaire ZYX‐1. Ce travail présente la caractérisation de ces deux protéines et étudie leurs fonctions dans le muscle. Par ailleurs, ce travail de thèse présente les premiers résultats d’un projet de microscopie électronique ayant pour but de caractériser en détail les évènements subcellulaires du processus dégénératif au cours du cycle de vie du nématode dystrophique. À plus long terme, les études chez le nématode permettront de proposer de nouvelles hypothèses quant aux mécanismes moléculaires et cellulaires de la dégénérescence musculaire / Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is the most prevalent and one of the most severe muscular dystrophy. DMD is due to the absence of functional dystrophin in cardiac and skeletal muscle cells, this lack leads to a progressive muscle degeneration of contractile fibres. Currently, the physiological role of dystrophin is not yet clearly established and curative treatments for DMD are not yet available. The lack of knowledge about dystrophin function and DMD physiopathology can be partly attributed to the complexity of vertebrate muscle, and the absence of a simple model that emulates the human pathology. Our research team developed a model of muscle degeneration in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. In this model, the mutation of the dystrophin gene produces a progressive muscle degeneration leading to the paralysis of the adult worms. We use this model for investigating the role of dystrophin and the mechanisms of muscle degeneration in C. elegans. This PhD work concerns two new actors of dystrophin‐dependant muscle degeneration: The DYC‐1 protein and its main interactor ZYX‐1. This study aims to characterise these proteins and to study their muscle functions. Moreover, this PhD work presents preliminary results of an in depth characterisation of subcellular processes of muscle degeneration in dystrophic worms by electron microscopy. Our aim is to visualise first events and to observe the progression of degeneration until the death of muscle cell. These molecular and cellular approaches aims to get new insights in the mechanisms underlying muscle degeneration in order to propose new hypotheses for the understanding of DMD

Characterization of the KASH domain gene unc-83 and the pseudogene F55A3.7

Ofenbauer, Andreas 19 September 2019 (has links)
Mein Ziel war es, genetische Faktoren in C. elegans zu identifizieren, die eine Rolle bei induzierter Transdifferenzierung durch Missexpression des Transkriptionsfaktors (TF) HLH-1, welcher das Wurmhomolog des myogenen bHLH TF MyoD ist, spielen. Ich entwickelte hierzu einen semiautomatischen Hochdurchsatz-Vorwärtsgenetik-Screen, indem ich EMS Mutagenese mit dem Biosorter-System (Union Biometrica) kombinierte. Mit diesem Ansatz ist es mir gelungen, die Mutante bar18 zu isolieren, die eine Anhäufung an Muskelzellkernen um den posterioren Teil des Pharynx zeigt. Ich identifizierte den mutierten Lokus, indem ich das gesamte Genom sequenzierte und charakterisierte den mutanten Phänotyp im Detail. Zusätzlich war ich bei der Charakterisierung von Faktoren, die das Umprogrammieren zu neuronalen Zellen in C. elegans verhindern, beteiligt. Dabei stand der sogenannte FACT-Komplex im Focus, welcher mittels eines genom-weiten RNAi-Screen in unserer Arbeitsgruppe identifiziert wurde. Interessanterweise ist eine der FACT-Komplex-Untereinheiten, spt-16, das parentale Gen zu dem bislang nicht charakterisierten Pseudogen F55A3.7. Eine putative Null-Mutante von F55A3.7, in Kombination mit ubiquitärer Überexpression von CHE-1, zeigte einen Keimzellen-zu-Neuronen Transdifferenzierungsphänotyp ähnlich dem Phänotypen, der nach dem Knock-down der FACT-Komponente hmg-3 beobachtet wird. Unseres Wissens nach ist dies das erste Beispiel einen Pseudogens, dessen Knock-down dazu führt, dass ein bestimmtes Gewebe durch einen terminalen Selektor-TF reprogrammiert werden kann, dessen Expression unter normalen Konditionen dies nicht zur Folge hätte. Aufgrund dieser Einzigartigkeit, habe ich das Pseudogen F55A3.7 charakterisiert und außerdem versucht, einen Mechanismus zu finden, wie F55A3.7 die Keimbahnidentität schützt. / My aim was to identify and characterize genetic factors in C. elegans that play a role in induced transdifferentiation by mis-expressing the transcription factor (TF) HLH-1, which is the worm homolog of the myogenic bHLH TF MyoD. For this, I developed a semi-automated high-throughput forward genetic screen combining EMS mutagenesis with the Biosorter system (Union Biometrica). When mis-expressed, HLH-1 induces muscle fate in early embryonic cells, but terminally differentiated cells are resistant to HLH-1-induced direct reprogramming. In order to identify mechanisms that antagonize HLH-1-induced reprogramming, I used a transgenic line allowing ectopic expression of hlh-1 in combination with a reporter for muscle fate. Using this approach, I isolated the mutant bar18, showing an accumulation of muscle cell nuclei around the posterior pharyngeal bulb. I identified the mutated locus using whole genome sequencing and characterized the identified gene and the mutant phenotype further. Additionally, I was also involved in characterizing the FACT complex, which was identified through a whole-genome RNAi screen conducted by my colleague Ena Kolundžić. This reverse genetic screen aimed at identifying factors that play a role in induced transdifferentiation by mis-expressing the TF CHE-1, a Zn-finger TF essential for terminal differentiation of glutamatergic ASE neurons. Interestingly, one of the FACT complex members, spt-16, is the parental gene of a previously uncharacterized pseudogene named F55A3.7. A putative null mutant of F55A3.7, combined with broad overexpression of CHE-1, showed a germ cells to neurons transdifferentiation phenotype. To our knowledge, this is the first example of a pseudogene whose depletion leads to the permissiveness of a certain tissue to be reprogrammed when challenged by a terminal selector TF. Due to this uniqueness, I characterized the pseudogene F55A3.7 and tried to find a potential mechanism for how F55A3.7 safeguards germline identity.

Time-Resolved Quantification of Centrosomes by Automated Image Analysis Suggests Limiting Component to Set Centrosome Size in C. Elegans Embryos

Jaensch, Steffen 12 February 2010 (has links)
The centrosome is a dynamic organelle found in all animal cells that serves as a microtubule organizing center during cell division. Most of the centrosome components have been identified by genetic screens over the last decade, but little is known about how these components interact with each other to form a functional centrosome. Towards a better understanding of the molecular organization of the centrosome, we investigated the mechanism that regulates the size of the centrosome in the early C. elegans embryo. For this, we monitored fluorescently labeled centrosomes in living embryos and developed a suite of image analysis algorithms to quantify the centrosomes in the resulting 3D time-lapse images. In particular, we developed a novel algorithm involving a two-stage linking process for tracking entrosomes, which is a multi-object tracking task. This fully automated analysis pipeline enabled us to acquire time-resolved data of centrosome growth in a large number of embryos and could detect subtle phenotypes that were missed by previous assays based on manual image analysis. In a first set of experiments, we quantified centrosome size over development in wild-type embryos and made three essential observations. First, centrosome volume scales proportionately with cell volume. Second, beginning at the 4-cell stage, when cells are small, centrosome size plateaus during the cell cycle. Third, the total centrosome volume the embryo gives rise to in any one cell stage is approximately constant. Based on our observations, we propose a ‘limiting component’ model in which centrosome size is limited by the amounts of maternally derived centrosome components. In a second set of experiments, we tested our hypothesis by varying cell size, centrosome number and microtubule-mediated pulling forces. We then manipulated the amounts of several centrosomal proteins and found that the conserved centriolar and pericentriolar material protein SPD-2 is one such component that determines centrosome size.

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