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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Roles Of A Nuclear Hormone Receptor During C. Elegans Germline Development

Gracida Canales, Xicotencatl 07 February 2012 (has links)
Two fundamental problems of developmental biology are the understanding of cell fate specification, and the integration of broader environmental contexts into developmental programs. While cell fate specification is largely achieved by differential gene expression programs, environmental integration relies on cellular receptors. A predominant mechanism to mediate both processes utilizes nuclear hormone receptors (NHRs). However, it remains unclear how diverse the NHR’s modes of action are in regulating gene expression. This thesis utilizes the development of the C. elegans germ line as a model system to study a novel link that integrates cell fate specification and the nutritional environment. In C. elegans, germ cell fate specification is chiefly controlled by posttranscriptional mechanisms. Furthermore, overall germline development is influenced by the animal’s nutritional status. However, it remains unknown whether germline posttranscriptional control mechanisms and germ cell fate decisions are linked to nutrition, and if so, how this link may operate in molecular terms. This thesis reports the characterization of the nuclear hormone receptor nhr-114 and its crucial functions for germline development and fertility. Depending on the tissue of expression, nhr-114 regulates overall germline organization, germ cell proliferation and oogenesis. Importantly, all aspects of nhr-114 function are linked to diet. Feeding nhr-114 mutants with a specific E. coli strain, or a tryptophan-supplemented diet significantly reduces germline development defects and sterility. Based on mutant analysis, nhr-114 was found to have overlapping functions with gld-4 cytoplasmic poly(A) polymerase (cytoPAP). This thesis provides evidence that nhr-114 may function in germ cells in a posttranscriptional manner linked to gld-4 cytoPAP. Further evidence shows that NHR-114 interacts with GLD-4 cytoPAP. Together these findings suggest that NHR-114 may control gene expression by transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms in a tissue-specific manner. This thesis proposes that NHR-114 ensures the input of tryptophan to allow germline development; and that this function integrates nutritional information into the germline gene expression programs according to the environment of the worm. Therefore, NHR-114 potentially provides a direct molecular link to how a developmental program is coordinated with the nutritional status of an animal.

Characterization of mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase in cellular reprogramming in C. elegans

Nida ul Fatima 20 August 2021 (has links)
Direkte Zellreprogrammierung basiert auf Transkriptionsfaktoren (TFs), die die Identität bestimmter Zelltypen induzieren.Diese TF vermittelte Zellreprogrammierung ist in den meisten Zelltypen häufig durch hemmende Mechanismen limitiert.Um solche Barrieren in C. elegans zu identifizieren, verwendeten wir den zuvor charakterisierten Zinkfinger-TF CHE-1, der erforderlich ist, um glutamaterge ASE-Neuronen zu induzieren.In dieser Studie haben wir eine mögliche Barriere für die Reprogrammierung von Keimzellen zu Neuronen identifiziert und charakterisiert:die NAD+ abhängige mitochondriale Isocitratdehydrogenase 3 (IDH3).Der RNAi-Knockdown ergab in Kombination mit ektopischer Expression von CHE-1 einen konsistenten Phänotyp hinsichtlich der Expression des neuronalen ASE- Reporters in der Keimbahn. Wir konnten feststellen,dass IDH3-Knockdowns zu globalen Veränderungen der repressiven Histonmodifikationen führen.Mittels genetischer Untersuchungen identifizierten wir Mitglieder der Jumonji-Proteine sowie die a-KG-abhängigen Histon-Demethylasen, die an diesem Reprogammierungsphänotyp beteiligt sind. Durch Massenspektrometrie und weiterführenden genetische Untersuchungen haben wir festgestellt, dass Zellen bei IDH3-Mangel eine sogenannte Glutamin-Anaplerose verwenden, um den a-KG-Spiegel wieder aufzufüllen und somit einen teilweise aktiven Zitronensäurezyklus beizubehalten.Des Weiteren sind diese Prozesse erforderlich, damit die TF vermittelte Zellreprogrammierung stattfinden kann.Wir haben außerdem festgestellt, dass Signale von Zellen der somatischen Gonade diesen durch IDH3-Mangel vermittelten Zellreprogrammierungsprozess von Keimzellen ermöglichen.Daher ist anzunehmen, dass der Reprogrammierungsphänotyp in der Keimbahn nicht gewebsautonom ist. Zusammengefasst identifiziert diese Studie die Rolle der evolutionär konservierten Isocitrat-Dehydrogenase 3 (IDH3) bei der Aufrechterhaltung der Zellidentität und damit auch als Barriere für die Zellreprogrammierung. / Direct reprogramming makes use of transcription factors (TFs) that induce the identity of specific cell types. These TFs often are restricted in most cell types by inhibitory mechanisms. In order to identify these barriers in C. elegans, we used the previously described zinc-finger TF CHE-1 that is required to induce the glutamatergic ASE neuron fate. In this study, we identified and characterized a candidate barrier for reprogramming germ cells into neurons, the NAD+ dependent mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase 3 (IDH3). RNAi knockdown of alpha (IDHA-1) or gamma (IDHG-1) subunit of this complex gave a consistent and reliable phenotype of the expression of ASE reporter in the germ line upon ectopic expression of CHE- 1. This study shows that idha-1 depletion-mediated reprogramming of germ cells to neurons is partially repressed in animals that lack the hypoxia-induced factor, TF HIF-1. It has been shown that mitochondrial dynamics change during differentiation. This suggests that disturbing mitochondrial function may feed-back to chromatin thus altering gene expression and allowing reprogramming. We were able to identify that knock down of idha-1 leads to global histone modification changes; and by performing a genetic screen we identified members of the Jumonji proteins, the a-KG dependent histone demethylases, involved in this conversion phenotype. By performing Mass Spectrometry and genetic screens, we have identified that cells utilize glutamine anaplerosis to replenish a-KG levels and display a partially active citric acid cycle upon IDH3 depletion; and these processes are required for the TF- mediated reprogramming to occur. Furthermore, the IDH3 depletion-mediated germ cell reprogramming is not tissue autonomous. We identified that signals from the somatic gonad enable the reprogramming process. Overall, this study identifies the role of the conserved Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 3 in cell fate safeguarding and thus as a barrier to reprogramming.

Differential expression and function of fubl-1 gene isoforms in C. elegans

Pålsson, Joel January 2022 (has links)
Alternative splicing is the process of producing a variety of transcripts from one and the same gene. This adds further possible variability to gene expression and can in theory mean that one protein coding gene can produce multiple proteins with potentially different functions. Therefore, to understand the function of a gene, alternative splicing must be accounted for. However, this is made more complex by the fact that the existence of different messenger RNA isoforms does not necessarily entail different protein isoforms, which in turn means that an analysis of both the transcripts and final protein is necessary. Far Upstream Element Binding Protein 1 Like 1 (FUBL-1, or C12D8.1) is an RNA binding protein in Caenorhabditis elegans which is believed to take part in gene regulation, and which seemingly interacts within an argonaut effector pathway called ERGO-1. The gene has five proposed isoforms for which there are varying amounts of RNA data but only the first isoform, FUBL-1a has proteomics data available. In other words, different messenger RNA isoforms exist but it is unclear which are translated into protein. In this study, I have looked at fubl-1 and its isoforms to gain further understanding of this protein. This entailed both analysing long read RNA sequencing data to identify messenger RNA isoforms as well as a laboratory analysis of the protein to look for protein isoforms. I found evidence for all isoforms existing as messenger RNAs, and fubl-1a was by far the most highly expressed. In my protein analysis, I found indications of different isoforms, but not conclusive evidence.

Characterization of the histone chaperone FACT as a safeguard to cellular identity in C. elegans

Marchal, Iris 07 February 2024 (has links)
Direkte zelluläre Reprogrammierung wird durch den Einsatz von Transkriptionsfaktoren (TFs) erreicht, die das Zellschicksal induzieren und die Umwandlung in einen gewünschten Zelltyp direkt einleiten. Die Fähigkeit der TFs, die Identität von Zelltypen umzuprogrammieren, wird jedoch durch den zellulären Kontext bestimmt und ist durch hemmende Mechanismen eingeschränkt. Diese hemmenden Mechanismen schützen und erhalten das Zellschicksal und wirken daher als Barrieren für die Reprogrammierung. Ein Faktor, der als Barriere der Reprogrammierung fungiert, ist das Histon-Chaperon FACT. Es ist jedoch nicht bekannt, wie FACT das Zellschicksal sichert. Dieses Projekt entschlüsselt die zugrundeliegenden Reprogrammierungsmechanismen bei der Deletion von FACT in C. elegans. Das Aurora-Kinase B kodierende Gen air-2 wurde als Promotor der Reprogrammierung identifiziert. Aurora-Kinase B fördert die Umwandlungdes Zellschicksals, indem sie das Chromatin durch Phosphorylierung von H3S10-Resten umgestaltet. Darüber hinaus identifiziere ich die Histon-Acetyltransferase CBP-1 als Promotor der Reprogrammierung durch die Acetylierung von H3K18 und H3K27. Die Deletion des Cytochrom c-Oxidase - 1 kodierenden Gens cco-1, einer Untereinheit des mitochondrialen Atmungskettenkomplexes, ermöglicht eine von CBP-1 abhängige Reprogrammierung von Darmzellen zu Neuronen. Diese Beobachtung wirft ein neues Licht auf die Art und Weise, wie zelluläre Störungen, die in verschiedenen Kompartimenten durch die Deletion zellulärer Schutzmechanismen entstehen, zu ähnlichen Effekten bei der Reorganisation des Chromatins führen können, welche die Reprogrammierung vorantreiben. Darüber hinaus beschreibe ich eine mögliche Rolle der mitochondrialen Funktion bei der durch FACT-Deletion vermittelten Reprogrammierung durch die Induktion des mitochondrialen Chaperons HSP60. Schließlich kläre ich auf, wie FACT zelluläre Schicksale schützt, indem es die Integrität des Chromatins während der Transkription bewahrt. / Direct cellular reprogramming is achieved by using cell fate-inducing transcription factors (TFs) that directly induce conversion to a desired cell type. However, the ability of TFs to reprogram cells is defined by cellular context and is usually restricted by inhibitory mechanisms. Studying barriers of cellular reprogramming in vivo is a crucial step to attaining its therapeutic potential and provides important insights into the basic biology of cell fate regulation. One factor that acts as a barrier of reprogramming is the histone chaperone FACT. However, how FACT safeguards cellular fate is not yet known. Here, we unravel the underlying reprogramming mechanisms upon FACT depletion in C. elegans. To this end, an enhancer/suppressor screen with epigenetic regulators was performed. This screen identified the kinase Aurora B encoding gene air-2 as a promotor of reprogramming, promoting cell fate conversion by remodelling chromatin through the phosphorylation of H3S10. Additionally, I identify the histone acetyltransferase CBP-1 as a promotor of cell fate conversion through the acetylation of H3K18 and H3K27. Moreover, I characterize another reprogramming event where CBP-1 promotes reprogramming. Depleting the cytochrome c oxidase – 1 encoding gene cco-1, a subunit of the mitochondrial respiratory chain complex, allows for gut-to neuron reprogramming that is dependent on CBP-1. FACT and cco-1-depletion-mediated reprogramming show an overlap in reprogramming pathways. This observation sheds new light on how cellular perturbations originating in different compartments through depletion of cellular safeguards can produce similar effects on chromatin reorganization that drive reprogramming. I describe a potential role for mitochondrial function in FACT-depletion-mediated reprogramming through the induction of the mitochondrial chaperone HSP60. Lastly, I elucidate how FACT protects cellular fates through its role as a safeguard of chromatin integrity during transcription.

Mutagenesis and functional analysis of dveli, the Drosophila ortholog of C. elegans lin-7 / Mutagenesis and functional analysis of dveli

Huang, Ying-Hsu 03 1900 (has links)
Proper assembly and localization of receptors and the associated signal transduction protein complex is important for normal cell function. Scaffolding proteins have been implicated in organizing the assembly of protein complex and localization of receptors. PDZ domain containing proteins are one major type of scaffolding protein. One well characterized system is the C. elegans LIN-2/LIN-7/LIN-10 PDZ protein complex. In C. elegans, this protein complex acts as a scaffold for the proper localization of LET-23, the ortholog of EGFR, to the epithelial basolateral membrane. The Drosophila orthologs, cmg, dveli and dmint/dX11L, have been identified. The sequence homologies and expression patterns suggest that these genes may have similar functions as their mammalian orthologs. The possible functions include cell-cell junction formation, receptor localization, ion channel localization and neurotransmitter vesicle trafficking. The main objectives of this thesis work are the mutagenesis and functional analysis of dveli. Potential mutants were generated by P element insertional mutagenesis, however, further analysis is required to identify the affected genes. A systemic RNAi experiment was performed. The delivery mechanism used was the RNAi soaking technique adapted from Dr. Davis’s laboratory protocol. Primary results from RNAi experiments show that loss of dveli function results in a reduction in larval locomotion speed. This slower locomotion phenotype along with the post-synaptic expression of dVELI at larval neuromuscular junction suggest a synaptic role of dVELI, perhaps aiding in synapse formation or proper localization of neurotransmitter receptors. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Phenotypic characterisation of the C. elegans latrophilin homolog, lat-1

Mestek, Lamia January 2011 (has links)
G proteins coupled receptors (GPCRs) play essential developmental roles with functions in all of the immune, olfactory sensory systems amongst other systems as well as exhibiting essential roles in the central and peripheral nervous system. GPCRs are also major targets of pharmaceutical drugs currently used to treat a vast number of conditions. Despite their clear importance, the function of many GPCRs is still obscure. Identifying the physiological role of more GPCRs provides a niche for more drugs to be developed and thus more conditions to be treated. The C.elegans lat-1 gene encodes the latrophilin vertebrate homolog; it is a member of the adhesion GPCR family and is structurally related to the flamingo/CELSR, an essential component of planar cell polarity pathway. This study aims to phenotypically characterise lat-1 mutants in C.elegans to provide insights into the physiological role of this important member of adhesion GPCRs. lat-1 mutants exhibit several morphological defects throughout development and during vulva development. Analysing the embryonic development of such mutants also identified an anterior-posterior polarity defect. The results implicate a second evolutionary conserved subfamily of adhesion GPCRs in the control of tissue polarity and morphogenesis.

Régulation de l’excitabilité musculaire par le canal potassique EGL-23 et la voie de signalisation LIN-12/Notch chez le nématode C. elegans / Regulation of muscle excitability by the potassium channel EGL-23 and the LIN-12/Notch pathway in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

El Mouridi, Sonia 18 October 2018 (has links)
Les canaux potassiques à deux domaines pore (K2P) sont des régulateurs principaux de l’excitabilité cellulaire car ils jouent un rôle central dans l’établissement et le maintien du potentiel de repos des cellules animales. Malgré leur rôle fondamental, peu d’informations sont connues sur les processus cellulaires qui contrôlent la fonction des canaux K2P in vivo. En particulier, nous ne connaissons que quelques facteurs qui contrôlent directement le nombre, l’activité et la localisation des K2P à la surface des cellules.Durant ma thèse, j’ai utilisé des stratégies d’ingénierie du génome que j’ai associé à des approches génétiques afin de caractériser le canal potassique EGL-23. Pour cela, j’ai réalisé un crible suppresseur du phénotype de défaut de ponte du mutant egl-23(n601) et un crible visuel sur le rapporteur fluorescent traductionnel egl-23::TagRFP-T. Grâce au reséquençagecomplet du génome, j’ai pu cloner 4 gènes impliqués dans la régulation du canal EGL-23. / Two-pore domain potassium channels (K2P) are major regulators of cell excitability, playing a central role in the establishment and maintenance of the resting potential of animal cells. Despite their fundamental role, little is known about the cellular processes that control K2P channels function in vivo. In particular, we know only few factors that directly control thenumber, activity, and localization of K2P on the cell surface.During my thesis, I used state-of-the art genome engineering technologies combined with genetic approaches to characterize the C. elegans potassium channel EGL-23. For this, I realized a phenotypic suppressor screen of the egg-laying defective mutant egl-23(n601) and a visual screen on an egl-23 translational fluorescent reporter. Using whole genome sequencing, I was able to clone for new genes involved in EGL-23 regulation

Time-Resolved Quantification of Centrosomes by Automated Image Analysis Suggests Limiting Component to Set Centrosome Size in C. Elegans Embryos

Jaensch, Steffen 22 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The centrosome is a dynamic organelle found in all animal cells that serves as a microtubule organizing center during cell division. Most of the centrosome components have been identified by genetic screens over the last decade, but little is known about how these components interact with each other to form a functional centrosome. Towards a better understanding of the molecular organization of the centrosome, we investigated the mechanism that regulates the size of the centrosome in the early C. elegans embryo. For this, we monitored fluorescently labeled centrosomes in living embryos and developed a suite of image analysis algorithms to quantify the centrosomes in the resulting 3D time-lapse images. In particular, we developed a novel algorithm involving a two-stage linking process for tracking entrosomes, which is a multi-object tracking task. This fully automated analysis pipeline enabled us to acquire time-resolved data of centrosome growth in a large number of embryos and could detect subtle phenotypes that were missed by previous assays based on manual image analysis. In a first set of experiments, we quantified centrosome size over development in wild-type embryos and made three essential observations. First, centrosome volume scales proportionately with cell volume. Second, beginning at the 4-cell stage, when cells are small, centrosome size plateaus during the cell cycle. Third, the total centrosome volume the embryo gives rise to in any one cell stage is approximately constant. Based on our observations, we propose a ‘limiting component’ model in which centrosome size is limited by the amounts of maternally derived centrosome components. In a second set of experiments, we tested our hypothesis by varying cell size, centrosome number and microtubule-mediated pulling forces. We then manipulated the amounts of several centrosomal proteins and found that the conserved centriolar and pericentriolar material protein SPD-2 is one such component that determines centrosome size.

Regulation des intrazellulären Transports durch UNC-50 und die GARP-Komplexes in C. elegans / Regulation of intracellular trafficking by UNC-50 and the GARP complex in C. elegans

Luo, Ling 14 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Roles Of A Nuclear Hormone Receptor During C. Elegans Germline Development

Gracida Canales, Xicotencatl 18 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Two fundamental problems of developmental biology are the understanding of cell fate specification, and the integration of broader environmental contexts into developmental programs. While cell fate specification is largely achieved by differential gene expression programs, environmental integration relies on cellular receptors. A predominant mechanism to mediate both processes utilizes nuclear hormone receptors (NHRs). However, it remains unclear how diverse the NHR’s modes of action are in regulating gene expression. This thesis utilizes the development of the C. elegans germ line as a model system to study a novel link that integrates cell fate specification and the nutritional environment. In C. elegans, germ cell fate specification is chiefly controlled by posttranscriptional mechanisms. Furthermore, overall germline development is influenced by the animal’s nutritional status. However, it remains unknown whether germline posttranscriptional control mechanisms and germ cell fate decisions are linked to nutrition, and if so, how this link may operate in molecular terms. This thesis reports the characterization of the nuclear hormone receptor nhr-114 and its crucial functions for germline development and fertility. Depending on the tissue of expression, nhr-114 regulates overall germline organization, germ cell proliferation and oogenesis. Importantly, all aspects of nhr-114 function are linked to diet. Feeding nhr-114 mutants with a specific E. coli strain, or a tryptophan-supplemented diet significantly reduces germline development defects and sterility. Based on mutant analysis, nhr-114 was found to have overlapping functions with gld-4 cytoplasmic poly(A) polymerase (cytoPAP). This thesis provides evidence that nhr-114 may function in germ cells in a posttranscriptional manner linked to gld-4 cytoPAP. Further evidence shows that NHR-114 interacts with GLD-4 cytoPAP. Together these findings suggest that NHR-114 may control gene expression by transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms in a tissue-specific manner. This thesis proposes that NHR-114 ensures the input of tryptophan to allow germline development; and that this function integrates nutritional information into the germline gene expression programs according to the environment of the worm. Therefore, NHR-114 potentially provides a direct molecular link to how a developmental program is coordinated with the nutritional status of an animal.

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