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The effects of soil and plant nutrients on the oviposition preference, larval performance and spatial dynamics of Ceutorhynchus obstrictus and its parasitoidsBlake, Adam J. Unknown Date
No description available.
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The effects of soil and plant nutrients on the oviposition preference, larval performance and spatial dynamics of Ceutorhynchus obstrictus and its parasitoidsBlake, Adam J. 11 1900 (has links)
The effects of nitrogen and sulfur fertilization on the oviposition, feeding preferences, and larval performance of Ceutorhynchus obstrictus (Marsham) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on Brassica napus L. were examined in a series of laboratory experiments. The associations between C. obstrictus adults, larvae and parasitoids, and environmental factors including plant vigor indicators and soil and plant nutrients were evaluated within two commercial fields of B. napus in southern Alberta. Nitrogen fertilization, and sulfur fertilization at low levels of nitrogen fertilization had positive effects on oviposition preference. Nitrogen had a positive effect on larval development times and no effect on larval weights. Within one field, gravid C. obstrictus females were dissociated with high levels of plant nutrients including nitrogen. The synthesis of the lab and field experiments seems to support the plant stress and the preference-performance hypotheses. Differences in olfactory and visual cues are identified as a possible mechanism for the observed differences. / Ecology
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Bioatividade de inseticidas botânicos sobre microtheca ochroloma stal (coleoptera: chrysomelidae) / Bioactivity of botanical insecticides on microtheca ochroloma stal (coleoptera: chrysomelidae)Poncio, Sônia 26 February 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Chinese cabbage is a vegetable largely cultivated by organic farmers in the region of Santa Maria, RS. However, due to severe damage caused by the chrysomelid Microtheca ochroloma Stal, many of them are abandoning the crop. The use of botanical pesticides is an alternative for the control of these insect pests. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the action of commercial products and aqueous extracts of insecticide plants on the different stages of development, food consumption and biological aspects of M. ochroloma. In experiments conducted in laboratory, at a temperature of 25 ± 2ºC, relative humidity of 60 ± 10% and 14 hours of photophase, the effects of aqueous extracts of 10% w/v of Nicotiana tabacum L. (in the form of tobacco-powder), of leaves of Melia azedarach L., Eucalyptus citriodora Hook, Cedrella fissilis L., Trichilia claussenii C. DC., Blepharocalyx salicifolius (Kunth) O. Berg, Eugenia uniflora L., Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J. Presl, Syzygium cuminii L., Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle, of leaves and twings of Ateleia glazioveana Baill, Senecio brasiliensis Less and Ruta graveolens L., of seeds of Azadirachta indica A. Juss, and the commercial products Organic Neem ®, 1 and 5% v / v, and Neem Azal T / S ®, 0.5 and 1% v / v, both elaborated from A. indica (neem) were assessed. The action of the treatments was tested on eggs up to 24 hours old; under direct contact and ingestion of three-day-old larvae, in which were assessed the viability of larvae and pupae, the larval period and the defective adults; and in adults with unknown age also under the action of contact and ingestion. In addition, leaf discs of Chinese cabbage were treated with different treatments and with distilled water (control) and offered to larvae and adults in free-choice and no-choice tests. The commercial products Neem Azal T / S and Organic Neem and the extracts of M. azedarach, of tobacco powder, of S. brasiliensis and of B. salicifolius, by causing mortality at different stages of development of M. ocrholoma and decrease in the consumption of treated leaves, and also the extract of E. uniflora due to its action in the biology of these insects, should be evaluated in field conditions as potential alternatives to be used for the control of M. ochroloma. / A couve-chinesa é uma hortaliça bastante cultivada por produtores orgânicos da região de Santa Maria, RS. Porém, devido a danos intensos causados pelo crisomelídeo Microtheca ochroloma Stal, muitos estão abandonando a cultura. A utilização de inseticidas botânicos é uma alternativa para o controle desses insetos-praga. O presente trabalho teve, portanto, o objetivo de avaliar a ação de produtos comerciais e de extratos aquosos à base de plantas inseticidas sobre as fases de desenvolvimento, o consumo alimentar e aspectos da biologia de M. ochroloma. Em experimentos realizados em laboratório, à temperatura de 25 ± 2ºC, umidade relativa de 60 ± 10% e fotofase de 14 horas, foram avaliados os efeitos dos extratos aquosos, a 10% p/v, de Nicotiana tabacum L. (sob a forma de pó-de-fumo), de folhas de Melia azedarach L., Eucalyptus citriodora Hook, Cedrella fissilis L., Trichilia claussenii C. DC., Blepharocalyx salicifolius (Kunth) O. Berg, Eugenia uniflora L., Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J.Presl, Syzygium cuminii L. Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle, de folhas e de ramos de Ateleia glazioveana Baill, Senecio brasiliensis Less e Ruta graveolens L., de semente de Azadirachta indica A. Juss, além dos produtos comerciais Organic Neem®, a 1 e 5% v/v, e NeemAzal T/S®, a 0,5 e 1% v/v, ambos à base A. indica (nim). Foi testada a ação dos tratamentos sobre ovos; sob ação de contato e de ingestão em larvas com idade de três dias, nas quais foram avaliados a viabilidade larval e pupal, a duração da fase larval e os adultos defeituosos; e, também sob ação de contato e de ingestão, em adultos com idade desconhecida. Ainda, discos de folhas de couve-chinesa foram tratados com os diferentes tratamentos e com água destilada (testemunha) e oferecidos para larvas e adultos em testes com e sem chance de escolha. Os produtos comerciais NeemAzal T/S e Organic Neem e os extratos de M. azedarach, de pó-de-fumo, de S. brasiliensis e de B. salicifolius, por causarem mortalidade a diferentes fases de desenvolvimento de M. ochroloma e diminuição do consumo de folhas tratadas, e, ainda, o extrato de E. uniflora, pela ação na biologia desses insetos, devem ser avaliados, em condições de campo, como sendo alternativas potenciais a serem utilizadas visando o controle de M. ochroloma.
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La régulation naturelle des insectes ravageurs des cultures légumières et ses conséquences sur la production : quantification du service fourni et recherche de leviers pour son intensification / Pest natural regulation in vegetable crops and its consequences on crop production : quantification of the service and investigation of levers for its intensificationMesmin, Xavier 15 June 2018 (has links)
Le développement d’une agriculture moins dépendante des pesticides repose en partie sur la maximisation des services écosystémiques. L’objectif principal de cette thèse était de quantifier le service de régulation des insectes ravageurs par leurs ennemis naturels, en conditions expérimentales et en situation de production. Le travail a porté sur les brassicacées légumières soumises aux attaques de ravageurs aériens et souterrains (pucerons et mouche du chou). Nous avons évalué leur nuisibilité pour quantifier les dégâts et dommages qu’ils peuvent générer. Nos résultats confirment la moindre nuisibilité des pucerons par rapport à celle de la mouche du chou. Pour celle-ci, la nuisibilité sur légume-fleur s’exprime non seulement par la mortalité des plants mais aussi par un effet sur leur développement.Nous avons également montré que les prédateurs épigés réduisaient significativement les populations des deux ravageurs, ce qui, pour la mouche du chou, conduit à une baisse conséquente de la mortalité des plants. Enfin, simplifier le travail du sol au printemps n’a pas permis de favoriser les prédateurs hivernant dans la parcelle, ni d’augmenter le service de régulation à court terme. Cependant les prédateurs précoces sont déterminants et doivent être favorisés par des pratiques intra- et péri-parcellaires ciblées. Les connaissances acquises dans ce travail démontrent le potentiel de la lutte biologique par conservation pour une gestion agro-écologique efficace des insectes ravageurs. / Developping farming systems that use less pesticides is partly based on the intensification of ecosystem services. The main aim of this thesis was to quantify the insect pest regulation service provided by their natural enemies, both in experimental plots and in farmers fields. We worked on brassicaceous vegetables that are confronted to pest attacks on above- and belowground organs (aphids and the cabbage root fly). We assessed their harmfulness, in order to quantify the injuries and damage these pests can inflict to plants. Our results confirm that aphids are less harmful than the cabbage root fly. On flower vegetables, the latter not only leads to plant mortality but can also slow plant development.We also showed that ground dwelling predators significantly reduce the populations of both pests, leading, for the cabbage root fly, to a strong decrease in plant mortality rate. Finally, simplifying soil tillage in the spring did not favor ground dwelling predators overwintering inside the field and neither did it increase natural regulation service in the short term. However, early ground dwelling predators are fundamental and must be favored by tailored practices both inside and around the fields. The knowledge gained in the present thesis show the potential of conservation biological control for the agroecological management of insect pest populations.
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Bioecologia de Microtheca semilaevis Stal, 1860 (Col.: Chrysomelidae) / Bioecology of Microtheca semilaevis Stal, 1860 (Col.: Chrysomelidae)Fornari, Rodrigo 10 December 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis L.) has been indicated, along with other
vegetables, as an excellent alternative for Brazilian agribusiness, especially those grown in
organic production system. Regarding to insect pests, that damage this crop, it shows the
chrysomelid Microtheca semilaevis Stal, which cause defoliation on plants during larval and
adult stages. Thus, the present work was developed to study bioecology aspects of M.
semilaevis, obtaining information about biology, food preference and consumption, natural
enemies and population fluctuation. In laboratory and under controlled conditions, biological
aspects, such as duration, feasibility and measurement of the immature and adults; and
fertility and longevity of adults were evaluated to determine fertility life table. Also in
laboratory, experiments to evaluate food consumption and feeding preference of these
beetles were conducted fed on leaf discs of four host varieties: Chinese cabbage, watercress
(Nasturtium officinale L.), arugula (Eruca sativa L.) and mustard (Brassica juncea C.). Under
field conditions, samples of natural enemies of the different development stages were taken
in cultivation, besides studying the population dynamics of Microtheca spp. during Chinese
cabbage crop cycle in Santa Maria, RS. The eggs have an average incubation period of 6.13
± 0.04 days and average survival rate of 76.00%. M. semilaevis presents four larval instars,
and the average duration of each instar were 2.86 ± 0.06, 1.97 ± 0.05, 1.80 ± 0.06 and 2.43 ±
0.07 days. The cycle from egg to adult is approximately 22 days. Life table fertility
determined an increasing capacity of 166 times in each generation, and the average length
of a generation of 49 days and finite rate of increase of 1.116 individuals / week. Larvae
prefer watercress among crucifers tested, while adults prefer watercress and arugula, with
lower consumption for both development stages ranging from Chinese cabbage and
mustard. The peak population of larvae and adults in the field occurred in October. There
was no emergence of parasitoids on larval and adult stages. However, predators were found
belonging to four families with a predominance of Coccinellidae and Pentatomidae and also
Vespidae and Reduviidae were found in smaller numbers. The results in this work provide
subsidies that might be used for the establishment of integrated management strategies for
M. semilaevis. / A couve-chinesa (Brassica chinensis L.) tem sido apontada, juntamente com outras
hortaliças, como uma excelente alternativa para o agronegócio brasileiro, em especial
aquelas cultivadas no modo de produção orgânica. Com relação aos insetos-praga que
danificam a cultura, destaca-se o crisomelídeo Microtheca semilaevis Stal, causando
desfolhamento nas plantas durante as fases larvais e adulta. Assim, o presente trabalho
teve como objetivo estudar aspectos bioecologicos de M. semilaevis, obtendo informações
sobre biologia, preferência e consumo alimentar, inimigos naturais e flutuação populacional.
Em laboratório e sob condições controladas, foram avaliados aspectos biológicos, como a
duração, a viabilidade e a medição de imaturos e adultos; também, a fecundidade e a
longevidade dos adultos, para permitir a elaboração da tabela de vida de fertilidade. Ainda
em laboratório, experimentos avaliaram o consumo e a preferência alimentar desses
coleópteros alimentados com discos foliares de quatro variedades hospedeiras: couvechinesa,
agrião (Nasturtium officinale L.), rúcula (Eruca sativa L.) e mostarda (Brassica
juncea C.). Em condições de campo, foram realizadas coletas em cultivo dos inimigos
naturais das diferentes fases de desenvolvimento, além de estudar a flutuação populacional
de Microtheca spp. no ciclo da cultura de couve-chinesa em Santa Maria, RS. Os ovos
apresentam um período de incubação médio de 6,13±0,04 dias e viabilidade média de
76,00%. M. semilaevis apresenta a fase larval com quatro instares, sendo que a duração
média de cada ínstar foi de 2,86±0,06; 1,97±0,05; 1,80±0,06 e 2,43±0,07 dias. O ciclo de
ovo a adulto foi de, aproximadamente, 22 dias. Através da tabela de vida de fertilidade
determinou-se uma capacidade de aumento de 166 vezes a cada geração, sendo a duração
média de uma geração de 49 dias e a razão finita de aumento de 1,116 indivíduos/semana.
Larvas preferem agrião dentre as brássicas testadas, sendo que adultos preferem agrião e
rúcula, com menor consumo, para ambas as fases de desenvolvimento, variando entre
couve-chinesa e mostarda. Os picos populacionais de larvas e adultos, no campo,
ocorreram no mês de outubro. Não houve emergência de parasitoides nas fases larval e
adulta. Porém, foram encontrados predadores pertencentes a quatro famílias com
predomínio de Coccinellidae e Pentatomidae, sendo Vespidae e Reduviidae presentes em
menor número. Os resultados encontrados no presente trabalho fornecem subsídios que
podem ser utilizados para o estabelecimento de estratégias de manejo integrado de M.
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Clonagem e caracterização genética de locos homólogos a genes de resistência em Brassica oleracea L. e Zea mays L. / Cloning and genetic characterization of resistance gene homologs of Brassica oleracea L. and Zea mays L.Célia Correia Malvas 21 March 2003 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo identificar fragmentos homólogos a genes de resistência em Brassica oleracea e Zea mays, por meio da amplificação por PCR, utilizando oligonucleotídeos homólogos a regiões conservadas de genes de resistência de plantas. Em B. oleracea, os oligonucleotídeos foram desenhados com base na seqüência de um gene homólogo ao RPS2 de Arabidopsis thaliana descrito em B. oleracea. Um fragmento de 2,5 Kb foi amplificado em duas linhagens. Os fragmentos amplificados apresentaram polimorfismo de comprimento entre as linhagens, gerando um marcador molecular. Este marcador foi utilizado em uma população F2 segregante para resistência a Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris oriunda do cruzamento entre as linhagens BI-16 e Lc201. O marcador, no entanto, não apresentou-se ligado a nenhum gene de resistência a este patógeno. Análise da expressão por meio de RT-PCR detectou a expressão do fragmento homólogo nas linhagens resistente e suscetível de B. oleracea com e sem inoculação, indicando que o gene é expresso constitutivamente. Em Z. mays, oligonucleotídeos sintetizados com base em seqüências de milho homólogas a genes de resistência, denominadas Pics, e a ESTs de milho, também homólogos a genes de resistência, foram utilizados para amplificação em linhagens resistente e suscetível a Exserohilum turcicum, Colletotrichum graminicola e Phaeosphaeria maydis. Um par de oligonucleotídeos amplificou um fragmento polimórfico entre as linhagens resistente e suscetível a E. turcicum. Este foi utilizado em uma população segregante, mas também não observou-se ligação com o gene Ht de resistência a E. turcicum. Nas demais linhagens, os fragmentos foram monomórficos. Os oligonucleotídeos baseados em ESTs amplificaram fragmentos em todas as linhagens parentais. Esses fragmentos foram digeridos com enzimas de restrição, mas não apresentaram polimorfismo entre nenhuma das linhagens. Os resultados indicaram que a estratégia de utilização de seqüências conservadas é eficiente para amplificação de genes homólogos. O polimorfismo entre estes homólogos pode ser usado como marcador molecular para detecção de genes de interesse. Todavia, nem sempre estes marcadores estão ligados a esses genes. / The aim of this work was to identify homologs of resistance genes in Brassica oleracea and Zea mays by PCR amplification using primers based on conserved domains of plant resistance genes. In B. oleracea, the primers were based on the sequence of a homolog of the Arabidopsis thaliana RPS2 gene previously described in B. oleracea. A 2.5 Kb fragment was amplified on two lines. These fragments showed length polymorphisms between lines, based on which a molecular marker was developed. This marker was used in a F2 population, derived from the crossing between the inbred lines BI-16 and Lc201, and which segregates to resistance to Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. The marker, however, was not linked to any Xcc resistance gene. Expression analyses by RT-PCR detected the expression of these homologs on both resistant and susceptible lines with and without inoculation, indicating that the gene is constitutively expressed. In Z. mays, primers based on resistance gene homologs sequences, named Pics, and on maize ESTs homologous to disease resistance genes, were used to amplify genomic fragments on resistant and susceptible lines to Exserohilum turcicum, Colletotrichum graminicola and Phaeosphaeria maydis. A set of primers amplified a polymorphic fragment between lines resistant and susceptible to E. turcicum. This fragment was used in a segregating population, but no linkage was detected between this marker and the E. turcicum resistance gene Ht. Among the other lines, the fragments were not polymorphic. The primers based on ESTs amplified fragments on all parental lines. These fragments were digested with restriction enzymes but did not reveal any polymorphism between lines. The results indicated that the strategy of using conserved sequences is efficient to amplify disease resistance gene homologs. The polymorphism among these homologs may be used as a molecular marker, but these markers are not always linked to disease resistance genes.
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A contribution to cabbage pest management by subsistence and small-scale farmers in the Eastern Cape, South AfricaMkize, Nolwazi January 2004 (has links)
The interaction between farmers, agricultural scientists and extension workers is sometimes overlooked in agricultural entomology. In an attempt to respond to this reality this study examines some foundation of this interaction in relation to the pest management practices of subsistence and small-scale farmers and also highlights the problems that might arise in the implementation of IPM. Problems involving pests occurrence; language barriers; beliefs, knowledge and perception about insects, and visual literacy are examined. The thesis has a two-fold focus, firstly the study of pests on cabbages of subsistence farmers in Grahamstown and secondly a broader focus on other aspects such as cultural entomology, perception of insects and visual literacy specifically in relation to Xhosa speaking people in the Eastern Cape. The most important crop for emergent farmers in the Eastern Cape are cabbages, which have a variety of pests of which diamondback moths and are the most important. Traditional pest management practices tend to influence the development of IPM programmes adopted by these farmers. Eastern Cape farmers apply periodic cropping systems, which had an effect on the population densities of diamondback moth (DBM), other lepidopteran pests and their parasitoids. Considering the maximum population densities of DBM, which were 0.2 - 2.9 larvae/plant, there were no major pest problems. The availability of parasitoids, even in highly disturbed and patchy environments, showed good potential for biological control. Since some extension officers cannot speak the local farmers’ language, a dictionary of insect names was formulated in their language (isiXhosa) to assist communication. Response-frequency distribution analysis showed that the dictionary is essentially complete. The literal translations of some names show that isiXhosa speakers often relate insects to people, or to their habitat or classify them according to their behaviour. Farmers from eight sites in the Eastern Cape were interviewed regarding their knowledge and perception of insect pests and their control thereof. To some extent, farmers still rely on cultural control and have beliefs about insects that reflected both reality and superstition. There is no difference between the Ciskei and Transkei regions regarding insect-related beliefs. Farmers generally lack an understanding of insect ecology. There is a need for farmers to be taught about insects to assist with the implementation of IPM. Leftover pesticides from commercial farms or detergents are sometimes used to manage the pests. When training illiterate or semi-literate farmers, it is important to understand their media literacy so as to design useful graphic and object training media. Generally farmers showed that they either understand graphic or object media depending on the features of the insects being looked at. These findings are discussed with regard to the potential development of IPM training material for subsistence and small-scale farmers in a community.
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Tissue Culture, Genetic Transformation and Cold Tolerance Mechanisms in Cold-Hardy PalmsLokuge, Meepa A. 08 December 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of macadamia husk compost on physicochemical soil properties, growth and yield of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. Chinesis) on sandy soilMaselesele, Dembe 07 1900 (has links)
MSCAGR (Plant Production) / Department of Plant Production / Poor soil fertility caused by inadequate supply of nutrients on soil is one of the major constraints limiting crop production especially in the Vhembe District Municipality, Limpopo, South Africa. Therefore, management practices such as application of organic manure to minimize soil infertility is considered as good practice for smallholder farmers. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of macadamia husk compost on selected soil properties as well as the growth and yield of Chinese cabbage on sandy loam soil.
A field experiment was carried out during 2018 and 2019 winter season at the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) research farm in Levubu. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 4 treatments (control (zero)), inorganic fertilizer (100:60:60 NPK Kg ha-1) and compost at 15t ha-1 & 30t ha-1 replicated 3 times. Soil was analyzed before planting and after harvesting to determine the influence of applied compost on selected physical properties (soil bulk density and water holding capacity) and chemical properties (soil pH, soil organic matter, soil organic C, EC, total N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Al, Zn and Mn). Number of leaves, fresh mass, dry mass and leaf area was collected at three harvests interval (28, 46 and 74 days after transplanting). After each harvest period, leaves were analysed for nutrient content (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn and B). During the final harvest crops were uprooted and root biomass (fresh mass, dry mass and root length) were recorded. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) were conducted on all data using Genstat package 18th addition. Differences between treatment means were separated using the least significant differences (LSD) procedure and correlations analysis was determined using Pearson’s simple correlation coefficient.
Macadamia husk compost application had a significant effect on soil bulk density and water holding capacity. Addition of macadamia husk compost significantly increased soil pH, OC, N, C: N K, P, Mg, Ca, Na, Al, Zn, Ca and Mn. In contrast, addition of macadamia husk compost had no effect on soil EC. Yield components (number of leaves, fresh mass, dry mass), root biomass, root length and leaf area increased with application of macadamia husk compost. Yield components, root biomass, root length and leaf area were significantly affected (p<0.01) by harvesting time. Yield components in the second cropping season was greater than yield components in the first season. Macadamia husk compost application showed no significant effect on leaf nutrient content of Chinese cabbage. However, leaf nutrient content was affected by harvesting time.
It is evident from the results of this study that macadamia husk compost affects soil fertility and plant production. The results suggest that macadamia husk compost has a potential to be used as a reliable fertilizer by famers especially smallholder farmers who struggle to buy inorganic fertilizer because they are expensive. Since this study was conducted over two seasons and compost effect tend to be long term, further research is needed on application of macadamia husk compost on soil properties and yield of other crops over wide range of soils. / NRF
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Avaliação de meios semi-seletivos e técnicas moleculares para detecção de Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris / Assessment of semiselective media and molecular tools for detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestrisAmaral, Lívio da Silva 13 February 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-13 / It was aimed to evaluate the efficiency of semi-selective media, for pathogenicity tests and primers specificity for detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc). For execution of experiments, we used 29 strains received from different regions in Brazil. For confirmation of the identity of the strains we carried out xanthomonadins production test, asparagine utilization, analysis of the 16S rDNA genes region of bacterial genome and pathogenicity tests. Of the 29 strains, 24 were identified as belonging to Xanthomonas genus. None of the strains induced hypersensitivity reaction (HR) in inoculated plants and only 14 strains induced typical symptoms of black rot in collard. The NSCAA medium was the uniquely to support the growth of all strains, whereas mCS20ABN, YTSA-CC and Xan-D media allowed the growth of most of strains. Except of X03 strain, the XCR/XCF and HrcCR2/HrcCF2 primers allowed the amplification and visualization of bands of expected size to Xcc. / Avaliou-se a eficiência de meios de cultura semi-seletivos, de testes de patogenicidade e a especificidade de primers para a detecção de Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc). Para a execução dos experimentos, foram utilizados 29 isolados recebidos de diferentes regiões do Brasil. Para a confirmação da identidade dos isolados foram realizados os testes de produção de xantomonadinas e de utilização de asparagina, análise da região 16s do genoma bacteriano e testes de patogenicidade. Dos 29 isolados, 24 foram identificados como pertencentes ao gênero Xanthomonas. Nenhum dos isolados induziu HR nas plantas inoculadas e apenas 14 isolados induziram sintomas típicos da podridão negra em couve. O meio NSCAA foi o único capaz de suportar o crescimento de todos os isolados, enquanto os meios mCS20ABN, YTSA-CC e Xan-D permitiram o crescimento da maioria dos isolados. À exceção do isolado X03, os primers XCR/XCF e HrcCR2/HrcCF2 permitiram a amplificação e visualização das bandas de tamanhos esperados para Xcc.
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