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Improving Energy and Area Scalability of the Cache Hierarchy in CMPsValls Mompó, Joan Josep 07 April 2017 (has links)
As the core counts increase in each chip multiprocessor generation, CMPs should improve scalability in performance, area, and energy consumption to meet the demands of
larger core counts. Directory-based protocols constitute the most scalable alternative.
A conventional directory, however, suffers from an inefficient use of storage and energy.
First, the large, non-scalable, sharer vectors consume unnecessary area and leakage, especially considering that most of the blocks tracked in a directory are cached by a single
core. Second, although increasing directory size and associativity could boost system
performance by reducing the coverage misses, it would come at the expense of area and
energy consumption.
This thesis focuses and exploits the important differences of behavior between private
and shared blocks from the directory point of view. These differences claim for a separate
management of both types of blocks at the directory. First, we propose the PS-Directory,
a two-level directory cache that keeps the reduced number of frequently accessed shared
entries in a small and fast first-level cache, namely Shared Directory Cache, and uses
a larger and slower second-level Private Directory Cache to track the large amount of
private blocks. Experimental results show that, compared to a conventional directory, the PS-Directory improves performance while also reducing silicon area and energy consumption.
In this thesis we also show that the shared/private ratio of entries in the directory varies
across applications and across different execution phases within the applications, which
encourages us to propose Dynamic Way Partitioning (DWP) Directory. DWP-Directory
reduces the number of ways with storage for shared blocks and it allows this storage to be
powered off or on at run-time according to the dynamic requirements of the applications
following a repartitioning algorithm. Results show similar performance as a traditional
directory with high associativity, and similar area requirements as recent state-of-the-art schemes. In addition, DWP-Directory achieves notable static and dynamic power
consumption savings.
This dissertation also deals with the scalability issues in terms of power found
in processor caches. A significant fraction of the total power budget is consumed by
on-chip caches which are usually deployed with a high associativity degree (even L1
caches are being implemented with eight ways) to enhance the system performance. On
a cache access, each way in the corresponding set is accessed in parallel, which is costly
in terms of energy. This thesis presents the PS-Cache architecture, an energy-efficient
cache design that reduces the number of accessed ways without hurting the performance.
The PS-Cache takes advantage of the private-shared knowledge of the referenced block
to reduce energy by accessing only those ways holding the kind of block looked up.
Results show significant dynamic power consumption savings.
Finally, we propose an energy-efficient architectural design that can be effectively applied
to any kind of set-associative cache memory, not only to processor caches. The proposed
approach, called the Tag Filter (TF) Architecture, filters the ways accessed in the target
cache set, and just a few ways are searched in the tag and data arrays. This allows the
approach to reduce the dynamic energy consumption of caches without hurting their
access time. For this purpose, the proposed architecture holds the X least significant
bits of each tag in a small auxiliary X-bit-wide array. These bits are used to filter
the ways where the least significant bits of the tag do not match with the bits in the
X-bit array. Experimental results show that this filtering mechanism achieves energy
consumption in set-associative caches similar to direct mapped ones.
Experimental results show that the proposals presented in this thesis offer a good tradeoff
among these three major design axes. / Conforme se incrementa el número de núcleos en las nuevas generaciones de multiprocesadores en chip, los CMPs deben de escalar en prestaciones, área y consumo energético
para cumplir con las demandas de un número núcleos mayor. Los protocolos basados
en directorio constituyen la alternativa más escalable. Un directorio convencional, no
obstante, sufre de una utilización ineficiente de almacenamiento y energía. En primer
lugar, los grandes y poco escalables vectores de compartidores consumen una cantidad
de energía de fuga y de área innecesaria, especialmente si se tiene en consideración que
la mayoría de los bloques en un directorio solo se encuentran en la cache de un único
núcleo. En segundo lugar, aunque incrementar el tamaño y la asociatividad del directorio aumentaría las prestaciones del sistema, esto supondría un incremento notable en el
consumo energético.
Esta tesis estudia las diferencias significativas entre el comportamiento de bloques privados y compartidos en el directorio, lo que nos lleva hacia una gestión separada para
cada uno de los tipos de bloque. Proponemos el PS-Directory, una cache de directorio de dos niveles que mantiene el reducido número de las entradas compartidas, que
son los que se acceden con más frecuencia, en una estructura pequeña de primer nivel
(concretamente, la Shared Directory Cache) y que utiliza una estructura más grande y
lenta en el segundo nivel (Private Directory Cache) para poder mantener la información
de los bloques privados. Los resultados experimentales muestran
que, comparado con un directorio convencional, el PS-Directory consigue mejorar las
prestaciones a la vez que reduce el área de silicio y el consumo energético.
Ya que el ratio compartido/privado de las entradas en el directorio varia entre aplicaciones y entre las diferentes fases de ejecución dentro de las aplicaciones, proponemos el
Dynamic Way Partitioning (DWP) Directory. El DWP-Directory reduce el número de
vías que almacenan entradas compartidas y permite que éstas se enciendan o apaguen
en tiempo de ejecución según los requisitos dinámicos de las aplicaciones según un algoritmo de reparticionado. Los resultados muestran unas prestaciones similares a un
directorio tradicional de alta asociatividad y un área similar a otros esquemas recientes
del estado del arte. Adicionalmente, el DWP-Directory obtiene importantes reducciones
de consumo estático y dinámico.
Esta disertación también se enfrenta a los problemas de escalabilidad que se pueden
encontrar en las memorias cache. En un acceso a la cache, se accede a cada vía del conjunto en paralelo, siendo
así un acción costosa en energía. Esta tesis presenta la arquitectura PS-Cache, un
diseño energéticamente eficiente que reduce el número de vías accedidas sin perjudicar
las prestaciones. La PS-Cache utiliza la información del estado privado-compartido del
bloque referenciado para reducir la energía, ya que tan solo accedemos a un subconjunto
de las vías que mantienen los bloques del tipo solicitado. Los resultados muestran unos
importantes ahorros de energía dinámica.
Finalmente, proponemos otro diseño de arquitectura energéticamente eficiente que se
puede aplicar a cualquier tipo de memoria cache asociativa por conjuntos. La propuesta, la Tag Filter (TF) Architecture, filtra las vías accedidas en el conjunto de la cache, de manera que solo se mira un número reducido de
vías tanto en el array de etiquetas como en el de datos. Esto permite que nuestra propuesta reduzca el consumo de energía dinámico de las caches sin perjudicar su tiempo de
acceso. Los resultados experimentales muestran que este mecanismo de filtrado es capaz de obtener un
consumo energético en caches asociativas por conjunto similar de las caches de mapeado
Los resultados
experimentales muestran que las propuestas presentadas en esta tesis consiguen un buen
compromiso entre estos tres importantes pilares de diseño. / Conforme s'incrementen el nombre de nuclis en les noves generacions de multiprocessadors en xip, els CMPs han d'escalar en prestacions, àrea i consum energètic per complir en les demandes d'un nombre de nuclis major. El protocols basats en directori són
l'alternativa més escalable. Un directori convencional, no obstant, pateix una utilització
ineficient d'emmagatzematge i energia. En primer lloc, els grans i poc escalables vectors
de compartidors consumeixen una quantitat d'energia estàtica i d'àrea innecessària, especialment si es considera que la majoria dels blocs en un directori només es troben en la
cache d'un sol nucli. En segon lloc, tot i que incrementar la grandària i l'associativitat del
directori augmentaria les prestacions del sistema, això suposaria un increment notable
en el consum d'energia.
Aquesta tesis estudia les diferències significatives entre el comportament de blocs privats
i compartits dins del directori, la qual cosa ens guia cap a una gestió separada per a cada
un dels tipus de bloc. Proposem el PS-Directory, una cache de directori de dos nivells que
manté el reduït nombre de les entrades de blocs compartits, que són els que s'accedeixen
amb més freqüència, en una estructura menuda de primer nivell (concretament, la Shared
Directory Cache) i que empra una estructura més gran i lenta en el segon nivell (Private
Directory Cache) per poder mantenir la informació dels blocs privats.
Els resultats experimentals mostren que, comparat amb un directori convencional, el
PS-Directory aconsegueix millorar les prestacions a la vegada que redueix l'àrea de silici
i el consum energètic.
Ja que la ràtio compartit/privat de les entrades en el directori varia entre aplicacions
i entre les diferents fases d'execució dins de les aplicacions, proposem el Dynamic Way
Partitioning (DWP) Directory. DWP-Directory redueix el nombre de vies que emmagatzemen entrades compartides i permeten que aquest s'encengui o apagui en temps
d'execució segons els requeriments dinàmics de les aplicacions seguint un algoritme de
reparticionat. Els resultats mostren unes prestacions similars a un directori tradicional
d'alta associativitat i una àrea similar a altres esquemes recents de l'estat de l'art. Adicionalment, el DWP-Directory obté importants reduccions de consum estàtic i dinàmic.
Aquesta dissertació també s'enfronta als problemes d'escalabilitat que es poden tro-
bar en les memòries cache. Les caches on-chip consumeixen una part significativa del
consum total del sistema. Aquestes caches implementen un alt nivell d'associativitat. En un accés a la cache, s'accedeix a cada via del conjunt en paral·lel, essent
així una acció costosa en energia. Aquesta tesis presenta l'arquitectura PS-Cache, un
disseny energèticament eficient que redueix el nombre de vies accedides sense perjudicar
les prestacions. La PS-Cache utilitza la informació de l'estat privat-compartit del bloc
referenciat per a reduir energia, ja que només accedim al subconjunt de vies que mantenen blocs del tipus sol·licitat. Els resultats mostren uns importants estalvis d'energia
Finalment, proposem un altre disseny d'arquitectura energèticament eficient que es pot
aplicar a qualsevol tipus de memòria cache associativa per conjunts. La proposta, la Tag Filter (TF) Architecture, filtra les vies
accedides en el conjunt de la cache, de manera que només un reduït nombre de vies es
miren tant en el array d'etiquetes com en el de dades. Això permet que la nostra proposta
redueixi el consum dinàmic energètic de les caches sense perjudicar el seu temps d'accés.
resultats experimentals mostren que aquest mecanisme de filtre és capaç d'obtenir un
consum energètic en caches associatives per conjunt similar al de les caches de mapejada
Els resultats experimentals mostren que les propostes presentades en aquesta tesis conseguixen un bon
compromís entre aquestros tres importants pilars de diseny. / Valls Mompó, JJ. (2017). Improving Energy and Area Scalability of the Cache Hierarchy in CMPs [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/79551
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Energy efficient cache architectures for single, multi and many core processorsThucanakkenpalayam Sundararajan, Karthik January 2013 (has links)
With each technology generation we get more transistors per chip. Whilst processor frequencies have increased over the past few decades, memory speeds have not kept pace. Therefore, more and more transistors are devoted to on-chip caches to reduce latency to data and help achieve high performance. On-chip caches consume a significant fraction of the processor energy budget but need to deliver high performance. Therefore cache resources should be optimized to meet the requirements of the running applications. Fixed configuration caches are designed to deliver low average memory access times across a wide range of potential applications. However, this can lead to excessive energy consumption for applications that do not require the full capacity or associativity of the cache at all times. Furthermore, in systems where the clock period is constrained by the access times of level-1 caches, the clock frequency for all applications is effectively limited by the cache requirements of the most demanding phase within the most demanding application. This motivates the need for dynamic adaptation of cache configurations in order to optimize performance while minimizing energy consumption, on a per-application basis. First, this thesis proposes an energy-efficient cache architecture for a single core system, along with a run-time support framework for dynamic adaptation of cache size and associativity through the use of machine learning. The machine learning model, which is trained offline, profiles the application’s cache usage and then reconfigures the cache according to the program’s requirement. The proposed cache architecture has, on average, 18% better energy-delay product than the prior state-of-the-art cache architectures proposed in the literature. Next, this thesis proposes cooperative partitioning, an energy-efficient cache partitioning scheme for multi-core systems that share the Last Level Cache (LLC), with a core to LLC cache way ratio of 1:4. The proposed cache partitioning scheme uses small auxiliary tags to capture each core’s cache requirements, and partitions the LLC according to the individual cores cache requirement. The proposed partitioning uses a way-aligned scheme that helps in the reduction of both dynamic and static energy. This scheme, on an average offers 70% and 30% reduction in dynamic and static energy respectively, while maintaining high performance on par with state-of-the-art cache partitioning schemes. Finally, when Last Level Cache (LLC) ways are equal to or less than the number of cores present in many-core systems, cooperative partitioning cannot be used for partitioning the LLC. This thesis proposes a region aware cache partitioning scheme as an energy-efficient approach for many core systems that share the LLC, with a core to LLC way ratio of 1:2 and 1:1. The proposed partitioning, on an average offers 68% and 33% reduction in dynamic and static energy respectively, while again maintaining high performance on par with state-of-the-art LLC cache management techniques.
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Efficient Cache Organization For Application Specific And General Purpose ProcessorsRajan, Kaushik 05 1900 (has links)
The performance gap between processor and memory continues to remain a major performance bottleneck in both application specific and general purpose processors. This thesis strives to ease the above bottleneck by exploiting the characteristics of the application domain to improve the cache organization for two distinct processor architectures:
(1) application specific processors for packet forwarding, (2) general purpose processors.
Packet forwarding algorithms make use of a trie data structure to determine the forwarding route. We observe that the locality characteristics of the nodes at various levels of such a trie are different. Nodes that are closer to the root node, especially those that are immediate children of the root node (level-one nodes), exhibit higher temporal locality than nodes lower down the trie. Based on this observation we propose a novel Heterogeneously Segmented Cache Architecture (HSCA) that uses separate caches for level-one and lower-level nodes, each with carefully chosen sizes. We also propose a new replacement policy to enhance the performance of HSCA. Performance evaluation indicates that HSCA results in up to 32% reduction in average memory access time over a unified cache that shares the same cache space among all levels of the trie. HSCA also outperforms a previously proposed results cache.
The use of a large root branching factor in a forwarding trie forcefully introduces a large number of nodes at level-one. Among these, only nodes that cover prefixes from the routing table are useful while the rest, are superfluous. We find that as many as 75% of the level-one nodes are superfluous. This leads to a skewed distribution of useful nodes among the cache sets of the level-one nodes cache. We propose a novel two-level mapping framework that achieves a better nodes to cache set mapping and hence incurs fewer conflict misses. Two-level mapping first aggregates nodes into Initial Partitions (IPs) using lower order bits and then remaps them from IPs into Refined Partitions (RPs), that form sets, based on some higher order bits. It provides flexibility in placement by allowing each IP to choose a different remap function. We propose three schemes conforming to the framework. A speedup in average memory access time of as much as 16% is gained over HSCA.
In general purpose processor architectures, the design objectives of caches at various levels of the hierarchy are different. To ensure low access latencies, L1 caches are small and have low associativities, making them more susceptible to conflict misses. The extent of conflict misses incurred is governed by the placement function and the memory access patterns exhibited by the program. We propose a mechanism to learn the access characteristics of the program at runtime by analyzing the repetitive phases of program. We then make use of the two-level mapping framework to dynamically adapt the placement function. Further, we elegantly incorporate two-level mapping into the cache organization without increasing the cache access latency. Performance evaluation reveals that the proposed adaptive placement mechanism eliminates 32—36% of misses on average over a range of cache sizes.
To prevent expensive off-chip accesses, L2 caches are larger and have higher associativities. Hence, the replacement policy plays a significant role in determining L2 cache performance. Further, as the inherent temporal locality in memory accesses is filtered out by the L1 cache, an L2 cache using the widely prevalent LRU replacement policy incurs significantly higher misses than the optimal replacement policy (OPT). We propose to bridge this gap through a novel replacement strategy that mimics the replacement decisions of OPT. The L2 cache is logically divided into two components, a Shepherd Cache (SC) with a simple FIFO replacement and a Main Cache (MC) with an emulation of optimal replacement. The SC plays the dual role of caching lines and shepherding the replacement decisions close to optimal for MC. Our proposed organization can cover 40% of the gap between LRU and OPT, resulting in 7% overall speedup.
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Instruction Timing Analysis for Linux/x86-based Embedded and Desktop SystemsJohn, Tobias 19 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Real-time aspects are becoming more important in
standard desktop PC environments and x86 based
processors are being utilized in embedded systems
more often.
While these processors were not created for use
in hard real time systems, they are fast and
inexpensive and can be used if it is possible
to determine the worst case execution time.
Information on CPU caches (L1, L2) and
branch prediction architecture is necessary
to simulate best and worst cases in execution
timing, but is often not detailed
enough and sometimes not published at all.
This document describes how the underlying
hardware can be analysed to obtain
this information.
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Hiérarchie mémoire dans les systèmes intégrés multiprocesseurs construits autour de réseaux sur puce / Memory hierarchy in embedded multiprocessor system built around networks on chipBelhadj Amor, Hela 05 October 2017 (has links)
Les systèmes parallèles de type multi/pluri-cœurs permettant d'obtenir une grande puissance de calcul à bas coût énergétique sont de nos jours une réalité. Néanmoins, l'exploitation des performances de ces architectures dépend de l'efficacité du système à gérer les accès aux données. Le but de nos travaux est d'améliorer l'efficacité de ces accès en exploitant les caractéristiques de l'architecture matérielle.Dans une première partie, nous proposons une nouvelle organisation de la hiérarchie des mémoires caches qui maximise l'utilisation de l'espace de stockage disponible à chaque niveau. Cette solution, basée sur les architectures à accès non uniforme au cache (NUCA), supporte les transferts inter et intra-niveau de la hiérarchie. Elle requiert un protocole de cohérence de cache qui s'adapte à ses spécifications.Certes, le transfert des données au niveau de la hiérarchie est aussi un déterminant de la performance du système. Dans une seconde partie, nous prenons en compte les besoins de communication spécifiques du protocole. Nous proposons un réseau virtualisé comme support de communication ad-hoc afin de gérer le trafic de cohérence à moindre coût. Ce dernier relie les caches d'un même niveau pour supporter les transferts intra-niveaux, qui sont une spécificité de notre protocole, en vue de réduire la latence moyenne d'accès. / Multi/many-cores parallel systems for high-power computing at low energy costs are nowadays a reality. However, exploiting the performance of these architectures depends on the efficiency of the system in managing data accesses. The aim of our work is to improve the efficiency of these accesses by exploiting the hardware architecture characteristics.In a first part, we propose a new cache hierarchy organization that aims at maximizing the use of the available storage space at each level. This solution, based on non-uniform cache access architectures (NUCA), supports inter and intra-level transfers of the hierarchy. It requires a cache coherency protocol that suits its specifications.Obviously, the transfer of data in the hierarchy is also a determinant of the system performance. In a second part, we consider the specific communication needs of the protocol. We suggest the use of a virtualized network as an ad-hoc communication medium to manage consistency traffic at a lower cost. It links the caches of the same level to support intra-level transfers, which are a specificity of our protocol, in order to reduce the average access latency.
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Power Efficient Last Level Cache for Chip MultiprocessorsMandke, Aparna January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The number of processor cores and on-chip cache size has been increasing on chip multiprocessors (CMPs). As a result, leakage power dissipated in the on-chip cache has become very significant. We explore various techniques to switch-off the over-allocated cache so as to reduce leakage power consumed by it. A large cache offers non-uniform access latency to different cores present on a CMP and such a cache is called “Non-Uniform Cache Architecture (NUCA)”. Past studies have explored techniques to reduce leakage power for uniform access latency caches and with a single application executing on a uniprocessor. Our ideas of power optimized caches are applicable to any memory technology and architecture for which the difference of leakage power in the on-state and off-state of on-chip cache bank is significant.
Switching off the last level shared cache on a CMP is a challenging problem due to concurrently executing threads/processes and large dispersed NUCA cache. Hence, to determine cache requirement on a CMP, first we propose a new highly accurate method to estimate working set size of an application, which we call “tagged working set size estimation (TWSS)” method. This method has a negligible hardware storage overhead of 0.1% of the cache size. The use of TWSS is demonstrated by adaptively adjusting cache associativity. Our ideas of adaptable associative cache is scalable with respect to the number of cores present on a CMP. It uses information available locally in a tile on a tiled CMP and thus avoids network access unlike other commonly used heuristics such as average memory access latency and cache miss ratio. Our implementation gives 25% and 19% higher EDP savings than that obtained with average memory access latency and cache miss ratio heuristics on a static NUCA platform (SNUCA), respectively.
Cache misses increase with reduced cache associativity. Hence, we also propose to map some of the L2 slices onto the rest L2 slices and switch-off mapped L2 slices. The L2 slice includes all L2 banks in a tile. We call this technique the “remap policy”. Some applications execute with lesser number of threads than available cores during their execution. In such applications L2 slices which are farther to those threads are switched-off and mapped on-to L2 slices which are located nearer to those threads. By using nearer L2 slices with the help of remapped technology, some applications show improved execution time apart from reduction in leakage power consumption in NUCA caches.
To estimate the maximum possible gains that can be obtained using the remap policy, we statically determine the near-optimal remap configuration using the genetic algorithms. We formulate this problem as a energy-delay product minimization problem. Our dynamic remap policy implementation gives energy-delay savings within an average of 5% than that obtained with the near-optimal remap configuration.
Energy-delay product can also be minimized by improving execution time, which depends mainly on the static and dynamic NUCA access policies (DNUCA). The suitability of cache access policy depends on data sharing properties of a multi-threaded application. Hence, we propose three indices to quantify data sharing properties of an application and use them to predict a more suitable cache access policy among SNUCA and DNUCA for an application.
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Instruction Timing Analysis for Linux/x86-based Embedded and Desktop SystemsJohn, Tobias 19 October 2005 (has links)
Real-time aspects are becoming more important in
standard desktop PC environments and x86 based
processors are being utilized in embedded systems
more often.
While these processors were not created for use
in hard real time systems, they are fast and
inexpensive and can be used if it is possible
to determine the worst case execution time.
Information on CPU caches (L1, L2) and
branch prediction architecture is necessary
to simulate best and worst cases in execution
timing, but is often not detailed
enough and sometimes not published at all.
This document describes how the underlying
hardware can be analysed to obtain
this information.
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Spare Block Cache Architecture to Enable Low-Voltage OperationSiddique, Nafiul Alam 01 January 2011 (has links)
Power consumption is a major concern for modern processors. Voltage scaling is one of the most effective mechanisms to reduce power consumption. However, voltage scaling is limited by large memory structures, such as caches, where many cells can fail at low voltage operation. As a result, voltage scaling is limited by a minimum voltage (Vccmin), below which the processor may not operate reliably. Researchers have proposed architectural mechanisms, error detection and correction techniques, and circuit solutions to allow the cache to operate reliably at low voltages. Architectural solutions reduce cache capacity at low voltages at the expense of logic complexity. Circuit solutions change the SRAM cell organization and have the disadvantage of reducing the cache capacity (for the same area) even when the system runs at a high voltage. Error detection and correction mechanisms use Error Correction Codes (ECC) codes to keep the cache operation reliable at low voltage, but have the disadvantage of increasing cache access time. In this thesis, we propose a novel architectural technique that uses spare cache blocks to back up a set-associative cache at low voltage. In our mechanism, we perform memory tests at low voltage to detect errors in all cache lines and tag them as faulty or fault-free. We have designed shifter and adder circuits for our architecture, and evaluated our design using the SimpleScalar simulator. We constructed a fault model for our design to find the cache set failure probability at low voltage. Our evaluation shows that, at 485mV, our designed cache operates with an equivalent bit failure probability to a conventional cache operating at 782mV. We have compared instructions per cycle (IPC), miss rates, and cache accesses of our design with a conventional cache operating at nominal voltage. We have also compared our cache performance with a cache using the previously proposed Bit-Fix mechanism. Our result show that our designed spare cache mechanism is 15% more area efficient compared to Bit-Fix. Our proposed approach provides a significant improvement in power and EPI (energy per instruction) over a conventional cache and Bit-Fix, at the expense of having lower performance at high voltage.
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Design Space Exploration and Optimization of Embedded Memory SystemsRabbah, Rodric Michel 11 July 2006 (has links)
Recent years have witnessed the emergence of microprocessors that are
embedded within a plethora of devices used in everyday life. Embedded
architectures are customized through a meticulous and time consuming
design process to satisfy stringent constraints with respect to
performance, area, power, and cost. In embedded systems, the cost of
the memory hierarchy limits its ability to play as central a
role. This is due to stringent constraints that fundamentally limit
the physical size and complexity of the memory system. Ultimately,
application developers and system engineers are charged with the heavy
burden of reducing the memory requirements of an application.
This thesis offers the intriguing possibility that compilers can play
a significant role in the automatic design space exploration and
optimization of embedded memory systems. This insight is founded upon
a new analytical model and novel compiler optimizations that are
specifically designed to increase the synergy between the processor
and the memory system. The analytical models serve to characterize
intrinsic program properties, quantify the impact of compiler
optimizations on the memory systems, and provide deep insight into the
trade-offs that affect memory system design.
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Sur des modèles pour l’évaluation de performance des caches dans un réseau cœur et de la consommation d’énergie dans un réseau d’accès sans-fil / On models for performance analysis of a core cache network and power save of a wireless access networkChoungmo Fofack, Nicaise Éric 21 February 2014 (has links)
Internet est un véritable écosystème. Il se développe, évolue et s’adapte aux besoins des utilisateurs en termes de communication, de connectivité et d’ubiquité. Dans la dernière décennie, les modèles de communication ont changé passant des interactions machine-à-machine à un modèle machine-à-contenu. Cependant, différentes technologies sans-fil et de réseaux (tels que les smartphones et les réseaux 3/4G, streaming en ligne des médias, les réseaux sociaux, réseaux-orientés contenus) sont apparues pour améliorer la distribution de l’information. Ce développement a mis en lumière les problèmes liés au passage à l’échelle et à l’efficacité énergétique; d’où la question: Comment concevoir ou optimiser de tels systèmes distribués qui garantissent un accès haut débit aux contenus tout en (i) réduisant la congestion et la consommation d’énergie dans le réseau et (ii) s’adaptant à la demande des utilisateurs dans un contexte connectivité quasi-permanente? Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à deux solutions proposées pour répondre à cette question: le déploiement des réseaux de caches et l’implantation des protocoles économes en énergie. Précisément, nous proposons des modèles analytiques pour la conception de ces réseaux de stockage et la modélisation de la consommation d’énergie dans les réseaux d’accès sans fil. Nos études montrent que la prédiction de la performance des réseaux de caches réels peut être faite avec des erreurs relatives absolues de l’ordre de 1% à 5% et qu’une proportion importante soit 70% à 90% du coût de l’énergie dans les cellules peut être économisée au niveau des stations de base et des mobiles sous des conditions réelles de trafic. / Internet is a real ecosystem. It grows, evolves and adapts to the needs of users in terms of communication, connectivity and ubiquity of users. In the last decade, the communication paradigm has shifted from traditional host-to-host interactions to the recent host-to-content model; while various wireless and networking technologies (such as 3/4G smartphones and networks, online media streaming, social networks, clouds, Big-Data, information-centric networks) emerged to enhance content distribution. This development shed light on scalability and energy efficiency issues which can be formulated as follows. How can we design or optimize such large scale distributed systems in order to achieve and maintain high-speed access to contents while (i) reducing congestion and energy consumption in the network and (ii) adapting to the temporal locality of users demand in a continuous connectivity paradigm? In this thesis we focus on two solutions proposed to answer this question: In-network caching and Power save protocols for scalability and energy efficiency issues respectively. Precisely, we propose analytic models for designing core cache networks and modeling energy consumption in wireless access networks. Our studies show that the prediction of the performance of general core cache networks in real application cases can be done with absolute relative errors of order of 1%–5%; meanwhile, dramatic energy save can be achieved by mobile devices and base stations, e.g., as much as 70%–90% of the energy cost in cells with realistic traffic load and the considered parameter settings.
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