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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Padronização das condições para cultura de células Caco-2 visando à obtenção de membranas viáveis ao estudo da permeabilidade in vitro da rifampicina / Standardization of culture Caco-2 cells conditions to obtain viable membranes to study the in vitro permeability of rifampicin

José Eduardo Gonçalves 29 April 2010 (has links)
A permeabilidade através do epitélio intestinal tem se tornado um importante aspecto a ser determinado nas avaliações biofarmacotécnicas envolvendo fármacos e medicamentos. A técnica mais empregada para essa determinação in vitro é aquela que utiliza a cultura de células Caco-2. Entretanto, ainda são discutíveis as condições para a realização desses experimentos, uma vez que a padronização das mesmas é fator fundamental para a confiabilidade dos resultados. Nesta tese, foram avaliadas as condições para realização dos estudos de permeabilidade através de membranas de células Caco-2 para a rifampicina, principal fármaco utilizado no tratamento da tuberculose. Para tanto, foram investigados fatores tais como a citotoxicidade da rifampicina em diferentes concentrações, a influência da concentração do fármaco sobre a permeabilidade, do pH de realização dos experimentos e da presença de proteínas do muco intestinal, além da influência de proteínas plasmáticas. Foi também investigado o potencial indutor da rifampicina sobre a expressão da glicoproteína-P (Pgp) e seu impacto na permeabilidade da própria rifampicina. Os estudos foram desenvolvidos utilizando membranas de células Caco-2 provenientes da American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) cultivadas em placas Transwel®, a quantificação da fração permeada foi por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com métodos validados. A análise da indução da expressão da Pgp foi realizada por PCR-RT. Demonstrou-se que as concentrações da rifampicina (10,0; 25,0 e 50,0 µg/mL) não ocasionaram danos às células Caco-2 no estudo de citotoxicidade pela técnica que emprega o sal do brometo de 3-(4,5-dimetil-2-tiazoli)-2,5-difenil-2H-tetrazólio (MTT). As concentrações de rifampicina (5,0; 10,0 e 25,0 µg/mL) não resultaram em valores estatisticamente diferentes de permeabilidade aparente (Papp) em células Caco-2 nas condições do estudo. A rifampicina apresentou valor de Papp significativamente maior em pH 6,8 dentre os valores de pH avaliados (5,8 ; 6,8; 7,4). A presença de muco simulado e de soro fetal bovino não resultou em valores de permeabilidade significativamente distintos do resultado obtido sem a sua adição ao experimento. A expressão da Pgp em células Caco-2 é induzida pela adição da rifampicina (10µg/mL), ocasionando diminuição da sua permeabilidade por mecanismo de efluxo. Pelos resultados de permeabilidade obtidos em todas as condições avaliadas, a rifampicina pode ser considerada um fármaco de alta permeabilidade de acordo com o Sistema de Classificação Biofarmacêutica. / The permeability through the intestinal epithelium has become an important aspect to be determined in evaluations involving drugs and pharmaceutical products. The most common technique for this determination in vitro is one that uses the culture of Caco-2 cells. Nevertheless, the conditions for carrying out such experiments are still questionable, since the standardization of them is essential to the reliability of the results. In this thesis, we evaluate the conditions for the studies of permeability of rifampicin through membranes of Caco-2 cells, the main drug used in the treatment of tuberculosis. To this end, we examined factors such as cytotoxicity of rifampicin at different concentrations, the influence of drug concentration on the permeability, as well as the pH of the experiments, the presence of proteins of intestinal mucus, and the influence of plasma proteins. It was also investigated the potential of rifampicin on the expression of P-glycoprotein (Pgp) and its impact on the permeability of rifampicin itself. The studies were developed using membranes of Caco-2 cells from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) grown on plates Transwel®, and the quantification of the fraction of drug permeated was obtained by high performance liquid chromatography with validated methods. The analysis of induction of expression of Pgp was performed by RT-PCR. It was demonstrated that the concentrations of rifampicin (10,0; 25,0 and 50,0 µg/mL) did not cause damage to Caco-2 cells in the study of the cytotoxicity technique that uses a bromide salt of 3 - (4,5-dimethyl-2 - thiazol) -2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium (MTT). The concentrations of rifampicin (5,0; 10,0 and 25,0 &#181g/mL) did not result in statistically different values of apparent permeability (Papp) in Caco-2 cells under the conditions of the study. Rifampicin showed a value of Papp significantly higher at pH 6.8 in comparison with other measured pH values (5,8 and 7,4). The presence of mucus simulated and fetal calf serum did not result in permeability values significantly different from the result obtained without its addition to the experiment. The expression of P-gp in Caco-2 cells is induced by the addition of rifampicin (10 µg/ml), decreasing its permeability by efflux mechanism. Taking into account the results of permeability obtained in all conditions, the rifampicin can be considered a high permeability drug according to the biopharmaceutical classification system.

Efeito da atorvastatina sobre a atividade funcional e expressão de transportadores de membrana do tipo ABC e SLC / Effect of atorvastatin on the activity and expression of ABC and SLC membrane transporters.

Alice Cristina Rodrigues 12 September 2008 (has links)
Os transportadores de membrana do tipo ATP Binding Cassette (ABC) e solute carriers (SLC) regulam a homeostase intracelular de fármacos, modificando a biodisponibilidade e possivelmente a eficácia terapêutica. A variabilidade na resposta a hipolipemiantes, como as vastatinas, tem sido associada a vários fatores genéticos e ambientais. Com a finalidade de avaliarmos os mecanismos de regulação da expressão dos transportadores pela atorvastatina, a expressão de RNAm de transportadores ABC (ABCB1, ABCG2 e ABCC2) e SLC (SLCO1B1, SLCO2B1 e SLC22A1) foi avaliada por RT-PCRq em células mononucleares do sangue periférico (CMSP) de 18 indivíduos normolipidêmicos (NL) e 22 pacientes hipercolesterolêmicos (HC) tratados com atorvastatina (10mg/dia/4 semanas). A possível associação entre o polimorfismo ABCB1 C3435T e a expressão de RNAm também foi avaliada. Os estudos in vitro foram realizados com as células das linhagens HepG2 e Caco-2. Foram avaliados os efeitos da atorvastatina na ativação de fatores de transcrição (NF-kappaB, NF-Y, c-jun, SP-1 e PXR) por ensaio de mobilidade eletroforética retardada em gel de poliacrilamida (EMSA) e na meia-vida do RNAm do gene ABCB1 por RT-PCRq, e a expressão e atividade funcional da proteína ABCB1 por Western blot, imunohistoquimica e citometria de fluxo. A proteina ABCB1 foi localizada por imunohistoquimica na membrana apical do canalículo biliar das celulas HepG2 e na membrana apical das Caco-2. O tratamento das células HepG2 com atorvastatina causou redução da expressão de RNAm do gene ABCB1 e aumento na expressão dos genes ABCG2 e ABCC2. Esses efeitos foram dose e tempo dependentes. O tratamento com atorvastatina das células Caco-2 não modificou a expressão dos transportadores de efluxo após 30 a 120 min. Nas células HepG2, as concentrações de 10 e 20 M de atorvastatina causaram diminuição da expressão de ABCB1 (0 &#181;M: 1,00 ± 0,06; 10 &#181;M: 0,69 ± 0,25, p< 0,05; 20 &#181;M: 0,69 ± 0,06, p< 0,05). A atividade da ABCB1, avaliada pelo efluxo de Rh123, mostrou-se estar reduzida em 41% nas células HepG2, após tratamento com atorvastatina 20 &#181;M. Embora a diminuição da expressão do ABCB1 não tenha sido decorrente de uma menor ativação transcricional, avaliada indiretamente por EMSA, estudos de mecanismos de regulação pós-transcricionais, revelaram que a atorvastatina diminui a estabilidade de RNAm do gene ABCB1. Esse resultado parece estar de acordo com o ocorrido nas CMSP, já que o tratamento com atorvastatina diminuiu a expressão de RNAm do gene ABCB1 nos indivíduos HC. Essa modulação, no entanto não está associada à presença do polimorfismo ABCB1 C3435T. Em relação aos transportadores de captação, a expressão do SLC22A1 nas células Caco-2 diminui após tratamento com atorvastatina por 30 min e não foi modificada nas células HepG2. Já o gene SLCO2B1 encontrou-se muito aumentado após 24 h de tratamento nas células HepG2. Estudos in vivo nas CMSP, mostrou que a expressão de mRNA basal dos transportadores nos HC foi 10 vezes maior que nos NL e diminuiu após tratamento com atorvastatina nos HC. Com os resultados obtidos podemos sugerir que diferenças no efeito da atorvastatina nos tipos celulares podem ser em decorrência da expressão tecido-específica de fatores de transcrição. No modelo de hepatócito, HepG2, a atorvastatina é um inibidor do transporte mediado pela ABCB1 e é capaz de diminuir a síntese e a função da ABCB1, via aumento da degradação de RNAm do gene ABCB1. Em conseqüência ocorre uma redução do efluxo pelo sistema biliar, causando aumento da concentração intracelular. Ainda, podemos concluir que em CMSP o colesterol pode ser o responsável pela modulação dos genes dos transportadores de membrana e que isso pode implicar em diferenças na eficácia da atorvastatina. / Specific membrane transporters have a significant impact on drug absorption and disposition. Most of them belong to two super-families, ABC (ATP-binding cassette) and SLC (solute-linked carrier). Statins are important therapeutic agents in the management of hypercholesterolemia, and considerable inter-individual variation exists in response to its therapy. The effects of atorvastatin expression of efflux (ABCG2 and ABCC2) and uptake (SLCO1B1, SLCO2B1 and SLC22A1) drug transporters were investigated by qPCR in Caco-2 and HepG2 cell lines and in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of eighteen normolipidemic (NL) and twenty two hypercholesterolemic (HC) individuals treated with atorvastatin (10mg/day/4 weeks). The possible involvement of ABCB1 C3435T polymorphism in ABCB1 mRNA expression was also evaluated. In vitro studies with the cell lines HepG2 and Caco-2 were also performed. The effect of atorvastatin on the activation of the promoter of ABCB1 by transcription factors (NF-kappaB, NF-Y, c-jun, SP-1, and PXR) was evaluated by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), and ABCB1 mRNA half-life were measured by PCRq. The expression and functional activity of ABCB1 were investigated by Western blot, imunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. Immunohystochemical analysis revealed that ABCB1 is located at the apical membrane of the bile canaliculi in HepG2, and in apical membrane of Caco-2 cells. Atorvastatin treatment of HepG2 cells caused a decreased in ABCB1 and an increase in ABCC2 and ABCG2 transcript levels. These effects were time and dose-dependent. Treatment of Caco-2 cells did not present any differences in efflux transporters mRNA levels. Treatment of HepG2 cells with 10 and 20 M atorvastatin caused a reduction on ABCB1 expression (0 &#181;M: 1,00 ± 0,06; 10 &#181;M: 0,69 ± 0,25, p< 0,05; 20 &#181;M: 0,69 ± 0,06, p< 0,05), and a 41% decrease in ABCB1-mediated efflux of Rhodamine123 (p < 0.01). Although reduced ABCB1 mRNA expression was not due to any repressor protein suppressing ABCB1 promoter activation, mRNA stability studies revealed that mRNA stability of ABCB1 was markedly decreased by atorvastatin treatment (2h versus 7h for control). In agrrement with these results, in PBMCs of HC individuals, atorvastatin treatment also reduced ABCB1 mRNA expression. However, the down-regulation was not associated with the presence of 3435T allele. For the uptake transporters, atorvastatin decreased SLC22A1 transcript levels after 30min-treatment and it was not regulated in HepG2. On the other hand, SLCO2B1 was up-regulated after 24h-treatment of HepG2 cells. In vivo studies with PBMCs revealed that during hypercholesterolemia all the drug transporters analyzed were increased almost 10-fold (p< 0.05), and after atorvastatin therapy the efflux and uptake transporters transcript levels were all down-regulated. These findings suggest that atorvastatin exhibits differential effects on mRNA expression of drug transporters depending on the cell type, which may be related to tissue-specific expression of transcription factors. Atorvastatin leads to decreased ABCB1 function and synthesis in HepG2 cells by increasing degradation of ABCB1 mRNA. Therefore, inhibition of ABCB1 may reduce atorvastatin elimination via bile, increasing its cellular concentrations. We also may suggest that in PBMCs cholesterol modulates mRNA expression of drug transporters, and this may contribute to the variability of response to atorvastatin.

Biodisponibilité nutritionnelle de systèmes colloïdaux riches en acides gras polyinsaturés : études in vivo et in vitro / Nutritional bioavailability of polyunsaturated fatty acid-rich colloidal systems : in vivo and in vitro studies

Couedelo, Leslie 14 November 2011 (has links)
Les derniers apports nutritionnels conseillés recommandent une consommation plus importante en acides gras polyinsaturés de la série n-3 que celle actuellement constatée dans l’alimentation française. Dans ce contexte, il convenait d’appréhender les facteurs susceptibles de moduler l’absorption et le devenir de leur chef de file, l’ALA, en faisant appel à deux approches, l’une in vivo (rat), l’autre in vitro (Caco-2). L’étude relative au devenir métabolique de l’ALA, selon sa forme physique et chimique de présentation, a été réalisée avec des lipides « modèles » (TAG structurés) ou naturels (huile de lin) riches en ALA, et selon différents systèmes lipidiques (huile en phase continue ou en émulsion de type huile dans eau et de composition en phospholipides variables). Les résultats obtenus in vivo et in vitro à l’égard de l’huile de lin (émulsionnée ou non) montrent que l’émulsification accélère non seulement le passage intestinal de l’ALA mais améliore également sa concentration lymphatique. L’étude cellulaire a par ailleurs démontré que la présence de lysophospholipides dans les micelles mixtes permet d’améliorer la sécrétion de l’ALA dans les lipoprotéines. D’autre part, le devenir métabolique de l’ALA dépend de sa régiolocalisation sur le triglycéride alimentaire. En effet, les résultats de l’étude faisant appel aux TAG structurés montrent que la position interne n’est que partiellement conservée dans la lymphe, suggérant qu’une hydrolyse des 2-MAG serait opérée par une MG lipase. En conséquence, l’ensemble des résultats obtenus lors de cette étude montre que l’absorption et le transport de l’ALA seraient uniquement modulés selon la forme physique de l’acide gras alors que son devenir et son utilisation métabolique dépendraient de sa régiolocalisation sur le TAG alimentaire. Ces deux facteurs réunis permettraient dés lors de prévenir l’ALA d’une β-oxydation précoce, en vue de favoriser son élongation en dérivés supérieurs dans les tissus cibles. / The last recommended nutrient intakes advise a higher consumption of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids series than currently found in French diet. In this context, it was appropriate to apprehend the factors that could modulate the absorption and fate of their leader, ALA, using two approaches, one in vivo (rat), the other one in vitro (Caco-2). The study on the metabolic fate of ALA, according to its physical and chemical submission form, was conducted with "models" lipids (structured TAG) or natural (flaxseed oil) rich in ALA, and according to different lipid systems (oil in continuous phase or in emulsion type oil in water and with variable phospholipid composition). Results obtained in vivo and in vitro for flaxseed oil (emulsion or not) show that emulsification enhances the recovery of ALA at the intestinal level but also improves its lymphatic concentration. The cell study also demonstrated that the presence of lysophospholipids in mixed micelles can improve the secretion of ALA in lipoproteins. On the other hand, the metabolic fate of ALA depends on its location on the glycerol backbone of the dietary triglyceride. The results of the study using structured TAG show that the internal position is partially preserved in lymph, suggesting that a hydrolysis of 2 - MAG by MG lipase could occur. Accordingly, all of the results obtained in this study shows that the absorption and transport of ALA would only be modulated according to the physical form of the fatty acid while its fate and its metabolic use would depend on its location on the dietary TAG. These two factors combined would then allow preventing the early β-oxidation of ALA in order to promote its elongation in higher derivatives in the target tissues.

Titanium dioxide nanoparticle uptake across the isolated perfused intestine of rainbow trout : physiological mechanisms and a comparison with Caco-2 cells

Al-Jubory, Aliaa Rasheed January 2013 (has links)
The wide use of nanoscale materials in food and health care products raises the concern of their possible uptake across the gastrointestinal tract, but very limited data are available on their uptake kinetics, and the potential hazards for humans. In this study, the uptake mechanism of titanium dioxide (TiO2) across the isolated perfused fish intestine and human intestinal Caco-2 cells were evaluated. The in vitro preparation of the whole gut sac and the isolated perfused intestine of rainbow trout were performed using both bulk and nano TiO2 in a concentration of 1 mg l-1 for up to 4 h. The results showed that the Ti from both bulk and TiO2 NPs were mainly accumulated in the mid and hind intestine, with 80% or more of the accumulation in the mucosa rather than the underlying muscularis. Perfused intestines showed a saturable, time-dependent accumulation of the Ti from TiO2 and the uptake of Ti from exposure to NPs was faster than that of the bulk form. The uptake of Ti from exposure to TiO2 NPs increases 10 fold when the CO2 in the gas mixture was lowered to 0.5%. Subsequently, further investigation on the mechanisms of uptake of TiO2 was applied using different kinds of inhibitors. Adding 10 mmol l-1 cyanide did not stop Ti uptake from TiO2 exposures, and 100 µmol l-1 vanadate (ATPase inhibitor) caused a 2.8 fold reduction in the net uptake rate of Ti for the TiO2 NP exposure. Luminal additions of 120 IU ml-1 nystatin (endocytosis inhibitor) blocked the uptake of Ti from both bulk and TiO2 NPs treatments. The results indicate that Ti accumulation from TiO2 exposures was sensitive to both nystatin and vanadate; the former suggesting that there is an endocytosis involvement in the uptake of TiO2 across the intestinal epithelium. Human intestinal Caco-2 cell showed a steady, saturable and time-dependent accumulation of Ti over 24 h exposures to 1 mg l-1 TiO2 (for all forms of TiO2). A scanning electron microscope study indicated the appearance of the particles underneath the cells, increasing the evidence of the Ti uptake from different forms of TiO2 by Caco-2 cells. Both nystatin and vanadate increase the accumulation of TiO2 which suggests interference of these drugs with endocytic pathways. All the data in the thesis demonstrates Ti uptake across the intestinal epithelium from TiO2 exposures involving CO2-dependent and nystatin-sensitive mechanisms. The results in this thesis have contributed to some understanding on the behaviour, uptake and effects of the TiO2 NPs across the intestine; and highlight the possible dietary hazard of the NPs to human health.

Modulation du développement du cancer de l'intestin et du côlon par des nutriments des produits laitiers

Roy, Marie-Josée January 2003 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Le rôle du récepteur scavenger B type I, SR-BI, dans l'absorption et le métabolisme du cholestérol au niveau intestinal

Ciubotariu, Elena January 2003 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Engineering polymeric micelles for solubilization of poorly-water soluble drugs : a novel approach for oral drug delivery

Francis, Mira January 2005 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Obesogenic molecules breaching Caco-2 cells : intracellular regulation of tight junctions

Hagelby Edström, Tim January 2016 (has links)
Impaired function of the human intestinal epithelial barrier (IEB) might allow for permeability of harmful substances, such as obesogens, which induce obesity and further implications. Tight junction (TJ) proteins are the key component for normal functions of the barrier. In this master thesis, the correlation between increased TJ permeability of the IEB and absorption of obesogens was studied. The effect of obesogens on TJ expression was also investigated. Permeability tests performed on Caco-2 cell monolayers exposed to obesogens showed altered permeability, indicating that obesogens might have an effect on TJ protein expression. Furthermore, impaired monolayers showed increased permeability, which implies that impaired functions of IEB lead to increased absorption of obesogens.

Simula??o de digest?o in vitro acoplada a modelos de transporte g?strico e intestinal para estimar a capta??o e absor??o de antocianinas em frutos / Simulation of in vitro digestion coupled to gastric and intestinal transport models to estimate the uptake and absorption of anthocyanins in fruits

PEIXOTO, Fernanda Marques 08 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-09-05T20:11:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Fernanda Marques Peixoto.pdf: 14003225 bytes, checksum: 89c95a9ad22b1e74cdf2bda273665230 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-05T20:11:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Fernanda Marques Peixoto.pdf: 14003225 bytes, checksum: 89c95a9ad22b1e74cdf2bda273665230 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-08 / A lot of interest in the consumption of anthocyanins increased after the association of their intake and reduced risk of chronic diseases. Despite of in vitro evidences of anthocyanins benefits to health, there is still a gap in the knowledge of the mechanisms of absorption of anthocyanins by the human body. It is known that concentration of food anthocyanins doesn't reflect the amount of these compounds which are absorbed, metabolized, distributed and biologically active in humans. Some in vitro models have been developed to evaluate the steps of cell release and transport ( uptake) of these compounds from food. The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vitro absorption of food anthocyanins using the in vitro digestion followed by uptake and transport in Caco-2 human intestinal cell line and MKN-28 human gastric cell line. Initially, anthocyanins bioaccessibility of diverse fruits was evaluated in order to select the better sources for transport assays. The bioaccessibility assays were performed using an in vitro digestion model, which mimics the human oral, gastric and intestinal stages. Quantification and characterization of anthocyanins profile were performed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with Thermo Scientific? C1s 2.4 (4.6 x 10mm) column. After selection of the most promising fruits, the bioaccessibility tests were followed by transport assays. To assess gastric absorption, the product from gastric digestion was applied on the MKN-28 cell monolayer, which was obtained after 7 days of culture of 2.5 x 10^5 MKN-28 cells seeded in RPMI culture media in transwell? plates. The permeate was collected after 30, 60, 120 andl80 minutes oftransport. For evaluation of intestinal absorption after digestion, the digesta from the intestinal phase was applied on the Caco-2 cell monolayer, which was obtained after 21 days of culture of 2.5 x 105 Caco-2 cells seeded in DMEM culture media in TRANSWELL? plates. The permeate was collected after 30, 60 and 120 minutes of transport. All analyses were made by forming CLUE / photodiode array detector (Thermo? Scientific) at 520nm. Peel powder from jabuticaba, jambo and Jamel?o were the most promising sources. The bioaccessibility of anthocyanins after gastric digestion was 13% for jabuticaba, 45 % for jambo and 65 % for jamel?o. In addition, the intestinal bioaccessibility was 1 O % for jabuticaba, 15 % for jambo and 45 % for jamel?o. The transport assay with the MKN-28 gastric cell line, revealed 19.7%, 9.7 % and 14.1 % of transport efficiency, respectively, for jambo, jabuticaba and jamel?o digestion products. While Caco-2 intestinal cell model showed 0.8 %, 0.2 % and 0.3 % oftransport efficiency, respectively, for jambo, jabuticaba and jamel?o. These results suggest food anthocyanins are preferentially absorbed by the human gastric mucosa and to a lesser extent by the human intestinal epithelium. / O interesse pelo consumo das antocianinas aumentou ap?s o surgimento da rela??o entre o seu consumo e a redu??o do risco de doen?as cr?nicas. Apesar das evid?ncias in vitro quanto a esses beneficios ? sa?de, ainda h? uma lacuna que permanece sob investiga??o: o mecanismo de absor??o das antocianinas pelo organismo humano. Sabe-se que a quantidade desses compostos, nos alimentos, n?o reflete a quantidade absorvida, metabolizada, distribu?da e biologicamente ativa em humanos. Alguns modelos in vitro t?m sido desenvolvidos para avaliar as etapas de digest?o e transporte celular (absor??o) de compostos dos alimentos. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o transporte in vitro de antocianinas em alimentos utilizando modelos de digest?o in vitro seguido do transporte em c?lulas intestinais Caco-2 e c?lulas g?stricas MKN-28. Na 1? etapa, oito frutos foram analisados quanto aos valores de bioacessibilidade (BCSS) fornecidos pelas antocianinas presentes, para posterior sele??o para os ensaios de transporte. Os ensaios de BCSS foram realizados com um modelo de digest?o in vitro, para simula??o das fases oral, g?strica e intestinal humana. A quantifica??o e determina??o do perfil de antocianinas foram realizadas por Cromatografia l?quida de alta efici?ncia (CLAE), com coluna Thermo? Scientific C1s 2,4 (4,6 x 100mm). Na 2? etapa, realizou-se os ensaios de BCSS, anteriormente aos ensaios de transporte, nos frutos potencialmente mais promissores. Para a avalia??o do transporte g?strico, na sequ?ncia, o digerido g?strico foi aplicado sobre a monocamada de c?lulas MKN-28, com 2,5 x 10^5 c?lulas, em meio RPMI, em placa transwell? e, ap?s 7 dias de cultivo, o permeado foi coletado nos tempos 30, 60, 120, 180 minutos. Para o transporte intestinal, sequencial, o digerido intestinal foi aplicado sobre a monocamada celular Caco-2, com 2,5 x 105 c?lulas, em meio DMEM, em placas transwell? e, ap?s 21 dias de cultivo, o permeado foi coletado nos tempos 30, 60 e 120 minutos de transporte. Todas as an?lises foram realizadas por CLUE/detector de arranjo fotodiodo (Thermo? Scientific), a 520 nm. Os p?s da casca da jabuticaba, jambo e jamel?o foram as matrizes mais promissoras. A BCSS das antocianinas, ap?s a digest?o g?strica, foi de 13 % parajabuticaba, 45 % parajambo e 65 % parajamel?o, enquanto a BCSS intestinal foi de 10% para jabuticaba, 15 % para jambo e 45 % para jamel?o. Os ensaios de transporte (ET) com os modelos de c?lula MKN-28 resultaram em 19,7; 9,7 e 14,1 % de ET, respectivamente, para os p?s do jambo, jabuticaba, e jamel?o, enquanto que o modelo Caco-2, resultaram em 0,8, 0,2 e 0,3 % de ET, respectivamente. Estes resultados sugerem que as antocianinas s?o preferencialmente absorvidas pela mucosa g?strica.

The Effect of Buttermilk Fraction Concentrates on Growth and Iron Uptake and Transport by Caco-2 Cell Cultures

Lee, Yoo-Hyun 01 May 2000 (has links)
To examine the effect of buttermilk fractions on growth, iron transport, and uptake, Caco-2 cells (human colon adenocarcinoma) were grown in a bicameral chamber. The Caco-2 cell culture system is a useful model to study micronutrient utilization in the human enterocyte, because Caco-2 cells continuously differentiate and form a monolayer, which has high polarity, a well-developed brush border, and a tight junction. Iron bioavailabilty in various milks is very different depending upon milk composition. The fat fraction especially is known to be associated with iron absorption, because the fat fraction has milk fat globule membrane (MFGM), which contains bioactive molecules such as sphingolipids. Composition of buttermilk that was concentrated by 10 K molecular sieving (MS) or by bacterial fermentation (Lactococcus latis PN-l) was reduced in lactose concentration and increased in protein concentration. Percent fat in MS buttermilk was concentrated to two times higher than in the original buttermilk (P < 0.05). Growth of Caco-2 cells with molecular sieved (MS) or fermented (FM) buttermilk in the growth medium was not significantly different. Transport and uptake of 59Fe was performed with/without cold iron (1 mmol/L) by iron-depleted or iron-repleted cells. Molecular sieved or fermented buttermilk and ganglioside or sphingomyelin standards with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) were added to the Hank's balance salt solution (HBSS) in the apical chamber. With cold iron, addition of MS and FM buttermilk (1, 2, or 3 percent) increased 59Fe transport across iron-repleted cells (P < 0.01). Without cold iron, ganglioside depressed 59Fe transport (P < 0.01). Uptake of 59Fe was not significantly affected by buttermilk concentrates; however, more effective uptake was shown across iron-depleted cells. It is not clear from these studies that buttermilk fractions or their components influence iron uptake or transport by Caco-2 cell cultures.

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