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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Conserved Cortical Computation Revealed by Connecting Behavior toWhole-Brain Activity in C. elegans: An In Silico Systems Approach

Ryan, William George, V 28 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The AIB interneurons are modulated by excitatory and inhibitory signaling pathways to shape aversive behaviors in response to 1-octanol

Layne, Robert Michael January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Étude de l'activité spontanée dans la moëlle épinière de l'oppossum Monodelphis domestica en développement

Lavallée, Annie January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Etude de l'effet de mutations du gène SHANK3 dans les TSA à partir de neurones corticaux humains dérivés de cellules souches pluripotentes induites / Study of the effect of SHANK3 gene mutations in TSA from human cortical neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells

Gouder, Laura 18 November 2016 (has links)
Les Troubles du Spectre Autistique (TSA) affectent un individu sur 100 en France et sont caractérisés par des déficits de la communication et des interactions sociales ainsi que par la présence d’intérêts restreints et de comportements répétitifs. Le laboratoire a démontré l’implication de protéines synaptiques dans le développement des TSA et en particulier celle des protéines SHANK. Ces protéines sont des protéines d’échafaudage présentes au niveau de la densité post-synaptique (PSD) des neurones glutamatergiques et interagissant avec différents partenaires. Dans le cadre de mon projet de thèse, nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à la protéine SHANK3. Des mutations au sein du gène SHANK3 ont été détectées chez environ 1 à 2% des patients, selon le degré de sévérité du retard mental. Un déficit de SHANK3 altère le fonctionnement synaptique. En effet, des analyses sur modèles de souris invalidées pour le gène SHANK3 ont montré une diminution de la densité des épines dendritiques, de la taille de la densité post-synaptique et de l’expression des partenaires protéiques de SHANK3. Mon modèle principal d’analyse a consisté en la reprogrammation de fibroblastes en cellules pluripotentes induites (iPSC « induced pluripotent stem cells »). Les iPSCs ont ensuite été sélectivement dérivées en neurones corticaux. Nos études se sont focalisées sur l’analyse des conséquences fonctionnelles de mutations de novo du gène SHANK3 retrouvées chez 4 patients à l’état hétérozygote et présentes au sein de l’exon 21. Ces mutations conduisent à un codon stop prématuré. En parallèle, nous avons obtenu des cellules de 4 individus témoins ne présentant aucun trouble psychiatrique identifié. L’analyse a porté d’une part sur des aspects morphologiques et d’autre part sur des aspects fonctionnels. Nous avons étudié l’effet des mutations sur la maturation et les caractéristiques morphologiques des épines dendritiques. Nous avons établi un protocole permettant une analyse détaillée de la morphologie en 3D des épines dendritiques et suivi leur maturation. Un résultat majeur est l’observation d’une diminution de la densité des épines sur les dendrites des neurones pyramidaux issus des patients par rapport aux témoins. Comme attendu, la maturation des épines n’est pas complètement achevée mais varie peu dans son évolution d’un individu à l’autre (témoins vs. patients). Nous avons poursuivi ces études par deux approches fonctionnelles : l’imagerie calcique et des études d’électrophysiologie. Les données électrophysiologiques sont en cours d’analyse. En conclusion, nous avons pu obtenir des cultures de neurones corticaux glutamatergiques et les maintenir en culture durant 40 jours pour effectuer différentes analyses à un stade de maturation suffisant pour la mise en évidence de phénotypes morphologiques et fonctionnels. Nous avons principalement observé une diminution de des densités synaptiques et de maturation des épines dendritiques au sein des neurones issus de patients liée à des altérations d’oscillations calciques spontanées. / Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting 1% of population ; characterised by impairments in social interaction and reciprocal communication as well as repetitive and stereotyped behaviors. The work of the laboratory lead to the identification of several genes associated with ASD, among which genes of the synaptic pathway such as SHANK. The SHANK proteins are scaffolding proteins of the post-synaptic density (PSD) of glutamatergic neurons and interact with several partners. In my thesis project, we were particularly interested in SHANK3 mutations. First, Shank3 mutations represent up to 2.12% of ASD cases with moderate to high ID. A SHANK3 deficit leads to the alteration of the synaptic functioning. Indeed, studies of mice KO for SHANK3 gene showed a decrease of the dendritic spines density, of the PSD size and of the expression of SHANK3 partners. My principal model of analysis consisted in the reprogrammation of fibroblasts into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Then, the iPSCs were selectively derived into cortical neurons. Our studies were focus on the analysis of functional consequences of SHANK3 de novo mutations found within 4 patients. These mutations are heterozygous and within the exon 21. They result in a premature stop codon. In parallel, we obtained cells from 4 healthy individuals. The work was about the morphological and functional aspects. We analysed the mutations effects on the maturation and morphological caracteristics of the dendritic spines. We finalized a protocol that enabled a detailed analysis of the spine dendritic 3D morphology and their maturation follow-up. A important result was the observation of a decrease of the spine density on pyramidal neurons dendrites from patients compared to those from controls. Moreover, spines maturation was not fully accomplished but was not much different in its evolution between individuals (controls vs patients). Then, we used two functional skills : calcium imaging and electrophysiological experiments. The electrophysiological data are in progress. To conclude, we succeeded in the obtention of glutamatergic cortical neurons and to maintain them in culture during 40 days in order to realize some analysis at a sufficient maturation stage to observe morphological and functional phenotypes. We mainly observed a decrease of the dendritic spines density and maturation for the neurons from patients, with alterations of the spontaneous calcium oscillations.

Purificação de células troco de lipoaspirado humano por aptâmeros de DNA, seguida da caracterização dos fenótipos obtidos da diferenciação neuronal / Human adipose mesechymal stem cell separation by DNA aptamers followed by the characterization of the obtained phenotypes from neuronal differentiation

Nery, Arthur Andrade 14 May 2014 (has links)
Células tronco mesenquimais de tecido adiposo, são uma promissora ferramenta para aplicações clínicas em terapias celular e regenerativa, em vista da facilidade de sua extração e da maior quantidade de células por unidade de massa de tecido quando comparado a outras fontes clássicas de células mesenquimais como medula óssea. O protocolo clássico de extração e purificação dessas células, depende de sua adesão em plástico e xeno-materiais demandando muito tempo para ser utilizado por médicos para auxiliar pacientes em procedimentos de emergência. Estas células são capazes se diferenciar em diversos tipos celulares, o que as torna boas candidatas para terapia celular, embora sua capacidade de transdiferenciação para fenótipos neuronais seja ainda discutida. Neste trabalho demonstramos um novo processo para isolar essas células na base de epitopos específicos expressos (assinatura molecular de superfície) utilizando aptâmeros como ligantes de alta afinidade para estes sitios. Aptâmeros, moléculas de DNA simples fita identificadas a partir de uma biblioteca combinatória de sequencias de DNA simples-fita foram identificados por ciclos reiterativos de seleção in vitro (SELEX) utilizando células tronco do lipoaspirado como alvo. Dois aptâmeros isolados, denominados APT9 e APT11, foram capazes de identificar subpopulações (15,8 e 23,7% respectivamente) dentre as células tronco mesenquimais (classicamente CD29+/CD90+/CD45-) e separá-las usando nano-partículas magnéticas acopladas aos aptâmeros. Além disso, seguindo uma indução para diferenciação neuronal, as células tronco mesenquimais passam a apresentar morfologia neuronal e apresentam expressão e atividade de diversos receptores de neurotransmissores, avaliados por PCR real-time e imageamento de variações da concentração de cálcio intracelular ápos stimulação com vários agonistas de receptores metatrópicos e ionotrópicos. Ao longo da diferenciação, os níveis transcricionais de mRNA de receptores de cininas (B1 e B2), nicotínicos (alfa 7), muscarínicos (M1, M3 e M4), glutamatérgicos (AMPA2 e mGluR2), purinérgicos (P2Y1 e P2Y4) e GABAergicos (GABA-A, subunidade 3) e da óxido nítrico sintase neural aumentaram quando comparados aos níveis das células não diferenciadas, enquanto que os níveis de expressão de outros receptores incluindo purinérgicos P2X1, P3X4, P2X7 e P2Y6 e muscarínico M5 diminuíram. Os níveis de atividade das classes dos receptores estudados, por imageamento de variações da concentração de cálcio intrac, aumentaram para a maioria dos agonistas analisados durante a diferenciação neuronal com exceção para respostas induzidas por glutamato e NMDA. Células diferenciadas expressavam altos níveis de antígenos específicos de neurônios como β3-tubulina, NF-H, NeuN e MAP-2 indicando uma diferenciação em fenótipo neuronal bem sucedida. Desta maneira, esta tese, ao identificar aptâmeros, prove uma inovadora solução para médicos usarem as células tronco mesenquimais dentro de uma sala de cirurgia, através de um método que é capaz de purificar essas células em um tempo clínico viável, com pureza e sem contato com contaminantes. Além disso, nós mostramos aqui que com um protocolo como o proposto para diferenciação neuronal, nós poderíamos induzir essas células para se diferenciar em neurônios, através da ativação de fatores de transcrição específicos, levando às células tronco mesenquimais a serem possivelmente utilizadas em terapias celulares de reparo neuronal. / Adipose mesenchymal stem cells are promising tools for clinical applications in cellular and regeneration therapies, in view of easiness of extraction and higher amount of isolated stem cells per mass of tissue when compared to other classical mesenchymal stem cell sources including bone marrow. The classical protocol to extract and purify these cells, depending on plastic adherence and xeno-materials, is too time consuming to be used by physicians to help patients at emergency procedures. These cells are able to differentiate into various cell types, making them good candidates for cell therapy, however their capability for transdifferentiation into neural phenotypes is yet discussed. Here we show a novel process to isolate these cells using their surface molecular signature and aptamers, ssDNA molecules identified through the SELEX technique, denominated APT9 and APT11 that are able to identify subpopulations (15,8 and 23,7% respectively) within the mesenchymal stem cells (classically CD29+/CD90+/CD45-) and separate them using magnetic nano-particles attached to the aptamers. Moreover, following induction to neural differentiation, mesenchymal cells presents neuronal morphology and present expression and activity of several neurotransmitter receptors, as evaluated by real-time PCR and calcium imaging. During this process, mRNA transcription levels of bradykinin (B1 and B2), cholinergic (alpha 7), muscarinic (M1, M3 and M4), glutamatergic (AMPA2 and mGlu2), purinergic (P2Y1 and P2Y4) and GABAergic (GABA-A, subunit 3) receptors and neuronal nitric oxide synthase were augmented when compared to levels of undifferentiated cells, while the expression levels of other receptors including purinergic P2X1, P2X4, P2X7 and P2Y6 and muscarinic M5 receptors were down-regulated. Activity levels of the studied receptor classes, as studied by calcium imaging, increased for most of the agonists analyzed during the neuronal differentiation with the exception for glutamate- and NMDA-induced receptor responses. Differentiated cells expressed high levels of neuron-specific antigens such as β3-tubulin, NF-H, NeuN and MAP-2, indicating a successful differentiation into neuronal phenotypes. This thesis, by identifying aptamers, provides a novel solution for physicians to use mesenchymal stem cells inside a surgery room, by using a method that are able to purify the cells in a clinical viable time, with purity and no contact with contaminats. Furthermore, we show here that with a protocol as provided for neuronal differentiation, we could induce these cells to differentiate into neurons, by activating specific transcription factors,making mesenchymal stem cells to possibly be used in neuronal repair cell therapies.

Signal transformation at the input and output of the Drosophila visual system

Morimoto, Mai January 2017 (has links)
A key function of the nervous system is to sample data from the external world, generate internal signals, and transform them into meaningful information that can be used to trigger behaviour. In order to gain insight into the underlying mechanism for signal transformation, the visual system has been extensively studied: partly owing to the stimulus being reliably presentable, and the anatomy being well described. The Drosophila visual system is one such system, with the added advantage of genetic tractability. In this thesis, I studied the filtering property of visual neurons at two levels, biophysical and circuit levels. The first study looks at signal transformation at the biophysical level, at the input of the visual system, in photoreceptors. Voltage-gated potassium channels counteract the depolarization caused by opening of light sensitive channels, and the heterogeneous properties of their kinetics can fine-tune the photoreceptor’s frequency response to fulfill the animal’s ecological requirements. Shaker (Kv1) and Shab (Kv2) have been identified as fast and slow inactivating components of the photoreceptor’s outward currents, however a current with intermediate kinetics (IKf) has not been molecularly identified, but had been postulated to be Shal (Kv4). I focused on characterizing this current using whole-cell patch clamp in wild type and mutants, and using antibodies for Shal. My results from whole-cell patch clamp indicated that IKf in adult R1-6 cells are not Shal, from their voltage dependence and insensitivity to a Kv4 blocker. This calls for alternative molecular basis for IKf, which is likely to be a slow inactivating component of Shaker, or a combination of its many splice variants. The second study looks at signal transformation at the circuit level, at the output end, in the third optic neuropil, lobula. Visual projection neurons project from the lobula to the central brain, and have been proposed to carry behaviourally relevant visual features to higher brain regions. It was recently shown that optogenetic activation of individual visual projection neuron types could induce distinct behaviours such as takeoff and backward walking, linking these visual neurons to specific behavioural programs downstream. Using in vivo two-photon calcium imaging, I recorded visually evoked calcium responses from three of these cell types. Cell types that showed induced takeoff and backward walking preferentially responded to dark looming stimuli or fragmented expanding local features, suggesting their role in behaviours triggered by object approach. To explore how this visual information is transformed in the downstream circuit, we identified several candidate neurons that receive input from this cell type by anatomical overlap, and then validated their connections using optogenetic activation and calcium imaging. One downstream cell-type that projects bilaterally had very similar response properties to its upstream partner, whereas another cell-type that projects ipsilaterally seemed to filter out some information from its upstream partner. This is one of the first studies that functionally characterizes lobula visual projection neurons and their downstream partners in Drosophila, and their response properties agree with the general idea that visual information becomes increasingly selective as it is sent to higher brain regions.

Une approche tout optique pour l'étude de schémas remarquables de connectivité fonctionnelle / An all-optical approach to probe outstanding models of functional connectivity

Tressard, Thomas 19 March 2019 (has links)
On assiste à un essor spectaculaire des méthodes optiques pour suivre l’activité de populations neuronales in vivo. Ceci a permis de mettre en évidence des motifs remarquables d’organisation fonctionnelle à l’échelle mésoscopique impliqués dans de nombreuses fonctions cérébrales physiopathologiques. Cette thèse vise à mettre en place les outils permettant de disséquer les circuits sous-tendant ces motifs remarquables selon une approche expérimentale basée uniquement sur la microscopie optique. Plus particulièrement, ces outils ont été optimisés pour décrire la région CA1 de l’hippocampe adulte et le « barrel cortex » au cours du développement. En effet, deux motifs remarquables ont récemment été mis en évidence dans ces structures, les assemblées neuronales de CA1 adulte impliquées d’une part dans des processus de mémorisation et les neurones Hubs du cortex en développement et d’autre part participant au développement postnatal des circuits neuronaux. Dans ce contexte, nous avons développé un nouveau paradigme expérimental combinant imagerie calcique biphotonique in vivo, photostimulation par illumination holographique et analyse mathématique. Nous avons optimisé le choix et la co-expression de la sonde calcique et de l’opsine dans nos conditions expérimentales, et calibré leur utilisation dans les neurones de différentes structures cérébrales. De plus, nous avons conçu et assemblé un nouveau microscope à deux voies d’excitation, une pour l’imagerie calcique et l’autre pour la photostimulation holographique in vivo. Cette nouvelle approche expérimentale est en cours de validation sur les neurones Hubs à forte connectivité du « barrel cortex » en développement. / Over The last five years we have observed a huge improvement of optical methods to monitor the activity of neuronal populations in vivo. With these new approaches, remarkable patterns of functional organization at the mesoscopic scale that are involved in many pathophysiological brain functions were highlighted. This thesis aims to develop tools allowing us to dissect the circuits underlying these remarkable patterns according to an experimental approach based on all optical microscopy. These tools have been optimized to describe the functional organization of CA1 neurons in the adult hippocampus as well as in the barrel cortex during development. Two remarkable patterns have recently been identified in these structures, first, adult CA1 neural assemblies involved in memory processes and second, Hub cortical neurons that shape neuronal circuit during development. We have developed a new experimental paradigm combining in vivo two photon calcium imaging, holography photostimulation and mathematical analysis. We optimized the choice and co-expression of calcium probe (GCaMP6s) and opsin (Chronos and ChR2H134R) in our experimental conditions and calibrated their use in neurons of different brain structures. In addition, we designed and assembled a new two-path excitation microscope, one for calcium imaging and the other for in vivo holography photostimulation. This new experimental approach is being validated on Hub neurons with high connectivity in the developing barrel cortex.

Influence of lipids (arachidonic acid and cholesterol) on calcium signalling in rodent pancreatic beta cells

Yeung-Yam-Wah, Valerie 11 1900 (has links)
Ca2+ is an important mediator of stimulus-secretion coupling in beta cells of the pancreatic islets, which secrete insulin in response to elevation in plasma glucose concentration. I studied the actions of two lipids, arachidonic acid (AA) and cholesterol, on enzymatically-dissociated single beta cells of rat and mouse, using cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) measurement in conjunction with whole-cell patch-clamp techniques. AA, which is produced in the beta cell upon stimulation with either glucose or acetylcholine, was found to induce a large increase in [Ca2+]i that was dependent on both extracellular Ca2+ entry and intracellular Ca2+ release. Part of the AA-mediated extracellular Ca2+ entry was due to Ca2+ influx through the arachidonate-regulated Ca2+ (ARC) channels, which have not previously been reported in beta cells. The AA-mediated intracellular Ca2+ release was a result of Ca2+ mobilization from multiple inositol trisphosphate (IP3)-sensitive intracellular stores, including the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and an acidic Ca2+ store that is probably the secretory granules. Therefore, in beta cells, the AA-mediated Ca2+ signal may amplify the [Ca2+]i rise induced by insulin secretagogues. Cholesterol is an integral component of cellular membranes and an important regulator of cellular functions. However, elevation of cholesterol level in the pancreatic islets reduces glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. I found that cholesterol overload impairs the glucose-stimulated [Ca2+]i increase in beta cells by two major mechanisms: the first is a decrease in glucose-stimulated ATP production, which is partly mediated by a decrease in glucose uptake, and the second is the reduction of voltage-gated Ca2+ current density. These effects of cholesterol may partly account for the decreased insulin secretion that develops in patients with type II diabetes, who typically exhibit hypercholesterolemia. In summary, different lipids may mediate beneficial or detrimental effects on Ca2+ regulation in rodent pancreatic beta cells.

Signalkaskaden und Steuermechanismen in den Speicheldrüsen von Dipteren / Signalling pathways and control mechanisms in the salivary glands of Diptera

Schmidt, Ruth Maria January 2006 (has links)
Flüssigkeitssekretion und Proteinsekretion werden in Speicheldrüsen von Insekten über Hormone und Neurotransmitter gesteuert. Diese entfalten ihre physiologische Wirkung in den sekretorischen Drüsenzellen hauptsächlich über den zyklischen Adenosinmonophosphat (cAMP)-Signalweg und den Inositoltrisphosphat (IP<SUB>3</SUB>) / Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Signalweg. Die Mechanismen möglicher Wechselwirkungen zwischen diesen Signalwegen und ihre physiologischen Auswirkungen sind unzureichend bekannt.<p> Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit stand die Frage, ob und wie sich der Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Signalweg und der cAMP-Signalweg in der Speicheldrüse der Diptere <I>Calliphora vicina</I> beeinflussen. Substanzen wie 5-Fluoro-α-Methyltryptamin und Histamin wurden in früheren Arbei-ten als Agonisten genutzt, um in den Speicheldrüsen von <I>C. vicina</I> selektiv den cAMP-Signalweg (getrennt vom IP<SUB>3</SUB>/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Signalweg) zu aktivieren. Es zeigte sich in transepithelialen Potentialmessungen und mikrofluorometrischen Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Untersuchungen, dass beide Substanzen sowohl den cAMP-Weg als auch den Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Signalweg aktivierten. Die physiologischen Ursachen der Histamin-induzierten Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Erhöhung wurden genauer untersucht. <p> Zusammengefasst zeigten diese Untersuchungen, dass Histamin wie 5-HT den cAMP-Weg und die Phosphoinositidkaskade aktivierte. Im Gegensatz zu den 5-HT-induzierten Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Oszillationen, welche durch interzelluläre Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Wellen synchronisiert werden, verursachte Histamin bei niedrigen Konzentrationen lokale Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Oszillationen in einzelnen Zellen (keine Wellen). Bei höheren Histamin-Konzentrationen war eine anhaltende Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Erhöhung oder ein synchrones <quote>Ca<sup>2+</sup>-beating</quote> in der gesamten Drüse zu beobachten. <p> Des Weiteren wurde die Frage untersucht, ob eine Erhöhung der intrazellulären cAMP-Konzentration den IP<SUB>3</SUB> Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Signalweg in den Epithelzellen der Speicheldrüse beeinflussen kann. Es zeigte sich, dass cAMP den durch schwellennahe 5-HT-Konzentrationen induzierten Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Anstieg verstärkte. Diese Verstärkung wurde durch eine PKA-vermittelte Sensitivierung des IP<SUB>3</SUB>-Rezeptor/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Kanals für IP<SUB>3</SUB> verursacht. Immunzytochemische Untersuchungen deuten dar-auf hin, dass die Proteinkinase A eng mit dem IP<SUB>3</SUB>-Rezeptor/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Kanal assoziiert ist. Diese Messungen zeigen erstmals, dass auch bei Invertebraten der Botenstoff cAMP, PKA-vermittelt, den IP<SUB>3</SUB>-Rezeptor/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Kanal des ER für IP<SUB>3</SUB> sensitiviert. / Fluid- and protein-secretion in the salivary glands of insects are controlled by hormones or neurotransmitters. These agonists activate two signalling cascades: the cAMP-pathway and the IP>sub>3</sub>/Ca-pathway. The functional crosstalk between these two signalling pathways is poorly understood. <p> Functional crosstalk between cAMP-pathway and IP<sub>3</sub>/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-pathway was investigated in the salivary glands of the blowfly, <I>Calliphora vicina</I>. Histamine and 5-alpha-methyltryptamine were used in an attempt to activate the cAMP-pathway selectively, as suggested previously. By using transepithelial potential-measurements and microfluorometric Ca<sup>2+</sup>-imaging it was demonstrated that both substances activate the cAMP- and the IP<sub>3</sub>/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-pathway. The physiological effects of histamine were investigated in detail. These experiments show that histamine causes an intracellular Ca<sup>2+</sup>-elevation that, in some preparations exhibits oscillations with concentration-dependent frequencies. In contrast to 5-HT induced intracellular Ca<sup>2+</sup>-oscillations and propagating intercellular Ca<sup>2+</sup>-waves histamine produces local Ca<sup>2+</sup>-oscillations in single cells or synchronous <quote>Ca<sup>2+</sup>-beating</quote> in the whole gland.<p> In addition the effects of increasing cAMP on the IP<sub>3</sub>/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-pathway in the salivary glands of the blowfly were studied. It could be demonstrated that cAMP augments the 5-HT-induced Ca<sup>2+</sup>-increase in glands stimulated with low doses of 5-HT. This potentiation is the result of a PKA-mediated sensitisation of the IP<sub>3</sub>-receptor/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-channel for IP<sub>3</sub>. Results of immunocytochemical analyses show that the PKA is spatially associated with the ER.<p> These results show for the first time that in invertebrates as well as in vertebrates the second messenger cAMP sensitises the IP<sub>3</sub>-receptor/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-channel for IP<sub>3</sub> by the action of a PKA.

Odor Modulation of Electrical and [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]i Activities in Neurons of the Olfactory Bulb

Lin, Bei-Jung 03 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.

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